Page created by Mildred Wells
Statement of intent
Drugs, prostitution, illegal gaming, fraud, extortion – where there’s money tied to a criminal activity, there’s a crook who wants to
“clean” it or legitimize the money so it can be moved throughout the world’s financial system, no questions asked.
Like many illegal activities, money laundering is undergoing a revolution of sorts. That’s because technology, from online casinos and social
media websites to the introduction of digital currencies, is offering alternative pathways for criminals to launder illegal profits. In spite of
significant regulations designed to deter money laundering in the U.S. financial systems, instituted shortly after the tragic events of Sept. 11,
2001, law enforcement agencies and financial institutions remain in a race to keep ahead of criminals.
This white paper, brought to you by Thomson Reuters, explores the changes occurring in illegal money-laundering activities, and what
financial institutions and law enforcement agencies are doing to combat this growing threat to the stability of the world’s financial system
through the use of new strategies, regulations and technology.
          Cindy Williamson
          CFE, CAMS, Enforcement Analyst III, National White Collar Crime Center (
          Jason Vazquez
          Senior Vice President and BSA/AML Compliance Officer, Provident Bank (
          Jason Thomas
          Senior Strategic Analyst, Thomson Reuters
          Katherine Sagona-Stophel
          Government Analyst, Thomson Reuters

                      DEFINING THE PROBLEM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

                      MONEY LAUNDERING IN THE DIGITAL AGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

                      MONEY LAUNDERING AND COMPLIANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

                      IDENTIFYING AND INVESTIGATING MONEY LAUNDERING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

                      CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12

                      MILESTONES IN THE FIGHT ON MONEY LAUNDERING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

                      SOURCES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

3   TECHNOLOGY IN THE FIGHT AGAINST MONEY LAUNDERING IN THE NEW DIGITAL CURRENCY AGE                                                                                          JULY 2013
DEFINING THE PROBLEM                                  no way to estimate how much money is actually
          On May 28, 2013, U.S. prosecutors indicted            laundered through the world’s legal and illegal
          seven people in a cyber-crime operation               financial systems.
          involving an online bank that allegedly handled       “Money laundering and the financing of
          more than $6 billion for drug dealers, child          terrorism are financial crimes with economic
          pornographers, identity thieves, hackers and          effects,” said Min Zhu, deputy managing director
          other criminals, all connected through the            of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in a
          anonymous exchange of digital currency.               2013 IMF Alert. “They [money launderers] can
          According to U.S. officials, it was the largest       threaten the stability of a country’s financial
          money-laundering bust in U.S. history.                sector or its external stability more generally.
          At the center of the alleged cyber-money              Effective anti-money laundering and combating
          laundering operation is Liberty Reserve,              the financing of terrorism regimes are essential
          a Costa Rica-based currency transfer and              to protect the integrity of markets and of the
          payment processing company. According to              global financial framework as they help mitigate
          Reuters, Liberty Reserve processed around 12          the factors that facilitate financial abuse. Action
          million transactions per year since 2006. The         to prevent and combat money laundering and
          company allowed account holders to set up             the financing of terrorism thus responds not only
          anonymous accounts and convert real money             to a moral imperative, but also to an economic
          into anonymous, untraceable digital currency          need.”
          called LR.                                            The fight against money laundering took on
          The Liberty Reserve case represents a sea             greater urgency following the tragic events
          change in the fight against money laundering,         in the United States on September 11, 2001
          which is the practice of processing money             (9/11). The U.S. government, the IMF and other
          and assets gained through illegal means               government bodies around the world intensified
          into legal (clean) status. Money laundering is        their anti-money laundering efforts after it
          often a secondary process – preceded by an            became clear that the terrorist organization
          illegal activity, such as drug trafficking or an      al-Qaida used money-laundering techniques
          online scam. In some cases, money laundering          to successfully fund the 9/11 attacks. It appears,
          may be used by terrorist organizations to             based on a 2005 PBS Frontline investigation,
          threaten and/or carry out attacks based upon          that money raised through Islamic charities in
          a philosophical agenda. A key element of the          Europe and the United States was laundered
          process is maintaining anonymity and avoiding         through the European banking system to
          transparency throughout the process. Where            support the planning of 9/11 and other terrorist
          money launderers were once limited to physical        operations.
          currency, the advent of digital currency has
          compounded the complexity of the global fight         “Effective anti-money laundering and
          against this activity.                                combating the financing of terrorism
                                                                regimes are essential to protect the
          The Financial Action Task Force (FATF), an            integrity of markets and of the global
          inter-governmental organization comprising 36         financial framework.”
          countries, estimates money laundering at 2 to
          5 percent of global annual GDP or gross world
          product, which amounts to an estimated $1.38          Today, more than 10 years after 9/11, money
          trillion to $3.45 trillion. But because the problem   laundering in the digital age has taken on even
          is so widespread, the FATF notes that there is        greater urgency because of the potential it may

have in destabilizing the financial health of            (Bitcoin) exchange, citing the fact that Mt.
          countries. Money laundering has flourished in            Gox and its subsidiary, Mutum Sigillum LLC,
          countries with ineffective or intentionally loose        a Delaware corporation, were not licensed to
          financial controls, allowing organized crime             transmit money.
          and/or terrorist groups to easily move funds            • Gambling News (April 10, 2013) reported the
          without being detected. The concern, as some              indictment of 34 individuals and 23 com-
          governments such as Germany have publicly                 panies connected to Legendz Sports (a.k.a.
          expressed about the financial stability of Cyprus         Legands Sports), an online sports betting
          (in the context of the financial struggles of the         operator accused of “racketeering, money
          European Union), is the cancer-like impact                laundering and illegal gambling.”
          money laundering can have on broader financial
                                                                  • On Aug. 1, 2012, the FBI’s Los Angeles Divi-
                                                                    sion announced that U.S. and Australian
          The growing problem of money laundering                   officials secured court orders to recover more
          prompted the announcement by the U.S.                     than $24 million in assets from e-Bullion.
          Treasury Department in November 2012 of the               com, which federal prosecutors accused of
          formation of a new anti-money-laundering task             operating as an illegal money-transmitting
          force, according to a Reuters news report by              business. “Through the web-
          Brett Wolff (Nov. 12, 2012). David Cohen, the             site, individuals opened accounts with real
          U.S. Treasury’s Under Secretary for Terrorism             money, which they used to purchase virtual
          and Financial Intelligence, said the primary              e-currency. The FBI contends that e-Bullion
          reason behind the formation of the task force             allowed individuals engaging in fraud to
          is the “remarkable change” occurring in the               move money around the world while remain-
          financial industry, driven by technological and           ing virtually anonymous and avoiding many
          financial innovation.                                     global banking reporting requirements.”
                                                                  • On Aug. 26, 2011, Joy Edison, a resident of
          “Money-laundering schemes themselves are
                                                                    Elkton, Md., was sentenced to 70 months in
          also becoming increasingly sophisticated and
                                                                    prison for conspiring to launder more than
          international in nature,” Cohen said in the
                                                                    $400,000 in drug proceeds. Over seven
          Reuters report. “The same hugely beneficial
                                                                    years Edison and a group of co-conspirators
          technological and financial advancements have
                                                                    laundered the proceeds of heroin sales
          had the unfortunate side effect of amplifying
                                                                    through Las Vegas casinos, Maryland lottery
          potential AML [anti-money-laundering] risk.”
                                                                    tickets, a used-car business, and properties
          According to a sampling of documented,                    purchased by Edison through a front com-
          prosecuted investigations compiled by the                 pany, J. Edison Properties.
          Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for 2010-11,             • In July 2006, Arthur Budovsky and Vladimir
          money laundering occurs regularly every day               Kats were indicted by the state of New York
          throughout the United States, from major                  on charges of operating an illegal money
          metropolitan areas to small towns in middle               transmittal business, GoldAge, Inc., from
          America. Examples of money laundering                     their Brooklyn apartments. The defendants
          include:                                                  transmitted at least $30 million to digital
            • On May 14, 2013, the U.S. Department of              currency accounts worldwide. Source: Na-
              Homeland Security served a court order to             tional Drug Intelligence Center, June 2008.
              Dwolla, a popular mobile payment service,           • Hector Dominguez-Gabriel, an international
              requiring it to cease all account activities with     narcotics trafficker and money launderer
              the Mt. Gox ( digital currency              based in Mexico, was sentenced to 240

months in prison on Aug. 12, 2011, on nar-            • Parallel or underground banking sys-
             cotics importation and money-laundering                 tems, which exist in countries such as India,
             charges. Dominguez-Gabriel laundered                    Pakistan, China and other parts of Asia, and
             millions of dollars in narcotics proceeds back          are typically enforced by organized criminal
             to Mexico through a systematic process of               groups or gang alliances.
             small, structured deposits into bank ac-              • Trade-based money laundering (TBML),
             counts throughout the United States.                    which involves the laundering of funds
            • Reuters reported that the FBI was investigat-         through the trade of goods and services. In
              ing Second Life’s virtual casinos in April 2007        2006, the FATF noted the growing use of
              for potential illegal activity related to the          TBML by criminal organizations and terrorist
              1970 Illegal Gambling Business Act or the              groups as various governments throughout
              Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement                 the world tighten anti-money-laundering
              Act. In its 2011 National Gang Threat Assess-          rules and regulations. However, TBML
              ment: Emerging Trends, the National Gang               remains an overlooked aspect of money
              Intelligence Center noted the viability of Sec-        laundering to this day.
              ond Life as a source for criminals to commit a       • Prepaid cards, often referred to as gift cards,
              wide range of illegal activities.                      and readily available throughout the coun-
            • According to the FBI Intelligence Assessment          try at gas stations, drug store chains and
              (April 24, 2012), “organized criminal groups           discount retailers, have become so popular
              (as of June 2011) were using an online role-           among money launderers that the Financial
              playing game to facilitate money launder-              Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) with-
              ing by purchasing virtual game currency                in the U.S. Treasury Department is exploring
              with the proceeds of criminal activity. The            new rules that would require travelers to
              virtual game currency was used to purchase             declare prepaid cards in excess of $10,000
              in-game virtual items that were then sold to           to customs officials, according to Personal
              other players for clean money.”                        Finance Digest magazine (April 4, 2013).

          In its most simple form, money laundering is           From a law enforcement perspective, Cindy
          a process, according to a Rand Corporation             Williamson, a certified anti-money-laundering
          monograph, Cyber Payments and Money                    specialist with the National White Collar Crime
          Laundering, that exists simply because money           Center (NW3C), believes the key to building a
          – paper bills and coins – is bulky and heavy to        solid case is linking money laundering to a
          transport in large quantities, making it difficult     specific illegal act, such as mortgage fraud,
          to move around from one person or organization         drug trafficking or mail fraud. While federal
          to another, or from state to state, or from            laws regarding money laundering are extensive,
          country to country.                                    money-laundering laws from state to state are
                                                                 inconsistent, explained Williamson.
          Besides U.S. financial institutions, other financial
          structures that are typically used by money            “Because criminal groups are so much more
          launderers include                                     sophisticated in their use of technology to
                                                                 commit their crimes and hide the proceeds
            • Overseas and offshore bank accounts located
                                                                 of their activities, law enforcement has to
              in countries that have secrecy laws protect-
                                                                 work more strategically to identify criminal
              ing the identity of the individuals or corpora-
                                                                 activities and collect intelligence and evidence,”
              tions that open accounts in their countries.
                                                                 Williamson said.
            • Shell corporations, which are used to funnel
              money through “legitimate” businesses.

“Many within the law enforcement                    money, there money laundering can also exist.
          community are concerned about the                   Some virtual currencies are completely
          frightening levels of technology that               anonymous, unlike credit card transactions or
          criminals have at their fingertips.”                personal checks, which can be tied to a specific
                                                              person or entity. Virtual currencies are not
          “Many within the law enforcement community          like dollars, yen or euros because there is no
          are concerned about the frightening levels          government or central regulatory agency that
          of technology that criminals have at their          regulates their value or use. They are exchanged
          fingertips,” she added.                             freely and anonymously on peer-to-peer
                                                              networks worldwide.
          One reason Williamson believes that
          technology-based crimes are growing is that it’s    Because some virtual currencies can be freely
          safer for criminals.                                exchanged without being traced, they can be
                                                              useful in the underbelly of the Internet, also
          “Why risk getting killed or enduring a long         known as the Deep Web, which organized
          prison sentence for drug trafficking when you       crime groups, terrorist cells and other shadowy
          can make money faster with less risk (convictions   figures, from child pornography enthusiasts to
          for white-collar crimes tend to receive less        human traffickers, call home. In a nutshell, the
          prison time) by participating in activities         Deep Web is that invisible portion of the Web
          such as mortgage fraud or healthcare fraud?”        that “cannot be indexed by search engines – a
          Williamson said. “Along these lines, investments    place where Google does not go,” note writers
          in technology allow criminal groups to launder      Pablo Albarracin and Christopher Holloway in
          money faster and more safely.”                      their Dec. 17, 2012, story about the Deep Web for
          The bottom line: Criminals are investing   “Offering anonymity and
          in technology to launder money; financial           freedom, the Deep Web has transformed over
          institutions and law enforcement agencies need      the years into a deep (some say it represents 90
          to invest in technology as well.                    percent of the content available on the Internet),
                                                              almost inhospitable, little-explored repository
          MONEY LAUNDERING IN THE DIGITAL AGE                 that can host anything from the most innocent
          One of the latest trends in money laundering        to the most ruthless and unthinkable.”
          involves digital currency. Many people are only
          beginning to learn about the growing use of         While the anonymous nature of the Deep Web
          independent virtual cryptocurrency, such as         has been critical to people fighting against
          Bitcoins, Litecoins, Zen and Namecoins. But         repressive regimes around the world and to
          the reality is, online and alternative currencies   hacktivist movements such as Anonymous, the
          exist in many places, from Linden Dollars used      Deep Web is more closely associated with drug
          in the online game Second Life, and Justice         trafficking, arms trafficking, terrorism and child
          Points in World of Warcraft, to Berkshares, an      pornography. For example, some websites have
          alternative currency created by five banks to       become online retailers for illegal transactions
          promote local business in the Berkshire region      of drugs, illegal weapons or child pornography,
          of western Massachusetts. And where there are       allowing criminals to use digital currency as their
          opportunities to exchange real money for online     preferred source of payment.

Fraud Examiners Concerned About                                While the relationship between digital currencies
          Digital Currency                                               and money laundering may just be emerging,
                                                                         it’s appearing on the radar screen of law
           Percent of certified fraud examiners who have                 enforcement and financial institutions.
           worked on a fraud case involving digital currencies:
                                                                         In an April 2013 Thomson Reuters-Association
           Percent of certified fraud examiners who feel digital         of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) survey of
           currencies will change the way they conduct future
           fraud investigations:                                         more than 800 certified fraud examiners, 10
                                              61%                        percent report working on a fraud case involving
                       Source: Thomson Reuters-ACFE Survey, April 2013   digital currency, with 61 percent forecasting that
          And yet, you don’t have to go into the under                   the growing prevalence of digital currencies
          world of the Deep Web to load up on virtual                    will change the way they conduct future fraud
          currency. Anyone, from a curious soccer mom                    investigations.
          to a seasoned drug dealer, can buy virtual
                                                                         “Another factor is that some in the law
          currencies through eBay or Craigslist. And that’s
                                                                         enforcement community are very cautious to act
          what worries law enforcement officials.
                                                                         in the presence of new technology with the fear
          Because of the growing interest in them, FinCEN                that they may become involved in a precedent-
          announced new money-laundering rules on                        setting case,” Thomas added.
          virtual currencies in March 2013. According to                 MONEY LAUNDERING AND COMPLIANCE
          a Wall Street Journal report by Jeffrey Sparshott
                                                                         While you might expect money laundering to
          (March 21, 2013), “firms that issue or exchange
                                                                         occur in the shadows of our world, like the Deep
          the increasingly popular online cash will now
                                                                         Web, in many cases, it can occur in plain sight,
          be regulated in a similar manner as traditional
                                                                         within the mainstream of the financial system.
          money-order providers such as Western
                                                                         On Dec. 11, 2012, HSBC Holdings Plc (HSBC),
          Union Co. They would have new bookkeeping
                                                                         one of the world’s largest financial institutions,
          requirements and mandatory reporting for
                                                                         agreed to pay a record $1.92 billion fine to the
          transactions of more than $10,000. However,
                                                                         U.S. Justice Department, based on its role in
          the new rules don’t apply to individuals who
                                                                         allowing the laundering of millions of dollars by
          simply use virtual currencies to purchase real or
                                                                         Mexico’s Sinaloa and Colombia’s Norte del Valle
          virtual goods.”
                                                                         drug cartels through the bank’s Mexican and
          That leaves room for virtual worlds that use or                U.S. banking units, according to Reuters (Dec. 11,
          offer online currency, allowing multiplayer online             2012).
          games to serve as unregulated channels for                     The settlement, according to Reuters,
          money launderers, according to Jason Thomas, a                 represented the third time in 10 years that HSBC
          Senior Strategic Analyst with Thomson Reuters.                 has been penalized for lax controls. “Compliance
                                                                         [at HSBC] was ‘woefully inadequate,’” noted
          “Money laundering through these massive
                                                                         Loretta Lynch, the U.S. attorney in Brooklyn.
          multiplayer online games has largely gone
          ignored by law enforcement for a long time                     Thomas said the big challenge for financial
          because it was perceived as being too complex,”                institutions is knowing your customer and red-
          Thomas noted. “These online games, and the                     flagging transactions that appear suspicious.
          Deep Web in general, can be very intimidating.
                                                                         ‘The technology exists through providers such as
          It’s not only the strange subcultures, but the
                                                                         CLEAR and World-Check to identify known bad
          size of it all can feel overwhelming. With trillions
                                                                         guys,” Thomas said. “And with additional data-
          of transactions, many in the law enforcement
                                                                         mining technology, we can take that information
          community can’t imagine even where to start.”

and link a person of suspicion to other people        state or federal regulators.
          who may be supporting related criminal activity.”
                                                                But 9/11, and subsequently the USA Patriot Act,
          In addition, noted Thomas, “the technology            changed the landscape significantly, imposing
          exists for financial institutions to identify other   stiffer rules and regulations on U.S. financial
          money-laundering techniques, such as opening          institutions in monitoring financial transactions
          up an account in a deceased person’s name.”           and money-laundering activities that may offer
          The key to monitoring money-laundering activity       links to the funding of terrorist activities.
          is to identify unusual patterns within the transfer
          and flow of illegal money into the legal money        “The Patriot Act raised the bar and put everyone,
          supply. Often the tip-off is the change in velocity   including non-depository financial institutions,
          of the particular incoming and outgoing flow of       on the same page,” said Vazquez. “But at the
          funds.                                                same time, it imposed new challenges. In many
                                                                areas, the Patriot Act doesn’t tell you explicitly
          “The best money launderers understand the             what to do. So we, like many banks, not only
          system. They’re patient. They move money              have to keep up with the growing sophistication
          through the world’s financial systems slowly          of money-launderers and terrorists but also
          and in smaller, less suspicious amounts,” said        the growing expectations of regulators, and
          Thomas. “Money launderers who get caught are          have dramatically increased our investments in
          impatient – they want to move large amounts of        technology and people.”
          funds through the system fast.”
                                                                More than violating the law, most banks don’t
            The key to monitoring money-laundering              want to be known as the next bank that missed
            activity is to identify unusual patterns            the banking activities of a terrorist group. “The
            within the transfer and flow of illegal             bad PR would be devastating to the reputation
            money into the legal money supply. Often            and trust of a financial institution – and aside
            the tip-off is the change in velocity of the        from complying with regulations, it is a key driver
            particular incoming and outgoing flow of            behind our money-laundering investments – to
            funds.                                              protect a reputation that Provident Bank has
                                                                built over 120 years,” Vazquez said.
          “The problem is that as we build better               Advanced technology is allowing financial
          mouse traps, the mice keep getting smarter,”          institutions, such as Provident Bank, to be
          commented Jason Vazquez, senior vice president        more consistent in screening the identity of
          and BSA/AML compliance officer for Provident          a customer and monitoring for potentially
          Bank, a 120-year-old bank based in Montebello,        suspicious customer banking activities. In
          N.Y., with more than $3.7 billion in assets under     addition, sophisticated behavioral analytics
          management.                                           allow banks to create risk profiles for customers
                                                                and employees, which can be useful in the
          Before 9/11, Vazquez explains, most banks
                                                                monitoring process. To complement his internal
          throughout the U.S. followed a general
                                                                efforts, Vazquez looks to the best practices
          list of activities to comply with the Bank
                                                                established by organizations such as the ACFE
          Secrecy Act (BSA), a bill signed into law in
                                                                for information and ongoing training.
          1970 that launched a reporting system for
          financial transactions exceeding $10,000 –            One tool that Vazquez uses is a powerful
          a significant step in monitoring the flow of          data-mining software suite that allows
          criminally obtained proceeds. While important,        his organization to explore public records
          maintaining a BSA program wasn’t a focal point        associated with a customer whose transactions
          for many banks or examinations conducted by           raise red flags. This software also allows

the bank to identify associations with other         IDENTIFYING AND INVESTIGATING
          individuals who may be supporting a money-           MONEY LAUNDERING
          laundering ring.                                     As local, county, state and federal law
                                                               enforcement officials fight the seemingly uphill
          “Before this technology, an internal investigation
                                                               battle against money laundering, images may
          would involve the analysis of hundreds or
                                                               come to mind of who is actually involved in these
          thousands of pieces of paper,” said Vazquez.
                                                               types of criminal activities. You may think of the
          “Now, data-mining tools allow us to explore a
                                                               lone drug dealer, the pimp, or even the geeky
          hypothesis within hours or even minutes, giving
                                                               kid who got in over his head by moving money
          us a clearer picture of the people linked to
                                                               around in an online game.
          transaction anomalies.
                                                               The truth is, money laundering today is as
          “Because of 9/11, the goal posts are always
                                                               organized and disciplined as the operations
          moving,” he added. “Regulators increase their
                                                               of a major company. And often it’s linked to a
          expectations from year to year. They’re expecting
                                                               growing number of sophisticated cybercrime
          you to become more effective, efficient and
                                                               operations that avoid the dirty and bloody world
          more sophisticated. And the truth is, we have to
                                                               of the streets.
          because the money launderers and terrorists are
          continuously pushing the edges as well.”             According to Keith Mularski, an FBI special
                                                               agent who works from offices of the National
          Determining the ROI on technology investments
                                                               Cyber-Forensics and Training Alliance, organized
          is difficult for any organization. While preparing
                                                               crime groups around the world are engineering
          for a board meeting in the past, Vazquez
                                                               widespread cybercrime rings using some of the
          faced that exact question: “What is the value
                                                               most sophisticated technology imaginable. In
          of investing in technology to track money-
                                                               a 2011 Guardian profile about Mularski, author
          laundering activities based on the best practices
                                                               Dominic Rushe wrote: “And it is serious criminals
          in the industry versus the cost of complying at
                                                               who are doing it. Traditional organized-crime
          the minimal level based on BSA and Patriot Act
                                                               activities such as racketeering or prostitution
                                                               are not going away, Mularski [said], but the new
          With just hours before the start of the board        generation of criminals are as excited about
          meeting at which Vazquez needed to address           online growth as their legitimate business
          that question, a news report broke that listed       rivals.”
          the names of several regional banks that were
                                                               In other words, if you’re thinking of a young
          being investigated by federal authorities for not
                                                               Matthew Broderick hacking into a government
          catching the money-laundering activities of an
                                                               website in the movie War Games, you would be
          organized crime ring linked to terrorism.
                                                               seriously mistaken.
          “Our bank was not in the article because our
                                                               To combat the problem, financial institutions
          systems caught it,” said Vazquez. “To me,
                                                               and law enforcement agencies across the
          that’s the best kind of ROI – maintaining your
                                                               country, at all levels, recognize the need to invest
          company’s reputation.”
                                                               in technology that allows these organizations

to more quickly identify suspicious transactions     using general profiling technology to improve
           and more efficiently gather information about        their understanding of money launderers, and
           persons of interest. As noted in the FinCEN’s        the approaches to stopping them, in his 2012
           Money Services Guide to Money Laundering             white paper “The Practice of Profiling,” for
           Prevention, “Federal action to curtail money-        Thomson Reuters Accelus™ group.
           laundering activities once focused heavily
           on identification and documentation of large         “Some law enforcement agencies have analyzed
           currency transactions. More recently, anti-          the use of money launderers in closed cases
           money-laundering efforts have focused on the         in order to identify common profiles, such as
           use of money transfers, through both the bank        criminal associates; ethnic, familial, geographic
           and non-bank money transfer systems, and             roots; preferences in methods; and so on. The
           other means of moving funds. Today, as money         results are used to populate general intelligence
           launderers become more sophisticated, all            databases, sometimes to generate fresh
           types of financial transactions are facing greater   investigations to use in court cases as evidence
           scrutiny.”                                           of association.”

           “The biggest barrier in the fight against money      While smaller local and county agencies may
           laundering is the data,” added Thomas. “It’s a       have the technology they need to identify and
           Big Data problem. There are literally trillions of   investigate money laundering and related
           transactions going through the world’s financial     cybercrimes, they do not always have the
           systems. That’s where technology will help in        training required to make full use of that
           this fight.”                                         technology, noted Williamson. This lack of
                                                                training is due to several reasons.
           Searches through county courthouses for public
           records have been replaced with powerful             “One of the issues is the cost associated with
           data-mining tools that allow law enforcement         specialized training,” Williamson said. “It often
           agencies to drill down deeper and more               costs between $3,000 and $5,000 for a week
           broadly to obtain information about suspicious       of technology training, and then additional
           criminal activities and persons of interest.         funds are needed to purchase the software and
           This is critical because sophisticated money         tools required to successfully carry out ongoing
           launderers understand how to move many               investigations.”
           small transactions through the world’s financial
                                                                To assist law enforcement agencies that
           systems in their effort to avoid detection. Lots
                                                                struggle with finding the funds for anti-money-
           of small transactions, however, add up to a
                                                                laundering training, the NW3C offers free
           mountain of data through which to sort.
                                                                training to member agencies across the country.
           “As a financial analyst with the National White      Last year, NW3C provided training to more than
           Collar Crime Center, and formerly with the           6,500 sworn personnel (and more than 50,000
           Henrico County [Virginia] Police Department,         sworn personnel since 1996). In addition, NW3C
           it would take me months to obtain and sift           assists law enforcement agencies by offering
           through paper records” said Williamson. “Today,      no-cost investigative tools such as Microsoft®
           with tools like CLEAR, we have the means to          COFEE (Computer Online Forensic Evidence
           obtain volumes of data within minutes or hours.      Extractor); PerpHound™ (a forensic tool that
           And, we have the power to sort through it to get     enables investigators to analyze call detail
           to the information that really matters.”             records from cell phone companies); and NW3C
                                                                TUX4N6™ (a bootable CD that allows law
           David Thomas (no relation to Jason Thomas)           enforcement to preview a hard drive without
           recommends that financial institutions consider      writing to or altering data on the system).

CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES                         Processing cash with online games or with
          In the world of money laundering, the battle         digital currency may offer alternatives at this
          between criminals and financial institutions and     time, but they come with risks. In the 2007 case
          law enforcement agencies looks like a chess          of E-Gold Ltd., a digital currency provider that
          game. A move is met by a countermove. One            offered an anonymous-based payment system
          side attempts to sidestep the other. As traps        backed by gold and silver reserves, the U.S.
          are laid and sprung, the opponent learns and         government demonstrated its willingness to
          develops new skills and strategies.                  move against a digital-currency issuer that it
                                                               suspected, and proved in court, was being used
          Through regulation and the desire to avoid           as a worldwide vehicle of money launderers.
          losing the trust of its customers, banks are         The E-Gold case demonstrated that criminals
          investing heavily in technology to monitor           are constantly looking for sources to store and
          transactions and gain knowledge about                move money, but in the end, they still want their
          customers. Likewise, federal law enforcement         money in a trusted, widely used, sovereign-
          agencies and, to some extent, state and local        based currency like U.S. dollars or euros.
          law enforcement agencies, are complementing
          those investments with predictive policing and       If currency is the critical point in the back–
          legal investigation technology that enable           and-forth battle between criminal elements
          them to see beyond individuals to entire             and law enforcement, it would seem that
          networks and businesses that may be involved in      criminal elements would swarm to safer digital
          money laundering and other criminal activity.        currencies as they’re introduced in the years to
                                                               come. Sweden, the first country to introduce
          If financial systems continue to increase the        paper banknotes in 1661, is moving toward a
          controls on their transaction systems, criminal      cashless society. And last year (August 2012), the
          organizations will, in a reaction equal to or        Royal Bank of Canada introduced the MintChip,
          greater than those tighter controls, seek            the digital equivalent of its paper currency.
          alternative systems to launder their cash.
                                                               It stands to reason that if sovereign governments
          However, it seems that many of these alternative
                                                               move toward issuing digital currency, then
          systems don’t offer the efficiency in processing
                                                               competition may overwhelm private currency
          large amounts of cash as traditional or online
                                                               such as Bitcoin or future currencies. However, if
          banks offer.
                                                               sovereign currencies could potentially be traced
          And those that come close to offering the            for anti-money laundering or even tax purposes,
          efficiency of banks, such as casinos, are evolving   the reality is, based on history, the market for
          in their anti-money-laundering controls. In          private cryptocurrencies will continue to exist
          late January 2013, the Las Vegas Sands Corp.         and grow.
          announced that it had ceased international
                                                               The shift within these private cryptocurrencies
          money transfers and was overhauling its
                                                               then moves to maintaining anonymity between
          compliance procedures, according to the Wall
                                                               individuals and organizations. For example,
          Street Journal (Kate O’Keefe, Jan. 24, 2013), as
                                                               if drug dealers are open to accepting digital
          part of its negotiations with federal authorities
                                                               currency in payment for a bag of heroin through
          to resolve allegations of money laundering.
                                                               a cellphone or via a website, both parties, the
          The FATF has called for additional anti-money-
                                                               dealer and the buyer, would like to ensure their
          laundering controls for casinos, especially in
                                                               online anonymity, even if digital currency could
          known money-laundering hotspots such as the
                                                               potentially be tracked based on encrypted
          Philippines and Macau (which has become an
          offshore haven for Chinese money launderers).

From that viewpoint, the biggest hurdle              FBI, if digital currencies continue to grow in
          regulators and law enforcement may face is           popularity, they will attract more elements of
          the growing body of privacy laws created to          the criminal underground that want to avoid
          meet the demands of a digital world. If a drug       traditional financial systems to transfer money.
          trafficker chooses to go around controlled           As long as some virtual currencies can continue
          environments such as banks, which are                to maintain anonymity, while at the same time
          obligated to “know your customer,” according         becoming more mainstream (easy to acquire
          to David W. Blass, chief counsel at the Division     through simple, real-money transfers), law
          of Trading and Markets of the Securities and         enforcement will find it increasingly difficult to
          Exchange Commission (SEC) in his March 2012          trace these exchanges.
          Securities Technology Monitor article, “Past and     Unpredictable role of hacktivists – The
          Future of Fighting Money Laundering,” at what        activities of Anonymous and other hacktivist
          point can state or federal governments intervene     movements within the Deep Web represent a
          to discover the online identities of individuals?    wild card in money-laundering monitoring and
          As financial institutions, government agencies       investigation, based on other incidents and
          and law enforcement grapple with how to fight        issues in which Anonymous has inserted itself. At
          money laundering effectively and efficiently,        some point, will these groups intervene to assist
          other related issues may emerge in the years         law enforcement in identifying criminal groups,
          ahead as organized crime groups grow more            or based on their belief systems, will they thwart
          sophisticated in moving money in a digital           law enforcement agencies in the name of privacy
          world. These issues include:                         freedom?
          Education – NW3C’s Williamson believes that          Sharing information – To fight the ongoing
          many law enforcement agencies are unprepared         threat of money laundering and terrorism
          to deal with the new reality of cybercrime and       financing, it’s critical for federal, state and
          the sophisticated methods organized-crime            local law enforcement agencies and financial
          groups use for money laundering. Extensive           institutions to partner and work closely together.
          training and education at all levels are needed,     Sharing information quickly and efficiently is the
          including small-town and rural county police         key to stopping the rise in money laundering.
          departments. Training can help overcome              Government agencies will need to continue to
          apprehensions of confronting new technology          invest in information technology to increase
          and the overwhelming amounts of data that are        access. FinCEN Query, which launched in
          typical in money-laundering cases.                   September 2012, is a step in the right direction,
          Red-flagging – Along similar lines, banks and        according to Calvery. This technology gives law
                                                               enforcement access to BSA data for the past
          other financial institutions need to continue
                                                               11 years. To close the loop, law enforcement
          to invest in Red Flags training for front-line
                                                               agencies must invest in investigative
          personnel who handle funds or open accounts
                                                               technology that allows them to drill deep
          to recognize the signs of money laundering on
                                                               and broadly into this data to optimize their
          a day-to-day basis. As noted by Jennifer Shasky
                                                               investigative systems.
          Calvery, director of FinCEN, in her Feb. 27, 2013,
          remarks to the Securities Industry and Financial     Privacy rights – Law enforcement agencies and
          Markets Association (SIFMA), “while FinCEN           elected officials can expect to receive significant
          may be designing the defense, it is the financial    challenges from privacy-rights advocates who
          institutions that must build and execute it on a     are concerned about how far law enforcement
          daily basis.”                                        can go in online surveillance and in demanding
                                                               data from Internet providers in their pursuit of
          Alternative currencies – According to the
                                                               criminal organizations and money launderers.

Adequately budgeting for technology and            standard for anti-money laundering and
          people – To fight money laundering effectively,    combating the financing of terrorism (CFT).
          it’s critical that law enforcement and corporate
                                                             1992 – The Annunzio-Wylie Anti-Money
          risk officers have the firepower to monitor and
                                                             Laundering Act strengthens the BSA, requiring
          investigate suspicious activity. However, when
                                                             verification and recordkeeping of wire transfers.
          many law enforcement agencies face mounting
                                                             Source: Westlaw.
          pressure to maintain or cut existing budgets,
          agencies may be forced to compromise on            1994 – The Money Laundering Suppression
          investments in technology and personnel who        Act requires banks to develop anti-money-
          are specifically trained to use technology to      laundering examination procedures and requires
          investigate money-laundering incidents.            the registration of money services businesses
          Avoid denial – SEC’s Blass noted in a recent       (MSBs). The act makes it a federal crime to
          Security Technology Monitor article that it’s      operate an unregistered MSB.
          not enough for financial institutions to put       1998 – The Money Laundering and Financial
          anti-money-laundering programs in place.           Crimes Strategy Act requires the Secretary of
          Individuals must be trained to come forward        the Treasury to implement a national plan to
          when they suspect suspicious behavior, even        address money laundering. Source: Westlaw.
          if that means the potential loss of a profitable
          account.                                           2001 – The USA Patriot Act establishes new
                                                             rules to prevent, detect and prosecute terrorism
                                                             and international money laundering through
                                                             businesses and financial institutions. The Act
          1970 – The Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) becomes law      requires banks to monitor transactions and
          and leads to the creation of a reporting system    increases both civil and criminal penalties for
          for financial transactions exceeding $10,000       money laundering. Source: Westlaw.
          as a step in monitoring the flow of criminally
          obtained proceeds. Source: Westlaw.                2002 – U.S. Department of Treasury issues the
                                                             National Money Laundering Strategy focused on
          1970 – The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt        addressing the role of money laundering in the
          Organizations (RICO) Act identifies money          war on terrorism.
          laundering as a predicate offense that
          represents racketeering activity. Source:          2004 – The Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) was
          Westlaw.                                           amended with the passage of the Intelligence
                                                             Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004,
          1986 – The Money Laundering Control                which establishes regulations requiring certain
          Act amends the BSA , and identifies money-         financial institutions to report cross-border
          laundering as a federal felony. Source: Westlaw.   electronic transmittals of funds. Source:
          1988 – The Anti-Drug Abuse Act raises penalties
          and sanctions for money laundering crimes,         2005 – The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)
          amending money laundering provisions tied          completes Operation Mallorca, a milestone
          to attempted tax evasion and filing false tax      money-laundering investigation of the
          returns. Source: Westlaw.                          Colombian Black Market Peso Exchange. The
                                                             operation led to the arrests of 36 individuals, the
          1989 – The International Monetary Fund
                                                             seizure of $7.2 million, more than 21,500 pounds
          (IMF ) forms the Financial Action Task Force
                                                             of marijuana, 947 kilograms of cocaine and 7
          on Money Laundering (FATF ), a 36-member
                                                             kilograms of heroin. Source: NW3C.
          international governmental body established by
          the G-7 Summit in Paris to develop a worldwide

          Interview, Williamson, Cindy, CFE, CAMS, enforcement analyst III, National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C), April 2013.

          “Fitch: More Banks Facing U.S. Anti-Money Laundering Scrutiny,” Fitch (news release), April 5, 2013.

          “The IMF and the Fight Against Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism,” International Monetary Fund, March 31, 2013.

          Interview, Vazquez, Jason, senior vice president and BSA/ AML compliance officer, Provident Bank, March 2013.

          Interview, Thomas, Jason, senior strategic analyst, Thomson Reuters, March 2013.

          Interview, Sagona-Stophel, Katherine, government analyst, Thomson Reuters, March 2013.

          “Web Money Gets Laundering Rule,” Sparshott, Jeffrey, Wall Street Journal, March 21, 2013.

          “Eye on Digital Currency: Amazon Sellers Get Bitcoin Option; Hackers Steal Bitcoins,” Digital Transactions, March 11, 2013.

          “History of Anti-Money Laundering Laws,” Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, United States Department of Treasury, 2013.

          “Bitcoin Looks Primed for Money Laundering,” Sanati, Cyrus,, Dec. 18, 2012.

          “HSBC to pay $1.9 billion U.S. fine in money-laundering case,” Wiswanatha, Aruna and Wolf, Brett,, Dec. 11, 2012.

          “Welcome to the Deep Web: The Internet’s Dark and Scary Underbelly,” Albarracin, Pablo and Holloway, Christopher,,
          Nov. 17, 2012.

          “U.S. Treasury to Lead Review of Anti-Money Laundering Rules,” Wolf, Brett, Reuters, Nov. 12, 2012.

          “Minting the Digital Currency of the Future,” Wolman, David,, May 7, 2012.

          “Bitcoin Virtual Currency: Unique Features Present Distinct Challenges for Deterring Illicit Activity,” Intelligence Assessment, Federal
          Bureau of Investigation, April 24, 2012.

          “Money Laundering and Asset Forfeiture: Taking the Profit Out of Crime,” Leff, Douglas, J.D., FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, April 2012.

          “New Payment Methods and Financial Crimes Risk,” Thomas, David, Thomson Reuters Accelus, Jan. 2012.

          “General Questions: What Is Money Laundering?” Financial Action Task Force (FATF), 2012.

          “The Practice of Profiling, Part 3,” Thomas, David, Thomson Reuters Accelus, 2012.

          “Examples of Money Laundering Investigations, Fiscal Year 2011,” Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 2011.

          “Alternative Currencies Grow in Popularity,” Schwartz, Judith D., TIME Magazine, Dec. 14, 2008.

          “Money Laundering,” National White Collar Crime Center, May 2006.

15   TECHNOLOGY IN THE FIGHT AGAINST MONEY LAUNDERING IN THE NEW DIGITAL CURRENCY AGE                                                                JULY 2013
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