Development around stations - Exploring international experience and lessons for the UK - Campaign For Better Transport

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Development around stations - Exploring international experience and lessons for the UK - Campaign For Better Transport
Development around stations
      Exploring international experience
      and lessons for the UK
Development around stations - Exploring international experience and lessons for the UK - Campaign For Better Transport
    Introduction                                                     3
    Benefits development around stations can bring                   4
      Raise money for Network Rail                                   5
      Meet housing goals                                             6
      Case study: Switzerland and Geneva                             7
      New and reopened stations and lines as catalysts for growth    8
      Regenerate communities through improving gateways              8
      Case study: Fixing the Link                                    9
      Case study: cycling to stations in the Netherlands            10
      Improve liveability                                            11
      Improving and investing in stations                           12
      Case study: Inverness and Aberdeen                            14
      Case study: Dundee                                            16
      Case study: Dudley Port                                       16
      Case study: Switzerland                                       16
    Options for institutional structures                            17
      In house/public sector                                         17
      Case study: Sweden, Jernhusen AB                              18
      Case study: the Netherlands                                   20
      Private sector                                                21
      Case study: East Japan Railway                                22
      Mixture of the two                                            23
      Case study: Stockholm                                         24
    How to judge success                                            25
    Policy recommendations                                          26
    References                                                      28
    Acknowledgements                                                29
    Tracks                                                          31

Development around stations - Exploring international experience and lessons for the UK - Campaign For Better Transport
Several separate but related          This report suggests that the
themes have prompted this             experience of railway administrations
report: the need for more houses;     in other countries shows that a
a requirement for Network Rail        longer-term approach has succeeded
(NR) to reduce its debt; and the      in addressing a variety of societal
ever more urgent requirement          problems as well as providing greater
for developments to be genuinely      revenues for the railway.
                                      This report therefore looks at
Sir Peter Hendy, NR’s chairman,       ways of maximising the economic,
responded to the Treasury’s           social and environmental benefits
pressure to reduce its debt by        to be gained from treating railway
planning to sell £1.8 billion worth   stations as primary development
of assets. Choosing this short-term   hubs. It then offers a number of
approach opens up a number of         options for realising those benefits,
questions. It can be argued that a    and suggests ways in which their
more considered approach could        success can be measured. It
lead to a higher return for NR and    describes how other countries
wider benefits for the railway and    have addressed this and makes
society at large.                     recommendations on ways forward.

Development around stations - Exploring international experience and lessons for the UK - Campaign For Better Transport
Benefits development
    around stations can bring
    Rising populations, seemingly          future, uplifting architecture and
    inexorable urbanisation and a health   the engagement of a variety of
    crisis caused by vehicle pollution     stakeholders. Benign modes of
    and obesity make railway stations      transport are at the heart of the
    one of the most critical pieces of     process, and many countries and
    infrastructure for the functioning     conurbations realise that the
    of cities. They therefore have huge    future lies in creating attractive,
    value. This is widely recognised,      multi-purpose and largely car-free
    but there is huge disparity between    spaces around transport hubs. By
    countries in the degree to which the   capturing the rising property values
    opportunities have been embedded in    from the synergies of good place-
    national or local policy.              making, public investment can be
                                           funded by commercial gain through
    Successful long-term developments      such mechanisms as business
    need ‘place-making’ based on           rate supplements and developer
    thorough research, imaginative         contributions.1
    thinking about the needs of the

Development around stations - Exploring international experience and lessons for the UK - Campaign For Better Transport
Raise money for                          have been carried out for decades,      better to plan a bespoke depot on
                                         usually at the insistence of the        cheaper land and realise the value
Network Rail                             Treasury. Little or no thought          of the urban site.
                                         was given to future needs or the
Commercial developments at
                                         possibility of the revival of rail      East Japan Railway has also
stations and on railway land are as
                                         transport. Much of the low-hanging      adopted this approach of relocating
old as railways, but in Britain there
                                         fruit has gone, so more creative        lower-value activities. For instance,
was a presumption against railways
                                         ways have to be found to develop        a shopping centre was built at
becoming property developers;
                                         what remains.                           Hiratsuka station on land previously
London’s Metropolitan Railway had
                                                                                 occupied by a warehouse, while the
to develop 3,000 acres along its line
                                         One of the three areas that NR          mall at Kawagoe was built on land
at arm’s length, but such restraints
                                         is focusing on in its attempt to        freed up by building an elevated
have disappeared in the quest for
                                         raise £1.8 billion is understood to     station. At Shinagawa a train depot
cash. Despite decades of sales by
                                         be passenger train maintenance          was moved further out of the city
British Rail Property Board, there
                                         depots. There is little justification   and running lines realigned to
are still substantial amounts of
                                         for having such depots on urban         release land for development.2
railway-owned land, and identifying
suitable sites for development           land that could be redeveloped,
                                         apart from proximity to a workforce.    The benefits of developing
has become a priority for NR and
                                         Providing there are suitably located    brownfield sites rather than
Transport for London (TfL).
                                         booking-on points and sufficient        consuming more countryside
                                         overnight stabling and cleaning         has been emphasised by Swiss
The historic land-hungry nature of
                                         facilities near stations where trains   studies. As Jacques Herzog of
railways in urban areas provides the
                                         start their journey, the maintenance    Swiss architects Herzog and de
industry with a legacy that can be
                                         can be done on low-value land.          Meuron said: ‘in our urban planning
turned to great advantage. Changed
                                         Bombardier chose rural Barton-          research for Switzerland, which we
logistics, coupled with the decline
of traditional rail freight, has freed   under-Needwood for its Central          conduct at the Federal Institute
up land. This has most commonly          Rivers TMD to maintain Voyagers         of Technology in Basel, we put a
been converted to station car-parks,     rather than an urban site.              strong focus on already developed
but there are other activities that                                              but now neglected sites: abandoned
do not require a high land-value         Moreover, as many trains are            rail yards…rail and tram depots
location, such as train maintenance.     lengthened to address rising            and the like. On these sites we can
Equally, rising land and rental          demand, or new fleets introduced,       condense the construction to create
values make raft developments over       the current facilities are often        new urban places and provide more
stations increasingly feasible.          inadequate and would require            residential and office space without
                                         significant investment to allow         consuming any more land.’
Sales of what was thought to be          a whole train to be lifted, for
redundant railway land in Britain        example. It might therefore be

Meet housing goals                      car-parks and many other surplus
                                            or underused sites. Rather than
                                                                                       above and around Nine Elms station
                                                                                       on the Northern line extension.
                                            selling land, TfL has chosen 13            The development will see the
    The urgent need for housing has
                                            partners, including house builders         delivery of 332 new homes, 84 of
    led to an agreement between NR
                                            Barratt, Berkeley, Taylor Wimpey           them affordable. It will also provide
    and the Homes and Communities
                                            and Redrow, with which to develop          5,332m2 of new office space, 902m2
    Agency (HCA) to find potential sites,
                                            sites in joint ventures. Initially 75      of retail and leisure space as well
    reflecting the government’s wish
    ‘to ensure further opportunities are    sites covering 300 acres are being         as a new public square, pedestrian
    grasped to put stations at the heart    worked on, of which two-thirds are         and cycle connections, cycle parking
    of wider community regeneration’,       in Zones 1 and 2. TfL’s wider plan is      and disabled car-parking spaces.
    as former Secretary of State for        to generate £3.4 billion in non-fare       The development will improve local
    Transport Patrick McLoughlin            revenue by 2023 to reinvest in             facilities and provide new revenue
    expressed it. The National Planning     the transport network through its          for TfL to reinvest.
    Policy Framework3 looks to reduce       property development framework.
    the need for travel and to develop                                                 TfL is fortunate to still have sites
    land around transport hubs, so          The first sites include a long-derelict    on this scale to redevelop, but the
    housing around stations meets such      depot site at Parsons Green, plans         ability to take a longer-term view
    policy criteria as using brownfield     for 20 town houses on a strip of land      is thanks to freehold ownership.
    land and sustainable development.       close to fashionable Thurloe Square        No train operating company (TOC)
                                            in South Kensington, land around           has that benefit, and the principal
    The first fruits of the NR/HCA          Southwark and Bermondsey stations          attempt to overcome that handicap
    collaborations were announced in        is earmarked for about 300 homes           in Abellio’s Greater Anglia franchise
    April, for three sites: 2,500 homes     apiece and other locations under           has not been replicated in more
    and 100,000m2 of office space           consideration are Harrow-on-the-Hill,      recent franchises (it did form part
    are earmarked for a ‘sustainable        Northwood and Kidbrooke. At Bond           of the West Coast franchise until
    new community’ at York; a mix of        Street flats are being built above         that collapsed following Virgin’s
    offices, shops, restaurants, cinema,    the new Crossrail station. Even TfL’s      successful challenge). Taking over
    hotel and 49 homes at Taunton;          Grade I listed headquarters building       in February 2012, Abellio Greater
    and land around Swindon station         at St James’s Park, designed by            Anglia has stations on a 99-year
    has been identified for housing and     Charles Holden, is being converted         full repairing and insuring lease
    commercial development.4                into 89 apartments. But by far             (FRI), designed to facilitate longer-
                                            the largest current development            term and larger investments which
    The recent £44 million                  is Earl’s Court where TfL owns the         would be passed on to successive
    modernisation of Manchester             land around the exhibition centre.         operators at the termination of the
    Victoria station, voted in 2009         A partnership with Capco will see          franchise period.6
    ‘the worst station in the country’,     7,500 homes built on 77 acres.
    is the catalyst for a £185 million                                                 This laudable idea is still
    mixed-use development proposal          The partnership approach has               handicapped by unresolved issues
    by NR and Muse Developments             been welcomed by others. Peter             over the degree of control and
    for an adjacent 2.5 acre site on        Murray, chairman of New London             rights retained by NR and by the
    railway land currently used as a        Architecture, believes that ‘if TfL        mechanism to assess the residual
    car-park. The development will          adopts a long-term view and does           value of investments made. The
    include 150,000 square feet of floor    not sell off the family silver, it could   latter is naturally complicated by
    space in an eight-storey office block   be a boon for the whole of London,         the number of stakeholders likely to
    and 520 new apartments in two           not just for transport.’                   make a financial contribution to a
    buildings of 20 and 25 storeys.5                                                   station development. In theory, NR’s
                                            New sites are also being developed.        interest is supposed to be passive,
    TfL owns 5,700 acres of land,           In May TfL was given planning              limited to ensuring a safe interface
    owns or manages 400 stations, 61        permission for a new development           with railway operations. Greater

Case study:
                                        Switzerland and Geneva
control over stations is one of the     SBB Real Estate is one of                the progress of CEVA and be a mix
main drivers behind regional calls      Switzerland’s foremost property          of social housing, council flats and
for devolved powers.                    companies with 864 employees             condominiums.
                                        looking after 3,500 buildings
Proposals for housing or                and 3,800 railway sites across           Scheduled to open in 2018, the
commercial developments at              the country. Part of its role is         CEVA rail link is expected to carry
stations should chime with the          sustainable development of sites         over 240,000 passengers a day
Development Plans of towns and          around its stations to generate          living or working within 500 metres
cities if they are in accord with the   income for reinvestment. It is           of a station. The project is expected
National Planning Policy Framework      currently working on about 100           to stimulate the redevelopment
prescription for densification around   sites, of which by far the largest       of some living areas by providing
transit-oriented developments. In       in scale is the reconfiguring of the     them with new dynamism as
some cases, opening a new access        railway network in Geneva by a new       well as housing and commercial
point to a large station, or using a    link between SBB and SNCF lines.         development projects around the
reconstruction as an opportunity                                                 other station hubs.
to improve pedestrian links, as at      Designed to cope with a huge
Aberdeen (see Case study), can          increase in cross-border                 The huge scale of work in Geneva
transform the prospects of a whole      commuting, this project known            illustrates the potential value
urban area. The new pedestrian          as CEVA (Cornavin-Eaux-Vives-            of developments that can be
southern entrance to Leeds station,     Annemasse)8 will link the main           unlocked by such an infrastructure
opened in January 2016, was             Cornavin SBB station with the            improvement. There is hardly
built to serve new office and hotel     former French terminus of Eaux-          a city or large town in Britain
developments around Bridgewater         Vives and Annemasse. Much of the         without a closed or underused
Place. The strikingly designed          16km line will be in cut-and-cover       line that could be a candidate
entrance to the £20 million scheme      tunnel and five new stations will        for revival for heavy rail or tram/
is attractively sited overlooking       be built between Cornavin and            trains, with new stations as hubs.
a canal and is expected to relieve      Annemasse, creating new hubs             The kind of cross-city services
pedestrian congestion at the main       with great development potential.        made possible by CEVA relieves
entrance by giving an alternative       Already the site around Lancy-           pressure on main stations
access point to 20 per cent of                                                   because it reduces the number
                                        Pont-Rouge station is ranked
station users.7                         as one of the Geneva region’s            of terminating trains and reduces
                                        biggest real estate projects. The        dwell time.
                                        heart of this project focuses both
                                        on housing and five buildings
                                        for different activities. The             RECOMMENDATION: Local,
                                        120,000m2 will include office space,      regional and national
                                        as well as complementary activities       Government bodies should
                                        such as restaurants, cafés, small         identify sites for housing along
                                        businesses, leisure activities, public    existing lines, and along closed
                                        facilities and a hotel complex. The       lines capable of reopening.
                                        adjoining public areas are reserved
                                        for pedestrian and bicycle traffic.

                                        Located along the hillside
                                        of Lancy, a housing area will
                                        gradually complete the commercial
                                        development with the construction
                                        of 600 new homes, which will be
                                        completed gradually according to

New and reopened                         City Council, Northern, NR and
                                             developer CEG which is building
                                                                                      routes are also being recognised for
                                                                                      their contribution and targeted for
    stations and lines as                    1,000 new homes, 300,000 square          improvements.9
    catalysts for growth                     feet of new offices and 100,000
                                             square feet of retail, leisure and       An ancillary benefit of densification
    Though most of the focus has been        community space.                         of residential accommodation and
    on the regeneration of existing                                                   commercial activity around stations
    communities by enhanced gateways,        Cambridge’s meteoric growth              is the greater demand for bus and
    it is equally important that no new      has engendered a new station at          tram routes and better bike paths to
    communities are created without          Cambridge North which is expected        serve them. Higher footfall around
    a station and a good train service.      to attract new businesses to locate      stations and along pedestrian
    To build housing developments            to the Science Park and St John’s        routes enhances the sense of safety,
    that rely on road links negates any      Innovation Centre.                       encouraging the use of train travel
    rational transport policy.                                                        in off-peak hours – it is all too

    Railway reopenings are
                                             Regenerate                               common to hear women say they
                                                                                      are reluctant to use public transport
    often predicated on housing              communities through                      after a certain time.
    developments. The business case          improving gateways
    for rebuilding the East West Rail                                                 An advantage of both bike and
    between Oxford and Cambridge is          The vital importance of stations         pedestrian access is flexibility. This
    being calculated around the scope        as welcoming gateways to a place         is reflected in the fact that about
    for housing developments adjacent        is now well recognised – compare         50 per cent of Dutch rail passengers
    to the railway. Because the trackbed     the impression gained by arriving        do not travel via their nearest
    has been built on at the eastern         at King’s Cross in 1980 and 2016.        station. What influences that
    end of the Oxford–Cambridge line,        Consequently more attention is           choice? It may be that they chose
    the optimum route east of Milton         being paid to the experience of          the shortest route to the nearest
    Keynes is being identified by            those arriving by train. What is their   station when the weather was poor,
    assessing the availability of land for   first impression as they leave the       but preferred a longer route through
    housing.                                 station? Are they confronted by          a more pleasant environment on
                                             an obstacle course of car-parking,       clement days. Or they may choose
    Another possible reopening, as a         busy roads and uninviting, even          a different route to shop or access
    result of developer contributions,       intimidating, subways? There             another service. Dutch research has
    is the Stratford-upon-Avon–              are many ways to address such            shown that distance and destination
    Honeybourne line: one of the             shortcomings (see Case study),           accessibility are the dominant
    developers behind the planned            though the most thorough ones can        influences on the choice of station,
    construction of 5,900 new homes          seldom be quick wins.                    followed by bike-/pedestrian-
    on two ex-military brownfield sites                                               friendly design, bike shelters and
    near Long Marston has offered            To address these issues, the Station     public transport connectivity.
    £17 million towards the railway’s        Travel Plan concept was developed
    reopening. As a rule of thumb,           by ATOC, Campaign for Better             As land values and passenger
    3–4,000 houses are required              Transport and Abellio and now            numbers rise, the physical and
    to justify a new station without         forms part of British rail franchise     economic case for station car-
    revenue subsidy.                         commitments. Train operating             parking diminishes. The space under
                                             companies are aware of the               the new monumental staircase
    New stations on existing lines can       importance of promoting and easing       and escalators at Holland’s busiest
    be used as catalysts for housing and     door-to-door journeys to encourage       station, Utrecht Central, has been
    commercial developments. Partners        greater use of their services. These     used for a three-level bike park
    behind the new station opened at         Plans have focused mainly on             holding 4,200 bicycles. Using city-
    Kirkstall Forge in June were Leeds       cycle and bus access, but walking        centre land for 4,200 cars is simply

Case study:
                                          Fixing the Link
unthinkable. Even this bike park will     Research by Abellio in the              Improvement Programme, cycle link
be overtaken in 2016 by the world’s       Netherlands showed that people          funding and the Local Sustainable
largest bike facility, on the east side   arriving in a shopping area stayed      Transport Fund.
of Utrecht station, for 12,500 bikes.     longer and spent more if they had       Since publication of ‘Fixing the
                                          had a pleasant experience getting       Link’ in 2013, many of the report’s
That rise in land values has also         there. By the same token, almost        criticisms in Colchester have been
encouraged satellite developments         every pedestrianisation scheme          addressed. Colchester Borough
which help to reduce the numbers          on shopping streets in Britain          Council responded to the challenge
using main stations. The largest          has increased retail turnover;          and worked in partnership with
urban regeneration project, at            conversely surveys of Leicester in      Abellio, Essex County Council and
Salford Quays on the site of the          the early 1990s found that there        Colchester in Bloom to develop a
docks, relies heavily on Manchester       was a statistically significant         wayfinding scheme. Silhouettes of
Metrolink and the bus link with           correlation between streets with        an elephant, echoing the town’s
Salford Crescent station. Cross-          high motorised traffic and high         Roman past, have been used in
city services, most notably those         numbers of vacant shops. The Dutch      conjunction with bright yellow
through Birmingham, provide an            evidence encouraged Nederlandse         signs to waymark the route into the
opportunity for a proportion of           Spoorwegen (Dutch Railways) and         centre. Attractive planting softens
passengers to reach out-of-centre         local authorities to work together      the setting beside the ring road, and
work-places without the need              to improve walking routes between       the elephant reappears at various
to change. When many central              stations and local high streets,        points on the pavement, sometimes
stations are at or near capacity,         using a methodology to measure          highlighting local history.
developments around outer stations        and assess their quality.
that help to spread the traffic are                                               The report has also been a catalyst
especially valuable.                      In ‘Fixing the Link’, Abellio and
                                                            10                    for improvements elsewhere. At
                                          Campaign for Better Transport           Bletchley, the growing prospect
                                          have examined ways to apply this        of East West Rail has focused
                                          in a UK context with case studies       attention on the station’s poor
                                          in Ipswich, Colchester and Ely.         links with the town centre. Plans
                                          The four criteria evaluated using       to improve them and the bus/rail
                                          the Abellio methodology are             interchange were costed at £3.5
                                          liveliness, human scale, legibility     million and were implemented in
                                          and safety and comfort, within          the first half of 2016.
                                          which 12 characteristics are
                                          assessed. Some improvements
                                          are simple and inexpensive such          RECOMMENDATION: Encourage
                                          as signage, benches and planters;        the roll-out of Station Travel
                                          others require a longer-terms            Plans as part of a strategy to
                                          strategy – moving station car-parks,     provide traffic-free or quiet
                                          improving crossings of busy roads,       routes between all schools,
                                          encouraging more economic activity       hospitals, civic buildings and
                                          along the route, and reversing the       major employers, as well as
                                          planning priority given to cars.         leisure routes into surrounding
                                                                                   country, and promote ‘fixing the
                                                                                   link’ projects at stations that act
                                          Funding for these improvements has
                                                                                   as gateways to the communities
                                          come from local authorities and Local
                                                                                   they serve
                                          Enterprise Partnerships, business
                                          rates, developer contributions such
                                          as Section 106, central government
                                          City Deals, the National Stations

Case study: cycling to
     stations in the Netherlands
     The country is famous for having          Cycling is also ideal for planning
     the world’s highest modal share           mobility over a mesh size of 3–5          RECOMMENDATION: Increase
     for cycling, at 27 per cent of all        square kilometres; only in cities         awareness and visibility of
     trips, and 31.2 per cent of people        with the density of London can one        Bike & Go, nextbike and other
                                                                                         schemes, through National
     seeing the bike as their main mode        work to a mesh as small as 1km2.
                                                                                         Rail and other websites. Fund a
     of transport for daily activities.        The average journey distance by
                                                                                         national app for bike hire. Use
     In cities, it is even higher: 38 per      bike in the Netherlands is 3km,
                                                                                         franchise Invitations to Tender
     cent of trips in Amsterdam, 46 per        and reflects the distance between
                                                                                         to increase resources and
     cent in Zwolle. Bike facilities are       urban stations.                           incentives for self-service bike
     impressive: 35,000km of bike paths                                                  hire schemes.
     and some of the world’s largest           Though folding bikes have only 1 per
     bike parks.                               cent of the market and are rarely
                                               seen on trains, it is a different story
     But there are some surprises about        with bike hire for regular users. The
     this success. First it has been           OV-bicycle scheme was taken over
     demand- rather than supply-driven.        by NS seven years ago and has
     The explosion of cycling over recent      10,000 bikes for rent. Most railway
     decades has created the high-class        stations offer a hire facility, those
     problem of how best to provide            at smaller train stations have a self-
     parking for thousands of bikes. Bikes     service system, whereby you use a
     deliver about half of rail passengers     special pass to take the OV-bicycle
     to the station of origin and 12 per       out of a storage place or locker.
     cent of them have bikes at their          There is a €10 annual subscription
     destination station. These volumes        and the daily hire fee is €3. A major
     stretch the capacity of facilities and    factor in the scheme’s success – it
     the costs of addressing them have         is growing at 15 per cent per month
     become something of a hot potato.         and doubling every year – is that it
                                               takes ten seconds to get or return a
     Transport analysts point to the           bike by scanning a pass, and users
     growth projections for the next few       receive an account every month.
     decades and argue that cycling is
     the only transport mode capable of        This synergy between bike and train
     rapid scaling up at reasonable cost       in the Netherlands is so strong,
     compared with the alternatives of         partly due to being consumer-
     metro, light rail and bus. Moreover       driven, that it has been argued
     a recognised benefit of bike access       that the country wouldn’t have
     is its superior flexibility over car or   the transit system it has without
     public transport: it offers control       a bike culture and conversely it
     over the choice of station and            wouldn’t have a cycling culture
     routes when wanting to combine a          without the transit system.
     journey between station and home          Nor would the country have an
     with errands, as compared with            increasingly urban culture either.
     fixed public transport routes. Bike       With the certainty that the 21st
     journeys are usually door-to-door         century will be characterised by
     (rather than car-park which may be        the continued growth of cities and
     some way from a destination) and          greater densification, the lessons
     allow easy diversions or overtaking       of the Netherlands can be seen as
     when traffic is held up.                  especially prescient.

Improve liveability                       bike lanes, subsidise the purchase
                                          of electric bikes and reduce
                                                                                  pleasure to use date almost from
                                                                                  the beginning of railways, but a
                                          automobile traffic by 20 per cent by    nadir was reached in the 1960s
Cities the world over are competing
                                          2019, 30 per cent by 2030. A core       and ’70s when there was an
for investment and high scores in
                                          part of the strategy is ‘concentrated   incomprehensible disregard for
the attributes that inform the annual
                                          development of businesses,              the heritage value of the railways’
Mercer Quality of Living rankings,11
                                          dwellings and public services at the    inheritance. Consequently many
and similar guides to liveability.
                                          junctions of the public transport       good buildings were destroyed
There is no doubt that time will
have to be called on the place of the     network’.                               that could, with imagination and
motor car in cities and many towns.                                               vision, have been adapted to
Population pressure and soaring           It is the ability of transport hubs     modern needs. The legacy of that
land values are likely to combine to      to address a range of problems          dismal period is still visible at many
make the use of urban space for the       that has encouraged many city           stations and a major reason why
parking of cars, as well as multi-lane    administrations to embrace              many regions want to gain control
roads, look untenable. London’s           their potential. Businesses are         over station development.
population is expected to reach 10        recognising that traffic and
million before 2030, and if only 1 in 5   pollution damage their bottom line:     Recognition of the importance of
people owned a car, it would require      retailers in London’s West End have     good design has been encouraged
an area ten times the size of the         demanded that traffic be halved         by passengers’ response when
City of London just to park them.         by 2020, though the fact that           they encounter it and rewarded
The futility of attempts at car-based     pedestrianisation almost invariably     by such schemes as the Brunel
mobility in megacities is writ large      increases retail turnover has still     Awards, the triennial competition for
in the smog over Beijing, unfinished      to be absorbed by some retailers        international railway architecture
flyovers in Los Angeles and traffic       and authorities. The indirect costs     and design. As the foreword to the
speeds slower than a dawdling             of traffic pollution are now well       last competition said: ‘a sense of
bicycle in almost every city.             understood. A February 2016             quality is shared more and more
                                          Royal College of Physicians report      throughout the world by all those
This almost inevitable conclusion         calculated that the cost of polluted    involved in infrastructure design. The
comes from analysing possible             air on the NHS, business and other      basic needs of individuals regarding
solutions to the combination of           costs in the UK came to more than       their travel experience don’t differ so
problems and opportunities facing         £20 billion a year.12                   much worldwide. Everybody wants
cities throughout the world: funding                                              to feel safe and comfortable during
pressures, rapidly increasing             The Foresight ‘Future of Cities’        their journey. It has been proven and
urban populations and housing             report by the UK Government’s           widely accepted that an environment
shortages, rising awareness of the        Office for Science stressed that ‘the   of good spatial quality shortens and
costs and consequences of traffic         quality of the physical environment     improves the perception of waiting
pollution, the time bomb of obesity,      plays an important role in mental       times; that a clear station layout
and demands for a more pleasant           well-being; among the significant       guides the traveller to his destination
environment. In the UK, a 57 per          factors are noise and light levels,     naturally; and that the station area’s
cent growth in train passengers in        building layouts and way finding,       ambiance adds to the city’s quality
ten years and a declining interest in     and access to nature. The design        as well as to the station’s urban
car ownership among the young can         of everyday products, buildings,        quality and activity.’14
be added to the opportunities.            transport systems and information
                                          communications devices, all             The pleasure of joining or leaving
The measures being taken in many          contribute to levels of stress or       Eurostar under the magnificently
cities to create inviting places puts     contentedness.’13                       restored pale blue ironwork of
stations centre stage. In Oslo there                                              Barlow’s roof at St Pancras, or the
are plans to ban cars from the            Imaginative ways of making stations     dramatic roofs created by Santiago
city centre by 2019, create more          an aesthetic as well as practical       Calatrava at Liège-Guillemins or

Oriente station in Lisbon, gives train
     travel an uplifting quality.
                                              Improving and                            that replaced many a solid Victorian
                                                                                       station building in the 1960s and
                                              investing in stations                    ’70s to realise how expectations
     The quality of stations on the                                                    have changed. As has the response,
     eastern extension of the Jubilee         Placing railway stations at the          exemplified in the outstanding
     line, with their cavernous, future-      heart of the planning process is         improvements at St Pancras and
     proof proportions and striking           fundamental to realising the many
                                                                                       King’s Cross at one end of the scale
     designs, was instrumental in making      benefits of sustainable transport. It
                                                                                       and Burnley Manchester Road or
     acceptable the idea of a business        not only creates demand for train
                                                                                       the eco-station at Accrington at the
     rate supplement to pay for public        services and feeder public transport
                                                                                       other. As NR observes ‘successful
     infrastructure, and specifically         to stations, but provides both the
                                                                                       stations add to the passenger
     Crossrail. Quality design helps to       revenue and business case for
                                                                                       experience and support the
     increase the size of a windfall in       improvements to passenger and
                                                                                       economic, social and environmental
     property values around node points.      ancillary facilities, often creating
                                                                                       benefits of rail.’
                                              a local destination in its own right.
     The ambience of a station can be         Besides attracting more passengers,
                                                                                       Between the two is Wakefield
     given a different dimension with         better stations generate more
                                                                                       Kirkgate, once dubbed by Lord
     the inclusion of art. SNCF’s Gares       non-transport revenue, creating a
                                                                                       Adonis as ‘the worst medium-large
     & Connexions Culture Programme           virtuous circle.
                                                                                       station in Britain’, which has been
     introduced 60 contemporary                                                        transformed by a £4 million scheme.
     artworks at 40 stations. The             As the President of the UIC,
                                              Jean-Pierre Loubinoux, put it, ‘[A]      Besides transforming the station’s
     Stockholm metro system has been                                                   near-derelict appearance, it created
     called the world’s longest art exhibit   great challenge for the railways
                                              is to optimise the role of stations      revenue streams by incorporating
     because 90 of its 100 stations                                                    units for new businesses, a café,
     are decorated with sculptures,           as places of convergence for
                                              passengers, places of activity           a retail outlet that doubles as a
     mosaics, paintings and reliefs by                                                 ticket office, meeting rooms for
     over 150 artists. Kungsträdgården        where city dwellers spend time,
                                              and increasingly as their cities’        community and local business use,
     station looks like an archaeological
                                              economic and cultural centre.            and accommodation for Groundwork
     excavation, incorporating the remains
                                              Stations, built and renovated            Wakefield which led the project
     of the city’s old Makalös Palace.
                                              in the context of increasingly           with ten other partners and funding
     At Östermalmstorg the artist Siri
                                              well thought-out partnerships            sources. More bus routes now serve
     Derkert highlights women’s rights and
                                              between railway operators, city          the landscaped forecourt.
     peace and environmental issues.
                                              or regional authorities, investors
                                              and all the economic stakeholders,       Improvements have been carried out
     In Hong Kong ‘art in mtr’ has
                                              have become much more than               at many stations under the National
     brought artworks and performances
                                              a transport hub. They have               Stations Improvement Programme
     into MTR stations since 1998, and
                                              become a vital feature of urban          with supplementary funding from
     the ‘art in station architecture’
     programme continues to enrich the        planning which, while continuing         stakeholders. Though welcome,
     MTR network.                             to meet their basic requirement          these have often done little more
                                              of supplying interfaces between          than improve waiting areas, lighting,
                                              modes of transport, also form part       information systems and signage.
      RECOMMENDATION: The Rail                of the city’s historical, cultural and   Rather more is required to make a
      Delivery Group and Network              economic heritage.’                      significant impact.
      Rail should promote and
      bring together examples of              In common with other aspects of          The principal deterrent to doing
      high-quality design at railway          the public realm, higher standards       more is the lack of the ‘flexible and
      stations and of use of artworks         are demanded of the railway              long-term stewardship’ identified
      in and around them.                     station. In the UK, one has only to      by RDG as a prerequisite for
                                              remember the basic bus shelters          progress. The disincentive that

short franchises imposes is the         and the urban realm around stations      Nottingham) and/or car-parking
reason why combined authorities         – trees, shade, sitting, public          charges can provide financial
are so keen to take over devolved       transport integration, information       support to create sustainable
responsibility for stations and         provision). To create the bustling       links such as light rail or tram/
create a structure for long-term        centres of urban life which it wants     train developments, as pioneered
stewardship. Part of city devolution    stations to be, it is focusing on:       by Karlsruhe. New stations can
settlements has been provision for      designing stations to provide better     become new hubs for housing and
the new combined authorities to take    connections with other modes of          other development. A similar idea
over responsibility for their railway   transport; addressing the needs of       is being developed as Swift Rail by
stations in their areas – Transport     local communities; making stations       Reg Harman and Nicholas Falk of
for Greater Manchester (TfGM)           efficient and welcoming by keeping       Urbed, which won the 2014 Wolfson
and West Midlands Rail are keen to      passengers comfortable, ensuring         Economics Prize for its vision of a
develop individual plans for their 97   access for all, and providing            new generation of garden cities.18
and 110 stations (respectively).        multimodal information in real
                                        time; and administering stations         At smaller stations the work of
By acting as the co-ordinator,          and enhancing their value through        Community Rail Partnerships is well
regional and city authorities           a combination of shops, public           recognised for both improving the
could make the prospect of multi-       services, programmes and events.16       appearance of stations and injecting
stakeholder station developments                                                 new life into underused buildings,
much less daunting for participants     The Rail Delivery Group (RDG) has        with local cafés, community rooms,
unfamiliar with the regulatory          set out nine principles in its ‘Vision   restaurants and bike hire. Such
and railway environment. Ideas          for Stations’ document17:                services help to tie the station into
for underused station buildings                                                  local communities, especially where
include social enterprise café,         1 Customer-focused                       local facilities are sparse or where,
skills centre, art gallery, start-up    2 Intelligent use of technology          as at Gobowen, the station café has
units and community centres. The        3 Seamless journey experience            an arrangement with a local training
potential for out-of-centre urban       4	Reflect local needs and               centre to provide a skill to young
and suburban stations has yet to be        opportunities                         people with learning difficulties.
examined in detail, but a comment       5 Safe and secure environment
by the former city planner of           6 Entrepreneurial spirit                 Provision of a facility such as bike
Vancouver, Brent Toderian, suggests     7	Flexible and long-term                hire at Barnstaple station for the
that this will be a litmus test of         stewardship                           nearby Tarka Trail or Hassop for the
future success: increasing densities    8 Shared industry know-how               Monsal Trail can make the difference
in city centres is relatively easy;     9 Optimised network                      to modal choice in getting there,
the real challenge is how well we                                                especially when jointly promoted.
do the suburbs.15 Creating well-        As station hubs are increasingly         As can provision of somewhere
designed satellite hubs with lower      regarded as the most important           to work while waiting for a train;
commercial and residential rents is     element in the efficient functioning     the Brunel Award-winning station
an opportunity still be explored, but   of urban areas, it should become         at Nakamura in Japan used local
as property values and population       progressively easier to scale            cypress wood to create such a
pressures increase, over station        up developer contributions and           pleasing waiting area that it is used
developments may become feasible.       finally achieve a more balanced          by many more students happy to
                                        relationship between public              work at its stylish wood tables while
Gares&Connexions is SNCF’s arm’s        investment and commercial                they wait for a train.
length business unit for stations       benefits.
and has carried out research into                                                Tourism can shape the way a
the design of a number of detailed      Alternatively, business rates, a         station is used. Bentham in North
station features (e.g. ticketing,       community infrastructure levy,           Yorkshire, run by the Friends of
waiting areas, children’s play areas,   a workplace parking levy (as in          Bentham Station, has a strong

Case study:
                                             Inverness and Aberdeen

     community presence, acting as a         Abellio’s success in winning           At Inverness Abellio worked with
     tourist information centre, local bus   the ScotRail franchise from            the local authority, Highland Council
     and taxi office and an education        April 2016 was partly due to its       and the Highlands and Islands
     centre for school visits. The station   plans for stations. With only two      Transport Partnership (HITRANS)
     is branded as ‘The Gateway to the       conurbations exceeding half a          to develop a scheme that embraced
     Forest of Bowland’.                     million people and a background        the area surrounding the station.
                                             of extensive land disposal, options    The historic square in front of
                                             for substantial developments at its    the station no longer forms an
                                             355 stations are understandably        impressive or welcoming gateway
                                             limited. Moreover it does not          to the city; the station frontage
      investment plans, jointly              have the advantage of its Greater      is an ugly 1966–8 façade and the
      owned with local authorities           Anglia franchise 99-year FRI           forecourt is cluttered with traffic.
      and others, should become              station leases (see page 6)            The plan is to improve the three
      parts of franchises. The                                                      pedestrian access points to the
      Greater Manchester and other           However, during the bid process        station, from Eastgate shopping
      devolution and city deals that         Abellio had identified five            centre, the bus station and by
      transfer control of local rail         stations which justified significant   largely pedestrianising the square
      stations to combined authorities       investment: Perth, Stirling,           fronting on to Academy Street.
      and local transport authorities        Motherwell, Inverness and
      should be evaluated and, subject       Aberdeen. A blank canvas was           A new glass frontage will provide
      to success, should be rolled out       adopted: what does this station        access to new double-height retail
      in future such deals.                  and town need? The ideas met           units, and there is a scheme to
                                             with Transport Scotland’s (TS)         realise a long-held ambition to
                                             approval and became part of the        extend the Royal Highland Hotel
                                             negotiations, producing a commit       and move the taxi pick-up point.
                                             by Abellio to invest part of the £9    Abellio is funding 30 per cent of the
                                             million earmarked for a station        cost, 25 per cent is coming from
                                             fund in the projects and to source     the Scottish Station Fund, some
                                             funding from others. These included    from retailers and the remainder
                                             the Scottish Station Fund set up by    from the Highland Council with a
                                             TS and administered by NR, with        possible Railway Heritage Trust
                                             £32 million in Control Period 5.       contribution to work on the square.

                                             Detailed business cases looking        In Aberdeen the city council has
                                             at the economic benefits to            big aspirations in its Master Plan,
                                             the areas were developed               though there is still uncertainty
                                             in Year 1 for Aberdeen and             about traffic plans. The railway
                                             Inverness, involving many other        station is adjacent to Union
                                             parties. The level of detail and       Square shopping centre, which
                                             impressive visuals encouraged          was developed by Hammerson,
                                             other stakeholders to invest.          partly on railway land, within the
                                             Inverness has moved quickly,           last ten years and an expansion is
                                             thanks to a growing awareness          planned despite the downturn in
                                             of the importance of urban hub         oil. The station has good links to
                                             stations as economic generators.       the shopping centre but is rather
                                             These stakeholders had found           overpowered by it. One of the main
                                             the railway difficult to deal with,    objects of the plans for Aberdeen
                                             and welcomed the opportunity           station is to improve the very poor
                                             to form a partnership, with            pedestrian links to Union Street,
                                             Abellio dealing with NR and            the city’s main street. It is currently
                                             the regulatory and planning            an unpleasant and confusing
                                             processes.                             experience with heavy traffic and

underpasses on different levels. The
Master Plan wants to address this.

The station plans are in two phases.
The first will improve the impressive
listed concourse area with better
retail facilities, moving the ticket
office and first class lounge from
their current tucked-away position
and improve the frontage on to
Union Square. A new and larger Bike
& Go hub will be created and areas
landscaped. Funding is coming from
the Scottish Station Fund and the
city council as well as Abellio.

Phase 2 is a much bigger opportunity
and probably the largest potential
railway land development in Scotland.
The £80–90 million scheme would
create a new station frontage on
to Guild Street, so that it would no
longer be the poor relation to the
shopping centre. The space over
part of the station and taxi rank
would be developed to provide office
accommodation and a hotel as well
as more retail space. The station’s
listed architectural features would
be incorporated to create perhaps
a restaurant. This opportunity
for something transformational
is being handed over to NR with
continued support from Abellio.
NR is also involved in the idea of a
raft development over the railway
to provide better walking routes,
student accommodation, a hotel and
some office space but this scheme is
still at an early stage.

Motherwell and Stirling are next
on the list. Neither has the retail
opportunities offered by Inverness.
A main object is better links to
the town centre at Stirling where
pedestrians currently have to cross
seven lanes of traffic. Motherwell
station has been badly neglected,
and City Deal funding is available
here for improvements.

Case study:

     Dundee waterfront is undergoing a          end of 2017, the crescent-shaped
     remarkable £1 billion redevelopment        building will become a gateway to
     with various flagship projects such        the adjacent waterfront though it
     as the £76 million V&A Museum of           remains surrounded by busy arterial
     Design. Complementing this is a new        roads. The station is expected
     £29 million station incorporating          to have a staffed ‘ambassador
     a 120-room hotel, a new bridge             desk’, which might have touch
     under the station and in front of          screen maps on the counter, and
     the station, public realm around the       a point where rail users can seek
     station, offices, retail units, café and   information about Dundee, the
     bike hire. Due for completion at the       station and other travel modes.

     Case study:
     Dudley Port

     This station represents many               environment despite having almost
     of the shortcomings that West              half million users a year. The mesh-
     Midlands Rail wants to tackle              cage waiting room wouldn’t look
     across the region. On the line             out of place in a prison, tickets are
     between Birmingham New Street              sold from a portacabin and paint
     and Wolverhampton, and a former            on the seats is flaking. To reach
     interchange with the freight-only          nearby bus stops, one has to cross
     Stour Valley line for which there          a busy road. Yet in a box-ticking
     are reopening plans, the station           exercise listing facilities, it would
     is the epitome of an unwelcoming           score well.

     Case study:

     SBB Real Estate develops the               passengers, from birthday cards
     company’s stations and adjoining           to haircuts and chemists, often
     sites to create attractive service         open for longer than most of the
     centres – sustainable development          country’s shops. One of the largest
     that is seen as being of major             current developments is beside
     importance to Switzerland’s future.        Basel station where a futuristic
     Stations are more than just the            building designed by Herzog & de
     start and end points of a trip,            Meuron named SüdPark D houses
     especially at 59 of the country’s          the Coop’s largest supermarket in
     larger stations, where there are           the canton, the Basler Kantonalbank
     varied and substantial shops               service centre and the SüdPark
     and other services of value to             retirement home.

Options for
institutional structures
Those charged with raising the             providing an interchange with
money to build public infrastructure       Crossrail 1, Tottenham Court
have long looked at the way                Road will become an even more
speculators have been the principal        significant transport hub, as
beneficiaries of the hike in property      Farringdon has on Crossrail 1.
values that new railways or
enhanced stations generate. This is
                                           The question is, how best to exploit
not a new concept: it was called the
                                           such opportunities?
‘unearned increment’ by a pioneer
of garden cities, Ebenezer Howard.
                                           In house/public sector
The London School of Economics
found that central London office           In an ideal world, the railway would
properties within half a mile of           undertake the development and
projected Crossrail stations rose by
                                           reap the full rewards, but capital
15 per cent over and above the rising
                                           for non-railway developments
price trend between 2005 and 2013.
                                           in Britain has generally been at
In the five years up to 2013, 40 per
cent of planning applications within       a premium, and railway estate
a kilometre of the central London          departments are generally ill-
Crossrail stations cited the new line      equipped to undertake large-scale
as a reason for the proposal. This         projects. The vast 1929 Chiltern
century 90 per cent of all London          Court development of apartments
office developments have been with         above Baker Street station in
500 metres of a station.                   London was a rare exception.
                                           Even after the establishment of
New transport hubs drive growth.           British Rail Property Board in
Even though Crossrail 2 is barely on
                                           1970, it relied on partnerships
the drawing board, priority zones
                                           with the private sector for major
for entire new neighbourhoods
                                           commercial developments, most
have been designated around
new stations along the route. It is        notably Broadgate at Liverpool
expected to trigger construction           Street with Rosehaugh Stanhope
of 200,000 new homes and is seen           Developments.
as making a much more significant
contribution to London’s housing           It is impossible to see this situation
shortage than the benefits of              changing, which is regrettable
Crossrail 1, which has been based          when seen in the light of overseas
primarily on providing faster              examples where revenue streams
links and much-needed capacity             from property are substantial. One
increases for the capital’s business
                                           successful option is to create a fully
districts. In its potential to stimulate
                                           state-owned company like Jernhusen
residential building on a substantial
scale, Crossrail 2 is a throwback to       in Sweden (see Case study). The
the construction of the Metropolitan       exceptional geographical necessity
Railway and Metro-land.                    of integrating land-use planning and
                                           transport in the Netherlands has
The impact on the principal                influenced state retention of powers
intersections will be dramatic:            (see Case study).

Case study:
     Sweden, Jernhusen AB
     This public limited company was          Though financially independent,            entail going through the planning
     created in 2001 as part of the           Jernhusen is expected by the               process and bringing in a company
     deregulation and liberalisation of       Ministry of Finance to encourage           specialising in housing to develop it.
     the Swedish rail market. It has a        more people travel by train, partly        Jernhusen has the freedom to buy
     single shareholder, the Swedish          out of self-interest: more station         land to create a better development
     Ministry of Finance, and is therefore    users means more interest from             site if its railway inheritance is
     entirely independent of the national     retailers and therefore higher             inadequate for the scale of a
     state-owned operator SJ. It is a         revenues. It achieves this by              planned development.
     property company and owns 38             developing infrastructure that
     of the larger stations, as well as       promotes multimodal travel, creating       Planning decisions are taken at
     maintenance depots and freight           station areas where it is easy for         municipal and local level, so the
     terminals in growth locations            trains, buses, bicycles and cars           authorities are likely to have some
     and important transport nodes.           to meet. It provides stations that         preference for a type of housing,
     The company develops new and             function well: attractive, safe, secure,   social housing or a mix of housing
     existing station areas, maintenance      clean, with additional services that       and offices. Local authorities also
     depots and freight terminals. It also    make the choice of public transport        part-fund station improvements and
     develops and delivers services in        easier, such as a variety of shops,        sometimes become the tenant of an
     connection with these properties.        including practical services such as       office building at the station on a
                                              shoe repair and chemists.                  25-year lease, for example.
     Jernhusen bought the whole real
     estate portfolio at market value on      Public transport has a 26 per cent         Jernhusen owns and manages
     creation of the company and has          share of motorised trips, so 74 per        only 38 of the country’s 200
     been managing and developing that        cent are by private car, leaving a big     stations because it is not seen as
     portfolio on a commercial basis.         market to capture. That objective          the best owner for the majority. A
     Jernhusen raises money through           prompts questions such as what is          small station with low footfall has
     bank loans or by issuing bonds on        missing in this area? Do we need           little potential commercially, so
     the financial markets. The Ministry      more people in the day or the              Jernhusen would not be able to
     of Finance expects a return on           evening? Have we got the mix of            invest or maintain it in the best way.
     sound investments because part of        activity right? The recipe for success     Consequently most stations are
     the rail infrastructure is financed      is seen as making sure that the            owned by over 100 municipalities
     through commercial operations.           three key elements are all pulling         and real-estate companies as well
                                              in the same direction: high-quality        as private individuals who have a
     Besides operational railway premises,    public transport; a station with the       bought charming station in woods
     it manages land formerly linked          requisite facilities and standards; and    and live there, perhaps providing
     to the railway. It is free to make       a surrounding area that is inviting.       bed and breakfast on the upper
     its own decisions independent of         Get one wrong and the scheme               floor. Jernhusen is required to offer
     government. The board of directors       is impaired. Success depends on            an agreed level of facilities for
     approves big investment decisions        getting the right balance of activities    train passengers so it becomes the
     and it is funded by the income from      to create a vibrant and welcoming          tenant and manager of the waiting
     commercial leases to retailers and       place, which in turn determines the        room and other designated spaces.
     companies that have premises in          mix of the development.                    The public see no change.
     its real estate, and through station
     fees that train operating companies      This leads to decisions about              Naturally Jernhusen has to provide
     and bus operators pay for such           how surrounding railway land is            rail facilities for passenger and freight
     shared services as waiting rooms and     developed. If more people are              train operators and is in constant
     concourses. Fees are also received       needed during the day, Jernhusen           dialogue with them to provide, for
     per passenger on a scale that            would create office space for              example, a cost-efficient maintenance
     distinguishes their useage (bus, long-   leasing; in the evening, more              depot for particular rolling stock. It
     distance rail, etc.).                    housing or a hotel. This may               cannot close strategic sites.23

the quality of place-making
at large schemes by holding
competitions between
developers, following
consultation with residents.

Case study:
     the Netherlands
     The Netherlands is a highly             railway built in the 1980s between    major retailers such as the AH To Go
     urbanised country and has a             Weesp and Lelystad, and there are     concept of convenience stores with
     policy focused on strong cities         six stations within Almere. The       ready-to-eat products or using its
     using a holistic, cross-sectoral        population is expected to reach       own brands. Since the beginning of
     approach. Land is scarce, reflected     350,000 by 2030.                      2016 the policy has been for NS to
     in Multi-annual Programmes for                                                stay in charge of commercial outlets
     Infrastructure, Spatial Development     Success in concentrating              but only to operate small kiosks.
     and Transport to co-ordinate            employment and housing around         However, NS will retain a say in the
     and optimise land use and               station hubs is reflected in a        quality and quantity of units and
     infrastructure. This scarcity forced    comparison between the number of      both specify the mix and encourage
     the country into adopting integrated    stations on the similar lengths of    local retailers rather than chains to
     planning much earlier than most         the Dutch and Belgium networks:       add distinctiveness to stations. NS
     other European countries: urban         381 on the 3,223km network in the     wants local communities to feel a
     development has been concentrated       Netherlands; 550 on 3,592km in        sense of identity with the station
     around new stations since the 1960s     Belgium.                              as a consequence, something that
     and ’70s when it became apparent                                              has been picked up from NS’s
     that increasing car use was             Though all shares in NS are owned     relationship and exchanges with
     incompatible with ‘liveable’ cities.    by the Ministry of Finance, the       East Japan Railway and which
     Huge opposition to arterial roads       board of directors is independent     Abellio is looking to develop in
     being built into cities encouraged      and has tried to become even          Scotland.
     a policy of creating ‘soft’ green       more involved in planning to take
     cores in towns and cities that are      advantage of railway-owned lands      In the Netherlands it is done by
     accessible only to cyclists and         around stations such as goods and     NS offering the basic operational
     pedestrians.                            marshalling yards. NS Stations        features for local independent
                                             business unit retained freehold       businesses (they call them ‘local
     This coincided with a revival of        ownership until 2012/13 when          heroes’) and it is up to the tenants/
     both cycling and public transport.      pressure from national government     concessionaires to make the most of
                                                                                   the station as they see fit. Tenants
     Dutch Railways (NS) developed           led to a focus on the core business
                                                                                   may also have some operational
     a strong sense of the need to           of running trains and the sale of
                                                                                   responsibilities, such as looking
     examine and improve the journey         properties and land to raise money
                                                                                   after the toilets. Part of a station
     to the station and to have a voice      for investment in the railway.
                                                                                   might be used as a showroom by a
     in the development of local and         All main stations were rebuilt or
                                                                                   furniture designer, and sometimes
     regional plans. NS had and still        refurbished, such as Utrecht and
                                                                                   a regional dialect is used to give
     has a spatial planning department       Rotterdam where the dramatic
                                                                                   standard national signage a local
     though it is now smaller because        station won a Brunel Award in
     the railway infrastructure has          2014 for acting as ‘a catalyst for
     been managed since 2003 by              new urban developments’. It was
     ProRail, a government organisation      also part of a policy of giving        RECOMMENDATION Increase
     comparable with NR. NS is involved      local councils more say in local       regional input into station
     with national five-year spatial plans   developments, but in return NS         retailing.
     and still provides advice to ProRail,   joined project teams to develop
     representing the TOC point of view.     railway land sites in partnership
                                             with property development
     This includes the development           companies.
     of new cities planned around
     infrastructure such as Almere,          Commercial activity at stations
     now the seventh largest city in         was retained, though that is now
     the country with almost 200,000         changing. NS used to run all retail
     inhabitants. The city is on a           station units in co-operation with

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