CityVIEW SPRING 2021 - City of Anoka

Page created by Shane Clarke
CityVIEW SPRING 2021 - City of Anoka
CityVIEW                                                         SPRING 2021
                                                                                                                          Concerts in the Park
                                                                                                                          Aquatic Center
                                                                                                                          City Assessor
                                                                                                                          Community Happenings
                                                                                                                          Spring Recycling Event

Recycling Contract Awarded
New Recycling Service Provider                                                 may still be in the process of removing carts, so please leave the blue
                   Effective April 1, 2021, ACE Solid Waste, Inc. is           recycling carts out and keep them empty until they are removed by
                   your new residential recycling service provider.            Republic Services. Thank you for your patience with this transition.
                   The current residential recycling contract with             Together, we are striving to make this a smooth transition. The
                   Republic Services expires on March 31, 2021.                City thanks both Republic Services, Inc. and ACE Solid Waste, Inc.
Anoka’s Waste Reduction & Recycling Board distributed a Request                for their service to the residents of the City of Anoka.
for Proposals last fall to compare fees and services in preparation
to negotiate a new contract. A committee reviewed and scored                   Communication Tools
each of the four proposals received and presented the results to               Find recycling information and the following tools at
the WRRB. After their review and discussion, the WRRB members         and
then made a recommendation to the City Council to award the                     • WasteWizard – Question on how to dispose of something,
contract to ACE Solid Waste, Inc. On December 21, 2020, the Anoka                 whether it’s recyclable or trash? Search for an item and learn
City Council voted unanimously in favor of the new contract. The                  how to properly dispose of it.
new five-year contract will expire on March 31, 2026, with the                  • Schedule Finder – Search your address for your
potential for two one-year extensions.                                            service calendar.
                                                                                • MyACETrashMN App – Download the free app for alerts and
   “We appreciate the trust that Anoka has placed in us for making a
                                                                                  service reminders from ACE Solid Waste, Inc. on your Android
   change to a new service provider after more than 20 years. We pride
                                                                                  or iPhone device.
   ourselves on being an organization that daily focuses on safety,
   integrity, customer service, and being a great place to work – we call it   Contacts:
   the ACE difference,” said District Manager Randy Triplett.                   • Ace Solid Waste – 763-427-3110 |
                                                                                  Call if your new ACE (black) cart was not received by April 1.
Cart Distribution                                                               • Republic Services – 952-941-5174
Delivery of the new recycling carts and containers for both single                Call if your Republic (blue) cart was not removed by April 2.
family and multi-family properties took place in late March.                    • City Recycling Manager – 763-576-2725
Information and the service schedule was included. Residents should               Call with questions about general recycling or find information
have received a calendar noting a red or black service week. Be sure              at
to follow the service week indicated on the calendar received. Begin
                                                                               PLEASE keep plastic bags out of your recycling cart – place all
using the new ACE carts on April 1. Please do not use the Republic
                                                                               acceptable recyclable materials LOOSE in your recycling cart. Thank
Services carts after your last service day the week of March 22. They
                                                                               you for recycling right!
CityVIEW SPRING 2021 - City of Anoka
City Boards & Commissions Meetings
                                                                                                                                           Monthly meetings unless noted; times are subject to change.
                                                                                                                                           City Council: First and third Mondays – 7 p.m.
   Anoka City Hall
                                                                                                                                           Economic Development Commission: Second Thursday – 7 a.m.
   2015 1st Ave., Anoka, MN 55303
                                                                                                                                           Heritage Preservation Commission: Second Tuesday – 5 p.m.
   Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
   Phone: 763-576-2700 | Toll Free: 1-866-576-2701                                                                                         Home Rule Charter Commission: Annually                                                                                                                      Housing and Redevelopment Authority: Second Monday – 5 p.m.
                                                                                                                                           Parking Advisory Board: Third Wednesday – 7:15 a.m.
   Elected Officials                                                                                                                       Park Board: Third Tuesday – 7 p.m.
   Mayor                                                                                                                                   Planning Commission: First Tuesday – 7 p.m.
   Phil Rice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 612-702-8442                                        Utility Advisory Board: As needed
   City Council                                                                                                                            Waste Reduction & Recycling Board: 2nd Wednesday – 5 p.m.
   Elizabeth Barnett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 612-718-8433                                                Lower Rum River Water Management Organization:
   Erik Skogquist  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 763-576-9219                                              3rd Thursday – 8:30 a.m.
   Jeff Weaver  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 763-427-9574
   Brian Wesp  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 763-576-2718                                            QCTV Live Broadcasts & Replays
   City Manager                                                                                                                            Quad Cities Community Television (QCTV) broadcasts regular
   Greg Lee  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 763-576-2711                                          City Council, Housing & Redevelopment Authority, and Planning
                                                                                                                                           Commission meetings on Channel 16 with periodic replays. Visit
   Important Phone Numbers
   Administration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 763-576-2740                                       for complete schedule and for video streaming.
   Animal Containment Center  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 763-576-2850
   Anoka Municipal Utility (AMU)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 763-576-2903                                                             City Offices Closed
     Power Outage (during business hours)  . . . . . . . . 763-576-2903                                                                    Monday, May 31  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Memorial Day
     After 3 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 763-576-2860                                             Monday, July 5  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Independence Day (Observed)
     Utility Bill Inquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 763-576-2750
   Anoka Senior Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 763-576-4661
   Aquatic Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 763-421-7730
   Assessing/Special Assessments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 763-576-2730
   Better Values Liquor East . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 763-421-3070
   Better Values Liquor West . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 763-427-1821
   Community Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 763-576-2720                                                                         THANK YOU for Voting us
   Code Enforcement/Property Maintenance  . . . . . . 763-576-2716                                                                                      Service Business of the Year
   Planning, Zoning & Building Permits  . . . . . . . . . . . 763-576-2720
   Finance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 763-576-2770
   Fire Non-Emergency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 763-576-2860
   Green Haven Golf Course & Event Center  . . . . . . . 763-576-2970
   Housing & Redevelopment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 763-576-2724
   Parks & Recreation, Cemeteries  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 763-576-2980
   Police Non-Emergency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 763-576-2800
   Public Services (streets, water, sewer) . . . . . . . . . . . 763-576-2980
     After Hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 763-576-2860                                                                                                     See who we are at
   Residential Recycling  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 763-576-2725                                                                                                !
   Editor                                                                                                                                                                                         We are doing everything possible
   Pam Bowman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 763-576-2725                                                                                                        to ensure your safety by updating
                                                                                                                                                                                                  our protection protocols including
   City View is partially funded by the Anoka County Board of Commissioners and                                                                                                                   implementing a new highly
   State Score Funds (SCORE–Select Committee on Recycling and the Environment).                                                                                                                   powerful HVAC System and
                                                                                                                                                                                                  two UV Lights!

                                                                        For Advertising Opportunities                                                                                                   763-421-4002
                                                                            Call 763-551-3705 or                                                                                             
                                                                                                                     12 Bridge Square, Suite 106 (1st Ave. on Historical Rum River)
                                                                                                                                                      We Offer Convenient Hours: Mon and Wed 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM,
   © Copyright 2021. City of Anoka and Prime Advertising & Design, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be                 Tue 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM, Thu 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM and Fri 7:00 AM - 12:00 PM
   reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United

                                                                                                                                                                                                        10%     OFF
   States of America. This publication is a community service and the City of Anoka and Prime Advertising & Design, Inc. do not
   make any warranty of any kind with regard to the services or products of the advertisers herein. The City of Anoka and Prime                                          WE SUPPORT
   Advertising & Design, Inc. do not assume any responsibility or liability for any of the content within this publication and for any
   errors or omissions to such content and reserve the right to not publish any material. The costs of the publication are offset by the
                                                                                                                                                                         OUR TROOPS!                    ALL TREATMENTS
   advertisers. Prime Advertising & Design, Inc. is in control of the advertising content of this publication.                                                         Current & new patients. Offer for service people is always valid.

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CityVIEW SPRING 2021 - City of Anoka
                                                                                  22 Alex Larson (Rock) |
                                                                                  29 Salsa Del Soul (Salsa) |

                                                                                  6    att & Laurel Music (Acoustic Duo – 60s to Today!) |
                                                                                     Dirty Shorts Brass Band (New Orleans Style Brass Band) |
                                                                                  20 Sawyer’s Dream (Americana) |
Concerts in the Park                                                              27 Sons of Groove (Variety) |
All Sunday evening concerts will be held at
George Green Park, 1498 6th Avenue.                                               August
                                                                                  3   Roadhouse Blue (Classic Rock)
Join us Sundays at 6 p.m. for a 90-minute
performance (weather permitting).                                                 10 H
                                                                                      ornucopia (Classic Rock and Pop) |
July                                                                              17 Emily Marrs Band (80s & 90s) |
11 O
    mega Gathering: House Band of Mount Olivet-Plymouth
   (Tribute to Bonita Melting)                                                    End of Summer Bash!
18 The Winky Band (70s Variety) |
                                                                                  Wednesday, August 25, 2021 | 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
   T he Good Time Gals (Vintage Jazz & Blues) |
                                                                                  Ali Gray’s Country Jamboree will be playing a variety of fun
                                                                                  family-friendly music to make you get up and dance! Plus, food
                                                                                  trucks/vendors, picnicking, and yard games. More details to
                                                                                  follow in the summer issue of City View.
1   Lee Engele (Jazz With an Attitude) |
8   DrumHeart (Drum Variety Show) |
15 S outhern Express Band (Southern Rock) |
22 Big Stoop Big Band (Big Band/Swing/Jazz) |
29 The Bill Koncar Band (Polka) |

Rockin’ on the Rum
All Rockin’ on the Rum concerts will be held at the Veterans Stage
at Riverfront Memorial Park, 2201 2nd Avenue. This concert
series is held on Tuesday evenings at 6 p.m.

Stop by the Anoka Farmers Market beforehand from 3-6 p.m.
(adjacent to the park) to pick up your fresh produce!

                                     1918 2nd Av, Anoka • 215 Central Av, Osseo


                                                                                                                                    Spring 2021    | 3
CityVIEW SPRING 2021 - City of Anoka
Lower Rum River Water Management Organization
                             Public Comment Period Open for Local Watershed Management Plan
   The Lower Rum River Watershed Management Organization’s                • Protect, preserve, and use natural surface water and
   4th Generation Watershed Management Plan is open this                    groundwater storage and retention systems;
   spring for public comment. The Plan can be viewed on                   • Minimize public capital expenditures needed to correct The Watershed Management Plan                  flooding and water quality problems;
   will guide all future WMO activities and projects.                     • Identify and plan for means to effectively protect and improve
                                                                            surface water and groundwater quality;
   The Lower Rum River Watershed Management Organization                  • Establish more uniform local policies and official controls for
   (LRRWMO) is a special purpose unit of government made up                 surface water and groundwater management;
   of three cities: Andover, Anoka, and Ramsey. Its purpose is to         • Prevent erosion of soil into surface water systems;
   manage the area’s lakes, streams, and rivers, particularly those       • Promote groundwater recharge;
   that flow across city boundaries. In the past, the LRRWMO has          • Protect and enhance fish and wildlife habitat and water
   been involved in permitting construction projects to protect             recreational facilities; and
   water quality, riverbank stabilizations, stormwater treatment          • Secure the other benefits associated with the proper
   projects, and public outreach.                                           management of surface water and groundwater.

   Priority projects and strategies in the draft 4th Generation          Please see the Lower Rum River Watershed Management
   Watershed Management Plan include:                                    Organization website for upcoming and ongoing comment

                     Collaborating to Address Erosion on Rum Riverbanks
                     Over $1.5 million dollars will soon be invested     grant ($185,000). The grants require matching funds, which are
                     to stabilize Rum Riverbanks in Anoka County.        being provided by Anoka County, the Upper and Lower Rum
                     The work is aimed at improving water quality        River WMOs, ACD, the Nature Conservancy, and landowners.
                     and adding near-shore habitat. There are also
                                                                         Projects will range in size. At some locations, minor erosion can
                     benefits of protecting property. River users will
                                                                         be corrected with a technique that “soft armors” the bank with
                     see work ongoing at as many as 20 locations
                                                                         cut (dead) cedar trees. In cases of more significant erosion, work
                     along the Rum River during 2021-2023.
                                                                         may include regrading to a stable slope, rip rap at the toe, and
   Riverbank erosion causes problems for both property owners            revegetation. Each site will have a unique design.
   and the river’s health. Stabilizing riverbanks and restoring
                                                                         ACD will reach out directly to landowners where the greatest
   habitat in these critical areas is a priority for the Lower Rum
                                                                         improvements to the river can be achieved in a cost effective
   River Watershed Management Organization (LRRWMO) and
                                                                         way. Riverbank owners interested in learning more or
   its partners. Work is now underway to correct a number of
                                                                         enhancing their shore should contact the Anoka Conservation
   identified eroding riverbanks.
                                                                         District’s Water Resource Specialist, Jared Wagner, at
   Funding is from multiple sources. The Minnesota Board of Water or 763-434-2030 x20.
   and Soil Resources (BWSR) is providing $440,000 from the Clean
                                                                         The Lower Rum River Watershed Management Organization is a special
   Water Fund competitive grant fund to stabilize eroding Rum
                                                                         purpose unit of government made up of three cities: Andover, Anoka, and
   Riverbanks. This funding will be used in conjunction with funds
                                                                         Ramsey. Its purpose is to manage the area’s waters, particularly those
   from the Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage Council to enhance
                                                                         that flow across city boundaries.
   habitat ($816,000) and the DNR Conservation Partners Legacy

               & Tax Service                                                                SPRING IS HERE!
                                                                           Time to check out our retail nursery and supply center!
                               Our Services Include:
                               • Full Service Payroll                                                                                     15%        OFF
                               • Individual, Small Business,                                                                              Any retail purchase
                                 Partnership, Corporation                                                                                       over $100
                               • Tax Consulting and Filing                                                                                     Expires 6/15/21.

                               • Accounting
                                                                            Warranty on All Products and Services • 38 Years of Service • Installation & Delivery
   763.422.9690 |                     763-427-8157 • • 3211 Zuni St. NW, Anoka
            6885 139th Lane NW, Suite 101, Ramsey                                       (1/2 mile west of the Anoka County Fairgrounds)

4 |
CityVIEW SPRING 2021 - City of Anoka
Clear advice and
                                                                         effective legal solutions
ACBC Food Shelf                                                                                                   Wills | Trusts
What a year it was! Although 2020 was challenging, we were able                                                 Power of Attorney
to adapt to the needs of the community while providing safe and
                                                                                                             Transfer of Death Deeds
meaningful experiences. This was not always easy. In March of
2020 we lost 60% of our volunteer force due to the Coronavirus.
The volunteers who stayed on were amazing, giving their time and                                                       30 Years’ Experience
talent to help keep our doors open. As the months have gone by,
new volunteers joined our team and familiar ones returned. They
worked together to make it possible for us to provide food to 10,687
families throughout the year! In April, we have the opportunity to
celebrate our volunteers during “Volunteer Appreciation Month.”         Joseph A. Field, Attorney                  FREE CONSULTATION
                                                                                                              763-427-9066           |
As we move into spring and summer, when giving is traditionally                                                2006 First Ave N, Suite 206, Anoka
on the decline, please consider food, fund, and volunteer

                                                                                    10% DISCOUNT
donations for our organization. For more information
on how to donate or how to receive services, please email, visit or                  for those presenting this coupon upon retaining Field Law, P.A. for their Estate Plan.
                                                                                                   Visit for details.
call 763-422-0046.

BE PREPARED – Sanitary
Sewer Backup Information
Are you prepared AND insured against
a sewer backup or necessary repair for
water or sewer line damage?
 • ALWAYS call the City of Anoka FIRST if you are
   experiencing a sewer backup affecting all of your home’s
   drains, if you do not have water flowing, or if your
                                                                         Where Beautiful Smiles Begin
   sewer or water line is damaged. If your property’s water              Our practice is built on a passion for dentistry           OUR SERVICES
   line springs a leak or your sewer line becomes clogged                services of all ages. We want you to feel                  • General Dentistry
   or backed up, it is up to you to find a contractor to fix             comfortable and relaxed when visiting us.                  • Sedation Dentistry
   it and to pay the associated costs, which can escalate                All patients are treated as individuals and                • Cosmetic Dentistry
   to thousands of dollars. The City has a list of licensed              recommendations are based on each                          • FastBraces®
   contractors to help you in selecting a contractor. During             unique need.                                               • Botox®
   business hours, call 763-576-2923 or 763-576-2980. After
   hours, call 763-576-2860.                                                                                                          #1 Trusted
                                                                                                                                    Dentist Serving
 • Get insurance for a sewer backup or repairs – If you
                                                                                                                                     the Historic
   have concerns regarding the damage a sewer backup                                                                                  Anoka area
   could do to your property or if your sewer or water line
   is damaged, contact your insurance carrier and review
                                                                                                                                      250 YEARS
   your coverage.                                                                                                                    of combined
 • DO NOT dispose of any inappropriate items into the                                                                                 experience
   sewer or water system.
                                                                                     763.421.5320        |
Visit for more information.

                                                                                                                                    Spring 2021            | 5
CityVIEW SPRING 2021 - City of Anoka
Look for fun family events throughout
                                                                           the summer on our Facebook page!
                                                                     Regular Season: June 11 - August 22
                                                                     Mondays & Wednesdays: 11:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
                                                                     Tuesdays, Thursdays, & Fridays: 11:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.
                                                                      (cleaning break 4-4:30 p.m.)
                                                                     Saturdays: 12-7:30 p.m. (cleaning break 4-4:30 p.m.)
                                                                     Sundays: 12-6:30 p.m. (cleaning break 3-3:30 p.m.)

                                                                     Post Season: August 23 - August 29
                                                                     Daily: 12-6:30 p.m. (cleaning break 3-3:30 p.m.)
                                                                     *This schedule is subject to change. All schedules and procedures will be
   1551 - 7th Ave., Anoka                                            adjusted in accordance with COVID-19 restrictions and guidance from the
   763-421-7730 (seasonal)                                           Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), Minnesota Department of
                                                                     Health (MDH), The American Red Cross (ARC), Anoka County, etc.
   Register, purchase passes, and find more details and updates
   online at or call Public Services with         Daily Admission Rates
   questions at 763-576-2980.                                        Adult & Youth over 42” tall               $7.00
                                                                     Youth under 42” tall                      $6.00
   Cool off this summer!                                             Under 1 year                              Free

   Open Swim Hours*                                                  Daily ticket sales will occur in accordance with COVID-19 guidelines and
                                            *Open swim               capacity restrictions. These sales will be offered to both residents and
   Pre-Season: May 29 - June 10
                                           is not available          nonresidents. For updates, visit
   Weekends: 12-6:30 p.m.                during designated
    (cleaning break 3-3:30 p.m.)        swim lesson sessions.        Season Passes – currently on sale for city residents
   Weekdays: 3-7 p.m.
                                                                     Season pass holders receive priority admission for open swim.
                                                                     Individual Pass (ages 1-61)           $50.00 + tax
                                                                     Senior Pass (62+)                     $30.00 + tax
                                                                     City residents who purchase a season pass receive the following for the
                                                                     2021 season: Three Guest Passes, collectively, per household.

     WAYS TO HELP US                                                 American Red Cross Swim Lessons
    CONTINUE TO FEED                                                 The Anoka Aquatic Center is an authorized provider of the
                                                                     American Red Cross aquatic instructional programs for people of
    KIDS DURING THE                                                  all ages. Group, private, and semi-private lessons are available for
    GLOBAL COVID-19                                                  youth and adults. To meet demand, staff restructured the swim
                                                                     lessons program in 2018 and added more evening class options.
       OUTBREAK.                                                     To enhance the learning environment, open swim will not be
                                                                     available during designated swim lesson sessions. Red Cross
                                                                     Lifeguarding and Water Safety Instructor classes are also offered
                                                                     at the beginning of the season.
  1. Pray for FMSC and our mission.
  2. Give now to fund meals to be
     packed at a later date:
  3. Shop the FMSC MarketPlace™
     online to support artisans and
     fund meals.


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CityVIEW SPRING 2021 - City of Anoka
Morning Lessons		                   Evening Lessons
4 days/week for 2 weeks		           2 days/week for 3 weeks
(M–Th 8:30-11 a.m.)		               (M & W 5-8 p.m.)
Learn to Swim Levels 2-6 $58        Learn to Swim Levels 2-6 $54
Preschool, Level 1       $50        Preschool, Level 1, & Adult $47
Parent/Child Aquatics    $40        Parent/Child Aquatics       $38
Private Lessons          $96        Private Lessons             $72

Visit the Anoka Aquatic Center section of          Anoka Employees Club
for the full schedule.
                                                                      Gives Back
Junior Lifeguarding – $90
                                                                      Since its inception in 1996, the Anoka Employees Club has
For youth 11-14 years of age who have completed Level 4 or higher
                                                                      donated more than $133,000 to local programs, including
or who can swim front crawl, breaststroke, and elementary
                                                                      ACBC Food Shelf, Toys for Joy, Alexandra House, and various
backstroke for 25 yards each, and can swim comfortably under
                                                                      programs assisting the elderly and youth in the City.
the water. This course helps build the foundation of knowledge,
attitude, and skills required for future lifeguards.                  In addition, each year two students from Anoka High
                                                                      School each receive a $250 scholarship. The 2020 recipients
                                                                      were Hanna Haubrick and Veda Karlsen-Heil. An Anoka
AACES: Anoka Aquatic Center                                           Employees Club member attends the awards night at the
Exceptional Swimmers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $250                 school to present each scholarship.
New program for swimmers who have the knowledge of the
                                                                      Employee members donate either a one-time offering per
four competitive strokes, want to be or are currently on a high
                                                                      year or specify an amount to be taken out of each paycheck
school swim team, and want to continue training over the
                                                                      during their membership. They also contribute time, such
summer. The program will involve training and technique
                                                                      as members from the Police Department taking the Anoka
work from certified swim coaches.
                                                                      Explorers out to shop for toys for the annual Toys for Joy
Monday-Thursday, June 14-August 12                                    holiday toy collection.
6-8 a.m. for swimmers ages 14-18
                                                                      Members enjoy giving back to the community in which they
8-9:30 a.m. for swimmers ages 10-13
                                                                      work. Thank you, members.

                                                                                        NOW HIRING
Resilience Dive Team at the
Anoka Aquatic Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $250
New program for divers who want to be or are currently on a
high school dive team and want to continue training over the                       • ASSEMBLY, WAREHOUSE, FORKLIFT
summer. The program will involve training and technique                               & METAL FABRICATION POSITIONS

work from certified dive coaches.
Monday-Thursday, June 14-August 12                                                      UP TO                 PER HR                PER HR
Some classes will be held virtually for online training and
others will be in the pool. Full schedule will be posted online.                         • Sign-On & Referral Bonus Program
                                                                                         • Full-time Schedules; 1st and 2nd Shifts Available
                                                                                         • Temp-to-Hire Positions; Work with a Great Team
                                                                                         • Weekly Paychecks; Paid Time Off; Medical/ Dental

Ambition. Motivation. Precision.
Developing confident and motivated athletes through the
 sport of Cheer, we are committed to creating a fun and
                                                                                         Visit the Staff Management Recruiting Office
safe environment that fosters friendship and teamwork.
                                                                                            2100 Hoffman Way• Anoka, MN 55303
                Classes | Camps | Clinics
                Competitive teams start this fall!                                      763-422-2581 or 763-422-2582

                                                                      Im management I ID                in                -,,,'-
                   Register online now!                                                                 with
                                                                                   A TRUEBLUE COMPANY |

                                                                                                                       Spring 2021       | 7
CityVIEW SPRING 2021 - City of Anoka
City Assessor Information
   Board of Equalization Meeting                                             First Half Property Taxes Due May 15
   Minnesota law requires the City of Anoka to annually hold a               Property owners are reminded that the first half of the
   Board of Equalization meeting to review assessments established           2021 real estate taxes is due May 15, 2021 (since this falls
   by the assessor. Each year the assessor is responsible for                on a Saturday, payments will be accepted through May
   estimating the market value of all taxable property located               17). Your property tax payments should be made to:
   within the city. The market value estimate is an approximation            Division of Property Records & Taxation, Anoka County
   of what the real estate would sell for if placed on the market.           Government Center, 2100 3rd Ave., Anoka, MN 55303, or
   Current real estate sales data suggests that the market continues         call 763-323-5400.
   to rise. Our values follow the market so most residents will see
   an increase in their value for property tax purposes. Changes
   to residential properties in Anoka will vary from property to
                                                                        Assessing Staff to View Properties in
   property; however, residential property will increase around         “Quintile” Area
   4.5 percent in value overall.                                        The assessor values all property in the city for property taxation
                                                                        purposes. State law requires the assessor to physically inspect all
   The Board of Equalization will meet at Anoka City Hall on            properties every five years. To accomplish this, the assessor’s office
   Monday, April 19, 2021 at 6 p.m. If property owners have             views approximately one-fifth of the existing parcels each year. The
   questions or concerns about their 2021 estimated market value,       area designated for review is commonly referred to as the “quintile.”
   they are encouraged to call the Assessor’s office at 763-576-2730.   The location of the “quintile” this year is identified on the map below.
   Those concerns that cannot be resolved and involve their 2021
   estimated market value should be brought before the Board. It        Appraisers from the assessor’s office are working in this area
   should be noted that the Board cannot adjust the payable 2021        and will continue through early fall. These reviews will help
   taxes inasmuch as the current taxes are based on the previous        determine the January 2, 2022 estimated/taxable market values
   year’s value. The formal appeal process can be found on the          for property taxes payable in 2023.
   back of your “Valuation and Classification Notice.” Those forms
                                                                        When appraisers visit homes, they verify the accuracy of
   will be mailed with your tax statement during late March
                                                                        information used to determine market values for properties.
   or early April. You can also visit for
                                                                        This includes a home’s size, age, style, condition, amenities,
   additional information.
                                                                        etc. By inspecting both the interior and exterior of a home,
                                                                        appraisers can do their best job of making a thorough and
   2020 Homestead Credit Refund for                                     equitable appraisal of each property. City appraisers carry
   Homeowners and Renters Property                                      picture identification cards and drive vehicles with City of Anoka
   Tax Refund                                                           identification. If you have any questions regarding this year’s
   During late March or early April, residents should have received     quintile, please call the assessor’s office at 763-576-2730.
   their payable 2021 property tax statements. A reminder, the State
   of Minnesota has a program that provides a refund to property             Quintile Viewed
   owners and renters who meet certain guidelines. The regular                 in 2021 for
   property tax refund is available to homeowners whose household           2022 Assessment
   incomes are less than $116,180 and renters whose household
   incomes are less than $62,960. Homeowners may receive a
   refund of up to $2,840; renters are eligible for up to $2,210.

   The special property tax refund offers relief to property owners,
   regardless of income, whose taxes go up more than 12 percent
   and at least $100 from 2020 to 2021. The State will refund
   60 percent of any amounts paid beyond those limits, up to a
   maximum of $1,000.

   For more information on property tax refunds, rebates,
   and credits, review the 2020 Homestead Credit Refund for
   Homeowners and Renters Property Tax Refund Instructions at

   Property tax refund applications should be received by the
   Department of Revenue by August 15, 2021.

8 |
CityVIEW SPRING 2021 - City of Anoka
1500 6th Avenue

Enjoy a delicious and nutritious lunch Tuesday through Friday at
the Senior Center for a suggested donation of $4.00. Your meal
includes milk, coffee, and dessert. Call 763-427-6646 three days
in advance to reserve a meal.

We offer fun trips and events, cards & games, writing
club, exercise classes, presentations & programs, potlucks,
entertainment, driver improvement classes, foot care, and blood
pressure checks. Stop in for coffee and conversation, too.

Doug Ohman – Minnesota from the Road #5
                                                                        COOPERATIVE LIVING DESIGNED FOR MEMBERS 62+
(Urban gems–Minneapolis)                                                    Ownership | Financial Predictability | New Construction
Green Haven Golf Course & Event Center                                     Customizable | One-Level Living | Maintenance-Free Living
Tuesday, April 13, 2:00 p.m. | $5.00 due by April 6                                     INFORMATIONAL MEETINGS
Doug is a speaker, historian, and great storyteller. He will tell you                 Thursdays at 10 AM | April 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29
the real stories behind his pictures and make the photos come to          Green Haven Golf Course Club House • 2800 Greenhaven Rd, Anoka, MN 55303
life with humor and insight.                                            RSVP Necessary | Limited Seating Each Session | Health/Safety Protocols in Place

                                                                                            CHOOSE YOUR HOME TODAY!
Jeanie’s Journeys presents:                                               Minutes to downtown Anoka and overlooking Green Haven Golf Course
                                                                          with a selection of home plans ranging from 1,045 to 1,810 square feet.
Pella Tulip Festival & Amana Colonies                                    Construction begins when 60% of homes are sold, (48% sold as of 3/5/21).
May 5-7, 2021 | $478/per person, based on double occupancy;
                                                                            OWNERSHIP STARTS AT $124,000, PLUS MONTHLY FEE.
$578 single occupancy
                                                                            763-225-1000 |
Trip includes:
  •   Two nights lodging with breakfast
  •   Motor coach transportation with host
  •   Tulip Festival & parade
  •   Dutch Marketplace                                                    HOUSING • OUTREACH • PREVENTION • EDUCATION / EMPLOYMENT

                                                                              YOU ARE NOT
  •   Dutch dinner with entertainment
  •   Amana Colonies tour
  •   Amana style lunch

Call Jeanie at 612-229-5276.

Call Melissa at 763-576-4661 for more information on these trips
and activities the Anoka Senior Center offers.
                                                                         If you are homeless or at-risk and
                                                                         between the ages of 16-24, we are
                                                                         here for you! • Food Shelf • Clothing
Anoka Municipal Utility                                                  Closets • Laundry Facilities • Hot Shower
                                                                         • Case Management Services • Computer
Website                                                                  & Internet Access • Personal Hygiene
                  Anoka Municipal Utility’s (AMU) website offers         Items • Storage Lockers • Hot Dinner
                    the convenience of paying bills online through       DROP-IN CENTER HOURS
                    a third-party site and access to view utility        Monday-Friday 11 a.m.-7 p.m.
                   bills online. Payments can be made online or          2665 4th Ave N, Suite 40
                                                                         Anoka, MN 55303
                 over the telephone, 24 hours a day, for the rate
of $3.25, the current processing charge. If you have questions 
regarding payment options, please call customer service at
763-576-2750 (ext. 3) from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through            Northstar Line
                                                                         Route 888
Friday. We hope our website proves to offer an organized,
                                                                         Bus Route
efficient, and user-friendly format, plus provide the necessary          805 & 850
essentials for all users who take advantage of its convenience.
                                                                                          Meeting basic needs to survive. Getting tools to thrive.

                                                                                                                                  Spring 2021         | 9
CityVIEW SPRING 2021 - City of Anoka
Better Values
                                         Liquor Stores
                                     Better Values Liquor Stores are
                                     proudly owned and operated
                                     by the City of Anoka. Profits
                                     generated at the stores stay in
                                     the community! Better Values
   contributed $260,500 to the city’s capital improvement fund in
   2020 with $200,500 going to the general fund and $60,000 to
   park capital. This means residents of Anoka pay less in property
   taxes than some surrounding communities.                                     Green Haven Golf Course
   Ongoing Promotions:                                                          & Event Center
    • Every Tuesday is Senior Day – 10 percent off regular prices on            Spring is here and Green Haven is ready to
      liquor, beer, and wine to seniors over 55 years of age.                   have you be our guest!
    • Every Wednesday is Military Discount Day – 10 percent off                 A couple of nice improvements were made over the winter to
      regular prices on liquor, beer, or wine to current or former              continue making Green Haven Golf Course & Event Center your
      military. Proof of service required.                                      go-to place in the Northwest Metro:
    • Daily Traffic Stopper Specials – Select items marked down so
      low, we can run them for one day only!                                     • The new pergola for 2021 creates an atmosphere that will
                                                                                   make you want to stay and continue your evening just a little
    • Advertised Specials – Find our full-page color ad in the Smart               longer. Soft lighting and cushioned seating combined with
      Money insert with the Anoka Shopper each month, or like us                   the perfect view is just the remedy needed after a long day
      on Facebook: @bettervaluesliquor.                                            at work. Make your reservations and enjoy great food and
    • Get your FREE Better Values Wine Club Card – Receive                         delicious craft cocktails made by the professionals at Tavern at
      discounts on all regular priced wine items every time you                    Green Haven.
      stop in.                                                                   • The latest fitting system from Callaway Golf. Get fit to the
    • Spring Wine Sale – Thursday, April 15 through Saturday,                      hottest drivers and irons in the game. A professional club
      May 1, 2021. Entire wine inventory is on sale for 22 percent off             fitting will not only add distance, but will add accuracy.
      regular prices.                                                              The newest technology has the ability to not only increase
                                                                                   distance, but decrease side spin and get those off-center
   Store Hours & Locations:                                                        hits to stay closer to the center of the fairway. Make your
   Monday - Saturday:              8 a.m. - 10 p.m.                                appointment and start your journey to better golf.
   Sundays:                        11 a.m. - 6 p.m.                             As always we have some of the best ladies’ and men’s leagues
   Better Values Liquor West                  Better Values Liquor East         in the state of Minnesota. The leagues are always looking
   809 West Highway 10                        847 East River Road               for new members who want to have fun and be active
   763-427-1821                               763-421-3070                      throughout the golf season. Club championships, holiday
                                                                                tournaments, and weekly playing opportunities are just some
   Enjoy the products we sell in moderation and please don’t drink and drive.   of the opportunities the leagues can offer. Check the leagues
                                                                                online at to find the one that fits
                                                                                your schedule.

   Give Back to Your Community!                                                 The Green Haven loft simulators have been a tremendous success
                                                                                and just because you can play outside, doesn’t mean they are shut
              THEY NEED YOU.                                                    down for the season. Our simulators are open year-round for
                                                                                practice and play. If it’s raining outside, just make your tee time
          Donate your time or any of the following:                             in the simulator and play in sunny and 70 degree weather all
     non-perishable food, diapers, hygiene, cleaning items.                     year. Also, you are much closer to the beverage cart!

   DONATIONS ONLINE at                                        2021 is looking like it’s going to be a great year. Make plans for
                                                                                this year to be the season you play your most golf. See you on
                               DONATIONS ACCEPTED
                               Mon. & Wed. 9am–11am,                            the course!
                               or schedule a drop-off time:
                               763-422-0046 – 2615 9th Ave N, Anoka

10 |
Fall Behind on Home
                                                                      Interior and Exterior Door
It is time to spring forward!
Spring is right around the corner and there has never been a
                                                                       Replacement Made Easy!
better time to get started on your home improvement projects!
The City of Anoka has financing programs available to help          SPECIAL         0% FINANCING*
residents update their homes. Whether you have been thinking         OFFER          UP TO 12 MONTHS
about updating your kitchen, need to replace your roof, or have
code violations you want to correct – there has never been a
better time to get started.

The City offers a senior deferred loan program at 0 percent APR
for those 62 years and older looking to update their home. Also
                                                                          CUSTOM DOOR REPLACEMENT
available are a low-interest loan and matching deferred programs.
                                                                    SCHEDULE A FREE CONSULTATION
Funds are limited. For more information, visit
or call 612-335-5884.                                                   763.287.0279
Not sure where to begin? A FREE Anoka Remodeling Advisor                HOMESTORYDOORSMN.COM
Visit can help you get started. This service is free to Anoka
homeowners and includes a complimentary, no sales visit to your        DOOR REPLACEMENT MADE EASY
home, unbiased advice regarding your projects, and assistance       • DIGITALLY MEASURED DOORS   • 2-3 HOUR INSTALLATION
with reviewing contractor bids. Call 612-335-5856 to schedule       • FACTORY FINISHED PAINT     • REMOVAL OF OLD DOORS

your appointment today.                                             • NO MESS, NO HASSLE         • FREE INSTALLATION

Boat Slips for Lease                                                     VISIT OUR SHOWROOM
                                                                     14188 Northdale Blvd., Rogers, MN
The City provides boat slips for lease at three locations along
the Rum River:
 • Akin Riverside Park – provides access to the lower Rum
   River and the Mississippi River.
 • Riverfront Memorial Park – provides access to the Rum
   River above the dam.
 • Rum River North - provides access to the Rum River
   above the dam.

Each slip location has a public dock access with a locked
gate separating the rental slips. Residents receive priority
when registering for available boat slips; a waitlist will be
established if necessary. For Rental Terms and Conditions,
                                                                              Creating Solutions to Bridge
lease forms, and fees, visit or call the                    Business and Community!
Parks & Recreation Department at 763-576-2980.

                           Fully Charged
                           Creative Powerhouse
Fueled by passion and integrity, we build partnerships,
find solutions, and move businesses forward.


     763.551.3700    |
          6450 Wedgwood Rd N #100, Maple Grove

                                                                                                                           Spring 2021   | 11
Community Development                                               Mississippi River
   Department                                                          Community Park
   Planning, Zoning & Building: 763-576-2720
                                                                       Riverbank Stabilization Project
                                                                       In 2021, the City of Anoka will be stabilizing the banks located
   New in 2021 – Online Building Permits
                                                                       along Mississippi River Community Park. This project will
   Staff in the Building Department is busy implementing a new
                                                                       stabilize a site prioritized with the third most sediment loss
   permitting software that will soon go live online through the
                                                                       into the river – approximately 1,500 linear feet within the park
   city website. Permits will include fencing, roofing, siding, and
                                                                       property. The project will combine bioengineering, aquatic
   replacement doors and windows. Applicants will be able to
                                                                       habitat, an armored toe, and recreational access and will
   pay for permits securely online by credit card and receive the
                                                                       showcase river stewardship and enhance public recreation.
   paperwork immediately to begin their project. More to come
   in the summer issue of City View.                                   The project will consist of the removal of mature trees and
                                                                       vegetation, then stabilizing the riverbank by regrading the bank
   Backyard Pool Guidelines                                            to a stable slope. The riverbank will be covered with filter cloth,
   Many new pools are temporary and can be taken down in the           gravel, small stones, and rip-rap at the toe of the slope to protect
   winter. It is important to know that any swimming pool over         against high water and ice. After the work is completed, the
   two feet in depth and larger than 150 square feet, whether          riverbank will be restored with a variety of native grasses, shrubs,
   portable or in ground, requires a fence of at least four feet,      and trees. During construction, a portion of the walking trail
   either enclosing the yard or pool. The only exception is if         along the river will be closed.
   the pool is at least four feet tall and has a detachable ladder     The approximate project cost is $1M. The City of Anoka has
   preventing access to the pool. This is required as a safety         received grants from the State to fund more than 80 percent of
   measure, as it is far too easy for young children to access pools   that cost. Construction is anticipated to end in the fall of 2021.
   unless they are properly enclosed.
                                                                       For additional information, please visit the Virtual Open House
   Neighborhood Reminders                                              webpage at: or in person
   Anoka has many great neighborhoods. The following are a few         on-site. Sign boards have been installed along the walking trail to
   reminders to help keep your neighborhood looking great.             inform the public about the project, which includes information
                                                                       on what to expect during construction.
    • Mow your lawn. Grass is not allowed any higher than
      six inches.
    • Don’t leave your trash/recycling carts at the curb. Keep
      them near a house or garage on non-service days.
    • Don’t park vehicles in your front yard on the grass. Keep
      them on the driveway.
    • Keep vehicles to a minimum. Only four vehicles are
      allowed on residential driveways at a time for more than
      two days in a week.
    • If you have a paved driveway, don’t put gravel on the
      side of it for additional parking room. Parking areas are
      required to be paved and set back from property lines at
      least five feet.
    • Make sure your car runs and can move. Inoperable
      vehicles or vehicles with expired tabs aren’t allowed to be

                                                                         We Take the Time to Care!
      stored outside and must be stored in a garage.

   Residential Reminder – Property
   Maintenance Standards                                                 Comprehensive veterinary, surgical,
                                                                         and pet dental care, plus:
   Residents are reminded of the importance to maintain your             • Pet wellness care            • Radiology services
   property in order to protect property values, livability, and         • Behavioral and               • Ultrasound
                                                                           nutritional counseling       • In-house laboratory
   the overall quality of our city. Anoka’s City Code (Chapters 48       • Internal medicine            • Veterinary pharmacy
   & 74) addresses various Property Maintenance Standards that           • Pet grooming                 • Flea and tick control
                                                                         • Microchip services           • Heartworm prevention
   every resident should review. For more information, call the          • Laser therapy                • Prescription diets
   Community Development Department at 763-576-2720.
   Find City Codes at under the                                                  100 W. Main St., Anoka
   Government tab.                                                                        

12 |
Door-to-Door Sales
Individuals traveling door to door selling products or soliciting
for commercial business purposes (for-profit solicitor) in Anoka
must be licensed by the city.

A criminal background investigation is completed on each
individual. Upon City approval, each individual is issued an
official city badge with the City seal embossed on it. The badge
is to be worn on the outside of their clothing. If a peddler or
for-profit solicitor comes to your door and is not wearing a City-
issued badge, please call 763-576-2740.

This door-to-door activity is only allowed between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m.
If you do not want this type of activity on your property, you may      Photo by Tammi Mild
hang a sign stating “PEDDLERS & SOLICITORS PROHIBITED” in
letters at least one-half inch high at the entrance to your property.   State of the City
If you encounter any issues with a peddler/solicitor, please            Councilmember Brian Wesp presented the State of the
contact the Anoka Police Department at 763-576-2800, or in case         City at the annual State of the Cities luncheon hosted by
of an emergency, call 911.                                              the Anoka Area Chamber of Commerce. You can view
                                                                        the presentation at to see current

Tree Care and Arborist Services                                         developments and the many events and activities that take
                                                                        place in Anoka, the success of the Anoka Aquatic Center and
When hiring a tree service, tree care, or arborist service,             Green Haven Golf Course during the pandemic, and how
residents must hire a company that is licensed by the City of           Anoka staff thought outside of the box to assist businesses in
Anoka. For a list of current companies licensed by the City of          succeeding during a very difficult time.
Anoka, visit

Anoka City Code requires these companies to obtain a license from
                                                                        Anoka – where your life happens!
the City prior to the work. Call 763-576-2740 with any questions.

                                                                              DO YOU KNOW
                                                                              A VETERAN?
                                                                                ARE THEY RECEIVING ALL OF THE
                                                                                BENEFITS THEY ARE ELIGIBLE FOR?

                                                                                Anoka County Veteran Services is here to
                                                                                assist in applying for any veterans benefits.

                                                                                         Call 763-324-4500

                                                                                                                    Spring 2021      | 13
Anoka-Champlin Fire Department
   Meet New Fire Chief Ted Massicotte
   The Anoka-Champlin Fire Department welcomed new Fire Chief Ted Massicotte
   to the department on March 15, 2021. He was appointed by the Fire Board on
   March 3. With 25 years of experience in fire and emergency services, Massicotte
   has a detailed list of professional experience including Deputy Fire Chief for the
   City of Golden Valley, 18 years with Brooklyn Park as a firefighter, and 13 years
   with Maple Grove as Fire Inspector.

   When asked to describe his leadership and managerial philosophy and style, he
   responded, “My philosophy in leadership is to give my staff the necessary tools,
   knowledge, and opportunities to be able to do their jobs effectively whether I am
   there or not.” He said he believes if you “communicate clear roles, expectations,
   and information, staff will carry those out and make decisions on their own
   when necessary that are in line with the department’s mission.” The City of
   Anoka welcomes Chief Massicotte.

   Anoka Police Department
                                                                            police and neighborhood relationships. Neighborhood Crime
                                                                            Watch groups are encouraged to participate in block parties. If
                                                                            you are interested in hosting a Night to Unite party, please contact
                                                                            Nicole Neis at 763-576-2807 or email

                                                                            Neighborhood Crime Watch
                                                                            National statistics indicate that when neighbors are committed
                                                                            to Neighborhood Crime Watch programs, the quality of life in
                                                                            their neighborhood improves. Crime needs three components
   April is Severe Weather Awareness Month                                  in order to occur: Desire, Ability, and Opportunity. The only part
   Severe Weather Awareness Week is April 12-16, 2021. The                  our community can control is the opportunity.
   Statewide Tornado Drill Day is on Thursday, April 15. The outdoor
   early warning sirens will be test-activated twice that day at            Education is a very important component of our Neighborhood
   1:45 p.m. and at 6:45 p.m. This is a good time to review your            Crime Watch program. As a Neighborhood Crime Watch group,
   personal or business severe weather plan.                                you will be more alert to what is occurring in your neighborhood
                                                                            and report suspicious persons and activity. With education and
   According to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources,              community support, we can help reduce the “opportunity” for
   Minnesota experiences an average of 28 tornadoes per year. For           crime to occur. For more information or to start a Neighborhood
   more information, please visit                          Crime Watch group, please contact Nicole Neis at 763-576-2807 or
   2020-2021 Annual Police Review
   The 2020-2021 edition of the Anoka Police Annual Review will             Community Outreach
   be available at the Police Department in May. For 35 years, the          Throughout the year, we will be holding different events within
   Anoka Police Federation has created this informative magazine            our community. These events include Citizens Academy, Coffee
   that includes crime statistics, crime trends, and news about the         with a Cop, safety and educational events, and bike helmet and
   department. Funds raised by ads sold in the magazine stay in the         car seat clinics. Stay tuned to see where we will be next!
   community and are focused on youth projects, which include
   scholarships, youth sports teams, fine arts, and youth civic clubs.      Wondering what kind of crime occurs in Anoka? Check out
   The Police Federation’s motto is “Cops Who Care about Kids.” The         information at:
   Police Federation has been committed to area youth for over 40            • Click on the State of Minnesota on the map.
   years. If you would like a copy of a past magazine, please contact        • Select “Anoka City” on the pop-up.
   Julie Splettstoesser at 763-576-2830.                                     • While viewing the map, customize your views by changing
                                                                               the parameters on the left-hand side of the page.
                       Night to Unite                                        • Search by address, date, events (crimes), and other tools.
                       “Night to Unite” is on Tuesday, August 3, 2021.       • Sign up for email alerts in the upper right corner.
                       This nationwide initiative helps heighten            The Anoka Police Department can be found on Facebook, Twitter,
                       crime prevention awareness and strengthen            and

14 |
Community Happenings
                                                                          at Riverfront Memorial Park (adjacent to the market) during the
The following events are subject to                                       summer months. Pick up your fresh produce for the week and then
changes, postponement, or cancellation.                                   stay for an evening of great music and community fun!

                                                                          The Anoka Farmers Market is organized and hosted by the Anoka
                    Diva Days                                             County Growers Association with assistance from the City of Anoka.
                    April 30 & May 1
                                                                          For more information and updates on what’s available, call the
                     Save the dates for this annual event in downtown     Farmers Market information line at 763-792-4025 or follow their
Anoka! It is a time to Restyle Your Life during two days of giveaways,    Facebook page: Anoka County Growers Association Farmers Market.
shopping, special events, and fun at Anoka’s many boutiques and
restaurants. For details and updates, visit

                                                                                   Anoka-Hennepin Schools Preschool
Memorial Day Service                                                                         Fall Registration Opens March 23
Monday, May 31
                                                                                 Anoka-Hennepin Community Education offers preschool
The Anoka American Legion will honor Memorial Day with its                     classes to prepare children for kindergarten. Our preschool
annual tribute on Monday, May 31, 2021, at 10 a.m. The public is               curriculum is closely aligned with the district kindergarten
invited to gather at Riverfront Memorial Park located just north                curriculum. Licensed teachers monitor child progress and
of Anoka City Hall at 2201 2nd Avenue. With limited seating,                             development throughout the school year.
please feel free to bring a lawn chair or blanket. Please call the
Anoka American Legion with any questions at 763-421-0883.                      Students participate in hands-on learning activities that are
                                                                              educational and fun in a stimulating classroom environment
Anoka Classic Car Show                                                        that encourages learning through discovery and exploration.
Saturdays – June-October                                                           Visit for more information
The Anoka Classic Car Show is hopeful to be cruising                                              or call 763-506-1500.
into another fun-filled season on Saturdays in downtown
Anoka at 5 p.m. beginning June into early fall. Visit to stay up to date on the plans.

                      Anoka Farmers Market
                      *NEW LOCATION* 2nd Ave. & Harrison St.
                      Tuesdays, June 22-October (first frost)
                       3-6 p.m.
The Anoka Farmers Market is back and has moved from
5th Avenue & Main Street to 2nd Avenue & Harrison Street in
downtown Anoka. From Main Street, turn north onto 2nd
Avenue and drive to the bend in the road. The Farmers Market is
located near the three large grain bins – easy to spot!

Organizers are planning a plentiful season of produce and a
selection of various other types of products (maple syrup, coffee
beans, etc.). Selection grows as the season grows.

Produce farmers are members of the Farmers Market Nutrition
                                                                                       T A K E T HE PLE DGE T O BI K E T O WOR K
Program (FMNP) and will accept vouchers.

Add some music to your visit! The Farmers Market will be open until
                                                                                J OI N A NOK A COUNT Y FOR OUR A NNUA L BI K E T O WOR K WE E K
6 p.m., right up to the start of the City’s Rockin’ on the Rum concerts        CE LE BR A T I ON. T A K E T HE PLE DGE T O BI K E T O WOR K DUR I NG T HE
                                                                               WE E K OF J UNE 1 4 - 1 8 & R E CE I V E A COMPLI ME NT A R Y BR E A K FA S T
                                                                                                         A ND FR E E GOODI E BA G.

                                                                               GE T Y OUR WOR K I NV OLV E D A ND R E CI E V E A FR E E BI CY CLE R A CK !

                                                                                   FULL E V E NT S CHE DULE & R E GI S T E R A T
                                                                                A NOK A COUNT Y . US / BI K E - T O- WOR K - WE E K - 2 0 2 1

                                                                                                                                      Spring 2021          | 15
Prime Advertising & Design, Inc.                                                                                                         PRESORTED
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                                                             POSTAL CUSTOMER                                                            PERMIT NO. 2

    Spring Recycling Event
    Saturday, April 24 • 8 a.m. - Noon                                          • Mattresses/Box Springs – Cash or check to City of Anoka.
    501 Pierce St. (enter off 7th Ave. & Pierce St.)                           		 $15 each: any condition, but MUST be dry
    Open to Anoka County residents. Small businesses within the                 • Tires – Cash or check to First State Tire Disposal.
    city of Anoka may bring up to a pickup truck load of accepted              		 $1.25 each: ATV or motorcycle tires (on/off rims)
                                                                               		 $2 each: Passenger tires (on/off rims)
    items under same terms and conditions.
                                                                               		 $2.50 each: Light truck tires (on/off rims)
                                                                               		 $8/$9 each: Semi-truck (on/off rims)
    FREE Recycling:                                                            		 $25/$35 each: Tractor tires ($10 additional on rims)
     •   Appliances
     •   Batteries (vehicle and household)                                     NOT Accepted
     •   Bicycles                                                               •   Furniture
     •   Cell phones, eyeglasses, ink cartridges, and hearing aids              •   Garbage
     •   Computer towers, laptops, tablets, (and cords, cables, etc.)           •   Building, construction, or compost materials
     •   Corrugated cardboard                                                   •   Household hazardous waste (paint, oil, propane tanks, etc.)
     •   Fluorescent lamps, bulbs, ballasts, holiday lights
     •   Paper shredding                                                       We reserve the right to refuse items.
     •   Scrap metal                                                           Please call 763-576-2725 by 12 p.m. the day prior with any
                                                                               questions or email
    FEES for Recycling:
     • Appliances and Electronics – Cash or check to Green                     Event is funded by the Anoka County Board of Commissioners and State
       Lights Recycling. Appliance recycling is funded by AMU and WRRB.        SCORE funds (Select Committee on Recycling and the Environment).
       Some electronics fees partially subsidized by the WRRB.
    		 $6 each: D   VD/VCR/CD players, stereos, record players,
                   small copiers, speakers, small appliances (toaster,
                   coffee maker, etc.), fans, landline phones, cable
                   boxes, tools, game consoles, etc.
                                                                                     Bring Donations:
    		 $5 each: Hard drive destruction (shredding)                                                       Clothing (fundraiser for Anoka High
    		 $10/$35 each: Desktop printers/large printers (over 40 lbs.)                                      School Alpine Ski Team)
    		 $25 each: Treadmill / $40 Electric treadmill                                                      Accepted: Clothing, shoes, accessories,
     • TVs & Computer Monitors                                                                           bedding, and linens in good condition.
    		 $20 each: up to 17”                                                                               No socks, underwear, or soiled items.
    		 $30 each: 18”-31”
    		 $55 each: 32”+/console/rear projection TVs                                    Gently Used Books for Upcycling
                                                                                     Accepted: Adult and children’s fiction and nonfiction (please
                                                                                     no cookbooks, magazines, textbooks, encyclopedias, etc.).

    Stay in Touch
                  Notify Me®                                      Report a Concern                      Follow Anoka on Social Media
                 Click on the Notify Me button                     If you notice something in the       Like and/or follow the City of Anoka on:
                 at                            city in need of repair (a street
                                                                                                             Facebook - @CityofAnokaMN
                It’s a quick link to sign up for                  light bulb, pothole, sidewalk
    our push notifications so you can stay            crack, power outage, etc.) or have a general           Twitter - @CityofAnoka
    informed of what’s happening in Anoka,            concern you would like to report, easily
                                                                                                             Instagram - @CityofAnoka
    including city publications, community            report it through
    events, Rum River news, parks and                 Scroll midway to the Report a Concern
    recreation, and more.                             button and complete the related online
                                                      form to begin the process.

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