Redefining Possibilities - Singapore Academy of Law

Page created by Ruth Jordan
singapore academy of law annual report
Our Mission & Values
Building up the intellectual capital,
capability and infrastructure of members
of the Singapore Academy of Law.
Promotion of ESPRIT DE CORPS among the
members of the Singapore Academy of Law.


02   About Singapore Academy of Law
04   The President’s Review
06   The Senate
08   The Executive Committee
10   Facts, Figures & Highlights
14   Redefining Expertise: Legal Knowledge
20   Redefining Opportunities: Legal Industry
28   Redefining Efficiency: Legal Technology
32   The Year In Review: Corporate Services
34   Key Executives
38   Financial Review

Singapore Academy of Law Annual Report 2008/09
MICA (P) 181/11/2009, ISSN 1793 - 5679
about singapore academy of law

The Singapore Academy of Law (the                 of the Law Society of Singapore, Mr Michael
“Academy”) has close to 8,000 members             Hwang, SC and the Dean of the Faculty of
comprising all persons who are called as          Law of the National University of Singapore,
advocates and solicitors of the Supreme Court     Professor Tan Cheng Han, SC. The Senate
or who are appointed as Legal Service Officers.   also comprises the High Court Judges, the
The membership of the Academy comprises           Solicitor-General, academia and the practising
of the Bench, the Bar, and large numbers of       profession.
corporate counsel and faculty members of the      .... The work of the Academy is focused on
local law schools.                                three key areas: supporting the growth and
.... The Academy is governed by the Senate        development of the Legal Industry; building up
which is headed by the Honourable the Chief       the intellectual capital of the legal profession by
Justice Chan Sek Keong as President. The Vice-    enhancing Legal Knowledge; and improving
Presidents of the Academy are the Honourable      the efficiency of legal practice through Legal
Attorney-General Professor Walter Woon; the       Technology. The work of the Academy is driven
Honourable Judge of Appeal Justice Chao Hick      by these three core mandates. This in turn
Tin; the Honourable Judge of Appeal Justice       is directed towards raising the standard and
Andrew Phang Boon Leong; the Honourable           quality of legal practice and building a strong
Judge of Appeal Justice V K Rajah; President      and dynamic legal community in Singapore.
4                                          Review                                                                                                                                                                                               5

    This year 2008/09 was the              number of subscribers for its        rare opportunity to walk through         A landmark project that will     up-to-date legal research database      long term funding arrangements
    second year which the Academy          daily email updates continued to     the old dungeons and corridors of        come to fruition this year is    from key common law jurisdictions.      that had been put in place.
    functioned under a new structure       increase at a satisfactory level.    the old Supreme Court and view                                            Three key databases were added
                                                                                                                         the Singapore Law Reports
    to focus on three strategic areas of                                        rare legal documents, stamps,                                             to Legal Workbench last year.           The unique strength of the
    work – LEGAL KNOWLEDGE,                The Singapore Mediation Centre       artefacts and photos that traced         (Reissue) (“SLR(R)”).            These include Indian Supreme            Academy lies in its ability to draw
    LEGAL TECHNOLOGY                       successfully hosted the inaugural    Singapore’s legal history.               The SLR(R) comprising            Court Cases and Australian and          on the assistance of members of the
    and LEGAL INDUSTRY.                    Asian Mediation Association                                                   78 volumes of reported           New Zealand cases. In addition,         Bench, the Bar, the Legal Service
                                           Conference with the former           A landmark project that will come                                         Practitioners’ Toolkit was enhanced     and the law schools in Singapore.
                                                                                                                         cases and six volumes of the
    The new structure allows each          President of Finland and 2008        to fruition this year is the Singapore                                    with the inclusion of the taxation of   Without them, we could not have
    cluster to focus on individual         Nobel Peace Prize winner,            Law Reports (Reissue) (“SLR(R)”).        Consolidated Index from 1965     costs database. More than 80% of        done many of the things that have
    initiatives without losing             President Martti Ahtisaari, as the   The SLR(R) comprising 78                 – 2009 will be launched at the   Singapore practitioners now hold        made the Academy a success.
    sight of the broad strategic           keynote speaker. The conference      volumes of reported cases and six        opening of legal year 2010.      IDs to access Legal Workbench.
    objectives of our work.                was attended by more than 300        volumes of the Consolidated Index                                                                                 I would like to express my sincere
                                           participants from 19 countries       from 1965 – 2009 will be launched                                         To increase the number of               thanks to members and staff of
    This Annual Report details the         around the world, who gave it        at the opening of legal year 2010.                                        subscribers, LawNet has                 the Academy, whose hard work
    work and accomplishments of the        very favourable feedback.                                                                                      launched Legal Workbench                and dedication to the interest
    Academy in the preceding year                                               Next year, the Academy will assume                                        in Malaysia last year for the           of the Academy have made
    in carrying out its statutory          Our activity levels also remained    the responsibility of providing                                           benefit of Malaysian lawyers.           possible the achievements set
    duties and functions. Let me           high in the Legal Knowledge          practical and continuing legal                                            This was made possible with the         out in this Annual Report.
    highlight a few of them.               cluster. In publishing, Academy      education through an institute                                            support of the Malaysian Bar
                                           Publishing reached full-fledged      to be called the Institute of Legal                                       Council, and for which we thank
    The Legal Industry cluster had         status as a law publisher. Two       Education (“ILE”). The ILE                                                the Council. This year, we will         Chief Justice Chan Sek Keong
    an exciting and fruitful year in       landmark publications were           will oversee and co-ordinate the                                          work towards promoting LawNet           President
    promoting Singapore law and            launched by me last year. Both       various legal education initiatives                                       services in Australia, New Zealand      Singapore Academy of Law
    Alternative Dispute Resolution.        Modern Advocacy: Perspectives from   and programmes for the legal                                              and the United Kingdom.
    Page viewership of the Singapore       Singapore written by 17 Senior       profession. This is a major project
    Law Watch (“SLW”) has                  Counsel and Sentencing Principles    whose success is vital to the future                                      Financially, last year was not
    exceeded 100,000 a month.              in Singapore, one Deputy Senior      efficiency and vitality of legal                                          a good year for the Academy’s
    SLW is a syndicated daily news         State Counsel’s monumental           services in Singapore. The Academy                                        investments and revenue from bank
    service on current developments        effort, were published.              will need the co-operation of many                                        deposits (and for virtually everyone
    in Singapore law and the legal                                              practitioners to make it successful.                                      as well who were invested in the
    services sector and also the broader   In July last year, we organised a                                                                              financial and securities markets).
    national environment affecting         legal heritage exhibition where      In the Legal Technology cluster, our                                      Fortunately, we were able to
    the law and legal services. The        more than 5,000 visitors had the     aim is to build a professional and                                        weather these losses because of the

    REDEFINING POSSIBILITIES               The President’s Review                                                                                                                                 SI NGA POR E ACA DEMY OF L AW   AR   08 /09
the Senate
6                                                                                                                                                                                                                       7

    The Senate is headed by the               Law Society of Singapore, Mr Michael      seated from left to right:               Solicitor-General Mrs Koh Juat Jong      Mr Giam Chin Toon, SC
    Honourable the Chief Justice Chan         Hwang, SC and the Dean of the Faculty     Professor Tan Cheng Han, SC              Justice Judith Prakash                   Mr Goh Joon Seng
    Sek Keong as President of the             of Law of the National University of      Justice Andrew Phang Boon Leong, JA      Justice Belinda Ang Saw Ean              Mr Joseph Grimberg, SC
    Academy.                                  Singapore, Professor Tan Cheng Han, SC.   Attorney-General Professor Walter Woon   Justice Lai Siu Chiu                     Justice Tay Yong Kwang
                                                                                        Chief Justice Chan Sek Keong             Justice Choo Han Teck                    Mr Tan Chee Meng, SC
    The Vice-Presidents of the Academy        The Senate also comprises the High        Justice Chao Hick Tin, JA                Professor Michael Furmston               Professor Yeo Tiong Min
    are the Honourable Attorney-              Court Judges, the Solicitor-General,      Justice V K Rajah, JA                    Professor Hans Tjio                      Justice Lee Seiu Kin
    General Professor Walter Woon; the        academia and the practising profession.                                            Justice Chan Seng Onn
    Honourable Justice Chao Hick Tin,                                                   standing from left to right (1st row):                                            not in picture:
    JA; the Honourable Justice Andrew                                                   Mr L P Thean                             standing from left to right (2nd row):   Mr Michael Hwang, SC
    Phang Boon Leong, JA; the Honourable                                                Mr Sundaresh Menon, SC                   Justice Tan Lee Meng                     Justice Woo Bih Li
    Justice V K Rajah, JA; President of the                                             Justice Kan Ting Chiu                    Justice Andrew Ang                       Mr Wong Meng Meng, SC

    REDEFINING POSSIBILITIES                  The Senate                                                                                                                  SI NGA POR E ACA DEMY OF L AW   AR   08 /09
the Executive                                                       1
                                                                                      Chief Justice Chan Sek Keong
                                                                                      President of the Singapore             5
                                                                                                                                 Justice V K Rajah, JA
                                                                                                                                 Vice-President                          10
                                                                                                                                                                              Justice Judith Prakash

    Committee                                                                         Academy of Law

                                                                                  The President became Chief Justice
                                                                                                                                 Professional Affairs Committee
                                                                                                                                 International Promotion of
                                                                                                                                                                              Law Reform Committee

                                                                                                                                                                         Justice Judith Prakash was appointed
8                                                                                 on 11 April 2006, having served as (a)         Singapore Law Committee                 a Judge in April 1995 after serving           9
                                                                                  Judicial Commissioner from July 1986                                                   three years as a Judicial Commissioner
                                                                                  to June 1988; (b) Judge of the Supreme     Justice V K Rajah was appointed a Judge     from April 1992. She was called to the
                                                                                  Court from July 1988 to April 1992; and    of Appeal of the Supreme Court on           Bar in 1975 and practised law for 18
                                                                                  (c) Attorney-General from May 1992 to      11 April 2007. He was also among the        years before she was made a Judicial
                                                                                  April 2006. He also holds concurrent       first batch of lawyers in Singapore to be   Commissioner.
                                                                                  appointments as the President of           appointed Senior Counsel in 1997.
                                                                                  the Legal Service Commission and                                                            Justice Tan Lee Meng
    01   Chief Justice Chan Sek Keong                                             Chairman of the Presidential Council           Mr Michael Hwang SC                     11   Chairman
    02   Attorney-General Professor Walter Woon                                   for Minority Rights.                       6   Vice-President                               Annual Lecture Organising
    03   Justice Chao Hick Tin, JA                                                                                                                                            Committee
    04   Justice Andrew Phang Boon Leong, JA                                          Attorney-General Professor             Mr Michael Hwang, SC was elected                 Staff Committee
    05   Justice V K Rajah, JA                                                        Walter Woon                            as the President of The Law Society
    06   Mr Michael Hwang, SC                                                     2   Vice-President                         of Singapore in January 2008. He was        Justice Tan Lee Meng was appointed a
    07   Professor Tan Cheng Han, SC                                                  Chairman                               appointed a Judicial Commissioner in        Judge of the Supreme Court in August
    08   Justice Kan Ting Chiu                                                        Board of Legal Education               1991 and was also among the pioneer         1997. Before his elevation to the Bench,
    09   Justice Lai Siu Chiu                                                                                                batch of 12 Senior Counsel appointed        he was Dean of the Faculty of Law,
    10   Justice Judith Prakash                                                   Professor Walter Woon was appointed        in 1997.                                    National University of Singapore in
    11   Justice Tan Lee Meng                                                     the Attorney-General of Singapore in                                                   1987 and Deputy Vice-Chancellor at
    12   Justice Lee Seiu Kin                                                     April 2008. Before his appointment, he         Professor Tan Cheng Han SC              the University in 1992.
    13   Mr Joseph Grimberg, SC                                                   served as the Solicitor-General from       7   Vice-President
                                                                                  2007 to 2008. He was also Singapore’s                                                       Justice Lee Seiu Kin
                                                                                  alternate representative on the High       Professor Tan Cheng Han, SC is              12   Chairman
    2                               3                                   4    5    Level Task Force for the Drafting of the   Dean of the Faculty of Law, National             LawNet Management Committee
                                                                                  ASEAN Charter.                             University of Singapore. Professor               Electronic Litigation Systems
                                                                                                                             Tan is also a Consultant at TSMP Law             Committee
                                                                                      Justice Chao Hick Tin, JA              Corporation. He was appointed to the
                                                                                  3   Vice-President                         rank of Senior Counsel in 2004, making      Justice Lee Seiu Kin was appointed a
                                                                                      Chairman                               him one of the first academics to receive   Judge of the Supreme Court in April
                                                                                      Publications Committee                 this accolade.                              2006. Between October 2002 and
                                                                                                                                                                         April 2006, he was Second Solicitor-
                                                                                  Justice Chao Hick Tin is the Vice-             Justice Kan Ting Chiu                   General of the Attorney-General’s
                                                                                  President of the Court of Appeal.          8   Chairman                                Chambers. He also served as a Judicial
                                                                                  Justice Chao returned to the Supreme           Legal Heritage Committee                Commissioner between 1997 and 2002.
                                                                                  Court Bench in April 2008, having
    6                               7                                   8    9    served as the Attorney-General from        Justice Kan Ting Chiu was appointed a            Mr Joseph Grimberg, SC
                                                                                  2006 to 2008. He was a Judge of Appeal     Judicial Commissioner in May 1991 and       13   Chairman
                                                                                  from 1999 to 2006.                         became a Judge of the Supreme Court              Board of Commissioners for
                                                                                                                             in May 1994. He joined the Singapore             Oaths and Notaries Public
                                                                                      Justice Andrew Phang                   Legal Service in 1970, and resigned in
                                                                                      Boon Leong, JA                         1976 as Senior Magistrate to go into        Mr Joseph Grimberg, SC has presided
                                                                                  4   Vice-President                         private practice as a general litigator.    over a wide spectrum of general and
                                                                                      Chairman                                                                           commercial cases during his two-year
                                                                                      Committee on Legal Education               Justice Lai Siu Chiu                    stint as a Judicial Commissioner of
                                                                                      and Studies                            9   Chairperson                             the Supreme Court. Upon leaving the
                                                                                      Council of Law Reporting 		                Membership and Social Committee         Judiciary, he re-joined Drew & Napier
                                                                                      Commissioning Panel                                                                as a Consultant in 1989 and is now the
    10                              11                                  12   13
                                                                                                                             Justice Lai Siu Chiu was appointed          Senior Consultant.
                                                                                  Justice Andrew Phang was appointed         a Judge of the Supreme Court on 2
                                                                                  a Judge of the Supreme Court in            May 1994 and has served as a Judicial
                                                                                  December 2005 and appointed Judge          Commissioner for three years from 1991
                                                                                  of Appeal in February 2006. He             to 1994. She was the first woman to be
                                                                                  was professor of law and chaired the       appointed to the Supreme Court Bench.
                                                                                  department of law in the business
                                                                                  school of Singapore Management
                                                                                  University before he was appointed
                                                                                  Judicial Commissioner in January 2005.

    REDEFINING POSSIBILITIES                      The Executive Committee                                                                                                SI NGA POR E ACA DEMY OF L AW   AR   08 /09
Facts, Figures
     & Highlights                                                                                                                                          I N SUM M A RY

10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       11


         35 seminars, talks and

                                                 30 fortnightly parts of Singapore
                                                                                       4   ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE
                                                                                           RESOLUTION                                                         191
         119 training workshops by           •
                                                 Law Reports (“SLR”)
                                                 3 issues of Singapore Academy of
                                                                                       •   273 disputes case-managed by
                                                                                           Singapore Mediation Centre
                                                                                                                                      events attended by 11,000 people*
         LawNet and Singapore                    Law Journal (“SAcLJ”)                     (“SMC”); 115 mediation cases

         Mediation Centre
         16 marketing and outreach
         19 social activities and dinners
                                             •   2 issues of Singapore Academy
                                                 of Law Annual Review of
                                                 Singapore Cases
                                                 1 Asian Journal on Mediation
                                                                                           and 158 cases adjudicated under
                                                                                           the Building and Construction
                                                                                           Industry Security of Payment Act                                     44
                                                                                                                                                    new publications*
     •                                       •
     •   2 planning events                   •   2 Law Reform Committee Reports            H IGH LIGH TS
                                             •   2 issues of Inter Se                  •   More than 300 participants from

         H IGH LIGH TS                       •   4 new Academy Publishing titles           19 countries attended the inaugural
     • A month-long legal heritage                                                         Asian Mediation Association
       exhibition, Legal Legacies:               H IGH LIGH TS                             Conference in June 2009.
       The Story of Singapore Law            •   Two landmark books were
       attracted more than 5,000 visitors.
     • The 15th Singapore Academy of
                                                 launched by Chief Justice Chan
                                                 Sek Keong – Modern Advocacy:
                                                                                       5   APPOINTMENTS                          legal materials & cases uploaded on lawnet*

       Law Annual Lecture 2008 was               Perspectives from Singapore and 		    •   Commissioners for Oaths:
     		delivered by The Honourable K             Sentencing Principles in Singapore.       1,114 (1 Apr 2008 – 31 Mar 2009)
       G Balakrishnan, Chief Justice of      •   SLR will take on a new look when          501 (1 Oct 2008 – 30 Sept 2009)
       the Supreme Court of India.               Singapore Law Reports (Reissue) is        1,167 (1 Apr 2009 – 31 Mar 2010)
     • The Obligations IV Conference
       saw a high turnout of local and
                                                 launched in 2010.
                                                                                       •   Notaries Public:                               disputes managed by smc*
       overseas participants.                3   LEGAL DATABASES                           361 (1 Apr 2008 – 31 Mar 2009)

     • SAL’s Charity Event 2008: Over                                                      133 (1 Oct 2008 – 30 Sept 2009)
       1,500 storybooks were collected       •   6,015 legal materials and cases           362 (1 Apr 2009 – 31 Mar 2010)
       in support of the Singapore 		            over 99 databases uploaded on
       Children’s Society kidsREAD 		            LawNet                                6   AUTHENTICATION SERVICES
       programme.                            •   More than 80% of the Singapore
                                                 practising Bar use Legal              • 27,871 authentication certificates
                                                                                                                                      new senior counsel appointments*

                                                 Workbench for online research         		issued. An express service for
                                             •   Over 1,000 people have signed up        same-day authentication services
                                                 to receive daily news updates from      was implemented in October 2008.
                                                 Singapore Law Watch (“SLW”)

                                                 H IGH LIGH TS
                                                                                       7   STAKEHOLDING SERVICES
                                                                                                                                       authentication certificates issued
                                             •   Three key databases made              •   Stakeholding transactions

                                                 available through Legal Workbench:        increased by 63%. $368 million
                                                 Indian Supreme Court cases in             stakeholding moneys for 7,779
                                                 May 2009 followed by Australian           property units were paid out for
                                                 and New Zealand cases in June.            property units in the primary
                                             •   Page viewership of SLW exceeded
                                                 100,000 a month.
                                                                                           property market.                          increase in stakeholding transactions
                                             •   Legal Workbench was launched in
                                                 Malaysia on 7 May 2008.
                                                                                                                                        * 1 APRIL 2008 – 31 MAY 2009   1 APRIL 2008 – 31 MARCH 2009

     REDEFINING POSSIBILITIES                Facts, Figures & Highlights                                                                                                                   SI NGA POR E ACA DEMY OF L AW   AR   08 /09
the Year   in Review
redefining                                                         LEGAL

14                                                                      1   Annual lecture reception at                                                                                                       15
                                                                            the Supreme Court atrium.

                                                                        1   Continuing Legal Education
                                                                            and Studies
                                                                        2   Postgraduate Practical Law Course
                                                                        3   SAL Prizes to Top Students
                                                                        4   Singapore Academy of Law
                                                                            Annual Lecture 2008
                                                                        5   Law Reporting
                                                                        6   Legal Journals
                                                                        7   Law Books and Monographs
                                                                        8   Law Reform
                                                                        9   Legal Heritage

                                                                        CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION            1
                                                                                                                    POSTGRADUATE PRACTICAL                 2
                                                                                                                                                               SAL PRIZES TO                          3
                                                                        AND STUDIES                                 LAW COURSE                                 TOP STUDENTS

                                                                        The Committee on Legal Education            The Board of Legal Education (“the         There were two winners for the
                                                                        and Studies is chaired by the               Board”) is chaired by the Honourable       Singapore Academy of Law Prize
                                                                        Honourable Judge of Appeal                  Attorney-General Professor Walter Woon.    in 2008/2009. They were:-
                                                                        Justice Andrew Phang Boon Leong.
                                                                                                                    In 2008, the Board provided training       • Mr Tan Zhengxian Jordan, top final-
                                                                        In the period under review, the             places for 289 law graduates in its          year student at the Faculty of Law,
                                                                        committee organised 24 legal education      Postgraduate Practical Law Course            National University of Singapore and
     ..... what it means To effectively serve the larger community,     events attended by 1,457 participants,      (“PLC”) comprising 203 law graduates
                                                                        a 35% increase from the previous            from the National University of            • Ms Diana Teo Sze Yin, the top student
     the legal practitioner needs to constantly upgrade his expertise   year. Some of the popular events            Singapore, two solicitors and 84 holders     in a Law Elective for the degree of
                                                                        included seminars on Commercial             of the Diploma in Singapore Law.             Master of Business Administration,
     to remain current and relevant. The Academy recognises             Contract Law and Recent                                                                  Nanyang Technological University.
     this imperative and seeks to drive the enhancement and             Developments in Civil Procedure.            For PLC 2008, the Board held
                                                                                                                    special lectures, practice class and       In addition, Ms Koh Wan Ling,
     development of legal knowledge by reporting judgments of the       The Obligations IV Conference held on       demonstrations in subjects such as         Stephanie, the top student in Diploma
                                                                        23 – 25 July 2008 and the 9th Global        negotiation, advocacy, mediation,          in Law & Management, Temasek
     Supreme Court of Singapore, publishing and disseminating           Conference on Environmental Taxation        drafting of legal agreements and           Polytechnic, received the Singapore
                                                                        held on 6 – 7 November 2008 saw a high      correspondence, alternative dispute        Academy of Law Gold Medal.
     authoritative works on Singapore law, providing a suite of         turn-out of participants from Singapore     resolution and legal technology.
     programmes on continuing legal education and studies,              and overseas. Another popular seminar
                                                                        was the Executive Programme on              The audited accounts of the Board for      SINGAPORE ACADEMY OF LAW
     initiating law reform proposals, and preserving and promoting      finance for legal professionals. Three of   the financial year ended 31 March 2008     ANNUAL LECTURE 2008
                                                                        these programmes were conducted - in        showed a net surplus of $672,060.00.
     Singapore’s legal heritage.                                        August 2008, February and July 2009.                                                   The Honourable K G Balakrishnan,
                                                                                                                                                               Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of
                                                                        The SAL Visiting Fellows for                                                           India, delivered the 15th Singapore
     ..... why it matters Legal knowledge is the intellectual capital   2008/2009 were Professor Richard
                                                                        Nolan from University of Cambridge
                                                                                                                                                               Academy of Law Annual Lecture
                                                                                                                                                               on “The Growth of Public Interest
     of our members. The law never stagnates and is constantly          who visited in September 2008,                                                         Litigation in India”. The lecture
                                                                        Professor Rob Merkin from                                                              was held on 18 October 2008 at the
     evolving with the times and societal needs. In this respect, the   University of Southampton who                                                          Supreme Court Auditorium, and was
     Academy plays a vital role in providing the profession with the    came in January 2009 and Professor
                                                                        Michael Blakeney from Queen Mary’s
                                                                                                                                                               attended by more than 500 people.

     tools to keep abreast of this evolution.                           College who visited in May 2009.

                                                                                                                                                               SI NGA POR E ACA DEMY OF L AW   AR   08 /09

16                                                                                                                                                                                                               17

                                                                                                                                                                          2   CJ congratulates Kow Keng
                                                                                                                                                                              Siong, author of Sentencing
                                                                                                                                                                              Principles in Singapore

                                                                      LAW                                                                                         LEGAL
                                                                      REPORTING                                                                         5         JOURNALS                                  6

                                                                      The Council of Law Reporting is chaired   will be launched at the Opening of                The Publications Committee is
                                                                      by the Honourable Judge of Appeal         Legal Year 2010. The electronic                   chaired by the Honourable Judge of
                                                                      Justice Andrew Phang Boon Leong.          edition will be made available                    Appeal Justice Chao Hick Tin.
                                                                                                                on LawNet at the same time.
                                                                      The Academy undertook a major                                                               A total of six legal journals were
                                                                      overhaul of its in-house editorial        With the launch of SLR(R), the current            published in the period under review.
                                                                      operations with the implementation of     series of SLR will take on the same look          These include three issues of the
                                                                      the single-source publishing (“SSP”)      as the SLR(R) to identify the entire series       Singapore Academy of Law Journal
                                                                      work process in April 2009. SSP was       of law reports published by Academy               (“SAcLJ”) published in August
                                                                      implemented with the aim to streamline    Publishing from 1965 to current                   2008 and March 2009 and a special
                                                                      the work processes between the            times as one unified, continuing set.             issue covering Insolvency Law
                                                                      Singapore Law Reports (“SLR”) and                                                           published on 4 July 2008, featuring
                                                                      LawNet e-publishing teams by reducing                                                       10 contributors and Professor Gerard
                                                                      duplication of work. With SSP, SLR                                                          McCormack as guest editor.
                                                                      editorial operations are now effected
                                                                      through proper publishing tools.                                                            The Singapore Academy of Law
                                                                                                                                                                  Annual Review of Singapore Cases
                                                                      For the period 1 April 2008 to 30 June                                                      (“SAL Ann Rev”) 2007, the eighth
                                                                      2009, 30 fortnightly parts of the SLR                                                       volume in this series, featuring
                                                                      were produced. A total of 213 Supreme                                                       the same areas of the law as in the
                                                                      Court decisions were reported, of                                                           previous issue was published on 2
                                                                      which 149 (70%) were High Court                                                             July 2008. SAL Ann Rev 2008 was
                                                                      decisions and 64 (30%) were Court                                                           published on 12 June 2009. Two
                                                                      of Appeal decisions. As at 30 June                                                          issues of Inter Se were published and
                                                                      2009, there were 253 subscribers                                                            distributed to members at no charge.
                                                                      to the SLR. The SLR continued
                                                                      to be marketed and distributed                                                              The 2008 issue of the Asian Journal
                                                                      non-exclusively by LexisNexis.                                                              on Mediation, an annual publication
                                                                                                                                                                  of the Singapore Mediation Centre,
                                                                      The editorial work for the Singapore                                                        published on 29 July 2008.
                                                                      Law Reports (Reissue) (“SLR(R)”)
                                                                      series was completed in July 2009.                                                          From July 2008, issues of the
                                                                      SLR(R) comprising 78 volumes                                                                SAcLJ and SAL Ann Rev were sent
                                                                      of reported cases from 1965 – 2009                                                          to 10 international law libraries
                                                                      and six volumes of finding aids                                                             for display on their shelves.

     REDEFINING POSSIBILITIES   The Year in Review––legal knowledge                                                                                               SI NGA POR E ACA DEMY OF L AW    AR   08 /09
3                                            4


                                                                                                                                           “  Much thought has gone
                                                                                                                                           into the Academy’s legal
                                                                                                                                           education programmes
     3   The legal heritage exhibition
                                                                                                                                           which are the result
                                                                                                                                           of careful planning of
         included tour of the Old
         Supreme Court.
     4   Members browse copies of

         Modern Advocacy at the
         book launch on 25 July 2008
                                                                                                                                           topics and speakers.
     LAW BOOKS AND                            7
                                                  LAW                                   8
                                                                                             LEGAL                                     9
     MONOGRAPHS                                   REFORM                                     HERITAGE

     The Commissioning Panel is chaired by        The Law Reform Committee is chaired by     The Legal Heritage Committee is chaired
     the Honourable Judge of Appeal Justice       the Honourable Justice Judith Prakash.     by the Honourable Justice Kan Ting Chiu.
     Andrew Phang Boon Leong.
                                                  Ten meetings were held during              Seven new oral history interviews were
     In the period under review, four titles      the period under review. Matters           completed in the year under review
     were published under the auspices of         considered by the Committee included       bringing the total number of completed
     Academy Publishing and with co-              a review of ancillary matrimonial orders   interviews to 10. Another two
     publishers:                                  after foreign divorce or annulment,        interviews are in progress and others
                                                  reciprocal enforcement of maintenance      are scheduled to begin in the second
     • Modern Advocacy: Perspectives from         orders, the leave to appeal in the         half of 2009. A total of 54 hours of oral
       Singapore featuring the work of 17         Supreme Court of Judicature Act,           history have been recorded since the
       Senior Counsel, two incumbent High         opinion evidence, legal profession         start of the project in 2005.
       Court judges, one District Judge and       privilege, online gaming and Powers of
       one retired Judge of Appeal;               Attorney Act.                              The work of comparing and compiling
                                                                                             the various legal databases into a master
     • Coroner’s Practice in Medical Cases,       The Law Reform Committee published         index has commenced. Substantial
       a joint publication with the               two papers, including a paper on the       progress has also been made on two
       Subordinate Courts;                        Rationalisation of Leave to Appeal.        publications relating to legal history.
                                                                                             A biography on former Chief
     • Sentencing Principles in Singapore         The second published paper is on Loss      Justice Wee Chong Jin will be ready
       by Deputy Senior State Counsel Kow         of Inheritance in the Civil Law Act.       for publication by his next death
       Keng Siong, co-published with the          The proposed subsections 22(1A) and        anniversary in June 2010.
       Subordinate Courts; and                    22(3A) in the Civil Law Amendment
                                                  Bill was passed in Parliament on 19        Work has also commenced on a
     • An Asian Perspective on Mediation,         January 2009.                              collection of the late Professor
       a book by the Singapore Mediation                                                     Bartholomew’s papers on Singapore
       Centre (“SMC”).                                                                       legal history. The draft manuscript
                                                                                             for this publication is currently being
     All four titles were launched by the                                                    revised.
     Honourable Chief Justice Chan Sek
     Keong. The initial print-runs of the soft
     cover editions of Modern Advocacy and
     Sentencing Principles were sold-out and
     are in their first re-print.

     REDEFINING POSSIBILITIES                     The Year in Review––legal knowledge
redefining                                                         LEGAL

20                                                                                                                                                                                                             21
                                                                        1   Lunch hosted by Judge of Appeal
                                                                            Justice V K Rajah for CEOs and
                                                                            their deputies from eight large
                                                                            Indian banks in Singapore.

                                                                        1   Promotion of Singapore Law
                                                                        2   Alternative Dispute Resolution (“ADR”)
                                                                        3   Professional Affairs
                                                                        4   Implementation of Strategic Direction
                                                                        5   Appointment of Senior Counsel
                                                                        6   Appointment of Commisioners for
                                                                            Oaths and Notaries Public
                                                                        7   Authentication Services
                                                                        8   Membership and Social Activities

                                                                        PROMOTION OF
                                                                        SINGAPORE LAW

     ..... what it means The Academy takes a role in looking at how     The International Promotion of               • A seminar organised by the Institute     • Seminar on international arbitration
                                                                        Singapore Law (“IPSL”) Committee               of South Asian Studies and the             in Seoul, South Korea on 23
     the legal industry can be made more dynamic and relevant to        is chaired by the Honourable Judge             Academy, supported by the Singapore        September 2008 which was attended
                                                                        of Appeal Justice V K Rajah.                   Indian Chamber of Commerce &               by more than 100 participants from
     the times. To increase legal traffic, we initiate programmes                                                      Industry and the Confederation of          major South Korean companies; and
     to encourage overseas companies and law firms to choose            The translation of English articles on
                                                                        the SingaporeLaw website into Chinese
                                                                                                                       Indian Industry (“CII”) on 7 May
                                                                                                                       2008. The seminar was attended           • A conference in Chongqing on
     Singapore as their partner for legal solutions, Singapore law      and Bahasa Indonesia was completed in          by about 180 participants from             20 March 2009 organised by
                                                                        the period under review. The website’s         the legal and local Indian business        Singapore International Arbitration
     as the law of choice for contracts and Singapore as the neutral    most frequently visited pages were             community. Professor S Jayakumar,          Centre (“SIAC”) and the China
                                                                        articles on Singapore commercial law           then Deputy Prime Minister, and            International Economic and
     venue for dispute resolution. To advance the practice of law, we   and court judgments. Besides readers           Co-ordinating Minister for National        Trade Arbitration Commission
     create platforms for discussion of professional affairs, provide   in Singapore, the SingaporeLaw
                                                                        website also attracted visitors from
                                                                                                                       Security was the guest-of-honour and
                                                                                                                       the two key speakers were Mr Tarun
                                                                                                                                                                  (“CIETAC”). The conference was
                                                                                                                                                                  attended by 150 senior officials from
     opportunities for nurturing camaraderie among members              United States, United Kingdom,                 Das, Chief Mentor of the CII and           China and representatives from
                                                                        Malaysia, China and Indonesia.                 Mr K K Venugopal, Senior Advocate          Chinese law firms and business
     of the fraternity and run programmes to maintain high                                                             of the Supreme Court of India;             corporations.
                                                                        A number of marketing activities
     standards of conduct, learning and professional competence.        were carried out to promote the use of       • Tea reception hosted by Singapore
                                                                        Singapore law as a neutral governing           Mediation Centre on 27 June 2008
                                                                        law in cross-border transactions               for 30 Indian delegates including
     ..... why it matters With Singapore plugged into the world         and Singapore as a neutral venue for           Indian lawyers, High Court judges
                                                                        alternative dispute resolution (“ADR”).        and the former Chief Justice of India;
     grid of trade, industry and finance, the legal profession must
                                                                        These include:                               • A networking session jointly organised
     be geared to provide a one-stop legal service in Singapore.                                                       with the Singapore Corporate Counsel
     The increasingly complex transactional work flowing to             • A lunch hosted by the Chairman of
                                                                          IPSL Committee on 15 April 2008
                                                                                                                       Association on 5 August 2008;

     and through Singapore and the changing needs of the local            attended by 15 CEOs and their              • Tea reception for about 40 Indian
                                                                          deputies from eight large Indian             LLM and MBA students from the
     sector call for new skills and capabilities. In this respect,        banks in Singapore. This was                 NUS Law Faculty and S P Jain Center
                                                                          followed by a presentation on ADR            of Management on 10 October 2008;
     the Academy plays a vital role in modernising the legal              to the legal officers of various Indian
     profession to match the developments in this new economy.            banks on 3 September 2008;

                                                                                                                                                                SI NGA POR E ACA DEMY OF L AW   AR   08 /09
4   Chief Justice Chan Sek
     2                                                                                      3                                              Keong launching An Asian                                                                                                         5
                                                                                                                                           Perspective on Mediation,
                                                                                                                                           a publication by SMC
                                                                                                                                       5   Keynote speaker President
22                                                                                                                                         Martti Ahtisaari, 2008 Nobel                                                                                                         23
                                                                                                                                           Peace Prize Winner


                                                                                            2   Singapore’s Minister for Law
                                                                                                and Second Minister for Home
                                                                                                Affairs, K Shanmugam was the
                                                                                                guest-of-honour at the opening
                                                                                                of the AMA conference
                                                                                            3   Opening of the 1st AMA

     Alternative Dispute                                                                2
                                                                                            Professional                           3
     Resolution (“ADR”)                                                                     Affairs                                    Professional Affairs (cont’d)

     The chairman of the Board of Directors of   The Delhi Mediation Centre                 The Professional Affairs Committee             & Overy, Clifford Chance, Herbert            Supreme Court, the Subordinate              Bank and Chairman of The
     the Singapore Mediation Centre (“SMC”)      joined the Asian Mediation                 (“PAC”) is chaired by the Honourable           Smith, Latham & Watkins, Norton              Courts and the chambers of Senior           Association of Banks in Singapore
     is the Honourable Justice Andrew Ang.       Association (“AMA”) as its latest          Judge of Appeal Justice V K Rajah.             Rose and White & Case), Baker &              Counsel to expose law students to           speaking on “Subprime Crisis -
                                                 member on 12 September 2008.                                                              Mackenzie, Wong & Leow, Sherman              litigation in Singapore.                    Implications for Asia”.
     SMC mediated 92 matters from 1 April                                                   During the period under review, the            & Sterling LLP, Allen & Gledhill
     2008 to 31 March 2009, a 33.33%             SMC hosted the 1st AMA Conference          SAL Survey 2008 was completed.                 LLP and Rajah & Tann LLP. These            • The Professional Values Chapter
     increase compared with the number of        – “Mediation Diversity – Asia and          A total of 216 lawyers from different          11 law firms together with the BLE           (“PVC”) organised three talks on
     matters mediated in the same period         Beyond” from 4 – 5 June 2009               categories of membership were                  have agreed to establish a steering          ethics namely, “Ethical Issues in
     last year. An additional 15 matters were    at Marina Mandarin Singapore.              surveyed. The SAL Secretariat and the          committee within the existing                Civil Litigation”, “Ethical Issues
     mediated from 1 April to 31 May 2009.       Attended by over 300 participants          Professional Development and Practice          framework of the FLC. The steering           in Criminal Practice” and “Ethical
                                                 from 19 countries, the conference          Chapter of the PAC would carry out             committee would meet on a regular            Issues Facing Corporate Counsel”.
     In the period under review, SMC             also provided valuable networking          various initiatives in response to the         basis and make proposals that would          The panellists were senior members
     worked with the Supreme Court and           opportunities for representatives of       feedback from medium and small firms           benefit both local and international         of the legal profession and academics
     the Family Court on a protocol for          mediation organisations, users, experts,   that were gathered from the survey.            lawyers. These proposals would then          and the talks were well-attended by
     matrimonial proceedings involving net       mediators and other members of the                                                        be tabled and raised to the PAC.             members. The PVC together with
     assets that exceed $1.5m to be mediated.    dispute resolution community.              The various chapters and sub-                                                               The Law Society’s Ethics Committee
                                                                                            committees of the PAC carried out the      • The Professional Practice and                  would be launching a series of biennial
     SMC’s appointment as the Authorised         SMC ended FY 2008/2009 with a              following activities during the period       Development Chapter (“PDPC”)                   Ethics Lectures in early 2010.
     Nominating Body under the Building          net profit after tax of $142,134.00,       under review:                                organised a tea dialogue session for
     and Construction Industry Security          bringing the retained earnings as at                                                    members of The Law Society’s Small           • The Young Members’ Chapter
     of Payment Act was renewed for              31 March 2009 to $1,307,698.00.            • The Corporate Counsel Chapter              Law Firms Committee in October                 (“YMC”) together with the Young
     another two years from 1 April 2009.                                                     worked with the Singapore Corporate        2008. About 70 lawyers attended the            Lawyers Committee of The Law
     From 1 April 2008 to 31 March 2009,                                                      Counsel Association (“SCCA”) in            dialogue session which helped PDPC             Society of Singapore hosted the
     SMC administered 118 adjudication                                                        supporting the Inaugural SCCA              and PAC members gain a better                  biannual Young Lawyers Forum
     cases, a 111% increase compared                                                          Regional Conference, held on 2 – 3         understanding of the issues affecting          in November 2008. The Forum
     to the same period last year.                                                            April 2009.                                small law firm proprietors, and also           consisted of two interactive dialogue
                                                                                                                                         explore ways in which SAL and The              sessions between senior members
     The training function of SMC                                                           • The Foreign Lawyers Chapter                Law Society of Singapore could                 from the bench and bar and the
     continued to grow. In the period                                                         (“FLC”) has been working closely           better serve the needs of practitioners        participants.
     under review, SMC conducted                                                              with 11 law firms (foreign and local       in small law firms. The PDPC
     its first Chinese mediation                                                              and the Board of Legal Education           also initiated the SAL Litigation            • An SAL Expert Series Seminar was
     workshops locally and overseas.                                                          (“BLE”). The law firms include the         Internship Programme which is a two            held in October 2008 with Mr
                                                                                              six law firms awarded the Qualifying       week internship programme at the               David Conner, Director and Chief
                                                                                              Foreign Law Practice licences (Allen       Attorney-General’s Chambers, the               Executive Officer of OCBC

     REDEFINING POSSIBILITIES                    The Year in Review––legal industry                                                                                                                                               SI NGA POR E ACA DEMY OF L AW   AR   08 /09
6   Four new Senior Counsel
                                                                         appointed in 2009                                                                                                              6

24                                                                                                                                                                                                          25

                                                                     Implementation of                                                                      Appointment of
                                                                                                                                                      4                                             5
                                                                     Strategic Direction                                                                    Senior Counsel

                                                                     The Steering Committee on Strategic        A database of lawyers from foreign          Four new Senior Counsel were
                                                                     Direction is chaired by the Honourable     law firms was compiled and steps were       appointed by the selection committee
                                                                     Judge of Appeal Justice V K Rajah.         taken to notify them of SAL events so as    for 2009. They were Mr Jeffrey Chan
                                                                                                                to encourage their participation in these   Wah Teck, Mr David Chong Gek Sian,
                                                                     The SAL website was revamped to            events.                                     Mr Francis Xavier s/o Subramaniam
                                                                     provide easier access to information                                                   Xavier Augustine and Mr Ang Cheng
                                                                     on SAL services and initiatives.                                                       Hock. Since 1997, 54 persons have been
                                                                     New features were added including                                                      conferred this distinguished title by the
                                                                     a Members’ Notice Board for                                                            selection committee.
                                                                     announcements, posting of recruitment
                                                                     advertisements and feedback.
                                                                                                                                                            Appointment of Commissioners
                                                                     A brochure on Singapore law and                                                        for Oaths and Notaries Public
                                                                     Singapore as a dispute resolution centre
                                                                     was produced. More than 1,400 copies                                                   The Board of Commissioners for Oaths
                                                                     of the brochure were distributed by                                                    and Notaries Public (“the Board”) is
                                                                     the SAL and law firms at promotional                                                   chaired by Mr Joseph Grimberg, SC.
                                                                     events. An electronic version has also
                                                                     been produced and placed on the SAL                                                    In the year under review, a total of
                                                                     and SingaporeLaw website.                                                              1,114 commissioners for oaths and 361
                                                                                                                                                            notaries public were appointed for the
                                                                     Advice on matters of strategic import                                                  period 1 April 2008 to 31 March 2009,
                                                                     was rendered from legal and policy                                                     501 commissioners for oaths and 133
                                                                     angles. These included crafting position                                               notaries public were appointed for the
                                                                     statements for press releases and public                                               period 1 October 2008 to 30 September
                                                                     announcements, providing opinions on                                                   2009, and 1,167 commissioners for
                                                                     matters like investment of stakeholding                                                oaths and 362 notaries public for the
                                                                     monies and whistle-blowing policy,                                                     period 1 April 2009 to 31 March 2010.
                                                                     and proposing a response with the
                                                                     Singapore Mediation Centre to manage                                                   The Board decided that it would
                                                                     financial instruments-related disputes.                                                no longer impose a limit on the
                                                                                                                                                            number of advocates and solicitors in
                                                                                                                                                            each firm who may be appointed as
                                                                                                                                                            Commissioner for Oaths. Further,

     REDEFINING POSSIBILITIES   The Year in Review––legal industry                                                                                          SI NGA POR E ACA DEMY OF L AW   AR   08 /09
7/8   Fun, food and stories were
     7                                                                                                   the highlights of the party

                                                                                                         organised for the children of
                                                                                                         the kidsREAD programme

                                                                                                                                             One of our main goals
                                                                                                                                         is to reach out to the
                                                                                                                                         different segments of the
                                                                                                                                         legal profession as well
                                                                                                                                         as professional bodies in
                                                                                                                                         Singapore and establish
     Appointment of Commissioners for
     Oaths and Notaries Public (cont’d)
                                                 Membership and
                                                 Social Activities
                                                                                                                                   8     lines of communication
     the Board introduced a number of
     measures to carry out its supervisory
                                                 The Membership and Social
                                                 Committee is chaired by the Honourable
                                                                                            was introduced to encourage members
                                                                                            to engage in continuing legal education
                                                                                                                                         with a view towards
     functions over Commissioners for            Justice Lai Siu Chiu.                      and upgrade their legal knowledge.
     Oaths and Notaries Public to ensure
     that the holders of these appointments      The Committee organised 16 events for
                                                                                            Each SAL member received 35 C$
                                                                                            per year upon payment of their SAL           closer ties with SAL

     perform their duties responsibly.           members in the period under review.        annual subscription which they can

     For the Financial Year 1 April 2008 to
     31 March 2009, the Commissioners
                                                 In conjunction with its annual charity
                                                 event, the Committee held its first book
                                                 donation drive in November 2008.
                                                                                            use to register for SAL seminars
                                                                                            or purchase SAL publications.                in time to come.
     for Oaths and Notaries Public               Over 1,500 storybooks were collected       As at 30 June 2009, membership
     department generated a total income         in support of the Singapore Children’s     of the Academy stood at 8,209, a
     of $1,405,625.00 from application           Society kidsREAD programme.                3.36% increase from the previous
     fees ($676,050.00) and authentication                                                  year. 2,225 members were granted a
     services ($729,575.00). The total           The membership privileges programme        waiver of membership fees pursuant
     income from application fees and            was further expanded and for the           to rule 4 of the SAL rules.
     authentication services was 2.5% higher     period 1 April 2008 to 31 March
     than the previous financial year.           2009, 76 merchants participated in
                                                 the programme. In April 2009, SAL
                                                 and Citibank launched the “Citi
     Authentication                              Singapore Academy of Law Visa
     Services                                    Platinum Card”. Besides a lifetime
                                                 fee waiver, members who sign up for
     An express service at the charge            the card also enjoy other Citibank
     of $75.00 per document for same-            rewards and privileges. In addition to
     day authentication services was             privileges offered to members under
     implemented in October 2008.                the “Citi Singapore Academy of Law
                                                 Visa Platinum Card”, 34 merchants
     The total number of authentication          participated in the membership
     certificates issued in FY 2008/2009         privileges programme for the period
     totalled 27,871, an increase of 0.94%       1 April 2009 to 31 March 2010.
     compared to FY 2007/2008. Out of
     these, 595 were submitted under the         In February 2009, the Membership
     Express Authentication Service.             Credit Dollar (“C$”) scheme

     REDEFINING POSSIBILITIES                    The Year in Review––legal industry
redefining                                                            LEGAL

28                                                                                                                                                                                                             29
                                                                           1   Launch of Legal Workbench
                                                                               in Malaysia

                                                                           1   LawNet
                                                                           2   E-litigation

                                                                                                                                                          1                                            2
                                                                           LAWNET                                                                              E-LITIGATION

     ..... what it means Working together with practising lawyers,         The LawNet Management Committee            Singapore Law Watch (“SLW”), a           The Electronic Litigation Systems
                                                                           is chaired by the Honourable               free online legal news update service    (“ELS”) Committee is chaired by the
     corporate counsel, academics and legal service officers, the          Justice Lee Seiu Kin.                      was enhanced to provide readers          Honourable Justice Lee Seiu Kin.
                                                                                                                      with a calendar of legal education
     Academy assesses, develops and promotes the use of the latest         The Legal Workbench was enhanced           events and publications, news            The tender for the Integrated ELS
     technology to facilitate easy, speedy and efficient access to legal   with additional materials including
                                                                           decisions by the Industrial Arbitration
                                                                                                                      articles from Lianhe Zaobao,
                                                                                                                      highlights of significant High Court
                                                                                                                                                               (“iELS”) was awarded to CrimsonLogic
                                                                                                                                                               Pte Ltd on 18 September 2008.
     information and processes. This includes the implementation of        Court, Intellectual Property               and Court of Appeal judgments and
                                                                           Office of Singapore (Patents) and          Law Society notices and practice         The project uses the iterative method
     the new integrated Electronic Litigation System and providing         legal updates by the Ministry of           directions. Efforts were also taken to   of software development. In this
                                                                           Law and several law firms.                 broaden the ways in which users can      method, in additional to the usual
     affordable access to a comprehensive database of the primary                                                     access SLW. The readership of slw        meetings for the developer to gather
     sources of Singapore law, deep-hyperlinked to a wider network         LawNet continued to expand its
                                                                           coverage of legal materials from other
                                                                                                                      currently stands at more than 100,000
                                                                                                                      page views per month. More than
                                                                                                                                                               users’ requirements, prototypes
                                                                                                                                                               of the system are also released
     of English, Malaysian, Indian, Australian and New Zealand             jurisdictions to meet research needs. In   1,000 people have signed up to receive   to court and law firm users for
                                                                           the period under review, arrangements      daily emails of the SLW news service.    feedback in focus group sessions.
     case law through sophisticated legal research tools on its            were made to enable LawNet                                                          The feedback and the additional
     LawNet portal.                                                        subscribers to have complimentary
                                                                           access to Indian Supreme Court
                                                                                                                                                               functionalities are then incorporated
                                                                                                                                                               into the next prototype release.
                                                                           Cases (1969 to current) and databases
                                                                           from the Australasian Legal                                                         For the period under review,
     ..... why it matters As Singapore develops as the legal services      Information Institute (“AustLII”).                                                  there were 12 prototype releases
                                                                                                                                                               of iELS. The project is scheduled
     hub in the region and our lawyers move up the value chain, it is      At the invitation of the Malaysian Bar                                              for completion in 2010.
     imperative that we have a modern and efficient infrastructure         Council, the Legal Workbench was
                                                                           launched in Malaysia on 7 May 2008.
     in place to facilitate legal research, due diligence searches and     As at 1 May 2009, 89 Malaysian law
                                                                           firms have subscribed to this service.
     judicial processes. LawNet is in the best position to bring
     together expertise and resources from different sectors of the
     profession to collaborate in mining the latest technology to
     improve the standard and competitive edge of legal practice.

                                                                                                                                                               SI NGA POR E ACA DEMY OF L AW    AR   08 /09

                                                                       “   LawNet continued to expand
                                                                       its coverage of legal materials
                                                                       from other jurisdictions to
                                                                       meet research needs.
                                                                       In the period under review,
                                                                       arrangements were made to
                                                                       enable LawNet subscribers
                                                                       to have complimentary access
                                                                       to Indian Supreme Court
                                                                       Cases (1969 to current)
                                                                       and databases from the
                                                                       Australasian Legal Information

                                                                       Institute (“AustLII”).

     REDEFINING POSSIBILITIES   The Year in Review––legal technology

     services                                                                                                                          33

     1   Stakeholding Service
     2   Investments
     3   SAL Group Finance and Administration

     Stakeholding                               SAL Group Finance and
                                          1                                                                                      3
     Service                                    Administration

     The number of stakeholding                 In FY 2008/2009, total income for the      by 16% from S$10.80 million in FY
     transactions increased by 63% in the       SAL Group (excluding investment with       2007/2008 to $9.09 million in
     period under review. The total number      the fund manager) decreased by 11%         FY 2008/2009. Total expenditure
     of payment-in transactions rose from       from $11.41 million in FY 2007/2008        (excluding investment with the fund
     4,806 cases in FY 2007/2008 to 8,840       to $10.17 million and expenditure          manager) for the Academy increased
     cases in FY 2008/2009. The total           (excluding investment with the fund        by 4% from $8.37 million in FY
     number of payment-out transactions         manager) increased by 7% from $9.13        2007/2008 to $8.73 million in FY
     similarly increased from 5,364 cases       million in FY 2007/2008 to $9.80           2008/2009. Hence, the surplus from
     in FY 2007/2008 to 7,779 cases in          million. The surplus for the SAL           operations decreased by 85% from
     FY 2008/2009. While the amount of          group, decreased by 84% from S$2.28        $2.43 million in FY 2007/2008 to $0.36
     stakeholding money handled increased       million in FY 2007/2008 to S$0.37          million in FY 2008/2009.
     over the last financial year, there was    million in FY 2008/2009.
     a significant 41% drop in income from                                                 After taking into account the
     $3.6 million in FY 2007/2008 to $2.1       SAL’s investment portfolio was             investment loss of $5.26 million and
     million in FY 2008/2009. This was due      badly affected after the melt down         grant utilized, the Academy ended
     to the fall in bank interest rates.        of the financial market in October         with a deficit of $4.87 million in FY
                                                2008. There was an investment gain of      2008/2009 compared to a surplus (after
                                                $2.58 million in FY 2007/2008 but an       grant utilization and contribution to
                                                investment loss of S$5.26 million in FY    consolidated fund) of $4.01 million in
     Investments                                2008/2009.                                 FY 2007/2008, a decrease of 221%.
                                                                                           The decrease in surplus for the SAL
     For FY 2008/2009, the investment           After taking into account the              group and the Academy came mainly
     portfolio managed by the fund manager      investment loss of $5.26 million, grant    from the huge investment loss and lower
     incurred a loss of $5.26 million           utilized and income tax, the SAL group     stakeholding interest income as a result
     compared to a gain of $2.58 million        ended with a deficit of $4.72 million in   of the significant drop in deposit rates.
     in the previous financial year. The        FY 2008/2009. This was a decrease of
     decrease was mainly due to capital loss    215% when compared to the surplus          The approved staff establishment for
     after the melt down of the financial       (after grant utilization, income tax and   SAL and SMC as at 31 March 2009 was
     market in October 2008. As at 31           contribution to consolidated fund) of      86, of which 74 positions were filled by
     March 2009, the market value was           $4.12 million in FY 2007/2008.             full-time staff and four positions were
     $27.50 million. This was a drop of $1.23                                              filled by part-time staff.
     million compared to the book value of      The Academy’ income (excluding
     $28.73 million.                            investment with the fund manager) fell

     REDEFINING POSSIBILITIES                   The Year in Review––corporate services
34                                                                                                                                                                                            35

     01   Serene Wee                                      Serene Wee                              Clifford Wong                  1    2    3             4
     02   Teh Hwee Hwee                               1   Chief Executive                    9    Deputy Director
          (secondment ended on 30 Sep 2009)               Chief Executive’s Office                LawNet Portal & E-Publishing
     03   Loong Seng Onn
     04   Low Hui Min                                     Teh Hwee Hwee                           Lai Wai Leng
     05   Lim Seng Siew                               2   Assistant Chief Executive          10   Assistant Director
     06   Balasakher Shunmugam                            Legal Industry Cluster                  Finance & Membership
     07   Gay Wei Ping
     08   Carol Liew                                      Loong Seng Onn                          Deanna Kwok
     09   Clifford Wong                               3   Director                           11   Managing Editor
     10   Lai Wai Leng                                    Alternative Dispute Resolution/         Academy Publishing
     11   Deanna Kwok                                     International Promotion of              (Law Reporting)
          (seconded to Supreme Court on 3 Aug 2009)       Singapore Law                                                          5    6    7             8
     12   Andrew Yeoh                                                                             Andrew Yeoh
     13   Clare Wong                                      Low Hui Min                        12   Assistant Director
     14   Foo Kim Leng                                4   Chief Financial Officer                 Academy Publishing
                                                          Stakeholding, Finance                   (Editorial Operations)
                                                          & Investment
                                                                                                  Clare Wong
                                                          Lim Seng Siew                      13   Assistant Director
                                                      5   Director                                Human Resource &
                                                          LawNet Portal & E-Publishing/           Administration
                                                          LawNet Technology & E-Litigation
                                                                                                  Foo Kim Leng
                                                          Balasakher Shunmugam               14   Assistant Director             9    10   11            12
                                                      6   Acting Director                         Corporate Communications
                                                          Academy Publishing                      & Events Management

                                                          Gay Wei Ping
                                                      7   Chief Technology Officer
                                                          SAL Technology

                                                          Carol Liew
                                                      8   Deputy Director
                                                          Commissioners for Oaths
                                                          & Notaries Public,
                                                                                                                                 13   14
                                                          Professional Affairs
                                                          & Membership Affairs

     REDEFINING POSSIBILITIES                         Key Executives                                                                            SI NGA POR E ACA DEMY OF L AW   AR   08 /09
Financial   Review
The Singapore Academy of Law and its Subsidiary
     (Incorporated in Singapore)

     summary financial statements                                                                                       summary income and expenditure statements
38   for the financial year ended 31 march 2009                                                                         for the financial year ended 31 march 2009                                                                            39

     important note These summary financial statements as set out on pages 38 to 41 are derived from the                                                                    T H E GROU P                   T H E AC A DE MY
     Academy and the Group’s financial statements and auditors’ report thereon, which are available for inspection                                                      2009           2008              2009                 2008
     by all members of the Academy at the premises of the Academy during the Academy’s office hours. Any                                                                  $              $                 $                   $
     member who wishes to have copies of the financial statements and auditors’ report may notify the Academy;
     and the Academy shall furnish these free of charge to that member within 21 days of its receipt of the member’s    Operating income/expenditure
                                                                                                                        Operating income                             10,172,589    11,409,931         9,091,034        10,801,189
     The summary financial statements do not contain sufficient information to allow for a full understanding of        Operating expenditure                        (9,804,820)   (9,128,737)       (8,732,542)       (8,366,001)
     the results and state of affairs of the Academy and of the Group. For further information, the full financial      Surplus from operating activities               367,769     2,281,194           358,492         2,435,188
     statements and the auditors’ report on those statements should be consulted.

                                                                                                                        Investment income/expenditure/
     objectives of the academy in accordance with the Singapore Academy of Law Act                                      Other gains/(losses) from investment – net
     (Cap. 294A, 1997 Revised Edition) are:
                                                                                                                        Investment income                            1,959,012      1,203,619         1,959,012         1,203,619
     a.    to promote and maintain high standards of conduct and learning of the members of the legal profession in     Other gains/(losses) from investment – net  (7,037,348)     1,643,339        (7,037,348)        1,643,339
           Singapore and the standing of the profession in the region and elsewhere;                                    Investment expenditure                        (179,880)      (266,548)         (179,880)         (266,548)
     b.    to promote the advancement and dissemination of knowledge of the laws and the legal system;                  (Deficit)/surplus from investing activities (5,258,216)     2,580,410        (5,258,216)        2,580,410
     c.    to promote legal research and scholarship and the reform and development of the law;
     d.    to provide continuing legal education for its members;
     e.    to provide for the training, education and examination, by the Academy or by any other body, of persons      Total operating and investment
           intending to practise the profession of law;                                                                 income/expenditure
     f.    to consider proposals and suggestions regarding matters which are referred to the Academy by the Law
           Society or the Board*;                                                                                       Total income                                  5,094,253    14,256,889         4,012,698        13,648,147
     g.    to refer to the Law Society or the Board* proposals and suggestions regarding matters which in the 		        Total expenditure                            (9,984,700)   (9,395,285)       (8,912,422)       (8,632,549)
           opinion of the Senate require consideration by the Law Society or the Board*;                                (Deficit)/surplus from operating             (4,890,447)    4,861,604        (4,899,724)        5,015,598
     h.    to promote good relations and social interaction amongst members and between members and law 		              and investing activities
           students and persons concerned in the administration of law and justice in Singapore;
     i.    to appoint persons as notaries public or commissioners for oaths and to authenticate their signatures;
     j.    to undertake activities and projects relating to the study, development and operation of laws and legal 		   ADD :
           systems and the facilities, information technology and infrastructure in support thereof;                    Grants utilized                                178,220        313,562            33,779               33,779
     k.    to provide consultancy and other services relating to the study, development and operation of laws and
           legal systems and the facilities, information technology and infrastructure in support thereof; and          (Deficit)/surplus before income tax and
     l.    to exercise the functions and duties conferred on the Academy under any written law.                         contribution to Consolidated Fund            (4,712,227)    5,175,166       (4,865,945)         5,049,377

     *     “Board” refers to the Board of Legal Education established under section 3 of the Legal Profession Act 			   LESS :
           (Cap.161, 2001 Revised Edition).                                                                             Income tax and contribution to
                                                                                                                        consolidated fund                               (11,585)   (1,053,429)                  –       (1,041,490)

                                                                                                                        (Deficit)/surplus after income tax
                                                                                                                        and contribution to Consolidated Fund        (4,723,812)    4,121,737       (4,865,945)         4,007,887

     REDEFINING POSSIBILITIES                  Financial Review                                                                                                                               SI NGA POR E ACA DEMY OF L AW     AR   08 /09
40   summary balance sheets as at 31 march 2009                                                                                                                                                                                                 41

                                                                T H E GROU P                T H E AC A DE MY         Donations
                                                          2009            2008           2009             2008       Tax deductible donations of $23,966 (2008: $26,710) were received by the Academy and the Group during the
                                                            $               $              $                $        financial year. An amount of $32,072 (2008: $31,393) of the cumulative donations received has been utilised
                                                                                                                     during the financial year.
     Property, plant and equipment                     1,210,593     1,522,676     1,203,570     1,510,493
     Available for sale financial assets #            23,445,221    28,900,645    23,445,221    28,900,645           The donations were utilised in accordance with the objectives of the Academy.
     Current assets * #                              271,939,613 208,568,869     269,986,427   206,755,590
     Non-current asset                                 1,909,769     1,466,385     1,909,769     1,466,385           Summary of significant related party transactions
     Current liabilities * #                        (265,654,591) (201,990,644) (265,184,903) (201,658,011)          These were the following significant related party transactions at terms agreed between the parties concerned:
     Non-current liabilities **                         (216,602)     (394,822)       (33,778)      (67,557)
                                                      32,634,003    38,073,109    31,326,306    36,907,545           (a)   Income and expenditure for services

     General fund                                     27,619,209       32,266,361      26,241,043     31,030,328                                                             THE GROUP                        THE ACA DEMY
     Other funds                                       6,249,099        6,325,759       6,319,568      6,396,228                                                         2009           2008               2009                 2008
     Accumulated surplus                              33,868,308       38,592,120      32,560,611     37,426,556                                                           $              $                  $                    $
     Fair value reserves                              (1,234,305)         (519,011)    (1,234,305)       (519,011)
                                                      32,634,003       38,073,109      31,326,306     36,907,545           Secondment fees and development
                                                                                                                           expenses received from subsidiary                    –              –         476,385               451,271
     *		Included in current assets and current liabilities are stakeholding funds and stakeholding moneys
        amounting to $261,293,081 (2008: $197,543,786) held in accordance with the Singapore Academy of                    LawNet levy income received
        Law (Stakeholding) Rules.                                                                                          from related government bodies              316,478         343,569           316,478               343,569
     ** Non-current liabilities comprise development grant and deferred capital grant.
     # Included in the available for sale financial assets, current assets and current liabilities of the Group            Food and beverage income
        are funds with fund managers amounted to $27,348,175 (2008: $33,519,999).                                          received from subsidiary                             –              –          54,237                56,453

     Funds with fund managers comprise the following financial assets/liabilities:                                         Seminar fees, workshop income, food
                                                                                                                           and beverage and other income received
                                                                T H E GROU P                T H E AC A DE MY               from related government bodies              272,165          68,555           265,610                64,817
                                                          2009            2008           2009             2008
                                                            $               $              $                $              Office rental, secondment and other
       Funds with fund managers:                                                                                           charges paid to related government
       Available-for-sale financial assets            23,445,221       28,900,645      23,445,221     28,900,645           bodies and related entities                 577,551         842,423           552,404               779,529
       Cash and cash equivalents
     		 (included in current assets)                    3,830,167        4,427,099      3,830,167      4,427,099                                                                                       The Group and Academy
       Derivatives [included in current                                                                              			                                                                                 2009          2008
     		 (liabilities)/assets]                            (155,967)             6,928     (155,967)          6,928    			                                                                                   $             $
       Accrued Income
     		 (included in current assets)                      246,754          207,610       246,754          207,610    (b) Key management personnel compensation		                                       1,897,303          2,075,177
       Fund management fee payable
     		 (included in current liabilities)                  (18,000)        (22,283)       (18,000)        (22,283)   Dated this 3rd August 2009

                                                      27,348,175        33,519,999     27,348,175      33,519,999

     Changes in structure of the Academy                                                                             Chief Justice Chan Sek Keong
     There are no material changes in the structure of the Academy for the financial year ended 31 March 2009.       President
                                                                                                                     Singapore Academy of Law

     REDEFINING POSSIBILITIES                Financial Review                                                                                                                                  SI NGA POR E ACA DEMY OF L AW      AR   08 /09
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