Buying property in Spain - contact 020 7324 8281

Page created by Jeff Terry
Buying property in Spain - contact 020 7324 8281

020 7324 8281
This guide has been prepared by the following companies
 Although they have collaborated in the production of this brochure they are legally and financially independent

 This guide is, of necessity, both brief and general and is therefore no substitute for proper professional advice,
                                  which we will be happy to provide on request.

John Howell & Co                                                   The ONLY firm of English
SOLICITORS & INTERNATIONAL LAWYERS                                lawyers who do NOTHING
 The specialists in Spanish Law                                  BUT work involving continental
     The Old Glass works, 22 Endell Street,
      Covent Garden, London WC2H 9AD                             Our job is to provide cost-effective solutions
                                                                   to our clients' international legal & tax
   Tel: 020 7420 0400 Fax: 020 7836 3626                                            problems
                                                                             Regulated by the Law Society

                                                                      Specialist advice on UK and
                                                                         Offshore Mortgages and
          Overseas Mortgage Division
        Barbican House, 26-34 Old Street,                                    Life Assurance with
                 London EC1V 9QQ                                    Offshore Tax Planning relevant
    Tel: 020 7324 0005 Fax: 020 7608 1425                           to the location where you intend                                                 to live                                                    Regulated
                                                                    Blevins Franks        byServices
                                                                                   Mortgage  the FSAis a trading name of
                                                                                Mortgage Partner Services Ltd
The Legal Side of Buying a Home
    Is the conveyancing process in Spain similar           We can normally deal with this, Monday to
    to that in England?                                    Saturday, "while you wait". This is not a full
                                                           investigation. We can only check the contract, not
    No. The Spanish legal system is very different         the property, but it is better than nothing at all. If
    from the English. Generally speaking, however,         the contract is unfair or does not protect you we
    provided that we make the necessary checks and         will say so and try to negotiate improvements.
    enquiries, there is hardly any more need to worry
    about buying a house in Spain than about               When you sign this preliminary contract you are
    buying one in England.                                 likely to be asked to pay a preliminary deposit.
                                                           This is typically €3,000.
    Unfortunately, very often people purchasing
    property in Spain take little or no legal advice and   Our fee for this service is £200. There is no VAT.
    are indeed quite "casual" about the purchase and       Once the preliminary contract has been signed
    about the signing of legal documents. They may         there is usually a period of 2 - 3 weeks for us to
    then find there is no title to the property, that it   carry out checks on the property before you sign
    was built without planning permission. . . or that     the main contract.
    it does not even exist!
                                                      How will you be able to help me buy a home
    You will, no doubt, have heard of cases where     in Spain?
    Buyers have suffered loss. There is no reason why
    this should happen to you provided that you take We offer three choices.
    independent legal advice.
                                                      1. Preliminary Meeting
    Most estate agents are, of course, honest, but
    however honest and helpful they may be you        We strongly suggest that you arrange a meeting
    must remember that they are being paid by the     with us before you go to look for property. This
    person selling the property to sell it and not to way we can discuss all of the key issues - includ-
    protect your interests. They are not able to give ing which areas might best suit you, the types of
    you independent legal advice. Be very careful     property available, who would be the best owner
    before using the services of the agents "own"     for tax purposes, how it should be paid for, mort-
    lawyer. Is he or she or she looking after your    gages, inheritance issues and how to minimise
    interests or the interests of the agent who is    your tax liabilities - calmly before you get into the
    providing all his or her work?                    rush involved in buying the home. The "meeting"
                                                           can either be face to face, over the telephone or
    Please also note that the Spanish Notary Public
                                                           by video conference.
    ("Notario") - in front of whom all land transfers in
    Spain have to be signed - is not there to give
                                                           To arrange a meeting just telephone us. The
    legal advice to either the Buyer or the Seller. His
                                                           meeting will typically take an hour and we will fol-
    or her function is to witness the signature of the
                                                           low it up with a letter confirming the points dis-
    title deeds and to deal with certain administrative
                                                           Our fee is a fixed £250 + VAT.
    How do I find a property in Spain?
                                                           2. Our 'Minimum' service
    We offer a property finding service. This can save
    you a lot of money. Please see previous page.
                                                           As the name suggests, this is a limited service.
                                                           We will:
    What should I look out for when finding a
                                                           Œ      Advise you about who should be the owner
                                                                  of the property to minimise tax and
    The most important thing we would stress to you
                                                                  inheritance problems.
    is that you should NEVER SIGN ANYTHING until
                                                       Œ          Advise you about 'declared values' and
    you have had it checked by your lawyer. If you do
                                                                  'black money'
    sign you will be committed to a contract that you
                                                       Œ          Advise you about your liability to taxes and
    may not understand, that may be totally unfair or
                                                                  other expenses in connection with the
    unsafe and which could be structured, financially,
    in a way that is totally unsuited to you and tax
                                                       Œ          Do a land registry search to establish the
                                                                  current ownership of the property
                                                           Œ      Check that the property is free of debts
    Sometimes in today's "boom" climate you may
                                                                  and other charges
    have no option but to sign some form of
                                                           Œ      Advise you about the terms of your
    preliminary reservation contract or risk losing the
                                                           Œ      proposed contract
    property. If this situation arises then we strongly
                                                           Œ      Point out any problems shown by the
    recommend that you have the agent fax
                                                                  documentation - or lack of it
    or email the proposed contract for our comments.
2                                                                                     Guide - Buying in Spain, January 2004
Œ      Point out any further enquiries that we                all necessary planning permissions and
           think you should make                                  licences
    Œ      Incorporate all of this advice into a written   Œ      Where appropriate, check the property
           report                                                 benefits from the necessary guarantees
    Œ      Write to the Notary who will be dealing         Œ      Draft a contract of sale or approve a
           with the signing of the Deed of Sale                   contract supplied by the seller of the house
           (Escritura) to tell himabout your wishes as     Œ      Point out any problems shown by the
           far as ownership and price are concerned               documentation - or lack of it
                                                           Œ      Point out any further enquiries that we
    That is all. We will not deal with any other mat-             think you should ask us to make
    ters, such as:                                         Œ      Prepare a full report setting out the results
                                                                  of our enquiries and our recommendations
    Œ      Negotiating the terms of the contract                  concerning the purchase generally
    Œ      Further searches or enquiries.                  Œ      Arrange for the completion of the purchase
    Œ      Dealing with surveys, mortgages etc                    by the signing of the necessary deed
    Œ      Preparing Powers of Attorney                           ("escritura publica de compraventa") in
    Œ      Obtaining NIEs (foreigners identification              front of a Spanish NotaryPublic
           numbers)                                        Œ      Arrange for the transfer of the necessary
    Œ      Making arrangements for completion of the              funds to Spain or elsewhere as required by
           transaction                                            the contract
    Œ      Transferring funds                              Œ      Arrange for final searches to be carried out
    Œ      Pre completion checks                                  to ensure that the property remains free of
    Œ      Paying the taxes due                                   debts and charges up to the point of sale
    Œ      Registering your title                                 to you
    Œ      Dealing with the transfer of Water,             Œ      Arrange for the payment of the fees and
           Electricity etc into our name                          taxes due in respect of your purchase
                                                           Œ      Arrange for the registration of your title at
    This service is designed to appeal to the cost                the Spanish Land Registry
    conscious or those buying low value properties         Œ      Receive the registered title back from the
    who are prepared to accept a larger amount of                 Land Registry, check it and forward it to
    risk than would be the case if they were buying               you. This will be several months after the
    something more expensive. It also appeals to the              completion of thepurchase
    person who speaks some Spanish and who is              Œ      Establish from you what further assistance
    prepared to do some legwork himself or who has                you may require in connection with this
    decided to use the services of a Spanish lawyer               transaction
    but who wants the UK tax and ownership advice          Œ      Liaison throughout with estate agents,
    that the Spanish lawyer will not be able to give.             developers, Spanish lawyers, the notary
    This service is limited. It does not give you the      Œ      Provide general advice and necessary
    full security offered by our standard service.                "handholding" during the transaction. This
                                                                  does not extend to unlimited contact with
    Our fee for this service is ½% of the value of the            clients.
    property, with a minimum of £500. If you have
    already had a preliminary meeting with us there        Most clients are very reasonable and understand
    will be a reduction of £150.                           that work done at a fixed fee can only cover
                                                           necessary contact and not 4 or 5 phone calls or
    3. Our Standard Service                                emails every day!

    As part of our standard conveyancing service at        In short, everything needed in an ordinary trans-
    our standard fixed fee we will:                        action.

    Œ      Advise you about who should be the owner        Our fixed fee for this standard work is 1% of the
           of the property to minimise tax and             price of the property. In the case of a property
           inheritance problems                            that has already been built this is subject to a
    Œ      Advise you about 'declared values' and          minimum of £1,000. In the case of a property in
           'black money'                                   the course of construction it is subject to a mini-
    Œ      Advise you about your liability to taxes and    mum of £1,500 - because this involves a lot more
           other expenses in connection with the           work.
    Œ      Do a land registry search to establish the      Other work may be needed. For example
           current ownership of the property
    Œ      Check that the property is free of debts        Œ      you may decide to take out a mortgage to
           and other charges                                      help buy the property
    Œ      Where appropriate, check the property had       Œ      you may want a valuation or survey
3                                                                                   Guide - Buying in Spain, January 2004
Œ      you may want us to obtain a Spanish NIE        a survey and will be pleased to advise about the
           (foreigners identification number)             merits of doing so.
    Œ      you may want to appoint someone else to
           sign the paperwork in Spain on your behalf     What is the Escritura?
    Œ      you may want to set up a limited company
           to buy the property                            This is the title document transferring ownership
    Œ      you may want us to insure the property         of the property.
           difficulties may arise in the transaction as
           a result of defective title, planning          Under Spanish law it is necessary for the escritura
           problems, protracted negotiations etc.         to be signed before a Spanish Notary Public. We
                                                          will arrange this.
    If, for any reason, the transaction becomes very
    unusual or much more complicated than normal          Who is the Notary?
    we reserve the right to revise our charges. For
    example, we have had situations where one of the      The Notary is a public official who is there simply
    parties has died part way through the transaction,    to put on the public record the fact that the title
    or got divorced, or for some reason has refused to    deed recording the sale/purchase has been signed
    cooperate in the sale. Of course, these situations    in his or her presence and understood by the par-
    are infrequent. If one occurs in your case we will    ties concerned.
    tell you and give you an updated estimate of our
    fees. Our fees will never exceed the estimate we      Where should the money be paid?
    have given you.
                                                        When the escritura is signed in front of the Notary
    Other examples of extra work are explained in our either the purchase price is, in his or her pres-
    Questionnaire.                                      ence, handed over to the person selling the house
                                                        or the Seller confirms that the money has already
    This extra work is charged for over and above our been handed over. Proof of such payment is then
    standard charge. If any extra work is needed we     incorporated into the title deeds of the property.
    will notify you before we undertake it and agree    Usually the price may be paid wherever in the
    with you either a fixed price for it or another way world the parties agree. We will advise you as to
    of charging.                                        the implications of this choice.

                   Costa del Sol                          Do I have to be in Spain to complete the
              Europelaw - Costa del Sol
          Special arrangements for our charges            The person buying the house may attend in per-
       We are delighted to announce that we have          son before the Notary, but, if this is inconvenient,
      formed a joint venture with BCP Abogados of         arrangements can be made for a Power of
        Marbella. Together we will be working as          Attorney to be granted enabling another person to
    Europelaw - Costa del Sol. As a result, our way of    attend on their behalf. This must be in the
    working and our way of charging for our work on       Spanish form and signed in front of a Notary. Our
     the Costa del Sol will be slightly different from    clients usually appoint our associate in the area to
        what we have described in this brochure.          sign on their behalf. We can draft a Power for sig-
                                                          nature near your home.
     Instead of paying our charges and a separate fee
    for the lawyers in Spain there will be just one fee, What about paying the taxes due?
     payable to us. We will then split that fee with the
                      lawyers in Spain.                  Once the purchase formalities with the Notary
                                                         have been completed we arrange, on your behalf,
       The end result will usually be cheaper for our    to pay any taxes due in relation to the transac-
      clients. See the separate page on the Costa del    tion.
                        Sol for details.
                                                         Is there a Land Registry system in Spain?

    What about a survey?                               Yes. After the Escritura has been signed in front of
                                                       the Notary we arrange for it to be presented to
    As is the case with the purchase of a property     the appropriate Land Registry and for the pay-
    anywhere, it is often prudent to have the property ment of the Land Registry fees.
    you intend to buy surveyed. We strongly recom-
    mend a survey in the case of older (over 10 year   Several months can elapse before the process of
    old) or unusual properties. Surveys typically take registration is concluded, but as soon as we are
    7 - 10 days and cost about £500 - £750.            notified that the deeds are ready we will have
                                                       them collected, check them and then forward
    We can, if you wish, make arrangements for such them to you.
4                                                                                   Guide - Buying in Spain, January 2004
Special points for new properties                      well as advantages. In each individual case,
                                                           you will have to weigh up the advantages and the
    By law, where you pay all or part of the price         disadvantages and decide how you wish to deal
    before the property has been fully built, the          with the transaction.
    property must have the benefit of a bank
    guarantee to ensure that, if the developer goes        What about raising the money?
    bust before he or she completed the building
    work, you do not lose your money. In some parts        It is possible to raise finance to assist with the
    of Spain developers try to ignore this important       purchase of a property in Spain either by
    legal requirement.                                     mortgaging the property itself or by mortgaging
                                                           or adding to the mortgage on any property which
    You must also make sure that the property              you may have in England.
    specification is agreed in detail with the builder
    and that the property will be delivered to you         We will be pleased to advise you about the
    complete with the necessary licence to occupy it       possibilities of obtaining mortgages and finance
    as a home. Ideally you should not pay the final        both in Spain and in England and to assist in the
    instalment of the price until this is produced but,    obtaining of any finance that you require.
    because of bureaucratic delay it is common for
    the deeds transferring ownership to you to be          What does all this cost?
    signed - and the price paid - several months
    before this paperwork is issued by the Town Hall.      Our charges are set out in the various sections
    In whose name should you purchase the
    property?                                              We require a payment on account of costs of
    There are a number of ways to purchase the
    property                                               The TOTAL costs (our charges for our standard
                                                           service, land registry fees, notary's fees, taxes,
    Œ      in your own name                                associates fees, bank charges etc) normally come
    Œ      in the joint names of you and your wife or      to about 10% - 11% of the price of the property.
           copurchaser(s)                                  In the case of properties less than £50,000 it will
    Œ      in your children's names or in the name of      be more.
           somebody who will eventually inherit the
           property from you                               There will be additional charges, fees and taxes if
    Œ      in the name of a limited company, whether       you are taking out a Spanish mortgage. We will
           English, Spanish or "off-shore"                 give you an estimate of these costs when we
                                                           know more about your plans.
    Each method has its own advantages and
    disadvantages. Everything depends on your own          We will give you a detailed estimate of the likely
    personal circumstances. We shall be pleased to         overall cost once we know more about your
    discuss the various ways of buying and to advise       particular purchase.
    as to the most advantageous method for you.
                                                           If a transaction does not proceed to completion
    It is worth paying careful attention to this point     we charge at our current hourly charging rate for
    because of the potential tax and other savings         the work actually undertaken.
    that can be made at a later stage.
                                                           What extras are there on top of your legal
    These tax savings arise because of the Spanish         fees?
    system of inheritance tax under which gifts on
    death can still attract very high rates of taxation.   Œ      A fee is paid to the Notary for the
    It is still possible to pay over 80% tax on an                preparation of the Escritura. This fee varies
    inheritance. Careful planning can dramatically                but is typically about 0.4% of the purchase
    reduce the tax payable.                                       price.

    The tax savings also arise because of the way          Œ      A fee is payable to the Land Registry. This
    that each time a property changes hands, certain              depends on the value of the property but is
    taxes and fees become payable. If you can                     usually about 0.25% of the price.
    minimise the number of times it changes hands,         Œ      Plus valia - a sort of municipal capital gains
    you can greatly reduce your tax liabilities.                  tax - has to be paid on the transfer of a
                                                                  property. The tax should be paid by the
    As always with tax savings schemes there is a                 Seller but many contracts transfer the
    danger that the Government can close the                      liability to the Buyer. This tax is usually
    loopholes that allow the schemes to operate and,              small - say £150 - but, as it can be several
    as always, there are disadvantages to them as                 thousands of pounds, it is vital that you
5                                                                                   Guide - Buying in Spain, January 2004
are aware of the implications of this. We       money is paid and whether it is paid in Sterling or
           will advise on this point.                      in Euros.
    Œ      A transfer tax or VAT and Stamp Duty has
           also to be paid. Again this depends on the      How do I get the money to Spain?
           value of the property, the type of property
           in question and where it is located. It is      You will normally simply pay the money into our
           typically 6% - 8.5% of the price of the         bank account in England in £s Sterling and we will
           property.                                       arrange for the conversion into Euros (if
    Œ      In many cases you may not wish to be in         necessary) and the transfer to Spain. This is the
           Spain at the time when the public title         method we recommend as our bank is dealing
           deed needs to be signed. In these               with such transfers daily and so we have less
           circumstances we can prepare a Power of         problems. Just as importantly, because of the
           Attorney authorising either someone             volume of transfers we make, we will normally get
           nominated by you or our overseas                a better exchange rate than our client would
           associate to sign on your behalf. The cost      obtain. This can save you many hundreds of
           of doing this is typically £150. You will       pounds.
           also then have to pay the charges of the
           person who attends to sign and pay the          Are there any other things I should do at the
           taxes on your behalf. We will give you an       same time as I buy a property?
           estimate of these fees when we know
           more about your particular transaction.         We believe that it saves a great deal of time,
    Œ      In order to buy property in Spain, you          effort and money later on if you now review your
           need to be registered with the Spanish tax      English Will and make a separate Spanish Will.
           authorities and to have a foreigners'           For most people the cost of this is fairly small.
           identification number (NIE) or tax
           identification number (NIF). If you do not      It is highly advisable for any person who has a
           already have one our fee for obtaining          property in Spain but does not live there all the
           these is normally £150.                         time to nominate a "fiscal representative". This is
                                                           a person to whom the tax authorities can send all
    We will also have to pass on to you the cost of        correspondence relating to your affairs in Spain,
    any surveyors fees, bank charges and the like          secure in the knowledge that it will arrive. The
    levied in respect of your particular transaction,      fiscal representative must be resident in Spain,
    including the charges of our associates in Spain.      but it is for you to choose whom to appoint. It
    We will give you an estimate of all these charges      can either be a friend, a neighbour, a lawyer, or
    once we know more about your case.                     your tax adviser. Many of our associate lawyers
                                                           offer this service. If you wish to know more about
    Finally, all or part of these charges may attract      this, please ask.
    Spanish or English VAT at the current rate.
                                                           You will wish to insure your property and its
    These "extras" will be the same whichever              contents. Once again we can assist you in doing
    firm of lawyers you use, whether they are              this. You will wish to have the electricity, water
    based in England or overseas. If someone               and rubbish collection charges transferred to your
    gives you a different estimate of these fees           name. You willneed to notify the Town Hall that
    it is simply because they have based their             you own the property and register for local rates,
    estimate on different assumptions.                     open bank accounts and register with the Spanish
                                                           authorities for tax and other purposes. If you do
    What about the Sellers' taxes?                         not speak Spanish we would recommend that you
                                                           use the services of a local "gestor" to do these
    The Buyer is usually obliged by Spanish law to         things for you. He or she is a sort of official form
    pay 5% of the purchase price to the tax office on      filler who does this sort of work at quite
    account of the Seller's potential tax liabilities in   reasonable charges. If you prefer we can arrange
    Spain. There are certain exceptions to this rule.      this for you.

    This does not increase the amount the buyer has        You should register as the owner with the
    to pay - he or she simply pays 5% of the agreed        Community of Owners if you live in an apartment
    price to the tax office and 95% to the seller.         block or an estate with shared facilities.

    We will arrange for this to be done.                   What happens if I decide to live
                                                           and/or work in Spain?
    Having done this he or she has no further
    exposure to liability in respect of the Seller's       As part of our service we can assist you with
    taxes.                                                 "residencias", work permits and licences and
                                                           permits in connection with the opening of new
    This responsibility is the same wherever the           businesses. We also advise on the importation of
6                                                                                   Guide - Buying in Spain, January 2004
cars, furniture and pets into Spain, obtaining          What do I do next?
    payment of your pension in Spain, Healthcare
    issues, planning your tax affairs, National             If you would like further advice, please telephone.
    Insurance and other related matters. Please ask         We can then have a brief discussion over the
    for details.                                            telephone and, if necessary, make an appointment
                                                            so that we can meet to look at the matter in more
    After I have settled in, what are my                    detail.
    continuing obligations?
                                                            We are used to acting for Clients from all over the
    If you spend less than 184 days a year in Spain         world and, generally, find that it is not necessary
    then you are, generally speaking, classed as a          to meet in order to deal with the purchase of a
    "non-resident" and you must:                            property in Spain. Of course, we are delighted to
                                                            meet to discuss matters personally if that is
    Œ      pay your local rates (Contribucion               convenient for you.
    Œ      make a declaration of all your capital           John Howell & Co
           assets in Spain and, where appropriate,          Solicitors & International Lawyers
           pay wealth tax on them.                          The Old Glassworks
    Œ      make a Spanish income tax declaration            22 Endell Street
           and pay income tax on any income                 Covent Garden
           deriving from your activities in Spain.          London WC2H 9AD
    Œ      if you have a car, pay car tax and arrange
           suitable insurance cover.                        Tel: 020 7420 0400
    Œ      pay your electricity, water and other bills.     Fax: 020 7836 3626
           It is usual to do this by arranging for your
           bank to pay the accounts directly to the         Email:
    What happens if either I or my coowner
    should die?                                             © John Howell & Co - January 2004

    Jointly owned property does not automatically
    pass to the survivor. It will be dealt with according
    to any instructions which you leave in your Will
    (either English or Spanish) or, if you do not leave
    a Will, under the rules relating to intestacy.

    It is generally much cheaper and simpler to deal
    with your affairs if you have made a Spanish Will.
    We will be please to help you do this.

    Surely there can't be anything else?

    We would also recommend that you join the
    Institute of Foreign Property Owners, which
    provides a regular Newsletter about matters
    affecting the foreign property owner in Spain.
    Membership cost about £40 per year.

    The Institute can be contacted at:

           The Institute of Foreign Property Owners
           Avenida de L'Alt Rei En Jaume I, 15 2-9
           03590, Altea, (Alicante), Spain

           Telephone: 00 34 965 842312
           Fax: 00 34 965 841589

    More Information?

    Look at our website:

7                                                                                    Guide - Buying in Spain, January 2004
Europelaw - Costa del Sol
    We are delighted to announce that on 22nd             Œ       Advise you about 'declared values' and
    January 2004 we formed a joint venture with BCP               'black money'
    Abogados of Marbella. Together we will be             Œ       Advise you about your liability to taxes and
    working as Europelaw - Costa del Sol.                         other expenses in connection with the
    Although we have been working closely with            Œ       Do a land registry search to establish the
    Spanish lawyers for many years, this will allow us            current ownership of the property
    to provide a much more integrated service. Staff      Œ       Check that the property is free of debts
    from our London office will be working in their               and other charges
    offices in Spain. Our computer systems will be        Œ       Advise you about the terms of your
    linked together. Clients will be able to telephone            proposed contract and suggest any
    our London office and be put through to                       alterations to it
    whichever lawyer is dealing with their case,          Œ       Point out any problems shown by the
    whether s/he is based in England or in Spain -                documentation - or lack of it
    and they will only receive one bill for the work of   Œ       Point out any further enquiries that we
    both firms.                                                   think you should make
                                                          Œ       Incorporate all of this advice into a written
    As part of this project we have further refined our           report
    systems of work to ensure minimum duplication
    of effort and maximum control over the quality of     That is all.
    the service offered to you in both countries.
                                                          Our fee for this service is 0.5% of the value of the
    This has allowed us to streamline the purchase of property (0.4% on any excess over €500,000,
    a property in the Costa del Sol. As a result, we      0.3% on any excess over €1,000,000), subject to
    will be able to offer you a choice of FOUR different a minimum of €900 (about £650).
    levels of service:
                                                          3.      Our Standard Service
    1.       Preliminary Meeting in either London
             or Marbella                                  This covers everything needed in an ordinary
                                                          transaction, apart from obtaining a tax
    We strongly suggest that you arrange a meeting
                                                          identification number (NIE) if you don't already
    with us before you go to look for property. This
                                                          have one, preparing a Power of Attorney (if you
    way we can discuss all of the key issues -
                                                          did not arrange one whilst in Spain) and dealing
    including which areas might best suit you, the
                                                          with events after your purchase such as transfer-
    types of property available, who would be the
                                                          ring the water and electricity accounts into your
    best owner for tax purposes, how it should be
                                                          name. If you need an NIE or Power we can deal
    paid for, mortgages, inheritance issues and how to
                                                          with these individually (generally £150 + VAT
    minimise your tax liabilities - calmly before you
                                                          each) or you can opt for our Full Service (see
    get into the rush involved in buying the home.
    The "meeting" can either be face to face, over the
    telephone or by video conference.
                                                          As part of our standard service we will:
    To arrange a meeting just telephone us. The
    meeting will typically take an hour or so and we      Œ       Gather all necessary information from the
    will follow it up with a letter confirming the points         seller and any other parties
    discussed.                                            Œ       Advise you about who should be the owner
                                                                  of the property to minimise tax and
    Our fee is a fixed £250 + VAT (UK meeting) or                 inheritance problems
    €350 (meeting in Spain).                              Œ       Advise you about 'declared values' and
                                                                  'black money'
    2.       Investigation of a Purchase                  Œ       Advise you about your liability to taxes and
                                                                  other expenses in connection with the
    This will appeal mainly to the person who speaks              purchase
    Spanish and who is happy to do all of the running     Œ       Do a land registry search to establish the
    around involved in obtaining NIE's, arranging to              current ownership of the property
    sign the escritura, paying the taxes due and          Œ       Check that the property is free of debts
    arranging for the registration of title. Because this         and other charges
    is time consuming it is costly for us to do it and    Œ       Where appropriate, check the property had
    so we can pass the saving on to you.                          all necessary planning permissions and
    We will:                                              Œ       Where appropriate, check the property
                                                                  benefits from the necessary guarantees
    Œ        Advise you about who should be the owner     Œ       Draft a contract of sale or approve a
             of the property to minimise tax and                  contract supplied by the seller of the house
             inheritance problems                         Œ       Point out any problems shown by the
8                                                                                   Guide - Buying in Spain, January 2004
documentation - or lack of it                          Number)
    Œ      Point out any further enquiries that we         Œ      Registration with the local and national tax
           think you should ask us to make                        authorities as a tax payer
    Œ      Prepare a full report setting out the results   Œ      Registering a member of our staff as your
           of our enquiries and our recommendations               Fiscal Representative
           concerning the purchase generally               Œ      Changing the accounts for Electricity,
    Œ      Make any stage payments required by the                Water & Telephone or (in the case of a new
           contract                                               property) arranging for connection of these
    Œ      Arrange for the completion of the purchase             services
           by the signing of the necessary deed            Œ      Notifying your comunidad (if any) of your
           ("escritura publica de compraventa") in                ownership of the property
           front of a Spanish Notary Public                Œ      Attending in person to pay the taxes due
    Œ      Arrange for the transfer of the necessary              and to register your title (thus saving you
           funds to Spain or elsewhere as required by             Gestors fees)
           the contract
    Œ      Arrange for final searches to be carried out    Our fee for this service is 1.5% of the value of the
           to ensure that the property remains free of     property (1.2% on any excess over €500,000,
           debts and charges up to the point of sale       0.9% on any excess over €1,000,000), subject to
           to you                                          a minimum of €2,000 (about £1,400).
    Œ      Attend with you at completion of the
           purchase by signing the escritura at the        If the Case does not proceed to Completion
           notary's office
    Œ      Arrange for the gestor to make payment of       If a transaction does not proceed to completion
           the fees and taxes due in respect of your       we charge at our current hourly charging rate for
           purchase                                        the work actually undertaken.
    Œ      Arrange for the gestor to register your title
           at the Spanish Land Registry                    Detailed Estimate
    Œ      Receive the registered title back from the
           Land Registry, check it and forward it to       We will give you a detailed estimate of the likely
           you. This will be several months after the      overall cost once we know more about your
           completion of the purchase                      particular purchase. Generally, the total of all fees
    Œ      Establish from you what further assistance      and taxes, including our own, will amount to
           you may require in connection with this         about 10% - 11% of the value of the property. It
           transaction                                     will be a more if the property costs less than
    Œ      Liaison throughout with estate agents,          about £50,000 and less if it costs over £350,000.
           developers, gestors, the notary etc
    Œ      Provide general advice and necessary            Other Work
           "handholding" during the transaction. This
           does not extend to unlimited contact with       Other work may be needed. For example
           clients. Most clients are very reasonable       Œ     you may decide to take out a mortgage to
           and understand that work done at a fixed              help buy the property
           fee can only cover necessary contact and        Œ     you may want a valuation or survey
           not phone calls or emails every single day!     Œ     you may want to set up a limited company
                                                                 to buy the property
    Our fee for this service is 1% of the value of the     Œ     you may want us to insure the property
    property(0.8% on any excess over €500,000,                   difficulties may arise in the transaction as
    0.6% on any excess over €1,000,000), subject to              a result of defective title, planning
    a minimum of €1,500 (about £1,100). If you ask               problems, protracted negotiations etc.
    our UK office to do this work at least a part of our
    fee is likely to be outside the scope of VAT. If you If, for any reason, the transaction becomes very
    ask our Spanish office to do the work it will be     unusual or much more complicated than normal
    subject to Spanish VAT (IVA) at the current rate.    we reserve the right to revise our charges. For
                                                         example, we have had situations where one of the
    4.       Our Full Service                            parties has died part way through the transaction,
                                                         or got divorced, or for some reason has refused to
    This includes everything in our Standard Service     cooperate in the sale. Of course, these situations
    plus:                                                are infrequent. If one occurs in your case we will
    Œ        Advice about the Spanish & UK tax           tell you and give you an updated estimate of our
             consequences of ownership                   fees. Our fees will never exceed the estimate we
    Œ        Preparing a Power of Attorney for use       have given you.
             when buying the property. Note: There will
             be an extra fee if a limited company is to  Other examples of extra work are explained in our
             be the buyer of the property                Questionnaire.
    Œ        Obtaining your NIE (Tax Identification
9                                                                                    Guide - Buying in Spain, January 2004
This extra work is charged for over and above our         What do I do next?
     standard charge. If any extra work is needed we
     will notify you before we undertake it and agree          If you would like further advice, please telephone.
     with you either a fixed price for it or another way       We can then have a brief discussion over the
     of charging.                                              telephone and, if necessary, make an appointment
                                                               so that we can meet to look at the matter in more
     Payment on Account of costs                               detail. We are used to acting for Clients from all
                                                               over the world and, generally, find that it is not
     We require a payment on account of costs of               necessary to meet in order to deal with the
     £750.                                                     purchase of a property in Spain. Of course, we
                                                               are delighted to meet to discuss matters
     Extras                                                    personally if that is convenient for you.

     In each case we will also have to pass on to you          John Howell & Co
     the cost of any taxes, notaries fees, land registry       Solicitors & International Lawyers
     fees, surveyors fees, gestor's fees, bank charges         The Old Glassworks
     and the like levied in respect of your particular         22 Endell Street
     transaction. We will give you an estimate of all          Covent Garden
     these charges once we know more about your                London WC2H 9AD
                                                               Tel: 020 7420 0400
     If you ask our UK office to do this work at least a       Fax: 020 7836 3626
     part of our fee is likely to be outside the scope of
     VAT. If you ask our Spanish office to do the work         Email:
     it will be subject to Spanish VAT (IVA) at the            Internet:
     current rate.
                                                               © John Howell & Co - January 2004
     Typically, these extras include:

     Œ        A fee is paid to the Notary for the
              preparation of the Escritura. This fee varies
              but is typically about 0.4% of the purchase
     Œ        A fee is payable to the Land Registry. This
              depends on the value of the property but is
              usually about 0.25% of the price.
     Œ        Plus valia - a sort of municipal capital gains
              tax - has to be paid on the transfer of a
              property. The tax should be paid by the
              Seller but many contracts transfer the
              liability to the Buyer. This tax is usually
              small - say £150 - but, as it can be several
              thousands of pounds, it is vital that you
              are aware of the implications of this. We
              will advise on this point.
     Œ        A transfer tax or VAT and Stamp Duty has
              also to be paid. Again this depends on the
              value of the property, the type of property
              in question and where it is located. It is
              typically 6% - 8.5% of the price of the

     These "extras" will be the same whichever
     firm of lawyers you use, whether they are
     based in England or overseas. If someone
     gives you a different estimate of these fees
     it is simply because they have based their
     estimate on different assumptions.

     More Information?

     See the general section on The Legal side of
     buying a home (above). Also look at our website:
10                                                                                      Guide - Buying in Spain, January 2004
     Why take out a Mortgage?                                     your home overseas. This normally reduces
                                                                  the overseas inheritance tax payable when
     Apart from the obvious reason that you might                 you die. This is particularly important if
     need the money many people have decided that                 the inheritance tax rate overseas is more
     the present low interest rates available in the UK           than the tax rate in the UK.
     and overseas mean that their own money is
     better invested in their business or other assets.    7.     If you are going to repay the mortgage
                                                                  from your UK earnings you will be exposed
     Some decide that borrowing part of the price of              to a major exchange rate risk. This can
     the property can "leverage" their investment. That           dwarf the potential savings on interest
     is that, provided the property rises in value more           payments. The £ Sterling has varied in
     than the interest rate, their own investment in              value against the Euro, for example, from
     the property will grow in value even faster.                 1.40 to 1.74. A monthly repayment of 600
                                                                  Euros would therefore sometimes have
     To guard against the risk of increasing mortgage             cost you £428 and sometimes £344. The
     rates you may want to consider taking a fixed rate           capital value of 100,000 Euro mortgage
     mortgage over a period of, say, 10 or 15 years.              would similarly, in £ Sterling terms, have
     Other people will take out a mortgage on their               varied from £71,428 to £57,471. This is
     overseas property to reduce the net value of their           simply as a result of the exchange rate
     home overseas and so, in most cases, the                     fluctuation!
     inheritance taxes payable there.
                                                           8.     There is a potential UK tax trap. You must
     Should I take a UK or an Overseas                            ensure that the overseas mortgage docu
     Mortgage?                                                    mentation complies not only with local law
                                                                  but also with UK tax law.
     There are advantages and disadvantages both
     ways.                                                 When should I arrange the Mortgage?

     UK Mortgage                                           We think that it is sensible to start the process
                                                           before you go looking for property. The eligibility
     1.     You may already have a UK mortgage.            criteria are different from those in the UK. That
            There will therefore be no legal or Land       way you will know that, at least in principle, a
            Registry fees if you add to it. In today's     bank is prepared to lend you the money to fund
            climate there may not even be a bank           your purchase before you waste time and money
            arrangement fee.                               looking at property.

     2.     You will pay UK interest rates, which are      Are there any special rules for overseas
            currently higher than many continental         mortgages?
                                                           Yes. The rules about how much you can borrow
     Overseas Mortgage                                     are different from those applied in the UK. They
                                                           also differ from country to country. We will guide
     1.     There will be high set up costs. 3% - 4%       you through these. Most mortgages are on a
            of the amount borrowed or £1000 - £1500        repayment basis - i.e. you repay both capital and
            would not be unusual.                          interest over the period of the loan. Some interest
                                                           only mortgages may be available.
     2.     You will pay local interest rates, which are
            likely to be lower than UK rates.              Almost all mortgages require proof of income. If
                                                           you are self employed they mostly require 3 years
     3.     You will not tie up your UK assets.            audited accounts.

     4.     There will be a balance between your           How can I arrange a Mortgage?
            assets (the house) and your liabilities (the
            mortgage debt). Many experts think that        We can help.
            this is desirable. If you can't keep up the
            payments you will only lose your holiday       We can discuss whether a UK or overseas
            home.                                          mortgage will best suit your needs and then refer
                                                           you to a specialist to arrange the mortgage for
     5.     If you are renting out your property you       you.
            may be entitled to set off the cost of the
            mortgage against income received, so           We work with a number of overseas banks and
            reducing your tax bill.                        independent mortgage brokers who can assist you
                                                           whether you want a UK or an overseas mortgage.
     6.     The mortgage will reduce the net value of
11                                                                                  Guide - Buying in Spain, January 2004
What do I do next?

     If you would like any further advice, please
     contact us.

     We are used to acting for Clients from all over the
     world and, generally, find that it is not necessary
     to meet in order to deal with obtaining a
     mortgage. Of course, we are delighted to meet
     to discuss matters personally if that is convenient
     for you.

     Blevins Franks Mortgage Services
     Overseas Mortgage Division

     Barbican House
     26-34 Old Street
     London, EC1V 9QQ

     Tel: 020 7324 0005
     Fax: 020 7608 1425


12                                                         Guide - Buying in Spain, January 2004
Foreign Exchange
     What is foreign exchange?                             Will my bank help me transfer money abroad
                                                           to purchase my property?
     The foreign exchange market is vast. Every day
     $1,600 billion is traded through thousands of         Over the years, banks have traditionally been the
     dealing rooms in dozens of countries throughout       mainstay of foreign exchange and money transfer
     the world. Amazingly, this figure is greater than     services. Consequently, they tend to be the first
     the global equity markets (shares) trade in an        place people who are intending to buy overseas
     entire year. 95% of this amount is traded for         property turn to.
     speculative gain and is largely accounted for by
     banks trading with each other, known as               However, private client transactions are often
     'interbank' trading. However, this still means that   viewed as one off deals and as such are usually
     £80 billion is traded daily for commercial reasons    subject to uncompetitive exchange rates, which
     for both businesses and private investors alike.      enables the banks to generate sufficient profit in
                                                           their deals.
     The UK is by far the world's largest financial
     market. In fact the UK trades a greater volume        In addition, a transfer within Europe can often
     than the financial markets of New York and Hong       take 3 or 4 days and information flows are scarce
     Kong put together. This is partly due to the          and trading hours limited to branch opening
     historical significance of London as a                times.
     world-trading centre and partly because of the
     time zone advantage the UK has over other             Foreign exchange, foreign language.
     countries, which enables it to cover both
     European and US hours of trade.                       With normal conveyancing periods of 2 months or
                                                           more and the construction of new build properties
     The market opens in the Far East on Sunday            taking anything up to 18 months and beyond, a
     evening (UK time) and trades continuously             simple, information led foreign exchange service
     through the Middle East, Europe, London and the       can take much of the confusion and worry out of
     US. The only break in operations comes between        buying overseas.
     Friday night close in the US and Sunday night
     opening in New Zealand.                               Unfortunately, the banks will offer you limited
                                                           choice. More often than not, they will simply
     What relevance does this have with                    advise you to buy your currency on the day that
     my overseas property purchase?                        you need to transfer money. Not only is the
                                                           exchange rate likely to be uncompetitive but you
     More than you might think. The timing of when to      will also have missed out on any opportunities
     buy or sell currency is at the heart of every         that the markets may have presented. You may
     foreign exchange transaction and with property        also suffer added expense if the exchange
     deals taking anything up to 18 months and             rate has moved against you. Fortunately, more
     beyond, control and understanding is the key to       timely and readily available information flows, a
     success.                                              single dedicated specialist point of contact, 24
                                                           hour exchange rate monitoring and simple
     Most people identify with foreign exchange            solutions to achieve better rates of exchange are
     through the buying of holiday money, however,         now not only the preserve of 'blue chip' organisa-
     this bears little relation to the bulk buying of      tions.
     currency for a property transaction.
                                                           Who are Moneycorp?
     The annual buying of holiday money provides
     scant opportunity to identify with the speed          In the complex, fast moving world of foreign
     exchange rates move, nor the ranges within which      exchange, you need someone on your side who
     they trade. This is often the most surprising         knows markets inside and out and is dedicated to
     aspect of foreign exchange for those unfamiliar       delivering the very best service.
     with the markets.
                                                           Moneycorp is the commercial foreign exchange
     However, when understood and correctly                division of TTT Moneycorp Limited. Incorporated in
     harnessed, exchange rate volatility and near 24       1962, the Company offers a broad range of
     hour, 7 day a week trading, can present excellent     foreign exchange services, notably bureaux de
     opportunities to save you money. Conversely,          change services in Central London and Gatwick
     anyone choosing to ignore the market, will either     Airport, wholesale currency services and
     fail to make the most of these opportunities, or at   commercial foreign exchange for both private
     worst will find the cost of their property escalate   individuals and businesses alike. The Company
     beyond their budget.                                  has been ISO 9001:2000 assurance accredited
                                                           since 1996.

13                                                                                  Guide - Buying in Spain, January 2004
What are the advantages of trading with               Will this be the same in two months time when
     Moneycorp?                                            you need to pay for it?

     Talking to Moneycorp before you start looking for     You have agreed to buy a house overseas. You
     an overseas property will make buying abroad so       need to transfer your deposit over immediately.
     much easier.                                          You will want the best exchange rate!

     Moneycorp's foreign exchange experts will help        You need to make 3 additional staged payments
     you at every stage of the purchase transaction,       over the next 12 months. How much will these
     from working with you to identify what you can        cost you in sterling?
     afford to spend, to protecting your investment
     from currency fluctuations and even enabling you      You have retired overseas. You know that your
     to benefit from favourable currency moves.            pension, paid in £'s sterling, will be £15,000 per
                                                           year. What will this be worth in the country where
     Your dedicated dealer will always be on hand to       you are now living?
     make the process as simple and enjoyable as
     possible. Be it explaining market terminology or      You have agreed on a local currency mortgage to
     proposing a bespoke foreign exchange solution to      buy your overseas property and will be paying for
     best suit your individual needs, you will be in a     it out of your £ Sterling income. How much will
     more informed position to best take control of        your mortgage payments cost over the next year?
     your finances.
                                                           Budgeting your expenditure accurately is impossi-
     In addition, Moneycorp have negotiated with           ble without knowing what exchange rate you will
     partner banks a far more cost effective means of      get to convert your sterling into foreign currency.
     transferring monies to Europe. In most cases,
     typical 'handling' charges which European banks       What are the solutions?
     levy for receiving inbound funds will be greatly
     reduced or even eliminated.                           There are several possible actions you could take:

     How can I secure an exchange rate?                    Do nothing!

     When you buy foreign currency there are two           The most common action from overseas property
     contract types - spot and forward                     buyers sadly often costs them money. If the
                                                           exchange rate for £ Sterling against the local
     A 'spot' contract enables you to buy foreign          currency improves, people are happy. If it
     currency immediately for settlement within 2          worsens, then they overstretch their budget, often
     working days. This is the simplest way to buy         by £000's.
     currency. If you need to make a fast payment,
     then this contract may suit you.                      The value of the Euro can and does fluctuate on a
                                                           daily basis. This volatility will ultimately affect the
     A 'forward' contract enables you to fix an            final price that you pay for your overseas
     exchange rate for settlement anything up to 2         property.
     years in the future. This fixed exchange rate
     enables you to calculate the sterling cost of your    Buy the currency now
     property and, as it does not need to be paid for
     until the maturity date, it enables you to budget     This will tie up large quantities of your money for
     and resolve any immediate cashflow concerns.          long periods. The overseas funds will earn very
     This is often the case if, for instance, your house   little interest because Continental interest rates
     sale has not completed but you want to secure an      are usually lower than UK rates.
     advantageous exchange rate.
                                                           'Forward' buy the currency
     As the availability of your funds, the payment plan
     of your new property and the best available           You can fix an exchange rate for delivery on an
     exchange rate rarely coincide, forward contracts      agreed date in the future. Money can be drawn
     are a popular option. They are a cost effective       down whenever you want it during the period of
     and simple way of securing an exchange rate and       the contract or the contract can be extended
     simultaneously eliminating the risk posed by          if, for example, the construction of your property
     exchange rate volatility.                             is delayed.

     How does this relate to my property                   You will need to place a deposit of 10% of the
     purchase?                                             amount you wish to buy, with the balance payable
                                                           prior to the maturity of the contract.
     You have signed for a property, priced in Euros,
     that you have calculated will cost you £100,000.
14                                                                                    Guide - Buying in Spain, January 2004
Draw comfort from 24 hour market monitoring           Moneycorp

     Banks' restricted opening hours and limited           2 Sloane Street
     knowledge of regional branch staff of the             London
      intricacies of foreign exchange, may often leave     SW1X 9LA
     you feeling short changed. Moneycorp will monitor
     your transaction from dawn till dusk, enabling you    Tel: 020 7808 0500
     to take advantage of any opportunities, which you
     may otherwise have not been aware of.                 Email:
     Utilising automated orders, Moneycorp can target
     desirable exchange rates, enabling you to develop © Moneycorp - September 2003
     a highly flexible, 24 hour strategy to manage your
     exchange rate risk.

     How does Moneycorp's streamlined payment
     process work and where is my money held?

     Moneycorp works closely with John Howell & Co to
     ensure that the payment of your transaction is
     seamless. Moneycorp receives funds for deposits
     from John Howell & Co, although customers
     can choose to deal directly with Moneycorp if they

     All Moneycorp client funds are held in designated
     client accounts held at HSBC Plc.

     John Howell & Co. will release payment to
     Moneycorp on written confirmation the funds have
     already been forwarded by HSBC Plc to the
     designated beneficiary account.

     How do I open a trading facility?

     Moneycorp's account opening procedure could not
     be simpler.

     You will need to complete an account opening
     form, sign terms and conditions and provide 2
     forms of identification.

     On receipt of these documents Moneycorp will
     open a trading facility for you, from which you can
     start to benefit from their market knowledge and
     strategies. At this stage there is no cost or
     obligation to use their services although we are
     sure you will find no better service elsewhere.
     What do I do next?
     To receive further information please call
     Moneycorp's Private Client dealing team who will
     be more than happy to assist you and answer any
     questions you may have. For a courteous, friendly
     and professional foreign exchange
     service, contact Moneycorp.

15                                                                               Guide - Buying in Spain, January 2004
Spanish Taxes
     Taxes for Spanish Residents                             Wealth Tax (2003)
                                                        This is an annual tax based on Worldwide assets
     You will become resident for tax purposes in Spain
                                                        for Spanish residents; only on Spanish assets for
                                                        non-Spanish residents. Non Spanish residents are
                                                        not entitled to any exemptions, therefore non-
     Œ      you spend more than 183 days in Spain in
                                                        Spanish residents owning a property in Spain will
            a calendar year.
                                                        always have a Wealth Tax liability each year.
     Œ       OR you arrive in Spain with an indefinite                     Single          Married
             intention to reside there.                      Exemptions:

     Œ       OR if your "centre of vital interests" is       Own House     €150,253        €300,506
             Spain even though you may spend less            Exemption     €108,182        €216,364
             than 183 days there.                                          ________        ________

     Œ       OR you are deemed Spanish resident if                         €258,435        €516,870
             your spouse lives in Spain even though
             you may spend less than 183 days in             Wealth Taxes (Annual) 2003
                                                             Euro                                  Tax Total
                                                                                                         payable at
     A Spanish tax year is the same as a calendar year
                                                                                                         top of band
     (1st January to 31st December), unlike the UK           From          To          Rate
     which is from 6th April to the following 5th April.     Nil           167,129     0.2%              334
     If you are a resident of Spain you will be liable for   167,129       334,253     0.3%              836
     income tax, wealth tax, capital gains tax and
     succession tax (inheritance tax) on your                334,253       668,500     0.5%              2,507
     world-wide assets.
                                                             668,500       1,337,000   0.9%              8,523
     Income Tax
                                                             1,337,000     2,673,999   1.3%              25,904
     Worldwide Income for Spanish residents.
     For Individual & Joint Returns (2003)                   2,673,999     5,347,998   1.7%              71,362

     Euro                 National             Total Tax     5,347,998     10,695,996 2.1%               183,670
     From       To        Income     Total     Payable at
                                                             Over          10,695,996 2.5%
                          Tax Rate Tax Rate    Top of band

     Nil        4,000     9.06%      15.00%    600
     4,000      13,800    15.84%     24.00%    2,952
                                                             Gifts or Inheritance Tax Rates 2003
     13,800     25,800    18.68%     28.00%    6,312
     25,800     45,000    24.71%     37.00%    13,416        Payable on Spanish assets (even if owned by non-
     Over       45,000    29.16%     45.00%    -             residents) and on non-Spanish assets if recipient
                                                             is a Spanish tax resident. There's no exemption
                                                             between husband and wife. The highest rate of
     From 2003 there is an additional relief in Spain        tax is 81.6% and may be payable on assets
     for rental income received by Spanish residents.        transferring between unmarried couples.
     As a result only 50% of the net income is taxable.
                                                             There are significant changes expected to the
     Capital Gains Tax                                       Spanish inheritance tax legislation which will take
     15% if Spanish Resident; 35% on property gains          effect from 1 January 2004. At the time of
     if non-Spanish resident. Spanish capital gains tax      printing, these changes are not yet known in
     includes gains from assets disposed of whilst           detail. We would recommend you seek specific
     Spanish resident, even though the asset was             advice once the changes have been announced.
     owned long before you came to Spain. There are
     ways to avoid this tax.
     Personal Allowances
     Single person €3,400 (under 65)
     Single person €3,907 (over 65)
     Married couple €6,800

16                                                                                     Guide - Buying in Spain, January 2004
Euros          Assumes heir's estate is under Euro 402,678.11
                                           Total tax
                                           Payable at     Euro       Less       Net            Tax Payable Tax Payable
                                                                                               Married     Unmarried*
     From           To          Tax Rate   top of band    Estate     Exempt
     Nil            7,993.46    7.65%      611.50         50,000     (15,957)   34,043         3,083          9,898

     7,993.46       15,980.91   8.50%      1,290.43       100,000    (15,957)   84,043         9,838          24,831

     15,980.91      23,968.36   9.35%      2,037.26       200,000    (15,957)   184,043        28,250         63,282

     23,968.36      31,955.81   10.20%     2,851.98       400,000    (15,957)   384,043        76,898         162,038

     31,955.81      39,943.26   11.05%     3,734.59
                                                          750,000    (15,957)   734,043        180,397        370,288

     39,943.26      47,930.22   11.90%     4,685.04
                                                          1,000,000 (15,957)    984,043        262,697        536,245

     47,930.22      55,918.17   12.75%     5,703.50
                                                          2,000,000 (15,957)    1,984,043 602,697             1,216,245
     55,918.17      63,905.62   13.60%     6,789.80
                                                          5,000,000 (15,957)    4,984,043 1,622,697 3,256,245
     63,905.62      71,893.07   14.45%     7,943.98
                                                          10,000,000 (15,957)   9,984,043 3,322,697 6,656,245
     71,893.07      79,880.52   15.30%     9,166.06

     79,880.52      119,757.67 16.15%      15,606.22      *No €15,957 exemption

     119,757.67 159,634.83 18.70%          23,063.25      Pensions

     159,634.83 239,389.13 21.25%          40,011.04      Taxable, but certain types of pensions can benefit
                                                          from significant tax reductions.
     239,389.13 398,777.54 25.50%          80,655.09
                                                          Capital Gains on Property Sale
     398,777.54 797,555.10 29.75%          199,291.41
                                                          If non-Spanish resident 35%. If Spanish Resident,
                                                          15%. If own home and over 65 and Spanish
     Over           797,555.08 34.00%
                                                          Resident and lived in house for 3 years minimum,
                                                          no tax.
     Multipliers                                          Otherwise can roll-over gain into new home if
                                                          Spanish Resident. The rules are complex; seek
     Euro                 Assendents 2nd/3rd Others

     Net Worth of         Descendents Degree   Including Taxes for the Non Spanish Resident
     From     To          Married    Relatives Partners   As a non-resident, you will be liable to Spanish
                                                          Wealth Tax on all property in Spain without any
     Nil        402,678 1.0000       1.5882    2.0000     deductions given. The rates are shown above.
     402,678 2,007,380 1.0500        1.6676    2.1000     You are also liable to 35% Spanish Capital Gains
     2,007,380 4,020,770 1.1000      1.7471    2.2000     tax on the sale of the property.

     Over       4,020,770 1.2000     1.9059    2.4000     There are local taxes equivalent to the UK's
                                                          Council Tax. Overall, including Wealth Tax, the
                                                          taxes payable are usually considered reasonable,
     Here are some examples of the Spanish                so do not be put off.
     inheritance tax payable on an estate left by a
     husband to his wife whilstliving in Spain as         On death, Spanish succession tax is payable on
     residents.                                           Spanish assets and the rates are shown above.
                                                          These can be deducted from any UK inheritance
                                                          taxes payable on the same asset on death.

                                                          Any rental income arising from your Spanish
                                                          property is iable to Spanish income tax at a flat
17                                                                                    Guide - Buying in Spain, January 2004
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