2022 Corporate Suite Menu - Ekka

Page created by Edith Hayes
2022 Corporate Suite Menu - Ekka
2022 Corporate
  Suite Menu
2022 Corporate Suite Menu - Ekka
EKKA Premium Hill Suites Menu 2022 - $140.00 per person
                                            Dairy Free, Gluten Free or Vegetarian requirements will be catered for upon request
  Vegetable rice paper roll                                                                                                  GF
  Porcini & truffle arancini - basil mayonnaise                                                                           GF V
  Selection of petite pies
  Caramelised onion & Jindi brie tartlets                                                                                         V
  Peri peri chicken skewer                                                                                                   DF

 Charred Carvery
  Gold Medal Branded Beef of RQA – AACO Darling Downs wagyu beef –
  served with condiments and artisan bread rolls

  Selection of Royal Queensland Award winning cheese served with dried Stanthorpe pears and apples, Bundaberg
  macadamia nuts and crackers

  Ekka Strawberry Sundae

 Premium Beverage Package
  La Maschera Prosecco, SA
  Totara Sauvignon Blanc, Marlborough, NZ
  Wirra Wirra Adelaide Range Shiraz, Langhorne Creek & McLaren Vale, SA
  James Squire 150 Lashes, NSW
  XXXX Gold, QLD
  James Boag’s Premium Light, TAS
  Non Alcoholic
  Coke, Coke No Sugar, Sprite, Orange Juice and Sparkling Mineral Water

 Additional Items
  Dagwood Dogs                                                                                                         $5 each
  Aussie Whiting & Chips                                                                                            $10.50 pp
 DF - Dairy Free, GF - Gluten Free, V - Vegetarian (may include eggs, dairy and yeast), VEGAN - No animal products used

                                         experience ekka 2022
2022 Corporate Suite Menu - Ekka
Experience Ekka like a VIP
               Overlooking the iconic Main Arena
                The suite features a spacious indoor area with uninterrupted 180 degree views across the Main
               SNYED STREET

               Arena, with exclusive access to the adjoining private outdoor area. Catering for groups from 50 to
               120 guests, you can either enjoy a day session (11am - 3pm) to experience the iconic Grand Parade,
               Official Opening, daytime entertainment acts and animal judging or a night session (5pm - 9pm) to be
               wowed by the world-class night show EkkaNITES featuring spectacular fireworks. Four hour packages,
               inclusive of food, beverages and gate entry for $140 per person.

a                             Dairy Cattle                                                    Beef Pavilion
                                                                                                                                                    Fast Facts
                                                                                                                                                     S S

                                                                                                                                Horse PavilionCapacity                     50 - 120 PAX Cocktail Style

                                                                                             Stockman’s Rest
                                                            Cattleman’s Bar                                                                          Columns                                       No

                                                                  Machinery HIll                        Stockmen’s                                   Temperature Control            Natural Ventilation
owring 2                                                                                                 Bar & Grill
                                                                                                                                                     Wheelchair Access                     Yes, Ramp
                                an on
                              St acd





                                                    Main Arena                                                           RY



                                                                                                                              Expo Place 1
                  Ern St
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                                                                                                The Avenues

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                                                                                           Disabled Toilets                                      Expo
                                                                                 John Reid Wheelchair Access                                    Place 2
           The Plaza
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                                                                                                experience ekka 2022
Centre                                         dg
2022 Corporate Suite Menu - Ekka
                                                                     Please complete this form and return to:
               Contact: Group Sales & Marketing Coordinator | Email sales@ekka.com.au | Phone +61 7 3253 3993
 Entity’s Legal Name

 Trading Name

 Business Address


 Contact Name                                                                                            Contact Number

 Position                                                                                                Email Address

 Date                                                                                                    Number of Guests                             Adults:                       Children:

 Time of Guest Arrival                                                                                   Time of Food Service

 Time of Guest Departure

PACKAGE DETAILS (All prices include GST)
  Please select one package:                           Premium Package				                                                                    $140 per adult

				Premium Package				                                                                                                                       $95 per child

  Additional Items:                      Qty           Dagwood Dogs					$5 each

  			                                    Qty           Aussie Whiting & Chips 				                                                            $10.50 pp

 PAYMENT (Please note there will be no refunds for tickets not used.)


 Terms and Conditions
 Booking                                                                                                     -- selling or distributing any products or material which includes the logo, brand or
 •     50% deposit payable at time of booking.                                                               identifying mark of anyone other than the Event Client; or
 •     No refund will be given for cancellations of any reason.                                              -- playing any audio or visual promotional programs.
 •     The RNA will provide reasonable access to and from the Brisbane Showgrounds for               Intellectual Property
       authorised personnel of the Event Client during the access period.                            •       The Event Client acknowledges that the RNA owns the RNA Intellectual Property.
 •     All payment is required to be paid in full by Friday 22 July 2022 to secure the booking.      •       The Event Client may use the RNA Intellectual Property (including the Royal Queensland
 •     There will be no refund for unused packages on the day.                                               Show and Ekka brands) for the purpose of co-branding of product or in promotional
 •     The RNA reserves the right to amend the menu selections based on market availability.                 material produced for purposes connected with the direct promotion of the show and in
 •     A public holiday surcharge of $5 per person will apply.                                               joint promotions with the RNA, provided it first obtains the RNA’s approval (which will not
 Entry                                                                                                       be unreasonably withheld).
 •     Only the official Royal Queensland Show (Ekka) entry tickets will be accepted for entry to    Insurance
       the Show. Only the official RNA Confirmation Booking will be accepted for entry to the        •       At all times during the Term, the Event Client must have a current public liability insurance
       Ekka Corporate Suite area.                                                                            cover for not less than the Insured Amount with a reputable insurer carrying on business
 •     Entry tickets will not be issued until payment and booking have been received and                     in Australia.
       authorised.                                                                                   General
 •     Treat your entry ticket(s) as cash and lost ticket(s) will not be replaced.                   •       All prices include GST.
 Promotional Activities                                                                              •       The RNA reserves the right to amend, add, withdraw or substitute the advertised
 •     The Event Client will not engage in any promotional activities at the show unless permitted           programs, menus and facilities.
       by the RNA.                                                                                   •       All entrants to Ekka are bound by the Terms and Conditions of entry. For details please
 •     The Event Client must obtain the RNA’s prior written consent before:                                  visit https://www.ekka.com.au/about-us/ticket-terms-conditions/.
       -- erecting any signage;                                                                      •       The RNA warrants that the person making this booking is authorised by their employer to
       -- displaying any brand names, logos or trademarks;                                                   do so on their behalf
       -- distributing any promotional material to persons at the show;

                                                                experience ekka 2022
2022 Corporate Suite Menu - Ekka
The Ticket is issued by The Royal National Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland ABN 41 417 513 726 (RNA).
The Ticket is sold on the condition that the holder is bound by these terms and conditions. By purchasing the Ticket, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions as
well as any other conditions specified by RNA on its website.
Groups                                                                                         restrictions.
1.   Minimum number of guests per group booking is fifty (50), to be eligible for        7.    Persons participate in all carnival rides at their own risk. The RNA accepts no
     the group rates.                                                                          liability for any injury, loss or damage to any person or thing.
2.   Group bookings only available via Group Booking Form. Tickets will be               8.    This Ekka Ride Card is not for resale. Unless otherwise set out in the terms
     issued upon receiving completed booking form, contact tracing details and                 and conditions at www.ekka.com.au/terms-and-conditions, the RNA is not
     full payment.                                                                             liable for any lost, stolen, or damaged Ekka Tickets or ride cards.
3.   All payment is required to be paid in full by Friday 22 July 2022 to secure the     Ekka Food & Beverage Cards
     booking.                                                                            $50 Gourmet Plaza Card
General                                                                                  A reference to “RNA” in these Terms and Conditions is to The Royal National
1.   A reference to “RNA” in these Terms and Conditions is to The Royal National         Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland ABN 41 417 513 726 trading
     Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland ABN 41 417 513                as the Brisbane Showgrounds, Royal Queensland Show (Ekka) and the Royal
     726 trading as the Brisbane Showgrounds, Ekka (also known as the Royal              International Convention Centre, and the related bodies and agencies associated
     Queensland Show) and the Royal International Convention Centre, and the             with the Royal Queensland Awards.
     related bodies and agencies associated with the Royal Queensland Awards.            1.     By using an Ekka Food & Beverage Card (previously known as
2.   By purchasing an Ekka Ticket through the RNA or its authorised agents                      “Gourmet Plaza Card”) through the RNA or its authorised agents you are
     you are acknowledging and agreeing to be bound by these Terms and                          acknowledging and agreeing to be bound by these Terms and Conditions,
     Conditions, the General Terms and Conditions for Ticket Sales and Entry as                 the General Terms and Conditions for Ticket Sales and Entry as well as any
     well as any other conditions specified by the RNA on its website.                          other conditions specified by the RNA on its website.
3.   The Ticket is issued for use at the 2022 Royal Queensland Show (Ekka) from          2.     This Ekka Food & Beverage Card is issued for use at the Ekka from Saturday
     Saturday 6 to Sunday 14 August 2022.                                                       6 August 2022 to Sunday 14 August 2022 (Show Period).
4.   A Ticket allows single (1) entry for that Ticket type only.                         3.     This Ekka Food & Beverage Card with its $50 value is valid to be used at
5.   The RNA is not liable to give a refund or exchange the Ticket for cancellation             participating food and beverage outlets (excluding Strawberry Sundaes).
     of any reason.                                                                      4.     This card does not include entry to Ekka.
6.   The 2022 Ekka will be operated in accordance with applicable Queensland             5.     This Food & Beverage Card cannot be redeemed for Strawberry Sundaes.
     Health directions, orders, regulations, and guidance associated with                6.     This Food & Beverage Card can be used to redeem alcoholic beverages
     COVID-19 in place at the time of the event, which are subject to change.                   (you must be 18 years of age or over, alcohol must be consumed within
     Customers must comply with these requirements in place at the time of the                  designated areas, maximum 4 (Four) drinks per person).
     event.                                                                              7.     The Food & Beverage Card can be used in conjunction with cash at
7.   The operation of some attractions may be affected by adverse weather                       participating outlets.
     conditions or maintenance activity.                                                 8.     The RNA is not liable to give refunds on unused or remaining credit on Food
8.   The RNA reserves the right to add, withdraw or substitute artists, displays,               and Beverage Cards
     exhibitions and attractions and/or vary advertised programs, prices, seating        9.     Participating outlets reserve the right to refuse acceptance of any Food &
     arrangements and audience capacity.                                                        Beverage Card that has been damaged or defaced in any way, does not
9.   The RNA reserves the right to add, withdraw and/or limit the number of                     have a fully visible barcode or was not purchased through an RNA authorised
     Tickets sold on promotion at any stage.                                                    Food & Beverage Card seller.
10. The RNA reserves the right to prohibit the use of cameras, audio, and video          10. This Food & Beverage Card is not for resale, unless otherwise set out in
     recorders.                                                                                 these terms and conditions
Tickets                                                                                  11. The RNA is not liable for any lost, stolen or damaged Food & Beverage
1.    Adult Ticket available to those aged 15 years of and over at time of entry.               Cards.
      Valid for one single entry.                                                        Entry
2.    Child Ticket available to children aged 5 years of age to 14 years of age          The RNA reserves the right to inspect all bags and containers being brought into
      inclusive at time of entry. Valid for one single entry.                            the Brisbane Showgrounds and refuse entry to any person carrying any item that in
3.    Little Ekka Ticket available to children 4 years and under. Valid for one single   the RNA’s absolute discretion is dangerous or prohibited.
      entry.                                                                             1.    The RNA reserves the right to refuse entry to any person whose Ticket
4.    Concession Ticket available to those with accepted concession cards                      is damaged, has been defaced in any way, does not have a fully visible
      (includes full-time students, seniors, and other concessions). You must                  barcode, or was not obtained through a Ticket seller authorised by the RNA.
      present an accepted concession card on entry to the Show. Valid for one                  List of authorised Ticket seller can be found on this page.
      single entry.                                                                      2.    The RNA reserves the right to require the presentation of valid and current
5.    Family Ticket includes 2 x Adult Tickets and 2 x Child Tickets. Adults and               ID such as an Australian driver’s licence, Australian passport, or proof of
      children must enter gate at the same time in order to use this Family Ticket.            age on a Concession, Child or Little Ekka Ticket. Carer with a valid carer or
      Children must be aged 5 years of age to 14 years of age inclusive at time of             companion card receives free entry if accompanying disabled person (1 carer
      entry. Valid for one single entry.                                                       per person). List of accepted concession cards is available for viewing on
6.    Adult & Child Ticket includes 1 x Adult Ticket and 1 x Child Ticket. Adult and           ekka.com.au.
      Child must enter gates at the same time in order to use this Adult & Child         3.    Persons entering the Brisbane Showgrounds do so at their own risk. The
      Ticket. Child must be aged 5 years of age to 14 years of age inclusive at time           RNA accepts no liability for any injury, loss or damage to any person or thing.
      of entry. Valid for one single entry.                                              4.    Persons entering the Brisbane Showgrounds waive all rights in relation to any
7.    Twilight Ticket available to those aged 5 years of age and over at time of               photograph, image, or likeness of them produced whilst attending the Royal
      entry. Entry valid after 4pm on day of entry. Valid for one single entry.                Queensland Show (Ekka). The RNA retains all rights in all images it produces.
Extras - Food and Ride Cards                                                             5.    No alcohol or drugs of any type shall be brought on to the premises.
Ride Cards - $50, $100, $150                                                             6.    Scooters (except mobility scooters), skateboards, bicycles, roller blades,
                                                                                               hover boards, Segway’s or other equipment that may interfere with
A reference to “RNA” in these Terms and Conditions is to The Royal National
                                                                                               pedestrian traffic are not permitted.
Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland ABN 41 417 513 726
trading as the Brisbane Showgrounds, Ekka (also known as the Royal Queensland            7.    The RNA reserves the right to refuse entry or remove guests from the
Show) and the Royal International Convention Centre, and the related bodies and                Brisbane Showgrounds for vandalism, stealing, offensive behaviour, queue
agencies associated with the Royal Queensland Awards.                                          line jumping, failure to follow safety instructions or failure to comply with
                                                                                               these terms & conditions.
1.     By using an Ekka Ride Card through the RNA or its authorised agents
       you are acknowledging and agreeing to be bound by these Terms and                 8.    Pass outs are available for free at Information Booths and all gates within
       Conditions, the General Terms and Conditions for Ticket Sales and Entry, as             the Ekka precinct between 9am - 8pm. Pass outs may only be used for
       well as any other conditions specified by the RNA on its website.                       re-entry to the Brisbane Showgrounds on the day of issue. Only one (1) Pass
                                                                                               out is allowed for each Ticket holder. Suitable ID as outlined in Brisbane
2.     Ekka Ride Cards are issued for use at the Ekka from Saturday 6 August
                                                                                               Showground T&C’s will be required.
       2022 to Sunday 14 August 2022 (Show Period).
                                                                                         9.    Ekka Ride Cards are not for resale, except via RNA authorised source.
3.     This Ekka Ride Card with designated value ($50/$100/$150) is valid to be
       used at participating carnival rides located at Ekka during Show Period. Not      10. Ekka Ride Cards are not subject to GST.
       valid on games.                                                                   By purchasing an Ekka Ticket, Food and Beverage Card, and/or Ride Cards, the
4.     Please note, these cards do not include entry to the Show. Ekka Ride Cards        holder agrees to the RNA Copyright, Privacy Policy and Disclaimer.
       cannot be used in conjunction with any other Royal Queensland Show                Promotions
       promotion. Ekka Ride Cards can be used in conjunction with cash at the            1.   Discount promotions, including but not limited to Promotional Codes,
       discretion of each ride operator.                                                      exclude Discount Ride Cards and Food and Beverage Cards.
5.     The RNA and ride operators reserve the right to refuse acceptance of any          2.   Super Saver Discount excludes return tickets, discount Ride Cards and Food
       Ekka Ride Card that has been damaged or defaced in any way, does not                   and Beverage Cards.
       have a fully visible barcode or QR code or was not purchased through an
       RNA authorised Ekka Ride Card seller.
6.     Ride operators reserve the right to refuse entry to a ride where the operator
       deems the participation by that person to be dangerous or in breach of ride

                                                         experience ekka 2022
2022 Corporate Suite Menu - Ekka
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