Fine Works in Wood CALL FOR ENTRIES - Exhibition and Sale 2021 - Southern Alberta Woodworkers Society

Page created by Dale Roberts
Fine Works in Wood CALL FOR ENTRIES - Exhibition and Sale 2021 - Southern Alberta Woodworkers Society

Fine Works in Wood
   Exhibition and Sale 2021.


    Entry deadline is Midnight,
      Friday, June 4, 2021.
Fine Works in Wood CALL FOR ENTRIES - Exhibition and Sale 2021 - Southern Alberta Woodworkers Society

                                                 Table of Contents:

1. Exhibition Information.............................................................................................. 2
2. Overview.................................................................................................................... 2
3. Changes this Year .................................................................................................... 2
4. Entry Deadline........................................................................................................... 3
5. Eligibility.................................................................................................................... 3
6. Entry Process and Fees ........................................................................................... 3
7. Entry Forms............................................................................................................... 4
8. Restrictions ............................................................................................................... 4
9. Submission Guidelines ............................................................................................ 5
  a.     Acceptance ............................................................................................................ 5
  b. Non-Acceptance .................................................................................................... 5
  c.     Artist’s Statement.................................................................................................. 5
  d. Acknowledgements and Technical Statement.................................................... 5
  e.     Transportation ....................................................................................................... 5
  f.     Completeness........................................................................................................ 5
  g. Insurance ............................................................................................................... 5
10. Evaluation Process................................................................................................... 6
   a     Overview ................................................................................................................ 6
   b     Details..................................................................................................................... 6
   c     Awards ................................................................................................................... 8
11. Promotion, Advertising, Marketing, Sales .............................................................. 9
   a.    Photographs of Work ............................................................................................ 9
   b. Rights and Reproduction...................................................................................... 9
   c.    Advertising............................................................................................................. 9
   d. Catalogue ............................................................................................................... 9
   e.    Marketing ............................................................................................................... 9
   f.    Sponsorships ........................................................................................................ 9
   g. Sales of Work......................................................................................................... 9
12. Disclaimer ............................................................................................................... 10
13. COVID-19 Statement............................................................................................... 10

Fine Works in Wood CALL FOR ENTRIES - Exhibition and Sale 2021 - Southern Alberta Woodworkers Society

1.   Exhibition Information
     Founded in 1983, in 2021 the Southern Alberta Woodworkers Society (SAWS) is
     celebrating its 38th year in existence. SAWS is a non-profit society located in Calgary,
     Alberta, Canada. Its mandate is to encourage fine woodworking of the highest standards.
     To this end, SAWS is presenting its biennial “Fine Works In Wood” Exhibition & Sale
     from September 10 –19, 2021 at Southcentre Mall.
     The mall is a premier venue with approximately 30,000 guests per day.
     Interested parties are urged to review previously exhibited works at

2.   Overview
     The 2021 “Fine Works in Wood” is an exhibition featuring works predominantly made of
     wood. Materials other than wood may be used to complement the design. Original designs,
     excellence in workmanship and diversity of approach have been hallmarks of past
     exhibitions. Work of a very high standard is being sought and makers are encouraged to be
     very critical of what they submit.
     The 2021 Exhibition will allow submission of work constructed using commercially
     available plans, provided that the source of the design is attributed within the entry

3.   Changes this Year
     To streamline the exhibition process and to increase engagement of the SAWS
     membership, a number of changes have been made to the exhibition this year.
     a. By midnight on June 4, 2021, one week before the physical drop-off of entries, the
        online entry form must be completed, and all fees must be paid through the website The online entry must include details about the entry and the Maker.
     b. Entry fees must be paid by online transaction (email Interac payments to, credit or debit card (Visa or MasterCard) payments are also
        accepted. Payments by cheque or in cash WILL NOT be accepted.
     c. Makers are to forward a separate photo of each piece entered to allow later
        identification of the piece(s). Photos are to be sent to by midnight on
        June 6, 2021. These photos need only be of sufficient quality to allow the Maker’s
        piece(s) to be identified. They do not need to incorporate studio lighting or similar.
     d. On Saturday June 11, 2021 before 1:00 PM, the Maker must arrange to have entry
        piece(s) dropped off for Standards Committee evaluation and for photography to be
        completed. The drop-off location used in 2019 is no longer available for use by SAWS,
        an alternate drop-off location will be advised to Makers before June 5, 2021.
     e. Makers must pick up their entries from the nominated drop-off location after
        completion of evaluation and photography. At the date this document was uploaded
        onto the website, details of the nominated drop-off location are uncertain.
        SAWS will provide details of the drop off location and a pick-up schedule closer to the
        entry deadline.


     f. To encourage widespread participation within SAWS there will be additional displays
        along with the exhibition. To be included as part of these additional displays, each
        piece will have to first pass an evaluation by the Standards Committee.
        1. SAWS Members are permitted to submit one piece from each of the past two
            SAWS’s 2x4 competitions, i.e., the 2x4 competitions held in 2020 and 2021.
        2. SAWS Members are permitted to submit works constructed using commercially
            available plans.
        3. During the Exhibition, SAWS members will demonstrate various techniques
            related to wood working.
     g. Judging of the submitted pieces will occur as follows:
        1. There will be four (4) categories of entries. Furniture. Turnings. Other. 2x4. Pieces
           included within the 2x4 display will be excluded from the juried judging.
        2. All those pieces accepted by the Standards Committee in the Furniture, Turning
           and Other categories may be considered by a panel of Jurors appointed by the
           Exhibition Committee.
        3. All pieces exhibited may be considered by those SAWS members in attendance
           during the September meeting at Southcentre Mall. Members may select no more
           than one piece from each category – Furniture, Turning, Other and 2x4. A simple
           tally of the selections made by members will determine the “Members’ Choice”
           award within each category of the Exhibition.
        4. All pieces exhibited may be considered by members of the general public in
           attendance during the Exhibition who may select their favourite piece. A simple
           tally of such selection made by the public will determine the “People’s Choice”.
           The “People’s Choice” award may be announced partway through the Exhibition.
     f. The disassembly of the exhibition will take place on Sunday September 19 after
        6:00 PM. Makers are responsible for picking up their entries at this time and must
        make their own alternate arrangements if needed.

4.   Entry Deadline
     Friday, June 4, 2021 at midnight.

5.   Eligibility
     The Exhibition is open to any resident of Canada. The work must have been completed
     after the last exhibition entry deadline, 1 June 2019, and must not have been exhibited at
     any previous SAWS Exhibition.

6.   Entry Process and Fees
     a. $50 (Canadian) for SAWS members.
     b. $100 (Canadian) for non-members of SAWS.


     c. Makers are permitted to submit a maximum of three (3) pieces per entry, not including
        those piece(s) submitted as part of the 2x4 display.
     d. There is no fee for any submission for the 2x4 display, and pieces entered into the 2x4
        display do not count towards the maximum of three (3) pieces per Maker.
        Note that Makers are, subject to Standards Committee acceptance, permitted to include
        one (1) piece from each of the 2020 and 2021, 2x4 competitions.
     e. Fees are payable with Entry.
        Entry fees will NOT be refunded to Makers with no accepted submissions.
     f. The Online Entry Form will collect electronic payment(s) during the entry process. The
        preferred method of payment is via Electronic Funds Transfer (Interac). Payments
        using PayPal, Apple Pay, or Credit Card (Visa or Master Card) are also accepted.
        Payments by cheque or in cash WILL NOT be accepted.
        Note that for the 2021 Exhibition there will be no Paper Entry Form.
        Please direct electronic funds transfer (Interac) payments to

7.   Entry Forms
     In 2021, online entries using the SAWS website ( are a mandatory
     requirement. The website has provision for paying the fees (see Item 6 above).
     Entries using a paper form will not be accepted.
     The Maker shall indicate which Category (Furniture, Turning, Other, 2x4) that the entry

8.   Restrictions
     a. Size Guidance:     Within reason and at the discretion of the Exhibition Committee,
                           items up to 80 cubic feet (2.3 cu.m) and 300 lbs (136 kg) will be
                           If your item weighs more than 100 lbs (45 kg) please notify the
                           Exhibition Committee in advance so that arrangements can be made
                           for its movement during Standards assessment, judging and
                           If unsure about an entry, please contact the Chairman of the
                           Exhibition Committee, Dave Old, for clarification. Dave can be
                           contacted via email at, please commence the Subject
                           line of your email with Attn: Exhibition Committee.
     b. Entries:           Three (3) maximum per Maker (not including 2x4 pieces).
     c. Other:             Restoration or refurbishment of previously completed work is not
     d. Use of Paint:      As previously outlined, SAWS is interested in promoting excellent
                           woodwork. Painting is a medium of its own. The work will be
                           judged principally from an excellence in woodworking perspective.
                           Paint should not in any way be used to conceal poor joinery or
                           woodworking techniques.


9.    Submission Guidelines
 a.   Acceptance
      Once SAWS has accepted an entry into the exhibition, the maker must make the work
      available for the duration of the exhibition. Work may not be removed from the exhibition
      once it has been accepted.

 b.   Non-Acceptance
      In the event that a maker’s work is not accepted for exhibition, the maker must remove the
      work immediately.

 c.   Artist’s Statement
      Makers are encouraged to complete an Artist’s Statement (optional, max 100 words).This
      statement should give an insight into the maker’s inspiration for the work along with a
      personal history and insight into the maker.

 d.   Acknowledgements and Technical Statement
      Makers must acknowledge others who contribute to their entries (finish, design,
      upholstery, etc.) Makers are encouraged to discuss construction techniques (especially
      hidden ones) along with interesting or unusual methods used in the creation of the work. In
      addition, makers must provide names of woods used along with any ancillary materials and
      the work’s overall dimensions.

 e.   Transportation
      Makers are responsible for the transport of their entries to and from the Exhibition (at
      Southcentre Mall). If a maker is personally unable to transport their entry(s) they must
      make alternate arrangements.

 f.   Completeness
      All entries shall come complete with any required associated items such as wall hangers
      for cabinets or stands for sculptures or bowls.

 g.   Insurance
      SAWS will insure all entries while in its possession against theft, breakage, fire, smoke
      and water damage to the stated wholesale value.
      Insurance will not cover transportation of the Work(s) to and from the assessment location,
      nor transportation to and from the Exhibition itself.
      If work is marked “Not for Sale”, the maker shall state a reasonable wholesale value as
      part of the Entry Process.
      SAWS will not be responsible for damages caused by changes in humidity or temperature.


10.   Evaluation Process
 a    Overview
      The evaluation process for acceptance into the Exhibition includes the following steps:
      • The Work is received and given an identification number which is used for all
         subsequent steps of the evaluation. The Standards Committee is not involved in the
         process of issuing the identification number to the Work.
      • The Standards Committee evaluates each Submitted Work and, at its sole discretion,
         may exclude it from the Exhibition.
      • The Jury may exclude a Work which has passed Standards Committee evaluation from
         the Exhibition, alternatively, the Jury may direct that the Work not be subjected to
         Juried judging.
      • The Jury evaluates each Work accepted into the Juried portion of the Exhibition
         without knowing the Maker’s identity.
      • The Jury determines the placement of the top six entries.
      • The Jury, in consultation with the Standards Committee, determines which Entries are
         awarded the Special Awards.
      • Those works not considered by the Exhibition Jury remain eligible for consideration by
         the SAWS Membership for the Members’ Choice Award and also the Peoples’ Choice

 b    Details
      Jury Marshal      SAWS shall appoint a Jury Marshal to oversee the receipt of Work and
                        to give guidance where required to the Standards Committee and to the
                        Jury. The Jury Marshal is also responsible for ensuring that suitable
                        reasons are given for Work that is excluded from Jury consideration.
      Standards         SAWS will appoint a Standards Committee to ensure that a high level
      Committee         of woodworking craftsmanship is attained by all entries. The Standards
                        Committee will select a Chairman who will speak for the Standards
                        Committee. The Standards Committee will review each entry on June
                        12, 2021 for suitability of materials and craftsmanship. In particular,
                        the Committee will look at:
                        •   Fit & Finish
                        •   Accuracy of hardware placement
                        •   Construction details
                        •   Smoothness and/or evenness of finished surfaces
                        •   Precision of joints
                        •   Crispness of details
                        •   Parallelism (where required)
                        •   Squareness
                        •   Sanding scratches & Sand throughs
                        •   Suitability and smooth operation of hardware


            •   Excessive adhesive
            •   Appropriate use of fasteners
            •   Accommodation for wood movement
            In addition, the Standards Committee examines interiors and
            undersides of surfaces for finish, use of hardware and suitability of
            Makers should note that the Standards Committee approach uses the
            concept of “cumulative shortcomings” where work may be excluded
            due to several smaller issues being identified. Makers are encouraged
            to apply the utmost of skill to each and every aspect of their work.
            The Standards Committee does not evaluate originality or artistic
            merit. That being said, if the Standards Committee believes that an
            entry is not original to the maker who entered it (e.g., it’s constructed
            using unacknowledged commercially available plans), the Standards
            Committee has the authority to question the maker and/or remove the
            piece from the Juried portion of exhibition if they deem the action
            The Standards Committee will generally not exclude work for one
            minor issue.
Jurying     SAWS will appoint an independent Jury to judge the Work accepted
            into the Juried portion of the Exhibition, based on originality of
            design, choice of materials, artistic merit, professionalism of
            presentation and craftsmanship.
            The Jury will give special consideration to the use of native Canadian
            woods, local woods and Works of highly original nature. In addition to
            judging each Work on its own merit, the Jury is also entrusted with
            ensuring that the Exhibition as a whole is in balance and harmony.
            Based on all of the above criteria, the Jury may direct that certain
            pieces be excluded from the Juried portion of the Exhibition.
            Upon reviewing the Entries, the Jury will place the first six pieces in
            the following order: 1st, 2nd, 3rd and three (3) Honourable Mentions. If,
            at the Jury’s sole discretion. they determine that the above placement
            is not feasible, then they may modify the above structure to suit the
            quality of the Entries.
            These six awards are in addition to the list of Awards in section 10, c.
            The Jury’s decisions are final.
Recorder    The Jury Marshal shall appoint a recorder to record the Jury’s
Post-Jury   Upon completion of the Jurying process, the Chairman of the
Process     Standards Committee will contact those makers whose work was
            excluded from the Jury process and give reasons for exclusion or non-


    Member            All works accepted for display as part of the Exhibition, including
    Voting            those works submitted as 2x4 pieces, are eligible for consideration by
                      SAWS members at their September meeting. If a member is unable to
                      attend the September meeting and wishes to participate in the voting
                      process, they must make contact with the Exhibition Committee to
                      submit their votes prior to the meeting.
                      Each member may select no more than one (1) piece from each of the
                      Furniture, Turning, Other, and 2x4 exhibits. The votes will be tallied
                      by the Exhibition Committee and “Members’ Choice” placements in
                      each category determined.

c   Awards
    Harold Biswanger         Presented by the Jury, in consultation with the Standards
    Award                    Committee, to the most accomplished amateur or student entry.
    Best Furniture Award Presented by the Jury, in consultation with the Standards
                         Committee, to the most accomplished entry in the Furniture
    Best Turning Award       Presented by the Jury, in consultation with the Standards
                             Committee, to the most accomplished entry in the Turning
    Best Other Award         Presented by the Jury, in consultation with the Standards
                             Committee, to the most accomplished entry in the Other
    Best First Time          Presented by the Jury, in consultation with the Standards
    Entry Award              Committee, to the best work by a first time entrant into the
    Best Finish Award        Presented by the Standards Committee for the best finish.

    Note: Special Awards are at the discretion of the Jury and Standards Committee.

    Members’ Choice          Presented by the Exhibition Committee to those Works as
    Award(s)                 chosen by the members of SAWS present at the SAWS meeting
                             held during the Exhibition.
    Peoples’ Choice          Is as chosen by visitors to the Exhibition filling out a Peoples’
    Award                    Choice ballot prior to 6 PM on the last Friday of the Exhibition.


11.   Promotion, Advertising, Marketing, Sales
 a.   Photographs of Work
      All accepted work will be professionally photographed at SAWS expense and an electronic
      copy of the photograph(s) will be given to the maker if so requested on the entry form.

 b.   Rights and Reproduction
      SAWS reserves the right to reproduce photographs of accepted work for publicity and
      educational purposes including passing photos to third parties such as media outlets,
      magazines, websites, etc. SAWS cannot be held liable for how third parties may use photos
      or other information, but will endeavour to provide accurate information to any third

 c.   Advertising
      Makers can include business cards with their entries to be kept at the exhibition.
      Advertising larger than a business card will not be considered.

 d.   Catalogue
      A digital catalogue will be produced after the exhibition and will be available on the
      SAWS website. Printed catalogues will be available just prior to the Exhibition. Each
      maker will receive one printed copy per exhibited piece, to a maximum of two copies.

 e.   Marketing
      SAWS will promote the exhibition by all reasonable means at its disposal. This may
      include posters, electronic invitations, and notices in publications. In addition, SAWS will
      attempt to have the exhibition reviewed by a major magazine.

 f.   Sponsorships
      SAWS will seek corporate sponsorships to help defer the costs of the exhibition.

 g.   Sales of Work
      Makers must state on the online Entry Form if the work is for sale.
      All sale prices should be stated in Canadian dollars.
      A commission of 15% applies to all sales of SAWS Member pieces.
      A commission of 25% applies to all sales of non-SAWS Member pieces.
      Makers should price their work accordingly.
      As part of the Entry Process, Makers are to state the wholesale value of each submitted
      work. The wholesale value is the amount the work will be insured for.
      Proceeds from sales will be forwarded to makers promptly after the exhibition concludes
      and the funds are credited to SAWS’s account.
      Processing fees for use of credit cards, PayPal, Apple Pay, etc. will be split 50:50 with the
      Maker and will apply on top of the sales commission.


12.   Disclaimer
      Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the Exhibition Rules as set out in this
      document are complete, the Southern Alberta Woodworking Society, the Exhibition
      Committee, and the Standards Committee reserve the right to interpret and apply the rules
      for the 2021 Exhibition in a way that maintains the integrity of the 2021 Exhibition.

13.   COVID-19 Statement
      Whilst SAWS will make every reasonable effort to mount the 2021 Exhibition, Makers
      must accept that that ultimately the feasibility of staging the 2021 Fine Works in Wood
      Exhibition is dependent upon future decisions of Alberta Health Services and the
      management of Southcentre Mall.

      Suite 104, 132 - 250 Shawville Blvd SE Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2Y 2Z7
      For further information:
        o Email:
        o Visit: to complete your online Entry Form

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Special thanks to our Sponsors from the 2019 Exhibition!!!

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