Financial Readiness: Are You Prepared? - Unlocking the vast resources available from NAR - Maryland ...

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Financial Readiness: Are You Prepared? - Unlocking the vast resources available from NAR - Maryland ...

    Financial Readiness:
    Are You Prepared?
    Unlocking the vast
    resources available
    from NAR /
                                                                     12      Statewide Forms Update

                                                                     26      ADA Compliance: What to Know

                                                                     28      What’s Up with Commercial?

             MARYLAND REALTORS ® The Voice For Real Estate ® In Maryland
Financial Readiness: Are You Prepared? - Unlocking the vast resources available from NAR - Maryland ...
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Financial Readiness: Are You Prepared? - Unlocking the vast resources available from NAR - Maryland ...
                                                           FINANCIAL READINESS
                                                           FOR REALTORS®		             8
                                                           STATEWIDE FORMS UPDATE		    12
                                                           SPECIAL SECTION:
                                                           NAR AFFILIATES		            18

                                                           PRESIDENT’S PERSPECTIVE		   4
                                                           COVID HEROES		              6
                                                           EVENTS UPDATE		             24
                                                           HOTLINE: ADA COMPLIANCE		   26
                                                           RPAC UPDATE		               27
                                                           COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE		    28

                                                    8              30

                                                           CEO CORNER		                31
                                                           BRIGHT MLS		                32

                      EVENTS UPDATE   COMMERCIAL
                                      REAL ESTATE                                   MARYLAND REALTOR® OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2020   1
Financial Readiness: Are You Prepared? - Unlocking the vast resources available from NAR - Maryland ...
2020 Maryland REALTORS®
Leadership Team

                                                                                                    Maryland REALTORS®
                                                                                          200 Harry S Truman Parkway | Suite 200
                                                                                                Annapolis, MD 21401-7348
                                                                                            443.716.3500 |

                                                                                                         Leadership Team
Dee Dee Miller                       Craig Wolf                                                 Dee Dee Miller | President
President                            President-Elect                                           Craig Wolf | President-Elect
Long & Foster Real Estate            American Home Shield                                         Dale Ross | Treasurer
541B Baltimore Annapolis Boulevard   907 Autumn View Court                                     Yolanda Muckle | Secretary
Severna Park, MD 21146               Bel Air, MD 21014                                 John A. Harrison | Immediate Past President
443-995-2297                         443.643.6742                                       Chuck Kasky, RCE | Chief Executive Officer             
                                                                                         Daniel Patrell |

                                                                                                    Advisory Committee
                                                                                                        Marilyn Rhodovi | Chair
                                                                                                       Amanda Smith | Vice Chair

                                                                                                Arlene Braithwaite | 410.772.0820

                                                                                                       Publication Design
                                                                              HBP, Inc., 952 Frederick Street, Hagerstown, MD 21741
                                                                                           800.638.3508 |

Yolanda Muckle                       Dale Ross                                                         Mission Statement
Secretary                            Treasurer                               Maryland REALTORS ® exists to support all segments of its
Long & Foster Real Estate            Pioneer Realty, Inc.                    membership and their specialties. Maryland REALTORS®, through
12220 Central Ave.                   7917 Declaration Lane                   collective efforts with local boards/associations and the National
Mitchellville, MD 20721              Potomac, MD 20854                       Association of REALTORS®:
301-249-1600                         301.466.1067                            ■ Develops and delivers programs, services and related products                           that maintain and elevate the high standards of the real estate
                                                                                 business and the professional conduct of its practitioners;
                                                                             ■ Assists members in ethically and professionally serving the public;
                                                                             ■	Promotes and preserves the right to own, transfer and use real
                                                                                 property; and
                                                                             ■ Protects the right of members to conduct business within a
                                                                                 framework of fair and reasonable laws and government
                                                                             In principle and in practice, Maryland REALTORS® values and seeks
                                                                             diversity and inclusive participation within the field of real estate and
                                                                             recognizes each member as a unique individual.

                                                                             Maryland REALTOR® (USPS 0016-017) is published bimonthly by Maryland REALTORS®, Suite 200,
                                                                             200 Harry S Truman Parkway, Annapolis, MD 21401-7348. Periodical postage paid at Annapolis
John A. Harrison                     Chuck Kasky, RCE                        and additional mailing offices. Postmaster send address changes to: Maryland REALTOR®, Suite 200,
                                                                             200 Harry S Truman Parkway, Annapolis, MD 21401-7348.
Immediate Past President             Chief Executive Officer                 Member subscriptions of $3.81 are paid with annual dues.
                                                                             This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information regarding the subject
RE/MAX Executive                     Maryland REALTORS®                      matter covered. It is offered with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering
                                                                             professional advice. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent
8432 Veterans Highway, Suite A       200 Harry S Truman Parkway, Suite 200   professional should be sought. Articles that appear in Maryland REALTOR® are an informational
                                                                             service to members. Their contents are the opinions of the authors alone and do not necessarily
Millersville, MD 21108               Annapolis, MD 21401                     represent those of Maryland REALTORS®.
443.274.1900                         800.638.6425                            Permission to reprint articles appearing in Maryland REALTOR® magazine must be requested in
                                                                             writing. Also include purpose for request.                           While this magazine makes a reasonable effort to establish the integrity of
                                                                             its advertisers, it does not endorse advertised products or services unless
                                                                             specifically stated. ©2020 Maryland REALTORS®, Inc.

2         MARYLAND REALTOR® OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2020                                                                                   
Financial Readiness: Are You Prepared? - Unlocking the vast resources available from NAR - Maryland ...
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Financial Readiness: Are You Prepared? - Unlocking the vast resources available from NAR - Maryland ...
President’s Perspective                     BY DEE DEE MILLER

                     Celebrating the Resiliency
                     of our Members

          ometimes I wonder if Charles Dickens wrote, “It        friends in Western Maryland, the Lower Eastern Shore,
          was the best of times, it was the worst of times,”     Southern Maryland, and more to join a face-to-face
          with a nod toward the world of real estate in 2020.    meeting. Now, through technology, that travel barrier is
    COVID-19 has changed our society and our relationships       no longer an impediment to participation. As president,
    at the granular level and yet when you look at housing       it will be one of my goals to encourage more volunteer
    statistics, sales continue to outpace expectations.          efforts across the state because meetings can now be
    Real estate has proven to be a significant driver of the     hybrid: a combination of face-to-face and online.
    economic recovery from the pandemic.                         “Meeting Tech” will strengthen the already tight bonds
    I want to give a shout out to my predecessor as              between the state and local boards. During my term,
    Maryland REALTORS® President, John A. Harrison, for          these bonds will only grow stronger. I look forward to
    his leadership and stewardship of the association during     working with the regional leadership in whatever form
                                    these strange times.         works best—online, hybrid, or face-to-face.
                                    He didn’t ask for this
    As president, one               pandemic (who did?),
                                                                 My primary initiative for the year is financial readiness.
                                                                 Are you financially prepared to take on the ups and
    of my goals is to               but his guidance and the     downs of this kind of work? What plans have you put in
    encourage more                  efforts of our dedicated     place for budgeting? Retirement? Does your business
                                    Maryland REALTORS®           have a succession plan for when you retire? The National
    volunteer efforts               staff, leadership team,      Association of REALTORS® has published impressive
    across the state                and Brokers have helped      resources at, and you
                                    all of us to persevere,
    because meetings                stay resilient, and remain
                                                                 will find me throughout this year, encouraging our
                                                                 members to utilize these resources provided generously
    can now be a                    focused on the clients we    by NAR. This issue of Maryland REALTOR® magazine
                                    serve. Thank you, John,
    combination of face-            and thank you, Maryland
                                                                 has an important story about financial readiness and the
                                                                 tools available to you as a member. On February 4, I will
    to-face and online.             REALTORS®.                   host the first of several financial readiness webinars for
    If this era has proven anything, it is that we will find     our members. Look for more details soon, from Maryland
    ways to work efficiently and collaboratively, even when      REALTORS®. For your future, you will want to attend.
    we’re restrained from meeting in person. Technology          The year 2020? Yes, it has been tough—brutal, even—
    has emerged to fill many gaps. Perhaps we roll our           but we’ve proven that success can come with resiliency.
    eyes at the number of Zoom meetings, but this form of        As we move forward into 2021, we know that we’re
    communication has helped us to stay the course.              stronger together, bound by a shared commitment to
    Online meetings are here to stay, even after COVID-19        this industry, delivered with help from the latest
    fades away. Technology will help to unite us. Maryland       technology, and focused on excellence for the buyers
    may not be a large state, but it’s quite an effort for our   and sellers we serve.

4   MARYLAND REALTOR® OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2020                                               
Financial Readiness: Are You Prepared? - Unlocking the vast resources available from NAR - Maryland ...
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Financial Readiness: Are You Prepared? - Unlocking the vast resources available from NAR - Maryland ...
    Maryland REALTORS® would like to recognize the many REALTORS® who are helping their community in fighting the
    coronavirus pandemic. Thank you for all you do! If you know of a REALTOR® who is helping her or his community
    and supporting first-responders and healthcare workers, please send the story and an image of the REALTOR® to, with “COVID-19 Heroes” in the subject line. We may share the story in Maryland
    REALTOR® magazine or in our social media!

    Historic Highlands                      Members of HHAR came together
    Association of                          to make a difference in Western
    REALTORS® (HHAR)                        Maryland. From the contributions of
                                            several members, the association
                                            purchased lunch from several local
                                            restaurants to serve 300 healthcare
                                            and frontline staff employed in
                                            Allegany County.
                                            “It was important to our REALTOR®
                                            members to demonstrate how truly
                                            grateful we are to the healthcare
                                            workers within our community
                                            who work tirelessly to keep our
                                            community safe during this
                                            pandemic,” said Christa McGee,
                                            HHAR Association Executive.
                                            HHAR’s public relations committee,
                                            chaired by Elizabeth Hobel, and
                                            several volunteers delivered the
                                            meals. “The response among
                                            the staff at each facility was truly
                                            heartwarming,” said Steve MacGray,
                                                                                      Top, left to right: Columbia Community
                                            HHAR President.                           Cares Founder Erika Strauss-Chavaria,
                                                                                      HCAR Affiliate Don Hott of Moyer & Sons
                                            Howard County                             Moving Company, HCAR Cares President
    Top, left to right: Staffers from the   Association of                            Donna Weaver, HCAR Affiliate & Board
    UPMC COVID Unit, Andy Linthicum,        REALTORS® (HCAR)                          Member Alan Grubb of 4U Inspection
    Tim Brinkman, and Steve MacGray.                                                  Services, a representative of Moyer &
                                            Since the start of the pandemic,          Sons Moving Company, and HCAR CEO
    Middle: The Sterling Nursing Center
                                            HCAR’s outreach effort, HCAR              Jessica Coates. Middle: HCAR Cares
    welcomes HHAR meals, with Steve
    MacGray. Bottom, left to right: Staff   Cares, has worked tirelessly within its   President Donna Weaver and HCAR CEO
    member from Cumberland Nursing          community. To date, here are some         Jessica Coates present a check for the
    Home, Steve MacGray, Elizabeth Hobel,   of HCAR Cares’ accomplishments:           “In This Together Awards.” Bottom: HCAR
    Cindy Diamond, Jamie McGreevy, and                                                Cares President Donna Weaver presents
                                            HCAR awarded $6,000 through               a check to a representative of Columbia
    Christa McGee.
                                            its “In This Together Fund,” to           Community Cares.

6   MARYLAND REALTOR® OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2020                                                 
Financial Readiness: Are You Prepared? - Unlocking the vast resources available from NAR - Maryland ...
provide financial assistance to         hardship because they or a family                ■ Fifty N95 masks and 500
organizations, businesses, and          member have contracted                             surgical masks were donated
individuals who are struggling          COVID-19. While the program is                     to those in need. Due to
due to the pandemic. This crucial       still in its infancy, it already has a             an overwhelming response
assistance is used to pay family        testimonial from one member                        Nurit picked up an additional
utility bills, buy groceries, help      about how the program has made                     700 masks, which are being
keep people employed, further           a difference in her family.                        distributed currently.
the work of local charitable                                                             ■ As a thank-you to frontline
                                        To find out more about this
organizations, and more.                                                                   workers, Nurit and her team
                                        program, visit
Another $3,200 was awarded to           emergencyrelief.                                   provided free pizzas to the
additional local organizations, to                                                         crews at Trader Joe’s, Giant,
help with the community.                RE/MAX Elite Services                              and Potomac Disposal.
HCAR recently started the “Make         Nurit Coombe, owner of RE/MAX                    ■ To give the community a
A Senior Smile” initiative to send      Elite Services, may be a force of                  sense of fun, Nurit has held
notes, cards, and drawings for local    nature when it comes to caring                     rounds of “Zoom Bingo,”
senior citizens who could not receive   for her community in Montgomery                    with cash prizes. Her last
visitors due to the pandemic. The       County. Here is a small—and                        session drew more than 300
initiative collected and distributed    incomplete—list of the ways Nurit                  participants.
400 cards (many designed by             and her team have reached out to                 ■ Nurit has started a “Coffee
children artists!).                     those in need:                                     & Conversations” series with
At its annual Member Appreciation                                                          various guest speakers, from
Week, HCAR collected donations                                                             healthcare professionals, to
from members (diapers, baby wipes,                                                         baking, to mindfulness.
and household cleaning products) for                                                     ■ Nurit publishes a weekly
Columbia Community Care, a new                                                             newsletter, Silver Lining, filled
organization that provides food and                                                        with information about
supplies to families in need due to                                                        making social distancing a
the pandemic.                                                                              more positive experience.

Greater Capital
Area Association of

                                        Top, left to right: two representatives
                                        from the Washington Suburban Sanitary
                                        Commission; Brenda Trammelle, Agent;
Our friends at GCAAR recently           Nurit Coombe, Owner, ReMax Elite Services;
launched the GCAAR Cares                and Meaghan Miller, Agent. Bottom, left
Emergency Relief Program. This          to right: Netta Nathaniel, Larger Than Life
program is unique as it focuses         USA; Nurit Coombe, Owner, ReMax Elite
                                        Services, and Jenny Atkins, ReMax Elite
on GCAAR members and staff
                                        Services Director of Operations.
who have experienced financial                                                             MARYLAND REALTOR® OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2020        7
Financial Readiness: Are You Prepared? - Unlocking the vast resources available from NAR - Maryland ...
Get in Financial Shape!

                  hile a career in real estate can be a rewarding
                  profession—both personally and financially—
                  the entrepreneurial nature of the work comes      REGISTER FOR
    with its own rules. To succeed, REALTORS® not only have         THESE WEBINARS
    to excel at their trade, they also have to excel at something
    that the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) call           October 7, 2020
    “Financial Wellness.”                                           FINANCIAL WELLNESS LIVE:
                                                                    VIRTUAL EDITION
    Maryland REALTORS®’ President, Dee Dee Miller,
                                                                    Cost: $20. Register:
    has made Financial Wellness one of her priorities.
    Do you have a budget in place? Are you planning for             February 4, 2021
    retirement? What succession plans do you have in                FINANCIAL WELLNESS
    place? Throughout 2021, Miller will be working with our         WITH MARYLAND REALTORS®
    members to help them get a leg up on their financial            PRESIDENT DEE DEE MILLER
    readiness. Mark your calendar now for February 4, 2021,         No cost. Register:
    for Miller’s first Financial Wellness Webinar for members
                                                                    NAR has a collection of recorded webinars on all sorts
    of Maryland REALTORS®.
                                                                    of topics, from real estate investing, to dealing with
    And between now and then, spend some time with                  debt, to improving your financial health. Find them at:
    NAR, at its Center for REALTOR® Financial Wellness.   
    Now is the perfect time to plan for tomorrow. Visit
    today to learn more, catch up on
    recorded webinars and access
    information that will help you build
    a better tomorrow.
    Following the webinar information,
    below, please review the Emergency
    Guide provided by the Center
    for REALTOR® Financial Wellness
    for Money Saving Tips, Tips for
    Wellbeing, and a checklist to begin
    your journey.

8   MARYLAND REALTOR® OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2020                                              
Center for REALTOR® Financial Wellness

Emergency Guide

Money Saving Tips
The National Association of REALTORS® and Center for REALTOR® Financial Wellness
are here for you with information and resources to help you get through challenging times.
For even more tips and information, visit today!

         HAVE AN                           TRACK                           KEEP
         EMERGENCY                         YOUR                            SOME CASH
         FUND                              SPENDING                        ON HAND
Most economists suggest          Consider cutting back on        It’s a good idea to have a
putting aside 3-6 months         non-critical spending, and      couple hundred dollars
of living expenses. Even for     keeping those cost savings      in cash for an unexpected
those with healthy reserves,     in place for a while to help    emergency. Having some
monitor your investment          build up your reserves.         cash on hand can ease
accounts and continue            Make consistent, timely         transaction problems
to save.                         payments to help maintain       in the event certain
                                 a good credit score. Visit      businesses are disrupted.
                                 for a FREE monthly
                                 budget spreadsheet.

         TAKE                             RESEARCH                         REVIEW AND
         FINANCIAL                        INSURANCE                        UPDATE PERSONAL
         INVENTORY                        POLICIES                         RECORDS
Locate key financial             Consider working with your      Compile a list of important
documents to keep accurate       current provider on reducing    contacts, such as your
records, and have more           your insurance payments.        insurance agent, accountant,
than one copy. Examples:         If your payment can’t be        attorney, doctors, and
estate-planning files, bank      lowered, don’t hesitate to      veterinarians. Review the list
information, brokerage and       shop around for new             and make sure their phone
retirement accounts, as well     rates to help lower your        number and email
as insurance policies,           current monthly expenses.       address is up to date.
mortgage information,
business records, and more.
Center for REALTOR® Financial Wellness

Emergency Guide
Tips for Well-Being
Finances are obviously an important part of everyone’s life, but don’t forget to take care of your
physical and psychological self too. Getting in financial shape is much easier if you are in good
health, mentally sharp and confident in the security of your loved ones.

             PHYSICAL                                 MENTAL                                 LIFE &
             WELLNESS                                 HEALTH                                 COMMUNITY

• Consider investing in a humidifier.   • Keep informed of important news       • Set up Skype, Facebook
  Medical experts say it helps            updates, but resist the urge to         Messenger, or Google hangouts
  reduce the transmission of              watch a high volume of negative         to socialize with your friends
  airborne viruses.                       news coverage.                          and loved ones.

• Drink lots of water and fluids,       • Be mindful of negative social         • Use your Outlook or Google
  and load up on healthy, nutrient        media posts that don’t contain          calendar to set reminders for
  rich meals.                             useful information or have not          yourself related to personal
                                          been endorsed by a reliable source.     goals you still wish to achieve.
• Contact your doctor and                                                         Create a schedule and regularly
  pharmacy to ensure you have           • If your circumstances allow for         check-in with friends, family
  at least a 30-day supply of             it, safely get outside each day to      and colleagues.
  your prescription medicines.            breathe in fresh air and exercise.
                                                                                • Follow a positive regiment each
• Create a contingency plan             • Keep in contact with loved ones         day to keep your mind busy, your
  if you or a loved one gets ill.         or a friend on a weekly basis. Use      body moving, and your spirits up.
                                          phone or video chat if needed.
• Consider setting up a “sick room”                                             • Put together a list of projects you
  in your house if anyone you live      • If you are a person of faith,           want to complete — make sure
  with becomes sick with any              practice it.                            some of them are fun! — and start
  contagious virus.                                                               giving yourself timelines and goals
                                                                                  for the week.
• Ensure you and your loved ones
  have completed a healthcare proxy                                             • Find something kind to do or
  form in advance of any illness.                                                 say to others, daily. Consider
                                                                                  volunteering in your community.
• Have fever reducers, cough
  medicine, and sanitary wipes
  on hand.

• Have a copy of your medical
  records ready to supply if needed.
Center for REALTOR® Financial Wellness

Emergency Guide
Checklist & Tips
During any challenging time, it’s important to take stock of what’s most important in your life.
Set priorities and establish reasonable goals. There are organizations and agencies that can
help. Be proactive, stay educated and positive, and look forward to a bright future!

            FACING                                   RESOURCES                             NEXT
            CHALLENGES                               & BENEFITS                            STEPS

• If needed, reach out to your          • Research funds that may be          • Put your best foot forward and be
  mortgage company or landlord            available to you based on your        optimistic! Challenging times may
  to ask for a deferment.                 employment status.                    be difficult to manage, but focus
                                                                                more on the positive versus
• If you are having trouble             • Your local community, county,         the negative.
  communicating with your                 or state may have additional
  landlord or mortgage lender,            financial resources available to    • Don’t overspend on stockpiling
  reach out to a HUD housing              you. Visit your local government      goods. Follow the CDC’s
  counselor for assistance.               websites and set up Google alerts     recommendations for getting
                                          to be notified as information         ready, and think about what you
• If needed, reach out to all             is provided.                          want to have on hand for a couple
  creditors (credit cards, auto loan,                                           of weeks if you get sick (like
  medical payments, student loans,      • If you do not need deferments         herbal tea, Kleenex, cough drops,
  etc.) and request a deferment.          on your loans, continually pay        cleaning supplies).
                                          to reduce your interest later and
• If you aren’t making progress           keep your loan term on track.       • Consider doing a thorough
  with your lenders, be persistent.       Consider setting up payment           cleaning of your home. Keep it
  If lenders are charging you             reminders through your bank or        clean by limiting or eliminating
  additional fees, negotiate.             enroll in automatic payments.         visitors and sanitizing common
                                                                                areas like the microwave
• If needed, reach out to your                                                  and bathroom.
  utilities and other ongoing
  payments (auto insurance,                                                   • Check in with family members
  property taxes, homeowners                                                    who may not be able to leave
  insurance, condo association,                                                 the house.
  cable, internet, water, heat)
  and delay your payments,                                                    • Take time to educate yourself
  when possible.                                                                to be better prepared for
                                                                                future emergencies.
• If you are in need physically or
  emotionally, seek guidance from
  a medical professional. Don’t
  forget to inform those closest
  to you.
2020 Summary of

                      PRACTICE TIPS
                       BY COLLETTE MASSENGALE, ESQ.

                                      Maryland REALTORS® prepared one new form, the 1031 Tax
                                      Deferred Exchange Addendum:

                                      1.    1031 Tax Deferred
                                            Exchange Addendum
                                            ■ This form was created to facilitate 1031 exchanges.

                                                              	If you are unfamiliar with 1031 exchanges, start by
                                                 PRACTICE      seeking assistance from your broker. Also, keep in
                                                  TIP          mind Article 11 of the NAR Code of Ethics, which
                                                               states that the services REALTORS® provide to their
                                                               client shall conform to the standards of practice
                                                               and competence in the specific real estate
                                                               disciplines in which they engage. It goes on to say
                                                               that REALTORS® shall not undertake to provide
                                                               specialized professional services concerning a type
                                                               of property or service that is outside their field of
                                                               competence unless they engage the assistance of
                                                               one who is competent on such types of property
                                                               or service, or unless the facts are fully disclosed to
                                                               the client. Finally, any persons engaged to provide
                                                               such assistance shall be so identified to the client
                                                               and their contribution to the assignment should be
                                                               set forth.

12   MARYLAND REALTOR® OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2020                                            
Maryland REALTORS® revised the Contracts, the Change in Terms
 Addendum, and the Property Inspections Notice as follows:

 1.    Residential Contract
       of Sale
       ■ Page 5, Paragraph 23 (Adjustments) – The last sentence in this
         paragraph is now in bold font.

                         	The bold font is intended to emphasize the point
           PRACTICE       that despite what seller’s arrangement with the
            TIP           fuel provider is, any fuel remaining in the tank at
                          settlement becomes the property of the buyer. Be
                          sure to discuss this matter with your client prior to
                          settlement to ensure all parties are on the same
                          page as to what the contract stipulates.

       ■ Page 5, Paragraph 24 (Settlement Costs) – The last sentence was
         reworded to provide more clarity.

                         	For additional insight on the rationale for
           PRACTICE       including this language, please see
                          sec36-4313.pdf and
                          (Chapter 8, Page 8-10).                                                       MARYLAND REALTOR® OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2020   13
■ Page 10, Paragraph 60 (Buyer and Seller May Conduct the Transaction
                                              Electronically Using Electronic Signatures) – This provision was added
                                              to make the parties aware that Maryland law permits them to conduct
                                              the transaction electronically.

                                                              	The parties may conduct the transaction
                                                               electronically without having to prepare a separate
                                                               agreement spelling out their intentions.

                                      2.    Unimproved Land
                                            Contract of Sale
                                            ■ Page 4, Paragraph 24 (Settlement Costs) – The last sentence was
                                              revised to provide more clarity.

                                                              	For additional insight on the rationale for including
                                                 PRACTICE      this language, please see
                                                  TIP          content/pkg/CFR-2010-title38-vol2/pdf/CFR-2010-
                                                               title38-vol2-sec36-4313.pdf and https://www.
                                                               (Chapter 8, Page 8-10).

                                            ■ Page 9, Paragraph 60 (Buyer and Seller May Conduct the Transaction
                                              Electronically Using Electronic Signatures) – This provision was added
                                              to make the parties aware that Maryland law permits them to conduct
                                              the transaction electronically.

                                                              	The parties may conduct the transaction
                                                               electronically without having to prepare a separate
                                                               agreement spelling out their intentions.

                                      3.    Change in Terms
                                            ■ Paragraphs 3 & 4 (Written Application for Financing) & (Written
                                              Financing Commitment) – This provision was revised so it aligns more
                                              closely with the phrasing in Paragraph 10, the Financing Application
                                              and Commitment Paragraph of Maryland REALTORS® Contracts.
                                              Specifically, Paragraph 3 becomes new Paragraphs 3 and 4.

14   MARYLAND REALTOR® OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2020                                            
Paragraph 3 enables the parties to modify the time frame for Buyer
          to make a written application for financing. Paragraph 4 allows the
          parties to modify the time frame for Buyer to obtain the written
          financing commitment.

                          	To minimize the chance of a default occurring,
           PRACTICE        the parties should be reminded that if they agree
            TIP            to change the time frame buyer has for applying
                           for financing and/or for obtaining a written
                           financing commitment, they should review the
                           Settlement Date to make sure it aligns with the
                           revised time frames.

       ■ Paragraph 5 (Seller Contribution) – Paragraph 5 enables the parties
         to change the Seller Contribution initially agreed to in the contract.

                          	If the parties agree to change the Seller
           PRACTICE        Contribution, they should be reminded to review
            TIP            Maryland REALTORS® Seller Contribution
                           Addendum to see whether the initial agreement
                           was to credit buyer at settlement a specific dollar
                           amount or a percentage of the sale price.

 4.    Property Inspections
       ■ Page 1, (Notice to Pursuant to Maryland REALTORS® Property
         Inspections Addendum) – The last sentence was included to remind
         the parties to refer to the Property Inspections Addendum concerning
         time frames for any action, response, or notice.

                          	REALTORS® are advised to keep track of the time
           PRACTICE         frames the parties have already agreed to in
            TIP             Maryland REALTORS® Property Inspections
                            Addendum for performing any actions and
                            providing any notices.                                                        MARYLAND REALTOR® OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2020   15
Maryland REALTORS® revised the Escrow Agreement between
                                      Buyer, Seller & Escrow Agent as follows:

                                      1.    Escrow Agreement between
                                            Buyer, Seller, and Escrow Agent
                                            ■ Page 2, Paragraph 7.D. (Distribution of Deposit in Accordance with
                                              Thirty-Day Letter) – This section was added to make it easier for escrow
                                              agents to resolve deposit disputes.

                                                               	The inclusion of Paragraph 7.D, enables the escrow
                                                 PRACTICE       agent to send a 30-day letter. There is a sample
                                                  TIP           30-day contained in the Broker Policy Manual

                                      Maryland REALTORS® revised the Brokerage Agreements
                                      as follows:

                                      1.    Exclusive Right to Sell
                                            Residential Brokerage Agreement
                                            ■ Page 3, Paragraph 10 (Home Security Systems that Record Audio) –
                                              This provision was modified to include a reference to the relevant
                                              Maryland Code Section, 10-402 of the Courts and Judicial Proceedings
                                              Article, Annotated Code of Maryland.
                                            ■ Page 6, Paragraph 21.B. (Presentation of Offers) – This provision was
                                              inserted to remind REALTORS® of their obligation to present all offers
                                              and counter-offers to and from the client.

                                                               	Pursuant to the Maryland Code of Ethics, offers and
                                                                counter-offer should be presented in full and in hard
                                                                copy or electronic format.

16   MARYLAND REALTOR® OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2020                                           
2.     Exclusive Right to Sell Unimproved Land
        Brokerage Agreement
        ■ Page 5, Paragraph 16.B. (Presentation of Offers) – This provision was
          inserted to remind REALTORS® of their obligation to present all offers
          and counter-offers to and from the client.

                             Pursuant to the Maryland Code of Ethics, offers
                             and counter-offers should be presented in full and
                             in hard copy or electronic format.

 3.     Exclusive Right to Lease
        Residential Brokerage Agreement
        ■ Page 3, Paragraph 10 (Home Security Systems that Record
          Audio) – This provision was modified to include a reference to the
          relevant Maryland Code Section, 10-402 of the Courts and Judicial
          Proceedings Article, Annotated Code of Maryland.

 4.     Exclusive Buyer/Tenant
        Residential Brokerage Agreement
        ■ Page 1, (Title) – The name of the buyer brokerage agreement was
          changed from Exclusive Buyer/Tenant Representation Agreement to
          Exclusive Buyer/Tenant Residential Brokerage Agreement to align
          more closely with the changes to the brokerage relationship provisions
          of the Brokers Act.

 Collette Massengale, Esq., is Maryland REALTORS®’ Senior Staff Attorney                                                          MARYLAND REALTOR® OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2020   17
National Association of REALTORS®,
        Affiliate Institutes, Societies & Councils
        Designations & Certifications
        The National Association of REALTORS® and its affiliated Institutes, Societies, and Councils provide a wide-range
        of programs and services that help members increase their skills, proficiency, and knowledge. Designations and
        certifications acknowledging experience and expertise in various real estate sectors are awarded by NAR and
        each affiliated group upon completion of required courses.

                       Accredited Buyer’s Representative / ABR®
                      The Accredited Buyer’s Representative (ABR®) designation is designed for real estate buyer
        agents who focus on working directly with buyer-clients at every stage of the home buying process.
        Presented by REBAC (Real Estate Buyer’s Agent Council)
        Contact REBAC at sends e-mail) or 800-648-6224.

                       Accredited Land Consultant / ALC
                      The esteemed Accredited Land Consultants (ALCs) are the most trusted, knowledgeable,
                      experienced, and highest-producing experts in all segments of land. Conferred by the
        REALTORS® Land Institute. The designation requires successful completion of a rigorous LANDU education
        program, a specific, high-volume and experience level, and adherence to an honorable Code of Conduct.
        Presented by the REALTORS® Land Institute (RLI)
        Contact RLI at 800.441.5263 or

                       Certified Commercial Investment Member / CCIM
                       The Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) designation is commercial real estate’s
                       global standard for professional achievement, earned through an extensive curriculum of 200
        classroom hours and professional experiential requirements. CCIMs are active in 1,000 U.S. markets and 31
        other countries and comprise a 13,000-member network that includes brokers, leasing professionals, asset
        managers, appraisers, corporate real estate executives, investors, lenders, and other allied professionals.
        Presented by the CCIM Institute
        Contact CCIM at 800-621-7027 or

                       Certified International Property Specialist / CIPS
                        Instantly align yourself with the best in international real estate by earning the CIPS
                        designation. The designation requires completion of five full-day courses focusing on the
        critical aspects of international real estate transactions. CIPS designees are connected to an influential
        network of over 3,500 professionals who turn to each other first when looking for referral partners.
        Presented by the National Association of REALTORS®
        Contact Member Support at or 1-800-874-6500 ext. 8369.

                       Certified Property Manager® / CPM®
                       CPM® designees are recognized as experts in real estate management. Holding this designation
                       demonstrates expertise and integrity to employers, owners, and investors.
        Presented by Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM)
        Contact IREM® at 800-837-0706, ext. 4650.

18   MARYLAND REALTOR®                                                                         
Certified Real Estate Brokerage Manager / CRB
                  The Certified Real Estate Brokerage Manager (CRB) is one of the most respected and relevant
                  designations offered in real estate business management and is awarded to REALTORS® who
   have completed advanced educational and professional requirements. CRB Designees are better positioned to
   streamline operations, integrate new technology and apply new trends and business strategies.
   Visit or contact the Real Estate Business Institute (REBI) at or 800-621-8738

                  Certified Residential Specialist / CRS
                  The CRS designation is the highest credential awarded to residential sales agents, managers,
                  and brokers. On average, CRS designees earn nearly three times more in income, transactions,
                  and gross sales than non-designee REALTORS®.
    resented by Residential Real Estate Council
   Contact RRC at or 800-462-8841.

                  Counselor of Real Estate® / CRE®
                  The Counselors of Real Estate® is an organization of commercial property experts worldwide
                  who provide seasoned, objective advice on real property and land-related matters. Only
   1,100 professionals from all disciplines of real estate, academia, and government hold the CRE credential.
   Membership is selective and extended by invitation, although commercial real estate practitioners with 10
   years of proven experience may apply.
   Presented by The Counselors of Real Estate®
   Contact CRE® at 312-329-8427 or

                  General Accredited Appraiser / GAA
               For general appraisers, this designation is awarded to those whose education and experience
               exceed state appraisal certification requirements and is supported by the National Association
   of REALTORS®.
   Presented by National Association of REALTORS®
   Contact GAA program staff at 800-874-6500 ext. 8268 or email

                  NAR’s Green Designation / GREEN
                  Through NAR’s Green Designation, the Green REsource Council provides ongoing education,
   resources and tools to help real estate practitioners find, understand, and market properties with green features.
   Presented by The Green REsource Council
   Contact The Green REsource Council at or 800-498-9422.

                  Graduate, REALTOR® Institute / GRI
                  REALTORS® with the GRI designation have in-depth training in legal and regulatory issues,
   technology, professional standards, and the sales process. Earning the designation is a way to stand out to
   prospective buyers and sellers as a professional with expertise in these areas.
   Presented by National Association of REALTORS®
   Contact your State Association to get information on program requirements, course schedules, location,
   and tuition.                                                                                                       19
Performance Management Network / PMN
         This designation is unique to the REALTOR® family designations, emphasizing that in order to enhance
         your business, you must enhance yourself. It focuses on negotiating strategies and tactics, networking and
         referrals, business planning and systems, personal performance management and leadership development.
         Presented by Women’s Council of REALTORS®
         Contact the Women’s Council of REALTORS® at 800-245-8512.

                        REALTOR® Association Certified Executive / RCE
                      RCE is the only professional designation designed specifically for REALTOR® association
                      executives. RCE designees exemplify goal-oriented AEs with drive, experience and
         commitment to professional growth.
         Presented by National Association of REALTORS®
         Contact Renee Holland at 312-329-8545 or

                        Residential Accredited Appraiser / RAA
                        For residential appraisers, this designation is awarded to those whose education and
                        experience exceed state appraisal certification requirements and is supported by the National
         Association of REALTORS®.
         Presented by National Association of REALTORS®
         Contact RAA program staff at 312-329-8268 or email

                        Seller Representative Specialist / SRS
                          The Seller Representative Specialist (SRS) designation is the premier credential in seller
                          representation. It is designed to elevate professional standards and enhance personal
         performance. The designation is awarded to real estate professionals who demonstrate the knowledge and
         skills essential for seller advocacy. SRS designees represent a global community of REALTORS® who use
         their advanced training and expertise to go above and beyond their client’s expectations.
         Visit or contact the Real Estate Business Institute (REBI) at or 800-621-8738.

                        Society of Industrial and Office REALTORS® / SIOR
                        The SIOR designation is held by only the most knowledgeable, experienced, and successful
                        commercial real estate brokerage specialists. To earn it, designees must meet standards of
         experience, production, education, ethics, and provide recommendations.
         Presented by Society of Industrial and Office REALTORS®
         Contact SIOR at 202-449-8200.

                        Seniors Real Estate Specialist® / SRES®
                         The SRES® Designation program educates REALTORS® on how to profitably and ethically
         serve the real estate needs of the fastest growing market in real estate, clients age 50+. By earning the SRES®
         designation, you gain access to valuable member benefits, useful resources, and networking opportunities
         across the U.S. and Canada to help you in your business.
         Presented by SRES® Council
         Contact SRES Council at or 800-500-4564.

                                                                                                       continued on page 22

20   MARYLAND REALTOR® OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2020                                                  
                       At Home With Diversity / AHWD
                         Learn to work effectively with—and within—today’s diverse real estate market. The At Home
                         With Diversity certification teaches you how to conduct your business with sensitivity to all
        client profiles and build a business plan to successfully serve them.
        Presented by the National Association of REALTORS®
        For more information on this course and its business principles, please contact us at or 800-874-6500 ext. 8393.

                       Broker Price Opinion Resource / BPOR
        The BPOR certification is no longer being awarded to members. Approximately 6,000 members have
        earned BPOR.

                       Certified Real Estate Team Specialist / C-RETS
                        The Certified Real Estate Team Specialist (C-RETS) certification is designed to improve team
        development, individual leadership skills, and financial performance. C-RETS courses provide the tools,
        strategies, and knowledge that are required of today’s real estate professionals who are either considering or
        currently operating in a team environment. It is for team leaders, team members, those looking to start a team,
        and those who simply want to sharpen their management skills.
        Visit or contact the Real Estate Business Institute (REBI) at or 800-621-8738.

                       Digital Marketing: Social Media
                        The RRC Digital Marketing: Social Media certification is for real estate professionals who want
                        to develop expertise with social media resources and the sites that are an essential part of
        today’s digital marketing mix, whether you are promoting your business or the properties you represent.
        Presented by Residential Real Estate Council
        Contact RRC at or 800-462-8841.

                       NAR’s e-PRO® certification program helps REALTORS® master the advanced digital marketing
        techniques of today. With the e-PRO® certification, REALTORS® increase their ability to reach customers,
        expand their capabilities, and build trust by safeguarding client information.
        Presented by the National Association of REALTORS®
        Contact e-PRO® at or 877-397-3132.

                       Military Relocation Professional / MRP
                         NAR’s Military Relocation Professional certification focuses on educating real estate
        professionals about working with current and former military service members to find housing solutions that
        best suit their needs and take full advantage of military benefits and support.
        Presented by REBAC (Real Estate Buyer’s Agent Council)
        Contact us at or 888-648-8321.

22   MARYLAND REALTOR® OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2020                                                 
Pricing Strategy Advisor / PSA
                  Presented by the National Association of REALTORS®
   Contact us at

                  Real Estate Negotiation Expert / RENE
                The first and only negotiation credential recognized by the National Association of
                REALTORS®, the Real Estate Negotiation Expert (RENE) certification is designed to elevate
   and enhance negotiating skills so that today’s real estate professionals can play the game to win.
   Presented by the Real Estate Business Institute
   Visit or contact the Real Estate Business Institute (REBI) at or 800-621-8738.

                  Residential Listing
                    The RRC Residential Listing Specialist Certification program helps REALTORS® master the art
   of listing residential properties. The courses provide strategies, tools, and more to help agents enhance and
   differentiate their listings.
   Presented by Residential Real Estate Council
   Contact RRC at or 800-462-8841.

                  Resort & Second-Home Property Specialist / RSPS
                  This certification is designed for REALTORS® who facilitate the buying, selling, or management
                  of properties for investment, development, retirement, or second homes in a resort, recreational
   and/or vacation destination are involved in this market niche.
   Presented by the National Association of REALTORS®
   Contact us at or 800-874-6500 ext. 8320.

            ®     Short Sales & Foreclosure Resource® / SFR®
                  The SFR® certification teaches real estate professionals to work with distressed sellers and the
                  finance, tax, and legal professionals who can help them, qualify sellers for short sales, develop
   a short sale package, negotiate with lenders, safeguard your commission, limit risk, and protect buyers.
   Presented by the National Association of REALTORS®
   Contact us at or 877-510-7855.

                  Smart Home
                  The Smart Home certification is for real estate professionals who want to
   develop expertise in the technology, privacy issues, and best transition tactics involved in
   selling smart homes.
   Presented by Residential Real Estate Council
   Contact RRC at or 800-462-8841.                                                                                                     23

     Virtual is the
     New Global
     Maryland REALTORS® Global Business Committee:                  November 10.

                                                                    This means
           s the 2020 Global Business Committee wraps
                                                                    that anyone
           up its year, we wanted to express our gratitude to
                                                                    who completes
           Jan Greene and Bayo Oshinnaiye, Chair and Vice
                                                                    the five-day
     Chair, respectively, of the Committee. Jan and Bayo
                                                                    course will be eligible for their CIPS Designation, their
     successfully led the Committee as we transitioned from
                                                                    AHWD Certification, and 6.0 hours of Maryland CE
     in-person meetings to virtual meetings. A special note
                                                                    (Category F, approval pending).
     of thanks must be extended to David “Chief” Adefila,
     who made an incredibly detailed presentation to the            The course is designed to allow REALTOR® attendees
     Committee about his native country, Nigeria. “Chief”           to learn the critical aspects of international real estate
     shared his exhaustive knowledge not just about real            transactions, share professional expertise, and create new
     estate, industry, and the economy in Nigeria, but also         relationships across the world through the Global CIPS
     about Nigerian culture and customs. We look forward            Network. CIPS designees have access to a worldwide
     to resuming our informal networking and knowledge              community of real estate practitioners. Through this
     sessions when we meet again in person.                         network, CIPS Designees may make and receive referrals
                                                                    globally, assist foreign-born persons to purchase a home
     Another transition that the Global Business Committee
                                                                    or business in the U.S., and assist persons wishing to
     has successfully navigated is moving the Certified
                                                                    purchase a second home or a vacation home overseas.
     International Property Specialist (CIPS) Institute from
     an in-person offering to a virtual Institute. The CIPS         The Global Business Committee is looking forward to
     Subcommittee, under the strong leadership of Erica             another successful year in 2021, with Bayo Oshinnaiye
                                          Solomon, resolved a       serving as Chair and Cecilia Hayes as Vice Chair.
                                                                    Planning for a 2021 trade mission to Ghana and Nigeria
     “Anyone who completes                number of challenges
                                                                    is well underway, and we remain optimistic that we will
                                          and is pleased
     the five-day course                  to announce that          be able to complete the trade mission safely, responsibly,
     will be eligible for their           Maryland REALTORS®        and enthusiastically.
                                          Global Business
     CIPS Designation, their              Committee will be
     AHWD Certification,                  offering a virtual CIPS

     and 6.0 hours of                     Institute on November         Register today
                                                                        for the CIPS Institute
                                          2, 4, 6, 9, and 10,
     Maryland CE…”                        2020 via Zoom. Azizali
                                          Kanjee, a commercial          You can be part of a global dialogue from the comfort
     REALTOR from Ontario, Canada, (and a phenomenal
                                                                        of your home office. Register today for the CIPS
     instructor) will be teaching for us again in November.             Institute to expand your business internationally.
     The Institute is structured so that At Home With                   To register, visit For questions
     Diversity (AHWD) will be offered on the last day,                  about the institute, please email Sandi.Frazer@
                                                              , or call Sandi at 443 716 3500.

24   MARYLAND REALTOR® OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2020                                                  
The Annual Conference
Heads Back to

It’s Official!

     he 2021 Annual Conference for Maryland               “We are looking at education tracks and keynote
     REALTORS® will return to Ocean City, Maryland, on    speakers that will engage all levels of membership, from
     October 12–14, 2021. Our Host Hotel will be the      experienced REALTORS® to those members who are
Clarion Fontainbleu, a beachfront resort.                 new to the industry,” said Alicyn DelZoppo, Co-Chair,
“We are very excited to be coming back to Ocean City,”    along with Harmon. “From our tracks to our keynotes, to
said Vicki Harmon, Co-Chair of the Conference & Events    the networking, this really will be a must-attend event in
Program Advisory Committee, which oversees the            an area everyone loves.”
organization of the Annual Conference. “While we will     Mark your calendars now, and stay tuned for further
keep some of the popular traditions of our past, we’re    updates. See you in OC in the fall of 2021!
working on a new and exciting format for all members to
learn new skills to enhance their businesses.”                                                     MARYLAND REALTOR® OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2020        25
Hotline           BY K AT H L E E N DA R T E Z, E S Q.

                     Website Accessibility

     Q:       What are website accessibility lawsuits? I am not entirely sure what this means
              and whether it affects my brokerage’s website.

                Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act   States Department of Justice was expected to release
                (ADA) prohibits discrimination on the basis of     guidelines in 2016, but that date was pushed to 2018,
                disability in places of public accommodation,      and the proposed rules were eventually withdrawn with
     which includes businesses that are open to the public         no timeline established for their release. In the absence
     such as restaurants, movie theaters, real estate brokerage    of any regulations, plaintiffs have argued, and many
     offices, title company offices, banks, and hotels.            courts have agreed, that an appropriate standard is the
     Potential liability under the ADA, however, is not limited    Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
     to a brick and mortar environment. Increasingly, courts       WCAG includes specific recommendations to make
     have held that, to the extent a business’s website is also    websites more accessible to people with a variety of
     a place of public accommodation, the ADA’s prohibition        disabilities. For example, there are recommendations that
     against discrimination applies. This means that people        audio files require a written transcript and videos need
     with disabilities, including those who use assistive          to be captioned, so people who are deaf can still engage
     technology (such as screen readers), must enjoy full and      with these mediums; and that equivalent “alternative text”
     equal access to the website.                                  has to be included for images, so people who are blind
     As REALTORS® we are also subject to the Fair Housing          have an appropriate description of the image.
     Act, which prohibits discrimination in housing and            A good first step would be to conduct an audit or
     housing-related transactions because of disability.           review of your website to identify possible accessibility
     If your company, team, or individual website is               improvements. Depending upon the results, you may
     inaccessible to people with disabilities, you could be        decide to add close captioning, voiceovers, or third-party
     denying those persons equal access to rental housing          solutions. Another recommendation is to reach out to
     and homeownership opportunities. You could also find          NAR or to your E & O provider to learn more.
     yourself named as a defendant in a lawsuit.                   This is not a “one and done” project. Your business
     There has been a significant increase in lawsuits             should ensure that one of the obligations of your website
     claiming that individuals with disabilities are not           administrator, regardless of whether that person is
     provided equal access to a company’s website. Web             in-house or outsourced, is to implement the most
     accessibility related lawsuits increased from 814 cases       current WCAG along with constantly monitoring your
     in 2017 to 2,285 cases in 2018, and to 5,592 in the           website to ensure ongoing compliance. Our legal,
     first half of 2019 alone, according to the National           ethical, and moral obligations to our customers and
     Association of REALTORS®.                                     clients requires no less.
     What can you do to decrease the likelihood of
     becoming involved in a lawsuit? The answer is not
                                                                   Kathleen Dartez, Esq., is Maryland REALTORS®’ Director of
     as straightforward as you would imagine. The United
                                                                   Legal Affairs

26   MARYLAND REALTOR® OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2020                                                   

Political Advocacy in 2020

      ver the last few months, the coronavirus pandemic          Rep. Mfume served in the U.S. House of Representatives
      has presented our REALTOR® community with                  from 1987 to 1996 and had a solid reputation working
      tremendous challenges. Fortunately, demand for             with the REALTORS® during that time. He left his seat
housing remains high, and opportunities abound for               in Congress to accept a position as CEO of the NAACP.
those in our industry to successfully adapt.                     Mfume is a Baltimore native and received his college
These difficult times also present opportunities for political   education at Morgan State University.
engagement and to respond to new circumstances. The              Maryland REALTORS® invited Mfume to complete a
REALTORS® Political Action Committee (RPAC) has                  written candidate questionnaire, which contained 11
adjusted to the new environment and found opportunities          policy questions. He answered each of the questions
to support REALTOR®-friendly candidates for elective             supporting the REALTOR® positions and therefore
office at the national, state, and local levels of government.   received a score of 100 percent. Both the Greater
The most significant of these opportunities arose from           Baltimore Board of REALTORS® and the Maryland
tragedy. Last October, Rep. Elijah Cummings died                 RPAC Trustees recommended that NAR RPAC Trustees
after a lengthy illness, leaving a vacant Maryland seat          support Mfume. NAR responded with a campaign
in Congress. Cummings was a towering advocate for                contribution to Mfume shortly after the special primary
Baltimore and a frequent voice of conscience. He                 election in early May that provided critical funding for
was also a great friend to REALTORS® because of his              his primary election held just five weeks later. Mfume
interest in providing increased and affordable housing           won the June primary. It’s now all but certain that Kweisi
opportunities.                                                   Mfume will represent Maryland’s 7th Congressional
                                                                 District through December 2022, and the REALTORS®
Governor Larry Hogan promptly scheduled a special                helped him achieve this victory.
election to fill Cummings’ open seat. Candidates for
the special election were required to decide almost              Maryland REALTORS® and NAR will most likely
immediately if they would run for a full Congressional           weigh in on the campaigns in Baltimore for Mayor and
term by running in the postponed regularly scheduled             City Council President; there are a few other local
statewide primary election set for June 2.                       municipal elections where RPAC funds will be used to
                                                                 assist REALTOR®-friendly candidates. In the coming
No fewer than 24 Democrats entered both the special              months, Maryland’s RPAC Trustees will have
and regular election including Maya Rockeymore                   opportunities to appoint new Trustees to fill vacant
Cummings, Cummings’ widow, former Congressman                    seats. Maryland REALTORS® members who would like
Kweisi Mfume, and several members of the Maryland                to be considered for one of the appointments may
General Assembly. The winning Democrat was Mfume                 contact me at for further
with 43 percent of the vote. The second-place democrat           information.
was Rockeymore Cummings who garnered 17.1 percent
of the vote. The winner of the Republican primary was
Kimberly Klacik, but because voter registration in the           Mark Feinroth, Esq., is Maryland REALTORS®’ Director of
district is 68% democratic, Mfume was heavily favored            Political Advocacy
to win the special general election on April 28.                                                            MARYLAND REALTOR® OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2020        27
You can also read