Credit Union KiwiSaver scheme - 2011 November

Page created by Kyle Johnston
Credit Union KiwiSaver scheme
                                             November 2011

Mercer (N.Z) Limited is the provider of the Credit Union KiwiSaver scheme.
Important information
     The information in this section is required under the Securities Act 1978.

     Investment decisions are very important. They often have long-term
     consequences. Read all documents carefully. Ask questions. Seek advice
     before committing yourself.

     Choosing an investment
     When deciding whether to invest, carefully consider the answers to the following
     questions that can be found on the pages noted below:

     What sort of investment is this?                                                                   4

     Who is involved in providing it for me?                                                            5

     How much do I pay?                                                                                 7

     What are the charges?                                                                          10

     What returns will I get?                                                                       11

     What are my risks?                                                                             20

     Can the investment be altered?                                                                 21

     How do I cash in my investment?                                                                22

     Who do I contact with enquiries about my investment?                                           23

     Is there anyone to whom I can complain if I have problems with
     the investment?                                                                                23

     What other information can I obtain about this investment?                                     24

     In addition to the information in this document, important information can
     be found in the current registered Prospectus for the investment. You are
     entitled to a copy of that Prospectus on request.

     This Investment Statement has been prepared for the purposes of the Securities Act 1978 in connection
     with the offer of membership of the Credit Union KiwiSaver scheme. This Investment Statement provides
     general information about the Credit Union KiwiSaver scheme. If there is any discrepancy between this
     Investment Statement and the Governing Rules of the Credit Union KiwiSaver scheme, the Governing
     Rules will be the final authority.
     1 November 2011

ii   Issued by Mercer Investment Nominees (NZ) Limited and Elliott Burcher (“Independent trustee”) as
     trustees of the Credit Union KiwiSaver scheme.
The Financial Markets Authority regulates conduct in
financial markets
The Financial Markets Authority regulates conduct in New Zealand’s financial
markets. The Financial Markets Authority’s main objective is to promote and
facilitate the development of fair, efficient, and transparent financial markets.

For more information about investing, go to

Financial advisers can help you make investment decisions
Using a financial adviser cannot prevent you from losing money, but he or she
should be able to help you make better investment decisions.

Financial advisers are regulated by the Financial Markets Authority to varying
levels, depending on the type of adviser and the nature of the services they
provide. Some financial advisers are only allowed to provide advice on a limited
range of products.

When seeking or receiving financial advice, you should check:

■■ the type of adviser you are dealing with;
■■ the services the adviser can provide you with;
■■ the products the adviser can advise you on.
A financial adviser who provides you with personalised financial adviser services
may be required to give you a disclosure statement covering these and other
matters. You should ask your adviser about how he or she is paid and any
conflicts of interest he or she may have.

Financial advisers must have a complaints process in place and they, or the
financial services provider they work for, must belong to a dispute resolution
Scheme if they provide services to retail clients. So if there is a dispute over an
investment, you can ask someone independent to resolve it.

Most financial advisers, or the financial services provider they work for, must
also be registered on the financial service providers register. You can search for
information about registered financial service providers at

You can also complain to the Financial Markets Authority if you have concerns
about the behaviour of a financial adviser.

The Credit Union KiwiSaver scheme
    Welcome to the Credit Union KiwiSaver scheme. This Scheme has been designed to help you save for
    retirement and includes a range of benefits, flexible features and quality member services.

    What are the benefits of the Credit Union KiwiSaver scheme?
    Members of the Credit Union KiwiSaver scheme benefit from the Government’s              If you are a member of the Credit
    KiwiSaver incentives. These include:                                                    Union KiwiSaver scheme, you can
                                                                                            also benefit from:
    ■■ a $1,000 kick-start contribution when you first start your KiwiSaver account
       (unless you have already received the KiwiSaver kick-start contribution).            ■■ Ease of access to your account
    ■■ member tax credit contributions of 50 cents for each $1 of your own                     information – 24 hours / 7 day
       contributions up to a maximum of $521.43 a year.                                        online access. You can view your
                                                                                               balance, transactions, unit prices,
    Employer contributions*: If you contribute to KiwiSaver, your employer is                  update your contact details and
    generally required to contribute on your behalf at a rate of 2%** of your gross            even change your investment
    salary or wages.                                                                           strategy.
    First home buyer assistance: If you’re buying your first home, or a subsequent          ■■ Answers to your enquiries –
    home if you are in the same financial position as a first home buyer, after three          The professional Helpline team
    or more years of KiwiSaver membership you may qualify for a home loan deposit              has extensive superannuation
    subsidy and be able to make a one-off withdrawal from your savings.                        experience and a strong customer
                                                                                            ■■ Investment capability – Mercer
                                                                                               (N.Z.) Limited invests in research
                                                                                               of fund managers, financial
                                                                                               markets and investment strategies.
                                                                                               By leveraging Mercer’s global
                                                                                               scale, the Scheme can provide
                                                                                               leading edge risk mitigation and
                                                                                               the latest investment strategies -
                                                                                               cost-effectively. Please see
                                                                                               ‘What is the investment approach
                                                                                               for this Scheme?’ on page 16 for
                                                                                               more information.

    *Different rules may apply if your employer is contributing to another superannuation Scheme on your behalf. Contact your
      employer for details.
    **The Government has introduced legislation to provide that as from 1 April 2013 the minimum employer contribution rate
      will increase from 2% to 3% of an employee’s gross salary or wages.

Who is eligible to join the Credit Union KiwiSaver scheme?
If you have started a new job, you       You may join the Credit Union KiwiSaver scheme if you are living in New Zealand
may have been offered membership         and meet the eligibility rules for KiwiSaver.
of another KiwiSaver scheme. You
                                         KiwiSaver is open to all New Zealand citizens and people entitled to live here
can still choose to join this Scheme,
                                         permanently who are under the age of eligibility for New Zealand Superannuation
however, you can only be in one
                                         (currently 65). This includes workers on a part-time or temporary contract,
KiwiSaver scheme at a time. If
                                         self-employed people and beneficiaries.
you are already a member of a
superannuation scheme, you may
                                         Staying in touch…
consider enrolling in this Scheme and
transferring your existing scheme’s      As a member of the Credit Union KiwiSaver scheme, you’ll receive:
benefits across.
                                         ■■ an annual report to bring you up to speed on investment performance and
As a potential member of the Credit         what’s happened in the Credit Union KiwiSaver scheme over the year
Union KiwiSaver scheme you need to       ■■ an annual member statement showing your transactions, including
make some decisions about saving for        contributions and other items paid into your Account
your retirement. Make sure you read
                                         ■■ online access to your savings records, plus information and interactive
all the information in this investment
                                            planning tools.
statement, then, if you wish to join,
complete the application form and        Where can I get help with my decisions?
return it to Mercer.
                                         To help decide which investment option(s) might be most suitable for you, see the
We recommend that you obtain             ‘Returns and risks’ section starting on page 11.
professional financial advice before
making any decisions about your          You could also:
KiwiSaver investment.
                                         Visit our website for further information

                                         Call us            0800 CU KIWI (0800 28 5494)
                                                            (toll free in New Zealand)
                                                            9am–7pm, Monday – Friday (except for public holidays)

                                         Write to us        Credit Union KiwiSaver scheme
                                                            C/- Mercer
                                                            PO Box 1849
                                                            Wellington 6140

                                         Alternatively, you could get advice from an authorised financial adviser.

Getting to know the Credit Union KiwiSaver scheme

    In this section, you’ll find out:
    ■ What sort of investment is this?
    ■ Who is involved in providing it for me?
    ■ What is the nature of the Scheme?
    ■ How long has the Scheme been operating?
    ■ Information about responsible investment

    What sort of investment is this?
    The Credit Union KiwiSaver scheme (the “Scheme”) is a registered KiwiSaver
    scheme under the KiwiSaver Act 2006 and has been designed to help you save
    for retirement.

    The New Zealand Association of Credit Unions (“NZACU”) has established this
    Scheme to offer an attractive KiwiSaver option for the benefit of Credit Union

    The trustees invest your Member’s Account on your behalf, in your choice of the
    following current investment options:

    ■■ Kiwi Conservative
    ■■ KiwiPlus Balanced
    ■■ Global Growth
    If you do not choose an option, you will be allocated to the KiwiPlus Balanced
    option (this is also called the Scheme’s “default” investment option).

    At any point in time your savings are equal to the balance in your Member’s
    Account. This is made up of:

    ■■ the contributions and transfers made by you and/ or your employer, and/or
       anyone else on your behalf;
    ■■ the contributions and member tax credits from the Government;
    ■■ investment returns from your chosen investment options (which may be
       positive or negative);
    ■■ less any applicable fees, charges, taxes and any money transferred or paid out.
    Generally, you may withdraw some or all of the balance of your Member’s Account
    after being a member of a KiwiSaver scheme or Complying Superannuation
    Fund for 5 years, or attaining the New Zealand Superannuation qualification age
    (currently 65), whichever is the later. Membership of the Scheme and any previous
    KiwiSaver schemes can be combined to meet the 5 year total. A Complying
    Superannuation Fund is an existing superannuation Scheme that has been
    amended to meet certain KiwiSaver rules.

    See the section ‘Contributions, benefits and fees’ on page 7 for more information.

Who is involved in providing                Who is the administration manager?      Who is the Promoter?
it for me?                                  Mercer (N.Z.) Limited (“Mercer”). The   The promoter is the New Zealand
                                            administration Manager’s address        Association of Credit Unions
What is the Scheme’s name?                                                          (“NZACU”). The contact address
                                            as at the date of this Investment
The full name of the Scheme is the          Statement is:                           of the NZACU as at the date of the
“Credit Union KiwiSaver scheme”.                                                    Investment Statement:
                                            The Administration Manager
                                            Credit Union KiwiSaver scheme           New Zealand Association of Credit
Who are the trustees?
                                            Mercer (N.Z.) Limited                   Unions
Mercer Investment Nominees (NZ)             113-119 The Terrace                     Level 3, 25 Teed Street,
Limited (“MINL(NZ)”)                        PO Box 2897                             Newmarket, Auckland,
The trustees’ address as at the date        Wellington 6140.                        PO BOX 9582,
of this Investment Statement:                                                       Newmarket, Auckland 1149
Level 18, 151 Queen Street                  The administration manager’s address
PO Box 105591                               may change from time to time. Details   The trustees of the NZACU (who are
Auckland 1143;                              of the administration manager’s         also promoters) are:
                                            current address can be obtained by
and                                                                                 Bruce Walton ROSS
                                            contacting our Helpline on
                                                                                    Malcolm John BLAIR
Elliott Burcher (“Independent               0800 CU KIWI (0800 28 5494).
Trustee”)                                                                           The NZACU trustees may change
                                            Mercer also has an office at:
New Zealand Association of Credit                                                   from time to time. They can be
Unions                                      Level 18, 151 Queen Street              contacted at the address above.
Level 3, 25 Teed Street,                    PO Box 105591
Newmarket, Auckland,                        Auckland City 1143.
PO BOX 9582,
                                            Mercer is also the Scheme provider
Newmarket, Auckland 1149
                                            under the KiwiSaver Act 2006.
The trustee’s address may change
from time to time. The current address
may be obtained by contacting our
Helpline on 0800 CU KIWI
(0800 28 5494).

The Independent Trustee and the
directors of MINL(NZ) may change
from time to time.

The responsibilities of the trustees are:

■■ to ensure members’ rights and
   interests are protected
■■ the investment of assets
■■ the general operation of the
   Credit Union KiwiSaver scheme in
   accordance with the relevant trust
   deed and legislation.
From 1 October 2012 the trustees
are required to be licensed under the
Securities Trustees and Statutory
Supervisors Act 2011.
What is the nature of the                 About Mercer                              Information about
    Scheme?                                   Mercer has been running                   responsible investment
                                              superannuation schemes in New
    The Scheme is a registered KiwiSaver                                                Legislation that took effect from
                                              Zealand for over 35 years and
    scheme under the KiwiSaver Act 2006                                                 1 April 2008 requires the Scheme’s
                                              currently manages some of the
    and is governed by a trust deed.                                                    investment statement to state
                                              largest workplace retirement savings
                                                                                        whether the Scheme’s investment
    How long has the Scheme                   schemes in the country. With a
                                                                                        policy takes into account responsible
                                              team of over 100 employees in
    been operating?                           New Zealand, Mercer has the local
                                                                                        investment. Responsible investment
                                                                                        is an umbrella term to describe an
    The Scheme was established by a           expertise to fully cater for all your
                                                                                        investment process which takes
    trust deed dated 30 November 2006,        retirement savings needs.
                                                                                        environmental, social, ethical, or
    and amended by a deed dated 28                                                      governance considerations
                                              As well as a local presence, Mercer
    May 2007 to comply with amendments                                                  into account.
                                              (N.Z.) Limited is part of a much larger
    to the KiwiSaver legislation.
                                              global business. Mercer has over
                                                                                        Responsible investment including
    The trust deed contains the governing     18,000 employees in 40 countries
                                                                                        environmental, social, and
    rules of the Scheme.                      focused on providing quality services
                                                                                        governance considerations, is not
                                              to business and consumers alike.
    About the NZACU/ Credit Unions                                                      taken into account in the investment
                                              Mercer is part of Marsh & McLennan
                                                                                        policies and procedures of this
    The Association represents                Companies, Inc, which is listed on
                                                                                        Scheme, at the date this investment
    21 Member Credit Unions nationwide.       both the New York and London
                                                                                        statement was prepared.
    It has been the main trade association    stock exchanges.
    for Credit Unions in New Zealand for      If you would like more information
    over 50 years.                            about Mercer, please visit
    The 21 Member Credit Unions serve
    over 175,000 New Zealanders
    nationwide with an affordable range
    of banking and insurance products
    to help them gain greater financial
    independence. Credit Unions
    are registered under the Friendly
    Societies and Credit Unions Act
    1982 and are not registered banks.
    They are locally owned by their
    members, not-for-profit and are a
    trusted alternative to banks.

    Credit Unions encourage savings,
    thrift and education to enhance the
    social and economic well-being of their
    members. Members save and borrow
    from each other at reasonable rates of
    interest and with a sensible approach
    to fees and other charges. Anyone can
    join their local Credit Union.

Contributions, benefits and fees

In this section, you’ll find out:
■ How much do I pay?
■ What do I contribute?
■ Employer contributions
■ What happens to my contributions?
■ What are the charges?

How much do I pay?                                                                                                 Employer contributions
Your retirement savings build through contributions to your “KiwiSaver Member’s                                    Subject to certain exemptions,
Account.” This section explains how the KiwiSaver Member’s Account works.                                          employers need to make compulsory
                                                                                                                   contributions of a minimum of 2%**
What do I contribute?                                                                                              of gross salary or wages to their
                                                                                                                   employees’ KiwiSaver scheme or
As this is a KiwiSaver scheme, employees contribute either 2%*, 4% or 8% of                                        complying superannuation fund.
total gross salary or wages, as defined by the KiwiSaver Act (that means your total
salary or wages – including bonuses, commission, extra salary and overtime).                                       Subject to certain conditions, if your
The contribution is calculated as a percentage of before-tax salary, but is deducted                               employer is already contributing to a
from after tax salary.                                                                                             registered superannuation plan on your
                                                                                                                   behalf, it may:
The default contribution rate is 2%*. When you join the Scheme, your employer
will calculate your contribution as a percentage of your gross (before-tax) salary                                 ■■ reduce any compulsory
but deduct it from your net (after-tax) salary or wages each pay period. Your                                         contributions it is required to make
contributions are deducted from your pay in the same way as PAYE and forwarded                                        to the Credit Union KiwiSaver
to Inland Revenue. Inland Revenue then sends your contributions to the Credit                                         scheme by an amount not
Union KiwiSaver scheme.                                                                                               exceeding the amount it contributes
                                                                                                                      to your other plan; or
The following table shows how much would be deducted from your weekly or                                           ■■ reduce its contributions to that plan
fortnightly pay, if you chose either the 2%*, 4% or 8% contribution rate:                                             by the amount it contributes to the
                    Weekly KiwiSaver contributions                 Monthly KiwiSaver contributions                    Credit Union KiwiSaver scheme.
 Salary or
 wages (p.a)           2%*             4%              8%             2%*             4%              8%

 $20,000               $8             $15             $31             $33            $67            $133
 $30,000               $12            $23             $46             $50            $100           $200
 $40,000               $15            $31             $61             $67            $133           $267
 $50,000               $19            $38             $77             $83            $167           $333
 $60,000               $23            $46             $92            $100            $200           $400
 $70,000               $27            $54            $107            $117            $233           $467

You can switch between contribution rates by contacting your employer and
requesting a “KS 2” form. The new rate will apply to your next pay after your
employer receives your completed form.

If your deductions are made from your salary you cannot change your rate more
frequently than at three monthly intervals without your employer’s agreement.

If you are self employed or not working and wish to make personal contributions,
you can nominate how much you contribute. The minimum contribution to the
Credit Union KiwiSaver scheme in this scenario is $10 per fortnight, or $21.66 per
month. These contributions can be arranged through a regular payment made
directly to the Scheme (by direct debit). Your contributions will be credited to your
KiwiSaver Member’s Account.
* The Government has introduced legislation to provide that as from 1 April 2013 the minimum employee
   contribution rate will increase from 2% to 3% of an employee’s gross salary or wages. This will apply to both
   existing and new KiwiSaver members. You will be able to contribute at 3%, 4% or 8% of your salary or wages.

** The Government has introduced legislation to provide that as from 1 April 2013 the minimum
   employer contributions for eligible employees will increase from 2% to 3% of an employee’s
   gross salary or wages.                                                                                                                                     7
Tax on your employer’s                   be invested on a pro rata basis in the   ■■ choosing the “Pay tax” option on
                                             investment option(s) that apply             your internet banking service
                                             to you.                                  ■■ paying over the counter at any
    Compulsory employer contributions                                                    Westpac bank branch
    to your account are tax-free until       You can only receive one $1,000
                                             contribution. There will be no           ■■ sending a cheque to Inland
    31 March 2012. Any employer
                                             additional contribution if you              Revenue.
    contributions that are not compulsory,
    i.e. contributions over 2% of gross      transfer from one KiwiSaver
                                                                                      You will need to provide your IRD
    salary or wages, or contributions        scheme to another.
                                                                                      number to ensure your payment is
    paid to those under 18, or over the                                               made to your Member’s Account.
                                             Member tax credit contributions
    age at which they can withdraw                                                    Please contact the Helpline for
    their KiwiSaver savings, are subject     The Government will contribute a         more information on making
    to Employer’s Superannuation             member tax credit of 50 cents for        additional contributions and lump
    Contribution Tax (ESCT). From            every dollar you contribute up to a      sum contributions. Employer
    1 April 2012, all employer               total of $521.43 a year. This means      contributions must be paid via
    contributions will have ESCT             for every dollar you contribute (up to   Inland Revenue.
    deducted from them before they           a maximum of $1,042.86 a year) the
    are credited to your account. ESCT       Government will also contribute          Transferring other super to the
    is payable by your employer and          50 cents.                                Credit Union KiwiSaver scheme
    deducted at your personal marginal
    tax rate.                                Member tax credits will be contributed   If you have retirement savings from
                                             to your account provided you meet the    another superannuation scheme you
    The explanations regarding tax           following criteria:                      can add this to your Credit Union
    contained in this Investment                                                      KiwiSaver account.
    Statement reflect Mercer’s               ■■ you are aged 18 or older and are
    understanding of the tax regime in          not yet eligible to access your       If you are transferring from another
    place at the date of the Investment         KiwiSaver account; and                KiwiSaver scheme the administration
    Statement. Tax laws (and their           ■■ subject to certain exemptions,        manager will arrange the transfer
    interpretation) can change, sometimes       you have New Zealand as your          for you once you’ve completed and
    with little or no notice. Mercer will       principal place of residence.         returned the appropriate form. If
    always try to keep you up to date with                                            you are transferring from another
                                             Member tax credits are paid into your
    any relevant tax changes. However,                                                superannuation fund you should
                                             KiwiSaver account annually after 30
    we recommend you seek your own                                                    check with the other superannuation
                                             June. You do not need to apply for
    professional advice on tax matters.                                               scheme beforehand and investigate
                                             these as the Scheme will manage this
                                                                                      any charges they may impose before
                                             for you.
    What does the Government                                                          requesting a transfer.
    contribute?                              How do I make lump sum                   Note that you may only be a member of
                                             contributions?                           one KiwiSaver scheme at any one time.
    When you join your first KiwiSaver
    scheme, the Government will make a       You, your employer or any other
    $1,000 “kick-start” tax-free             person can make additional
    contribution to your Member’s            contributions and one-off lump sum
    Account. This must be paid within        payments to the Scheme.
    three months of your (or your
    employer’s) first contribution to that   You can pay lump sums to the Credit
    KiwiSaver scheme. The $1,000 will        Union KiwiSaver scheme via Inland
                                             Revenue by:

What happens to my                       What is a contributions holiday?            Parental leave
contributions?                           You can apply for a contributions           If you continue to be paid by
                                         holiday after you have been a member        your employer when you are on
Generally, your employer will pay
                                         of a KiwiSaver scheme for 12 months.        parental leave, your KiwiSaver
your contributions to Inland Revenue,
                                                                                     contributions will continue to be
which holds them in the Inland           A contributions holiday can be for a
                                                                                     deducted from your pay (unless
Revenue KiwiSaver Holding Account.       minimum period of three months up to
                                                                                     you request a contributions holiday.)
Information on the contributions in      a maximum of five years, during which
this Account can be obtained from        time you do not have to contribute to       If you are on parental leave and
Inland Revenue.                          the Scheme. There may be a shorter          not being paid by your employer,
                                         period than 3 months if your employer       your KiwiSaver deductions will
Inland Revenue keeps the
                                         agrees.                                     stop automatically. However, you
contributions in this interest-bearing
                                                                                     can arrange to keep them going by
account for the first three months       If a contributions holiday is granted, it   contacting Inland Revenue.
that you contribute to KiwiSaver.        will take effect from your next pay day.
At this stage they are passed on to      Contributions holidays can be revoked       When you return to paid work, your
your KiwiSaver provider, along with      and reinstated, and you may apply           contributions will continue to be
interest, and the $1,000 tax-free        for a new contributions holiday after       deducted from your pay as before.
Government contribution.                 a previous holiday ends. There is no
                                                                                     Out of the workforce
Any contributions after this date are    limit to the number of times you can
paid by Inland Revenue directly to       take a contributions holiday.               If you are contributing to KiwiSaver
your KiwiSaver administrator.                                                        and lose your job or are out of the
                                         To do so, complete a Contributions
                                                                                     workforce for any reason, your
You may make voluntary contributions     Holiday Request (KS6) form and give
                                                                                     contributions will stop unless you make
directly to Mercer as the Scheme         this to your employer. To find out how
                                                                                     arrangements to keep them going.
administrator.                           to apply for a contributions holiday,
                                         please contact Inland Revenue at:
If you are self employed or not
working, your contributions can be       0800 KIWISAVER (0800 549 472)
made directly to Mercer.                 fax 0800 447 755
                                         PO Box 2198, Wellington

                                         If you suffer or are likely to suffer
                                         financial hardship within the first 12
                                         months of saving, contact Inland
                                         Revenue as you may be eligible for an
                                         early contributions holiday.

                                         Paid leave
                                         If you take a trip overseas or in
                                         New Zealand, but are still paid by
                                         a New Zealand employer, your
                                         KiwiSaver contributions will continue
                                         (unless you request a contributions
                                         holiday). If you take a break from
                                         saving while you’re away you can still
                                         make lump sum payments.

What are the charges?                                                                                   Notes

                                                                                                         1. Indexation: The Scheme
 At the date of this Investment Statement, the following fees applied to the                                membership fees may be reviewed
 Scheme:                                                                                                    each year based on the movement
                                                                                                            in the National Full-Time Adult
                                                                                                            Average Weekly Ordinary Time
     Administration fee:                                       $3.25 (per member
                                                                                                            Earnings Index over the previous
                                                               per calendar month)
     Investment Management fee**:                                                                        2. GST: All fees are exclusive of any
     Kiwi Conservative Investment option                       0.70% p.a.                                   GST that may apply. Generally
                                                                                                            speaking, GST will not apply.
     KiwiPlus Balanced Investment option (default)             0.75% p.a.
                                                                                                         3. Indemnity: The trustees, and
     Global Growth Investment option                           0.85% p.a.                                   any directors, officers and
                                                                                                            employees of any trustee, are
     Member Services fee**:                                    0.25% p.a.
                                                                                                            entitled to be reimbursed for any
     Buy/sell spreads, Entry fee, exit fee,                    The Scheme does not                          liabilities and expenses incurred in
     contribution fee, switching fee:                          currently charge these fees.                 running the Scheme.
     Trustee fee**:                                            0.05% per annum                           4. Reasonable fees: The KiwiSaver
                                                                                                            Act requires that fees charged
     Recoverable expenses:                                     The trustees may be                          by KiwiSaver schemes must be
                                                               reimbursed out of the trust                  reasonable. Investors can apply
                                                               in respect of costs, charges,                to the Court for an order that any
                                                               expenses and outgoings                       unreasonable fee be annulled or
                                                               reasonably and properly                      reduced. Any such application must
                                                               incurred by the trustees                     be made within one year of the
                                                               in connection with the                       day the fee is imposed or debited.
                                                               performance of their duties or               Subject to the KiwiSaver Act the
                                                               the exercise of their powers                 Trustees may alter the fees set out
                                                               under the trust deed.                        on this page and introduce new
 These fees are shown gross of tax (i.e. before tax).                                                       fees from time to time.
 ** The Investment Management fee, Member Services fee, and Trustee fee are calculated as a percentage   5.	The normal costs of investing, such
 of the fund assets.
                                                                                                             as transaction costs when members
                                                                                                             enter and exit an investment option
                                                                                                             are deducted from an investment
     How is the investment management fee calculated?                                                        option’s assets and therefore
     This is calculated by multiplying your investment option’s net asset value by                           are offset against the investment
     the relevant percentage fee (from the table above). It is deducted from the                             returns and are not met by the
     investment option before unit prices are worked out and allocated to your                               members directly.
     Member’s Account.

     It includes the fees of the investment managers, trustees and any custodians of
     the underlying investment products in which investment funds are invested.

     The fees do not however include any applicable investment management
     performance-based fees that may be charged.

Returns and risks

In this section, you’ll find out:
■ What returns will I get?
■ What investment options do I have?
■ How do I choose my investment options?
■ Explaining some terms
■ What are my risks?

What returns will I get?
Your return from the Scheme is           As investment returns are not             This option aims to:
built up over time and based on          distributed, these will compound          ■■ achieve a rate of return (after
contributions and investment returns.    over time, earning further investment
                                                                                      tax and investment management
                                         returns. However, when it comes to
The key factors that determine what                                                   fees) that exceeds CPI increases
                                         investments, please remember there
your benefit will be are:                                                             by at least 2.5% per annum over
                                         are no guarantees - returns may be
                                                                                      rolling three year period
■■ contributions, including:             positive or negative.
   ■■ the percentage of your pay                                                   ■■ over shorter periods, outperform
      you contribute and any other
                                         What investment options do                   the notional return of the
      contributions you make             I have?                                      benchmark mix of investments.
   ■■ your employer contributions,       The Credit Union KiwiSaver scheme         KiwiPlus Balanced (Default option)
   ■■ the contributions and tax          offers you the following choice of
      credits from the Government        investment options:                       The KiwiPlus Balanced option might
                                                                                   be suitable if you:
   ■■ any lump sums you transfer         ■■ Kiwi Conservative
      into the Scheme; and                                                         ■■ are looking for a balance of returns
                                         ■■ KiwiPlus Balanced (the default
   ■■ the impact of any contributions       investment option)                        and risk
      holidays you choose to take
                                         ■■ Global Growth.                         ■■ have a long term investment
■■ the net investment returns of the                                                  timeframe (5+ years)
   investment option(s) you choose       You can choose any one or a
                                         combination of these options.             ■■ expect to contribute to a KiwiSaver
■■ any taxes payable
                                                                                      scheme for at least
■■ any fees charged to your              Kiwi Conservative                            5 years and retire in 5-10 years,
   Member’s Account                                                                   (you will need to be 65 or older
                                         The Kiwi Conservative option might
■■ any withdrawals you make before                                                    to access your KiwiSaver
                                         be suitable if you:
   you retire (if allowed)                                                            benefits). Remember, savings can
■■ the effect of compounding returns     ■■ are looking for a lower, yet fairly       still be invested for the long term
   over time                                stable return
                                                                                      during retirement.
■■ the price(s) of the investment        ■■ expect to contribute to a KiwiSaver
                                            scheme for the next 5 years and        This investment has a ‘moderate’ level
   options in which your Member’s
                                            then retire, (you will need to be 65   of risk. This means that, generally
   Account is invested when your
   benefit becomes payable.                 or older at that time to access your   speaking, a negative annual return is
                                            KiwiSaver benefits). Remember,         expected, on average, once every six
How are the investment returns              savings can still be invested for      to seven years.
calculated?                                 the long term during retirement
                                                                                   This option aims to:
                                         ■■ are looking to withdraw your
Your Member’s Account is allocated                                                 ■■ achieve a rate of return (after tax
                                            savings as a deposit on your
“units” in the investment option(s)                                                   and investment management
                                            first home after the 3 year
in which it is invested. The value of
                                            minimum timeframe.                        fees) that exceeds CPI increases
the units will be determined by the
                                                                                      by at least 3% per annum over
trustees, generally on each business     This investment has a ‘low’ level of
                                                                                      rolling five year periods
day. Units will reflect any investment   risk. This means you may expect to
returns or losses generated by the       see a negative annual return, less        ■■ over shorter periods, outperform
investment option(s), after providing    than approximately one year in every         the notional return of the
for fees, costs and taxes.               nine years.                                  benchmark mix of investments.

Global Growth                            Investment options at a glance:
 The Global Growth option might be                                        Kiwi Conservative        KiwiPlus Balanced           Global Growth
 suitable if you:
                                           Level of risk:                           Low                  Moderate              Moderately High
 ■■ have a long term investment
    timeframe (6+ years)                   *Mix of investments:           Benchmark       Ranges   Benchmark      Ranges      Benchmark     Ranges

 ■■ are comfortable with a greater                                            (%)          (%)         (%)             (%)       (%)         (%)
    exposure to growth assets
                                           Trans Tasman Shares                 5           0-15       12.5             0-25      19          5-35
    (shares) and therefore a higher
    level of risk, being ups and downs     Global Shares                      13           0-30         29         10-60         45         20-80
    in the value of your units from        Real Assets                        10           0-20       17.5             0-30      22          0-30
    year to year
                                           Alternative Assets                  4           0-10        5.5             0-15      6           0-15
 ■■ expect to contribute to a KiwiSaver
    scheme for at least 5 years and        Fixed Interest                     40          25-55       27.5         15-40         4           0-10
    retire in 10 years or more, (you
                                           Cash                               28          15-40         8              0-20      4           0-10
    will need to be 65 or older to
    access your KiwiSaver benefits).       Total Growth Assets                      30                       60                        85
    Remember, savings can still be
                                           Total Defensive Assets                   70                       40                        15
    invested for the long term during
    retirement.                           *Note that the actual asset allocations may vary from the benchmark shown.

 This investment has a ‘moderately
                                          The reference to “Level of risk” in this investment statement is indicative only. It isn’t a
 high’ level of risk. On average, you
                                          guarantee or forecast of any return.
 may expect to see a negative annual
 return, once every five to six years.    What if I don’t choose an investment option?
 This option aims to:                     If you don’t choose an investment option, you will be allocated to the KiwiPlus
 ■■ achieve a rate of return (after tax   Balanced option (the Scheme’s ‘default’ investment option). You may change to
    and investment management fees)       another option or options if you wish.
    that exceeds CPI increases by at
    least 3.75% per annum over rolling
                                        How do I choose an investment option?
    six year periods                    Review the different options and comparisons above. If you are not sure what any
 ■■ over shorter periods, outperform    of the terms mean, please see the section ‘Explaining some terms’ on page 15. You
    the notional return of the          could also try our Quick Quiz on page 13.
     benchmark mix of investments.
                                          Different people have different investment needs so each of these options is designed
                                          to help people with different objectives. Each option has a different combination of
                                          assets and a different associated level of risk.

Quick Quiz                               Step 1:
This quiz is designed to help you        To start, simply choose your preferred answer to each question and circle the score
choose an investment option that best    next to it.
suits your needs.
To help you choose, this quiz                                                                                         score
broadly assesses how you would
react to investment risk in certain       Question 1 When do you plan to cash in some, or all, of your KiwiSaver
circumstances.                            savings? Remember that KiwiSaver savings are locked in until you are
                                          65 years of age or you complete 5 years of saving in a KiwiSaver scheme
Generally, the higher the proportion
                                          and/or Complying Superannuation Fund, whichever is the later. Savings
of growth investments to defensive
                                          can also still be invested for the long term during retirement.
investments in an option, the higher
the Investment Score Range will be.       Less than 5 years                                                                2

For example, the Global Growth            5 to 10 years                                                                    4
investment option (85% growth             More than 10 years                                                               6
investments) has an Investment
Score Range of 26-34, and the Kiwi        Question 2 Imagine you own shares and the share market suddenly
Conservative investment option            slumps. Your shares are worth 10% less than they were a month ago.
(70% defensive investments) has an        Do you decide to:
Investment Score Range of 12-16.
                                          Sell your shares and invest the money elsewhere                                  4
                                          Do nothing                                                                       5
 This Quick Quiz and the associated
 Investment Score have been               Buy more shares                                                                  6
 prepared without taking into
                                          Question 3 How would you feel about the value of your savings going up
 account the objectives, financial
                                          and down by as much as 20% or more over a short period of time, such
 situation or needs of any particular
                                          as a year?
 person. Therefore, before acting on
 this information you must assess         Not concerned                                                                   10
 whether it is appropriate in light
                                          A little concerned                                                               8
 of your own individual objectives,
 financial situation or needs.            Fairly concerned                                                                 5
 You should consult a financial
                                          Very concerned                                                                   2
 advisor before making an
 investment decision.                     Question 4 If you were going to invest in the sharemarket what would you
 Remember that, generally, you
 cannot make withdrawals from             I wouldn’t invest in shares as they’re too risky                                 4
 your KiwiSaver Member’s Account
                                          A broad selection of shares in established companies                             5
 until the later of the date you reach
 New Zealand Superannuation               A mix of shares in both established and small growing companies                  6
 qualification age (currently 65), or
 complete five years membership
                                          Question 5 You inherit $50,000. Where would you invest it?
 of a KiwiSaver scheme and/or a           In your bank account                                                             0
 complying superannuation fund.
                                          A mix of different investments                                                   4
                                          Just shares                                                                      6

                                          Step 2: Add up your Investment Score:

Step 3:                                                                                    2. How much risk are you comfortable
 Match your Investment Score to the options in the following table:                            with?
                                                                                               Most investments involve some
     This investment option Option name        Investment   % Growth/      Level of risk       level of “risk” (the chance of the
     may be suitable for                       timeframe    defensive      (likelihood         investment rising or falling in
     you if your Investment                                 investments    of a negative
     Score falls in this range                                             return)
                                                                                               value). Because some investments
                                                                                               are more volatile than others
     12-16                      Kiwi           At least 3   30/70          Low                 (depending on the mix of growth
                                Conservative   years                                           and defensive investments)
     17-25                      KiwiPlus       At least 5   60/40          Moderate            having a choice of investment
                                Balanced       years                                           options means that you can help
                                                                                               control how much risk you want
     26-34                      Global         At least 6   85/15          Moderately          to take.
                                Growth         years                       High
                                                                                               Investing mainly in defensive
 The trustees recommend you seek financial advice before making your decision,                 investments over the long term
 to ensure that your decision is appropriate, having regard to your personal needs             generally carries a risk – the risk
 and circumstances.                                                                            that your savings investments
                                                                                               might not keep up with inflation.
 Important note:
 The investment options within this Scheme have been chosen to suit the lock-in                If your money doesn’t grow as fast
 rules of KiwiSaver.                                                                           as inflation, your savings could
                                                                                               lose that buying power and you
 Here are some other things to consider:                                                       may end up with a smaller nest
 1. “When will I need my money?”                                                               egg than you need.

       Even once you’ve retired, you’re likely to need to invest a large proportion of      3. Other issues you may want to think
       your money to give yourself an adequate income in retirement. So for most               about
       people, the answer to this question will be:                                            ■■ Do you have other
       “Not for a long time.”                                                                     investments outside of
                                                                                                  KiwiSaver? Are they
       If you have a long time frame, time is on your side. You can focus on                      mainly growth or defensive
       investments that have a high proportion of growth investments (e.g. shares).               investments? You may want
       With time on your side, you can afford to ride out the inevitable ups and downs            to take this into account when
       of investment markets.
                                                                                                  choosing your investment
       On the other hand, if you’ve got a short time frame and if it’s important to avoid         option.
       short-term falls in the value of your savings, you may wish to select a more            ■■ How much longer will you be
       conservative approach. For example you are in your 60’s, and plan to take the              earning an income and putting
       money out once you’ve invested in KiwiSaver for 5 years.                                   money into your KiwiSaver
                                                                                                  Member’s Account?
       This might also apply if you are looking to take advantage of using your
       savings as a deposit on your first home or if you suspect you may emigrate              ■■ Are you planning on cashing in
       from New Zealand.                                                                          all or part of your savings when
                                                                                                  you retire for things other than
                                                                                                  ongoing income?
                                                                                               Before making your investment
                                                                                               decision you should also take into
                                                                                               account all your personal needs
                                                                                               and circumstances as they will
                                                                                               more than likely have an impact
                                                                                               on your overall investment.

                                                                                            It is recommended that you seek
                                                                                            appropriate professional advice
                                                                                            before making any decisions.

Explaining some terms:                             publicly listed companies. Shares            considered to have more growth than
                                                   in New Zealand and Australian                defensive characteristics and vice
Investment types                                   companies make up slightly less              versa. This means that a particular
There are many different types of                  than three percent of the world’s            alternative asset may be classified
investments, which are normally broken             shares, so investing in overseas             as either “growth” or “defensive”. In
down into broad asset classes – for                companies opens up more                      general, alternative assets may be
example, shares, real assets, fixed                investment opportunities.                    included as a small component of a
interest, alternative assets and cash.                                                          diversified investment portfolio.
                                                   The performance of international
Growth investments                                 shares is also influenced by factors like    Asset classes
These predominantly include Trans-                 the economy of a particular country          Asset classes are types of
Tasman shares, International shares,               and the value of overseas currencies         investments. The main asset classes
alternative assets, and real assets.*              relative to the New Zealand dollar.          are cash, fixed interest, property
These types of investments generally               Real Assets                                  and shares. Each asset class has a
have the potential to grow over                                                                 different level of risk and return -
                                                   These assets include property,
the long term but are also likely to                                                            the main criteria by which investors
                                                   infrustructure and natural resources
experience volatility (ups and downs                                                            generally choose what they invest in.
                                                   (e.g. commodities). Investments can
in returns from year to year).
                                                   be done directly (like a home) or            Benchmarks and allocation ranges
Defensive investments                              indirectly, through buying units in a        The benchmark is the targeted long-
These predominantly include fixed                  trust that invests in a variety of assets.   term mix of investments. For example,
interest, alternative assets and                   Fixed interest                               the benchmark for the KiwiPlus
cash.* These are generally used to                                                              Balanced investment option is 60%
                                                   These investments include
help protect the investment from the                                                            in growth investments and 40% in
                                                   Government bonds, bank bills or
chance of a negative return (i.e. a                                                             defensive investments.
                                                   company debentures.
fall in the value of the investment).
                                                                                                The mix may vary from this
Defensive investments are likely                   Basically, you’re investing in something
                                                                                                benchmark, but will generally stay
to produce lower returns long term                 that pays interest for an agreed period
                                                                                                within the allocation range.
but more stable returns than growth                of time. These investments can also
investments.                                       be bought or sold before the fixed           Consumer Price Index (CPI)
*Note certain asset classes such as real assets,   period of time is up.                        This is used to measure the rate of
alternative assets and fixed interest can have
both growth and defensive qualities.               If general interest rates fall then your     increase in inflation. In New Zealand
                                                   investment is worth more. Similarly,         it’s based on a selection of household
Trans-Tasman shares                                                                             goods and services.
                                                   if interest rates rise then your fixed
Buying a share is actually buying                  interest investment is worth less.           Investments in derivatives
a portion, or share in, a particular
company. In the case of Trans-Tasman               Cash                                         The purpose of derivatives (for
shares, the company’s shares are                                                                example, “futures” and “options”)
                                                   These are fixed interest investments
publicly listed on the New Zealand or                                                           is to help mange risk by ‘hedging’.
                                                   usually made for very short periods –
Australian Stock Exchange.                                                                      Derivatives are not physical assets.
                                                   usually less than 12 months. It’s similar
The performance of the shares                      to investing in a bank term deposit.         In no case can these derivatives be
generally depends on the financial                                                              used to gear the portfolio such that
                                                   Alternative assets
performance of the companies in                                                                 the exposure to any asset class
                                                   Alternative assets generally include         shall exceed the investment
which you own shares. Performance
                                                   investments which do not fit within          allocation ranges for the relevant
is also influenced by economic
                                                   the traditional broad asset classes          investment option.
factors both around the world and
                                                   (such as shares, real assets, fixed
within New Zealand and Australia.
                                                   interest and cash).                          Units
It is also influenced by the value of
the Australian dollar relative to the                                                           The assets in each investment option
                                                   Examples include; absolute return
New Zealand dollar.                                                                             are divided into units of equal value.
                                                   funds (e.g. Hedge funds) and private
                                                                                                Each investor in the Credit Union
International shares                               equity.
                                                                                                KiwiSaver scheme is allocated units
These are shares in overseas                       Some alternative assets may be               in the relevant investment option.

What is the investment approach for this Scheme?                                      Your benefits
 The funds in the Credit Union KiwiSaver scheme utilise a ‘multi-manager’              Retirement
 investment approach, managed by Mercer.                                               You can generally only withdraw a
 This means that specialist investment managers are used for different                 benefit equal to the balance in your
 types of investments. More than one investment manager may be used for                Member’s Account upon the later of:
 each investment type. For example, a panel of managers is used to manage              ■■ the date on which you reach the
 New Zealand shares and another panel is used for overseas shares.                        New Zealand superannuation
 These panels of investment managers are constructed to provide exposure                  qualification age (currently 65
 to a range of investment management styles. This added diversification helps             years); or
 achieve consistent performance throughout market cycles. It also allows               ■■ the date on which you have been
 Mercer to appoint and review the most appropriate specialist fund manager                a member of a KiwiSaver scheme
 at any point in time.                                                                    (and/or a Complying Superannuation
                                                                                          Fund) for five years.
 Mercer mainly uses an active investment strategy. Active fund managers that
                                                                                       In these circumstances, the benefit will
 are highly rated by Mercer have had a proven ability to achieve returns over and
                                                                                       generally be paid in total as a lump sum,
 above those of passive managers.
                                                                                       but you can also leave your savings in
 Mercer invests in research of fund managers, financial markets and investment         the Scheme and withdraw all or part at
 strategies. By leveraging its global scale, Mercer provides leading edge risk         any future date, or purchase an annuity
 mitigation and the latest investment strategies - cost-effectively.                   from a life insurance company.

                                                                                       The trustees may permit you to make
     How do I monitor my investment performance?                                       an early partial or full withdrawal in the
     To calculate what your savings are worth, simply multiply the unit price of the   following circumstances:
     relevant investment option by your number of units.                               Help for first home buyers
     For example, if you’ve 30,000 units and the unit price is declared to be          After you’ve been a member of
     $1.1000 your savings would be worth $33,000. If in a week’s time the unit price   KiwiSaver for three years, you
     increases to $1.2000 the value of your savings would also rise (to $36,000). On   can choose to withdraw your
     the other hand if the unit price was to decrease to $1.0000 the value of your     own contributions (excluding the
     savings would drop (to $30,000).                                                  Government’s $1,000 kick-start
                                                                                       contribution and member tax credits)
     With the Credit Union KiwiSaver scheme, units are usually valued on a daily       to put towards buying your first home
     basis. This makes it easy for you to track the value of your savings as they      or a subsequent home if you are in the
     move up and down with the investment markets.                                     same financial position as a first-home
     You can monitor the performance of your investments by checking the               buyer (as determined by Housing New
     recent unit prices online at or by calling (toll free in    Zealand Corporation). To qualify for a
     New Zealand) 0800 CU Kiwi (0800 28 5494)                                          withdrawal you need to meet detailed
                                                                                       criteria. Contact the Helpline for details.

                                                                                       In addition, if you’ve been making
                                                                                       contributions to KiwiSaver (or a work-
                                                                                       based Complying Superannuation
                                                                                       Fund) for at least three years, you
                                                                                       may be entitled to a first home deposit
                                                                                       subsidy from Housing New Zealand

                                                                                       The subsidy is $1,000 per year of
                                                                                       KiwiSaver scheme membership up to a
                                                                                       maximum of $5,000 for five years. The
                                                                                       eligibility criteria are set by Housing
                                                                                       New Zealand Corporation as well as
                                                                                       other criteria and will include household
                                                                                       income and regional house price caps.
                                                                                       For more information visit:
Significant financial hardship             Serious illness                           employer contributions, to a foreign
You may be permitted to make               You may also be permitted to make         superannuation scheme authorised
a withdrawal if the trustees are           an early withdrawal if the trustees are   under regulations made under the
reasonably satisfied that you are          reasonably satisfied that you are         KiwiSaver Act 2006. Contact the
suffering or are likely to suffer          suffering a serious injury, illness or    trustees for details of approved
significant financial hardship (as         disability that:                          foreign superannuation Schemes.
defined in the KiwiSaver Act). The
                                           ■■ results in you being totally and       How to apply for an early withdrawal
trustees must also be satisfied that
                                              permanently unable to engage
reasonable alternative sources of                                                    Forms and documentation required
                                              in work for which you are suited
funding are not available or have                                                    to support an application for an early
                                              by your experience, education or
been exhausted.                                                                      withdrawal in the event of significant
                                              training or a combination of those
                                                                                     financial hardship, serious illness or
You may withdraw an amount up                 things
                                                                                     permanent emigration are available
to the maximum of your Member’s            or                                        for downloading on
Account balance (excluding the
                                           ■■ poses a serious and imminent risk      or by contacting the helpline on 0800
Government’s $1,000 kick-start
                                              of death.                              CU KIWI (0800 28 5494).
contribution and member tax credits).
However, the trustees have the             You may withdraw an amount up             Accumulated member tax credits can
discretion to limit the amount you may     to a maximum of your KiwiSaver            only be withdrawn once you give the
withdraw.                                  Member’s Account balance including        trustees a statutory declaration of the
                                           the $1,000 kick-start contribution,       periods that you have had your principal
Significant financial hardship can arise
                                           any member tax credits and                residence in New Zealand. Any member
because of:
                                           employer contributions.                   tax credits may not be withdrawn if the
■■ your inability to meet minimum                                                    trustees have received notice of an
   living expenses; or                     Death
                                                                                     incorrect claim for a tax credit.
■■ your inability to meet mortgage         On your death whilst a Scheme
   repayments on your principal            member, a benefit equal to the            Legislation requiring release
   family residence resulting in the       balance in your Member’s Account          of funds
   mortgagee seeking to enforce the        will be payable to your personal          The trustees must comply with
   mortgage; or                            representative who are the executors      any legislation that requires funds
                                           or administrators of your estate.         to be released from the Scheme.
■■ the cost of modifying a residence
                                           The trustees, on being notified of        An example of this is the Property
   to meet special needs arising
                                           your death, will switch your total        (Relationships) Act 1976.
   from your or your dependant’s
                                           KiwiSaver Member’s Account into the
   disability; or
                                           Kiwi Conservative investment option       Transfers to another KiwiSaver
■■ the cost of medical treatment for       pending payment.                          scheme
   an illness or injury to you or your
   dependant; or                           Permanent emigration from                 The KiwiSaver Act allows you to
■■ the cost of palliative care for you     New Zealand                               transfer your funds to another
   or your dependant; or                   You may also be permitted to make         KiwiSaver scheme at any time. In
                                           a withdrawal if you permanently           certain circumstances, funds will also
■■ the cost of a funeral for your
                                           emigrate from New Zealand.                be transferred if you are involuntarily
   dependant; or
                                                                                     moved to another KiwiSaver scheme
■■ your suffering from a serious           One year after you permanently            under the Act.
   illness (as described below).           emigrate, you may apply to withdraw
                                           your KiwiSaver Member’s Account           If payment of any benefit would
                                           balance excluding any member tax          contravene any legal provision
                                           credits and any unvested employer         applicable to the Scheme, the trustees
                                           contributions. Member tax credits         may decline to make the payment
                                           held in your Account will be repaid to    or defer the payment until such time
                                           the Government.                           as the payment would no longer
                                                                                     contravene such a provision.
                                           At any time after you permanently
                                           emigrate you may apply to transfer        Note that you may only be a member
                                           your KiwiSaver Member’s                   of one KiwiSaver scheme at any
                                           Account balance, excluding any            given time.
                                           member tax credits and unvested                                                     17
Payment of your benefit
                                                                                               Electing a Prescribed Investor
     Your benefit will usually be paid in total as a cash lump sum, but you can also leave     Rate (PIR)
     your savings in the Scheme and withdraw all or part at any future date, or arrange        To ensure that the correct rate of tax
     regular payments. You can access you account upon the later of the date on which          is applied to your investment income
     you reach New Zealand superannuation qualification age (currently 65), and the            you need to provide the trustees
     date on which you have been a member of a KiwiSaver scheme for five years.                with your PIR. To work out your PIR
                                                                                               simply follow the chart below.
     Call (toll free in New Zealand) 0800 CU KIWI (0800 28 5494) for more information.

     Will my returns be affected by taxation?                                                 Start here
     Under current New Zealand tax laws:                                                                                          Your
                                                                                               Are you a NZ tax           No
                                                                                                                                  PIR is
     ■■ compulsory employer contributions up to the lesser of an amount equal to               resident individual?
        your contributions or 2% of your before-tax pay, are exempt from compulsory
        employer superannuation contribution tax (ESCT) until 31 March 2012. Any                       Yes
        employer contributions over 2% of your before-tax pay are subject to ESCT.
                                                                                               Was your taxable
        From 1 April 2012, all employer contributions will have ESCT deducted from
                                                                                               income in both of the              Your
        them before they are credited to your account. ESCT is payable by your                                           Yes
                                                                                               previous two income                PIR is
        employer and deducted at your personal marginal tax rate.                              years* $48,001 or                  28%
     ■■ the trustees will calculate the income tax liability for the Credit Union KiwiSaver    more?
     ■■ under current New Zealand tax laws you cannot claim tax deductions on your
        KiwiSaver contributions. The Trustee will calculate the tax on investment              Was your combined
        income for each member of the Scheme under the Portfolio Investment Entity             taxable income plus
        (PIE) tax rules. Your assessable investment income is taxed at a Prescribed            PIE income/loss in        Yes
                                                                                                                                  PIR is
        Investor Rate (PIR) that applies to you and which you have advised the                 both of the previous
                                                                                               two income years*
        Scheme. On joining the Scheme, if you are eligible for either the 10.5% or
                                                                                               $70,001 or more?
        17.5% PIR rate, you must provide your correct PIR and an IRD number
        otherwise the default PIR rate will be applied. You can advise these by                        No
        completing a Change of PIR form, or updating your PIR at                                                                  For either of the
                                                                                               previous two income
     ■■ during any period when amounts are held by Inland Revenue on your behalf,              years*, was your
        Inland Revenue will credit interest using an after-tax interest rate. No further       taxable income                     Your
        tax will be payable by you, or by the Credit Union KiwiSaver scheme.                                              No
                                                                                               less than $48,001                  PIR is
                                                                                               and your combined                  28%
     KiwiSaver schemes are subject to restrictions on withdrawals, which means that
                                                                                               taxable income plus
     under current legislation, fund withdrawal tax does not apply.                            PIE income/loss less
                                                                                               than $70,001?
     The explanations regarding taxation matters contained in this Investment
     Statement reflect the taxation regime current at the date of preparation of
     the Investment Statement. The trustees recommend that you seek your own
     professional advice on taxation matters.                                                  For either of the
                                                                                               previous two income        No
                                                                                                                                  PIR is
                                                                                               years*, was your
                                                                                               taxable income
                                                                                               less than $14,001
                                                                                               and your combined
                                                                                               taxable income plus       Yes
                                                                                                                                  PIR is
                                                                                               PIE income/loss less
                                                                                               than $48,001?

                                                                                              *Previous two income years refers to the
                                                                                              two years prior to the tax year that the PIR
                                                                                              is being applied to. (For example, use your
                                                                                              income for the 2010 and 2011 tax years to
18                                                                                            work out your 2011/2012 PIR.)
Are investment returns affected by reserves?
The Scheme has no reserve account. Returns (whether positive or negative) are
fully allocated to your Member’s Account through variations in unit prices.

Can payment of my benefit be withheld?
Subject to the KiwiSaver Act 2006, payment of your benefit or any withdrawal or
transfer may be deferred if the trustees:
■■ suspend the redemption of units of any investment option in which your
   Member’s Account is invested. This may occur when the trustees believe that
   the value of those units cannot be calculated in a manner that is fair to all
   Scheme members; or
■■ are unable to realise sufficient underlying assets of the relevant investment
   option(s) in order to fully satisfy a payment request; or
■■ consider it would contravene any legal provisions applicable to the Scheme by
   making the payment.

Who is responsible for payment?
The trustees are legally responsible for paying your benefits in accordance with the
trust deed and the KiwiSaver Act 2006. Your benefits are paid by redeeming the
appropriate number of units allocated to your KiwiSaver Member’s Account.
None of the trustees, New Zealand Association of Credit Unions, or any
associated Credit Union, the Crown, Mercer (N.Z.) Limited, Mercer Inc, Marsh
& McLennan Companies Inc, any other member of the worldwide Marsh &
McLennan Group, or any investment manager or other person guarantees the
repayment of capital or the investment performance of the Scheme or any of the
investment options. The obligations of the trustees are not guaranteed by any
third party. No amount of return is promised by any person. There is no guarantee
from the Crown in respect of the Credit Union KiwiSaver scheme or any investment
options in the Credit Union KiwiSaver scheme. No amount of returns, quantifiable
as at the date of this Investment Statement and enforceable by members, has
been promised. There are no specified dates on which, or frequency with which,
withdrawals will be paid.

When will I receive my benefit?
Your benefit will normally be paid when you reach age 65 or you have been a
member of a KiwiSaver scheme (and/or a Complying Superannuation Fund) for five
years, whichever is the later.
For exceptions to this, please refer to the “Can payment of my benefit be withheld?”

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