Film Studies - Undergraduate Degrees 2022
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Degrees and Where film entry requirements comes to life Degree title Award Degree length UCAS code Typical offer Film Studies BA (Hons) 3 years P303 ABB #6 Film and Creative Writing BA (Hons) 3 years PW38 ABB Film and English Literature BA (Hons) 3 years PQ33 AAB Film and Philosophy BA (Hons) 3 years PV35 ABB Film (Communication and Media Studies) Film and Sociology BA (Hons) 3 years PL33 ABB Complete University Guide 2021 Film and Theatre BA (Hons) 3 years PW34 ABB Film, Media and Cultural Studies BA (Hons) 3 years PL36 ABB Expand your knowledge and Fine Art and Film BA (Hons) 3 years WP13 ABB, plus portfolio appreciation of the aesthetics, Chinese Studies and Film BA (Hons) 4 years T1P3 ABB history and culture of film. Gain practical film-making skills and French Studies and Film BA (Hons) 4 years R1P3 ABB an understanding of film production. German Studies and Film BA (Hons) 4 years R2P3 ABB Spanish Studies and Film BA (Hons) 4 years R4P3 ABB Placement Year and Study Abroad degrees Our approach to the study of cinema is culture, while also investigating the underpinned by film theory to give you a intersections between contemporary art, These are options for most of our degree programmes. See our website for details. deeper appreciation of the aesthetic and theatre, dance, music, sound and film. | intellectual complexity of cinema, and a It is possible to choose from a wide array of keener understanding of the ways in which specialist film modules (from ‘Silent Cinema’ For information on other entry qualifications such as BTECs and International Baccalaureate, as well as fees, scholarships and films shape our identities and experience. and ‘Women Filmmakers’ to ‘Comic Book any additional costs you might need to consider, please see our website: Films’ and ‘Documentary Practice’), and You will study cinema history and the social you may combine Film Studies with another significance of films and will develop a A career degree subject, including Theatre, Fine Art, I knew I enjoyed film, but things from an artistic stance, detailed understanding of the techniques English Literature, Creative Writing, Media combining and seeing film from but also from a social and of film production. While Film Studies is and Cultural Studies, Sociology, and more. a social and cultural point of cultural point of view. primarily an academic programme, you will have the opportunity to make your own digital film in all three years of the course, We have excellent technical resources, including digital editing and production at ITV view was fascinating. Research is an important part of making television. Learning to research My degree has been invaluable to me, and has given me an and receive professional training in the use suites housed in the Lancaster Institute for for Chris edge over other graduates, of editing, sound-recording, and camera Contemporary Arts (LICA), a £10m BREEAM thoroughly and quickly is one enabling me to become one equipment. award-winning, sustainable building. aspect that has helped me in of the youngest Producer/ my career. Your degree recognises cinema’s role as During your degree you will have the chance Directors at ITV and in the a major cultural form and investigates film to develop a network of professional Being able to analyse from an freelance industry. through a variety of approaches. You’ll contacts through specialist modules and artistic and academic aspect Chris Smithson examine cinema’s aesthetic, social and work placements to help prepare yourself for as well as a cultural/social one Former BA Film and Media & political importance in the context of an a successful career in the creative arts. has also been very important. Cultural Studies student increasingly visual and media-orientated When making TV programmes TV Producer/Director (or if you want to be a filmmaker) you not only have to approach
Your degree The first year serves as a foundation for your studies where you will be introduced to a range of critical approaches; you will also explore different areas of cinema history, and produce a short digital video. Year 1 Single major students take: Introduction to Fundamentals: Film Minor Module Film Studies This module provides you with This module focuses centrally on There is a wide choice of optional the essential knowledge and British cinema and is designed modules including: competencies to undertake the to supplement and enhance the + Creative Writing academic study of film at university essential knowledge and skills level. The first term provides you covered in, “Introduction to Film + Design with an understanding of the Studies,” and develops the study + Drama, Theatre and Performance medium’s formal and technical composition to allow you to skills you will need as you progress through the course. As well as + Fine Art Year 2 undertake detailed analysis of films, lectures and seminars, there will + History from the level of close scrutiny also be weekly screenings of key + Media and Cultural Studies of individual images, and their films. Topics covered include + Marketing interrelation with the soundtrack, Hitchcock and silent cinema, the Hollywood and Beyond: Critical Reflections to the narrative assembly of shots Ealing comedies of the 1950s, the and more. Optional Modules Global Cinema (Contemporary Arts Theory) and scenes. Through the analysis of James Bond franchise, and Working Availability is subject to any a range of examples such as Jaws, Title’s romantic comedies. timetabling restrictions. Psycho, and On the Waterfront, you will become familiar with the key formal and semantic conventions of This module develops your analytic You will learn about critical Select from modules including: OR skills and encourages you to theory in the arts and its cinema. + Documentary Cultures understand world cinema in relation application to film and The second term is designed Joint major students take: to a variety of social, cultural, related media. Among the + European New Wave Cinema to provide you with a structural political and industrial contexts. topics explored are Form + Documentary Film Practice knowledge of world film history. You will explore such issues as the and Structure, Semiotics and By focusing on a selection of key + Women Film Makers relationship between film form Authorship, Phenomenology films and filmmakers (including Joint Major Subject and modes of production (from and Spectatorship, Sexuality + Film and Comic Books Jean-Luc Godard, Jane Campion, industrial film-making through to and Gender, Race and Ethnicity, + Film/Media related modules and Zhang Yimou), this section of low-budget art film), theories of and Class and Society. Weekly in other departments the module will explore historically film style and aesthetics, and the lectures make connections significant movements and themes Joint major students will take political function of cinema. across the arts, and weekly two- within international cinema from the the core module for their second hour seminars/workshops allow 1920s to the present day. This term In the first term, we focus wholly subject instead of a minor you to work with each other on is thematically organised around on various modes of American option. In years 2 and 3, they will ideas and examples specifically issues of ideology and realism, and film production (considering films take 50% of their modules in Film tailored towards your discipline. explores the shifting social and such as Casablanca, Raiders of the and 50% in their second subject. political status of cinema during the Lost Ark, The Long Goodbye, and last century. In the third term you Slacker), and in the second term we will undertake a practical project, explore some broader theoretical working within a small group to questions through an analysis of produce a short film. films from a number of different national traditions (examples may include Bicycle Thieves, All About My Mother, and Rashomon). You will gain a thorough grasp not only of the historical factors shaping various national and international cinemas, but also of some key critical and theoretical concepts within the field of film studies.
Your life at Lancaster Lancaster Arts About Covid-19 The campus is brimming with culture and boasts its Our thoughts are with all who are affected by the own theatre, art gallery and concert series; there’s coronavirus pandemic. For the latest information also a fully equipped, student-run cinema. The in relation to applying to Lancaster University, Year 3 Nuffield Theatre is one of the largest professional studio theatres in Europe. It hosts public please visit: applicants performances of theatre, contemporary dance and live art from some of the best-known and Optional module example: Student societies respected companies from the UK and abroad. Dissertation Optional Modules Creative Enterprise There are lots of opportunities to get involved in You will learn about innovative the arts through our student societies. Students ways creative practitioners Visiting speakers run their own cinema (Take 2 Cinema), TV station produce and deliver their work, (LA1:TV) and newspaper (Scan). alongside the challenges they The Department hosts a number of visiting You will complete an independent Select from modules including: face. You will develop a working speakers each year, representing different research project on a topic of understanding of the key professions, practices, and positions within film + Creative Enterprise management and enterprise Lancaster – the City your choice. Research skills are + Film Theory theory and production. taught via lectures/seminars and skills involved in delivering The city has two cinemas, Vue and the independent you will be supported by means + Contemporary Hong Kong creative projects. Working Dukes theatre and cinema. The Grand Theatre of one-to-one supervision. Cinema in groups you will put your also provides a year-round calendar of drama, Previous dissertation topics learning into practice through Facilities + A pocalypse Then: New music and dance as well as professional touring include: Cinematography in The Hollywood Cinema the delivery of your own live You’ll have access to top of the line digital film Dark Knight; The absent mother creative arts project. This will companies. Lancaster regularly plays host to major + Silent Cinema production facilities fully equipped for creating comedy and theatrical tours, and has its own music in Disney films; Film Style and enable you to understand the Authorship in the films of Shane + Film/Media related modules in skills, knowledge, attributes original content for short films and experimental and literature festivals. Meadows; The cinematic figure of other departments and behaviours relevant for videos. This includes the full range of Adobe the vampire; Cinematic Femininity + E xperimental Cinema: employment in the arts and Creative Cloud suite in computer labs across in the Alien films; and Identity in the Theory and Practice creative industries. campus and in our acoustic editing suites. There films of Stanley Kubrick. are large green screen and soundstage studio spaces plus well-equipped film screening spaces on campus. HD Video cameras and a range of high end DSLR cameras are available on loan along with portable lighting kits, tripods, light reflectors, mics, a gimbal and various accessories. We keep our degree programmes under constant review, and regularly introduce and update modules. In any academic year, the modules offered may therefore differ from those presented here. Similarly, the structure of our degrees may change, in response to curricular developments and following consultation with students. Please check our website for the latest information
Your future career Throughout your degree we will support you in Study abroad and vacation travel developing skills and gaining experience that will You can apply for a study abroad year when you give you a head start in your chosen career. The arrive at Lancaster. On our three-year study abroad Department of Film Studies has excellent links with degrees you spend Year 2 studying at one of our organisations in the creative sectors enabling you international partner universities. There are also to collaborate with individuals and organisations exciting possibilities for short vacation travel. These outside of the University. opportunities provide you with a chance to travel, Placements and internships experience new cultures, and make life-long friends. Placements and internships are great ways to gain work experience, make professional contacts and Please note that overseas opportunities may be help you decide your career path. A wide range of impacted by international travel or Government opportunities is available, some are paid, and there border restrictions. are opportunities to gain experience working in schools on volunteer placements. Places are not Careers usually guaranteed but we will help you prepare for Recent Film Studies graduates have gone into the competitive application process. careers in: The majority of our degrees are also available as + Production roles at the BBC, ITV and MTV placement year degrees that you can apply to via UCAS. With specialist support, you apply for a + Independent film production professional, paid work placement in Year 3 and + Advertising and marketing return to Lancaster to complete your degree in Year 4. Throughout your degree a wealth of career guidance and support is available from the Department and the University’s Careers Service, which has subject specific Careers Consultants. We have connections with some of the world’s top graduate recruiters and employers across every sector, and organise careers fairs, workshops, and networking opportunities throughout the year. Get in touch Important information Department of Film Studies, The information in this leaflet relates primarily to 2022/23 Lancaster Institute for the Contemporary Arts (LICA), entry to the University and every effort has been taken to Lancaster University, Lancaster, LA1 4YW ensure the information is correct at the time of publication in May 2021. The University will use all reasonable effort E: to deliver the course as described but the University reserves the right to make changes after publication. You Message a student: are advised to consult our website at for up-to-date information before you submit @LICAatLancaster your application. Further legal information may be found at @LICAatLancaster LICAatLancaster © L ancaster University – Film Studies Booklet 2022.
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