fall 2020 -spring 2021

•   24 HOUR

                              ANDY PLACE
                         fall 2020 -spring 2021
            contents                                        what’s new
    Season Dates                           3
                                                       Night hunting for raccoons, coyotes and
    General Hunting Regulations            4           foxes is now allowed statewide during the
                                                       nine-day gun deer season.
    Licensing Requirements                 6           The hen mallard bag limit has increased
                                                       in 2020 (from one to two) based on
    Deer                                  10           U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service season
    Elk                                   15
                                                       The ruffed grouse season now closes Jan.
                                                       3, 2021 in Zone A. The management
    Small Game/Upland Birds               16
                                                       zones have also changed. See page 18.
    Bears                                 21           Pheasant season daily shooting hours
                                                       on select stocked public properties has
    Migratory Birds                       23           moved from 2 p.m. to 12 p.m. See page
    Public and Private Lands              27           Minimum caliber restrictions have
                                                       changed. See page 4.
    Shooting Hours                        29

    This pamphlet gives you a summary of Wisconsin’s hunting laws and how they affect you;
    it is not a complete set of all hunting-related laws.
    For complete hunting and trapping laws, consult the Wisconsin State Statutes Chapter 29 or
    Chapter 10 of the Administrative Code of the Department of Natural Resources.
                                                                                     Cover photo: Andy Place

2                                                                              2020 Wisconsin Hunting Regulations

                                                                                                                                                           season dates
                                                                                  Fall 2020               Zones 1-5            Sept. 12–Jan. 3, 2021
                                                                                                          Zones 6 & 7          Sept. 12–Nov. 20

                                                                                  Spring 2021             Youth Hunt           Apr. 17-18
                                                                                                          Period A             Apr. 21–27
                                                                                                          Period B             Apr. 28–May 4
                                                                                                          Period C             May 5–May 11

2020-2021                                                                                                 Period D
                                                                                                          Period E
                                                                                                                               May 12–18
                                                                                                                               May 19–May 25

season dates                                                                    bear
                                                                                                          Period F             May 26–June 1

                                                                                Zone C where dogs are not permitted:
deer                                                                                                     Sept. 9–Oct. 13
                                                                                                           • With aid of bait
Archery & Crossbow                           Sept. 12–Jan. 3, 2021                                         • With all other legal methods not using dogs
Youth Deer Hunt                              Oct. 10 & 11                       All other zones where dogs are permitted:
Gun Deer Hunt for Hunters                                                                                Sept. 9–15
with Disabilities                            Oct. 3–11                                                     • With aid of bait
Gun                                          Nov. 21–29                                                    • With all legal methods not using dogs
                                                                                                         Sept. 16–Oct. 6
Muzzleloader                                 Nov. 30–Dec. 9                                                • With aid of dogs
Statewide Antlerless Hunt                    Dec. 10–Dec. 13                                               • With aid of bait
                                                                                                           • With all other legal methods
Antlerless-only Holiday Hunt                 Dec. 24–Jan. 1, 2021*                                       Oct. 7–13
*Open only in select Farmland (Zone 2) counties. See page 11.                                              • With aid of dogs only

                                                                                migratory birds
elk                                                                             Early Canada Goose
                                                                                  Statewide                                Sept. 1–15
Clam Lake Elk Management Zone
archery, crossbow, firearm    Oct. 17–Nov. 15; Dec. 10–18                       Early Teal Season
                                                                                                                           Sept. 1–9
*Only bull elk may be harvested.
See, keyword “elk” for details.                                      Duck Season
                                                                                  Youth                                    Sept. 19 & 20
                                                                                  Northern Zone                            Sept. 26–Nov. 24
game birds                                                                        Southern Zone
                                                                                  Mississippi Zone
                                                                                                                           Oct. 3–11 & Oct. 17–Dec. 6
                                                                                                                           Oct. 3–11 & Oct. 17-Dec. 6
Pheasant                                                                        Regular Goose Season
  Statewide                                  Oct. 17 (9 AM)–Jan. 3, 2021          Northern Zone                            Sept. 16–Dec. 16
Bobwhite Quail                                                                    Southern Zone                            Sept. 16-Oct. 11, Oct. 17–Dec. 6
  Statewide                                  Oct. 17 (9 AM)–Dec. 9                                                         & Dec. 22–Jan. 5, 2021
                                                                                  Mississippi Zone                         Oct. 3-11 & Oct. 17-Jan. 5, 2021
Hungarian Partridge
   Statewide*                           Oct. 17 (9 AM)–Jan. 3, 2021             Woodcock
                                                                                  Statewide                                Sept. 19–Nov. 2
* Closed in Clark, Marathon and Taylor counties
                                                                                Mourning Dove
Ruffed Grouse                                                                     Statewide                                Sept. 1–Nov. 29
  Zone A                                     Sept. 12–Jan. 3, 2021
  Zone B                                     Oct. 17–Dec. 8
Sharp-tailed Grouse                                                             furbearer hunting
  Season is under review. Visit for updates.
                                                                                Coyote                                     Continuous open season.
  Statewide                                  Sept. 12–Nov. 19 &                 Fox (Red and Gray)                         Oct. 17–Feb. 15, 2021
                                             Jan. 25–March 20, 2021
small game                                                                        Period 1                                 Oct. 17–Dec. 25
                                                                                  Period 2                                 Dec. 26–Jan. 31, 2021
Cottontail Rabbit
  Northern Zone                              Sept. 12–Feb. 28, 2021             Raccoon
  Southern Zone                              Oct. 17 (9 AM)–Feb. 28, 2021         Resident                                 Oct. 17–Feb. 15, 2021
Squirrels (Gray and Fox)                     Statewide Sept. 12–Jan. 31, 2021     Non-resident                             Oct. 31–Feb. 15, 2021
                                                                                Woodchuck, Opossum, Skunk, Weasel and Snowshoe Hare
                                                                                 No season limits, bag limits, size limits or possession limits,
                                                                                 but a license is required.
2020 Wisconsin Hunting Regulations                                                                                                                         3
general hunting
Accompany                                           also considered public-access lands.                   hunter does not own, including public lands and
Within visual and voice contact without the aid                                                            public waters, without the permission of the
of any mechanical or electronic amplifying device   Public road                                            owner or occupant of the building
other than a hearing aid.                           Roads shown on the current official highway
                                                    map available from the Department of                  Ammunition
Afield                                              Transportation for public use. This does not          It is illegal to:
An area where hunting can legally occur, such as    include private roads or driveways.
                                                                                                          • Use, possess, or have under control of any of the
fields, forests or similar areas.                   Roadway                                               following while hunting:
                                                    The portion of the highway which is improved or          • Shot shells containing shot larger than T,
Aggregate daily bag limit                           ordinarily used for vehicle travel, excluding the
The maximum number of migratory game birds                                                                     except when hunting for furbearing animals.
                                                    berm or shoulder.
permitted to be taken by one person in any one                                                               • Any tracer or incendiary ammunition that is
day, when the person hunts in more than one         Take                                                       not a distress flare.
zone or state and/or more than one species for      To legally kill or harvest under the authority of a
                                                    license and appropriate harvest authorization.           • Any bullet, arrow, or bolt that is designed or
which a combined daily bag limit is prescribed.                                                                modified to explode or deliver poisons or drugs.
The aggregate daily bag limit is equal to the       Unprotected species
largest daily bag limit prescribed for any one                                                               • Hunt a game bird with any ammunition
                                                    Mammals and birds that can be hunted year-                 other than an arrow, bolt, or shot shell that
species or for any one zone or state in which the   round without bag limits or shooting hours
taking occurs.                                                                                                 consists of more than one projectile.
                                                    restrictions, and includes starling, English
                                                    (house) sparrow, chukar partridge, coturnix quail,    • Hunt a deer, bear, or elk with any ammunition
Buck deer                                                                                                   other than an arrow, bolt, or bullet that is a
A deer with at least one antler that is three       feral pigeon, opossum, skunk, weasel, woodchuck,
                                                    porcupines and all other wild mammals not               single projectile of an expanding design.
inches or longer in length.
                                                    specifically mentioned in the hunting and             • Hunt game birds or wild turkey with lead or
Daily bag limit                                     trapping regulation pamphlets and not listed as         other toxic shot while on federal Waterfowl
The total number of a particular game species       an endangered, threatened or protected species          Production Areas (WPAs).
that a person may harvest in one day, regardless    (see “protected species” on page 5 for more
of how long or often that person hunted that day.   information.                                          Reasonable equipment
Firearm                                             Vehicle                                               It is illegal to hunt with any weapon or
Any weapon that uses gun powder, including          Any device, motorized or not, in, upon or by          ammunition that is of inherent design, or used
black powder or black powder substitutes for        which any person or property is or may be             in such a manner, as to not be reasonably capable
muzzleloaders.                                      transported or towed upon a highway or other          of reducing a target wild animal to possession.
Highway                                             roadway. For example, cars, trucks, tractors,         The following are presumed reasonable
The entire width between the boundary lines of      ATVs, UTVs, trailers, bikes and similar devices.      equipment:
every public road, but does not include private     Waterfowl                                             • A firearm with a caliber of at least .22.
roads and driveways.                                Ducks, geese, brant, mergansers, coots and            • A bow with a minimum draw weight of
Migratory game birds                                gallinules.                                             30 pounds.
Any bird which is migratory and for which an                                                              • A crossbow with a minimum draw weight
open season has been prescribed.                    WEAPONS AND AMMUNITION                                  of 100 pounds.
Point of kill                                       Weapons                                               • A raptor, as defined in s. NR 18.01 (10).
The location at which a light is used to            It is illegal to:                                     • Commercially manufactured or similar
illuminate, identify and kill an animal. It does    • Hunt with any means other than a rifle, shotgun,      hand-loaded or re-loaded ammunition.
not include shining a light for the purpose           handgun, muzzleloader, bow and arrow, crossbow
of searching for wild animals whose specific                                                              • An arrow or bolt with a sharpened
                                                      or falconry.                                          broad-head blade.
location the hunter does not yet know.
                                                    • Hunt with a machine gun or other fully
Possession limit                                      automatic weapon.
The maximum number of a game species that                                                                 Muzzleloaders
                                                    • Hunt a game bird with or while in possession
a person may possess at-large and includes all        of a shotgun larger than 10 gauge.                  Muzzleloaders may be used statewide during
game stored or controlled by a person, regardless                                                         any firearm deer season.
of the proximity to the location of storage.        • Hunt deer with any air gun or rimfire rifle.
                                                    • Possess or use any firearm for hunting if you are   During the muzzleloader-only deer season,
Public-access land                                    a felon or have been prohibited from possessing     all muzzleloaders must have a solid threaded
Lands open to hunting that are owned, under           a firearm under Wisconsin law. (A hunting           breech plug making them capable of being
easement to, or leased by federal, state, county,     license does not authorize a felon                  loaded only from the muzzle. Black powder
or municipal government. Managed Forest               to possess a firearm for hunting.)                  revolvers are not legal during the muzzleloader-
Law lands, Forest Crop Law lands, public                                                                  only season because they are capable of being
utilities lands, and lands acquired with State      • Shoot a firearm within 100 yards of a building
                                                      devoted to human occupancy while on lands the       loaded by the cylinder instead of the muzzle.
stewardship funds that are open to hunting are

4                                                                                                                          2020 Wisconsin Hunting Regulations
general hunting
Handguns                                              • Use, or possess with the intent to use, laser          unprotected species. Lights may not be
It is illegal to:                                       sights while hunting except by Class C visually        used to shine for these animals while in
• Possess a concealed handgun unless authorized         disabled permit holders.                               possession of firearm, bow or crossbow.
by a Concealed Carry License or otherwise             • Use or hunt with a firearm equipped with a

authorized to possess a concealed firearm               suppressor or silencer, unless the hunter possesses   Use of dogs for hunting
                                                        the proper federal firearm license that authorizes    Dogs may not be used to hunt elk or deer.
• Hunt with a handgun, including muzzleloading          possession and use of the device.
handguns, if under age 18.                                                                                    Dogs are legal to use for hunting small
                                                                                                              game mammals, game birds, furbearing
                                                      Hunting near roadways                                   animals, migratory game birds and
Short-barreled shotgun or rifle                                                                               unprotected species. Dogs may be used for
                                                      It is illegal to:
Rifles must have an overall minimum length of                                                                 hunting wild turkeys only during the fall
26 inches with a 16-inch minimum barrel length.       • Hunt within 50 feet of the roadway’s center.
                                                      • Discharge a firearm, shoot an arrow from a bow        season.
Shotguns must have an overall minimum length                                                                  Note: Dogs kept on a leash may be used
of 26 inches with an 18-inch minimum barrel             or shoot a bolt from a crossbow:
                                                                                                              to follow a blood trail in order to locate a
length unless the user has a federal license to          • from or across a highway.                          wounded deer or elk as long as the trackers
possess a “short-barreled” rifle or shotgun.             • within 50 feet of the roadway’s center.            do not possess a firearm, bow or crossbow.
                                                      The above prohibition applies to all public roads.
Bows, arrows and crossbows                            Note: Certain exceptions are allowed for Class A        • Dogs may not kill any wild animal.
Crossbow and bow and arrows may be used by            and Class B shoot from vehicle disabled permit          • Dogs may not hunt or pursue any free-
any person hunting under the authority of a           holders, and for hunting small game from dirt or          roaming wild animal from May 1 to June
gun license during any firearm season (i.e. small     gravel roads with shotguns loaded with fine shot.         30 in the portion of the state north of
game, gun deer or muzzleloader for deer season).      Visit, keywords “disabled permits” for         the highways shown on the map below,
Bows and crossbows are legal for any person to        more information.                                         except as authorized for raccoon and rabbit dog
use for hunting wild turkey under the authority                                                                 trials or training under the authority of a dog
of a turkey hunting license or hunting migratory      Shining                                                   trial or training license.
birds and small game under the authority of a         It is illegal to:                                       • Dogs are considered private property and are
small game hunting license and nonresident                                                                      protected by law. Only conservation wardens
                                                      • Use or possess with intent to use, a light              may kill dogs chasing deer. Owners may be
furbearer license.                                      including vehicle headlights for shining any            held responsible for damage their dogs cause.
                                                        wild animal while hunting or in possession            • A dog that is actively engaged in a legal
A crossbow is not legal to hunt under the               of a firearm, bow and arrow or crossbow.
authority of an archer license and bow and arrow                                                                hunting activity, including training, is not
                                                        This includes laser sights on firearms, bows            considered to be running-at-large as long as
is not legal to hunt under the authority of a           and crossbows. Exceptions apply for Class C
crossbow license.                                                                                               the dog is monitored or supervised by a person
                                                        disabled permit holders and for hunting certain         and the dog is on land that is open to hunting
                                                        small game. See night hunting section below.            or on land on which the person has obtained
Bow and arrow may be used to hunt small game
and migratory birds under the authority of an         • Use or possess with intent to use, a light              permission to hunt or to train a dog.
archery license, and a crossbow may be used to          including vehicle headlights for shining wild         • A dog allowed to run on lands without
hunt small game and migratory birds under the           animals between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.         permission is considered to be running-at-large
authority of a crossbow license.                        from Sept. 15 through Dec. 31 whether or not            and may be taken into custody by a humane
                                                        in possession of a firearm, bow or crossbow.            officer or law enforcement officer.
Arms transportation                                   Note: Check with the local sheriff ’s department
All firearms (excluding handguns) must be             or local officials for local shining restrictions.       DOG TRAINING
unloaded when inside any vehicle, whether                                                                      RESTRICTIONS AREA
moving or stationary, and must be unloaded            Taking of game
when inside or on any moving vehicle.                 It is illegal to:
Note: A loaded firearm may be placed on,              • Take or possess any deer or wild animal which
but not inside, a vehicle which is stationary.          has been lawfully obtained by someone else
All firearms, bows and crossbows must be                without having that person’s consent.
unloaded when inside or on any motor-driven           • Not immediately kill all game taken
boat while the motor is running.                        and make it part of the daily bag.
A firearm is considered unloaded if the shell or      • While afield, possess game killed by another
cartridge is removed from the chamber and any           unless accompanied by the holder of the harvest
clip, magazine or cylinder that is attached to the      authorization for the deer.
firearm is empty, the cap or primer is removed        • Possess game taken by another unless able to
from a percussion muzzleloader, the flashpan of         provide the registration confirmation number,
a flint lock muzzleloader is cleaned of powder or       or name and address or customer ID of the
the battery is disconnected and removed from an         holder of the harvest authorization;                  Highly Visible Clothing Requirement
electronic-ignition system muzzleloader.              • Gift game to any person while afield. All game        When and where a firearm deer season (listed
                                                        given as a gift remains counted toward the            on page 3) is in progress, it is illegal to hunt any
Qualified persons with disabilities with the            daily bag limit of the holder of the harvest          game, except waterfowl, unless at least 50% of the
permit authority to shoot from a stationary vehicle     authorization;                                        hunter’s outer clothing above the waist is colored
must have all firearms (other than handguns)          • Carelessly waste game. The hunter must make           blaze orange or fluorescent pink. A hat or other
unloaded while the vehicle is in motion.                every reasonable effort to retrieve all game that     head covering, if worn, must be at least 50% blaze
                                                        is killed or crippled. Until such effort is made,     orange or fluorescent pink. Faded or stained blaze
It is illegal to:                                       the game shall be included in the daily bag.          orange or fluorescent pink clothing is unsafe
• Place, possess or transport a cocked crossbow          Note: This rule does not allow hunters to            and may not meet law requirements. Although
  inside or on a motorized vehicle unless it is          trespass without permission of the landowner         not as visible, camo-blaze is legal if 50% of the
  unloaded (bolt removed).                               nor to shoot game beyond legal shooting hours.       material is blaze orange or fluorescent pink. The
                                                                                                              DNR recommends 100% solid blaze orange or
• Load a firearm other than a handgun while                                                                   fluorescent pink.
  inside a vehicle or to discharge any firearm,       Night hunting
  including handguns, inside or from any moving       Unprotected species (as well as coyote, fox             Note: Highly visible clothing requirements do not
  or stationary vehicle except for certain disabled   and raccoon) may be hunted without shooting             apply to those hunters participating in legal night
  hunters with proper permits.                        hour restrictions except if hunting with a bow          hunting (e.g., raccoon) from ½ hour after sunset
                                                      or crossbow, the hours listed on pages 30–31            to ½ hour before sunrise.
Use of devices                                        apply for hunting all species during the bear and
                                                      archery/crossbow deer seasons.                          Protected species
It is illegal to:
                                                      • Use of lights: A flashlight or firearm-mounted        Hunting protected species—such as badger,
• Hunt any animal with the aid of any aircraft,         light may be used at the point of kill while
  including unmanned aircraft or drones.                                                                      jackrabbit, moose and flying squirrel—is
                                                        hunting on foot for coyote, raccoon, fox or           prohibited. See Ch. NR 10.02 for more details.
2020 Wisconsin Hunting Regulations                                                                                                                             5

                                                                                                                                                            JULIE WIDHOLM
                                                     Resident      Non-resident                                                   Resident      Non-resident

WATERFOWL HUNTING                                                                    SMALL GAME AND
Small game hunting license                              $18                $85       UPLAND GAME BIRDS
(see small game section for junior
and mentored hunting options)                                                        Small game hunting license                     $18              $85
State waterfowl stamp                                             $7                 Junior small game age 12-17                     $9              $36
Federal waterfowl stamp                                          $28                 Mentored small game                                      $7
Early goose permit                                               $3                  Senior citizen small game (65+)                 $9
Regular goose permit                                             $3                  Resident armed forces                         Free***
                                                                                     members fishing/small game license
TURKEY HUNTING                                                                       5-day small game                                                $55
Fall turkey hunting license                            $15              $60          Pheasant stamp                                           $10
Spring turkey hunting license                          $15              $60          Mentored pheasant stamp                                 $4.50
Bonus harvest authorizations                           $10              $15          Bobcat application                                        $6
Wild turkey stamp                                               $5.25                                                                                $160
                                                                                     Nonresident furbearer
DEER HUNTING                                                                         hunting license
Gun deer license                                       $24                 $160      BEAR HUNTING
Junior gun deer license                                $20                 $36*      Bear application                                        $4.50
Archery license                                        $24                 $160      Hunting license for those                      $49              $251
Crossbow license                                       $24                 $160      drawn in limited draw
Junior crossbow                                        $20                 $77**     ELK HUNTING
Archer or crossbow upgrade                                       $3                  Elk application                                $10
Bonus antlerless harvest authorizations                $12              $20          Hunting license for those                      $49
Mentored gun deer, archer or crossbow                                                drawn in limited draw
(11 years old or younger)                                                            COMBINATION LICENSES
                                                                                     Conservation patron license                    $165             $600
    All license, stamps and permits can be purchased                                 Conservation patron junior license             $75              $77
    at                                                                                                               $10              $161
                                                                                     Conservation patron Purple Heart license
    Please see the individual species sections for more                              See page 8 for full list of items included
    information on specific licensing requirements.                                  with a patron license.
                                                                                     Sports license                                 $60              $275
* Purchase junior sports license                                                     Junior sports license                          $35              $36
**Purchase junior conservation patron license                                        (Sports license includes fishing,
*** Available to Wisconsin residents, active duty armed forces stationed             small game and gun deer hunting licenses)
in or outside of Wisconsin, on furlough or leave

Youth ages 11 and younger, first-time hunters and those who have not hunted
in the preceding 10 years are eligible to purchase hunting licenses at a reduced
fee. Resident hunters who recruit three first-time hunters, trappers or anglers
are also eligible for reduced fees. For more information on license options, visit, keyword “license.”

6                                                                                                                          2020 Wisconsin Hunting Regulations
HUNTER EDUCATION                                    WISCONSIN RESIDENCY                                    Non-resident students attending

REQUIREMENTS                                        A person must have maintained a permanent              school in Wisconsin or armed forces
                                                    residence in Wisconsin for 30 consecutive              members
Persons born on or after January 1, 1973 must       days immediately before purchasing a license.
present their Wisconsin Hunter Education                                                                   If you are a non-resident attending high
                                                    Domiciliary intent is required. Evidence of            school or a university in Wisconsin, or yuo
Certificate or proof of a hunter safety course      domiciliary intent includes where the person

recognized by the department from another                                                                  are a non-resident who is an active member
                                                    votes, pays personal state income taxes or obtains     of armed forces stationed in Wisconsin,
state, province or country; or a Wisconsin          a driver’s license. Mere presence in the state for
hunting license from a previous year that has       a 30-day period and/or ownership of property is        please contact your nearest DNR service
the hunter safety number printed on it; or proof                                                           center for more information on licenses
of successful completion of basic training in the   not sufficient to establish residency.
                                                                                                           that may be available to you.
U.S. Armed Forces, Reserves or National Guard       Note: Non-residents under 18 who have
to purchase any hunting license. If a person has    a parent that is a Wisconsin resident may
not completed hunter education, that hunter         purchase licenses at resident prices.
may only obtain a license that requires hunting
with a mentor in compliance with the Hunting
Mentorship Program.
                                                       permit application deadlines
A parent or guardian who is at least 18 years of
                                                                Species                         Application Date                   Drawing Date
age must accompany hunters who are ages 12 to
13 and who have completed Hunter Education.
Accompanied means within sight and voice            Elk                                             May 31                          Early June
contact without the aid of any mechanical or
electronic amplifying device other than a hearing   Bobcat                                         August 1                      Mid-September
aid. Persons under the age of 12 may not hunt
unless participating in a DNR Learn to Hunt         Spring Turkey                                December 10                      Early January
event or the Hunting Mentorship Program.
Persons under age 18 may not possess firearms       Bear                                        December 10                       Early February
for non-hunting purposes unless accompanied
by an adult, except that persons ages 14–17
who have completed Hunter Education can                                   To check on your drawing status, visit
possess legal shotguns and rifles without being
accompanied by an adult.

Hunting Mentorship Program                                 FORM OF PROOF AND REPRINTS
The Hunting Mentorship Program allows                      The following are considered forms of proof of licenses, state stamps, permits and harvest
hunters of any age to obtain a hunting                     authorizations: a paper copy, an authenticated Wisconsin driver’s license, a DNR-issued
license and hunt without first completing a                GoWild Conservation Card or a digital PDF file issued by the department and displayed
Hunter Education Course, with the following                on an electronic device. For more information about acceptable forms of proof, visit,
requirements:                                              keywords “prove it.”
• The hunter must: 1) hunt within arm’s reach
  of a mentor, regardless of age; 2) possess
  appropriate hunting license(s), permit(s) and
  tag(s); and 3) comply with all hunting laws,
  seasons and bag limits.
• The mentor must: 1) be at least 18 years old;
  2) be a hunter education graduate, unless
  born before Jan. 1, 1973 or have completed
  basic training with the Armed Forces; 3) be
  the hunter’s parent or guardian or have the
  permission of the hunter’s parent or guardian
  before acting as a mentor for the hunter if the
  hunter is under the age of 18; and 4) possess
  a current Wisconsin hunting license (the type
  of license does not matter unless attempting to
  harvest game).
Note: Mentors are exempt from the need for a
hunting license if: 1) hunting on a licensed bird
or deer hunting preserve; 2) hunting on land the
mentor owns or occupies.
For a species the mentor does not require a
license to hunt both the hunter and the mentor
may possess a weapon while participating in the
hunting mentorship program. Adults may not
hunt waterfowl during the youth waterfowl hunt.

For more information on the Hunter
Mentorship Program, visit, keywords
“mentored hunting.”

Armed Forces Members
People who provide proof of successfully                   Note: Viewing licenses and harvest authorizations in the Hunt Wild app or photo images of
completing basic training in the U.S. Armed                paper licenses on a cell phone do not serve as a valid proof of license.
Forces, Reserves or National Guard are exempt
from hunter education requirements.                        It is illegal to use or carry another hunter’s license, tags, permits or harvest authorizations
                                                           while engaged in hunting.

2020 Wisconsin Hunting Regulations                                                                                                                             7
TRANSFERS OF APPROVALS AND PREFERENCE POINTS                                                                               CONSERVATION PATRON LICENSE
A person who has been awarded certain hunting approvals may transfer the approvals in certain                     Conservation Patron License includes:
circumstances. The graph below outlines what types of approvals are eligible to be transferred                    • Annual Fishing License
and the circumstances in which each may be transferred.                                                           • Great Lakes Trout & Salmon Stamp
                                                                                                                  • Inland Trout Stamp
                                                                                                                  • Sturgeon Hook & Line Inland
                                                            Transferable       Transferable     Transferrable     • Sturgeon Hook & Line WI-MI
                                         Transferable to
         Type of approvals                                 to persons with to active duty / upon death to a • Small Game License
                                            a minor                            purple heart        minor
                                                             disabilities                                         • Pheasant Stamp
                                                                                                                  • Gun Deer Hunting License
   Bear license                               Yes                Yes               Yes              Yes           • Archery License
                                                                                                                  • Crossbow License
   Spring turkey license                      Yes                Yes               No               Yes           • Trapping License
                                                                                                                  • Fisher Application
   Sharp-tailed grouse permit                 Yes                Yes               No               Yes           • Spring Turkey Application
                                                                                                                  • Spring Turkey License (permit required)
   Bobcat permit                              Yes                Yes               No               Yes           • Turkey Stamp
                                                                                                                  • Fall Turkey License (permit required)
   Elk license                                Yes                Yes               No               Yes           • Early Goose Permit (upon request)
                                                                                                                  • Regular Goose Permit (upon request)
   Preference points                          No                 No                No               Yes           • Waterfowl Stamp
                                                                                                                  • Annual Park Sticker*
                                                                                                                  • Annual State Parks Trail Pass*
 Approvals not listed in the table are not eligible for transfer. For more information on these types of          • Admission to Heritage Hill State Park*
 transfers, including eligibility requirements and deadlines, go to, keywords “permit transfer.”       • Subscription to Wisconsin Natural Resources Magazine*
                                                                                                                  *Not included with the Conservation Patron Junior
     LANDOWNER EXCEPTIONS                                                                                         License
• A landowner is required to have a license to hunt deer, bear, turkey, game birds, migratory game birds and bobcats. The owner or occupant of any land and
members of their family may, without a license and subject to all other restrictions except seasons, hunt or trap on their own property for beaver, fox, coyote,
raccoon, woodchuck, rabbit and squirrel yearround, and unprotected species causing damage or a nuisance, and may sell the skins of these species.
   • Family members who do not live with the owner or occupant of the land may also hunt or trap certain species without a license on this land only if
    they are siblings and/or children of the owner or occupant and are under the age of 18.
    • Mentorship rules apply to youth ages 11 and under; see page 7 for more details.
• Grackles, red-winged blackbirds and cowbirds are protected species and may not be hunted for recreational purposes. They may be killed on private lands without
a hunting license or federal permit only if they are causing damage or are about to cause damage to trees, crops, livestock, or wildlife, or if they are concentrated
in large numbers that may constitute a health hazard or other nuisance. Crows may also be killed without a federal permit and outside the normal crow season
in these situations. Non-toxic shot is required when shooting crows outside the normal season and when shooting grackles, red-winged blackbirds and cowbirds
which are causing damage or a nuisance.) For more information, visit, keywords "nuisance wildlife."

                                                                                                                                                                                      JERRY DAVIS

    Hunters interested in learning more about hunting
    are encouraged to participate in one of the “Learn
    to Hunt” events. To learn more, visit,
    keyword “LTH.”
                                                           DOES YOUR DEER HAVE A COLLAR OR EAR TAGS?
                                                           Any wild animal wearing tracking collars or ear tags is part of a DNR research project in Wisconsin. They are legal for harvest.
                                                           If you harvest or find a marked deer, please call 608-935-1940 and leave a message regarding the ear tag numbers or collar
                                                           number and your contact information. For bobcats and coyotes, please call 715-577-6288.

8                                                                                                                                              2020 Wisconsin Hunting Regulations
recruitment, retention,
                     and reactivation (r3)
Wisconsin has been a treasured home to hunters throughout history. Hunting         WHAT CAN YOU DO?
remains a strong part of our identity because hunters like you have passed on
Wisconsin’s hunting heritage. Whether you learned to hunt as a family tradition        LEARN TO HUNT
passed down through generations, or are hunting for the very first time, you are       Weekend-long Learn to Hunt programs are run by
supporting game and non-game species every time you purchase a firearm, am-            local groups and teach novices hunting skills and
munition or a hunting license. Wisconsin DNR staff thanks you for providing            techniques. Participants receive four hours of
the foundation for wildlife management in our great state.                             classroom/field instruction followed by a one-on-
                                                                                       one hunt with an experienced mentor. No licenses,
What is R3? R3 stands for the Recruitment, Retention, and Reacti-                      stamps* or Hunter Education Certification is needed
vation of hunters, anglers, trappers and shooting sports enthusiasts.                  to participate. Visit, keyword “LTH.”
Though hunting plays a vital role in Wisconsin’s heritage and economy,                 LEARN TO HUNT FOR FOOD
the number of people hunting each year is steadily declining. Wiscon-                  Hunt for Food is an extended Learn to Hunt program
sin DNR’s R3 Program is tasked with finding and implementing effec-                    for novice adults that provides additional discussion,
tive solutions to address declining numbers of hunters and anglers. For                demonstrations and hands-on field instruction
more information, visit, keyword “R3.”                                      before hunting one-on-one with an experienced
                                                                                       mentor. No licenses, stamps* or Hunter Education
                                                                                       Certification is needed to participate. Visit dnr.
                                                                             , keyword “Hunt for Food.”
                                                                                       BE A LOCAL LEARN TO HUNT OR
                                                                                       HUNT FOR FOOD COORDINATOR
                                                                                       Are you an experienced hunter with the skills
                                                                                       and network to host a program? Help pass on
                                                                                       Wisconsin’s hunting heritage to novices by
                                                                                       coordinating a Learn to Hunt or Hunt for Food
                                                                                       program in your community. Visit,
                                                                                       keyword, “LTH.”
                                                                                       BE A VOLUNTEER MENTOR
                                                                                       Learn to Hunt and Hunt for Food programs are
                                                                                       supported by volunteer mentors. Mentors must 1)
                                                                                       have at least five years of hunting experience 2) be
                                                                                       at least 18 years old 3) pass a background check
                                                                                       every five years. Keyword: “LTH”
                                                                                       Take Wisconsin DNR’s new Hunter Mentor Training
                                                                                       to earn state liability insurance coverage while
                                                                                       mentoring novice adults and families! Visit dnr.
                                                                             , keyword “Mentor.”
                                                                                       HUNTING MENTORSHIP PROGRAM
                                                                                       Take a novice hunter afield and hunt alongside them!
                                                                                       See page 7 for program rules and mentee/mentor

                                                                                   *The Federal Duck Stamp is required for all Learn to Hunt
                                                                                   waterfowl participants 16 years old and older.

2020 Wisconsin Hunting Regulations                                                                                                             9
Buck Harvest Authorizations
                                                                                                                                          Gun Buck Deer Harvest Authorization
                                                                                                                                          • Issued with a gun deer license and valid in any
                                                                                                                                            DMU statewide.
                                                                                                                                          • Authorizes the harvest of one buck deer with
                                                                                                                                            any legal weapon type.
                                                                                                                                          • Valid during any firearm deer season except
                                                                                                                                            in any DMU where an antlerless-only hunt
                                                                                                                                            is taking place. (Visit, keywords
                                                                                                                                            “armed forces hunting” for military exceptions
                                                                                                                                            and page 14 for disabled hunter exceptions).

                                                                                                                LINDA FRESHWATERS ARNDT
                                                                                                                                          Bow Buck Deer Harvest Authorization
                                                                                                                                          • Issued with a bow or crossbow license and valid

DEER                                                                                                                                        in any DMU statewide.
                                                                                                                                          • Authorizes the harvest of one buck deer by bow
                                                                                                                                            or crossbow depending on the license purchased.
                                                                                                                                          • Valid during an open archery or crossbow
                                                                                                                                            season, except in any DMU where an antlerless-
DEER SEASON AND BAG LIMITS                                                                                                                  only hunt is taking place.
Unless otherwise specified under “Special Restrictions”, the bag limit for all seasons is one
buck deer per unused buck deer harvest authorization and one antlerless deer per unused
                                                                                                                                          Antlerless Harvest Authorizations
antlerless deer harvest authorization valid for use in the specified zone, Deer Management                                                Junior Antlerless Deer Harvest Authorization
Unit (DMU) and land type (public access or private). Bow buck deer harvest authorizations                                                 • Issued to hunters ages 17 and younger with each
                                                                                                                                            gun, bow or crossbow license.
are weapon specific. For example, you may not use a rifle to fill your bow buck harvest
                                                                                                                                          • Valid for taking one antlerless deer in any DMU
authorization even during the firearm gun deer season. Junior antlerless deer harvest                                                       statewide on the land type specified on the
authorizations are valid statewide on the land type specified.                                                                              authorization.
                                                                                                                                          • May be used during any open deer season with
                                                                                                                                            the weapon authorized by that license.
   2020 deer hunting seasons                                                                                                              • May be filled ONLY by the authorization holder.
      Season                  Dates             Location                     Special Instructions                                         Farmland (Zone 2) Antlerless Deer Harvest
                            Sept. 12 –                                                                                                    • One or more may be included with the purchase
 Archery/Crossbow         Jan. 3, 2021 or        Statewide         No bucks may be harvested during statewide
                                                                        antlerless-only hunt: Dec. 10-13.                                   of an archer/crossbow and/or gun deer license
                          Jan. 31, 2021*                                                                                                    depending on your selected DMU.
                                                                                                                                          • Authorizes the harvest of one antlerless deer per
 Gun Deer Hunt
                                                Statewide                                                                                   authorization.
 for Hunters with            Oct. 3-11                                    See page 14 for more details.
 Disabilities                                                                                                                             • Specific to the DMU and land type (public-
                                                                                                                                            access or private land) specified by the hunter at
 Youth                      Oct. 10-11           Statewide                 See page 13 for more details.                                    the time of purchase.
                                                                                                                                          • May be filled with any weapon during any
                                                                                                                                            season with the correct license for the method
 Gun Deer                   Nov. 21-29           Statewide        All weapon types are allowed. Metro sub-unit                              of harvest and season.
                                                                            dates Nov. 21 - Dec. 9
                                                                                                                                          Bonus Antlerless Deer Harvest Authorizations
                                                 Statewide                                                                                • Sold on a first-come, first-served basis with a
 Muzzleloader             Nov. 30-Dec. 9        (except for          See muzzleloader restrictions on page 4.                               purchase limit of one per person per day.
                                                metro units)                                                                              • Authorizes the harvest of one antlerless deer per
 Antlerless – only          Dec. 10-13           Statewide               All weapon types are allowed.                                    • Valid only in the zone, DMU and land type
                                                                      Only anterless deer may be harvested.                                 (public-access or private) specified on the
                                              Select Farmland            All weapon types are allowed.                                    • May be filled with any weapon during any
 Holiday Hunt                Dec. 24 –                                                                                                      season with the correct license for the method
                                             Zone counties only       Only anterless deer may be harvested.
                            Jan. 1, 2021       (map page 11)                                                                                of harvest and season.
                                                                                                                                          Metro Sub-unit Antlerless Deer Harvest
* Archery/crossbow season closes on Jan. 31, 2021 in metro sub-units and in DMUs with extended archery/crossbow                           Authorizations
  season. See map on page 11 for participating counties.
                                                                                                                                          • Available in select metro sub-units. Issued upon
                                                                                                                                            request, at no cost, with the purchase of an
LICENSING REQUIREMENTS                                   HARVEST AUTHORIZATIONS                                                             archer/crossbow or gun deer license.
What you need to hunt deer:                              Harvest authorizations are issued with each                                      • Bonus authorizations may also be available for
                                                         deer hunting license. The number and types of                                      purchase in select metro sub-units and land
• Gun deer license, to harvest deer with a firearm.      harvest authorizations issued with a deer hunting                                  types.
• Archer License, to harvest deer with a bow and         license may vary based on where in the state                                     • Only valid within the metro sub-unit
  arrow.                                                 you are hunting. Some harvest authorizations                                       boundaries, within the DMU selected, and on
• Crossbow License, to harvest deer with a               are valid only during certain open seasons or                                      the land type (public-access or private) specified
  crossbow.                                              when hunting in certain locations. Each harvest                                    on the harvest authorization.
• A valid, unfilled harvest authorization.               authorization allows the harvest of a single deer                                • See page 11 for metro sub-unit locations. For
                                                         of the type specified. The following information                                   detailed maps, visit
Note: The purchase of upgrade is required with           outlines the types of harvest authorizations,                            
either an archer or crossbow license in order to         weapon you may use to fill them, along with
use both weapon types.                                   where and when they are valid.

10                                                                                                                                                        2020 Wisconsin Hunting Regulations

                                           Apostle Islands
                                 Red Cliff
                                                                        Madeline Island              2020 Deer Season Structure
                                                                          Bad River
                                                                          Reservation                  and Management Zones

                         Douglas                                                                     Lac du Flambeau

                                            Lac Courte                               Iron
                                            Oreilles           Ashland

               Burnett     Washburn                      Sawyer                                                                              Florence

                                                                             Price                       Oneida

               Polk                                              Northern Forest                                                    Forest         Marinette
                                                                     Zone 1
                                                                                                                                                        A     ¤
                                                                                                                                                              £ 141

             Central                                                                                                                                        "

            Farmland £                                                                             Lincoln               Langlade        Oconto               V
                     ¤ ¬  «              53     27                     Taylor

             Zone 2 «                                                                                                                    ¬

                     ¬ Chippewa¬
                              «                       64                                                                                      64
                                       64                                                                                                           Marinette
              St Croix                                               Clark
                                                                                                                                           ) Oconto
                                                                                                                                Menominee AA

                                                           MM                                 Marathon
             Pierce                              ¬

                         Pepin           Eau Claire
                                                            "          ¤
                                                                                       Wood                               Waupaca
                                                                                                           Portage                       Outagamie                              Kewaunee
                            Buffalo                  Jackson                      Central     13

                                                           27     Central ¬«    Farmland             Brown

                                                                    Forest         Zone 2       Calumet

                                              La Crosse               Zone 1 Waushara Winnebago
                         Trempealeau                                §§
                                                                    ¦ ¦
                                                                 Monroe                                                    Green                            Sheboygan
                            Fort McCoy                                               Juneau          ¬
                                                                                                     82                     Lake       Fond du Lac

                                                      Vernon                                                     Columbia

                                                                                          Southern Dodge
                                                                                            Sauk                                                   Wash.

                                                                                       Farmland Zone 2

                                                                                                                                 Jefferson                            Milwaukee
                                                                                                     Dane                                      Waukesha
                                                                                                                         Rock                               Racine
                                                                                  Lafayette              Green                          Walworth

   Statewide: Bucks plus antlerless by harvest authorization
             Buck-only – all seasons. No antlerless harvest authorizations available
             Antlerless-only Holiday Hunt: Dec. 24 - Jan. 1, 2021
             Antlerless-only Holiday Hunt + either-sex Extended Archery and Crossbow (through Jan. 31, 2021)
             Metro Sub-units: visit, keywords “deer management units” for more information on
             boundary lines and extended season dates
              Non-quota Area: no harvest authorizations issued by the DNR
2020 Wisconsin Hunting Regulations                                                                                                                                                         11
DEER CARCASS TRANSPORTATION                            is illegal to establish or maintain food plots/             gallons of bait on the same parcel of land.
REGULATIONS                                            plantings on DNR-owned or -managed lands.                 • Place a baiting site within 50 yards of any trail,
                                                                                                                   road or campsite used by the public, or within
Visit, keywords “carcass movement”          Baiting                                                     100 yards of a roadway having a posted speed
for the most current carcass transportation            It is illegal to place, use or hunt deer over bait          limit of 45 mph or more.
restrictions.                                          or feed material in certain counties. Visit dnr.          • Place feed at a deer feeding site that is known
It is illegal to transport whole wild deer carcasses and search “baiting and feeding” for a               to be used by bear or elk.
and parts of such carcasses that were harvested in     map of prohibited locations. For the remainder            Timing
a CWD-affected area outside of that area, except       of the state, baiting for hunting purposes is
those deer carcasses and parts may be transported      allowed only under the following conditions:              It is illegal to:
to a county that is adjacent to the CWD-affected                                                                 • Place, use or hunt over bait or feed for hunting
area, or to licensed taxidermist or licensed meat      Amount                                                      purposes during the closed deer season, except
processor if the delivery occurs within 72 hours                                                                   bait may be placed starting the day prior to the
of the deer being registered. The following may        On each contiguous parcel of land under the                 archery deer season opener. In 2020, bait may
also be transported without restriction:               same ownership, up to 2 gallons of bait may be              be placed for deer hunting starting at 12 a.m.
                                                       placed in total if the parcel is less than 40 acres.        on September 11. Baiting must stop at the close
• Meat that is cut and wrapped (either                 If the parcel is 40 acres or more, 2 gallons may be
  commercially or privately).                                                                                      of all deer seasons.
                                                       placed per every 40 acres. Bait may be spread out
• Quarters (including leg bones) or other              or divided into more than one pile as long as the total   • Hunt over bait or a feeding site that is in
  portions of meat to which no part of the spinal      amount of bait or feed material is not more than two        violation of these regulations unless the area
  column is attached.                                  gallons per 40 acres.                                       is completely free of bait or feed material for
                                                                                                                   at least 10 consecutive days prior to hunting,
• Meat that has been deboned.                                                                                      pursuing animals or dog training.
• Hides with no heads attached, finished               Placement
  taxidermy heads, antlers.                            It is illegal to:                                           Note: Removal of unlawfully placed bait or feed
                                                                                                                   material does not preclude the issuance of a
• Clean skulls or skull plates with no                 • Place a baiting site within 100 yards of another          citation for the original placement of unlawful
  lymphoid or brain tissue attached.                     baiting site.                                             baiting or feeding material.
• Upper canine teeth (also known as buglers,           • Hunt within 100 yards of more than two
  whistlers or ivories).
A processor or taxidermist who receives a deer
carcass must be informed that the deer was
harvested within the CWD-affected area.                      REGISTER THAT DEER — IT’S REQUIRED!
Many states and provinces restrict the
importation of cervid carcasses and hunters                      Register your deer through GameReg by
should check the regulations of their home                       5 p.m. the day after recovery. All registration is electronic.
state or province, the state or province in which                   • Register online (fastest and easiest method):
they will be hunting, and the states or provinces                   • Register by phone: 1-844-426-3734 (1-844-GAMEREG) (available 24 hours). When
through which they will be traveling. For more                        prompted, use the numbers on your phone keypad to spell the first three letters of the
information, please visit the CWD Alliance                            county. For example, for Adams County, enter A-D-A by pressing “232.”
website at:                                       • Register in person: Find a station that offers a phone or computer for registration at
Quartering Your Deer                                        , search “registration stations”.
Hunters may divide a deer into as many as five                   Have your deer harvest authorization number handy to enter at the start of the
pieces to facilitate removal of the carcass from                 registration process.
the field, but the head must remain attached                     You will receive a 10-character confirmation number for your records once your deer has
to one of the five parts of the carcass. The hide                been successfully registered. For white-tailed deer, all confirmation numbers begin with
and lower legs, if removed, do not count as one                  “W” and are issued in the format W12-345-6789.
of the five parts. Only one deer that has been
quartered may be stored or transported at a time                 Learn more about GameReg at, keyword “GameReg.”
prior to registration, but quartered deer can be
transported with other intact deer. The lower legs
up to the tarsus joint (ankle or hock) on the hind
legs and up to the carpus joint (wrist or knee)
on the front legs may also be removed. All parts
of the deer, except the entrails, must be removed
from the field. Deer must be kept intact while
afield, except for field dressing, skinning and
Scents which are used only to attract deer by
odor may be used for hunting deer statewide, but
the scent may not be placed or deposited in a
manner that makes it accessible for consumption
by deer. Scents shall be removed daily at the end
of shooting hours, except two ounces or less of
scent do not need to be removed daily and may
be placed, used or deposited in any manner for
hunting deer.
Natural Vegetation and Plantings
Hunting with the aid of material deposited
by natural vegetation, material found solely as
a result of normal agricultural or gardening
practices, or with the aid of crops planted and
left standing as wildlife food plots is legal. It

12                                                                                                                               2020 Wisconsin Hunting Regulations
Content                                                  the party.                                                   Note: Deer with antlers in velvet or in
It is illegal to:                                      • Hunters in a group hunting party may                         spotted coat may be harvested during
• Place, use or hunt over any bait or feed material      not use cellular phones, special free radio                  the open deer season. The velvet antlers
  that:                                                  communications, or other mechanical or                       and spotted hide may not be sold or
                                                         electronic amplifying devices (except hearing                transferred to another person. Albino and
   • Contains any animal part or animal                                                                               all-white deer may not be harvested.
     byproduct. Animal parts and byproducts              aids) to establish contact with the person for
     include honey, bones, fish, meat, solid animal      whom the deer is killed.
     fat, animal carcasses and parts of animal         • Convicted felons cannot participate in group
     carcasses, but do not include liquid scents.        deer hunting or allow use of their harvest                 SPECIAL HUNTS
   • Is contained in or deposited by a feeder            authorization by anyone else, because felons
                                                         cannot possess a firearm. People participating             Youth Gun Deer Hunt

     that is designed to deposit or replenish feed                                                                  • Open only to persons 15 years of age
     automatically, mechanically or by gravity.          only as deer drivers are not required to possess
                                                         firearms or hunting licenses.                                and younger who possess a gun deer
   • Contains or is contained within metal, paper,                                                                    license.
     plastic, glass, wood or other similar processed   • Adults may not hunt deer with firearms during
                                                         the youth gun deer hunt.                                   • This hunt occurs statewide in all areas
     materials. This does not apply to scent                                                                          open for hunting.
     materials.                                        • While group hunting, a mentor may not fill any
                                                         of their mentee’s deer harvest authorizations.             • Youth hunters must be accompanied
                                                                                                                      by an adult parent or guardian even
GROUP HUNTING LAW                                                                                                     if the youth is 14 or 15 years old and holds a
                                                       POSSESSION AND SALE OF DEER                                    hunter education certificate. One adult may not
It is illegal to kill game for another person except   It is illegal to:                                              accompany more than two youth hunters at the
during a firearm deer season when a member of                                                                         same time.
a group deer hunting party may kill a deer for         • Possess any deer from which the antlers have
                                                         been removed, broken, shed or altered so as to             • All other hunting regulations apply, including
another member of the party. However, junior                                                                          highly visible clothing requirements for all
antlerless deer harvest authorizations issued to         make determination of the legality of the deer
                                                         impossible. Any such deer is considered an                   hunters except waterfowl hunters.
those age 17 and under may only be filled by the
person to whom the authorizations are issued.            illegal deer if taken during a season for hunting          • Hunting mentorship rules apply to all youth
Group hunting is not legal for persons hunting           only antlerless deer.                                        age 11 and under and to any youth who has
with bows and crossbows. All participants must         • Possess a deer carcass unless the hunter                     not completed hunter education. See page 7 for
be licensed and each must possess a firearm.             possesses the appropriate proof of a deer                    more information on the hunting mentorship
Members of a group deer hunting party should             harvest authorization.                                       program.
also agree in advance that a harvest authorization
holder is willing to use their authorization           • Sell, purchase, barter, or offer to sell, purchase         Gun Deer Hunt for Hunters with Disabilities
number to register a deer killed by another              or barter any deer or deer part, except the head,          Special gun deer hunting opportunities on
member of the party.                                     skin (not in spotted coat) and antlers (not in             sponsored properties are available to hunters
• A group deer hunting party must be two or              velvet) of any deer may be sold or bartered                with disabilities who hold a Class A, C or D
  more hunters who are hunting together within           when these parts are separated from the rest of            disabled permit or holders of a Class B permit
  sight or voice contact at all times. Temporary         the carcass.                                               that is issued for longer than one year and which
  loss of voice or visual contact for a reasonable     • Possess albino deer which are entirely white               authorizes hunting or shooting from a stationary
  time due to terrain or weather conditions              except for the hooves, tarsal glands, head                 vehicle. A gun deer license and a sponsor are
  is acceptable. Hunters may not kill deer for           and parts of the head unless special written               required.
  persons who are not out actively hunting with          authorization is obtained from the department.

    Watch for similarities and
    differences while in the field.
                                                                                                • White-tailed antlers curve forward.
                                                                                                • Elk antlers are swept back.

  • Full-grown elk are larger then                                           • Elk have a tan
    full-grown deer. An adult                                                  rump patch, black
    elk stands 4-5 feet at the                                                 legs and a dark
    shoulders, while deer will stand                                           brown mane.
    3-3 1/2 feet at the shoulders.
                                                                             • Deer have legs the
    However, a 5-6 month-old elk
                                                                               same color as their
    calf will be about the same size
                                                                               bodies and a white
    as an adult white-tailed doe.
                                                                               throat patch.


2020 Wisconsin Hunting Regulations                                                                                                                                 13
• Disabled hunters who wish to participate must
  contact a hunt sponsor before September 1.
  Contact information is available at,
  keywords “disabled deer hunt.”
• The valid authorizations for the gun hunt for
  hunters with disabilities are as follows:
   • Gun buck deer harvest authorization.
   • Farmland (Zone 2) antlerless deer harvest
     Note: Anyone participating in this hunt may
     use one Farmland (Zone 2) antlerless deer
     harvest authorization to take an antlerless
     deer in any unit statewide. Additionally, if
     the disabled hunter has also purchased an
     archer/crossbow license, he/she may take one
     additional antlerless deer during this hunt.
   • Bonus antlerless deer harvest authorization.
• During this special hunt on sponsored
  properties, the hunter may use the Farmland
  (Zone 2) antlerless deer harvest authorization
  on either land type regardless of the land type
  designated on the authorization. If the hunter
  does not fill the authorization during this hunt,
  he or she must use the authorization to harvest
  an antlerless deer during the other deer seasons
  only on the land type specified.

                                                                                                                        LOOKING FOR CARCASS
                                                                                                                        DISPOSAL OR CWD
      WHAT HUNTERS SHOULD KNOW                                                                                          TESTING LOCATIONS?
                                                                                                                        The Wisconsin DNR’s Hunt Wild App includes
                                                                                                                        maps with carcass disposal and CWD sampling
     Chronic Wasting Disease is a fatal disease that affects the nervous system of deer, elk and moose. The disease
                                                                                                                        locations, along with public lands maps, online
     is caused by an abnormal protein called a prion, which can survive cooking temperatures. Prions concentrate in
                                                                                                                        regulation, access to GameReg and shooting
     certain tissues, such as the brain, spinal cord, lymph nodes and spleen, and are present in lower concentrations
                                                                                                                        hours tailored to your location. Download it
     in other tissues such as muscle. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention state that to date, there
                                                                                                                        today by visiting, keywords “Hunt
     have been no reported cases of CWD infection in people. However, in the interest of safety, the CDC advises that
     hunters not consume meat from deer, elk or moose which test positive for CWD.

     In keeping with this recommendation, the Wisconsin Division of Public Health recommends that venison from
     deer harvested in CWD-affected areas not be consumed or distributed to others until CWD test results on the
     source deer are known to be negative.

     If you have your deer or elk commercially processed, consider asking that your animal be processed individually
     to avoid mixing meat from multiple animals. Venison from multiple deer should be kept separate and labeled
     before freezing. For more information on human prion disease, call the Wisconsin Department of Health
     Services at 608-267-9003.                                                                                          CHECK YOUR DEER’S CWD
                                                                                                                        TEST RESULTS
     For recommendations on the safe handling of deer, visit, keywords “carcass disposal.”                   Check the CWD test result of your harvested
                                                                                                                        deer online! Visit, keywords “CWD
                                                                                                                        results” and follow the instructions to obtain
                                                                                                                        your results.

14                                                                                                                                 2020 Wisconsin Hunting Regulations
                                                                                                             • The bag limit is one bull elk per elk
                                                                                                              carcass tag.
                                                                                                               • Bull elk means any elk with an
                                                                                                                 antler of at least 6 inches in length.
                                                                                                             • Blaze orange or fluorescent pink
                                                                                                              clothing is highly encouraged but not
                                                                                                             • It is prohibited to feed elk or hunt over

 ELK                                                                                                         • Group elk hunting is not allowed.
                                                                                                              However, people accompanying the

                                                                                               JEFF MORDEN
                                                                                                              hunter may participate in all aspects of
                                                                                                              the hunt except shooting an elk.

     season dates                                                                                            TAGGING AND TRANSPORT
                                                                                                             • You must validate the carcass tag immediately
  Oct. 17–Nov. 15; Dec. 10–18                                                                                  upon killing and before field dressing or
                                                                                                               moving the elk.
  Application and License Requirements
  What you need to hunt elk:                                                                                 • You must attach the validated carcass tag to the
                                                                                                               animal before you leave it. You do not need to
  • Elk application                                                                                            attach the tag as long as you remain with the
  • Elk license                                                                                                carcass, such as when dragging it out of the
  • Elk carcass tag
  • Completion of Wisconsin Elk Hunter Orientation                                                           • To facilitate removal from the field, an elk may
                                                                                                               be divided into not more than five parts, not
                                                                                                               including the hide or lower legs up to the tarsus
  • Currently, only Wisconsin residents are eligible to apply for and receive an elk hunting                   joint (ankle or hock) on the hind legs and up
                                                                                                               to the carpus joint (wrist or knee) on the front
    license. For application deadlines and fees see pages 6-7.                                                 legs. The head and neck must remain attached
  • All elk hunters must participate in a Wisconsin Elk Hunter Orientation course prior                        to one of the other parts of the animal, not
    to being issued an elk hunting license. The DNR will contact successful applicants with                    including the hide. All parts of the elk, except
                                                                                                               the entrails, must be removed from the field
    details.                                                                                                   and exhibited at the time of registration. Only
  • A person may be issued or transferred only one elk license in their lifetime.                              one elk that has been quartered may be stored
                                                                                                               or transported at a time.
  • Only license drawing winners may purchase an elk license.                                                • It is illegal to transport another person’s
                                                                                                               unregistered elk unless accompanied by the
   AREAS OPEN FOR ELK HUNTING IN 2020                                                                          person issued the carcass tag.
                                                                                                             • The person who tags the elk must keep the
                                                                                                               carcass tag with the butchered meat until it is

                                                                                                              • In-person registration is required. All
                                                                                                                harvested elk must be presented in person
                                                                                                                at a designated location. Location and
                                                                                                                hours of operation will be shared prior to
                                                                                                                the start of the elk hunting season.
                                                                                                              • Each elk must be registered by 5 p.m. the
                                                                                                                day after recovery of the carcass, and prior
                                                                                                                to its removal from the elk management
• Over 70% of the                                                                                             • At the time of registration, hunters shall
 northern elk range is                                                                                          provide the DNR with information about
 public land open for                                                                                           the location of the kill. If requested, you
 elk hunting.                                                                                                   must allow the department to collect tissue
                                                                                                                or other samples.

                                                                                                                 MORE INFORMATION
                                                                                                               For more information about elk in
                                                                                                               Wisconsin, visit, keyword “elk.”

  2020 Wisconsin Hunting Regulations                                                                                                                           15

                                                                                                                                                                         JERRY DAVIS
                         Area/Period                                      Close                     Bag Limit        Licenses/Stamps/Harvest Authorizations
      Season                                      Opening
                                                                                                                     What You Need to Hunt Turkey:
                         Zones 1-5                     Sept. 12        Jan. 3, 2021          One turkey of any       • Spring turkey hunting license, if hunting in
 Fall 2020               Zones 6 & 7                   Sept. 12          Nov. 20            age or sex per harvest     spring
                                                                                                                     • Fall turkey hunting license, if hunting in fall
                         Period A                      April 21          Apr. 27                                     • Wild turkey stamp (valid for spring and fall)
                         Period B                      April 28          May 4              One bearded or male
 Spring 2021             Period C                       May 5            May 11              turkey per harvest      • An unfilled turkey harvest authorization
                         Period D                      May 12            May 18                authorization           valid for the season, period and zone you are
                         Period E                      May 19            May 25                                        hunting
                         Period F                      May 26            June 1                                      Note: A person is considered to be hunting
                        The turkey                                                         One bearded or male       turkey if they possess a firearm, crossbow or bow
 Youth 2021             zone for which                 April 17          April 18            turkey per harvest      and arrow and turkey decoys or a turkey call
                        the harvest                                                       authorization. See page    during an open turkey hunting season.
                        auth. was                                                           17 for more details.

                                                                  TURKEY MANAGEMENT ZONES


     All harvested turkeys must be registered
     either online ( or by
     phone at 844-426-3734 (844-GAME-
     REG) by 5 p.m. on the day after
     • Hunters will need to use their
       authorization number to register
       a turkey.                                                  Note: To hunt turkey in a state
     • No in-person registration stations are                     park that is open to hunting,
       available.                                                 you must hold a harvest
                                                                  authorization for the general
     • Hunters will be given a harvest                            zone (i.e. zones 1–7) in which
       registration confirmation number                           the park is located.
       for their records when registration is

16                                                                                                                                  2020 Wisconsin Hunting Regulations
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