COVID-19 Controls for all Alert Levels - PowerNet

Page created by Henry Garcia
COVID-19 Controls for all Alert Levels - PowerNet
                                        Controls for all Alert Levels
                                                                        Change Table v12.0

                                                                        3           New 2nd line – must scan using QR code
                                                                                    at all depots and offices

                                                                        4,5,6,7,8   Removed ticks and crosses and changed

                                                                        9           Wearing of facemasks for visitors and
                                                                                    staff meeting visitors and where physical
                                                                                    distancing from public is less than 2m

                                                                        10          Wash reusable masks regularly

Doc #: CE-PRS-0001 Version 12.0                                         13          QR Code scanning at depots and offices
Owner: Jason Franklin
Date: 7-SEP-21
Security Class: Social – Public Media
COVID-19 Controls for all Alert Levels - PowerNet
Living our values through COVID-19

                                                                                                                                            Up front and honest
                                                                                                                                            Make a difference
                                                                                                                                            Do it once, do it right

We’re all in this together as a team and a nation.                                                                                          Back each other
                                                                                                                                            Take positive action
Let’s all do our part to keep each other safe and stick with this until we are through.

                   Protect vulnerable staff                                               Continuing work at all levels, with
                   High risk or vulnerable workers working from home,
                   or assigned to tasks they can complete independently
                                                                                          varying controls between levels
                   without interaction with other employees or the                        Strict controls to maintain ’clean zones’, and working from home
                   public. If this is not possible they remain at home                    for some roles at certain levels.
                   being paid per the leave policy slide.

                        Clearly defined controls                                                Monitoring & reporting
                        Clear controls for staff to operate under.                              Daily monitoring of staff and centralized reporting.

                                                                                          Contact tracing
                   Strict work team bubbles at
                                                                                          Records being kept to assist Ministry of Health if contact tracing is
                   certain levels                                                         required. We recommend use of the Contact Tracing App.
                   Establish work bubbles in levels 3-4. Certain business       
                   units may choose to continue operating in bubbles                      conditions/covid-19-novel-coronavirus/covid-19-novel-
                   into level 2.                                                          coronavirus-resources-and-tools/nz-covid-tracer-app

COVID-19 Controls for all Alert Levels - PowerNet
Living our values through COVID-19

      Level by Level                                                                                                              Up front and honest
                                                                                                                                  Make a difference
                                                                                                                                  Do it once, do it right
      At all levels, utilities operations and staff, are expected to remain up and running.                                       Back each other
      We must also continue to meet our health and safety obligations to ourselves and each other.                                Take positive action

                                                                                                             Level 1   Level 2       Level 3                 Level 4

Work continues with risk mitigation in place                                                                   R            R             R                      R
Everyone Scan QR code or manually sign in                                                                      R            R             R                      R
Report COVID-19 like symptoms immediately to your Leader & COVID-19 Manager - Stay home if unwell              R            R             R                      R

Hygiene practices implemented and avoid contact with surfaces - Disinfect all commonly touched surfaces        R            R             R                      R
including plant/equipment before and after use

Additional PPE measures                                                                                                     R             R                      R
Strict Work Team Bubbles                                                                                                                  R                      R
Honour the split-start time schedule where implemented - Work at different times compared to other workers                  R             R                      R
Physical distancing practices                                                                                               R             R                      R
                                                                                                                       1m          2m                     2m

Restricted travel to depots and work sites                                                                                  R             R                      R
Only work which cannot be completed from home to be undertaken in offices & depots                                                                           3
                                                                                                                                          R                      R
COVID-19 Controls for all Alert Levels - PowerNet
Living our values through COVID-19
                                                                                                                                                            Up front and honest

         Levels 3-4: How we Work                                                                                                                            Make a difference
                                                                                                                                                            Do it once, do it right
                                                                                                                                                            Back each other
         Sources: Ministry of Health (NZ), NHS (UK)
                                                                                                                                                            Take positive action

        Vulnerable & Higher Risk                           Single Person – Able              Single Person – Not            Single Bubble                 Multi-Bubble
Staff who are deemed at higher risk if they                to work from home                  able to work from
contract COVID-19 work from home and if not                                                         home
possible they remain at home receiving support            Staff who work                 Staff who work                 Single PowerNet team in a     Multiple crews doing
per the Leave Policy.                                     individually that are not      individually to perform        defined work bubble (Not      works that involve
At risk groups include the following criteria:            required to be physically      their work from the office     to exceed 4 people or         different crews or service
• Severe respiratory conditions such as: chronic lung     in the field or office, work   or Depot such as:              depot specific                providers, each in their
   disease or moderate to severe asthma                   from home.                                                    arrangements to be pre-       own work bubble, for
• Serious heart conditions                                                                                              approved) for example:        example:
• Immunocompromised conditions
• Severe obesity – a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or                                      • Supervisors                  • Line crew                   • Several Gangs
   higher                                                                                • Faults response              • Jointers working together   • Line Crews
• Diabetes                                                                               • Inspectors                   • Technicians working         • Traffic Management
• Chronic kidney disease                                                                 • Some technician work           together                    • Cable hauling
• People undergoing dialysis                                                             • Truck driving / deliveries   • System Control              • Working with other
• Liver disease                                                                          • Receptionist                 • Staff in same office pod      service providers
• Pregnant employee or partner                                                           • Some project management                                    • Contractors
• Living with someone over 70                                                              duties                                                     • Finance team working in
• Living with a frontline emergency worker i.e. Nurse,                                   • Some administration                                          multiple pods
   Doctor, Police, Fire, Ambulance (because of the risk                                    duties
   of potential exposure to Covid-19 and risk to
   PowerNet employees)
Work remotely or assigned to tasks which can
  be completed independently. If that is not
possible, support provided as per Leave Policy.                 Stay at home                                 Controls in place to continue working
COVID-19 Controls for all Alert Levels - PowerNet
Living our values through COVID-19
                                                                                                                       Up front and honest

Levels 3-4: Working in a Bubble                                                                                        Make a difference
                                                                                                                       Do it once, do it right
                                                                                                                       Back each other
                                                                                                                       Take positive action

                                                                                             Single Person   Single        Multi-Bubble

 Keep a minimum 2 metre distance from the public
 Refer to the detailed guidelines for PPE and visiting customers                                 R            R                     R
 Maintain your bubble including transport to site
 Barricade your work area at all times if possible                                               R            R                     R
 Maximum 2 people per vehicle
 Only transport people in the same bubble.                                                                    R                     R
 Stay 2 metres away from other bubbles
 Keep your distance from bubbles working on the same site                                        R            R                     R
 Have a nominated person to monitor protocols
 All personnel on site are responsible for ensuring that controls are being used correctly                    R                     R

COVID-19 Controls for all Alert Levels - PowerNet
Living our values through COVID-19

 Levels 3-4: Working in a Bubble in the Field                                                                                                  Up front and honest
                                                                                                                                               Make a difference
                                                                                                                                               Do it once, do it right
 Whether you’re working on your own, or within a crew, ensure you have established working bubbles.                                            Back each other
                                                                                                                                               Take positive action

Example: Job site with Multiple Crews
                                                                                                                          Crew Member
                                                                                                                         #2 Family Bubble
DO Keep the numbers small and stay within established bubbles

                                                                                                       Crew Member                           Crew Member
DO Keep a minimum of 2 metres away from other bubbles                                                 #1 Family Bubble                      #3 Family Bubble

DO Ensure you are wearing PPE at all times

DO Keep safe distances within your work bubble (1 metre physical distance - as much
   as possible)
                                                                                                                   PowerNet Field Crew Bubble
DO Encourage your family to keep their bubble intact

DO Report any bubble breach to 0800 710 240 or email
                                                                                                                         Minimum 2 Metres
                                                                                                                         between bubbles
DO NOT Work outside of your work bubble

DO NOT Break your family / social isolation bubble
                                                                                                 Earthworks Crew                            Traffic Management
                                                                                                      Bubble                                    Crew Bubble               6
COVID-19 Controls for all Alert Levels - PowerNet
Living our values through COVID-19
                                                                                                                                                 Up front and honest

Levels 3-4:Working in a Bubble in the Office & Depots                                                                                            Make a difference
                                                                                                                                                 Do it once, do it right

Whether you’re working on your own, or part of a team, ensure you have established working bubbles.                                              Back each other
                                                                                                                                                 Take positive action

Example: Working in office & depot                                                                                            Office Member
                                                                                                                             #2 Family Bubble
DO Swipe your card on entry. Use sign-in register where swipe card access is not
   available. One card swipe/sign in per person, no tailgating. Use Government QR code
   where displayed.                                                                                        Office Member                         Office Member
                                                                                                          #1 Family Bubble                      #3 Family Bubble

DO Stay in your area / zone within the office.

DO Use only the desk that has been assigned to you.

DO Maintain at least 2 metres from anyone else in the office at all times.
                                                                                                                         PowerNet Office Bubble
DO Use the closest bathroom to your zone and avoid other bathrooms. Don’t take your

DO Bring pre-prepared food and drink.
                                                                                                                             Minimum 2 Metres
                                                                                                                             between bubbles
DO Disinfect all surfaces before and after use, including printers and communal areas

DO Wear PPE as per PPE Matrix
                                                                                                      Office Bubble #1                            Office Bubble #2

DO Report any bubble breach to 0800 710 240 or email                                                                                              7
Living our values through COVID-19
                                                                                                                                                                  Up front and honest

    Levels 2, 3, 4: Visiting a Customer in Levels                                                                                                                 Make a difference
                                                                                                                                                                  Do it once, do it right
                                                                                                                                                                  Back each other
    For when access to premises is required
                                                                                                                                                                  Take positive action

                                                                                               Safety Questions
1                    Phone ahead.
                     If possible, call the site or premises to arrange an arrival time.
                     Ask the safety questions first.                                                                Is anyone within the premises….
                                                                                                                    • Currently unwell with flu-like symptoms?
                                                                                                                    • Been exposed to someone with COVID-19
                                                                                                                    • Self-isolating at the direction of the Ministry of Health,
                     Knock, & step back 2 metres.                                                                       Healthline, or your GP?
2                    Introduce & identify yourself, ask the safety questions.
                                                                                                                    • In a “HIGHER RISK” Group? (see page 4 definition)
                                                      If there is no response or you are
                                                      refused access and cannot proceed,
                                                      leave the premises and advise your
                                                      leader or supervisor.                                                     If one or more answers is YES
                                                                                                                                Stop and call your leader or supervisor before proceeding.

                     When safe to do so, proceed.                                          Always:
                                                                                                 • Maintain at minimum, a 2 metre distance from the customer.
3                    Proceed & complete the work maintaining distance from
                     occupants and follow safe work instructions                                 • Where internal access is required, ask the customer to leave the room.
                                                                                                 • Wear PPE in accordance with the COVID-19 PPE Guidelines whilst inside the
                                                                                                 • Dispose of items correctly in the bags provided and return them to the depot for
                     Sanitise and clean up.                                                        disposal.
                     Wipe down all surfaces you came in contact with, wash hands
4                    thoroughly with soap or use hand sanitiser. Leave the site
                     maintaining distance and follow PPE removal procedure.                Know that at all times:
                                                                                                • If you don’t feel comfortable, stop, assess and make safe.
                                                                                                • If the customer will not vacate any room you require access to, politely advise that
                                                                                                   you cannot proceed until they do so.
                     QR Code.                                                                   • If the customer does not follow your instructions at any time, leave the premises
                     If the customer has a QR code, please record your visit.                      and advise your leader or supervisor. Another appointment will need to be
5                                                                                                  arranged.                                                                 8
Living our values through COVID-19

       COVID-19 PPE Matrix                                                                                                                   Up front and honest
                                                                                                                                             Make a difference
                                                                                                                                             Do it once, do it right
       PowerNet standard PPE requirements, as per Standard Operating Procedures will always                                                  Back each other
       take precedence over disposable gloves & face masks.                                                                                  Take positive action

Work Activity
                                                                                                                 Working with Live Electricity?

Working in a bubble that is not at risk of being                                                                 Use your existing PPE which includes face protection
                                                                                                                 that will also help keep you safe from exposure.
compromised by others.
Examples include: substations, control rooms, field locations within              T        R   R
minimal foot traffic.

When physical distancing from people outside your
                                                                                  R        R   R
bubble is less than 2m.                                                  only

Non-contact interaction with people where separation
greater than 2m is maintained and / or surface contact                  Levels,

may still occur (in line with regulations). Examples include:
mail drops, office blocks, shared toilets, shared workshops, petrol
                                                                         only     R        R   R   Remember:
                                                                                                        • If your task-specific PPE includes gloves, continue to use
stations, supermarkets etc.                                                                               them as normal. Use disposable gloves for all other
Working where live electricity is present.
Examples include: in a bucket truck or service pit / trench.                      T        R   R          • Task specific PPE should be cleaned with cleansing wipes
                                                                                                            or similar following each use.

Visitors and staff meeting visitors at reception & / or                 Level
                                                                                                          • All disposable PPE to be securely bagged following use and
moving through the building or facilities.                              2 only                              disposed of at the end of each day.
Examples include: reception and / or moving into a meeting room (once
in the meeting and 2m distancing is maintained, masks can be
When physical distancing from public is less than 2m                    2 only                                                                                          9
Living our values through COVID-19
                                                                                                            Up front and honest

     Using Face Masks                                                                                       Make a difference
                                                                                                            Do it once, do it right
                                                                                                            Back each other
     Follow PPE guidelines for all protective equipment use.                                                Take positive action

How to wear a mask                                             How to remove a mask
Wash hands with soap and water for minimum of                  Wash hands with soap and water or use hand sanitiser.
20 seconds or use hand sanitiser.

Masks should fit snugly and fully cover your nose              Avoid touching the front of the mask.
and mouth.

Fit flexible nose piece over the nose bridge.                  If the mask has ties, untie the bottom, then the top.

Secure on the head with ties and elastic.                      Remove from face.

Adjust to fit – secure on your head, fitting snugly            Discard, and do not use again. Wash reusable masks
around your face with no gaps.                                 regularly

     Avoid touching or adjusting your mask during
     use.                                                      Wash hands with soap and water, or use hand sanitiser
                                                               immediately.                                          10
Leave Policy
                                                                                                                                    Living our values through COVID-19
                                                                                                                                     Up front and honest
                                                                                                                                     Make a difference

Refer to PC-POL-0026 Pandemic Leave Policy and COVID-19 PowerNet Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)                                  Do it once, do it right
                                                                                                                                     Back each other
for specific details, timesheet/leave entry requirements and working from home requests.
                                                                                                                                     Take positive action
If you can continue to work it is normal pay. If you can’t continue to work, see below:

             Self-Isolation as directed by PowerNet or
             Health Authorities
             If you can’t continue to work:
                                                                                       You or dependant sick (Non-COVID illness)
             Directed by PowerNet – Discretionary leave (timesheet code 42) for
             up to 10 days to the value of Relevant Daily Pay (RDP).                   If you can’t continue to work:
             Directed by Health Authorities – same as Vulnerable or Higher Risk        Normal sick leave
             employee payment approach.

                   Vulnerable or Higher Risk employee
                   (AL3 or AL4 )
                   If you can’t continue to work:                                            Schools or childcare closed – home to supervise
                   If Covid-19 Leave Support Scheme criteria met - two week                  children or self-isolation for personal reasons
                   Covid-19 Leave Support Scheme payment + PN Special Paid
                                                                                             If you can’t continue to work:
                   Leave ‘top up’ to 80% of Relevant Daily Pay. Employee can opt
                   to use annual leave to ‘top up’ to 100% (at their discretion).            Annual leave or leave without pay
                   For periods beyond two weeks, PowerNet will investigate if
                   the employee meets the criteria to re-apply for the Covid-19
                   Leave Support Scheme.
                   If Covid-19 Leave Support scheme criteria not met - annual
                   leave or leave without pay.                                          International travel – stuck overseas or in
                   The employee should discuss options with their Leader and            quarantine
                   HR Partner.
                                                                                        PC-FRM-0019 Request to Work From Home Form must be submitted and
               You or dependant sick (COVID-19 Illness)                                 approved prior to departure.
                                                                                        Can’t work remotely:
               If you can’t continue to work:
                                                                                        Annual leave or leave without pay.
               Same as Vulnerable or Higher Risk employee payment approach, or
               normal sick leave
Living our values through COVID-19

    Mental Wellbeing                                                                                          Up front and honest
                                                                                                              Make a difference
                                                                                                              Do it once, do it right
    These are challenging times for us as individuals and a nation.                                           Back each other

    We are there to support each other.                                                                       Take positive action

Speak with family,          Be there for each              Listen and                                  Phone or email OCP for
                                                                            Phone or email PFA for
 friends, whānau.                other.                  empathise. Our                                external support. Free,
                                                                             internal support. Free,
                                                       teammates may be     confidential support for   confidential support for
                                                       going through hard    you and your whānau.       you and your whānau.

                     Advisors: PFA Contacts
                                                                                     Phone: 0800 377 990
                     Phone: 0800 710 240
Contact Tracing Process in the Workplace
                                                                                                                                       Living our values through COVID-19
                                                                                                                                        Up front and honest
                                                                                                                                        Make a difference
                                                                                                                                        Do it once, do it right
If there is a case of COVID-19 in our community, the COVID-19 Manager may need to undertake a contact trace.
                                                                                                                                        Back each other
We need everyone’s help now to make sure we are recording this information every day, for a contact trace in the future.                Take positive action

   Bubble Breach                     Timesheet                                                Office & Depot                    Worksite
                                        Data                        Smartrak                     Scan QR
     Recording                                                                                                                 Safety Plans
                                                                                               Code (Govt)

        Everyone: Report all             We’re doing well.                                         Everyone to scan QR          Field Teams: Ensure all
                                                                       We’re doing well.          code or sign in at offices    external personnel sign-
       Bubble Breaches to the
                                      No Change. Business as        No Change. Business as        and depots, to trace your     on and our safety plans
          0800 710 240 or
                                              usual.                        usual.                 movements, work and          are always filed with the
                                                                                                         non-work                          job

Living our values through COVID-19

Contact Tracing on the Worksite                                                                                    Up front and honest
                                                                                                                   Make a difference
                                                                                                                   Do it once, do it right
We need to ensure that all internal and external parties sign-on.                                                  Back each other
                                                                                                                   Take positive action

                     Records of Personnel
                                                                                 Retaining Records
                     • Continue to ensure all external
                                                                                 • All Worksite Safety Plans must
                        personnel must sign on with
                                                                                    be retained in the job pack for
                        details as below.
                                                                                    future reference.
                     •   This applies to either a Major or
                         Minor Worksite Safety Plan.                                                Company and contact
                         Example below.                                                             details required

                                                                    John Smith    Company – ABC Earthworks        J.Smith
                                                                                   Phone – 0123 456 789
Living our values through COVID-19
                                                                                          Up front and honest

Important Notice                                                                          Make a difference
                                                                                          Do it once, do it right
                                                                                          Back each other
                                                                                          Take positive action

• The information in this document has been prepared based on information and guidance from
  government agencies and industry bodies, combined with risk assessments specific to PowerNet’s
  business. It may not be suitable or appropriate for any other business or organisation and
  organisations should undertake their own review of relevant information and conduct their own risk
  assessment. PowerNet Limited will not be liable in any way to any organisation or individual who
  chooses to rely on this information.

• Disclaimer: PowerNet reserves the right to review and amend this document at any time. Any
  updates will be notified to all employees and contractors.

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