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Find properties for sale, interior trends inside - expert advice and the latest - ESPC

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Find properties for sale, interior trends inside - expert advice and the latest - ESPC
                                                                          New showhome at Boroughmuir, Edinburgh                                                                                                             Computer Generated Image - Exterior at Boroughmuir, Edinburgh



                                                                                                                                                         New showhome at Boroughmuir, Edinburgh                                                          New showhome at Boroughmuir, Edinburgh

       10 YEAR

                                                                                                                   N E W 2 B E D R O O M S H O W H O M E O P E N DA I LY BY A P P O I N T M E N T
         Showcasing original architectural features within cutting edge contemporary design,                       B O R O U G H M U I R , B R U N T S F I E L D, E D I N B U R G H, E H 1 0 4 L R
             the impressive new showhome at Boroughmuir, in sought-after Bruntsfield,                              0 1 3 1 5 1 6 3 5 3 7 I C A L A . C O. U K
                                 offers a living space like no other.                                              ESPC_15MAR *Mortgage Pay offer is available on selected plots only and may be time limited. CALA will pay a mortgage
                                                                                                                   subsidy that is equal to the lesser of a) your monthly payment multiplied by the agreed number of months, or b) 5% of the
                                                                                                                   purchase price of your home. For full terms and conditions and purchasing criteria, visit Prices are accurate
                                                                                                                   at the time of going to print. Images shown are taken from Boroughmuir, Edinburgh and feature, fittings, décor, flooring and
                                  MORTGAGE PAY AVAILABLE*                                                          soft furnishings which are not included as standard in a CALA home. Images are used to suggest possible finishes that can be
                                                                                                                   achieved in your home at an additional cost. Please consult a CALA representative for further details. Some images have been
                                                                                                                   enhanced. Telephone calls within the British Isles will be charged at local rate. Telephone calls may divert to a mobile service in
                                                                                                                   which case call charges may vary. Calls may be recorded for training purposes. 5 stars awarded for customers’ willingness to
                                                                                                                   ‘Recommend to a Friend’ in findings of the survey undertaken by the Home Builders Federation 2018/19.
Find properties for sale, interior trends inside - expert advice and the latest - ESPC

                                                   WELCOME                                                             CONTENTS
     Spring is most definitely in the air now. Embrace      places to retire across the east of Scotland,
     the bright, playful nature of this season with         from Kinross to North Berwick.                              6   ESPC NEWS
     pom poms on furniture and accessories – see                                                                            50 years of house prices in Scotland
     some of our favourite home interior products in        We also provide details of our upcoming virtual
     this issue. Of course, if it’s glamour you’re after,   events – whether you’re a first time buyer or
                                                                                                                        7   EXPERT ADVICE
     we also take a look at the art deco trend.             buy-to-let investor, there is something for you.                COVID-19 and house moves in Scotland

                                                                                                                        8   ESPC EVENTS
     In terms of expert advice in this issue, Nicky         And as usual, we have our latest House Price                    Useful information about the local property
     Lloyd, Head of ESPC Lettings, provides an              Report which provides key property market                       market
     update on the local rental market while Murray         statistics over the past three months.
     Souter from ESPC Mortgages discusses the                                                                           9   AL FRESCO LIFE
     advantages and disadvantages of buying a                                                                               This outdoor bar is perfect for the lighter
                                                            If you’re looking to buy a property, there is a
     buy-to-let through a limited company. We also                                                                          nights
                                                            lovely selection of homes advertised in this
     identify the best areas in Edinburgh for buy-to-
     let properties based on rental yield.
                                                            magazine – just keep an eye out for the dark                                                                  24   AREA FOCUS
                                                            blue ESPC property sticker. Remember, there                10   FEATURE PROPERTY                                   We’ve rounded up some of the best
                                                            are thousands more properties to browse at                      A grand home in the Borders                        places to retire
     David Marshall from Warners LLP offers some  
     advice to those thinking of buying in the                                                                         16   PROPERTY MARKET UPDATE                        32   MORTGAGE ADVICE
     current circumstances, including why it’s more                                                                         Our February House Price Report                    Buy-to-let mortgages - setting up for a
                                                            And if you are selling your home and would like
     important than ever to plan ahead and seek                                                                                                                                limited company
                                                            to advertise it in the ESPC magazine, you can              19   GINGHAM STYLE
     expert advice.
                                                            speak to your ESPC solicitor estate agent to                    Home interiors in time for spring and
                                                                                                                                                                          34   POM POM FUN
                                                            find out how to do just that.
     In this issue you can also find details on the                                                                                                                            Add a playful edge to your interiors
     current Scottish Government guidance on                                                                           20   GREEN WITH ENVY
     moving home and COVID-19. Moving house                                                  Happy reading.                 We love this beautiful bath
                                                                                                                                                                          36   THE FIRST HOME FUND EXPLAINED
     and related activities are currently permitted,                                                                                                                           Find everything you need to know about
     but the Scottish Government has said it may be                                          Claire Flynn              22   SEARCHING FOR HOMES WITH ESPC                      Scotland’s First Home Fund
     advisable to postpone if possible.                                                      Editor                         The number of properties on ESPC
                                                                                                                                                                          42   EXPERT ADVICE
                                                                                                                                                                               Advice on buying a property during
     If you’re thinking of retiring and looking to                                                                                                                             COVID-19
     move home, we also round up some of the best
                                                                                                                                                                          43   FEATURE PROPERTY
                                                                                                                                                                               An immaculate flat in Newhaven

                                                                                                                                                                          50   ART DECO
     COVER IMAGE: River Back-to-Wall Bath in Dark Green,     All material published in ESPC magazine is copyright                                                             Add some elegance and glamour to
                     Water Baths of Ashbourne                 of the publisher and cannot be reproduced without                                                                your home
     ESPC (UK) Ltd: 107 George Street, Edinburgh, EH2 3ES     permission. All advertisements and articles appearing
                                                              in this publication are as far as possible checked for
     TEL: 0131 624 8000
                                                              accuracy, but persons accepting or offering to accept                                                       56   AREA FOCUS
     EDITORIAL: Claire Flynn                                  goods or services contained in any advertisement or                                                              The best areas for buy-to-let properties
     ADVERTISING: Claire Boulton (07498 876315)               article do so at their own risk.
                   Moyra Vivian (07498 876330)                                                                                                                            58   ESPC LETTINGS
     EMAIL:                             ©ESPC 2021
     DESIGN: Melissa Meikle                                                                                                                                                    Rental market update

4   ESPC.COM                                                                                                                                                                                                     ESPC.COM   5
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ESPC NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                     EXPERT ADVICE

                 50 YEARS OF HOUSE PRICES IN                                                                              COVID-19 AND HOUSE MOVES IN
                         SCOTLAND                                                                                                   SCOTLAND
      It’s ESPC’s 50th birthday this year, so we’re celebrating with a series of articles looking at the past            A reminder of the Scottish Government guidance on house moves and COVID-19
          50 years of ESPC and the Scottish property market. In this article, we focus on house prices.

     70s                                                    2016 was the first year that the average            At the time of writing, mainland Scotland           The Scottish Government has also advised that
     In 1971, the year ESPC was formed, the average         property selling price exceeded that of 2007        remains under lockdown restrictions after           you should do as much of the process online as
     property selling price in Scotland, according to       in Scotland – it was £138,749 that year.            Nicola Sturgeon extended these until the            possible. They have emphasised that viewings
     data from the UK House Price Index, was just                                                               start of April.                                     should be done virtually where possible, and
     £3,617. However, mortgages started to become           It continued to grow from that point. The                                                               you should only progress to a physical viewing
     more available, meaning house prices rose              average selling price in 2019, according            The Scottish Government said: “Whilst it is         if necessary and you have a serious interest in
     steeply over the following decades.                    to the UK House Price Index, was £151,787           permitted to leave your house for activities        making an offer on the property.
                                                            which is a significant jump compared to 1971.       in connection with moving home (including
     80s AND 90s                                                                                                viewing a property), or for activities in           Many agents are able to offer virtual valuations
     According to this data, in 1980 the average            Of course, there are also regional                  connection with the essential maintenance,          at present also – you should speak to the agent
     selling price in Scotland had shot up to               differences within Scotland – Edinburgh, for        purchase, sale, letting, or rental of residential   to find out what they can offer.
     £15,145 and in 1990 it was up at £35,684.              example, has a higher average selling price         property that the person owns or is otherwise
                                                            than other areas. According to ESPC data,           responsible for, at this time it is advisable to    Please note that the above article refers to the
     THE NEW MILLENNIUM                                     the average selling price in the capital in         postpone, if possible.                              guidance at the time of writing – the guidance
     Prices continued to grow as we entered                 2019 was £269,249. In 2020, it was £279,162.                                                            on house moves may have changed by the
     the new millennium – in 2000 the average                                                                   “Travelling for the purposes of undertaking         time of publication. You should contact a
     Scottish property selling price was £51,587.           WHY HAVE HOUSE PRICES INCREASED                     essential work on a property other than your        solicitor estate agent or head to
     The first decade of the noughties is known             SO MUCH?                                            main residence should not be used as a pretext      covid19 to find out up to date information.
     for the impact of the financial crash of 2008,         It’s important to bear in mind the impact           for a holiday. You should not stay longer than
     meaning the peak average selling price of              of inflation, but there are other factors that      for the length of time required to undertake the
     £137,043 was seen in 2007.                             may have contributed to changing house              necessary work.”
                                                            prices over the years, including access to
     POST-FINANCIAL CRASH                                   mortgages. Access to mortgages grew from            This means house moves and related activities,
     Scotland managed to avoid the severe                   the 1970s increasing demand for housing.            including property viewings, are permitted, but
     correction seen in the rest of the UK as a                                                                 the Scottish Government has said it is advisable
     result of the financial crash, and Edinburgh           50 YEARS OF ESPC                                    to postpone if possible.
     proved particularly resilient. However, there          Follow us on Facebook or sign up to our
     was a decline in the next few years, with the          email newsletter at to read more           If you need to move house, go to or host a
     average selling price in Scotland in 2010              articles celebrating 50 years of ESPC.              property viewing or have businesses visit your
     sitting at £131,901.                                                                                       home to value or photograph it, it’s important
                                                                                                                to follow the necessary Scottish Government
                                                                                                                guidance on staying safe while moving home,
                                                                                                                which includes social distancing from other
                                                                                                                households, regular hand washing and cleaning
                                                                                                                of your property. The Scottish Government also
                                                                                                                advises wearing a face covering.

                                                                                                                Your agent can provide more information on
                                                                                                                this and you can also find out more about the
                                                                                                                current guidance at

6                                                                                                                                                                                                                      7
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ESPC NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                          INTERIORS

                                               ESPC EVENTS
         Find out useful information about the local property market at one of our free online events.

     Whether you are a first time buyer, looking                       legal process of buying a rental property and
     to invest in a buy-to-let property or just                        buy-to-let mortgages.
     interested in the local property market, we
     have an online event for you. You can find                        FIRST TIME BUYER EVENT, 27TH MAY 2021
     out details of our upcoming events below.                         AT 12PM
                                                                       If you’re thinking of buying your first home later
     APRIL PROPERTY MARKET UPDATE,                                     this year, make sure to attend this event. We’ll
     15TH APRIL 2021 AT 12PM                                           be providing an update on market conditions
     During this event, we’ll be providing an                          and we’ll have a solicitor and independent
     update on how the property market has                             mortgage adviser available to answer all your
     performed over the first three months of                          questions about buying a property.
     2021, including the impact of the COVID-19
     lockdown restrictions. We’ll also look to see                     If you sign up to any of our events, you’ll have
     what the future might bring and our panel of                      the opportunity to pre-submit questions to
     experts will be on-hand to answer all of your                     ensure you find out the information that’s
     buying and selling questions.                                     relevant to you. And, depending on time, we’ll
                                                                       also host a live Q&A at the end of the event,
     BUY-TO-LET EVENT, 20TH MAY 2021                                   so if any questions spring to mind during the
     AT 12PM                                                           webinar you may also get a chance to ask them.
     At this event, our experts will be looking at
     the buy-to-let market specifically. As well as                    Book your space at one of our free webinars
     average rents and rental yields in Edinburgh,                     at
     they will be able to answer questions on the
                                                                                                                                                              AL FRESCO LIFE
     The initial consultation with an adviser is free and without obligation. Thereafter, ESPC Mortgages charges for mortgage advice
                                                                                                                                       Spruce up your outdoor drinks this spring and summer with this fantastic outdoor bar
     are usually £350 (£295 for first-time buyers). YOUR HOME MAY BE REPOSSESSED IF YOU DO NOT KEEP UP REPAYMENTS                          set. It’s the perfect way to enjoy a tipple in your own garden in the sunshine.

     ESPC (UK) Ltd is an Appointed Representative of Lyncombe Consultants Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the
     Financial Conduct Authority.                                                                                                                   Palm Outdoor Kitchen Bar Set, Danetti, £1,825,

8   ESPC.COM                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ESPC.COM   9
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          A GRAND HOME IN
            THE BORDERS
     This modern property was designed with a Georgian flair,
                    making it one-of-a-kind…

10                                                                            11
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A GRAND HOME IN THE BORDERS                                 Positioned just outside the popular
                                                            town of Kelso in the Scottish
                                                            Borders, this unique property was
                                                            completed in 2006. Occupying a
                                                            generous plot in the beautifully kept
                                                            hamlet of Heiton, the property was
                                                            designed with a Georgian flair giving
                                                            it a thoroughly distinctive feel.

                                                            One of the highlights of the
                                                            property is the south-west facing
                                                            aspect towards the famous               particularly impressive, complete
                                                            Roxburgh viaduct, which spans           with a stylish en suite. One of the
                                                            the River Teviot and majestic           other bedrooms also features an
                                                            Eildon Hills behind. The rear of        en suite. The upper level also has
                                                            the property opens to endless           a family bathroom and additional
                                                            countryside and sheltering              storage space.
                                                            woodland, making it perfect for
                                                            those after a peaceful and semi-        The home backs onto an area of
                                                            rural location.                         mature woodland and benefits
                                                                                                    from a large enclosed garden.
                                                            The property benefits from grand        Mostly laid to lawn, the garden
                                                            proportions, with a flexible layout     is dotted with fruit trees as well
                                                            to suit family living and that of       as planted borders and beds. It’s
                                                            many other buyers. It features          the perfect home for a gardening
                                                            four reception rooms in total, all of   enthusiast.
                                                            which are located on the ground
                                                            floor. The spacious drawing room        Heiton is a lovely village, located
                                                            and charming dining room offer          just two miles from the sought-
                                                            excellent spots for entertaining        after town of Kelso in the Borders.
                                                            guests once permitted again, while      The area is exceptionally well-
                                                            the family room and breakfast area      connected via the A698, with good
                                                            provide more relaxed spaces to          road links to Edinburgh, Newcastle,
                                                            socialise as a family.                  Kelso and Jedburgh.

                                                            The contemporary kitchen is also        The area is ideal for those who
                                                            located on the ground floor, along      love spending time outdoors, with
                                                            with a useful home office, utility      beautiful countryside walks and
                                                            area and integrated double garage.      prime fishing spots. Kelso is also
                                                                                                    home to a recently completed
                                                            All five bedrooms are located           high school, as well as lots of other
                                                            upstairs – the main bedroom is          amenities.

26 BOWMONT COURT, HEITON, TD5 8JY             UNDER OFFER                                                                      EPC
OFFERS OVER £550,000
                                                                          4                  5                3                  D
CONTACT: Call Hastings Legal on 01573922603
Find properties for sale, interior trends inside - expert advice and the latest - ESPC
FAIRVIEW, NENTHORN,                                                                                 9 FORTOUN BANK HOLDINGS,
                                  FAIRVIEW, NENTHORN,                                                                                  9 FORTOUN BANK HOLDINGS,
                                      KELSO, TD5 7RY                                                                                      EAST LINTON, EH40 3EA
                                      KELSO, TD5 7RY                                                                                       EAST LINTON, EH40 3EA
       OFFERS OVER £625,000                                 5             2            3            E              OFFERS OVER £600,000                            4            2           2           F
       OFFERS OVER £625,000                                5             2            3            E                OFFERS OVER £600,000                            4            2           2           F

        ESPC PROPERTY                                                                                                                                                                        ESPC PROPERTY

        An elegant and striking family home set against a stunning countryside backdrop, Fairview                  Impressive 4 bedroom detached property with fully enclosed and enchanting gardens and
       An      much
           elegant    andmore    thanfamily
                           striking    simply
                                            homea rural  restorative
                                                    set against        haven. countryside
                                                                 a stunning    Boasting charm,   character
                                                                                           backdrop,        and
                                                                                                      Fairview     woodland
                                                                                                                     Impressive extending to approximately
                                                                                                                                  4 bedroom                1 acre.with
                                                                                                                                              detached property     Thefully
                                                                                                                                                                        property is welland
                                                                                                                                                                             enclosed    presented throughout
                                                                                                                                                                                            enchanting  gardenswith
       offers  much features
                        more blending     seamlessly
                                than simply   a rural with   contemporary
                                                        restorative           styled elements,
                                                                      haven. Boasting           Fairview caters
                                                                                        charm, character   and     a woodland
                                                                                                                      flexible layout and open
                                                                                                                                 extending      outlook. There
                                                                                                                                           to approximately      are The
                                                                                                                                                             1 acre. also property
                                                                                                                                                                          2 doubleisgarages, a workshop,
                                                                                                                                                                                     well presented       shed and
                                                                                                                                                                                                    throughout  with
        ably for modern
       stunning   featurestastes    and seamlessly
                              blending   requirements.withWith a peaceful location
                                                            contemporary              and glorious
                                                                             styled elements,      surrounding
                                                                                               Fairview caters     greenhouse.
                                                                                                                     a flexible layout and open outlook. There are also 2 double garages, a workshop, shed and
        gardens,   including    a wishing  well  and  water  feature,  complete    with sauna and
       ably for modern tastes and requirements. With a peaceful location and glorious surrounding  hot tub, this     greenhouse.
        forever home
       gardens,          is anaenviable
                 including       wishing find
                                          well for
                                                andany  country
                                                     water       lifestyle
                                                            feature,       seeker.with sauna and hot tub, this
       forever home is an enviable find for any country lifestyle seeker.
        VIEWING INFORMATION                                                                                        VIEWING INFORMATION
        Contact Hastings      Legal & PropertyTel: 01573 225999                                                     VIEWING
                                                                                                                   By          INFORMATION
                                                                                                                      appt tel Agent 01620 532654
       Contact Hastings Legal & PropertyTel: 01573 225999                                                           By appt tel Agent 01620 532654

14 ESPC.COM                                                                                                                                                                                                   ESPC.COM 15
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                                                                                                                                                                                      Arthur’s Seat, Edinburgh

           Find out key property market statistics for Edinburgh, the Lothians, Fife and the Borders
                                        over the past three months.

                                                             Over the past three months, the average
                      KEY POINTS                             property selling price in Edinburgh,
                                                             the Lothians, Fife and the Borders was
                                                             £265,446, up 6.2% compared to the
                                                             previous year. Properties in East Fife and

                                                             the Borders saw significant increases in
                                                             average selling price year-on-year, up
                                                             19.2% and 13.7% respectively.
                      selling price
                                                             From December 2020 to February 2021,
                                                             properties in East Lothian experienced
      Over the past three months in Edinburgh, the           a 6.1% increase in average selling price
       Lothians, Fife and the Borders, the average           compared to last year while homes in
                                                             Midlothian saw a 2.8% increase. West          in terms of property listings, current stay-      times, indicating strong demand for homes.
        selling price rose by 6.2% year-on-year to
                                                             Lothian properties had a similar average      at-home guidance and impact of home               Fewer homes coming to market so far in
                                                             selling price to the same timeframe last      schooling.                                        2021 is likely resulting in increased
                                                             year.                                                                                           competition for properties in Edinburgh, the
                                                                                                           However, the volume of property sales was         Lothians, Fife and the Borders.
                                                                                                           up 42.2% in these areas over the last three
                                                             In West Fife & Kinross, the average selling
                                                             price over the past three months was          months, which indicates how busy the market       “There are a few different possible reasons
                                                             up 6.8% compared to the previous year.        was towards the end of 2020.                      for the fall in new property listings year-on-
                       increase in                           Within this area, properties in Dunfermline                                                     year, including the strong start to 2020 in
                       volume of                             saw a significant 13.4% increase              Between December 2020 and February                terms of homes coming to market, current
                     property sales                                                                        2021, the average percentage of Home              stay-at-home guidance and impact
                                                                                                           Report valuation achieved by properties           of home schooling.
                                                             Houses and flats in Edinburgh had an          in Edinburgh, the Lothians, Fife and the
       The volume of property sales in these areas           average selling price of £279,593 over the    Borders was 102.7%, 0.6 percentage points         “However, we are continuing to see strong
       during this time was up 42.2% year-on-year.           past three months, up 4.5% compared to        up compared to the same period last year. In      numbers of property valuation requests,
                                                             the same period last year. Properties in      Edinburgh, properties achieved 102.8%, down       indicating a high level of demand to sell
                                                             the south of Edinburgh saw the greatest       0.7 percentage points compared to last year.      in the near future. With the recent
                                                             growth in average selling price compared                                                        announcements regarding more pupils

                                                             to other areas of the city, rising by 11.5%   Across Edinburgh, the Lothians, Fife and the      going back to school in March and the end
                                                             to £331,473.                                  Borders, the median time it took for a property   of the stay-at-home guidance in April, we
                                                                                                           to be placed under offer was 20 days, six days    may start to see more properties coming to
                     decrease in
                    homes coming                             From December 2020 to February 2021,          faster than last year. Properties in West Fife    market in the upcoming months.
                      to market                              the volume of homes coming to market          & Kinross saw a much faster selling time this
                                                             in Edinburgh, the Lothians, Fife and the      year, at 13 days compared to 33 days last year.   “Those interested in buying or selling a
                                                             Borders was down 6.1% year-on-year.                                                             property in the near future should speak to a
       From December 2020 to February 2021, the              This decline has occurred in January          Paul Hilton, CEO of ESPC, said: “Over the past    solicitor estate agent for expert advice on the
      number of new property listings in Edinburgh,          and February – this could be due to a         three months, we saw average selling prices       process and latest Coronavirus guidance on
      the Lothians, Fife and the Borders was down            combination of the strong start to 2020       rise year-on-year along with faster selling       moving home.”
          6.1% compared to the previous year.
16                                                                                                                                                                                                      ESPC.COM   17
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                               37 CLERMISTON ROAD,                                                                                                                                      INTERIORS
                              CORSTORPHINE, EH12 6XD
                              CORSTORPHINE, EH12 6XD
       OFFERS OVER £575,000                              3            2           2            D
       OFFERS OVER £575,000                             3            2           2            D


                                                                                                                            GINGHAM STYLE
                                                                                                             This refreshing and bright pattern has swept its way through the fashion
                                                                                                              world and into home interiors in time for spring and summer. Whether
                                                                                                               you go for muted or bright colours, it will add interest to any room.

        Truly impressive 3 bedroom traditional terraced house that has been cleverly extended.
       Truly    distance3ofbedroom
             impressive      local amenities  and within
                                      traditional         easy
                                                    terraced    reachthat
                                                              house   of the
                                                                           hasCity Centre.
                                                                                been       Lovely
                                                                                      cleverly    enclosed
       Walking      rear of
               distance  garden.  Bright andand
                            local amenities   stylish interior
                                                 within  easy complemented
                                                               reach of the Cityby charming
                                                                                 Centre.     features.
                                                                                         Lovely enclosed
       west-facing rear garden. Bright and stylish interior complemented by charming features.

        By appt telINFORMATION
                     Agent 0131 581 5711
       By appt tel Agent 0131 581 5711
                                                                                                              Gingham products, Homescapes, prices vary,

18 ESPC.COM                                                                                                                                                                               ESPC.COM 19

                                                    GREEN WITH ENVY
                                                  You might have thought that we left green baths
                                               back in the seventies, but we love the colour of this
                                             tub. As a colour of nature, green helps transform your
                                                bathroom into the haven of relaxation it should be.

        River Back-to-Wall Bath in Dark Green, Water Baths of Ashbourne, £2,290,


          SEARCHING FOR A HOME WITH ESPC                                                                        ESPC AREAS

                      of properties                     570,000
                                                                                 WEST                                                                EAST LOTHIAN
                 to browse at               property alert emails
                                                      sent via My ESPC in
                                                        February 2021
                                                                                & WEST OF                                                       MIDLOTHIAN

                           160                              Leith                DUMFRIES &
                      solicitor estate
                                                                                 GALLOWAY                                                             BORDERS

                   to help you buy and            saw the greatest number of
                       sell a home                 new property listings over                    Local homes advertised for sale with ESPC first –
                                                    the past three months                             look out for the Exclusive badge online.

              Firth of Forth Coast       Eyemouth Harbour                                 West Lothian   Fife                               Prestwick Promenade


22 ESPC.COM                                                                                                                                                       ESPC.COM 23
                                                                        North Berwick

                    PLACES TO RETIRE
                  We’ve rounded up some of the best places to retire…

24                                                                                      25
                                                                                                                    When it comes to retirement, location is particularly important. That’s
                                                                                                                   why, at Juniper Residential, we provide age exclusive living for over 55s in
                                                                                                                  some of Scotland’s most desirable locations, with developments set within
                                                                                                                               landscaped grounds and close to local amenities.
                                                                                                                             Hazel Davies, Sales and Marketing Director, Juniper Residential

                                                                                                          LINLITHGOW                                          from Straiton Retail Park, which offers a great
                                                                                                          West Lothian’s county town is a great place         selection of shops and supermarkets.
                                                                                                          to consider moving to when you are thinking
                                                                                                          of retirement. The town is well-placed for          NORTH BERWICK
                                                                                                          accessing either Edinburgh or Glasgow, with         This seaside town is often seen as one of
                                                                                                          a regular rail service to both cities. Linlithgow   the most desirable places to live in Scotland,
                                                                                                          also features a number of lovely pubs,              which isn’t surprising, with lovely beaches,
                                                                                                          eateries and shops along the High Street.           coastal walks and a selection of world-
                                                                                                                                                              renowned golf courses located close by.

                                PLACES TO RETIRE                                                          ROSLIN
                                                                                                          This tranquil Midlothian village offers a lovely
                                                                                                                                                              There are also excellent train, road and bus
                                                                                                                                                              links into the centre of Edinburgh.
                                                                                                          semi-rural retreat, yet still provides easy
      If you are thinking about retiring and moving     To help you out, we’ve highlighted some of        access to the city of Edinburgh, which it lies      North Berwick also features a range of
      to a new home, it can sometimes be difficult      the top areas for retirement in the local area.   just seven miles south of. There are a couple       properties, from more traditional dwellings to
      to decide which area is the right fit for you.                                                      of shops and eateries in the village, but Roslin    contemporary homes.
                                                        KINROSS                                           is also conveniently located a short drive
      You will need to decide whether you would         Positioned by the picturesque Loch Leven,
      like to live in a retirement development,         Kinross also lies just off the M90 meaning
      which can offer the benefits of independent       it is well-connected to Edinburgh and Fife.
      living along with additional support, or if you   There is also a great choice of property in       PITTENWEEM                                          SCONE
      would prefer to stay in another property. You     the town, including dedicated retirement          There are lots of idyllic fishing towns             The village of Scone in Perthshire is a
      may also need to factor in proximity to family    developments.                                     dotted around the East Neuk of Fife, but            highly sought-after place to live, thanks
      members, public transport links and access to
                                                                                                          Pittenweem is particularly lovely. The              to its peaceful way of life and incredible
      other local amenities.                            MORNINGSIDE                                       harbour is the main focus of the village            history. There is also a lovely selection
                                                        Located in the south-west of Edinburgh,           with picturesque houses surrounding it.             of property here, including more modern
       Morningside                                      Morningside features a wide variety of                                                                retirement developments.
                                                        independent shops and restaurants and is
                                                        just a short distance from the city centre with
                                                        regular bus links available. It also benefits
                                                        from proximity to several golf courses,
                                                        including the Merchants of Edinburgh, Braid
                                                        Hills and Craigmillar.

                                                        From traditional flats to bigger houses and
                                                        modern developments, Morningside also
                                                        features a superb range of property, meaning        Pittenweem                                                                          Scone Palace
                                                        you will likely find something to suit.

26                                                                                                                                                                                                    ESPC.COM 27
APARTMENT D, SALTOUN HALL, PENCAITLAND,                                                                                         2 (GF) BRAID CRESCENT,
          APARTMENT D, SALTOUN HALL, PENCAITLAND,                                                                                          2 (GF) BRAID CRESCENT,
                  EAST LOTHIAN, EH34 5DS                                                                                                   EDINBURGH, EH10 6AU
                  EAST LOTHIAN, EH34 5DS                                                                                                    EDINBURGH, EH10 6AU
       OFFERS OVER £530,000                                3            2           2            F              OFFERS OVER £475,000                               2           1            2            D
       OFFERS OVER £530,000                               3            2           2            F                OFFERS OVER £475,000                               2              1         2           D

        ESPC PROPERTY                                                                                                                                                                        ESPC PROPERTY

         Delightful double upper apartment within A Listed mansion house. Contemporary and period               Located in the highly sought after residential area of Morningside, this attractive 2 bed
         finishes, high
       Delightful       ceilings,
                   double   uppershutters,
                                   apartmentstone  staircase,
                                              within  A Listedflagstone  flooring,
                                                               mansion house.      fireplaces and
                                                                                Contemporary       cornicing.
                                                                                                 and period     ground
                                                                                                                  Locatedfloor   flat highly
                                                                                                                             in the    benefits from after
                                                                                                                                             sought    a private  gardenarea
                                                                                                                                                             residential and of
                                                                                                                                                                              a lovely open outlook.
                                                                                                                                                                                Morningside,           The interior
                                                                                                                                                                                              this attractive  2 bed
       finishes,    communal
                 high  ceilings, grounds
                                 shutters,and  individual
                                           stone          allotments.
                                                  staircase, flagstoneDriveway
                                                                       flooring, and   garage.and cornicing.
                                                                                 fireplaces                     isground
                                                                                                                    bright, floor
                                                                                                                             well presented    and
                                                                                                                                   flat benefits     generously
                                                                                                                                                  from  a privateproportioned
                                                                                                                                                                   garden and aand  includes
                                                                                                                                                                                 lovely open aoutlook.
                                                                                                                                                                                                numberTheof period
       Extensive communal grounds and individual allotments. Driveway and garage.                               features.
                                                                                                                  is bright, well presented and generously proportioned and includes a number of period

        VIEWING INFORMATION                                                                                     VIEWING INFORMATION
        By appt telINFORMATION
                     Agent 01620 532654                                                                          VIEWING
                                                                                                                By         INFORMATION
                                                                                                                   appointment telephone agent 0131 581 5711
       By appt tel Agent 01620 532654                                                                            By appointment telephone agent 0131 581 5711

30 ESPC.COM                                                                                                                                                                                                    ESPC.COM 31
                                                                                                                                        IDABANK, POMATHORN ROAD,
                                                                                                                                            PENICUIK, EH26 8PJ
     BUY-TO-LET MORTGAGES - SETTING UP                                                                                                       PENICUIK, EH26 8PJ
          FOR A LIMITED COMPANY                                                                                      OFFERS OVER £450,000                            5            1           4           D
                                                                                                                      OFFERS OVER £450,000                            5               1        4          D
        Murray Souter from ESPC Mortgages discusses purchasing a buy-to-let property through a
                                         limited company.                                                                                                                                      ESPC PROPERTY

    If you are considering purchasing buy-           It is crucial a client gets independent tax and
    to-let properties under your own limited         legal advice prior to considering this option.
    company, it is important you understand
    the advantages, disadvantages and                ESPC MORTGAGES
    responsibilities associated with this course     As independent mortgage advisers, ESPC
    of action. We would always highly                Mortgages can help with all aspects of
    recommend clients seek independent tax           understanding your budget, applying for
    and legal advice before proceeding as this       a mortgage and dealing with the relevant
    course of action is not always the best way      insurance requirements. Contact us today on
    to proceed in all circumstances.        or 0131 253 2920, or
    The amount of buy-to-let tax relief for
    individual landlords has been cut in recent
    years for higher rate tax payers, but this
    change does not affect limited companies.

    The tax-free dividend allowance in the
    2020/2021 tax year is £2000, so clients can
    potentially receive some tax-free dividend
    from the limited company.

    There is no capital gains tax allowance when
    the company sells a property. Individuals
    would have a capital gains tax allowance,
    doubled where the property is owned jointly.     The information contained in this article is provided in good   Stunning detached family house located in a beautiful rural setting with lovely open views.
                                                     faith. Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation of
                                                                                                                     Superb private
                                                                                                                      Stunning      garden
                                                                                                                               detached     to the
                                                                                                                                         family    front,located
                                                                                                                                                 house     side and
                                                                                                                                                                 in arear and a rural
                                                                                                                                                                      beautiful  largesetting
                                                                                                                                                                                               gated   driveway.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    lovely       Easy
                                                                                                                                                                                                           open views.
    As a limited company, there will be              the information, no responsibility is accepted for any errors
                                                     which, despite our precautions, it may contain.                 commuting  distance
                                                                                                                      Superb private     of Edinburgh.
                                                                                                                                     garden            Stylish,
                                                                                                                                             to the front,  side beautifully
                                                                                                                                                                 and rear andpresented
                                                                                                                                                                                a large interior. Charming
                                                                                                                                                                                         secure gated       features.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        driveway. Easy
    additional costs involved. These would
                                                                                                                      commuting distance of Edinburgh. Stylish, beautifully presented interior. Charming features.
    include preparation of company accounts,         The initial consultation with an adviser is free and without
    corporation tax calculations for HMRC, legal     obligation. Thereafter, ESPC Mortgages charges for
    fees and annual auditing if applicable.          mortgage advice are usually £350 (£295 for first-time
                                                     buyers). YOUR HOME MAY BE REPOSSESSED IF YOU
                                                     DO NOT KEEP UP REPAYMENTS ON A MORTGAGE OR                      VIEWING INFORMATION
    Many lenders currently do not offer              OTHER LOANS SECURED AGAINST IT.
                                                                                                                      VIEWING    INFORMATION
    mortgages for limited companies so there                                                                         By appt tel Agent 0131 581 5711
                                                     ESPC (UK) Ltd is an Appointed Representative of Lyncombe
    will be a restricted choice and possibly         Consultants Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the
                                                                                                                      By appt tel Agent 0131 581 5711
    higher interest rates.                           Financial Conduct Authority.

32 ESPC.COM                                                                                                                                                                                                     ESPC.COM 33

                                        POM POM
                                         Add a playful edge
                                         to your interiors by
         Icon® Blue Pom Pom                embracing the
        Luxury Outdoor Cushion,           pom pom trend.               Pom Pom Black Basket,
        Bazaar Group Ltd, £12.99,                                       House of Flora, £30,

                    Zebra Embroidered Cushion, Sophie Allport, £35,

                                                                       Ashtanga Pom Pom
       Anjuna Pom Pom Cushion,        20 Stems of Dried Mustard         Pouffe, The French
         Loft & Daughter, £39,       Pom Poms, Rockett St George,       Bedroom Co, £125,           £12,   Pompon pouf, MYK, price on request,

34 ESPC.COM                                                                                                                                         ESPC.COM 35

                                                                                                            WHO IS ELIGIBLE FOR THE FIRST                         The Scottish Government has
                                                                                                            HOME FUND AND ARE THERE CERTAIN                        confirmed that they plan to
                                                                                                            REQUIREMENTS I NEED TO MEET?                           reopen applications for the
                                                                                                            The scheme is open to all first time buyers            scheme on 1st April 2021 for
                                                                                                            in Scotland who are taking out a mortgage.
                                                                                                            You can’t apply to the scheme if you are a
                                                                                                                                                                    home purchases due to be
                                                                                                            cash buyer or if you have previously owned a           completed in the 2021/2022
                                                                                                            property in the UK or abroad at any time, as                  financial year.
                                                                                                            either a sole or joint owner.
                                                                                                                                                             the completion or date of entry of the new
                                                                                                            There is a limit of one application per          property being purchased.
                                                                                                            property – you can submit a joint application,
                                                                                                            but you will be limited to one award of          HOW DO I APPLY FOR THE FIRST HOME
                                                                                                            £25,000. Your mortgage must be capital           FUND?
                                                                                                            repayment and be at least 25% of the
                                                                                                                                                             Once you’ve had an offer accepted on a
                                                                                                            purchase price.
                                                                                                                                                             property, you can fill out the application form
                                                                                                                                                             on Link Housing, which will ask for personal
                                                                                                            The property must be your sole residence         details and information about the property
                                                                                                            – the scheme is not eligible for buy-to-let      you are purchasing. You must do this before
                                                                                                            properties.                                      your solicitor concludes the missives for your
                                                                                                            You also cannot apply for any other Scottish
                                                                                                            Government shared equity schemes while
                                                                                                                                                             The completed form will be sent to the
                                                                                                            applying for this scheme. You must withdraw      Administering Agent for the scheme, who
                                                                                                            any other open applications if you choose to     will complete a sustainability assessment to
              Find everything you need to know about Scotland’s First Home Fund in this article…            apply for the First Home Fund.                   assess whether you can meet your monthly
                                                                                                                                                             mortgage payments. If your application
    IS THE FIRST HOME FUND OPEN FOR                      HOW MUCH MONEY ARE FIRST TIME                      CAN I USE MONEY FROM A HELP TO BUY               is accepted, then you, your independent
    APPLICATIONS?                                        BUYERS ENTITLED TO FROM THE                        ISA OR LIFETIME ISA ALONGSIDE THE                mortgage adviser (if you have one) and your
    Due to the high number of applications               SCHEME?                                            FIRST HOME FUND?                                 solicitor will receive an Award Letter from the
    over the summer of 2020, the First Home              The First Home Fund will lend eligible buyers      You may have been using a Help to Buy or         Administering Agent.
    Fund closed to new applications on 2nd               up to £25,000 (this will be capped at 49%          Lifetime ISA in order to save for your first
    October 2020.                                        of the property valuation or purchase price,       home, as these both offer a 25% government       The Award Letter is valid for three months,
                                                         whichever is lower) to help boost their            boost on savings. You can use the money          during which time you are expected to
    However, the Scottish Government has                 deposit and help them on to the property           from these for your deposit when using the       conclude missives. If you do not conclude
    confirmed that they plan to reopen                   ladder.                                            First Home Fund.                                 missives in this time, then your application
    applications for the scheme on 1st April 2021                                                                                                            will be cancelled, and you’ll need to re-apply.
    for home purchases due to be completed in            WILL I STILL NEED TO CONTRIBUTE A                  I’M A FIRST TIME BUYER BUT MY
    the 2021/2022 financial year.                        DEPOSIT PAYMENT?                                   PARTNER IS NOT – WILL WE BE ELIGIBLE             Once you receive your Award Letter, you
                                                         Yes, you will still need to contribute a deposit   FOR THE SCHEME?                                  should also contact your independent
    If you are thinking of applying for the First        of at least 5% (subject to individual lender       Only one of the joint purchasers of a            mortgage adviser and lender to start the
    Home Fund when the scheme reopens, it’s              requirements) of the value of the house or         property must be a first time buyer in order     process for a full mortgage. The settlement
    worth seeking independent mortgage advice            flat. The loan is available to help boost this     to apply for the scheme. However, the            of the purchase must be completed within
    to understand how the scheme works and               deposit.                                           other purchaser will need to ensure any          six months of the date when you conclude
    prepare you for buying your first home.                                                                 properties they own have been sold before        missives. (continued on page 38)

36 ESPC.COM                                                                                                                                                                                           ESPC.COM 37

                                                                                                   There are some conditions on how you can           you have a greater choice of homes and
                                                                                                   increase your share, which are covered below:      areas. The Help to Buy scheme was only
                                                                                                   • You must increase your equity share by at       available with new build developments,
                                                                                                      least 5%.                                       meaning you would be restricted to areas
                                                                                                                                                      where these developments are being built.
                                                                                                   • If your equity share is 90% or higher, any
                                                                                                      further increase must be to 100%.
                                                                                                                                                      If you are thinking of applying for the
                                                                                                   • You may increase your equity share up to        First Home Fund when it opens, it’s worth
                                                                                                      100%.                                           speaking to an independent mortgage
                                                                                                                                                      adviser now as they can advise you on how
                                                                                                   In order to increase your equity share, a          the scheme works and how to prepare for
                                                                                                   property valuation must be undertaken.             buying your first home.
                                                                                                   This will provide you with the open market
                                                                                                   value of the property which will be used to        ESPC Mortgages is a team of independent
                                                                                                   calculate equity shares. You will have three       mortgage specialists who can help you with
                                                                                                   months from the date of this valuation             your home buying journey. Get in touch
                                                                                                   to increase your equity share and make             with the team by filling out our form below,
    A fee of £550 will be charged and collected      However, you will own the property outright   payment.                                           emailing or calling
    by the Administering Agent once they receive     and hold the full title.                                                                         0131 253 2920.
    your application. This will be refunded to                                                     If you are planning to sell your property and
    you if your application fails at any time,       WHEN DOES THE LOAN NEED TO BE                 repay the loan at that stage, you also need        The information contained in this article is provided in good
    except in cases where there has been             REPAID?                                       to notify your Administering Agent. You also       faith. Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation of
    misrepresentation or fraud on your part.         You must repay the loan when you sell         cannot sell your property below 95% of the         the information, no responsibility is accepted for any errors
                                                                                                                                                      which, despite our precautions, it may contain.
                                                     the property. How much you need to            valuation figure without the agreement of the
    The Scottish Government has recommended          repay depends on how much you borrow          Scottish Ministers.                                The initial consultation with an adviser is free and without
    that you obtain independent mortgage             on the scheme and what percentage of                                                             obligation. Thereafter, ESPC Mortgages charges for
    advice before applying to this scheme,                                                                                                            mortgage advice are usually £350 (£295 for first time
                                                     the property’s value this makes up.           CAN I USE THE LOAN MONEY TO                        buyers). YOUR HOME MAY BE REPOSSESSED IF YOU
    to ensure it is right for you and your                                                         BID OVER THE VALUATION OF THE                      DO NOT KEEP UP REPAYMENTS ON A MORTGAGE OR
    circumstances.                                   For example, if you use £25,000 for a         PROPERTY?                                          OTHER LOANS SECURED AGAINST IT.

                                                     property valued at £100,000, you will         The Scottish Government has confirmed
                                                                                                                                                      ESPC (UK) Ltd is an Appointed Representative of Lyncombe
    IS IT A CASH OR EQUITY LOAN SCHEME?              need to repay 25% of the property’s           that the loan amount is not intended to be         Consultants Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the
    It is an equity loan scheme.                     selling price to the government when          able to be used to bid over the Home Report        Financial Conduct Authority.
                                                     you choose to sell.                           valuation of property.
    Buying a property through a shared
    equity scheme means you split the cost of        This means no monthly payments are            This means that you will need to save a
    purchasing the property with the Scottish        required, unlike a mortgage.                  5% deposit and the money required to bid
    Government. You will fund your share                                                           over the Home Report valuation of the
    through a deposit and mortgage and the           You can also pay the loan back before by      property. Starter homes in Edinburgh and the
    Scottish Government will fund the rest.          increasing your equity in the scheme. You     surrounding areas are in high demand, so are
                                                     will need to speak to the Administering       frequently sold for over their Home Report
    Whatever amount the Scottish Government          Agent before doing this and there are         valuation.
    fund (up to £25,000, which is capped at 49%      costs involved in increasing equity which
    of the valuation or purchase, whichever is       you will be responsible for.                  One of the main advantages of this scheme
    lower), will be invested as a percentage share                                                 is that it will be applicable to both resale and
    of the property valuation.                                                                     new build properties, meaning

38 ESPC.COM                                                                                                                                                                                                ESPC.COM 39
                            HAZELBANK, 16 BARR ROAD,                                                                                  FIDRA COTTAGE, 59 WESTGATE,
                               GALASHIELS, TD1 3HX
                               GALASHIELS, TD1 3HX                                                                                        NORTH BERWICK, EH39 4AQ
       OFFERS OVER £425,000                               4           4            3            C
       OFFERS OVER £425,000                              4           4            3            C                     OFFERS OVER £400,000                           3           1           1          D

        ESPC PROPERTY                                                                                                                                                                       ESPC PROPERTY

                                                                                Enjoying an outstanding location just a short stroll from the beach and bustling High Street,
                                                                                Fidra Cottage forms all of the ground floor of a large, converted period house, complete with
                                                                                grand proportions, three bedrooms and a beautifully landscaped, sunny garden.
        Nestled among mature sheltering greenery, Hazelbank sits proudly on Barr Road - a quiet                      Enjoying an outstanding location just a short stroll from the beach and bustling High Street,
        and leafy
       Nestled     suburb
                among        off the
                        mature         main thoroughfare
                                   sheltering               of the town.
                                               greenery, Hazelbank          This striking
                                                                    sits proudly  on Barr property
                                                                                            Road - a boasts
                                                                                                     quiet           Fidra Cottage forms all of the ground floor of a large, converted period house, complete with
       and           family off
            leafy suburb     friendly  accommodation,
                                 the main    thoroughfarea of
                                                                   town. Thisand    generous
                                                                                striking       garden
                                                                                          property     with
                                                                                                   boasts            grand proportions, three bedrooms and a beautifully landscaped, sunny garden.
        excellent privacy and    attractive frontage complete  with turret!
       welcoming family friendly accommodation, a well established and generous garden with
       excellent privacy and attractive frontage complete with turret!

                                                                                VIEWING INFORMATION
       VIEWING  INFORMATION                                                                                   VIEWING INFORMATION
       Contact Hastings Legal & Property Tel: 01750 724160                      Viewing by appointment with Gilson   Gray:
       Contact Hastings Legal & Property Tel: 01750 724160                                                    Viewing by appointment with Gilson Gray:
                                                                                01620 893481.                 01620 893481.

40 ESPC.COM                                                                                                                                                                                                 ESPC.COM 41
EXPERT ADVICE                                                                                                                                                  PROPERTY FEATURE

                    DURING COVID-19
     David Marshall, Operations Director at Warners Solicitors & Estate Agents, offers some advice to
                           those who are currently thinking of buying a home.

    PLAN AHEAD                                           to find someone who will be able to assist
                                                                                                             AN IMMACULATE FLAT
    It’s always important to plan ahead when
    buying a property and that’s especially true
                                                         you and offer you the advice that you need
                                                         as early as possible.
                                                                                                                IN NEWHAVEN
    now. Moving home is permitted under the                                                                   With stylish interiors and views over the Forth,
    current lockdown restrictions but the Scottish       A good mortgage broker will be able to help                 this property is not to be missed.
    Government has advised that it may be                find you the most suitable deal during an
    advisable to postpone if possible. Many of the       often fast changing mortgage market, as
    processes involved in buying a home are also         well as helping you to get an agreement in
    different to how they were before.                   principle which you will want to have in place
                                                         before submitting any offers.
    Due to these differences, it’s best to
    familiarise yourself with the Scottish               USE THE VIRTUAL TOURS
    Government guidance on moving                        As part of the current guidance, you should
    home from the outset, plan ahead and                 view properties “virtually” in the first instance
    have contingencies in place should any               and only proceed to a physical viewing if you
    unexpected delays crop up.                           have a serious interest in buying the property.

    SPEAK TO EXPERTS AS EARLY AS                         To make this easier, some agents like
    POSSIBLE                                             Warners are including 360 Virtual Tours when
    Although things have calmed down a little in         marketing a home for sale and you can view
    the last four months, since the market reopened      these online at, where you can also
    it has not been unusual to see properties going      view copies of the property’s Home Report
    under offer within a week of going live, so you’ll   and sales particulars.
    want to be able to act quickly when you see a
    property you like.                                   EXPECT DECORATIVE DELAYS
                                                         If you need to move under the current
    Most solicitors won’t charge you for noting          restrictions, remember that tradespeople
    interest or for unsuccessful offers, so it’s best    should only be entering homes for essential
                                                         works. If you’re hoping to put your own stamp
                                                         on your new home, bear in mind that you
                                                         probably won’t be able to do this straight away.

                                                         Even once these activities are allowed, painters,
                                                         decorators and other tradespeople will probably
                                                         need to get through a large backlog of work so
                                                         get in touch with them as early as possible and
                                                         be prepared to be patient.

                                                         Find out more about Warners at
                                                         or call the team on 0131 667 0232.

42 ESPC.COM                                                                                                                                                                         43

AN IMMACULATE FLAT IN NEWHAVEN                                 Boasting breath-taking views of the
                                                               Firth of Forth and towards the iconic
                                                               Forth Rail Bridge, this immaculately-
                                                               presented ground floor flat in
                                                               Newhaven is ideal for those looking
                                                               to live in a well-connected area
                                                               close to the City Centre.

                                                               One of the highlights of the
                                                               property is the beautiful sun
                                                               terrace, accessed from the living       presented and offers built-in
                                                               room. With ample space for              wardrobe storage.
                                                               furniture, it’s the ideal spot to
                                                               enjoy some al fresco drinks and         A family bathroom completes the
                                                               the spectacular views over the          accommodation – it is bright, airy
                                                               Firth of Forth. The property also       and stylish, with a WC, bath, sink
                                                               features an enclosed garden to          and separate shower. The property
                                                               the rear, accessed via the kitchen/     is also double glazed and has
                                                               dining room.                            underfloor heating.

                                                               Upon entering the property,             Positioned in popular Newhaven
                                                               you are greeted by a welcoming          near the trendy areas of Leith and
                                                               entrance hallway with useful            the Shore, this flat is conveniently
                                                               storage cupboards. The spacious         close to lots of local amenities,
                                                               lounge sits to the front of the         including the Ocean Terminal
                                                               property, with a feature fireplace      shopping centre and Asda
                                                               that acts as a focal point.             superstore. With a number of
                                                                                                       excellent bus links, the area also
                                                               The bespoke contemporary                offers easy access to all other parts
                                                               kitchen is also hugely impressive,      of the city.
                                                               with granite work surfaces and a
                                                               Belfast sink. The kitchen is open       Those who love walking, running
                                                               plan to the dining area, which          or cycling can take advantage
                                                               features a glass door that leads to     of the paths along the Firth of
                                                               the private garden.                     Forth, either heading west towards
                                                                                                       Cramond, or east through Leith
                                                               The property benefits from two          Links to Portobello Beach.
                                                               bedrooms – the main one is bright
                                                               and airy, with built-in wardrobes,      With an excellent location and
                                                               custom-fitted window shutters           stylish décor, this flat would be
                                                               and an en suite shower room. The        ideal for anyone looking to make
                                                               second bedroom is also well             the most of living in the city.

2/1 WESTERN HARBOUR BREAKWATER, NEWHAVEN, EDINBURGH, EH6 6PA                                                                      EPC
OFFERS OVER £335,000
                                                                             2                  2                2                  C
CONTACT: Call Watermans Legal on 0131 253 2959
                             9 (1F) ST STEPHEN PLACE,                                                                   MANORHILL HOUSE
                                                                                                                UPPER APARTMENT 2, SELKIRK, TD7 5LS
                    STOCKBRIDGE, EDINBURGH, EH3 5AJ                                                             UPPER APARTMENT 2, SELKIRK, TD7 5LS
                                                                                                      OFFERS OVER £315,000                                2           2            2            D
       OFFERS OVER £385,000                          3           2           1           C             OFFERS OVER £315,000                                2           2            2            D

        ESPC PROPERTY                                                                                                                                                                ESPC PROPERTY

       Occupying the first floor of a Georgian tenement and brimming with character and traditional   A country escape beautifully restored in true homage to its Victorian roots, Manorhill sits
       features, the three-bedroom property comes with access to a delightful shared garden and       inAacountry
                                                                                                            secluded  privatebeautifully
                                                                                                                    escape      location set  to theinedge
                                                                                                                                           restored     trueofhomage
                                                                                                                                                               town surrounded    by stunning
                                                                                                                                                                      to its Victorian         landscaped
                                                                                                                                                                                       roots, Manorhill  sits
       enjoys an enviable location in the heart of this cosmopolitan area.                            gardens    with a private
                                                                                                        in a secluded   rolling countryside
                                                                                                                                  location setbackdrop,
                                                                                                                                               to the edgesheltering
                                                                                                                                                             of townwoodlands
                                                                                                                                                                     surroundedand by restorative outlooks
                                                                                                                                                                                      stunning landscaped
                                                                                                      This  is an enviable
                                                                                                        gardens             home,countryside
                                                                                                                  with a rolling    presented immaculately     which has
                                                                                                                                                backdrop, sheltering     been carefully
                                                                                                                                                                      woodlands          restored to
                                                                                                                                                                                   and restorative   retain
                                                                                                        This is an enviable home, presented immaculately which has been carefully restored todécor
                                                                                                           original charm   of the  era; blending carefully with contemporary    touches  and a chic  retain
                                                                                                        the original charm of the era; blending carefully with contemporary touches and a chic décor
       VIEWING INFORMATION                                                                              VIEWING     INFORMATION
                                                                                                      Contact Hastings    Legal & Property Tel: 01750 724160
       Call VMH 0131 253 2964                                                                          Contact Hastings Legal & Property Tel: 01750 724160

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12 3F2 COMELY BANK TERRACE,                                                              THE SIGNAL HOUSE, 11 CORDINER'S LAND,
                         12 3F2 COMELY BANK TERRACE,                                                                THE SIGNAL HOUSE, 11 CORDINER'S LAND,
                                EDINBURGH, EH4 1AS                                                                    70 WEST PORT, EDINBURGH, EH1 2JA
                               EDINBURGH, EH4 1AS                                                                      70 WEST PORT, EDINBURGH, EH1 2JA
        FIXED PRICE £310,000                            2               1           1        E             OFFERS OVER £295,000                            1           1           1           F
       FIXED PRICE £310,000                            2            1           1           E               OFFERS OVER £295,000                               1           1           1        F

        ESPC PROPERTY                                                                                                                                                                  ESPC PROPERTY

        Bright 2 bedroom top floor flat located in the heart of the highly desirable residential           Unique and charming traditional detached cottage situated in a secluded courtyard in
        area of2 Comely
       Bright    bedroomBank
                          top and
                               floorwithin easy access
                                     flat located  in theof heart
                                                             the City Centre.
                                                                  of the       Thedesirable
                                                                          highly   propertyresidential
                                                                                             offers well   Edinburgh's
                                                                                                            Unique andhistoric     Grassmarket.
                                                                                                                            charming   traditionalPrivate patio
                                                                                                                                                   detached     gardensituated
                                                                                                                                                              cottage   and amazing   views ofcourtyard
                                                                                                                                                                               in a secluded   Edinburghin
       area  of Comelyaccommodation
                        Bank and withinwith a delightful
                                          easy access ofopen    outlook
                                                           the City     and access
                                                                     Centre.        to a shared
                                                                              The property  offersgarden
                                                                                                   well    Castle. Stylish historic
                                                                                                            Edinburgh's    interior and  planning permission
                                                                                                                                    Grassmarket.              to extend
                                                                                                                                                   Private patio  gardenand
                                                                                                                                                                         andcreate a master
                                                                                                                                                                              amazing  viewsbedroom  and
                                                                                                                                                                                             of Edinburgh
        to the rear. accommodation with a delightful open outlook and access to a shared garden
       proportioned                                                                                        en-suite.
                                                                                                            Castle. Stylish interior and planning permission to extend and create a master bedroom and
       to the rear.                                                                                         en-suite.

        VIEWING INFORMATION                                                                                VIEWING INFORMATION
        By appt telINFORMATION
                     Agent 0131 581 5711                                                                    VIEWING
                                                                                                           By          INFORMATION
                                                                                                              appt tel Agent 0131 581 5711
       By appt tel Agent 0131 581 5711                                                                      By appt tel Agent 0131 581 5711

48 ESPC.COM                                                                                                                                                                                         ESPC.COM 49

                                        ART DECO
                                      Add some elegance and
                                       glamour to your home
                                      with these super stylish
        Gold Pleated Wall Clock,                                        Eichholtz Trapezium Chair,
             Audenza, £48,                                              Sweetpea & Willow, £1,160,

          Audrey Motion Sofa by Galloti & Radice, Chaplins Furniture, from £8,377,

      Art Deco Geometric Outdoor      Art Deco Canopy Table Lamp,       Geometric Deco Print Velvet
          Rug, Lime Lace, £69,           Rockett St George, £55,        Cushion, Cult Furniture, £20,
                      Art Deco Stained Glass Effect Window Film, Purlfrost, £65 per square metre,

50 ESPC.COM                                                                                                                                                                                   ESPC.COM 51
BRAESIDE COTTAGE, ANCRUM,                                                                ROSEBANK LODGE & PLOT SHEDDEN PARK ROAD,
                           BRAESIDE COTTAGE, ANCRUM,                                                                 ROSEBANK LODGE & PLOT SHEDDEN PARK ROAD,
                                JEDBURGH, TD8 6XA                                                                                KELSO, TD5 7BW
                               JEDBURGH, TD8 6XA                                                                                 KELSO, TD5 7BW
       OFFERS OVER £260,000                                  2            2                1         D              OFFERS OVER £250,000                                  2            1             1          N/A
       OFFERS OVER £260,000                                 2            2             1            D                OFFERS OVER £250,000                                  2               1             1      N/A

        ESPC PROPERTY                                                                                                                                                                                    ESPC PROPERTY

        Picture perfect with an idyllic village location to match, Braeside is a masterclass in home and
       Picture   styling with
                         - in aan
                                well-connected     area fortoamenities
                                  idyllic village location             and leisure,
                                                              match, Braeside        this is the ideal
                                                                                is a masterclass       choice
                                                                                                   in home    for
                                                                                                            and     Set to the edge of the bustling and vibrant market town of Kelso, this exciting opportunity to
        those instyling
       garden     search   ofaawell-connected
                        - in    retreat offeringarea
                                                   an enviable lifestyle
                                                       for amenities  andchoice.
                                                                           leisure, this is the ideal choice for    develop  a Victorian
                                                                                                                     Set to the           lodge
                                                                                                                                edge of the      and adjoining
                                                                                                                                               bustling           plot,market
                                                                                                                                                         and vibrant    is set opposite   the charming
                                                                                                                                                                                 town of Kelso,            Shedden
                                                                                                                                                                                                 this exciting      Park in ato
       those in search of a retreat offering an enviable lifestyle choice.                                          desirable
                                                                                                                     develop catchment      for amenities
                                                                                                                              a Victorian lodge             and schooling,
                                                                                                                                                  and adjoining                and
                                                                                                                                                                    plot, is set    includes
                                                                                                                                                                                 opposite  theplanning
                                                                                                                                                                                                charming in Shedden
                                                                                                                                                                                                            place to create
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Park inaa
                                                                                                                    stylish home  with   extension   to the  existing  lodge   and  the  erection of  a family
                                                                                                                     desirable catchment for amenities and schooling, and includes planning in place to create  home   on thea
                                                                                                                    neighbouring   plot.
                                                                                                                     stylish home with extension to the existing lodge and the erection of a family home on the
                                                                                                                     neighbouring plot.
        VIEWING INFORMATION                                                                                         VIEWING INFORMATION
        Tel: 01573 INFORMATION
                    922603                                                                                           VIEWING
                                                                                                                    Contact     INFORMATION
                                                                                                                             Hastings  Legal & PropertyTel: 01573 225999
       Tel: 01573 922603                                                                                             Contact Hastings Legal & PropertyTel: 01573 225999

52 ESPC.COM                                                                                                                                                                                                             ESPC.COM 53
BENGERBURN OLD FARMHOUSE,                                                                        BENGERBURN OLD FARMHOUSE,
                       BENGERBURN OLD FARMHOUSE,                                                                      DEVELOPMENT SITE WOODBINE GROVE
                             SELKIRK, TD7 5LD                                                                                 SELKIRK, TD7 5LD
                             SELKIRK, TD7 5LD                                                                               BURNMOUTH TD14 5RT
       OFFERS OVER £235,000                             2            1           2           F             OFFERS OVER £235,000                              2            1           2           F
       OFFERS OVER £235,000                            2            1           2           F               OFFERS OVER £230,000                                           0           0          N/A

        ESPC PROPERTY                                                                                                                                                                   ESPC PROPERTY

        Immersed in the beauty of the Valleys, this charming semi-detached property is presented in        Immersed in the beauty of the Valleys, this charming semi-detached property is presented in
        excellent condition
       Immersed             - with
                  in the beauty  of uninterrupted  outlooks
                                    the Valleys, this       over
                                                      charming   rolling countryside.
                                                               semi-detached   property is presented in    excellent condition
                                                                                                            This sizeable      - with uninterrupted
                                                                                                                           development               outlooks
                                                                                                                                          site sits on        overofrolling
                                                                                                                                                       the edge             countryside.coastal village with
                                                                                                                                                                      this established
       excellent condition - with uninterrupted outlooks over rolling countryside.                          excellent road links via the A1 as well as regular rail connections on the main East Coast Rail-
        The accommodation hosts a comfortable living space with lounge, dining room/living room,           The
                                                                                                                 at nearby Berwickhosts  a comfortable
                                                                                                                                      Upon   Tweed. Theliving
                                                                                                                                                          initialspace  withpotential
                                                                                                                                                                  site has   lounge, dining room/living approx.
                                                                                                                                                                                      to accommodate    room,
       The       two double hosts
            accommodation     bedrooms     and a bathroom.
                                    a comfortable             Externally,
                                                    living space          beautifully
                                                                 with lounge,         cultivated gardens
                                                                              dining room/living  room,    kitchen, two  double   bedrooms     and  a bathroom.    Externally, beautifully cultivated gardens
                                                                                                            12 residential units, a rare opportunity for a developer within this sought after coastal area.
        enjoy an open  panorama    of valley views.
       kitchen, two double bedrooms and a bathroom. Externally, beautifully cultivated gardens             enjoy
                                                                                                                     open  panorama
                                                                                                                       proximity       of valley views.
                                                                                                                                   of Edinburgh   and the ease of travel south the finished units are bound
       enjoy an open panorama of valley views.                                                              to appeal to those seeking a lifestyle change and a quiet coastal village position whilst still
        VIEWING INFORMATION                                                                                VIEWING
                                                                                                            retaining INFORMATION
                                                                                                                      the option of being well connected to the city.
        Contact Hastings  Legal & Property Tel: 01750 724160                                                VIEWING    INFORMATION
                                                                                                           Contact Hastings  Legal & Property Tel: 01750 724160
       Contact Hastings Legal & Property Tel: 01750 724160                                                  Contact Hastings Legal & Property Tel: 01573 225999

54 ESPC.COM                                                                                                                                                                                              ESPC.COM 55
                                                                                                            EH13 – COLINTON, OXGANGS AND
                                                                                                            Out to the south-west of the city, EH13
                                                                                                            covers the village of Colinton as well as the
                                                                                                            nearby areas of Oxgangs and Bonaly.

                                                                                                            Proximity to the Water of Leith and the
                                                                                                            Pentlands make it perfect for tenants who
                                                                                                            enjoy spending time outdoors, while easy
                                                                                                            access to the City Bypass and bus links make
                                                                                                            getting around the rest of the city a breeze.

                                                                                                            From October to December 2020, the
                                                                                                            average rental yield for two bedroom
                                                                                                            properties in the EH13 area was 5.6%.

                                                                                                            EH1 – THE OLD TOWN
                                                                                                            Right in the centre of Edinburgh, the Old

              THE BEST AREAS FOR BUY-TO-LET                                                                 Town boasts a great range of amenities,
                                                                                                            making it ideal for a wide range of tenants.

                       PROPERTIES                                                                           In the last quarter of 2020, one and two
           Based on the latest rental data from Citylets and house price information from ESPC,             bedroom properties in EH1 achieved rental
        we’ve identified the best areas for buy-to-let properties in Edinburgh based on rental yields,      yields of 5.5% and 4.4%, respectively.
                          to help you maximise income on a buy-to-let investment.
                                                                                                            EH12 – HAYMARKET, MURRAYFIELD,
    EH17 – GILMERTON, MOREDUN AND                        Between October and December 2020,                 CORSTORPHINE AND THE GYLE
    MORTONHALL                                           the average rental yield for one bedroom           Stretching from Haymarket out to the Gyle,
    Easy access to the City Bypass makes living          properties in EH16 was 5.5% while it was 5.2%      the EH12 area is popular with tenants due
    in the EH17 area of the city an attractive           for two bedroom properties and 5.4% for            to great tram and bus links which run from
    prospect for those who need to commute to            three bedroom properties.                          the centre of town to the airport, making it
    other parts of the city or further afield on a                                                          ideal for those who need to commute further
    regular basis.                                       EH8 – NEWINGTON AND CANONGATE                      afield for work.
                                                         An ideal location for University of Edinburgh
    Two bedroom properties in EH17 achieved              students, Newington and the nearby areas           One bedroom and two bedroom properties
    an average gross rental yield of 6.1% in the         also boast an array of independent shops and       in this area achieved average rental yields of
    fourth quarter of 2020.                              eateries making the EH8 district perfect for all   5.5% and 5.2% respectively, in the last three
                                                         types of tenants. It’s also close to the green     months of 2020.
    EH16 – LIBERTON AND THE                              spaces of Holyrood Park and the Meadows,
    SURROUNDING AREAS                                    perfect for weekend walks.                         ESPC Lettings is a letting agent based in
    Covering the village of Liberton, and the                                                               Edinburgh. If you’re interested in entering the
    nearby areas of Craigmillar, Peffermill and          In the last three months of 2020, three            buy-to-let market, the team can offer expert
    Niddrie, EH16 is a good place to purchase a          bedroom properties in this area achieved           advice on your buy-to-let properties and
    buy-to-let in Edinburgh. There have also been        an average gross rental yield of 6.1%. Two         portfolio and also provide a fully managed
    many new build developments in this district         bedroom properties achieved 5.2% while one         letting service for landlords. Get in touch       The average gross rental yields in this article are based on
    which have proved popular with tenants, but          bedroom homes achieved 4.8%.                       with the team on or             rental data from Citylets and house price information from
    house prices remain competitive.                                                                        0131 253 2847 to find out more.                   ESPC from October to December 2020.

56 ESPC.COM                                                                                                                                                                                                       ESPC.COM 57
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