Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Decimoquinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

Page created by Ray Gibbs
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Decimoquinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

       St. Andrew Roman Catholic Church, an architectural treasure, nurtures a diverse and
    welcoming community dedicated to connecting faith in Jesus Christ with service to others.
    La Iglesia Católica Romana de San Andrés, un tesoro de arquitectura, nutre una comunidad
       diversa y acogedora dedicada a conectar la fe en Jesucristo con el servicio a los demás.

                                Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
                            Decimoquinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
                                            July 11, 2021

       140 Chestnut Street, Pasadena, CA 91103 | Phone: (626) 792-4183 | Fax: (626) 792-4456 |
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Decimoquinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
PARISH STAFF / PERSONAL PARROQUIAL:                                                                                                   SAINTS AND
Rev. Marcos J. Gonzalez, Pastor........................................................................... (626) 792-4183             SPECIAL
Rev. Martin Rodriguez, Associate Pastor........................................................... (626) 792-4183                     OBSERVANCES
Jae Kim, Principal.................................................................................................. (626) 796-7697   / SANTOS Y
Griselda Saucedo, Secretary/Bookkeeper........................................................... (626) 768-2458                      OBSERVANCIAS
Steven Ottományi, Music Director.......................................................................(626) 765-3968                 ESPECIALES:
Isabel Spillane, Director of Faith Formation..................................................... ..(626) 768-9376                    Sunday / Domingo:
                                                                                                                                      Fifteenth Sunday
Reyna Galvan, Receptionist..............................................,....................................(626) 768-2455
                                                                                                                                      in Ordinary Time /
Kevin Rios, Receptionist.................... ................................................................. ..(626) 768-2455       Decimoquinto Domingo
Natalie Rios, Receptionist.................................................................................... ..(626) 768-2455       del Tiempo Ordinario
Virginia Cortez, Bulletin Editor.......................................................................... ..(626) 768-2455           Tuesday / Martes: St.
                                                                                                                                      Henry / San Enrique
                                                                                                                                      Wednesday / Miercoles:
                                                                                                                                      St. Kateri Tekakwitha /
Phone (626) 792-4183 / Fax (626) 792-4456                                                                                             Santa Kateri Tekakwitha
140 Chestnut Street, Pasadena, CA 91103                                                                                               Thursday / Jueves:
Office Hours:                                                                                                                         St. Bonaventure / San
Monday through Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.                                                                                         Buenaventura
                                                                                                                                      Friday / Viernes: Our
Saturdays: 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. • Sundays: 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                                      Lady of Mount Carmel
                                                                                                                                      / Nuestra Señora del
MASS SCHEDULE / HORARIO DE MISAS:                                                                                                     Carmen
In English                                                                                                                            Saturday / Sábado:
Saturday Vigil: 5:00 p.m.                                                                                                             Blessed Virgin Mary /
                                                                                                                                      Santa María Virgen
Sundays: 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.
Monday-Saturday: 8:15 a.m.
En Español                                                                                                                            Fifteenth Sunday in
                                                                                                                                      Ordinary Time
Domingos: 6:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m., and 2:00 p.m.
                                                                                                                                      Truth shall spring out
Lunes-Viernes: 6:30 p.m.                                                                                                              of the earth, and justice
                                                                                                                                      shall look down from
CONFESSIONS / CONFESIONES:                                                                                                            heaven.
Tuesday / Martes: 7:00 p.m. & Saturdays / Sabados: 4:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m.                                                              — Psalm 85:12

                                                                                                                                      Decimoquinto Domingo
                                                                                                                                      del Tiempo Ordinario
Baptism should normally take place within the first few weeks after the birth of the child.
                                                                                                                                      La fidelidad brotó en la
Arrangements should be made in the latter stages of the pregnancy so that the child can be
                                                                                                                                      tierra y la justicia vino
baptized soon after birth. Applications are available at the Pastoral Center.                                                         del cielo.
El bautismo normalmente debe tomar lugar entre las primeras semanas después del                                                       — Salmo 85 (84):12
nacimiento de un niño. Los arreglos se deben de hacer durante las últimas etapas del
embarazo para que el niño se pueda bautizar poco después de nacer. Las aplicaciones
están disponibles en el Centro Pastoral.

Please call the parish office preferably one year, but at least 6 months prior to proposed
date of marriage. / Favor de llamar a la oficina parroquial preferiblemente un año, pero
por lo menos 6 meses antes de la fecha deseada.
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Decimoquinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
KNIGHTS OF THE ALTAR OF                TODAY’S READINGS:                           PLEASE PRAY FOR THE
ST. ANDREW CHURCH:                     First Reading — Amos said, “The             INTENTIONS OF / POR
We invite all young men, high-         LORD took me from following the             FAVOR ORAR POR LAS
school and above, who are current      flock, and said to me, Go, prophesy to      INTENCIÓNES DE:
altar servers, or are interested       my people” (Amos 7:12-15).
in becoming an altar server, to        Psalm — Lord, let us see your               Andrea Aragon
participate in a new ministry at St.   kindness, and grant us your salvation       Rolando Jose Galvez
Andrews called the Knights of the      (Psalm 85).                                 Moises Villaseñor
Altar. This will be an opportunity     Second Reading — The God and
to grow in their Catholic faith,       Father of our Lord Jesus Christ has         PLEASE PRAY FOR THESE
become better altar servers, and       blessed us in Christ with every spiritual   PARISH MEMBERS WHO
in the process, grow in friendship     blessing (Ephesians 1:3-14 [3-10]).
and camaraderie with other young
                                                                                   ARE SICK / POR FAVOR
                                       Gospel — Jesus summoned the Twelve          ORE POR LOS ENFERMOS
men of similar interests. If you or    and began to send them out two by two
your son would like to participate,                                                DE NUESTRA PARROQUIA:
                                       (Mark 6:7-13).
we invite you to a meeting on                                                      Florentino Manansala
Friday, July 23rd from 7:00 pm to
                                       DID YOU KNOW?                               Terri Ross
8:00 pm at the Pastoral Center,
140 Chestnut Street, to share more     Another reason not to leave children in     Miguel Angel Silva
information on the new Knights         the car                                     Marina Valdez
of the Altar ministry at St. Andrew    Parents know the dangers                    Priscilla Vasquez
Church. Parking is available on the    of hot cars and leaving
street or at the main parking lot      children unattended. Experts                PLEASE PRAY FOR THE
on Raymond Avenue. To RSVP or          say there’s another reason to never         FAITHFUL DEPARTED /
if you have any further questions,     leave children alone, in a running          POR FAVOR ORE POR POR
please contact the Pastoral Center     vehicle, even for just a few moments        LOS FIELES DIFUNTOS:
(626) 792-4183 or contact Noel         — carjackers. A car thief may see a
Toro at (323) 719-1429.                running car as an easy target, but if he/   Arenl Angeles
                                       she doesn’t know there is a child inside,   Manuel Angeles
READINGS FOR THE WEEK /                the car thief becomes an unintentional      Josefa Banuelos
LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA:                 abductor. In these cases, car thieves       Marlene Cardoza Lopez
                                       may panic, leaving the child in an
Monday / Lunes: Ex 1:8-14, 22; Ps                                                  Bill Frank Chandler
                                       increasingly dangerous situation. Take
124:1b-8; Mt 10:34 — 11:1              extra precautions to make sure your         Francisco Duarte Ramos
Tuesday/ Martes: Ex 2:1-15a; Ps        children are not left alone in a car. It    Edwin Enriquez
69:3, 14, 30-31, 33-34; Mt 11:20-24    is well worth the extra steps of getting    Rene Flores Sr.
Wednesday / Miercoles: Ex 3:1-6,       them in and out of car seats and safety     Luis Hernandez Alvarez
9-12; Ps 103:1b-4, 6-7; Mt 11:25-27    belts and taking them with you. For         Esperanza Herrera
Thursday / Jueves: Ex 3:13-20; Ps      more information, visit https://www.
                                        David Hodder
105:1, 5, 8-9, 24-27; Mt 11:28-30
                                       blog/2021/theyre-stealing-more-             Richard Luna
Friday / Viernes: Ex 11:10 —
12:14; Ps 116:12-13, 15, 16bc, 17-     cars-with-kids-left-in-them.html.           Robert Melborne
18; Mt 12:1-8                                                                      Elizabeth Paneno
Saturday / Sábado: Ex 12:37-42;        THE SHAPE OF THINGS                         Frank Paneno
Ps 136:1, 23-24, 10-15; Mt 12:14-21    We cannot help conforming ourselves         Mary Paneno
Sunday / Domingo: Jer 23:1-6; Ps       to what we love.                            Gilberto Turcios
23:1-6; Eph 2:13-18; Mk 6:30-34        —St. Francis de Sales
                                       Our Lord prefers to wait for the sinner
                                       for years rather than keep the sinner
                                       waiting one instant.
                                       —St. Peter Julian Eymard
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Decimoquinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
                                              WEEKLY OFFERING /                        VOX VITAE CATHOLIC
Fifteenth Sunday in                           OFRENDA SEMANAL:                         PRO LIFE TEEN
Ordinary Time:                                July 3rd and July 4th: $16,727.00        LEADERSHIP CAMP
In the Gospel today we                        Last Year / Hace un año:                 Vox Vitae Catholic ProLife
see how Jesus sent his                        $12,178.00                               Teen Leadership Camp
Apostles out two by two.                      Two Years Ago / Hace dos años:           will be held at St. Therese
From the beginning of the Society of          $15,350.00                               Church in Allhambra from
St. Vincent de Paul, members visit in                                                  Sunday, July 18-Friday, July
pairs “two by two”, those who are poor        Thank you all for your generosity!
                                              / ¡Gracias a todos por sus               23.
and needy in their homes. It is there,        contribuciones!                          Join Bishop O'Connell,
in the family setting, that Vincentians                                                Tim Staples, Timmerie
listen, offer humble advice, and render                                                Millington Geagea, Deacon
assistance.                                   MINISTRY OF ST. JOSEPH,
                                              THE WORKER:                              Steve Greco, Dr. Stacy
Have you considered answering the                                                      Trasancos, Astrid Bennett
call to help serve the poor by joining        They will meet on Wednesday              Gutierrez, Jim O'Day, Pam
the Society of St. Vincent de Paul?           7/21/2021, 7:30 – 9:30pm at              Stenzel, and more dynamic
                                              the St. Andrew Catholic School           speakers at Vox Vitae
                                              auditorium. All Catholic men in          Catholic Pro-Life Teen
                                              the metro-area are welcome; free         Leadership Camp.
                                              entrance and free parking. We will       Also, special recorded
GOD CHOSE US                                  have a panel of super attorneys to       messages from Archbishop
          Who chose first, God or you?        talk about “The State of Religious       Cordileone, Bishop
That is the question explored in today’s      Liberties” and the resources that        Strickland, and Bishop
three readings. The second reading,           can help you (and your family)           Paprocki!
from Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians,          should you ever encounter a
                                              religious, legal battle. If you          Vox Vitae Camp for teens
reads almost like a hymn. It praises God                                               explores the depth and
for choosing us, for calling us to serve,     want to be notified of upcoming
                                              opportunities for                        beauty of the Catholic
and for blessing us in our service. Paul                                               faith and the teachings
makes it clear how honored we are and         Catholic men, use
                                              your cell phone                          of the Church. Vox Vitae
how special is the call to live as children                                            Camp equips teens with
of God. This is through no doing of our       camera to scan this
                                              QR-code:                                 knowledge they need
own.                                                                                   to make moral rational
          The first reading and the Gospel                                             decisions for themselves,
use prose rather than poetry to describe      Here is a picture of the prior session   defend Catholic Church
the same truth: God did the choosing,         on 6/16/2021, where 63 Catholic          teachings, and become
not us. When the prophet Amos was             men gathered in fellowship to            leaders in their parishes and
berated for being a prophet, he retorted      talk about "Living your Faith at         their communities.
that the whole thing wasn’t his idea in       Work", and to meet other Catholic        Adults, parents, and families
the first place. Neither did the twelve       men striving who seek to model           are invited to the Family
apostles in today’s Gospel ask for their      the manly virtues of St. Joseph          Day Kick Off!
calling. Jesus sent them forth, two by        the Worker in their families,
two, to do the work of his kingdom.           workplaces, and in society.
                                                                                       Teens and children are
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
                                                                                       FREE. There will be a
                                                                                       special program for the
                                                                                       children while the parents
                                                                                       and teens are attending the
                                                                                       Go to for more
                                                                                       information or call (213)
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Decimoquinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
MISSIONARY COOPERATION WEEKEND – This weekend is our “Missionary Co-Op Weekend.” Each
year the Archdiocese of Los Angeles assigns a Missionary Order to come to various parishes to speak on
behalf of the Missions. This year we are hosting the Comboni Missionaries who will be speaking to us at all
Masses about their missionary work. The second collection next weekend will be sent to them to assist them
in their ministry. Let us welcome Fr. Jorge Ochoa today.

WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES – Now that we are back to regular in person worship and full Mass schedule,
we are also able to celebrate wedding anniversaries each month. These will begin next Sunday, July 18 and
continue on the third Sunday of each month at all Masses.

PLEASE BE CAREFUL WITH COMMUNION – An odd thing has been happening in recent months. Some
people come forward to receive Holy Communion but instead of immediately consuming the Host they
walk away carrying the Host in their hands. When this happens, the priest or Extraordinary Minister has to
immediately stop and follow that person to ensure that the Host is consumed. Please remember consume the
Host immediately upon reception while still standing in front of the priest or Eucharistic minister.

FUNERAL PLANNING – We've been having quite a few funerals in the last several months. Many of these
are from other parishes which have not been open. But questions regularly arise as to what the proper funeral
customs for us as Catholics are. I thought this would be a good time to review procedures. The usual plan for
the Funeral Rites are in 3 parts:
1) The Vigil (which includes the Rosary) - This is usually done in the evening prior to the Funeral Mass and is
ordinarily celebrated in the Mortuary unless the attendance will be so large that use of the church is required.
The Vigil may be led by a priest, deacon or even an authorized lay person.
2) The Funeral Mass - this is the most important part of the Funeral Rites as there is nothing more efficacious
for salvation than the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. It is ordinarily celebrated in the morning and must always
take place in the church or chapel.
3) The Rite of Committal (Burial) - this ordinarily immediately follows the Funeral Mass and is done at the
cemetery. A Catholic cemetery is always preferred as it is consecrated ground and Mass is celebrated daily for
those buried there. However, it is possible to also use a non-Catholic cemetery and the priest or deacon will
bless the grave.
While cremation is permitted, it is not preferred. If cremation takes place, ordinarily the cremation should
occur after the Funeral Mass so that the body can be present for the Mass. If that is not possible then it is
now permitted to have the cremains (ashes) present at the Funeral Mass. The cremains must then be taken to
the cemetery for burial or location in a columbarium. It is never permitted to take the cremains home.
I hope the above is helpful to you in planning. I know that it can seem morbid to talk about these things but
death is also a part of life. When we plan our funeral ahead of time we are actually doing a great act of charity
for those who will survive us and relieves them of great stress and doubt in a time of sorrow. I encourage you
to plan ahead. I did my own funeral plans many years ago and pre-paid everything so that I am not a burden
to anyone. I'm already enough of a burden as it is!
It is also vitally important to have an up-to-date Will as well as Durable Power of Attorney for healthcare
decisions as well as for property decisions. In preparing your Will, I also hope you remember St. Andrew
Parish. Our parish, like many others, relies of the bequests of its faithful parishioners in order to have long
term financial security. Frequently substantial donations which are left by parishioners to the parish upon
their death are the funds used for major projects in parishes. These bequests speak of the person’s love for
their parish over the years and their desire to leave a legacy for others.
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Decimoquinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
USHERS NEEDED – Our parish is currently in need of more people to assist at Mass as ushers. Some of
our Masses have a full complement of 8 but others do not. This is a very simple apostolate but very much
needed. Ideally, I would like to have 2 teams for each Mass so they can rotate and thus the load can be
shared. If you would like to help, please email me at:

TOGETHER IN MISSION UPDATE – As you know, a month ago we began the annual Together in Mission
campaign which assists the poorest parishes and schools of the Archdiocese. Of our goal of $82,018 we
have pledged so far approximately $31,000. This is good but it is still a very long way from completing
our commitment. I urge you to please consider making your pledge to this campaign today. This year, in
particular, is urgent due to the loss of income for these poor parishes due to the Covid 19 shutdown last year.

The pledge envelopes are available in the pews as well as the vestibule of the church. You may also do it
electronically by going to

From there you would select St. Andrew Parish - Pasadena and then follow the instructions.
It can be paid off over the course of several months or all at once. May God reward you for your generosity!

KNIGHTS OF THE ALTAR – As I announced to you previously, we are in the process of forming a new
group of Altar Servers called the Knights of the Altar. These are young men in high school and above who
will take the leadership roles during our liturgical services and act as Masters of Ceremonies. In addition
to this, however, they will be formed in a fraternity which will include social activities as well as spiritual
and doctrinal formation. There will be in an informational first meeting on Friday, July 23rd at 6:00 p.m. in
the Pastoral Center St. Patrick Room and patio. All of our current Altar Boys in high school and above are
invited. If you have a son in high school or college, please encourage him to attend as well even if he is not
currently an altar server.

We will also be forming a group for young ladies as well, high school and above, in the next few months.
This group will also focus on friendship, social activities, and spiritual and doctrinal formation. More
information to follow.

In Christ and St. Andrew,

Father Gonzalez

Invitation to the Eucharistic Prayer
         After the presider washes his hands, he turns to the people and says, “Pray that our sacrifice may be
acceptable to God the almighty Father.” We have brought forward bread and wine, and now we are asked
to see in these simple gifts upon the altar a sacrifice offered to God. Our response is rich in theological
meaning. “May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands.” The words point to the unique role of the priest,
whose hands, at his ordination, were anointed for just this purpose: that he might “sanctify the Christian
people and offer sacrifice to God” (Rite of Ordination). We ask God to accept our sacrifice not because it is
worthy of God, but simply “for the praise and glory of his name.” God does not need our offering, but allows
us to give it so that we might grow in holiness. And God, never to be outdone in generosity, gives all that we
have given back to us, “for our good and the good of all his Church.” This Mass benefits not just those who
have gathered, but, in the mysterious economy of grace, the whole Church. In the words of Saint Paul, when
one part rejoices, the whole body “share[s] its joy” (1 Corinthians 12:26).
—Corinna Laughlin, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Decimoquinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
FROM THE MUSIC DIRECTOR                                       “But other kinds of sacred music, especially
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time                             polyphony, are by no means excluded from liturgical
July 11, 2021                                                 celebrations, so long as they accord with the spirit of
                                                              the liturgical action, as laid down in Art. 30.”
                                                              Article 30 of Sacrosanctum Concilium reads: “To
Dum clamarem ad Dominum, exaudivit vocem meam, ab             promote active participation, the people should be
his qui appropinquant mihi: et humiliavit eos, qui est ante   encouraged to take part by means of acclamations,
sæcula, et manet in æternum: iacta cogitatum tuum in          responses, psalmody, antiphons, and songs, as well as
Domino, et ipse te enutriet.                                  by actions, gestures, and bodily attitudes. And at the
Ps. Exaudi Deus orationem meam, et ne despexeris              proper times all should observe a reverent silence.”
deprecationem meam: intende mihi, et exaudi me. Psalm         Article 30 is cited in relation to the “other kinds of
55:17-20,23,2                                                 sacred music (alia genera musicæ sacræ). This is
                                                              perhaps a tacit acknowledgment that many kinds of
When I cried to the Lord, He heard my voice, from them        chant are not for congregational singing but for the
that draw near to me: and He humbled them, who is             ministry of the schola cantorum, or choir—and this
before all ages, and remains for ever: cast thy care upon     is indeed so. (Next week, we will explore the various
the Lord, and He shall sustain thee.                          genres of music that are included under the umbrella
Ps. Hear, O God, my prayer, and despise not my                term “Gregorian chant.”)
supplication: be attentive to me and hear me.
                                                              The Second Instruction of the Right Implementation
After the two-week hiatus in our discussion due to the        of the Second Vatican Council, Musicam Sacram, in
Mission Jubilee Year announcement, we now return to           article 50, repeats Sacrosanctum Concilium: “In sung
the examination of the role of choir at Mass, and, first of   liturgical services celebrated in Latin: (a) Gregorian
all, the kind of music that it should sing.                   chant, as proper to the Roman liturgy, should be
                                                              given pride of place, other things being equal.
                                                              (…)” However, as an instruction that tells us how
The General Instruction of the Roman Missal, article 41,      to interpret the documents of Vatican II, Musicam
reads “The main place should be given, all things being       Sacram then goes on to say, in article 52, “In order to
equal, to Gregorian chant, as being proper to the Roman       preserve the heritage of sacred music and genuinely
Liturgy. Other kinds of sacred music, in particular           promote the new forms of sacred singing, ‘great
polyphony, are in no way excluded, provided that they         importance is to be attached to the teaching and
correspond to the spirit of the liturgical action and that    practice of music in seminaries, in the novitiates and
they foster the participation of all the faithful. Since      houses of study of religious of both sexes, and also
the faithful from different countries come together ever      in other Catholic institutes and schools,’ [quoting SC
more frequently, it is desirable that they know how to        115] especially in those higher institutes intended
sing together at least some parts of the Ordinary of the      specially for this. Above all, the study and practice
Mass in Latin, especially the Profession of Faith and the     of Gregorian chant is to be promoted, because,
Lord’s Prayer, according to the simpler settings.”            with its special characteristics, it is a basis of great
                                                              importance for the development of sacred music.”
For most parish music ministries who do not sing chant        Musicam Sacram further states, in article 53, “New
or polyphonic choral music, the phrase “all things being      works of sacred music should conform faithfully
equal” has been the escape clause. How must the ceteris       to the principles and norms set out above. In this
paribus clause be interpreted?                                way they will have "the qualities proper to genuine
                                                              sacred music, being within the capacities not merely
The ceteris paribus is a direct quote from Sacrosanctum       of large choirs but of smaller choirs, facilitating the
Concilium, article 116: “The Church acknowledges              participation of all the faithful.” (Emphasis added
Gregorian chant as specially suited to the Roman liturgy:     both times.) So clearly, Gregorian chant is the model
therefore, other things being equal, it should be given       and standard by which one must judge the sacred
pride of place in liturgical services.                        music that ought to be used at the celebration of the
                                                              Holy Mass.
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Decimoquinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
FIN DE SEMANA DE COOPERACIÓN MISIONERA – Este fin de semana es nuestro "Fin de semana de
cooperación misionera". Cada año, la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles asigna una Orden Misionera para que
venga a varias parroquias para hablar en nombre de las Misiones. Este año estamos acogiendo a los Misioneros
Combonianos que nos hablarán en todas las Misas sobre su obra misional. Se les enviará la segunda colecta el
próximo fin de semana para ayudarlos en su ministerio. Demos la bienvenida al Padre Jorge Ochoa hoy.

ANIVERSARIOS DE BODAS – Ahora que volvimos a la adoración en persona y al horario completo de la
Misa, también podemos celebrar los aniversarios de bodas cada mes. Estos comenzarán el próximo domingo 18
de julio y continuarán cada tercer domingo de cada mes en todas las Misas.

POR FAVOR TENGA CUIDADO CON LA COMUNIÓN – Algo extraño ha estado sucediendo en los
últimos meses. Algunas personas se acercan para recibir la Sagrada Comunión, pero en lugar de consumir
inmediatamente la Hostia, se alejan llevando la Hostia en sus manos. Cuando esto sucede, el sacerdote o
ministro extraordinario debe detenerse inmediatamente y seguir a esa persona para asegurarse de que se
consuma la Hostia. Por favor recuerde consumir la Hostia inmediatamente después de la recepción mientras
todavía está de pie frente al sacerdote o ministro eucarístico.

PLANIFICACIÓN DE FUNERALES – Hemos tenido bastantes funerales en los últimos meses. Muchas de
estas son de otras parroquias que no han estado abiertas. Pero regularmente surgen preguntas sobre cuáles son
las costumbres funerarias adecuadas para nosotros como Católicos. Pensé que sería un buen momento para
revisar los procedimientos. El plan habitual de los Ritos Exequiales consta de 3 partes:

1) La Vigilia (que incluye el Rosario) - Esto generalmente se hace en la noche anterior a la Misa Funeraria y
generalmente se celebra en el Mortuorio, a menos que la asistencia sea tan grande que se requiera el uso de la
iglesia. La Vigilia puede ser dirigida por un sacerdote, diácono o incluso un laico autorizado.

2) La Misa Exequial - Esta es la parte más importante de los Ritos Exequiales, ya que no hay nada más eficaz
para la salvación que el Santo Sacrificio de la Misa. Se celebra normalmente por la mañana y siempre debe
tener lugar en la iglesia o capilla.

3) El rito de Sepultura (entierro) - Esto normalmente sigue inmediatamente a la Misa exequial y se realiza en
el cementerio. Siempre se prefiere un cementerio Católico, ya que es un terreno consagrado y todos los días se
celebra la Misa por los enterrados allí. Sin embargo, también es posible utilizar un cementerio no Católico y el
sacerdote o diácono bendecirá la tumba.
Si bien se permite la cremación, no se prefiere. Si se lleva a cabo la cremación, normalmente la cremación debe
ocurrir después de la Misa fúnebre para que el cuerpo pueda estar presente para la Misa. Si eso no es posible,
ahora se permite tener las cenizas presentes en la Misa fúnebre. Luego debe ser llevado al cementerio para su
entierro o ubicación en un columbario. Nunca está permitido llevarse las cenizas a casa.
Espero que lo anterior le sea útil en la planificación. Sé que puede parecer morboso hablar de estas cosas, pero
la muerte también forma parte de la vida. Cuando planificamos nuestro funeral con anticipación, en realidad
estamos haciendo un gran acto de caridad para aquellos que nos sobrevivirán y los libera de un gran estrés y
duda en un momento de dolor. Los animo a planificar con anticipación. Hice mis propios planes funerarios
hace muchos años y pagué todo por adelantado para no ser una carga para nadie. ¡Ya soy carga suficiente!
También es de vital importancia tener un testamento actualizado y un poder notarial duradero para las
decisiones de atención médica y de propiedad. Al preparar su testamento, también espero que recuerde
la parroquia de San Andrés. Nuestra parroquia, como muchas otras, depende de los legados de sus fieles
feligreses para tener seguridad financiera a largo plazo. Con frecuencia, las donaciones sustanciales que los
feligreses dejan a la parroquia después de su muerte son los fondos utilizados para proyectos importantes en las
parroquias. Estos legados hablan del amor de la persona por su parroquia a lo largo de los años y su deseo de
dejar un legado para los demás.
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Decimoquinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
SE NECESITAN UJIERES – Nuestra parroquia actualmente necesita más personas para ayudar en la Misa
como ujieres. Algunas de nuestras Misas tienen un complemento completo de 8, pero otras no. Este es un
apostolado muy sencillo pero muy necesario. Idealmente, me gustaría tener 2 equipos por cada Misa para que
puedan rotar y así se pueda compartir la carga. Si desea ayudar, envíeme un correo electrónico a: FrGonzalez@

ACTUALIZACIÓN DE UNIDOS EN MISIÓN – Como saben, hace un mes comenzamos la campaña anual
Unidos en Misión que ayuda a las parroquias y escuelas más pobres de la Arquidiócesis. De nuestra meta
de $82,018, hemos prometido hasta ahora aproximadamente $31,000. Esto es bueno, pero aún queda un
largo camino por recorrer para completar nuestro compromiso. Les insto a que consideran hacer hoy su
compromiso con esta campaña. Este año, en particular, es urgente debido a la pérdida de ingresos de estas
parroquias pobres debido al cierre de Covid 19 el año pasado.

Los sobres de compromiso están disponibles en las bancas y en el vestíbulo de la iglesia. También puede
hacerlo electrónicamente yendo a

Desde allí, seleccionaría St. Andrew Parish - Pasadena y luego seguiría las instrucciones.
Se puede amortizar en el transcurso de varios meses o todos a la vez. ¡Que Dios te recompense por tu

CABALLEROS DEL ALTAR – Como le anuncié anteriormente, estamos en el proceso de formar un nuevo
grupo de monaguillos llamado Caballeros del Altar. Estos son hombres jóvenes en la escuela secundaria y
superior que asumirán los roles de liderazgo durante nuestros servicios litúrgicos y actuarán como Maestros de
Ceremonias. Sin embargo, además de esto, se formarán en una fraternidad que incluirá actividades sociales,
así como formación espiritual y doctrinal. Habrá una primera reunión informativa el viernes 23 de julio a las
6:00 p.m. en el Centro Pastoral Sala de San Patricio y patio. Todos nuestros monaguillos actuales en la escuela
secundaria y superiores están invitados. Si tiene un hijo en la escuela secundaria o en la universidad, anímelo
a que asista también, incluso si actualmente no es monaguillo.

También formaremos un grupo para señoritas, de secundaria y superiores, en los próximos meses. Este
grupo también se enfocará en la amistad, las actividades sociales y la formación espiritual y doctrinal. Más
información a seguir.

En Cristo y San Andrés,

Padre González

SOCIEDAD DE SAN VICENTE DE PAÚL:                             ¿SABÍA USTED?
Decimoquinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario:                   Qué hacer si su hijo está perdido
En el Evangelio de hoy vemos como Jesús                      La peor pesadilla de todo padre de familia es perder
envió a Sus Apóstoles dos por dos. Desde                     a un hijo en alguna parte. Si su hijo o hija está
los principios de la Sociedad de San                         perdido/a, saber qué hacer y actuar rápidamente
Vicente de Paúl, los miembros hacen visitas                  puede ayudarlo/a a regresar a casa de manera segura.
domiciliarias “dos por dos,” a aquellos en                   Primero, llame a la policía. Deles una descripción
necesidad, en sus propios hogares. Es allí, en escena        completa de cómo se ve su hijo, qué vestía, la
familiar, que Vicentinos de nuestra parroquia escuchan,      última vez que lo vio. Si es posible, proporcione
ofrecen consejos humildes y rinden asistencia.               fotografías. Luego llame al Centro Nacional para
                                                             Niños Desaparecidos y Explotados al 1-800-THE-
¿Nunca has pensado contestar al llamado espiritual           LOST (1-800-843-5678). Si su hijo o hija no está
de servir a los más necesitados de nuestra parroquia,        en casa, revise su casa a fondo: detrás y dentro de
uniéndote a la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl?              electrodomésticos grandes, en armarios, debajo de
                                                             las camas, en sus automóviles. Para obtener más
                                                             información, visite
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Decimoquinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
DEL DIRECTOR DE MUSICA                                      “Pero otros tipos de música sacra, especialmente la
Decimoquinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario                   polifonía, no están excluidos de las celebraciones
11 de julio de 2021                                         litúrgicas, siempre que estén de acuerdo con el espíritu
                                                            de la acción litúrgica, según lo establecido en el art. 30
                                                            El artículo 30 del Sacrosanctum Concilium dice: “Para
Dum clamarem ad Dominum, exaudivit vocem meam,              promover la participación activa, se debe alentar a la
ab his qui apropinquant mihi: et humiliavit eos, qui        gente a participar mediante aclamaciones, respuestas,
est ante sæcula, et manet in æternum: iacta cogitatum       salmodia, antífonas y cánticos, así como con acciones,
tuum in Domino, et ipse te enutriet.                        gestos y actitudes corporales. Y en el momento
PS. Exaudi Deus orationem meam, et ne despexeris            oportuno, todos deben guardar un silencio reverente
deprecationem meam: intende mihi, et exaudi me.             ". El artículo 30 se cita en relación con “otros tipos de
Salmo 55: 17-20,23,2                                        música sacra (alia genera musicæ sacræ). Este es quizás
                                                            un reconocimiento tácito de que muchos tipos de
Cuando clamé al Señor, él escuchó mi voz, de los que se     cánticos no son para el canto congregacional sino para
acercan a mí; y los humilló, el que es antes de todos los   el ministerio de la schola cantorum, o coro, y de hecho
siglos y permanece para siempre: echa tu cuidado sobre      es así. (La próxima semana, exploraremos los diversos
el Señor, y él te sostendrá.                                géneros de música que se incluyen bajo el término
PS. Oye, oh Dios, mi oración, y no desprecies mi súplica;   general "canto Gregoriano").
sé atento y escúchame.
                                                            La Segunda Instrucción de Correcta Implementación
Después de la pausa de dos semanas en nuestra               del Concilio Vaticano II, Musicam Sacram, en el
discusión debido al anuncio del Año Jubilar de la           artículo 50, repite Sacrosanctum Concilium: “En
Misión, ahora volvemos al examen del papel del coro         los servicios litúrgicos cantados celebrados en latín:
en la Misa y, en primer lugar, al tipo de música que        (a) El canto gregoriano, como propio de la liturgia
debería cantar.                                             romana, debe enorgullecerse de lugar, en igualdad de
                                                            condiciones. (…) ”Sin embargo, como instrucción
La Instrucción General del Misal Romano, artículo           que nos dice cómo interpretar los documentos del
41, dice: “Se debe dar el lugar principal, en igualdad      Vaticano II, Musicam Sacram pasa a decir, en el
de condiciones, al canto gregoriano, como propio de         artículo 52,“ Para preservar el patrimonio de la música
la liturgia romana. No se excluyen en modo alguno           sacra y promover genuinamente las nuevas formas de
otros tipos de música sacra, en particular la polifonía,    canto sagrado, 'se debe conceder gran importancia a la
siempre que correspondan al espíritu de la acción           enseñanza y práctica de la música en los seminarios,
litúrgica y favorezcan la participación de todos los        en los noviciados y casas de estudio de los religiosos de
fieles. Dado que los fieles de diferentes países se         ambos sexos, y también en otros institutos y escuelas
reúnen cada vez con mayor frecuencia, es deseable           católicos' [citando SC 115] especialmente en aquellos
que sepan cantar juntos al menos algunas partes             institutos superiores destinados especialmente a esto.
del Ordinario de la Misa en latín, especialmente la         Sobre todo, se debe promover el estudio y la práctica
Profesión de Fe y la Oración del Señor, según los           del canto gregoriano, porque, con sus características
escenarios más sencillos. . "                               especiales, es una base de gran importancia para
                                                            el desarrollo de la música sacra ”. Musicam Sacram
Para la mayoría de los ministerios de música                afirma además, en el artículo 53, “Las nuevas obras
parroquial que no cantan cánticos o música coral            de música sacra deben ajustarse fielmente a los
polifónica, la frase "en igualdad de condiciones" ha        principios y normas establecidos anteriormente.
sido la cláusula de escape. ¿Cómo debe interpretarse la     De esta forma tendrán "las cualidades propias de la
cláusula ceteris paribus?                                   auténtica música sacra, estando al alcance no sólo de
                                                            grandes coros sino de coros más pequeños, facilitando
El ceteris paribus es una cita directa del Sacrosanctum     la participación de todos los fieles". (Énfasis agregado
Concilium, artículo 116: “La Iglesia reconoce que el        en ambas ocasiones). Claramente, el canto gregoriano
canto gregoriano es especialmente adecuado para             es el modelo y el estándar por el cual uno debe juzgar
la liturgia romana; por lo tanto, en igualdad de            la música sacra que debe usarse en la celebración de la
condiciones, debe ocupar un lugar privilegiado en los        Santa Misa.
servicios litúrgicos.
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