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American Political Science Review (2021) 115, 1, 14–30 doi:10.1017/S0003055420000787 © The Author(s), 2020. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of the American Political Science Association. This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- NoDerivatives licence (, which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is unaltered and is properly cited. The written permission of Cambridge University Press must be obtained for commercial re-use or in order to create a derivative work. Fundraising for Stigmatized Groups: A Text Message Donation Experiment KATERINA LINOS University of California, Berkeley LAURA JAKLI Harvard University MELISSA CARLSON Stanford University A s government welfare programming contracts and NGOs increasingly assume core aid functions, they must address a long-standing challenge—that people in need often belong to stigmatized groups. To study other-regarding behavior, we fielded an experiment through a text-to-give campaign in Greece. Donations did not increase with an appeal to the in-group (Greek child) relative to a control (child), but they were halved with reference to a stigmatized out-group (Roma child). An appeal to fundamental rights, a common advocacy strategy, did not reduce the generosity gap. Donations to all groups were lower near Roma communities and declined disproportionately for the Roma appeal. Qualitative research in 12 communities complements our experiment. We conclude that NGO fundraising strategies that narrowly emphasize either in-groups or out-groups, or fundamental rights language, may not be as effective as broader appeals, and we discuss implications for public goods provision in an era of growing nationalism. INTRODUCTION social needs (Ball 2007; Diller 2001; Korpi and Palme A 2003; Linos and West 2003). However, unlike govern- s government welfare spending declines across ments, which can compel contributions, NGOs must much of the Western world, nongovernmental persuade donors to give. NGOs thus face a particularly organizations (NGOs) increasingly fund basic acute trade-off between effective aid programming and sustainable financing (Belcher and DeForge 2012; Kogut and Ritov 2011). When they seek donations for narrowly Katerina Linos , Professor of Law, University of California, tailored programs, NGOs optimize service delivery to the Berkeley, Laura Jakli , Junior Fellow, Society of Fellows, Harvard Uni- groups most in need, but the stigma associated with these versity, groups may greatly reduce donations. Melissa Carlson, Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for International Secur- Many NGOs are aware of these trade-offs. In ity and Cooperation, Stanford University, response, some exclude the most stigmatized from their We are grateful to Prolepsis for their extraordinary help in design- programming, as in the case of HIV prevention pro- ing, carrying out, and interpreting this study and to all the school grams that exclude persons who contracted the virus principals who agreed to be interviewed. For technical assistance and expertise in geospatial mapping, we thank Stavros-Nikiforos Spyr- through sexual activity (Amirkhanian et al. 2004) or ellis. For extensive comments and suggestions on earlier drafts, we anti-poverty efforts that leave out the “ultra-poor” in thank K. T. Albiston, Isabelle Cohen, Nadia Dalma, Kevin Davis, Bangladesh (Matin and Hulme 2003). More commonly, John Ferejohn, Vicky Fouka, Stavros Gadinis, Alexandra Hartman, NGOs make in-group appeals by emphasizing shared Published online by Cambridge University Press David J. Hendry, Elisabeth Ivarsflaten, Michael Johns, Lewis characteristics between donors and recipients, such as Kornhauser, Elizabeth Linos, Athina Linou, Aila Matanock, John religion, ethnicity, language, or community member- McCauley, Tom Pegram, Victoria Plaut, Alison Post, Avani Mehta ship (Koch et al. 2009). For example, NGOs commonly Sood, Laura Stoker, and Chagai Weiss. We also thank the partici- pants of the 2017 APSA Experimental Studies of Racial and Ethnic refer to potential aid recipients by names that signal Prejudice Panel, the 2017 Berkeley Law Faculty Workshop, the 2017 membership in the dominant ethnicity, race, or religion University College London Political Science Department’s Research (Kogut and Ritov 2007). Seminar series, the 2018 APSA Integration, Inclusion, and Ethnic In contrast, other NGOs try to increase out-group Group Trust: Experimental Analyses Panel, the 2019 ISA Refugees generosity by making universalistic appeals to human and Migrants Through Social Media Panel, and the 2019 NYU Law rights, hoping that these appeals will underscore and Economics Workshop. We thank our three anonymous reviewers for their careful reading of our manuscript and their recipient need and shift cognitive representations of insightful feedback. For their generous support, we thank the Car- out-group members from “an ‘us’ versus ‘them’ negie Foundation, Berkeley Law’s Miller Center for Global Chal- orientation, to the more inclusive ‘we’ orientation” lenges and the Law, the Jean Monnet Program, and the German (Scroggins et al. 2016, 220). For example, UNICEF’s Academic Exchange Program. The project has been approved donation webpage emphasizes that “Every child has through U.C. Berkeley IRB protocol #2016-03-8553. Replication the right to learn” (UNICEF 2020). Similarly, advo- materials at available at the American Political Science Review Dataverse: cates for the Roma in Europe have used the language of human rights to increase out-group altruism for Received: January 10, 2019; revised: May 26, 2020; accepted: July 31, over two decades (Cortes 2015). 2020. 14
Fundraising for Stigmatized Groups: A Text Message Donation Experiment Since we do not fully understand how ethnic diversity (Bracic 2016). In the nine EU states with the largest shapes generosity, it is unclear whether in-group Roma populations, 80% of the Roma live in poverty appeals, appeals to universal rights, or other strategies and a third live in households that lack basic amenities, increase donations and how sizeable the trade-offs of such as running water (EU-MIDIS II 2016, 9). each strategy might be. Numerous observational stud- Although 80% of Europe’s Roma are sedentary and ies suggest that diverse communities provide less fund- commonly reside in long-standing segregated commu- ing for public goods than homogenous ones (e.g., nities, they are stereotyped as transient beggars lacking Alesina and La Ferrara 2000; Stichnoth and van der work ethic (Cretan and Powell 2018; Matras 2015). Straeten 2013). However, they may overstate the effect Attitudinal measures of discrimination indicate that of ethnic heterogeneity because minority communities roughly half as many Eurobarometer survey respond- suffer from multiple disadvantages (including less ents are comfortable working with the Roma out-group wealth, weaker institutions, and weaker social trust) (46%) as with the Greek in-group (93%) (European for which observational research cannot fully control Commission 2015). While expressed prejudice toward (Lee 2018; Singh and vom Hau 2016). other vulnerable groups decreased across the EU over Over the last few decades, the field has reoriented the last decade, expressed prejudice toward the Roma toward experimental research to examine intergroup remains consistently high. Figures I.1–I.3 in Appendix I dynamics with higher internal validity. However, even further illustrate these patterns and underscore how the best designed lab and lab-in-the-field experiments few Europeans have Roma friends or acquaintances. raise external validity concerns. For instance, they We embedded an unobtrusive, large-scale field often involve researcher money and subjects who know experiment in a text-to-give campaign in Greece. We they are being observed, which can lead scholars to partnered with a local NGO that serves free lunches in overestimate generosity and underestimate prejudice public schools to request a small but nontrivial charit- (Harrison and List 2004). Moreover, because experi- able contribution to their school lunch program (1.5 ments are typically fielded in one or few sites, they euro [
Katerina Linos, Laura Jakli, and Melissa Carlson support from local fundraising efforts, all 12 reported discrimination (Bob 2007; Lerche 2008), human rights that more significant donations came from national and appeals are now widely used by advocates for the European governmental and nongovernmental sources. disabled, for migrants and refugees, and for the To conclude, we argue that NGOs may benefit from LGBTQ community, among others (Bloemraad, Silva, employing broad-based fundraising appeals that go and Voss 2016). beyond local donor pools. We also suggest that empha- However, theoretical ambiguities and methodo- sizing need, rather than rights, may be particularly logical limitations leave us unclear on which strategies effective for programming that benefits highly stigma- are more effective in different contexts. First, the lit- tized groups. We describe how discrimination theories erature is unclear on the magnitude of the intergroup extend to segregated settings, and in the absence of generosity gap. Since heterogeneous communities local contact, national narratives may be disproportion- often suffer from multiple disadvantages, observational ately important. Lastly, we discuss how scholars can use studies may overstate the effects of in-group favoritism text message experiments to assess, with high internal and out-group bias (Lee 2018; Singh and vom Hau and external validity, theories of other-regarding 2016). Indeed, the most robust observational studies preferences across varied geographic and institutional —natural experiments—do not find that an increase in contexts. out-group presence reduces support for social welfare (Gerdes 2011). In contrast, lab and lab-in-the-field studies may overestimate generosity and underesti- FUNDRAISING IN DIVERSE COMMUNITIES: mate bias because subjects behave in socially desirable UNDERSTANDING THE GENEROSITY GAP ways when observed and when using researcher- provided funds (Harrison and List 2004). By designing Extensive scholarship suggests that ethnically diverse an unobtrusive intervention through a popular communities have much lower funding for public fundraising technique, we minimize respondents’ goods and welfare programs (e.g., Hopkins 2011; desire to appear altruistic (Scacco and Warren 2018; Stichnoth and van der Straeten 2013). For example, Zizzo 2010). Our study assesses how a broad range of greater ethnic diversity is associated with reduced ordinary individuals make snap judgments that might support for welfare spending in the United States be driven by subconscious bias. (Luttmer 2001), with lower contributions to local Second, although it is well established that giving is organizations and public services in Indonesia higher to in-groups than to out-groups, causal mechan- (Okten and Osili 2004), and with lower primary isms remain unclear. For example, many studies report school funding in Kenya (Miguel and Gugerty a single in-group/out-group donation differential, 2005). Even in universalistic Nordic welfare states, which makes it unclear whether in-group favoritism exclusionary attitudes have increased with higher or out-group bias—or a combination of the two—drives rates of immigration (Larsen and Dejgaard 2013; the generosity gap. We solicit donations to an in-group, van der Waal et al. 2010). Scholars have identified to an out-group, and to a control group, and allow for various mechanisms that drive these patterns, includ- the possibility that donations to all groups could go up ing a preference for the welfare of one’s in-group or down simultaneously. Additionally, we do not know (Tajfel 1974; Vigdor 2004), greater trust and stronger whether commonly made appeals to fundamental reciprocity norms within ethnic groups (Alesina and rights increase donations to out-group members. Our La Ferrara 2002; Habyarimana et al. 2007), and the experimental design allows us to more sharply assess impulse to impose invasive social controls on out- these mechanisms. groups (Eitle and Turner 2002). Third, existing scholarship is unclear on which As aid organizations’ role in public service provision contexts reduce the generosity gap. Even state-of-the- Published online by Cambridge University Press expands, they must decide whether to include stigma- art experiments typically capture other-regarding pref- tized groups in their programming, and if so, how to erences in narrow geographic regions, leaving some fundraise for them (Kogut and Ritov 2011). Some uncertainty about how institutional and geographic emphasize shared in-group characteristics in their context shape the experimental results (e.g., Alexander appeals, such as religion, geography, or nationality. and Christia 2011; Condra and Linardi 2019). Two According to the charitable giving literature, referen- recent lab-in-the field experiments have moved the cing in-group membership strengthens perceived literature forward by employing multiple study sites social ties and reinforces a sense of duty to contribute to examine intra-Jewish cleavages and Jewish- (Bohm, Rusch, and Gurek 2016; Corr et al. 2015; Palestinian discrimination (Enos and Gidron 2016; Halevy, Bornstein, and Sagiv 2008; Koch et al. 2009). 2018), but the geographic range of our experiment is An extreme application of this strategy can lead NGOs unparalleled, as Figures 1 and 3 show. to explicitly exclude stigmatized out-groups. For Finally, the context of ethnic segregation is under- example, certain NGOs that work to reduce intereth- theorized, as studies predominantly focus on positive nic tensions in Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, and and negative intergroup contact, rather than on the Ukraine systematically exclude the Roma from their absence of contact. Some studies focus on structured programming (Stroschein 2002). Other NGOs use the and extensive contact among groups of equal status in language of fundamental rights to emphasize recipient institutions that support integration, such as schools need or to expand in-group membership to include (Alexander and Christia 2011). In such contexts, minorities. Initially used to combat race and gender contact theory suggests that increased intergroup 16
Fundraising for Stigmatized Groups: A Text Message Donation Experiment interaction improves cooperation, promotes the forma- combination, drive observed gaps in giving. We exam- tion of reciprocity norms, and increases public goods ine other-regarding behavior—that is, behavior that provision (e.g., Allport 1954; Brown and Hewstone benefits others despite the lack of material incentives 2005; McLaren 2003). Other work examines contexts to do so (Persico and Silverman 2006). Other-regarding in which contact is frequent but casual and involuntary, behavior, including making donations, is not zero-sum. such as riding on commuter transit or waiting in line Because it is possible to increase (or decrease) benefits (Condra and Linardi 2019; Enos 2014). Here, the racial to the in-group and out-group simultaneously, it is threat hypothesis posits that dominant groups develop important for fundraisers to understand what drives exaggerated fears of economic, political, and criminal the generosity gap. threats posed by large minority populations and that Distinguishing between in-group favoritism and out- unstructured contact highlights intergroup differences group bias is also important to a broader literature on in physical and cultural attributes (e.g., Adida, Laitin, interethnic relations, as different mechanisms can drive and Valfort 2016; Brewer and Gaertner 2003; Condra the two. Scholars argue that individuals may be more and Linardi 2019; Eitle and Turner 2002; Enos 2014). generous to other in-group members due to higher However, some stigmatized communities have limited social trust in one’s own ethnic group (Alesina and La contact with others, including long-standing segregated Ferrara 2002), a shared cultural understanding that ethnic and religious minorities like the Dalit in India speeds up group communication (Hardin 1995), or (Bob 2007), the Rohingya in Myanmar and Bangladesh greater similarity in public goods preferences among (Kipgen 2013), and Uyghur Muslims in China in-group members (Miguel 1999). A series of lab-in- (Caprioni 2011). the-field experiments find that in-group favoritism In the sections below, we develop and test theoretical emerges in repeated games where players can establish claims to better assess the magnitude of the in-group in-group reciprocity norms and better sanction in- and out-group generosity gap, explore the causal group violators (Habyarimana et al. 2007). Individuals processes that drive this gap, and systematically explore may also derive greater utility from the welfare of variation in context. in-group members because they link in-group welfare to their own (Tajfel 1974; Vigdor 2004). In contrast, others argue that individuals may be less HYPOTHESES ON INTERETHNIC likely to give to out-group members due to perceived GENEROSITY, RIGHTS APPEALS, AND competition for resources and economic threat (Bobo OUT-GROUP PROXIMITY 1983; Quillian 1995) and seek to impose social controls on out-groups so as to maintain the status quo (Eitle In this section, we develop hypotheses on three major and Turner 2002; King and Wheelock 2007). Con- debates: (a) the extent to which in-group preference or versely, social identity theory suggests that in-groups out-group bias drives the interethnic generosity gap, may be biased against the out-group even in the (b) whether universal rights appeals reduce this gap, absence of meaningful competition over resources, and (c) how geographic proximity to a minority group meaning that enmity is more a function of strong influences this gap. psychological predispositions than of rational utility The charitable giving literature suggests that refer- (Kinder and Sears 1981). For example, the dominant encing shared group membership creates a sense of group may feel distaste stemming from assumptions mutual obligation between donor and beneficiary that out-groups violate rules of reciprocal exchange (Bohm, Rusch, and Gurek 2016; Corr et al. 2015; (Cottrell and Neuberg 2005). Halevy, Bornstein, and Sagiv 2008; Koch et al. 2009). In the Greek context, we expect the ethnic majority Many NGOs use in-group appeals to boost donations to respond generously to in-group appeals but poorly to Published online by Cambridge University Press by emphasizing that beneficiaries belong in the donors’ out-group appeals. This is because donations depend geographic, ethnic, or religious community. They also heavily on whether recipients are believed to be at fault curate their advertising to ensure that beneficiaries for their poverty (Fong and Luttmer 2011; Henry, with names and physical attributes typical of the Reyna, and Weiner 2004). Greek media typically por- majority group are featured. Experiments support the tray the Roma as persistently poor and undeserving. intuition that in-group appeals are more effective than Moreover, prejudice toward the Roma has been stable out-group ones. For example, in a series of donation in public opinion surveys for a decade (see Appendix I, experiments, wealthy and educated Indians were less Figure I.1). In turn, we expect the differential between likely to donate to individuals with names that signified donations in the Roma treatment and the control to be they were Dalit or from a scheduled caste (Deshpande stable. Attitudes toward the in-group should also be and Spears 2016). Similarly, emphasizing a common relatively stable, although we expect the external Muslim identity reduced Turkish citizens’ prejudice events when we fielded our experiment—namely, EU against Syrian refugees on attitudinal survey measures austerity measures and the influx of asylum seekers—to (Lazarev and Sharma 2017) and appealing to a com- increase the resonance of the in-group treatment mon German identity reduced intergroup conflict (Linos 2003; Sambanis, Schultz, and Nikolova 2018). between East and West Germans in longitudinal sur- Unlike prior studies, which compare donation veys (Kessler and Mummendey 2001). differentials between in-group and out-group appeals, What is less clear from existing empirical work is we disaggregate in-group preference from out-group whether in-group favoritism, out-group prejudice, or a bias by introducing a control condition. Our study 17
Katerina Linos, Laura Jakli, and Melissa Carlson design, which employs a neutral control condition survey respondents. However, other survey experi- (“child”) in addition to the in-group condition ments report null results (Bloemraad, Silva, and Voss (“Greek child”) and out-group condition (“Roma 2016). It remains unclear whether human rights child”), allows us to test three hypotheses about the appeals can shift altruism toward out-groups in real- differential impact of in-group and out-group appeals world contexts. Behavioral evidence is especially on donations: limited with regard to extremely stigmatized out- groups. Therefore, we use our field experiment to test H1A: Individuals respond more generously to an in-group the following hypothesis: appeal than to an out-group appeal. H2: Universal rights appeals will increase individuals’ will- ingness to support out-group members, reducing the gen- H1B: Individuals respond more generously to an in-group erosity gap between the in-group and out-group. appeal than to an appeal that does not invoke shared ethnicity. Finally, we examine how geographic proximity to a minority group affects giving. Contact theory suggests H1C: Individuals respond less generously to an out-group that increased intergroup interaction may improve appeal than to an appeal that does not invoke differing ethnicity. cooperation, promote the formation of reciprocity norms, and increase public goods provision (e.g., All- port 1954; Brown and Hewstone 2005; McLaren 2003). When NGOs explicitly mention stigmatized out- However, since few institutions facilitate meaningful groups in their donation appeals, they often use the Roma integration, the Greek context fails to meet the language of fundamental rights to counter the effects scope conditions for contact to manifest in positive of prejudice. For example, one Islamic charity group intergroup relations. emphasizes that “everyone has the right to water” on Alternatively, variants of the racial threat hypothesis their donation page (Muslim Aid 2020). Humanitarian suggest that dominant groups develop exaggerated fears practitioners and rights advocates have long used of economic, political, and criminal threats posed by universal human rights appeals to boost support for large minority populations and that ethnic distinctions stigmatized groups, including women (Reilly 2007), increase in heterogeneous communities (e.g., Brewer ethnic minorities (Cortes 2015; Morrison, Plaut, and and Gaertner 2003; Eitle and Turner 2002). The stron- Ybarra 2010), different castes (Bob 2007; Lerche gest evidence of racial threat is found in communities 2008), migrant workers (Basok and Carasco 2010; characterized by casual, non-institutionalized, and invol- Sim 2003), and refugees (Bloemraad, Silva, and Voss untary interethnic contact. For example, Enos (2014) 2016). exposed whites to Spanish-speaking Latinos during their Fundamental rights appeals can highlight recipient daily commutes and found an increase in whites’ support need by signaling that core rights to food, education, for exclusionary immigration policies toward Mexicans. and housing are not being met. According to the litera- Adida, Laitin, and Valfort (2016) found that increasing ture, this approach is effective because people behave the presence of Senegalese Muslims in a dictator game more altruistically when they are made aware of out- decreased French interethnic donations. Condra and group needs (Batson, Lishner, and Stocks 2015). In Linardi (2019) found that day workers in Afghanistan addition, appeals that emphasize out-group deserving- donated more to in-group members when out-group ness of certain protections and resources have been members were physically present. According to the logic shown to increase various forms of out-group support of racial threat, unstructured contact highlights inter- (Bekkers and Wiepking 2011; Hafer 2011). group differences in physical and cultural attributes— Published online by Cambridge University Press Appeals to universal human rights can also broaden leading to conflict and a reduction in public goods. in-group membership by making salient individuals’ Since the Roma in Greece are strongly disliked and shared human or global identity (Nickerson and Louis highly isolated in densely populated communities, we 2008), leading them to evaluate out-group members initially expected that their presence would produce an more positively and with greater empathy (Buchan extreme version of racial threat. However, certain et al. 2011; Kessler and Mummendey 2001; Reysen features of ethnic Greek-Roma relations make the and Katzarska-Miller 2013)—ultimately, increasing application of racial threat theory less straightforward. support for their rights (McEntire, Leiby, and Krain The theory of racial threat was developed by studying 2015; McFarland, Webb, and Brown 2012; Reese, race relations in the United States (Wagner et al. 2006). Proch, and Finn 2015). The racial threat literature highlights minority size and Some survey and lab experiments on donations economic competition as necessary conditions for suggest that appeals to broader social values (e.g., threat to manifest (Wetts and Willer 2018). However, human rights) can reduce ethnic discrepancies it is unclear from this literature how threat manifests (Gaertner and Dovidio 2014). Other studies report near isolated Roma communities, since they are not in that support for torture declines (Chilton and Ver- meaningful competition with ethnic Greeks for eco- steeg 2015; Wallace 2013), while support for health nomic or social status. and labor rights (Linos 2011; 2013) increases when the Because our study was large and fielded across a language of fundamental rights is made salient to broad range of communities, we are able to replicate 18
Fundraising for Stigmatized Groups: A Text Message Donation Experiment the methodology of prior observational studies that Text-to-give campaigns are common in Greece, in part examine whether donation rates decline near minority because the major phone carriers provide registered communities. In addition, however, we can experimen- NGOs with three opportunities a year to fundraise tally examine whether donations near minority com- using text donation requests. This feature of Greek munities decline disproportionately for the Roma out- charitable giving allows us to study intergroup relations group. Also, we can look for across-the-board declines by unobtrusively observing the outcome of a seemingly in giving near minority communities, because ethnic ordinary request for donations. heterogeneity may lower trust and cause donations to The experimental design followed a three-by-two decline both to the in-group and the out-group (Putnam factorial, yielding six different texts requesting a small 2007) or because measures of poverty and other control financial donation to the Diatrofi Program, which pro- variables imperfectly capture the many disadvantages vides free lunch to Greece’s poorest public schools, and from which minority communities suffer. Therefore, does not focus on any specific ethnic group in its our third hypothesis has two variants: programming. Text recipients assigned to the control group received a message stating, “Diatrofi feeds H3A: Geographic proximity to a stigmatized out-group 16,412 students. Text DIATROFI to 54344 for one (Roma) reduces donations to this out-group dispropor- child in need. 1.48 Euro per SMS.” The first treatment tionately. dimension randomized between a Roma child (παιδί Ρομά), a Greek child (Ελληνόπουλο), or a child (παιδί) H3B: Geographic proximity to a stigmatized out-group with no ethnic specification. The language we used for (Roma) reduces donations to all groups. “Greek child” is commonplace and not anti-Roma; it has subtle nationalist and in-group connotations. The It is possible that not all Roma communities prompt a second treatment dimension varied whether the text racial threat response in neighboring ethnic Greeks. In included a rights appeal. Half of the messages added particular, very small Roma communities may go the statement: “Every child has a right to food.” In sum, unnoticed by the local population. This would be con- the experiment has a 3 (child background: Roma child/ sistent with empirical work on racial threat theory in Greek child/child) 2 (human rights appeal: present/ other contexts (Fossett and Kiecolt 1989; Jackson 1986; absent) factorial between-subjects design. For add- Wetts and Willer 2018). itional details on question wording, IRB approval, In addition, levels of spatial Roma integration and compliance with Greek legislation, and study preregis- group visibility vary. The poorest and most segregated tration, see Appendix IV. Roma live in informal communities, in makeshift hous- Our nationwide SMS experiment was administered ing that include informal huts that lack running water from March 24th to March 28th, 2016. The study sub- and proper insulation. There are also large Roma jects are adults living in Greece who are customers of populations that live in segregated neighborhoods, one of three mobile carriers and consented to receiving but in apartment buildings that are comparable to those texts requesting donations from licensed NGOs at the of lower and even middle-class ethnic Greeks. Finally, time of initializing service. They also agreed to have some Roma families are fully integrated and live in broad, unidentifiable aggregate data disclosed, includ- predominantly Greek neighborhoods. We expect eth- ing their age, gender, and zip code. Unfortunately, this nic Greeks to express the strongest negative sentiments provides our analysis with few covariates. However, toward informal Roma settlements due to their visibly because zip codes in Greece are small, with only 7,100 dilapidated housing and the signals this sends about inhabitants on average, we can infer certain demo- social and cultural differences. graphic characteristics from zip code level data with One other major factor may influence out-group reasonable accuracy. Published online by Cambridge University Press generosity in highly segregated settings. Unlike in A total of 79,368 individuals spread across 1,051 moderately segregated settings, there may be very Greek zip codes were sent one of these treatments. limited meaningful social contact. It is possible that The average SMS recipient was 40 years old. The subject in-group members—both proximate and distant—rely pool skewed male (65% men; 35% women). A total of on the same national cultural narratives to shape their 42% of the study subjects reside in Attica, which encom- thinking about out-group deservingness. The influ- passes Athens and its vicinities, and in which almost half ence of a national narrative may bias our experiment of the Greek population lives; another 19% reside in against finding localized evidence of racial threat. We Central Macedonia, a region that contains Greece’s investigate these varied possibilities in the sections second largest city, Thessaloniki (Hellenic Statistical that follow. Authority 2014). The zip code level median individual income was 7,342 Euro, while the average child poverty rate was 29%. A total of 25% of persons sent messages live in a zip code with Roma communities totaling at A NATIONWIDE TEXT MESSAGE DONATION least 100 residents, and 18.6% live in zip codes that EXPERIMENT include informal Roma communities in particular.2 This experiment was carried out in coordination with a Greek NGO and a text messaging company that oper- 2 There is some measurement error in the zip code of SMS recipients ates with the three major mobile carriers in Greece. because some may have moved since purchasing their SIM cards. 19
Katerina Linos, Laura Jakli, and Melissa Carlson The SMS company implemented the randomization; Thrace—a poor region bordering Bulgaria and Tur- Appendix II, Tables II.1–II.4 illustrate that the ran- key where a Muslim minority resides—is not heavily domization was successful. Approximately 60% of represented among donors. messages—47,887—were reportedly received. The rest were sent to numbers that were no longer valid or were unable to receive messages at the time these were sent. Based on our consultations with the SMS company, OUT-GROUP BIAS AND PROXIMITY messages were likely not delivered because many num- DEPRESS DONATIONS TO THE ROMA bers were out of date. Residents of Greece change phone numbers frequently because new SIM cards Our experimental analysis provides an internally and often come with special offers; indicatively, Greece externally valid measure of the generosity gap between has 116 mobile phone subscriptions per 100 inhabitants the ethnic majority and the stigmatized Roma popula- (World Bank 2018). There is no reason to believe that tion. We also assess the extent to which this donation “dead” phone numbers are related to treatment assign- gap is driven by in-group preference, out-group bias, or ment, which would induce post-treatment bias both; whether universal rights appeals narrow this gap; (Coppock 2019). We therefore conduct an intent-to- and how geographic proximity influences donation treat analysis. patterns. In total, Prolepsis received 510 Euros in donation via We find that the in-group appeal was no more effect- SMS from 291 respondents. Respondents could reply to ive in generating donations than the control. When the the text message multiple times; each respondent appeal specified a Roma child as the aid recipient, donated between 1.5 and 15 Euros, averaging 1.75 donations were halved. A human rights appeal did Euros in donation per donor. Our 0.6% response rate3 not narrow this donation gap. Figure 2 presents these for a single received text message is in line with response results through a logistic regression model that predicts rates reported by other researchers making a one-time the probability of donation as a function of treatment unsolicited donation request (Damgaard and Gravert assignment. The results are presented as a simple 2017). These response rates are generally low, ranging intent-to-treat analysis. The full logit model can be from face-to-face canvassing with an 8% average found in Appendix II, Table II.5. Our findings do not response rate, to volunteer phone calls with a 3% depend on the inclusion or exclusion of controls or on average, to commercial phone calls with a 0.6% average, the functional form of our regression, as the robustness to direct mail campaigns with a 0.6% average (Dale and checks in Appendix II, Figure II.1 and Table II.5 show. Strauss 2009; Ha and Karlan 2009; Nickerson and List Our data indicate that, relative to the out-group 2007). The economic and migration crises in Greece appeal, the in-group appeal and control more than may have contributed to donor fatigue, depressing doubled the probability of donation from a 0.22% to a donations (Eckel, Grossman, and Milano 2007). 0.45% average donation rate. This finding is statis- An important caveat of our research design is that we tically significant and consistent with hypothesis 1A, lack data on ethnicity. However, the Greek context which predicts that text recipients will respond more allows us to maintain the assumption that respondents generously to an in-group appeal than to an out- are ethnic Greeks, because Greece has a single pre- group one. eminent ethnic majority, and the Roma constitutes a Without a control group, evidence of hypothesis 1A very small and impoverished minority. This makes it could be interpreted as in-group preference for ethnic unlikely that the Roma would be overrepresented Greeks. However, we find no support for hypothesis among persons receiving text messages or donating. 1B: no significant differences emerge when we refer- Subsequent analyses show that donations are below ence the control group “child” as opposed to the in-group “Greek child” in the text message. Contrary Published online by Cambridge University Press average near Roma communities, which Appendix III, Table III.1 confirms. Additional analyses in Appendix to large literatures, our experimental results indicate III, Table III.1 demonstrate that donors are more likely that naming the in-group does not trigger a sense of to be women, and live in wealthier communities, con- shared purpose or invoke a duty to contribute among sistent with the donation literature (Shier and Handy Greeks. One caveat in our research design is that some 2012; Winterich, Mittal, and Ross 2009). respondents may have assumed that the “child” As an additional check, Figure 1 maps where dona- invoked in the control condition was an ethnically tions originated. We see that donations are geograph- “Greek child.” However, even if some respondents ically dispersed across regions with various economic consider their in-group the baseline category, the lit- levels. As expected, many donors reside in major erature’s emphasis on in-group ties leads us to expect metropolitan areas such as Athens and Thessaloniki, that an explicit in-group reference would generate at which are the most densely populated areas of Greece least some additional giving. The context of our study and have above-average income levels (Hellenic Stat- supports the same expectation; we fielded the text istical Authority 2014). The map also shows that experiment at the height of the refugee crisis in March 2016, when Greek ethnicity was particularly salient (Carlson, Jakli, and Linos 2017; 2018). 3 Note that the 0.6% response rate is calculated using the 47,887 Consistent with hypothesis 1C, Greeks responded less SMSs received as the denominator; it falls below 0.4% if we include generously to an out-group appeal than to an appeal that all messages sent (received and not received). does not invoke ethnicity. Donations were more than 20
Fundraising for Stigmatized Groups: A Text Message Donation Experiment FIGURE 1. Map of Donations and Income Distribution across Greece Note: This figure employs median net individual income data at the zip code level from the Greek Economics Ministry (2013); donations are proportional to their amount. halved in the out-group appeal relative to the control. and validate a detailed dataset on the location of Roma This finding is statistically significant and consistent with communities in Greece. This data contains information our expectation that out-group bias and social stigma on two typical Roma configurations, namely settle- depress generosity toward the Roma in Greece. The ments and neighborhoods, population estimates for magnitude of this drop is robust to different model each, and important variables on the condition of the specifications (see Appendix II, Table II.5). housing structures and their locations relative to city Figure 2 also demonstrates that the rights appeal limits. Typically, Roma neighborhoods are comprised does not reduce the generosity gap, contrary to of formal housing structures (houses and apartments), Published online by Cambridge University Press hypothesis 2. Additional checks (in Appendix II, while informal communities (typically settlements) are Table II.5) demonstrate that the substantively small comprised of informal housing structures (huts or mov- differences between the Greek child/Greek rights, able construction). As Figure 3 illustrates, we aggre- child/child rights, and Roma child/Roma rights frames gated this information at the zip code level. Notably, are never statistically significant. This result is incon- some Roma families reside outside of these communi- sistent with numerous prior studies that advocate the ties in neighborhoods that are not primarily Roma. We use of human rights language to counter the effects of believe out-group biases and racial threat stem from out-group stigma. However, our null result is consist- exposure to more concentrated Roma communities, so ent with two recent experimental studies on rights our dataset offers an appropriate test of Roma proxim- language fielded in California and Norway ity for hypothesis 3. (Bloemraad, Silva, and Voss 2016; Ivarsflaten and Figure 4 demonstrates that text message recipients Sniderman 2017). It is possible that the unobtrusive were less likely to donate to all treatments when they nature of the SMS experiment removed demand lived in zip codes with informal Roma communities effects and other threats to validity that could inflate exceeding a total population of 100 residents.4 the efficacy of human rights appeals in prior work. Our third hypothesis concerns the effect of geo- graphic proximity to the Roma on donations. We 4 18.6% of SMS recipients are proximate to the out-group using this worked with Roma associations to obtain, geocode, indicator. 21
Katerina Linos, Laura Jakli, and Melissa Carlson FIGURE 2. Predicted Probability of Donation by Treatment Condition (with 95% CIs) In-Group (Greek Child) Control Group (Child) Out-Group (Roma Child) No Appeal Rights Appeal 0.0% 0.1% 0.2% 0.3% 0.4% 0.5% 0.6% 0.7% 0.8% Note: Logistic regression predicting donation based on treatment condition, presented in a simple intent-to-treat format without covariate adjustment. To see that these findings are robust to the addition of standard controls and to other model specifications, see Appendix II, Figure II.1 and Table II.5. However, the decline in donations to the Roma appeal communities—especially those living in visibly dilapi- is disproportionate. Far from Roma communities, dated housing—disproportionately decrease out- donations to the Roma are 50% lower than to the other group generosity. treatments. Meanwhile, this donation differential is Our study—like all studies—cannot fully control for 70% in zip codes with informal Roma communities of the non-random geographic assignment of minority 100 or more people. populations. Roma communities and other concen- To probe the robustness of this pattern, in Appendix trated minorities are situated in poorer-than-average II, Figure II.4, we calculate the contrasts of the pre- communities (a measure we and other scholars include dictive margins at nine population thresholds (50–250 in regressions) and also in communities with lower Roma population) and find that when 75 or more social capital (a measure that we and other scholars Roma reside in a zip code, there is a disproportionate do not observe). Even when we control for the most drop in donations to the Roma treatment (relative to plausible confounders, such as income, poverty rates, Published online by Cambridge University Press the in-group or the control). The presence of very city size, and regional variations, other unobserved small communities (below 75 Roma) does not trigger (and perhaps unobservable) differences may persist.5 racial threat. This pattern is consistently significant at Thus, there are many ways to interpret the across-the- the 90% level or above for all Roma communities, and board reduction in donations near Roma communi- is consistently significant at the 95% level when we ties. That said, these mechanisms suggest that NGOs subset to zip codes that include informal Roma com- should design fundraising campaigns that have munities, which are the most visible and isolated (see broader geographic scope and include more advan- Appendix II, Figure II.4). taged communities. Our experiment’s three-by-two factorial design However, given our experimental design, we are allows us to contribute to a large observational litera- confident that a significant portion of the decline in ture that observes declines in generosity to out- donations near Roma communities is due to hostility groups, but it also distinguishes between a general toward the Roma. We thus add an important experi- decline in donations to all groups (which we also mental test to a largely observational literature on the observed) and a greater, targeted decline that only occurs in the Roma treatment condition. Our experi- mental results are more consistent with hypothesis 3A 5 A particular concern is that text messages are less likely to be than 3B. Even in the absence of meaningful intergroup delivered in underprivileged communities if persons change SIM contact, we find evidence that proximity to Roma cards more frequently to benefit from promotions. 22
Fundraising for Stigmatized Groups: A Text Message Donation Experiment FIGURE 3. Map of Zip Code Level Roma Populations across Greece Note: This figure depicts Roma community populations aggregated to the zip code level. We can see that large Roma communities are more heavily concentrated in major urban areas. effects of geographic proximity. In addition, we show varied in terms of Roma integration and Roma that very small Roma communities do not seem to socioeconomic status, ranging from communities char- trigger racial threat, and can more tentatively suggest, acterized by extreme segregation and high levels of based on the strong effects we detect near informal Roma poverty to those known for successful integra- settlements, that racial threat is activated based on out- tion and relatively wealthy Roma communities (i.e., group visibility. However, since our quantitative data Agia Varvara). All selected schools had at least a few do not speak to the nature of intergroup contact, we Roma students, but both the interviewer and the school supplement our main analysis with semi-structured, principals had extensive experience with similar Published online by Cambridge University Press in-depth interviews. schools that had no Roma students, giving them a baseline understanding of these schools. Our interview evidence confirms significant isolation QUALITATIVE ASSESSMENT OF GREEK- and hostility toward the Roma across all communities. ROMA INTERGROUP CONTACT Even in the most integrated communities, positive interaction between ethnic Greeks and Roma were To better understand how intergroup contact in segre- intermittent; in general, intergroup contact was rare. gated settings influences donations to highly stigma- Despite widespread prejudice and limited contact, tized groups, we interviewed principals from 12 public principals still reported that ethnic Greeks donated elementary schools that benefit from the school lunch in-kind aid to segregated Roma schools due to per- program we fundraised for in this study. An experi- ceived need. That said, most support came from enced school coordinator conducted all the interviews; national and international organizations. for details see Appendix V. We expected to observe the Table 1 presents the 12 schools whose principals we most positive, structured, and extensive intergroup interviewed, categorized by whether the community is contact in the elementary school setting because Roma near Roma settlements, neighborhoods, or both. The school attendance drops significantly by middle school “Location” column indicates whether the community is in Greece and throughout Europe (European Union urban, on the periphery of an urban area, or rural. The Agency for Fundamental Rights 2014, 29–33). We adjacent column “Roma student SE” specifies whether selected schools from a wide range of communities that the majority of Roma students at the school have very 23
Katerina Linos, Laura Jakli, and Melissa Carlson FIGURE 4. Predicted Probability of Donation to Greek Child, Child, and Roma Child Based on Proximity to Informal Roma Communities (with 95% CIs) In-Group (Greek Child) Control Group (Child) Out-Group (Roma Child) Roma Community No Roma Community 0.0% 0.1% 0.2% 0.3% 0.4% 0.5% 0.6% 0.7% 0.8% Note: Logistic regression predicting donation based on the three pooled treatments: In-Group (Greek Child), Control Group (Child), Out- Group (Roma Child), and proximity to the Roma (and their interaction term), with controls for age, gender, Attica, Central Macedonia, median income, percentage of children in poverty, and city size. Roma proximity is a function of zip code level Roma presence exceeding a population of 100 residents, with informal housing structures present. To see that these findings are robust without covariate adjustment and to other model specifications, see Appendix II, Figure II.2 and Table II.6. For additional specifications and robustness checks, please see Appendix II, Figures II.3 and II.4. TABLE 1. Measures of Disadvantage and Levels of Segregation Interactions School name Region Location Roma student SE % Roma students outside school Settlements only School A Thiva Rural Middle 3% Very Low Published online by Cambridge University Press School B Thiva Rural Low 100% Very Low School A Chalandri Urban Very Low 5% Very Low School B Chalandri Urban Very Low 7% Very Low Settlements and neighborhoods School A Zefiri Urban Upper Middle 5% Very Low School B Zefiri Urban Middle 100% Very Low School A Megara Urban Middle 15% Very Low School B Megara Urban Low 38% Very Low School A Aspropirgos Urban Periphery Very Low 74% Very Low School B Aspropirgos Urban Periphery Very Low 95% Moderate Neighborhoods only School A Agia Varvara Urban Middle 35% Moderate School B Agia Varvara Urban Upper Middle 64% Moderate 24
Fundraising for Stigmatized Groups: A Text Message Donation Experiment TABLE 2. School Funding Sources Roma students Interactions School % Roma have very outside Greek name Region students low SE school EU Govt NGO Church Community School A Thiva 3% No Very Low Yes School A Chalandri 5% Yes Very Low Yes Yes Yes School A Zefiri 5% No Very Low Yes Yes School B Chalandri 7% Yes Very Low Yes Yes Yes School A Megara 15% No Very Low Yes Yes Yes School A Agia Varvara 35% No Moderate Yes Yes School B Megara 38% Yes Very Low Yes Yes Yes Yes School B Agia Varvara 64% No Moderate Yes Yes Yes School A Aspropirgos 74% Yes Very Low Yes Yes School B Aspropirgos 95% Yes Moderate Yes Yes Yes Yes School B Thiva 100% Yes Very Low Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes School B Zefiri 100% No Very Low Yes Yes Yes Yes low, low, middle, or upper-middle socioeconomic class at school.” Appendix V, Table V.2 contains additional status. The column “% Roma students” illustrates the information indicating that across these communities, percentage of each school’s student body that is Roma, Roma-Greek contact is limited. Moreover, interview and the final column estimates the extent of intergroup evidence in Appendix V indicates that Greek and interactions outside of school. These last columns Roma parents actively discourage their children from reflect the school principals’ estimates. Appendix V interacting. contains detailed data underpinning these estimates. We asked principals about additional support for We observe the most extreme segregation in Zefiri school programming outside of the government funds and Thiva, two communities where one school’s stu- provided to all public schools and listed these sources in dent body is 100% Roma, while the neighboring school Table 2. Almost all schools in the sample received is only 3–5% Roma. Roma students’ socioeconomic financial support from the EU and the Greek govern- status and living conditions correlate with levels of ment to provide extra classes aimed at helping strug- integration. The handful of Roma students attending gling students, including English language instruction, integrated schools are socioeconomically advantaged hygiene and nutrition classes, and a variety of extra- compared to their segregated school counterparts. For curricular activities like sports. The majority of schools example, as Table V.1 in Appendix V shows, in Thiva’s received significant financial and programmatic sup- school B (100% Roma student body), the majority of port from international and national NGOs like the Roma live in the nearby informal settlement in make- British Council, the International Red Cross, Solidarity shift housing that lacks running water and electricity. Now, and Prolepsis. Conversely, the few Roma students that attend Thiva’s Despite low levels of intergroup contact, principals school A are largely middle class and live in houses in schools located next to informal Roma settlements equipped with basic amenities. reported that several ethnic Greeks in the local Table 1 illustrates that ethnic Greek-Roma contact community donated in-kind goods such as clothing, outside of school is very low across the board. Even in shoes, food, pencils, and other school supplies (Zefiri Published online by Cambridge University Press the most integrated communities where the majority school B; Thiva school B; and Aspropirgos school B). of Roma live in neighborhoods alongside ethnic Ethnic Greeks were motivated to donate due to Greeks, principals reported only moderate levels of perceptions of need in impoverished local Roma contact. For example, Agia Varvara is known as the communities. best example of Roma integration. The majority of In short, our interview evidence illustrates that Roma students in both schools come from middle to Greek-Roma contact is very limited and often discour- upper-middle socioeconomic class backgrounds and aged by both Greek and Roma communities. In add- live in houses or modern apartments in neighbor- ition, interviews in Appendix V demonstrate that hoods. While elementary school children invite the ethnic Greeks stereotype the Roma as having low whole class to birthday parties and Greek and Roma educational and labor force attainment. This suggests boys play soccer together after school, Roma and that the racial threat response we observe in our Greek parents interact infrequently. Meanwhile, in experiment is not explained by intergroup competition highly segregated communities like Chalandri and for economic or social status. Financial support for Zefiri, social contact is even rarer. In Zefiri’s school schools with many impoverished Roma students comes A (whose Roma students make up only 5% of the in part from local fundraising, but more commonly student body and are largely from middle-class back- from national and European governmental and non- grounds), the principal emphasized that Roma and governmental sources that draw on broader tax and Greek parents are “not hostile and say good morning donor bases. 25
Katerina Linos, Laura Jakli, and Melissa Carlson CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS Our findings also shed light on contexts of extreme prejudice and segregation. In such settings, NGOs We are the first to examine in-group preference and often exclude highly stigmatized groups from their out-group bias in charitable giving in an increasingly programming, expecting fundraising to be impossible. common fundraising setting—the text-to-give cam- For instance, flood operations in Malaysia have paign. Through an experiment embedded in a nation- excluded the Rohingya minority (Desportes 2019), wide fundraising campaign, we find that an in-group relief operations in Yemen have excluded the appeal did not increase donations relative to our base- Al-Akhdam people of African descent (Housing and line, while an out-group appeal decreased donations by Land Rights Network 2006), and NGOs in Pakistan 50%. We also find that an appeal to universal human have excluded transgender individuals from their aid rights—a common advocacy frame—did not reduce the programs (Rumbach and Knight 2014). We found that generosity gap. Finally, we find that donations to all even when appeals emphasized the Roma ethnicity of groups declined near Roma communities and declined beneficiaries, some donations were still made both in disproportionately for the Roma appeal. Our qualita- the experiment and in our qualitative data. This tive research showed that Greek-Roma contact was suggests that fully excluding stigmatized out-groups is limited, even in the most integrated communities. Most unnecessary. Moreover, since we found that an appeal support for schools with Roma students came from for a child in need was as effective as an appeal for a outside the local community, although a few principals Greek child in need, NGOs should consider broad- also obtained in-kind support locally by making need- based fundraising appeals that allow for inclusive based appeals. programming. Our findings have direct implications for NGOs as Relatedly, there is a widespread assumption in the they identify ways to solicit support for stigmatized political behavior literature that behavioral measures groups. Many NGOs emphasize in-group ties for of out-group bias reveal more severe prejudice toward fundraising (Koch et al. 2009), including shared reli- minority groups than attitudinal measures because gion or nationality (Kessler and Mummendey 2001; people tend to conceal their prejudices in surveys Lazarev and Sharma 2017), or seek to broaden the (Crosby, Bromley, and Saxe 1980). However, EU sur- in-group to include all of humanity (Scroggins et al. veys report similar rates of prejudice toward the Roma 2016). Our empirical test of these strategies suggests as does our behavioral donation measure—approxi- that they may not work as expected. Future research mately 50% (European Commission 2015). This sug- should examine how context influences the efficacy of gests that the social desirability mechanisms that limit in-group and human rights appeals. Our key takeaway explicit discrimination toward some minorities may not for NGOs is that a simple fundraising appeal empha- operate for highly stigmatized groups. Given wide- sizing recipient needs without identifying the recipi- spread prejudice, members of the ethnic majority may ent’s group membership facilitates fundraising for not gain social status by concealing negative views, diverse beneficiaries. leading explicit and implicit measures to converge on By making appeals for three groups—the in-group, a a similar estimate of bias. Future research could inves- control group, and the out-group—we are able to tigate whether a U-shaped relationship exists, in which identify that out-group bias drives the in-group/out- implicit and explicit discrimination measures coincide group donation differential in our study. Although when explicit prejudice is both very high and very low the donations literature suggests that an in-group ref- —but not moderate—in magnitude. erence can foreground a responsibility to contribute Consistent with racial threat theories, we find that (Bohm, Rusch, and Gurek 2016; Corr et al. 2015), we donations decline in proximity to informal Roma settle- found no evidence of this in our experiment. It is ments. Our experimental design allows us to add to a possible that strong in-group bias—which lab and lab- Published online by Cambridge University Press large observational literature that observes similar in-the-field experiments tend to find—may be driven declines and to distinguish between a general decline just as much by social desirability bias as is generosity in donations to all groups (which we also observed) and toward out-groups in those same settings. Our finding a greater, targeted decline that only occurs in the Roma suggests that theories of discrimination based entirely appeal condition. on rational in-group preference, which emphasize At the same time, our study also invites further greater reciprocity (Habyarimana et al. 2007), greater research on the scope conditions and mechanisms trust (Alesina and La Ferrara 2002), and greater ability underlying racial threat theory. The out-group we study to control aid recipients within ethnic communities is not in direct competition with the dominant group (Bowles and Gintis 2004; Miguel and Gugerty 2005), over social and economic status and resources, and so cannot fully account for gaps in public goods provision this mechanism cannot explain why we find evidence of commonly observed in heterogeneous communities. racial threat in our donation experiment (Jackson 1986; We also find that an appeal to universal human rights Wetts and Willer 2018). Our qualitative evidence also does not persuade Greeks to donate more to the Roma. indicates that while ethnic Greeks express a wide var- While human rights appeals may allow NGOs to raise iety of concerns about the Roma, competition for awareness or shift public opinion for policy change, as resources does not figure prominently in these narra- prior research suggests (Chilton and Versteeg 2015; tives. In addition, ethnic Greeks rarely engage in mean- Gaertner and Dovidio 2014; Linos 2013), these appeals ingful social contact with the Roma. In societies in may be less useful as fundraising tools. which ethnic minorities are physically segregated from 26
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