Fine print - Prepare To Be Amazed - Inside

Page created by Ernest Luna
Fine print - Prepare To Be Amazed - Inside
fine print
ELMHURST PUBLIC LIBRARY                                    Autumn 2021


                                      One Book, One Community

                                      EPL Goes Fine Free

                                      Common Connection: Remember

                          Prepare To Be Amazed
Fine print - Prepare To Be Amazed - Inside
IN this issue
    September 2021 • October 2021 • November 2021

                                      For COVID-19 related updates, visit

                                                                                                  L IS

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                                                                                                      D 2
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    Spooky Season       High School         One Book,              Common                 Focus On:                   Caregivers’
    A frightful         and Beyond          One Community          Connection:            The Makery                  Corner
    assortment of       Test prep,          Get in on the          Remember               Make your                   Ideas and
    bone-chilling       college prep, and   conversation!          Rekindle               winter holidays             resources to
    programs for        career resources    Read about and         memories and           extra special.              make the most
    all ages.           for high school     discuss local          discover               Get started on              of your time with
                        students and        ecosystems with        new-to-you             custom-made                 loved ones.
                        their parents.      your community.        history.               gifts now!

    Table of Contents
    Page 4                                  Page 11                                       Page 21
    Community Connection                    Technology                                    Create
    Page 5                                  Page 12                                       Page 24
    Family                                  Business + Career                             Inclusive
    Parents                                 Page 13                                       Library Insiders
    Page 6                                  Travel Smart                                  Page 25
    Storytime                               Page 14                                       Book Discussions
    Page 7                                  20 + 30 Somethings                            EPL Reading Adventure
    Elementary School                       Page 16                                       Page 26
    Page 8                                  Author Events                                 Coming Attractions
    Middle School                           Page 19
    Page 9                                  Social Issues Learning Group
    High School

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in the know

                                                                    Meeting Rooms
                                                                    Our Meeting Rooms are once again
                                                                    available to reserve by community groups!
                                                                    Reservations can be made up to three
                                                                    months in advance. Find room details and
                                                                    the Meeting Room Application online.

                                                                    Lobby Exhibits
                                                                    Are you part of a non-profit organization
                                                                    that would like to be showcased? Is there a
Great news! Elmhurst Public Library no longer charges fines         hobby, club, or collection you’d like to show
on overdue items checked out at our Library. The “Fine Free”        off? Applications are now open to reserve
movement is growing in the library world and has been adopted       our Lobby display case in 2022.
by many local libraries. EPL is excited to break down this                           
access barrier and more equitably serve our community. We
hope to welcome back anyone who felt discouraged about using
the Library due to a fine on their account.
                                                                    Attending Programs
Here’s how things work with overdue items:
  Items still have due dates.                                       Event Key:
  You will get due date updates via text and/or email. Sign up        In-person         Virtual         Hybrid
  at or
  When an item is two weeks overdue, your account will be             Hybrid: These events are offered both in-
  blocked until you return the item.                                  person at the Library and online. Register
                                                                      at for the format of your
                       For more details visit     choice to reserve your seat or receive the
                                                                      link to join from home.
                                                                      YouTube: No registration required. Just
                                                                      visit to watch.
                                                                      Zoom: Register at or call
                                                                      us to receive an email and link to the live
                                                                      video. Note: Not online? Call us to learn
                                                                      how you can listen to Zoom programs via
                                                                      Minecraft, Discord, or Roll20: Register at
                                                             to receive information
                                                                      to join.

         Expanded WiFi                                              ADA Accommodations
         Our WiFi signal is strong enough that it’s                 Available for programs and Library visits. Call
                                                                    (630) 279-8696 or email
         available in our parking lot. Take a conference
         call, shoot some quick emails, or just savor
         the silence. No password required and no
         need to come inside the Library.                           Photo Policy
                                                                    Visitors may be photographed. These photos
                                                                    are for Library use and may be published in
                                                                    Library publicity materials. Notify staff if you
                                                                    do not wish to be photographed.

Fine print - Prepare To Be Amazed - Inside
Spooky Season
                                                                                            In-person event       Virtual event       Hybrid event

     A Look Behind Orson Welles’                        Tarot 101                                      Trick or Treat: A Cultural
    “War of the Worlds” Broadcast                     Wednesday, Oct. 20 • 7-8 p.m.                   History of Hallowe’en
    Tuesday, Oct. 5 • 7-8 p.m.                        Large Meeting Room + Live on Zoom               Tuesday, Oct. 26 • 7-8:30 p.m.
    Large Meeting Room + Live on Zoom                 Adults + Grades 9-12                            Large Meeting Room + Live on Zoom
    Adults + Grades 6-12                              Demystify the tarot with cartomancer            Adults + Grades 9-12
    On the eve of Halloween 1938, a young Orson       Morgan Sedano and learn the basics              Halloween, as we know it, is a surprisingly
    Welles broadcast a radio drama based on           to reading for fun, divination, and self-       modern holiday. Learn about the true origins
    the novel The War of the Worlds. While            betterment. Participants will tap into their    of the spookiest night of the year, some of
    the original broadcast had a relatively small     intuition and discover a wonderful, magical     the wildest ways people have celebrated,
    audience, the impact it had—and continues         new hobby. Register at       and the legends that surround this holiday.
    to have—on American culture is staggering.                                                        Register at
    But how much of that impact was reality, and        GreenMan Theatre
    how much has been exaggerated over the            Presents: Spooky Stories                          The Zombie Zone:
    years? Were there really riots in the streets     Available starting Saturday, Oct. 23
    from panicked listeners? Did Orson Welles                                                         Terrors and Treats
                                                      Adults + Grades 6-12                            Thursday, Oct. 28 • 4-5 p.m.
    know he would frighten people, or was this        Hear a collection of spine-chilling stories
    an accident? Register at                                                       Kids’ Program Room • Grades 3-5
                                                      from the GreenMan Theatre storytellers.         Revel in tales of the undead, create edible
                                                      No registration required.                       brains, and more. This program is not for the
      Makery Craft: Halloween +                       View at                     faint of heart.
    Día de los Muertos                                                                                Register at
    Reservations open Tuesday, Oct. 12-24               Weird Science: It’s Electric!
    The Makery • Adults + Grades 6-12                 Saturday, Oct. 23 • 2-3 p.m.                       Celebrate Day of the Dead
    Book a reservation during Makery hours to         Large Meeting Room • Families                   Available starting Monday, Nov. 1 • Families
    create a Halloween and Día de los Muertos-        Join us for some spooky science full of         Learn the culture surrounding Day of the
    inspired craft. All materials provided. Limit 1   electricity! See your hair stand on end, make   Dead and how to create your own tiny
    per EPL card. Contact           a ghost float, stick pumpkins to the walls,     ofrenda and sugar skulls.
    or (630) 279-8696 to book your session.           and more. Register at to      No registration required.
                                                      reserve a time slot.                            View at
     Culture Club:
    Chicago’s Spooky Secrets                           Short and Scary Contest                           Murder Mystery Party
    Thursday, Oct. 14 • 10:30-11:30 a.m.              Winners Read Their Stories                      Friday, Nov. 5 • 6:30-9 p.m.
    Large Meeting Room + Live on Zoom • Adults        Sunday, Oct. 24 • Families (Best for K+)        Teen Space • Grades 9-12
    Think you know Chicago? Join author Jessica       Be prepared to get scared! Student winners      Join us for an evening of role-playing and
    Mlinaric for an hour of weird Chicago trivia      of the Short and Scary Writing Contest share    murder! Our party will be interrupted by a
    from the city’s spookiest secret places.          their spooky tales. This program is sponsored   death. Will it be the perfect murder? Or can
    Jessica’s book, Secret Chicago: A Guide to        by the Friends of the Library.                  the guests and detectives solve the mystery?
    the Weird, Wonderful, and Obscure, details        No registration required.                       Costumes are encouraged. Refreshments
    90 unique and unusual places, like a grave        View at                     will be served. You must register with your
    in a junkyard and an energy vortex in an                                                          email address so we can send your character
    alley. Test your knowledge and learn about          See page 7 for info on how to enter the       information. Register at
    some of Chicago’s most obscure surprises!           Short and Scary Writing Contest.
    Register at

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Community Connection

                        Elmhurst StoryWalk® Project
                           Autumn 2021 • Offsite: Eldridge Park
This installation promotes early literacy, physical activity, and family time together in nature.
                           See back cover for more information.

                                Family Book Haunt
                               Oct. 1-31 • For Families
 Haunt your home by reading creepy stories in kooky places and earn a spooky surprise!
                        More info at

One Book, One Community: Author Visit with Douglas Tallamy
                             Wednesday, Nov. 17 • 7-8:30 p.m.
Join us for an evening with the author of Elmhurst’s 2021 One Book, One Community title,
      Nature’s Best Hope: A New Approach to Conservation That Starts in Your Yard.
       For more information about the book and other OBOC events, see page 15.

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family + Parents
                                                                                         In-person event       Virtual event           Hybrid event

      Grandparents’ Treasury                         Weird Science: It’s Electric!
    of Stories*                                    Saturday, Oct. 23 • 2-3 p.m.
                                                   Large Meeting Room • Families
                                                                                                      * @Home Kits
    Available starting Thursday, Sept. 9
    Families                                       Join us for some spooky science full               Enhance your program experience
    Learn how to make a book that your             of electricity! See your hair stand on             with @Home Kits, which contain
    grandparent or elder relative can fill with    end, make a ghost float, stick pumpkins            creative and educational materials. All
    stories from their childhood. @Home Kits       to the walls, and more. Register at                kits are available at the Drive-up, while
    are available at the Drive-up while supplies to reserve a time slot.          supplies last. One kit per Library card.
    last. No registration required.
    View at                     Short and Scary Contest                           More details at
                                                   Winners Read Their Stories
      Music Factory                                Available starting Sunday, Oct. 24                 Note: Kits are not required to
    Monday, Sept. 27 • 1:30-2 p.m.                 Families (best for K+)                             participate in programs.
    Kids’ Program Room • Families (best for 1-5)   Be prepared to get scared! Student winners
    Have fun exploring musical instruments         of the Short and Scary Writing Contest share
    and making sounds. A great start for young     their spooky tales. This program is sponsored
    listeners, singers, strummers, and drummers.   by the Friends of the Library.                   Family Minecraft:
    Register at                 No registration required.
                                                   View at
                                                                                                   Ocean Adventures
                                                                                                   Monday, Nov. 15 • 6:30-7:30 p.m.
      Outdoor Explore: Clouds*                                                                     Live on Minecraft and Discord • Families
    Available starting Thursday, Oct. 7              See page 7 for info on how to enter the
                                                                                                   Ahoy mateys! Meet on the EPL Minecraft
    Families                                         Short and Scary Writing Contest.
                                                                                                   server and Discord voice chat for a night of
    Share cool activities, rhymes, and books                                                       swashbuckling challenges.
    about science and nature, perfect for your       Celebrate Day of the Dead                     Register at
    preschool naturalist at home. @Home Kits       Available starting Monday, Nov. 1 • Families
    are available at the Drive-up while supplies   Learn the culture surrounding Day of the
    last. No registration required.                Dead and how to create your own tiny
                                                                                                      Family Gratitude Jar
                                                                                                   Available starting Thursday, Nov. 18
    View at                    ofrenda and sugar skulls.
                                                                                                   Grades K-8
                                                   No registration required.
                                                                                                   Start a family tradition with this activity.
                                                   View at
                                                                                                   A gratitude jar is a wonderful place to put
                                                                                                   notes about what you’re grateful for to pull
                                                                                                   out on a hard day. @Home Kits are available
                                                                                                   at the Drive-up while supplies last.
                                                                                                   No registration required.
                                                                                                   View at

       Learning                                                                                       What is Hanukkah?
                                                                                                   Available starting Monday, Nov. 29

                                                                                                   Learn about the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah
                                                                                                   in this family-friendly program. Find out
                                                                                                   about the culture and traditions surrounding
                                                                                                   this special time of year.
                                                                                                   No registration required.
                                                                                                   View at
       Enrichment materials
                                                                                                     Parenting: Helping Your
       are available for parents,                                                                  Kids Ease the Tease
                                                                                                   Tuesday, Nov. 30 • 7-8 p.m.
       teachers, and students.                                                                     Large Meeting Room + Live on Zoom
                                                                                                   This program for parents outlines ways to
       Located in the Kids’ Library                                                                help your young child gain self assurance
                                                                                                   when faced with teasing. Author Mimi Black
       near the Help Desk.                                                                         and social worker Tracey Orick present ideas
                                                                                                   and take your questions.
                                                                                                   Register at

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Kids ages 2-11 are required to wear masks at in-person events.

  Songs and Stories                                    Wonderful Ones and Twos
Every Saturday • 9:30-10 a.m.                       9:30-10 a.m. • Kids’ Program Room                 Free to Be Three Storytime
Kids’ Program Room • Ages 1-2 w/ adult              Ages 1-2 w/ adult                               9:30-10 a.m. • Kids’ Program Room
Come for stories, rhymes, and music that            Join in rhymes, books, and musical activities   Age 3 w/ adult
keep toddlers and their grownups moving             to engage emerging language skills for ones     Stories, songs, active rhymes, and more are
and smiling. Register for each month at             and twos. Register for one of the series        just right for your three-year-old’s emerging                                  below at                     literacy skills! Register for one of the series
                                                       Wednesdays, Sept. 8-29                       below at
  Saturday Stories                                     Wednesdays, Oct. 6-27                            Fridays, Sept. 10-Oct. 1
Every Saturday (no session Sept. 11)                   Wednesdays, Nov. 3-24                            Fridays, Oct. 8-29
10:30-11 a.m. • Kids’ Program Room                                                                      Fridays, Nov. 5-26
Families                                               Zoom in Your Jammies
Join us for stories, music, and movement,           Wednesday, Sept. 8 • 6:15-6:45 p.m.              Grandparents Are Great!
just right for families to share together.          Live on Zoom • Families (best for 1-5)          Zoom Storytime
Register for each individual session at             Enjoy a round of stories and songs with your    Saturday, Sept. 11 • 10:30-11 a.m.                                  Library friends before bedtime.                 Live on Zoom • Families
                                                    Register at                  Celebrate grandparents with us! Zoom in for
Little Wigglers Storytime                                                                           stories, rhymes, and songs about the wonders
Join us for stories, nursery rhymes, and            Fun for 3s, 4s, and 5s                          of grandparents. Register for the Zoom link
music to keep little ones gleefully engaged.        Tales packed with rhyme and vocabulary,         to this program, then tell your grandparents
  Virtual • Every Tuesday • 9:30-10 a.m.            storytelling, and lively musical activities     to register as well, so you can enjoy together!
  Live on Zoom • Families (best for 1-5)            make it an exciting morning.                    Register at
  Register at                       Virtual • Every Thursday
   In Person                                           9:30-10 a.m. • Live on Zoom                    Mother Goose and Me
  10:15-10:45 a.m. • Kids’ Program Room                Ages 3-5 w/ adult                            9:30-10 a.m. • Kids’ Program Room
  Families (best for 1-5)                              Register at               Newborn to 11 months w/ adult
  Register for one of the series below at              In Person                                    Enjoy meeting other parents of newborns                                   10:15-10:45 a.m. • Kids’ Program Room        to share rhymes, activities, and resources.
      Tuesdays, Sept. 7-28                             Ages 3-5 w/ adult                            Register for one of the series below at
      Tuesdays, Oct. 5-26                              Register for one of the series below at
      Tuesdays, Nov. 2-30                                                 Mondays, Sept. 13-Oct. 4
                                                          Thursday, Sept. 9-30                        Mondays, Oct. 11-Nov. 1
                                                          Thursday, Oct. 7-28                         Mondays, Nov. 8-29
                                                          Thursday, Nov. 4-18

Coming Attractions
           Reserve your copy online:

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Elementary School
                                                                                           In-person event        Virtual event           Hybrid event

      Unicorn Book Party                              Kids’ Conservation:                              Short and Scary
    Monday, Sept. 13 • 4-4:45 p.m.                   Native Plants and Insects                        Writing Contest
    Kids’ Program Room • Grades K-2                  Tuesday, Sept. 21 • 4-5 p.m.                     Deadline: Oct. 11 • 9 p.m. • Grades K-8
    We love unicorns! Share favorite unicorn         Meet in Kids’ Program Room • Grades 3-5          Quick! Scare us with your own original
    books, activities, and crafts.                   Help save the earth, starting in your own        super-short story or poem. Create a scary
    Register at                   backyard. Learn about some of the amazing        work that’s 15 sentences or less. Winners get
                                                     wildlife in our community, explore nature’s      a Barnes & Noble gift certificate, a spot in
     Celebrate Día! YouTube                          plant and insect interconnections, and           our Kid’s Ink magazine, and an opportunity to
    Reviews for Diverse Books                        learn how helping them also helps us.            read their entry for a video on the Library’s
    Available starting Fridays, Sept. 17, Oct. 15,   Conservationist Emily Kenny leads the            YouTube page. Entry info at
    and Nov. 26 • Grades 2-8                         program. Dress for the outdoors!
    Celebrate a year of Día (Diversity in Action)    Register at                    See page 5 for info on the Short and Scary
    by reading books featuring kids from many                                                         Winning Writers Read Their Stories event.
    backgrounds. On each program date, we              Straw Rockets*
    share suggestions for new titles to read.        Available starting Thursday, Sept. 23              The Zombie Zone:
    Choose your favorites, then get started on       Grades K-8                                       Terrors and Treats
    making your own book review!                     Learn how to make a simple rocket from           Thursday, Oct. 28 • 4-5 p.m.
    No registration required.                        a straw! @Home Kits are available at the         Kids’ Program Room • Grades 3-5
    View at                      Drive-up while supplies last.                    Revel in tales of the undead, create edible
                                                     No registration required.                        brains, and more. This program is not for the
      Kids’ Online Chess                             View at                      faint of heart.
    Sundays, Sept. 19, Oct. 24, and Nov. 21                                                           Register at
    3-4 p.m. • Live on Zoom • Grades K-8               Online LEGO Club
    Chessmaster Jeff DiOrio teaches winning          Wednesdays, Sept. 29 and Nov. 24                   Make a Spectroscope*
    strategies to improve your game. Players         4-4:45 p.m. • Live on Zoom • Grades K-2          Available starting Thursday, Nov. 4
    must know all of the basic rules to join.        Pour out your LEGO bin at home and join          Grades 1-5
    Register at                   us on Zoom for some exciting LEGO building       Make a homemade spectroscope with a
                                                     challenges. See your friends, accept the         few simple materials and explore the light
                                                     challenges, and share what you create at         spectrum with this science activity. You’ll
                                                     home with your own LEGOs.                        see all kinds of rainbows! @Home Kits are
                                                     Register at                   available at the Drive-up while supplies last.
                                                                                                      No registration required.
                                                       Want to participate but don’t have LEGOs       View at
                                                     at home? Contact us at and
                                                     we will supply you!
                                                                                                        Dog Man Trivia
                                                                                                      Wednesday, Nov. 10 • 4-4:45 p.m.
                                                       Book Party:                                    Kids’ Program Room • Grades 1-5
                                                     Judy Moody Saves the World                       If you enjoy Dog Man by Dav Pilkey, join us
                                                     Tuesday, Oct. 5 • 4-4:45 p.m.                    for an afternoon of trivia.
                                                     Kids’ Program Room • Grades 2-3                  Register at
                                                     Judy Moody wants to save the world, and you
                                                     can too! Join us for activities featuring that
                                                     lively book character and ways you can help
                                                     save the world. Register at

                                                      A Gathering of                                     * @Home Kits
                                                     Native American Tales
                                                     Available starting Monday, Oct. 11                  Enhance your program experience
                                                     Grades K-8                                          with @Home Kits, which contain
                                                     Celebrate Indigenous People’s Day, Oct 11.          creative and educational materials. All
                                                     Ojibwa elder Kim Sigafus shares her native          kits are available at the Drive-up, while
                                                     culture through a family program of Native          supplies last. One kit per Library card.
                                                     American storytelling. Gather together for
                                                     an Ojibwa creation story and a tale about           More details at
                                                     the Dreamcatcher. No registration required.
                                                     View at                         Note: Kits are not required to
                                                                                                         participate in programs.

Fine print - Prepare To Be Amazed - Inside
Middle School
Kids ages 2-11 are required to wear masks at in-person events.

  Minecraft Mondays                                   C2IA: Community Change                          Jean Jacket Shrinky Dinks*
Every Monday • 4-5 p.m.                             in Action                                       Available starting Thursday, Oct. 21
Live on Minecraft + Discord • Grades 6-12           Fridays, Sept. 24 and Nov. 5 • 6-7 p.m.         Grades 6-8
This is a fun, relaxing time to visit with other    Middle School Hangout • Grades 6-8              Learn how to create Shrinky Dink pins to
players, gain skills, show off your builds, or      Want to talk with other middle schoolers        adorn your jean jacket. @Home Kits are
just share your enthusiasm for the Minecraft        about things that need changing in our          available at the Drive-up while supplies last.
world. Register at               world? Be a part of the solution—think, talk,   No registration required.
                                                    act! Register at             View at
  Minecraft UHC
Every Monday • 5-6 p.m.                              Middle School Cooks:                             Golden Shovel Poetry
Live on Minecraft + Discord • Grades 6-12                                                           Friday, Nov. 19 • 4-5 p.m.
This fun, weekly contest is a last-player-          Dinner and a Movie                              Kids’ Program Room • Grades 6-8
standing survival game where the world              Available starting Friday, Oct. 8               Learn how to write “Golden Shovel” poetry.
shrinks as the timer ticks on. The winner           Grades 6-8                                      This program brings the power of poetry to
receives an in-game prize and a chance to           Chef Kristyn Slick presents a virtual feast     life, using poems from the past to create new
be recognized on the leaderboard.                   that you can make! She prepares the perfect     poems in your own voice.
Register at                      dish with some great Friday night movies.       Register at
                                                    No registration required.
                                                    View at

Coming Attractions
           Reserve your copy online:

Fine print - Prepare To Be Amazed - Inside
high School
                                                                             In-person event        Virtual event       Hybrid event

                                       Minecraft Mondays                                  Teen Crafternoon

                                     Every Monday • 4-5 p.m.                            Friday, Sept. 17, Oct. 15, Nov. 19
                                     Live on Minecraft + Discord • Grades 6-12          4-5:30 p.m. • Teen Space • Grades 9-12
                                     This is a fun, relaxing time to visit with other   Feeling crafty? Come hang in the Teen Space
                                     players, gain skills, show off your builds, or     and make something! Each month we provide

                                     just share your enthusiasm for the Minecraft       materials and ideas. You get to take home a
                                     world. Register at              new skill and a finished project!
                                                                                        Register at
                                       Minecraft UHC
                                     Every Monday • 5-6 p.m.                              GarageBand Basics

                                     Live on Minecraft + Discord • Grades 6-12          Saturday, Sept. 18 • 2-3:30 p.m.
                                     This fun, weekly contest is a last-player-         2nd Floor Lab • Adults + Grades 9-12
                                     standing survival game where the world             GarageBand is Apple’s free music creation
                                     shrinks as the timer ticks on. The winner          software used for recording and creating
                                     receives an in-game prize and a chance to          audio projects with vocals, instruments, and
     Sept. 26 - Oct. 2               be recognized on the leaderboard.
                                     Register at
                                                                                        loops. Register at

                                                                                          Teen Culinary Adventure
                                       Teen Advisors                                    Friday, Sept. 24 • 6-9 p.m.
                                     Every Wednesday • 6:30-7 p.m.                      Large Meeting Room • Grades 9-12
                                     Live on Discord • Grades 9-12                      Learn how to decorate sugar cookies using
                                     Help plan programs for teens at the Library,       royal icing and other delicious ingredients.
                                     voice your opinion, and make new friends.          This is a hands-on class that covers baking
                                     Register at                     basics, recipes, and a variety of design
                                                                                        techniques to create beautifully-iced
                                       Video Game Tourney Night                         cookies. Register at
                                     Every Wednesday • 7-8:30 p.m.
                                     Kossmann Room • Grades 9-12                          Murder Mystery Party
                                     We’re mixing up the Smash Bros.                    Friday, Nov. 5 • 6:30-9 p.m.
                                     Tournament by adding alternative games             Teen Space • Grades 9-12
                                     and tournaments. Spectators welcome!               Join us for an evening of role-playing and
                                     Register at                     murder! Our party will be interrupted by a
                                                                                        death. Will it be the perfect murder? Can the
                                       Spill!                                           guests and the detectives solve the mystery?
                                     Every Thursday, starting Sept. 9 • 4-5 p.m.        Refreshments will be served and costumes
                                     (No sessions when District 205 is off)             are encouraged. You must register with your
                                     Teen Space • Grades 9-12                           email address so we can send your character
                                     A chance for teens to share thoughts and           information.
                                     explore current topics with EPL’s social           Register at
                                     worker. No registration required.
                                                                                          Intro to Logic Pro X
                                       Dungeons & Dragons                               Saturday, Nov. 20 • 2-3:30 p.m.
                                     Tuesdays, Sept. 14, Oct. 12, and Nov. 9            2nd Floor Lab • Adults + Grades 9-12
      Win a York Theatre                                                                Logic Pro X is Apple’s professional music
                                     6-9 p.m. • Live on Roll20 + Discord
      or City Centre gift card!      Grades 9-12                                        creation software available in our Creative
                                     The adventure continues ... Upon the eclipse       Studios. Take a step up from GarageBand
      Check out the 2nd                                                                 and learn more about Logic Pro X.
                                     of the full moon, an ancient portal has opened
      Floor display for details.     in the ruins of Ar-Dranor. King Lewelian is        Register at
                                     calling on the brave and strong to discover
      Additional banned teen         what lies beyond the mysterious gate. Will
      books and comics quiz          you venture into the unknown, before the
                                     gateway closes? Join our thriving D&D online
      available in the Teen Space.   community on Roll20 for an original campaign
                                     led by internationally acclaimed DM Thomas
      Win extra prizes!
                                     Lewis. First timers must create an account
                                     before playing.                                      High School Students
                                     More information at               You are welcome at most adult programs!
                                                                                          Check out pages 11-25.

High School
   How to Begin Your College Search                                      Understanding the Sticker Price of Higher
Tuesday, Sept. 21 • 7-8 p.m.                                            Education
Meeting Room A + Live on Zoom • Grades 9-12 and Parents                 Tuesday, Oct. 19 • 7-8:30 p.m.
Finding the right college for you does not mean just choosing           Large Meeting Room + Live on Zoom • Grades 9-12 and Parents
where a college-bound student will live for the next four years. It     Each year the price of college tuition rises higher than the yearly
means finding the best academic, social, and financial fit for them.    rate of inflation. How can college-bound families afford to pay for
In this presentation, Thomas Jaworski of Quest College Consulting       college with these annual increases? Thomas Jaworski of Quest
provides high school families with tips and advice on how to break      College Consulting shares his expertise on breaking down the cost
down the stressful college search process, including how to virtually   of college, including changes to the financial aid process and how to
interact with colleges.                                                 find scholarships. Register at
Register at
                                                                          College Financial Aid Process
  College Major and Career Planning                                     Tuesday, Nov. 2 • 7-8 p.m.
Thursday, Oct. 14 • 7-8 p.m.                                            Large Meeting Room + Live on Zoom • Grades 9-12 and Parents
Large Meeting Room + Live on Zoom • Grades 9-12 and Parents             This session outlines the general financial aid process and provides
Entering college with a career direction and choosing the right         insight on how financial aid works, how to apply for it, student
major contributes to students’ happiness, success, and likelihood of    eligibility, and how it can be used to help pay for college. We
graduating on time. Presented by Career Vision.                         introduce the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA),
Register at                                          along with summarizing state and federal aid programs, among other
                                                                        topics. Presented by the Illinois Student Assistance Commission
                                                                        (ISAC). Register at

Coming Attractions
          Reserve your copy online:

                                                                                          In-person event       Virtual event         Hybrid event

       Google Docs, Sheets,                          Video Subscription                                Exploring Video Games
     and Slides                                     Services and Technology                         Friday, Oct. 22 • 2-3:30 p.m.
     Friday, Sept. 3 • 2-3:30 p.m.                  Wednesday, Sept. 22 • 6:30-8 p.m.               2nd Floor Lab • Adults + Grades 9-12
     2nd Floor Lab • Adults + Grades 9-12           2nd Floor Lab • Adults + Grades 9-12            Video games can be fun, but getting started
     Learn how to create, save, and share           Learn about subscription services and what      may seem complex and overwhelming. We
     documents and files with your Google           you need to watch video on your TV or           share the easiest and most accessible ways
     account. Bring your Gmail username and         mobile devices. Review apps, platforms, and     to begin your video game journey.
     password. Register at       equipment for streaming video.                  Register at
                                                    Register at
       Excel Basics                                                                                    Excel Intermediate
     Wednesday, Sept. 8 • 10-11:30 a.m.              Skills You Need to                             Wednesday, Oct. 27 • 2-3:30 p.m.
     2nd Floor Lab • Adults + Grades 9-12                                                           2nd Floor Lab • Adults + Grades 9-12
                                                    Work From Home                                  Go further in Excel with formulas, functions,
     Get started creating spreadsheet projects      Monday, Oct. 4 • 5-6:30 p.m.
     using basic formulas and functions.                                                            and formatting options.
                                                    2nd Floor Lab • Adults + Grades 9-12            Register at
     Register at                 Working from home has gained popularity.
                                                    Familiarize yourself with some helpful apps
       Apple/Mac Basics                             to improve your focus, organization, and          Advanced Excel:
     Tuesday, Sept. 14 • 10-11:30 a.m.              productivity. Register at    Pivot Tables
     2nd Floor Lab • Adults + Grades 9-12                                                           Wednesday, Nov. 3 • 6:30-8 p.m.
     Great for beginners, this class introduces       Digitize Cassettes, Records,                  2nd Floor Lab • Adults + Grades 9-12
     users to the Mac computer and operating                                                        Improve your spreadsheets with pivot
     system. Register at         and Film                                        tables to sort, summarize, and analyze data.
                                                    Thursday, Oct. 7 • 2-3:30 p.m.                  Register at
                                                    2nd Floor Lab • Adults + Grades 9-12
       GarageBand Basics                            Learn about the equipment available at the
     Saturday, Sept. 18 • 2-3:30 p.m.               Library to digitize your memories so they can      Cricut Design Space
     2nd Floor Lab • Adults + Grades 9-12           be enjoyed easily with modern technology.       Tuesday, Nov. 9 • 6-7:30 p.m.
     GarageBand is Apple’s free music creation      Register at                  2nd Floor Lab • Adults + Grades 9-12
     software used for recording and creating                                                       Learn how to create projects for the Cricut
     audio projects with vocals, instruments, and                                                   cutting machine. Design t-shirts, paper crafts,
     loops. Register at             Intro to TikTok                              mugs, and more.
                                                    Tuesday, Oct. 12 • 6-7:30 p.m.                  Register at
                                                    2nd Floor Lab • Adults + Grades 9-12
                                                    Join millions of people editing and sharing
                                                    videos on TikTok, a popular app in the world       Microsoft Office Overview
                                                    of social media.                                Wednesday, Nov. 10 • 10-11:30 a.m.
                                                    Register at                  2nd Floor Lab • Adults + Grades 9-12
                                                                                                    Get introduced to apps that can be essential
                                                                                                    for both personal and business projects.
                                                                                                    Register at

                                                                                                       iPhone iOS
                                                                                                    Friday, Nov. 19 • 2-3:30 p.m.
                                                                                                    2nd Floor Lab • Adults + Grades 9-12
                                                                                                    Learn about the useful features included in
                                                                                                    iOS and ask questions about your iPhone.
                                                                                                    Register at

                                                                                                       Intro to Logic Pro X
                                                                                                    Saturday, Nov. 20 • 2-3:30 p.m.
                                                                                                    2nd Floor Lab • Adults + Grades 9-12
                                                                                                    Logic Pro X is Apple’s professional music
                                                                                                    creation software available in our Creative
                                          Drop-in Tech Help                                         Studio. It’s used for recording and creating
                                          Find solutions to your tech questions by                  audio projects with vocals, instruments, and
                                          stopping by the 2nd Floor or remotely,                    loops. Register at
                                          through our Virtual Information Desk

Business + Career
                                                                                          Elmhurst Business
                                                                                         Thursdays, Sept. 16, Oct. 21, and Nov. 18
                                                                                         8-10 a.m. • Live on Zoom • Adults
                                                                                         Join Fox Valley SCORE mentors for a
                                                                                         roundtable discussion on new topics each
                                                                                         month. Meet with business owners in the
                                                                                         Elmhurst community to get advice, network,
                                                                                         and share experiences with peers.
                                                                                         View topics and register at

                                                                                          Plan and Prepare for a
                                                                                         Successful Career Transition
                                                                                         Monday, Sept. 20 • 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
                                                                                         Large Meeting Room + Live on Zoom
                                                                                         Use your applicable work experience and
                                                                                         skills to assist you in finding a job in a new
                                                                                         industry. Understand how to plan and
                                                                                         prepare for a career change, review tools
                                                                                         to assist in the process, and gain confidence
                                                                                         in your journey. Presented with People’s
                                                                                         Resource Center.
                                                                                         Register at

Business Librarian Cheryl Fortman can answer your job search and business-related          Interview Perspectives
questions or help with one-on-one research.                                              from Across the Desk
                                                                                         Monday, Oct. 18 • 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
           Phone: (630) 279-8696       Email:                  Large Meeting Room + Live on Zoom
                                                                                         Adults + Grades 9-12
                                                                                         Gain real-world interview advice from
                                                                                         the viewpoint of a human resources
                                                                                         manager. Learn to identify and understand
Career Services Resources                                                                areas of concern, stand out during an
                                                                                         interview, and answer difficult questions
                                                                                         concerning job gaps, firings, and more.
Available through the Library               Local Organizations
                                                                                         Presented with People’s Resource Center.
                                                                                         Register at
Career Center from                People’s Resource Center
Get career help in real time in a secure,   Connect with personalized job coaches.
anonymous, online classroom.                DuPage residency required.                    Repetition Leads to
                                        Success! Mock Interviews
                                                                                         Monday, Nov. 15 • 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
LinkedIn Learning                           WorkNet DuPage                               Large Meeting Room + Live on Zoom
Learn new skills to gain a competitive      Job seeker workshops, resume reviews,        Adults + Grades 9-12
edge and increase your employability.       and assistance for Certificate Programs.     Improve interview skills and receive real-
                         time feedback from job coaches through a
                                                                                         series of mock interviews. Learn how to set
Reference Solutions by Data Axle            Goodwill Workforce Connection Center         a positive tone for the interview and answer
Find jobs and internships, research         Provides convenient access, tools and        difficult questions, including the dreaded
companies, and attend free webinars on      technology, and support to job seekers.      “tell me about yourself.” Presented with
career search strategies.                 People’s Resource Center.
                 seeker/workforce-connection-centers        Register at

travel smart
          Expert librarians stock our Travel Center with the best materials to help you plan your trip, no matter the destination.
          Browse these items near the fireplace on the 2nd Floor.

        National Parks                     Be Culture Smart!                         Road Trips                    Learn a Language
           423 parks.                       Have a richer and                   Fill up the gas tank              Phrasebooks help you
        85 million acres.                   more meaningful                    and head out on the                  get versed in your
     Commune with nature                   experience abroad                  open road. Check out                     destination.
      and use our guides                    through a better                    the Library’s books
       to focus your trip.                understanding of the                  about sights to see                Try the Transparent
                                              local culture.                  while traveling by car.               Language app at

           Bucket List                           Atlases                          Moon Guides                      Travel Magazines
      Make a list and check                Find your way with                Authentic and diverse              Get inspired by the most
     off the world’s must-see           atlases and folding maps             authors prioritize local            up-to-date info about
           travel spots.                 to use during your trip.             businesses, outdoor               travel and destinations.
                                                                                 recreation, and
                                                                              sustainable traveling.              Read magazines online

             Foodies                          Antarctica                            Disney                             Travelogues
          Plan your trip                  Go where you never                  Know before you go:                   Transport yourself
          around your                      thought possible.                 Get the inside scoop                     to a new place
           tastebuds.                                                        on hotels, restaurants,               through travelogues
                                                                                and attractions.                       and memoirs.
20 + 30 Somethings
  In-person event        Virtual event           Hybrid event                             Programs marked 20s/30s Adults are limited to ages 18-40.

                                             Connect • Engage • Thrive
                                                    Connect with others in the community,
                                         while navigating all the challenges that come with adulthood.

  Board Game Night                                    Cake & Canvas                                   Tarot 101
Friday, Sept. 3 • 7-8:30 p.m.                      Friday, Sept. 17 • 7-8:45 p.m.                  Wednesday, Oct. 20 • 7-8 p.m.
Large Meeting Room • 20s/30s Adults                Large Meeting Room • 20s/30s Adults             Large Meeting Room + Live on Zoom
Join us for a night of open gaming with other      We may not be able to have a paint and          Adults + Grades 9-12
board game fans. Bring your own game to            sip with alcohol, but we can have the next      Demystify the tarot with cartomancer
share or play one of ours.                         best thing: cake! Enjoy a sweet treat while     Morgan Sedano and learn the basics
Register at                     learning how to create a masterpiece using      of reading for fun, divination, and self-
                                                   acrylic paint. All supplies provided.           betterment. Participants tap into their
  20s/30s Book Discussions                         Register at                  intuition and discover a wonderful, magical
  Wisdom from a Humble Jellyfish                                                                   new hobby. Register at
  by Rani Shah                                        DIY Dry Erase Board
  Friday, Sept. 10 • 7-8:15 p.m.                   Friday, Oct. 1 • 7-8:30 p.m.                       Grownup Storytime
  Gathering Room • 20s/30s Adults                  Large Meeting Room • 20s/30s Adults             Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark
  From the resting habits of jellyfish to          Create a personalized dry erase board to        Friday, Oct. 29 • 7:30-8:30 p.m.
  the pearl-producing immune response              organize your life with this crafty picture     Outside: Reading Garden • 20s/30s Adults
  of oysters, nature has a lot of lessons to       frame hack. Make a calendar, meal plan,         Relive the fear and excitement of sharing
  teach us about dealing with adversity if         fantasy football bracket, message board, or     spooky stories as a kid with this after-dark
  you know where to look. This charmingly          whatever else you can imagine. All materials    storytime for grownups featuring the Scary
  illustrated book will guide and delight you      provided. Register at        Stories to Tell in the Dark collections by Alvin
  with self-care tips and interesting plant                                                        Schwartz. Register at
  and animal trivia to help the lessons stick.      A Deeper Dive into Car
  Register at                                                                      Art Therapy Night
                                                   Ownership and Maintenance
                                                   Friday, Oct. 15 • 7-8:30 p.m.                   Friday, Nov. 19 • 7-8:30 p.m.
  The Midnight Library by Matt Haig                                                                Large Meeting Room • 20s/30s Adults
  Thursday, Nov. 11 • 7-8:15 p.m.                  Large Meeting Room + Live on Zoom
                                                   Adults + Grades 9-12                            Come unwind with adult coloring books and
  Gathering Room • 20s/30s Adults                                                                  other forms of art therapy while enjoying
  Who hasn’t imagined how their life would         Are you ready to really understand what’s
                                                   happening under the hood of your car?           friendly conversation and soothing music.
  be different if they made other choices?                                                         Bring your own materials or use ours.
  In this bestselling novel, Nora Seed is an       Chaya Milchtein, the Mechanic Shop
                                                   Femme, provides a comprehensive view            Register at
  unhappy woman at a personal crossroads
  who finds herself in a mystical library of       of your vehicle’s needs—including cleaning,
  infinite books, each representing a life         fuel systems, brakes, and transmission fluid.      Brooklyn Nine-Nine Trivia
  she could have lived, and an enigmatic           Never live in fear of that pesky check engine   Tuesday, Nov. 23 • 7-8 p.m.
  librarian who gives her the opportunity          light again.                                    Live on YouTube • Adults + Grades 9-12
  to exchange her life for a different one.        Register at                  Test your knowledge and compete for
  Nora’s excursions into different lives and                                                       prizes online. For the best experience, use
  her eventual decisions deliver intriguing                                                        a computer to access the YouTube Live
  philosophical lessons on fulfillment and                                                         presentation while using a smartphone to
  regret. Register at                                                           submit your answers. Live on YouTube:
                                                                                                   Register at

One Book, One Community
                                                                                              In-person event        Virtual event        Hybrid event

                                                                      About the Program
                                                                      One Book, One Community is an opportunity for the entire Elmhurst
                                                                      community to read and engage with the same book title. The Library offers
                                                                      discussions and programming around the book’s topics. We encourage
                                                                      book clubs, families, and workplaces to consider using the title as a basis
                                                                      for discussion.

                                                                      Join the Discussion
                                                                      Nature’s Best Hope by Douglas W. Tallamy
                                                                         Thursday, Sept. 16 • 1-2:15 p.m. • Gathering Room
                                                                         Thursday, Sept. 16 • 7-8:15 p.m. • Live on Zoom
                                                                      With 95% of the USA developed, 3 billion birds lost in the last 50 years, and
                                                                      insect species declining and endangered, Professor Douglas W. Tallamy’s
                                                                      solution is to set up functional ecosystems in our yards; in effect, to create
                                                                      the Homegrown National Park, with an estimated 20 million acres of
                                                                      conservation corridors. “The quality of our lives depends on the quality of
                                                                      our local ecosystems,” he says, urging us to take part in his plan in order to
                                                                      preserve wildlife. Register at

                                                                      How Do I Get a Copy?
                                                                      Nature’s Best Hope is available through EPL’s catalog in book, audio, and
                                                                      digital formats. Discover all your reading options at

      Rachel Carson: Silent                              Kids’ Conservation:                              Composting: Building Your
     Spring and the Birth of the                        Native Plants and Insects                        Garden from the Ground Up
     Modern Ecology Movement                            Tuesday, Sept. 21 • 4-5 p.m.                     Tuesday, Oct. 12 • 7-8 p.m.
     Tuesday, Sept. 7 • 7-8 p.m.                        Meet in Kids’ Program Room • Grades 3-5          Large Meeting Room + Live on Zoom
     Large Meeting Room + Live on Zoom                  Help save the earth, starting in your own        Adults + Grades 6-12
     Adults + Grades 9-12                               backyard. Learn about some of the amazing        Learn the benefits of composting to improve
     Biologist and author Rachel Carson                 wildlife in our community, explore nature’s      the health and vitality of your garden by
     warned the world of the potentially dire           plant and insect interconnections, and           using the organic matter generated in your
     environmental impact of chemical pesticides        learn how helping them also helps us.            home and yard. Presented by the University
     in her best-selling 1962 book, Silent Spring. In   Conservationist Emily Kenny leads the            of Illinois Extension.
     this living-history program set in 1963, actress   program. Dress for the outdoors!                 Register at
     and historian Leslie Goddard portrays              Register at
     Carson as she discusses her childhood love                                                            Native Plants and
     for the living world, her passion for writing,        Beneficial Bugs                               Pollinators for Our Local
     and her work to awaken the world to the            Tuesday, Sept. 28 • 7-8 p.m.
     beauty and fragility of nature.                    Large Meeting Room + Live on Zoom                Landscapes
     Register at                     Adults + Grades 6-12                             Monday, Nov. 8 • 7-8 p.m.
                                                        Not all bugs are bad; some of them help us       Large Meeting Room + Live on Zoom
                                                                                                         Adults + Grades 6-12
        Growing Greens Indoors                          defend against harmful insects. Horticulturist
                                                                                                         Dig into native plants best suited for your
     Tuesday, Sept. 14 • 7-8:15 p.m.                    Sharon Yiesla teaches how to identify
                                                        common beneficial organisms, how they            landscape. Discover the benefits of native
     Large Meeting Room + Live on Zoom                                                                   plants at home, including less maintenance,
     Adults + Grades 6-12                               benefit gardeners, and how to get the good
                                                        guys into our gardens and keep them there.       water conservation, and improved soil
     Uncover the basics for growing greens year-                                                         condition. Then, get tips for planting natives
     round inside your home. We discuss tools           Register at
                                                                                                         to attract pollinators, including butterflies,
     and practices. Find inspiration in a variety of                                                     bees, and hummingbirds, and support other
     set-ups and possibilities for a green garden                                                        wildlife. Register at
     indoors! Register at
Author Events
                                                                       The Color of Law &
                                                                      Reversing Segregation:
                                                                      Author Visit with Richard
                                                                      Wednesday, Oct. 13
                                                                      7-8 p.m.
                                                                      Live on Zoom • Adults
                                                                      Author of The Color of Law: A
                                                                      Forgotten History of How Our
                                                                      Government Segregated America,
                                                                      Richard Rothstein presents on the
                                                                      policies that led to racial segregation
                                                                      in American communities, and what can be done to reverse
                                                                      these practices and work towards racial equity. Rothstein is
                                                                      a Distinguished Fellow of the Economic Policy Institute and
                                                                      a Senior Fellow (emeritus) at the Thurgood Marshall Institute
                                                                      of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. In partnership with
                                                                      Racial Awareness in the North Shore (RAIN) and Together
                                                                      is Better Alliance (TiBA). Co-sponsored with area libraries.
                                                                      Register at

                                                                        Social Issues Learning Group
                                                                      How Cities Were Built On Segregation
                                                                      Thursday, Oct. 7 • 7-8:30 p.m. • Live on Zoom • Adults
                                                                      Read The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our
                                                                      Government Segregated America by Richard Rothstein. Then,
                                                                      join us for discussion on the racial segregation of neighborhoods.
                                                                      Register at

 One Book, One Community:
Author Visit with Douglas Tallamy
Wednesday, Nov. 17 • 7-8:30 p.m.
Large Meeting Room + Live on Zoom • Adults + Grades 9-12
Join us for an evening with Douglas Tallamy, author of our 2021 One
Book, One Community read, Nature’s Best Hope: A New Approach
to Conservation That Starts in Your Yard. Tallamy speaks about
his book, the dangerous decline of plant and animal populations,
and how we can help solve the problem, starting in our own
backyard. Q&A to follow. Presented with the Elmhurst Cool Cities
Coalition. Sponsored by the Friends of the Elmhurst Public Library.
Register at

One Book, One Community is sponsored by the Friends of the
Elmhurst Public Library.
Since 1941, the Friends have enhanced the Library’s resources
and supported EPL programs through funds from their dues and
various fundraising ventures. Working separately but alongside
the Library, the Friends further the mission of EPL by securing
materials beyond the scope of the ordinary budget to add
further enrichment opportunities to the citizens of Elmhurst.

                                        Join at

Common Connection: remember
                                                                                        In-person event       Virtual event       Hybrid event

        The Common Connection is a series of
        programs using lectures, discussion, and
        critical thinking to identify topics that
        influence the world today — no matter who
        we are. Coming together with the Library
        to learn and discuss these complex issues
        is the first step towards forging a deeper
        understanding of the world around us and
        the unique individuals who comprise our

                 This issue’s topic is
        The Library invites you to revisit the past to
        more closely examine our collective history.
        The past is the framework that lends its
        shape to the present. Asking questions,
        seeking new perspectives, and discussing
        what came before will paint a clearer picture
        of how we got to where we are today—and
        how to move forward.


       Driving Forces:                                                       A Date We Will Always
     100+ Years of Women Influencing, Buying,                               Remember: September 11, 2001
     Designing, and Driving Automobiles                                     Monday, Sept. 13 • 7-8:30 p.m.
     Thursday, Sept. 9 • 7-8:30 p.m. • Live on Zoom                         Large Meeting Room + Live on Zoom • Adults + Grades 6-12
     Large Meeting Room + Live on Zoom • Adults + Grades 6-12               On September 11, 2001, the world seemed to stop. To this day,
     From the very start, women have been right there next to men in        it is a powerful tragedy that Americans remember vividly, a day
     the history of automobiles: influencing, buying, designing, driving,   when innocent lives were tragically lost. Heroes were made of
     and racing! Beginning in 1888 with Bertha Benz's historic long-        the firefighters, police, first responders, and everyday Americans
     distance outing in a horseless carriage, explore a host of female      who sacrificed and risked their lives to help save others during
     automotive pioneers including the first woman to drive across the      and after the attacks. Historian Jim Gibbons explains the
     United States, the first female auto designers at General Motors,      events that took place before, during, and after the attacks.
     the need for speed women of auto racing, the first female CEO at       Register at
     GM, and a number of other notables. Register at
Common Connection: remember
   Retro Cooking                                   After You're Gone:                               160 Minutes:
Wednesday, Sept. 22 • 7-8 p.m.                   Preserving Your                                   The Race to Save the Titanic
Large Meeting Room + Live on Zoom                                                                  Wednesday, Nov. 3 • 7-8 p.m.
Adults                                           Genealogy Research
                                                 Monday, Oct. 11 • 7-8 p.m.                        Large Meeting Room + Live on Zoom
Rev up your time machines—we're taking                                                             Adults + Grades 9-12
your kitchen back in time! Chef Kristyn Slick    Large Meeting Room + Live on Zoom
                                                 Adults                                            One hundred and sixty minutes: that is all
demos some favorite recipes of decades                                                             the time rescuers had before the largest
past. History has never been so tasty!           Have you ever considered what will happen
                                                 to your years of genealogy research               ship in the world slipped beneath the icy
Register at                                                                     Atlantic. Hear tales of amazing heroism and
                                                 once you're gone? Learn how to ensure
                                                 that your hard work is saved. Through             astounding incompetence surrounding the
 Genealogy Club: Dig Into                        a combination of planning, common                 sinking of the Titanic in 1912. Learn about the
Your Research                                    sense, and new technologies, create an            28 ships involved in the rescue and the two
Monday, Oct. 4 • 7-8 p.m.                        action plan for your genealogy research.          telegraph operators who made any hope of
Live on Zoom • Adults + Grades 9-12              Register at                    rescue possible.
Join other genealogy enthusiasts for a virtual                                                     Register at
meeting. Bring your questions and share your       The Flickering Empire:
knowledge. Staff is available to talk about                                                          The Happy Invention:
online Library genealogy resources.              Silent Film in Chicago
                                                 Wednesday, Oct. 20 • 1-2 p.m.                     The History and Significance
Register at
                                                 Large Meeting Room + Live on Zoom                 of Picture Postcards
                                                 Adults + Grades 9-12                              Monday, Nov. 29 • 7-8 p.m.
 A Look Behind Orson Welles’                     Hear tales from the early 20th Century,           Large Meeting Room + Live on Zoom
“War of the Worlds” Broadcast                    when Chicago was the unlikely capital of          Adults + Grades 9-12
Tuesday, Oct. 5 • 7-8 p.m.                       American film production before Hollywood.        In America, the first picture postcards were
Large Meeting Room + Live on Zoom                Learn about the rise and fall of Chicago          printed for the 1893 World's Columbian
Adults + Grades 6-12                             movie studios in the Silent Film Era and the      Exposition in Chicago—making Illinois the
On the eve of Halloween 1938, a young Orson      larger-than-life historical figures that played   birthplace of the American picture postcard.
Welles broadcast a radio drama based on          a role, including Thomas Edison, Charlie          In 2016, the world's largest public collection
the novel The War of the Worlds. While           Chaplin, and Orson Welles. Presented by           of postcards and related materials, the
the original broadcast had a relatively low      Adam Selzer, co-author of Flickering Empire:      Curt Teich Postcard Archives, was given to
audience, the impact it had—and continues        How Chicago Invented the US Film Industry.        the Newberry Library. Katherine Hamilton-
to have—on American culture is staggering.       Register at                    Smith, the founding curator of the Teich
But how much of that impact was reality, and                                                       Archives, presents a look at the power and
how much has been exaggerated over the            Trick or Treat: A Cultural                       significance of picture postcards and the
years? Were there really riots in the streets                                                      role Illinois played in their history.
from panicked listeners? Did Orson Welles        History of Hallowe'en                             Register at
know he would frighten people, or was this       Tuesday, Oct. 26 • 7-8:30 p.m.
an unintended accident?                          Large Meeting Room + Live on Zoom

Register at                   Adults + Grades 9-12
                                                 Halloween, as we know it, is a surprisingly
                                                 modern holiday. Learn about the true origins
  The Great Chicago Fire                         of the spookiest night of the year, some of

Wednesday, Oct. 6 • 7-8:30 p.m.                  the wildest ways people have celebrated,
Large Meeting Room + Live on Zoom                and the legends that surround this holiday.
Adults + Grades 6-12                             Register at
150 years ago, the Great Chicago Fire started
on October 8, 1871, near DeKoven Street in
Chicago. Approximately 300 people died
in the fire, over 100,000 residents were
left homeless, and over three miles of the
                                                  Movie Melodies:
                                                 The Music of Cole Porter
                                                 Thursday, Oct. 28 • 7-8 p.m.
city were destroyed. Historian Jim Gibbons       Large Meeting Room + Live on Zoom
                                                                                                      Write your own story with home
discusses the events that took place before,     Adults
during, and after the Great Chicago Fire and     Many beloved classic Hollywood films                 access to Fold3 and HeritageQuest
the role it played in Chicago's history. Learn   were made all the more memorable by the              Library Edition. Research military
the theories on how the fire began, its impact   musical talents of American songwriter and
                                                                                                      records, search for ancestors, and
on the area and its residents, and how fire      composer Cole Porter. Join film historian Dr.
prevention and building codes were affected      Annette Bochenek as she presents on the              look for living relatives!
and updated after the fire.                      influence of Cole Porter in classic film, some
Register at                   of his most popular songs, and his continuing
                                                                                                      Access through
                                                 legacy. Register at

                                                                                            In-person event        Virtual event         Hybrid event

                                                                                                         Lyric Opera Lectures
                                                                                                      Large Meeting Room • Adults
                                 Social Issues Learning Group                                         Hear the story, learn about the composer,
                                                                                                      and listen to music.
                                 Meet with other community members to discuss social                  Register at
                                 issues, both locally and nationally. Learn more about issues           Macbeth
                                 of race, gender, education, poverty, and other topics by               Sunday, Sept. 12 • 3-4 p.m.
                                 reading books and articles, listening to podcasts, or watching         Elixir of Love
                                 films, then discussing together in a respectful manner.                Sunday, Sept. 19 • 2:30-3:30 p.m.
                                                                                                        The Magic Flute
                                    The U.S. Labor Market                                               Sunday, Oct. 17 • 2:30-3:30 p.m.
                                 Thursday, Sept. 2 • 7-8:30 p.m. • Large Meeting Room                   Florencia en el Amazonas
                                 Adults                                                                 Sunday, Oct. 31 • 2:30-3:30 p.m.
                                 Listen to the podcast episode, “Labor Market Mysteries”
                                 from NPR’s It’s Been a Minute with Sam Sanders, then join               Ciao Italia!
                                 us for a discussion of the 2021 U.S. labor shortage.                 Mondays, Sept. 20, Oct. 18, and Nov. 15
                                 Register at                                       7-8:30 p.m. • Kossmann Room • Adults
                                                                                                      Interested in the language and customs of
                                   How Cities Were Built on Segregation                               Italy? Improve your Italian language skills (all
                                 Thursday, Oct. 7 • 7-8:30 p.m. • Live on Zoom • Adults               skill levels welcome) and pick up travel tips
                                 Read The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our                to aid in your adventures.
                                 Government Segregated America by Richard Rothstein.                  Register at
                                 Then, join us for discussion on the racial segregation of
                                 neighborhoods. Register at
                                                                                                         Great Decisions
                                    Meet the author at a virtual program on Oct. 13.                  1:30-3 p.m. • Large Meeting Room • Adults
                                    More info on page 16.                                             Learn about critical issues facing America
                                                                                                      with professor Gary Midkiff.
                                   The Flint Water Crisis                                             Register at
                                 Thursday, Nov. 4 • 7-8:30 p.m. • Large Meeting Room                     The Two Koreas
                                 Adults                                                                  Tuesday, Sept. 28
                                 During the program, watch and discuss the PBS Frontline                 The World Health Organization’s
                                 documentary Flint’s Deadly Water.                                       Response to Covid-19
                                 Register at                                          Tuesday, Oct. 26
                                                                                                         The End of Globalization?
                                                                                                         Tuesday, Nov. 23
      Culture Club:                                     Classical Music 101
     Awesome Australia                               1-2:30 p.m. • Adults                              Culture Club:
     Thursday, Sept. 9 • 10:30-11:30 a.m.            Large Meeting Room + Live on Zoom                Chicago’s Spooky Secrets
     Large Meeting Room + Live on Zoom               Classical music has produced some of             Thursday, Oct. 14 • 10:30-11:30 a.m.
     Adults                                          humankind’s most magnificent creations,          Large Meeting Room + Live on Zoom
     With his tapestry of original photographs       but it can be hard to get into. In five          Adults
     and deep well of stories, world traveler        90-minute presentations, Elmhurst music          Think you know Chicago? Join author Jessica
     Brian Michalski illuminates ten months of       teacher Uli Widmaier opens up classical          Mlinaric for an hour of weird Chicago trivia
     backpacking and working in the Land Down        music for you and boosts your appreciation.      from the city’s spookiest secret places.
     Under, including exotic destinations like the   Register at                   Jessica’s book, Secret Chicago: A Guide to
     Australian Outback, Great Barrier Reef,            Sunday, Sept. 12                              the Weird, Wonderful, and Obscure, details
     and Tasmania. Learn about the country’s            From the Beginnings to Bach                   90 unique and unusual places, like a grave
     fascinating history, grand traditions, chic        Sunday, Sept. 26                              in a junkyard and an energy vortex in an
     urban life, charming slang, deadly animals,        The Heart of Classical Music:                 alley. Test your knowledge and learn about
     and Aboriginal influences. This is one             Mozart, Beethoven, and Schubert               some of Chicago’s most obscure surprises!
     adventure you won’t want to miss!                  Sunday, Oct. 10                               Register at
     Register at                     Big Sounds and Big Emotions:
                                                        Romantic Music
                                                        Sunday, Oct. 24
                                                        Ridiculous Plots and Even Bigger
                                                        Emotions: Opera
                                                        Sunday, Nov. 7
                                                        Maestros and Virtuosos:
                                                        The Great Performers
 A Deeper Dive into Car
Ownership and Maintenance
Friday, Oct. 15 • 7-8:30 p.m.
Large Meeting Room + Live on Zoom
Adults + Grades 9-12
Are you ready to really understand what’s
happening under the hood of your car?
Chaya Milchtein, the Mechanic Shop
Femme, provides a comprehensive view
of your vehicle’s needs—including cleaning,
fuel systems, brakes, and transmission fluid.
Never live in fear of that pesky check engine
light again. Register at

  Tarot 101
Wednesday, Oct. 20 • 7-8 p.m.
Large Meeting Room + Live on Zoom
Adults + Grades 9-12
Demystify the tarot with cartomancer
Morgan Sedano and learn the basics
of reading for fun, divination, and self-
betterment. Participants tap into their
intuition and discover a wonderful, magical
new hobby. Register at

 Fake News, Real News, and
How to Tell the Difference
Friday, Oct. 22 • 7-8:30 p.m.
Large Meeting Room + Live on Zoom
Adults + Grades 9-12
Whether you call it propaganda, urban
legend, misinformation, disinformation, or
alternative facts, fake news is nothing new.
Learn how to identify fake news, evaluate
the potential biases of the real news you’re                   Check out these themed sets of DVDs for a
consuming, and even flex your fake news                        spectacular movie night!
spotting skills so that you can encounter the
news with more confidence.
Register at
 Culture Club:
Uncover Ancient Egypt
Thursday, Nov. 11 • 10:30-11:30 a.m.
Large Meeting Room + Live on Zoom
Join Nancy McCully on a trip to discover the      How Elmhurst City                               Brooklyn Nine-Nine Trivia
secrets of the Pyramids of Giza, the Valley of   Government Works                               Tuesday, Nov. 23 • 7-8 p.m.
the Kings, and the temples near Luxor and        Tuesday, Nov. 16 • 7-8:30 p.m.                 Live on YouTube • Adults + Grades 9-12
Abu Simbel. We will cruise the Nile, examine     Large Meeting Room + Live on Zoom              Test your knowledge and compete for
tomb paintings and reliefs, and explore          Adults + Grades 9-12                           prizes online. For the best experience, use
Ancient Egypt’s remarkable culture.              Join Ward 1 Elmhurst City Alderman Marti       a computer to access the YouTube Live
Register at                   Deuter for a discussion about understanding    presentation while using a smartphone to
                                                 and interacting with Elmhurst local city       submit your answers. Live on YouTube:
                                                 government. Whether you’re new to              Register at
                                                 Elmhurst or lived here all your life, you’re
                                                 bound to learn something new about our
                                                 community. Register at

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