Page created by Marilyn Sims
1. Important Safeguards
                                SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS
                               IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS
When using electrical               appliance is used by           7. The use of accessory
appliances, basic safety            or near children.                  attachments not
precautions should always        5. Unplug from outlet when            recommended by the
be followed, including the           not in use and before             appliance manufacturer
following:                           cleaning. Allow to cool           may result in fire, electric
                                     before putting on or taking       shock or injury to persons.
1. Read all instructions.            off parts, and before         8. Do not use outdoors.
2. Do not touch hot surfaces.        cleaning the appliance.       9. Do not let cord hang over
    Use handles or knobs.        6. Do not operate any                 edge of table or counter,
3. To protect against fire,          appliance with a damaged          or touch hot surfaces.
    electric shock and               cord or plug or after the     10.Do not place on or near a
    injury to persons do not         appliance malfunctions,          hot gas or electric burner,
    immerse cord, plugs,             or has been damaged              or in a heated oven.
    or electrical parts in           in any manner. Return
                                     appliance to the nearest      11.Always attach plug to
    water or other liquid.                                            appliance first, then plug
                                     authorized service
4. Close supervision is              facility for examination,        cord into the wall outlet. To
    necessary when any               repair or adjustment.            disconnect, turn any control

                                      SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS
                                   IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS
         to “off,” then remove            person responsible for        16.Any modification to the
         plug from wall outlet.           their safety and if they         equipment is prohibited;
     12.Household use only, do            understand dangers.              the manufacturer cannot
        not use appliance for          Children should be supervised       be held liable for damage
        other than intended use.          to ensure that they do not       to property, animals, and/
                                          play with the appliance.         or persons if the equipment
     13.Save these instructions.                                           undergoes technical
     14.Use, cleaning and              Keep the appliance and              and aesthetic changes,
        maintenance of this coffee        its cord out of the              changes in performance
        machine are realized              reach of children less           and characteristics, and
        by people (including              than 8 years of age.             in general is tampered
        children more than 8           15.The service area is              with in one or more of its
        years of age) with reduced        restricted to persons            constituent components.
        physical, sensory or mental       having knowledge and          17.Do not immerse the coffee
        capabilities, or lack of          practical experience of the      machine in water. It is
        experience and knowledge,         appliance, in particular         an electrical appliance.
        as long as they have been         as far as safety and
        given supervision by a            hygiene are concerned.

2. General Information
            WARNING                              WARNING                             WARNING
 The manufacturer declines          This appliance is not intended          The warranty will be void
  any responsibility for any        for use by persons (including                   in case of:
event leading to liability suits   children) with reduced physical,    • Incorrect use, not in accordance
 whenever grounding has not        sensory or mental capabilities,     with the design purpose;
been completed according to            or lack of experience and       • Use of non-genuine spare parts;
 current local, national, and        knowledge, unless they have       • Power cord tampered with;
international regulations and          been given supervision or       • Components tampered with;
  electrical codes, or other          instruction concerning use       • Repairs made by unauthorized
  electrical parts have been         of the appliance by a person      personnel.
    connected improperly.            responsible for their safety.

Hazardous voltage disconnect
  from power supply before
         servicing.                             WARNING
                                     In order to prevent cracks or                 WARNING
            WARNING                 leakage: do not store or install    To reduce the risk of injury, do
The machine must be installed        the coffee machine in places      not drape cord over the counter
  so that qualified technical       where temperature may cause          top where it can be pulled on
personnel can easily access it     boiler or hydraulic system water       by children or tripped over
       for maintenance.                         freezing.                       unintentionally.

Espresso coffee machine essentially made      2) Check the machine’s integrity after         and safety regulations, and particularly by
     up of a brewing group of hot water for        having carefully removed the packaging.        grounding the unit. Make sure grounding
     espresso coffee and a steam boiler that       Packaging (boxes, plastic bags, foam parts     has been done properly as it represents a
     is able to supply steam and hot water for     and whatever else) must not be left within     fundamental safety requirement. Ensure
     infusions.                                    easy reach of children, due to the potential   qualified personnel check such connection.
                                                   danger it represents, nor be discarded in
     This appliance is intended to be used for     the environment.                               5) Furthermore, you must ensure that
     household and similar applications such                                                      the capacity of the available electrical
     as:                                           Safety instructions                            system is suitable for the maximum power
     • staff kitchen areas in shops, offices and   1) Check to see that data on the rating        consumption indicated on the espresso
       other working environments;                 plate corresponds to those of the main         machine.
     • farm houses;                                electrical supply to which the machine will    6) We do not recommend using adapters,
     • by clients in hotels, motels and other      be attached.                                   multiple plugs and/or extension cords.
       residential-type environments;              This equipment must be installed to            If you cannot avoid using them, make
     • bed & breakfast-type environments.          comply with applicable federal, state or       sure that they are exclusively of the kind
     About this manual                             local plumbing codes.                          which conforms to local, national, and
     This operating guide is an integral and                                                      international electrical codes and safety
     essential part of the product and must be     2) The installation must be performed          regulations, being careful not to exceed
     supplied to users. Users are asked to read    according to local electrical and plumbing     the power and current ratings indicated on
     the enclosed warnings and cautions            codes and regulations. The installation        such adapters and extension cords.
     carefully, as they provide valuable           also must comply to the manufacturer’s
     information concerning safety during          instructions, and must be performed by         7) This device must be used exclusively
     installation, operation, and maintenance.     qualified and authorized personnel.            for the functions it has been designed
     This manual must be kept in a safe place                                                     and built for. Any other application is
     and be available for consultation to new      3) Incorrect installation may cause injury/    inappropriate and dangerous.
     and experienced users alike.                  damages to people, animals or objects, for     The manufacturer shall not be held
                                                   which the manufacturer shall not be held       responsible for any damages caused by
     Remove machine from packaging                 responsible.                                   improper and/or irrational use.
     1) Ensure product’s integrity by inspecting
     the packaging, making sure it presents no     4) Safe electrical operation of this device    8) Using any electrical device requires that
     signs of damage which might have affected     will be achieved only when the connection      certain fundamental rules be observed. In
     the enclosed machine.                         to the power outlet has been completed         particular:
                                                   correctly and in observance of all local,      - do not touch the device with wet or moist

                                                   national, and international electrical codes      hands and feet
- do not use the device while not wearing       using only original parts. Non compliance      off the water supply; to replace the power
  shoes                                         with the above could compromise the safe       supply cord, contact qualified professionals
- do not use extension cords in bath or         operation of the machine.                      exclusively.
  shower rooms
- do not unplug the device from the power       11) In order to avoid dangerous overheating    14) These instructions are also available in
  outlet by pulling on the power supply         problems, it is recommended that the           an alternative format on a website
  cable                                         power supply cable be unfurled completely.
- do not expose the device to atmospheric       12) Do not obstruct air intake and exhaust
  agents                                        grilles and, in particular, do not cover the   15) Minimum requirements for WiFi
- do not allow children or untrained people     cup warmer tray with cloths or other items.    connection:
  to use this device                                                                           • device running Android version 6+ or iOS
                                                13) The machine’s power supply cable must        version 10+;
9) Before performing any maintenance            not be replaced by users. In case the power    • wireless network 2.4 GHz;
and/or cleaning operations (other than          supply cable becomes damaged, shut off         • La Marzocco app available at the official
back-flushing the group), turn the main         the machine and disconnect the                   stores Play Store and App Store.
switch to the “0” position, and disconnect      machine from the electrical network by
the machine from the electrical network         unplugging the power cord or switching
by unplugging the cord or by switching          off the relative circuit breaker and close
off the relative circuit breaker. For any                                        Water specifications table
cleaning operation, follow exclusively the                                                             Min.                  Max.
instructions contained in this manual.
                                                 T.D.S.                        ppm                      90                   150
10) If the machine is operating in a faulty      Total Hardness                ppm                      70                   100
manner or stops working, disconnect it                            +2
                                                 Total Iron (Fe /Fe )  +3
                                                                               ppm                       0                  0,02
from the electrical network (as described
in the preceding point). Do not attempt to       Free Chlorine (Cl2)           ppm                       0                  0,05
repair it. Contact a qualified and authorized    Total Chlorine (Cl2)          ppm                       0                   0,1
professional to perform any repair. Any          pH                            value                   6,5                   8,5
repair must be performed exclusively by the
manufacturer or by an authorized centre          Alkalinity                    ppm                      40                    80
                                                 Chloride (Cl )
                                                                               ppm                   not more                 30
                                                N.B.: Test water quality (the warranty is void if water parameters are not within the range
                                                specified in the section “installation”)

3. Machine Description

          Cup tray
                                                                               Group activation

                                                                              Group head

                                                                             Hot water dispensing

                                                                                Group cover

                                    Water tank indicator light (blue)
         Main power switch                                                                                  Pressure gauge           Pressure gauge
                                                                                                            (steam boiler)           (Coffee group)

                               Hot water activation
                                                                                                                   A                    B


               Power indicator light (red)

                                Steam activation                                              Hot surface                MICRA
                                                                                                                         A [mm]        290
                                                                                           Steam wand
                                                                                                                         B [mm]        472
                                                                               Drain box                                 C [mm]        338
                                                                                                                       WEIGHT [kg]      19

                                                                  Figure 1 - Machine Description
4. Installation
                                     Note:                                            national safety standards of the location in
             WARNING                                                                  which the machine is being installed.
   The coffee machine must be        • Minimum room                                   To guarantee a correct and safe functioning
placed in a horizontal position on      temperature: 5°C/41°F                         of the machine and to maintain an adequate
                                     • Maximum room                                   performance level and a high quality of the
a counter higher than 90 cm from        temperature: 32°C/89°F                        beverages being brewed it is important
           the ground.               • The weighted sound pressure                    that the incoming water be of a hardness
                                                                                      greater than 7°f (70ppm, 4°d) and less
                                        level of the machine is                       than 10°f (100ppm, 6°d), pH should be
             WARNING                    lower than 70dBA.                             between 6.5 and 8.5 and the quantity of
The expansion valve can discharge    • This machine complies                          chlorides be less than 30mg/l . Respecting
   water as hot as 200°F / 93°C.        with the standard 61000-                      these values allows the machine to operate
 Adequate protection for handling       3-11, the impedance at                        at maximum efficiency. If these parameters
                                                                                      are not present, a specific filtration device
 this component is needed before        the supply interface must                     should be installed, while always adhering
       attempting to adjust.            be Zmax= 0.356 Ω.                             to the local national standards in place
                                     Espresso machine installation, micra             regarding potable water.
             WARNING                                                                                           In order to enable
                                     1) Fill water reservoir with potable water.                               you to check if
 This machine is not suitable for    Once the espresso machine has been                                        your water supply
           outdoor use.              unpackaged, placed on a hard surface.                                     is     within    the
                                     Remove the drain tray and slide the water                                 suggested ranges,
             WARNING                 reservoir until the water reservoir fill cover                            La         Marzocco
  The machine is intended to be      is accessible. Remove the cover and fill                                  machines will be
permanently connected to mains       water reservoir with potable water. Replace                               equipped with a
                                     the fill cover and slide the water reservoir                              quick water test
          power supply.              to the operating position and replace the                                 kit (see image
 It is mandatory that a residual     drain tray. In order to connect the machine                               below) including
current device (RCD) with a rated    up to the water mains proceed according                                   6 test-strips and
  residual operating current not     to the indications given in the Installation                              instruction cards.
                                     Guide and in compliance with any local/                                   The      parameters
   exceeding 30 mA is installed.

that you can measure are Total Hardness,                                                        • Engage the portafilter by inserting it into
     Total Iron, Free Chlorine, Total Chlorine,                                                      the group head and rotate the handle from
     pH & Total Alkalinity, Chlorides.                                                               left to right. Once the portafilter is inserted
     Ideally, you should perform a test on the                                                       properly, you can move the paddle on the
     water BEFORE the water treatment system                                                         left side to start the flow of water through
     and again AFTER the water system in order                                                       the portafilter. Brew water through the
     to verify if this is actually matching our                                                      group for at least two minutes.
     suggested ranges.                              NOTE: It may be necessary to re-fill the water   • Being careful to avoid burns, turn on
     Once the test has been performed,              reservoir during this process.                      steam wand for at least 30 seconds.
     learn which treatment system is most                                                            • Turn on the hot water valve for the time
                                                    Coffee boiler: The water flows inside the
     appropriate for your particular water supply                                                       necessary to allow at least 0,5 liter of
                                                    Coffee group directly when the water
     by filling out the online water calculator                                                         water to be brewed.
                                                    pump is activated. When the micra is
     on our website: LA MARZOCCO WATER
                                                    turned on the electronics will activate the
     CALCULATOR          (http://www.lamarzocco.                                                     5) Waiting for the espresso machine to heat to
                                                    water pump to fill both boiler.
     com/water_calculator/).                                                                         operating temperature.
                                                    When the machine is first started, the user
                                                    must activate the paddle and leave it in         During this time, the pointer of the Coffee
     2) Connect espresso machine to power supply.                                                    group pressure gauge may reach as high as
     Connect the espresso machine to a power        the dispensing position, for at least 30-40
                                                    seconds, in order to completely saturate         12 bar. This may happen anytime that the
     supply that is rated in accordance with the                                                     heating element is in the “on” condition.
     serial plate on the espresso machine.          the boiler.
                                                    The machine heats up only after the coffee       In normal operating conditions, the Coffee
                                                    boiler is fully saturated and the steam          group pressure gauge can read anywhere
     3) Filling the boilers with water.
                                                    boiler has reached the correct level.            from 0-12 bar. When brewing, the pressure
     Complete the following steps to properly
                                                                                                     should be set to approximately 9 bar.
     fill the boiler tanks:
                                                    4) Verify filling of boilers.                    The machine is ready to brew water when
     Steam boiler: Turn the main switch to          The installation is now complete and the         the power indicator light (red) is ON.
     position “1”, the steam boiler will then       espresso machine should be heating to the        When the machine is warming up the
     automatically fill to a predetermined          operating temperatures.                          power indicator light (red) is flashing.
     level. When the correct water level in the
     steam boiler is reached, the machine will      Brewing after first installation                 NOTE: As the steam boiler reaches operating
     automatically stop filling.                    Once the first installation procedures are       temperature you may hear air and steam
                                                    finished, before proceeding with brewing         escaping from the boiler. This is a normal sound.
                                                    coffee, hot water and steam, please follow       As the water boils, air in the boiler is replaced by
                                                    these steps:

                                                                                                     steam and exits through the vacuum breaker. As
the boiler get closer to operating temperature    Machine KC plate                                       • Increase the separation between the
the vacuum breaker closes and the steam is                                                                 equipment and receiver.
no longer able to escape. This process allows
                                                                                                         • Connect the equipment into an outlet on
the air in the steam boiler to escape and to be         일련번호:   MR000001
                                                                                                            a circuit different from that to which the
                                                      인증번호: XXXXXX-YYYY        제조년월:
replaced by water vapor.                                                               11/21
                                                                                                            receiver is connected.
                                                  전자파적합등록번호:       XXX-YYY-ZZZ-MICRA
                                                  제품명: 커피메이커       모델명: MICRA KR     소비 전력: 1,816 W
6) Machine plate:                                 정격 전압: 220V, 60Hz 제조사: La Marzocco S.r.l. 제조국: Italy
                                                                                                         • Consult the dealer or an experienced
Machine CE plate                                  수입원: ㈜라마르조코코리아           A/S 센터: 1588-7435
                                                                                                           radio/TV technician for help.
                                                                                                           The espresso machine is equipped
                                                  7) FCC certification (U.S.A. and CANADA only)            with a dedicated radio module that
                                                  This equipment has been tested and                       meets FCC and ISED certification
                                                  found to comply with the limits for a Class              requirements.
      MICRA                                       B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of
     MR000000            04/21          50-60     the FCC Rules. These limits are designed               Changes or modifications not expressly
   1816-2130           220-240          8,2-8,8   to provide reasonable protection against               approved by the party responsible for
                                                  harmful interference in a residential                  compliance could void the user’s authority
                                                  installation. This equipment generates,                to operate the equipment
Machine ETL plate                                 uses and can radiate radio frequency
                                                  energy and, if not installed and used in               FCC ID: 2AZUJ-SYS-C60-LMC1
                                                  accordance with the instructions, may                  IC ID: 27093-SYSC60LMC1
                                                  cause harmful interference to radio
                                                  communications. However, there is no
                                                  guarantee that interference will not occur in
      MICRA US
    MR000000             11/21                    a particular installation. If this equipment
   1800                120              15        does cause harmful interference to radio
                                                  or television reception, which can be
                                                  determined by turning the equipment off
                                                  and on, the user is encouraged to try to
                                                  correct the interference by one or more of
                                                  the following measures:

                                                  • Reorient or relocate the receiving

8) Adjusting water pump pressure.             3. Adjust the water pump pressure to the    NOTE: The water pump pressure should be
     The water pump is factory set at 9 bar           desired measurement.                     adjusted when the machine is operating
     pressure. If it becomes necessary to          4. Rotate clockwise to increase pressure    and coffee is present in the portafilter,
     change the pressure please use the               and counter-clockwise to reduce          however do not exceed 10 bars.
     following procedure:                             pressure.

      1. Remove the top tray and the lower tray.
      2. Locate the water pump adjustment


                                                   Figure 2 - Water Pump Pressure Adjustment
5. Operation
                                                                                        Allow hot water to pass through the empty
             WARNING                                 WARNING                            portafilter for a few seconds before the
   The Coffee group and steam              Do not touch the steam wand                  brewing process to pre-heat the portafilter.
 boiler contain water at elevated         while dispensing steam and for
temperature. Water temperature            40s from the end of dispensing.               NOTE: It is important to leave the portafilter
                                                                                        locked in the espresso machine when
  over 125°F / 52°C can cause           1. Installing the portafilter.                  not in use. The portafilter must remain
 severe burns instantly or death        Install the portafilter by inserting it into    heated for the brewing process to function
   from scalding (Coffee group          the Coffee group and rotate the handle          correctly.
                                        from left to right. Once the portafilter
   200°F/93.3°C - steam boiler          is inserted properly, you can move the          2. Brewing coffee. It is now possible to
         260°F / 127°C).                paddle handle from right to left to start       remove the portafilter to make a coffee
                                        the flow of water through the portafilter.      beverage. Place some ground coffee in the
                                        It is important that the portafilter is at      portafilter basket using the single or double
              WARNING                   operating temperature prior to filling with     basket. Press down on the ground coffee
The machine must not be dipped in,      coffee.                                         with the supplied tamper and install the
nor splashed with, water in order to                                                    portafilter on the micra. Move the paddle
 clean it. For cleaning operations,                                           Filter    handle from right to left to begin brewing
                                                                              basket    (see Fig.1 page 8).
please follow the instructions listed
       below very carefully.                                                  Spring    With the La Marzocco App it is possible to
                                                                                        adjust the temperature of the coffee brewing
              WARNING                                                                   water.
This machine is designed only for                                        Portafilter

preparing coffee and hot drinks.                                                        It is recommended to wait for a few
                                                                              O-Ring    seconds until the desired temperature is
             WARNING                                                          gasket    achieved.
To avoid the risk of injury, do not                                           Double    If you want to decrease the temperature,
                                                                              snap-on   it is recommended to dispense water from
 open the brew chamber during                                                 spout     the group for a few seconds to speed up
       the brew process.                                                                the process.

                                                     Figure 3 - Portafilter
NOTE: Some users believe it is important       NOTE: It is important to have a sufficient       Hot water knob
     to allow water to pass through the Coffee      volume of liquid in the steaming pitcher.
     group prior to installing the portafilter      Therefore if you intend to steam small
     to flush any remaining coffee oils and         amounts of milk it is necessary to use a
     particles from the Coffee group. Some          small pitcher. If you intend to steam larger
     also flush just after brewing for the same     quantities of milk then it is necessary to
     reason. Please experiment to make the          use a larger steaming pitcher.
     best possible procedure for your coffee.       Using too little milk in a steaming pitcher              Figure 4 - Hot Water Knob
     There are many techniques for brewing          can allow the milk to be “blown out” of the
     espresso. You can find instructions for        pitcher. A good rule to follow is to fill the
     many techniques on websites, blogs and         steaming pitcher only half full of liquid.      5. Connect/disconnect the coffee machine to/
     forums.                                                                                        from the WiFi network.
                                                    NOTE: In order to prevent the heated liquid     Use the app for the first connection to your
     3. Dispensing steam.                           from being sucked back into the steam           WiFi network.
     In order to allow for any condensed water
                                                    boiler it is recommended that you purge         Subsequently, when the coffee machine is
     in the wand to be released ALWAYS allow
                                                    the steam system after heating any liquid.      turned on, it will automatically connect to
     some steam to be discharged by turning on
                                                    Purge the system by opening the steam           the WiFi network.
     the valve before inserting the steam wand
                                                    valve for a few seconds to allow steam to       For disconnecting the coffee machine
     into the pitcher of liquid to be heated.
                                                    escape to the atmosphere from the end of        from the WiFi network, remove the water
     Dip the steam wand into the liquid to be
                                                    the steam wand.                                 tank, make sure that the blue LED flashes,
     heated. Rotate the steam knob to activate
                                                                                                    operate 5 consecutive times the paddle
     the steaming process.
                                                    4. Dispensing hot water.                        lever within a time of 10 seconds.
     The steam valve has a variable flow control.
                                                    You may dispense hot water by using the         Now the machine is disconnected.
     The steam will transfer heat to the liquid
                                                    hot water nozzle. To dispense hot water         To restore the connection of the machine,
     raising its temperature. Be careful not to
                                                    rotate the left knob (see Fig.6 page 14).       just turn it on again using the switch.
     allow liquid to overflow in order to avoid
     severe burns.
                                                    This knob commands the hot water
     Steaming milk for cappuccinos and
     other beverages is very easy but making
     it just right requires some skill. Please
     experiment with various techniques to find
     the best method for your milk. You can
     find many discussions about the steaming

     of milk on the internet.
6. Key Features
                                                3. Coffee grind.                                • Being careful to avoid burns, turn on the
              WARNING                           The size of the coffee granules is extremely      steam wand for at least 30 seconds.
      If the above-mentioned                    important in preparing a good cup of            • Turn on the hot water valve for the time
  instructions are not adhered to               coffee, along with the type of coffee blend       necessary to allow 0,5 liter of water to
                                                used. The ideal grind can be determined by        be brewed.
          the manufacturer                      making various coffees using the amount         • If using the machine with water reservoir,
   cannot be held responsible for               of ground coffee that you would normally          change the water in the reservoir daily.
    damage to persons or things.                use for each cup (we recommend at least
                                                7g). The best grind is that which allows        If the machine is not going to be used for
1. Hot water dispensing.                        coffee to flow out from the portafilter         long periods of time, it is advisable to follow
Hot water may be dispensed from the Hot         spouts neither too slowly, drop by drop, nor    these safety indications:
Water Wand on the left side side of the         too quickly. A general rule is that a double    • Disconnect the machine from the water
machine. This is accomplished by rotating       dose should dispense approximately 60ml/           mains or interrupt the water connection
the left knob (see Fig.6 page 14).              2 fluid oz. of espresso in approximately 25        via a mains tap.
                                                seconds. This time may be adjusted by           • Disconnect the machine from the
2. General notes for coffee preparation.        varying the coarseness of the grind.               electrical mains.
The portafilters must remain heated since
they are at the lowest position of the          N.B.
group itself, and they are partially isolated   If the machine has not been used for more
from the group due to the rubber gasket         than 8 hours or, in any case, after long
between them. This can be accomplished          periods of being idle, in order to use the
by leaving the portafilters installed in the    machine to its full potential it is necessary
machine when not in use. The portafilter        to perform some cleaning cycles before
may also be actively heated by rotating         brewing beverages as follows:
group activation paddle to flush hot water      • Group: with the portafilter engaged in the
through the portafilter then turning off the       group brew water through it for at least
water flow.                                        two minutes.

7. Preventative Maintenance and Cleaning
                   WARNING                              WARNING                            2. Cleaning the brewing system.
                                                                                           Insert the blind filter into to the portafilter
      Jets of water should not be used          The expansion valve can                    and put the correct amount of espresso
     to clean the machine, nor should       discharge water as hot as 200°F                cleaning product (following the product’s
                                                                                           instructions) into the filter, engage the
     it be placed where water jets are        / 93°C. Adequate protection                  portafilter into the Coffee group.
                    used.                    for handling this component is
                                              needed before attempting to                      Diffuser
                   WARNING                               adjust.
       Do not remove the filter holder                                                         Diffuser
     while relative group is brewing hot                WARNING                                screen

     liquids. The Coffee group contains     This machine is designed only for
       water at elevated temperature.       preparing coffee and hot drinks.                   assembly
       Water temperature over 125°F
                                           Cleaning (Daily)                                           Figure 5 - Coffee group
       / 52°C can cause severe burns       1. Cleaning the diffuser screen and diffuser
                                                                                           • Move the group activation paddle for said
      instantly or death from scalding.    screw.                                            group, as if you were making a regular
                                           During      the    discharge      operation       cup of coffee. Stop the water after about
                                           (subsequent to coffee brewing), small             15-20 seconds.
                                           amounts of coffee grounds may slowly            • Start and stop the group several times
                   WARNING                 build-up on and obstruct, even partially, the     until you notice clear water being
                                           diffuser screen. Turn off the machine and
      The machine must not be dipped       remove the diffuser screen by unscrewing
                                                                                             released instead of soapy water when
                                                                                             you remove the portafilter.
       in, nor splashed with water in      the diffuser screw. Soak in detergent             Do not remove the portafilter when group
       order to clean it. For cleaning     powder liquid following the instructions of       is dispensing water.
                                           detergent manufacturer. Rinse thoroughly        • Rinse the group using a normal filter
        operations, please follow the      with clean water puro caff. Install and run       in the portafilter, by running hot water
         instructions very carefully.      hot water through the group head several          through it several times.

                                           times with the screen installed.
3. Cleaning the body.                          NOTE: This cleaning schedule is based                       Cleaning frequency
Wipe the stainless steel surfaces with a       upon a moderate to average use (5-20)
soft, non abrasive cloth in the direction of   cups per day. If machine use is less than      Daily
the glazing marks, if any. Do not use any      moderate then this schedule may be             • Portafilter
alcohol or solvents whatsoever on painted,     adjusted accordingly.                          • Filter
imprinted, or plastic parts in order not to                                                   • Diffuser screen
damage them. Clean the side panels using       6. Clean the water reservoir and the drain     • Diffuser screw
a soft cloth. Clean only with a damp soft      box: The water reservoir needs to be           • Steam wand (just after use)
cloth or possibly soaked in warm water and     cleaned periodically to ensure that no         • Drain grille
mild soap.                                     algae forms on the inside surfaces. To
                                               clean, first remove the water reservoir from   Weekly
4. Cleaning the steam nozzles.                 the machine. Disconnect the clear plastic      • Water Reservoir
Steam nozzles must be cleaned                  water intake hose. Hand wash each part         • Drain Box
immediately after use with a damp cloth        with water containing mild soap.
and by producing a short burst of steam                                                       Monthly
so as to prevent the formation of deposits                                                    • Cleaning the hot water nozzle
inside the nozzles themselves, which
may alter the flavor of other drinks to be
heated. If milk residue is present on the                                                     N.B.: For details about cleaning, refer to the
steam wand, soak the tip in a container of                                                    quick start guide on the website.
hot water, then it will be possible to wipe
the tip clean. Repeat process if residue

5. Cleaning the hot water nozzles.
Hot water nozzles must be cleaned
periodically with a damp cloth soaked in
water and/or mild soap.

8. Installation Guide
     1. Unpack micra Espresso Machine    page 19   7. Monitor steam boiler pressure     page 23

     2. Fill with water (initial fill)   page 19   8 . Brew espresso                    page 24

     3. Drain box alignment              page 20   9. Verify working boiler pressures   page 24

     4. Connect to power supply          page 20   10. Coffee group temperature         page 25

     5. Turn on main power               page 21   11. Steam boiler temperature         page 25

     6. Monitor Coffee group pressure    page 22

Unpack espresso machine and set on a level surface. Ensure all accessories are
                                          1   included with shipment. Check for any visable damage to espresso machine.

                                                                                      The coffee machine must be
                                                                                   placed in a horizontal position on
                                                                                   a counter higher than 90 cm from
                                                                                              the ground.
    Remove/Open the fill cover and
2   fill the reservoir with filtered
    water. Slide the reservoir back
    into position and replace the drain
    box. Make sure the drain box is                                                        Drain box
    inserted fully. The water reservoir
    must make contact with the level
    indicators on the rear side.

    NOTE: The micra is configured to
    work with the water reservoir.

                                                                                                       Fill cover

                              3   The drain box must be installed correctly for the machine
                                  to function properly. The drain box has two magnets that
                                  mate with two alignment grooves on the base of the micra.
                                  When installing the drain box, ensure that the alignment
                                  magnets are inserted into the alignment grooves. It may be
                                  necessary to push slightly on the front of the drain box to
                                  achieve proper alignment.
                                  When the machine is ON and the water tank is full, the
                                  water reservoir indicator light (blue) is ON; if the water
                                  tank is empty the water reservoir indicator light (blue) is

                                  Alignment magnets and grooves

          Alignment grooves

                                                      Connect the power cord to a power
                                                4     supply capable of supplying: 230VAC
                                                      and 8,3 Amps (for the 220-240V
                                                      version) or 115VAC and 14 Amps (for
                                                      the 115 V version).

   The manufacturer declines
     any responsibility for any          Turn on power by pressing the main power switch. The main
  event leading to liability suits   5   power switch may be found on the left rear of the machine.
whenever grounding has not been
 completed according to current
local, national, and international
regulations and electrical codes,
 or if other electrical parts have
   been connected improperly.

Steam boiler                                                                 Coffee group
          pressure gauge                                                               pressure gauge

               Next it will be necessary to check the expansion valve. As the Coffee group heats to operating temperature the pressure
          6    in the Coffee group will rise. There is an expansion valve behind the drain tray that allows some water to escape during
               this process to limit the maximum pressure in the Coffee group to 12 bar. Please monitor the Coffee group pressure gauge
               during the initial heating process. You should notice the gauge approach 12 bar and stop.

You may also monitor the steam boiler heating progress by watching the steam boiler pressure gauge.
7      The steam boiler is set at approximately 1.8 Bar of pressure at the factory.
       Once the pressure gauge reaches this point the heating will stop.

    Steam boiler                                                                 Coffee group
    pressure gauge                                                               pressure gauge

When the espresso machine is ready, (red indicator
                                                         8      light ON) place ground coffee into the portafilter
                                                                and activate the brewing process.

                                                                                                              Coffee group
                                               Steam boiler
                                                                                                              pressure gauge
                                               pressure gauge

          When brewing, the Coffee group
      9   pressure should be between 8-10
          bar. The steam boiler pressure
          should be set at 1.8 bar but can
          operate at any setting between 1.3
          bar and 2 bar.

The temperature of the brewing water is measured at the most
                                                     10      critical point in the Coffee group where temperature fluctuation is
                                                             the greatest.
                                                             This parameter is set at the factory at a preset nominal temperature.

     With the La Marzocco App you can adjust the pressure of the steam
11   boiler.

Indicator light status

                                                                                                                Power indicator light (red)

          Water tank indicator light (blue)

             Status                                    Message                              Status                              Message
                                                                                                     Red indicator light flashing 3 seconds off, 1 second on
                             Red indicator light flashing 1 second on, 1 second off:
                                                                                                     and blue indicator light off:
                                - Machine heating.
                                                                                                        - Machine in stand-by.

                             Red indicator light flashing 3 seconds on, 1 second off:
                                                                                                     Blue indicator light flashing 1 second on, 1 second off:
                                - Machine at operating temperature and disconnected
                                                                                                        - Low water level or no tank.
                                  from the WiFi network.

                             Red indicator light on:
                                                                                                     Blue indicator light on:
                                 - Machine at operating temperature and connected to
                                                                                                        - Water present in the tank.
                             the WiFi network.

this coffee machine
is connectable.

                  learn more

linea micra
linea micra
     Mode d’emploi V1.0 - 04/2022

     1. Clauses de Sécurité Importantes    page 3    La Marzocco S.r.l.

     2. Informations Générales             page 5    Via La Torre 14/H
                                                     Località La Torre
     3. Description de la Machine          page 8    50038 Scarperia e San Piero
                                                     (Florence) - ITALY
     4. Installation                       page 9
     5. Fonctionnement                     page 13
                                                     T: +39 055 849 191
     6. Caractéristiques Principales       page 15   F: +39 055 849 1990

     7. Entretien Préventif et Nettoyage   page 16   Instructions d’origine vérifiées par le
     8. Guide d’Installation               page 18

     9. État des voyants lumineux          page 26

                                                     Scannez le code QR pour afficher le
                                                     Guide complet de Programmation du
     certifications disponibles:                     Logiciel disponible sur le site Internet de
                                                     Imprimé sur du papier recyclé.
1. Clauses de Sécurité Importantes
                              ENREGISTRER CES INSTRUCTIONS
Lorsque vous utilisez des               ou près de ces derniers.        7. L’utilisation d’accessoires
appareils électriques, vous devez    5. Débrancher de la prise             non recommandée par le
toujours observer des précautions       secteur s’il n’est pas             fabricant de l’appareil peut
de sécurité, qui incluent ce qui        utilisé et avant de le             entraîner un incendie, un
suit :                                  nettoyer. Laisser refroidir        choc électrique ou une
                                        l’appareil avant de mettre         blessure à la personne.
1. Lire toutes les instructions.
                                        ou d’enlever des pièces,        8. Ne pas utiliser à l’extérieur.
2. Ne pas toucher de surfaces           et avant de le nettoyer.
   chaudes. Utiliser des                                                9. Ne pas laisser le cordon
   poignées ou des boutons.          6. Ne pas faire fonctionner           dépasser sur le côté d’une
                                        l’appareil avec un cordon          table ou d’un comptoir, ni
3. Pour protéger les personnes          ou une prise endommagée            toucher des surfaces chaudes.
   des incendies, chocs                 ou après que l’appareil
   électriques et blessures,                                            10. Ne pas placer sur ou à
                                        ait mal fonctionné, ou

   ne pas immerger les                                                      côté d’un brûleur à gaz
                                        ait été endommagée de               ou électrique chaud, ni
   cordons, prises dans l’eau           quelque manière que ce
   ou un autre liquide.                                                     dans un four chaud.
                                        soit. Retourner l’appareil
4. Une étroite supervision est          à l’atelier de service le       11. Toujours brancher l’appareil
   nécessaire en cas d’utilisation      plus proche afin qu’il soit         en premier avant de le
   de l’appareil par des enfants        examiné, réparé ou réglé.           raccorder à la prise secteur.
                                   ENREGISTRER CES INSTRUCTIONS
                          CLAUSES DE SÉCURITÉ IMPORTANTES
         Pour déconnecter, mettre            ci sont sous la surveillance       16. Toute modification de
         tous les boutons sur « off »        ou ont reçu les instructions           l’équipement est interdite ;
         (arrêt), puis débrancher la         d’utilisation appropriées              le fabricant ne peut être tenu
         fiche de la prise murale.           de la personne responsable             responsable des dommages
     12. Pour un usage domestique            de leur sécurité et si elles           aux biens, aux animaux et/
         uniquement, ne pas                  comprennent les dangers.               ou aux personnes, en cas
         utiliser l’appareil à des           Les enfants doivent être               de modifications techniques
         fins autres que celles pour         surveillés pour s’assurer qu’ils       et esthétiques, ou de
         lesquelles il a été conçu.          ne jouent avec l’appareil.             changements de performances
                                                                                    et de caractéristiques de
     13. Conserver ces instructions          Conserver l’appareil et son            l’équipement et, d’une
     14. L’utilisation, le nettoyage et      cordon hors de la portée des           manière générale, en
         l’entretien de cette machine        enfants de moins de 8 ans.             cas d’altération d’un
         à café ne doivent pas être       15. La zone de service est                ou de plusieurs de ses

         réalisés par des personnes (y        limitée aux personnes ayant           éléments constitutifs.
         compris les enfants de plus          une connaissance et une           17. Ne pas immerger la machine
         de 8 ans) inexpérimentées ou         expérience pratique de                à café dans l’eau. Il s’agit
         dont les capacités physiques,        l’appareil, en particulier            d’un appareil électrique.
         sensorielles ou mentales             en ce qui concerne la
         sont réduites, sauf si celles-       sécurité et l’hygiène.
2. Informations Générales
             ATTENTION                               ATTENTION                                 ATTENTION
       Le constructeur décline           Cet appareil n'est pas prévu pour      La garantie sera nulle en cas de :
     toute responsabilité en cas         être utilisé par des personnes (y      • Utilisation incorrecte, non
  d'événements aboutissant à des          compris les enfants) avec des         conforme au but de conception ;
    poursuites en responsabilité         capacités physiques, sensorielles      • Utilisation de pièces de rechange
 civile si la mise à la terre n'a pas     ou mentales réduites, ou sans         non originales ;
 été effectuée conformément aux           expérience et connaissance, à
                                                                                • Cordon d’alimentation altéré ;
 réglementations ou aux codes de        moins qu'elles ne soient surveillées
 l'électricité locaux, nationaux, et      ou aient reçu des instructions
                                                                                • Composant altérés ;
  internationaux en vigueur, ou si           concernant l'utilisation de        • Réparations effectuées par du
d'autres pièces électriques ont été         l'appareil par une personne         personnel non autorisé.
raccordées de manière incorrecte.          responsable de leur sécurité.
            ATTENTION                                                               Afin de réduire les risques
Tension dangereuse débrancher                                                      de blessure, ne pas poser le
  de l'alimentation électrique                                                    cordon sur un plan de travail
avant de procéder à l'entretien.                      ATTENTION                   où il pourrait être tiré par des
                                                                                    enfants ou faire trébucher

                                          Afin de prévenir les fêlures ou
            ATTENTION                                                                    involontairement.
                                         les fuites: ne pas entreposer ou
Cette machine doit être installée                                              La machine à café espresso se compose
                                         installer la machine à café dans      principalement d’un groupe de distribution
 de façon à ce que le personnel           des endroits où la température       de l’eau chaude pour le café espresso et
 technique puisse facilement y          peut geler l'eau dans la chaudière     d’une bouilloire à vapeur qui peut fournir la
                                                                               vapeur et l’eau chaude pour les infusions.
    accéder pour l'entretien.            ou dans le système hydraulique.
Cet appareil est principalement destiné        à ce que celui-ci ne porte aucun signe          cet      appareil    seulement     lorsqu’un
     à être utilisé pour des applications           d’endommagement qui aurait pu affecter          raccordement correct au réseau électrique
     d’électroménager et des applications           la machine à l’intérieur.                       aura été effectué conformément aux codes
     semblables telles que:                         2) Vérifier l’intégrité de la machine après     et aux règlements de sécurité locaux,
     • zones de cuisine du personnel dans           avoir soigneusement enlevé l’emballage.         nationaux et internationaux et, de manière
       des boutiques, bureaux et autres             L’emballage (boîtes, sacs en plastique,         particulière, lorsque l’unité aura été mise
       environnements de travail;                   parties en mousse et autres) ne doit pas        à la terre. S’assurer que la mise à la terre
     • maisons de campagne;                         être laissé à la portée des enfants, en         a été effectuée car elle représente un
     • par des clients d’hôtels, de motels          raison du danger potentiel qu’il représente,    élément de sécurité fondamental. Faire
       et autres environnements de type             ni être dispersé dans l’environnement.          contrôler le branchement à du personnel
       résidentiel;                                                                                 qualifié.
     • environnements de bed & breakfast.           Mesures de sécurité                             5) S’assurer en outre que le système
                                                    1) Vérifier que les données reportées sur       électrique ait une capacité suffisante à la
     À propos du manuel                             la plaquette signalétique du produit            puissance et à la consommation maximales
     1) Cette notice de fonctionnement fait         correspondent à celles de l’installation        indiquées sur la machine à café espresso.
     partie intégrante et essentielle du produit    électrique à laquelle sera raccordée la         6)     L’utilisation   d’adaptateurs,     de
     et doit donc être fournies à tous les          machine.                                        prises multiples et/ou de rallonges est
     utilisateurs. Les utilisateurs sont priés de   Cet     appareil      doit    être   installé   déconseillée. Si l’on ne peut en éviter
     lire attentivement les indications et les      conformément aux codes de plomberie             l’utilisation, s’assurer qu’ils soient
     mises en garde ci-jointes                      fédéraux, nationaux ou locaux en vigueur.       conformes aux codes et aux règlements de
     car elles fournissent des informations         2) L’installation de la machine doit se faire   sécurité locaux, nationaux et internationaux
     importantes sur la sécurité pendant            conformément aux règlements électriques         en veillant à ne pas dépasser les tensions,
     l’installation, le fonctionnement et           et hydrauliques locaux. L’installation          puissances et absorptions indiquées sur
     l’entretien.                                   doit en outre être effectuée selon les          ces adaptateurs et ces rallonges.
     Ce manuel doit être conservé dans              instructions du fabricant et doit être          7) Cet appareil doit être exclusivement

     un endroit sur de façon à pouvoir être         effectuée par du personnel technique            utilisé pour accomplir les fonctions pour
     consulté tant par les utilisateurs inexperts   agréé et qualifié.                              lesquelles il a été conçu et fabriqué.
     que par ceux qui connaissent déjà le           3) Une installation incorrecte peut être        Toute autre application est inappropriée et
     fonctionnement du produit.                     cause de blessures/dommages aux                 dangereuse.
                                                    personnes, animaux ou objets, pour              Le fabricant est exempt de toute
     Déballer la machine                            lesquels le fabricant est exempt de toute       responsabilité en cas de dommage dérivant
     1) S’assurer que le produit soit intact        responsabilité.                                 d’un usage impropre et/ou irrationnel.
     en examinant l’emballage et en veillant        4) Il sera possible d’obtenir un                8) L’utilisation de tout appareil électrique
                                                    fonctionnement        électrique   sûr    de    prévoit l’observation de certaines règles
fondamentales. En particulier :                fonctionnement de la machine pourrait            le cordon d’alimentation, contacter
- éviter de toucher l’appareil avec les        être compromis.                                  seulement des professionnels qualifiés.
  mains ou les pieds mouillés ou humides       11) Afin d’éviter de dangereux problèmes         14) Ces instructions sont également
- ne pas utiliser l’appareil pieds-nus         de surchauffe, il est recommandé de              disponibles dans un autre format sur un
- ne pas utiliser de rallonges dans la salle   ne pas enrouler ou plier entièrement le          site Web.
  de bains ou les douches                      cordon d’alimentation.                 
- ne pas tirer sur le cordon d’alimentation    12) Ne pas obstruer les grilles d’aspiration
  pour débrancher l’appareil de la prise de    et de dissipation et ne pas couvrir le           15) Conditions minimales pour la connexion
  courant                                      niveau chauffe-tasses avec des chiffons          WiFi:
- ne pas exposer l’appareil aux agents         ou autres objets.                                • dispositif Android version 6+ ou iOS
  atmosphériques                               13) Le cordon d’alimentation de la                 version 10+;
- ne pas permettre aux enfants ou aux          machine ne doit pas être remplacé par les        • réseau Wireless 2.4 GHz;
  personnes inexpertes d’utiliser l’appareil   utilisateurs. Si le cordon d’alimentation        • Application La Marzocco disponible dans
9) Avant d’effectuer toute opération           est endommagé, éteindre la machine                 le play store et l’app store officiels.
d’entretien ou de nettoyage (qui ne            et la débrancher du réseau électrique
soient pas des opérations de lavage du         en enlevant la fiche de la prise ou en
groupe), régler l’interrupteur sur “0”         désactivant le disjoncteur correspondant et
et débrancher la machine du réseau             fermer le circuit de l’eau ; pour remplacer
électrique en enlevant la fiche de la                                       Tableau des caractéristiques de l’eau
prise ou en désactivant le disjoncteur.                                                                  Min.                   Max.
Pour les opérations de nettoyage, suivre
uniquement les instructions indiquées           T.D.S. (Total solides dissous) ppm                       90                     150
dans ce manuel.                                 Dureté totale                    ppm                     70                     100
10) Si la machine ne fonctionne pas                                    +2   +3
                                                Total de teneur en fer (Fe /Fe ) ppm                      0                     0,02
correctement ou arrête de fonctionner, la
                                                Chlore libre (Cl2)

débrancher du réseau électrique (comme                                           ppm                      0                     0,05
décrit au point précédent). Ne pas essayer      Total de teneur en chlore (Cl2) ppm                       0                     0,1
de la réparer. Contacter un professionnel
                                                pH                               valeur                  6,5                    8,5
agréé et qualifié pour effectuer toute
réparation. Toute réparation doit être          Alcalinité                       ppm                     40                      80
effectuée par le fabricant ou par un            Chlorure (Cl–)                   ppm              non supérieure                 30
centre agréé en utilisant que des pièces
originales. Dans le cas contraire, le bon      Note: Tester la qualité de l’eau (la garantie est nulle si les paramètres de l’eau ne se situent
                                               pas dans la plage de valeurs indiquée à la section “installation”)
3. Description de la Machine

          Étage pour tasses
                                                                                 Activation groupe
                                                                                 et poignée

                                                                               Tête groupe

                                                                                 Bec verseur eau

                                                                               Couvercle groupe

                                       Led du réservoir d’eau (bleue)
                                                                                                                  Manomètre               Manomètre
         Interrupteur principal                                                                               (chaudière-vapeur)        (groupe à café)

                                  Poignée d’activation
                                                                                                                       A                   B
                                    de l’eau chaude


                Led d’alimentation (rouge)

                                  Poignée d’activation                                       Surface chaude                  MICRA
                                      de la vapeur
                                                                                           Buse vapeur                      A [mm]        290
                                                                                                                            B [mm]        472
                                                                                 Cuvette de décharge                        C [mm]        338
                                                                                                                           POIDS [kg]      19
                                                                 Figure 1 - Description de la Machine
4. Installation
                                       Note:                                               selon les instructions indiquées dans le
             ATTENTION                                                                     Guide d’Installation et conformément à
La machine à café doit être placée     • Température ambiante                              toutes les normes de sécurité locales/
  en position horizontale sur un          minimum: 5°C                                     nationales du lieu où la machine est
comptoir dont la hauteur depuis le     • Température ambiante                              installée.
   sol soit supérieure à 90cm.            maximum: 32°C                                    Pour garantir un fonctionnement correct
                                       • Le niveau de pression                             et sur de la machine et pour maintenir un
                                                                                           rendement adéquat et une qualité élevée
             ATTENTION                    acoustique pondéré de la                         des boissons préparées, il est important que
La valve d'expansion peut décharger       machine est inférieur à 70dBA.                   l’eau d’arrivée ait une dureté supérieure à
   de l'eau chauffée à 93°C. Une       • Cette machine est en                              7° f (70 ppm, 4°d) et inférieure à 10°f
protection adéquate est nécessaire        conformité avec la norme                         (100ppm, 6°d), le pH devrait être compris
                                          61000-3-11, l’impédance                          entre 6,5 et 8,5 et la quantité de chlorure
pour manipuler ce composant avant                                                          inférieure à 30mg/l. Le respect de ces
      de procéder au réglage.             de l’interface d’alimentation                    valeurs permet un fonctionnement optimal
                                          doit être de Zmax= 0,356 Ω.                      de la machine. Si ces paramètres ne sont
               ATTENTION               Installation de la machine à café espresso, linea   pas présents, un dispositif de filtrage
Cette machine n'est pas appropriée     mini                                                                         spécifique devrait
          à un usage externe.                                                                                       être        installé
                                       1) Remplir le réservoir d’eau potable.                                       qui      respectera
               ATTENTION               Après avoir enlevé l’emballage de la                                         toujours         les
  La machine est prévue pour être      machine à café placée sur une surface                                        normes       locales
                                       résistante. Enlever la cuvette de décharge                                   et nationales sur
 raccordée de façon permanente à

                                       et faire s’écouler le réservoir de l’eau                                     l’eau potable.
            un câblage fixe.           jusqu’à ce qu’il soit possible d’enlever le                                  Pour pouvoir ga-
     Est obligatoire d’installer un    couvercle. Enlever le couvercle et remplir                                   rantir que l’eau
                                                                                                                    qui entre dans
    dispositif différentiel résiduel   le réservoir avec de l’eau potable. Replacer
                                                                                                                    la         machine
                                       le couvercle et faire glisser le réservoir de
   (DDR) avec un courant nominal       l’eau en position de travail et réinsérer la                                 rentre dans les
   de fonctionnement résiduel ne       cuvette de décharge. De manière à brancher                                   paramètres préé-
         dépassant pas 30mA.           la machine au réseau de distribution d’eau                                   tablis, toutes les

machines La Marzocco seront équipées            Chaudière à vapeur: régler l’interrupteur              4) Vérifier le remplissage des chaudières.
     d’un kit pour l’analyse de l’eau (voir im-      principal sur “1”, le système du niveau                L’installation est à présent achevée et la
     age) qui comprennent chacun 6 bandes            de la chaudière à vapeur automatique se                machine à café espresso devrait atteindre
     de mesure et une carte contenant le mode        mettra en marche activant l’électrovanne               les températures de fonctionnement.
     d’emploi.                                       de remplissage automatique et la pompe à               Brassage après la première installation
     Les paramètres qui pourront être mesurés        eau. Cette dernière remplira la chaudière              Dès que les premières procédures
     sont, Dureté Totale, Fer, Chlore libre,         à vapeur à un niveau prédéterminé et                   d’installation sont terminées, avant de
     Chlore Total, pH & Alcalinité totale,           s’arrêtera quand il sera plein.                        procéder au brassage du café, de l’eau
     Chlorures.                                                                                             chaude et de la vapeur, effectuer les
     Le test de l’eau doit être effectué en                                                                 opérations suivantes :
     amont du système de traitement que                                                                     • Engager le porte-filtre en l’insérant dans
     vous utiliserez, et en aval, afin de vérifier                                                          la tête du groupe et tourner la poignée
     si les paramètres de l’eau qui entre dans                                                              de la gauche vers la droite. Dès que le
     la machine à café rentrent dans ceux                                                                   porte-filtre est correctement en place,
     recommandés par La Marzocco.                                                                           vous pouvez déplacer le panneau vers la
     Une fois les tests effectués il est possible    NOTE: Il se pourrait qu’il soit nécessaire d’ajouter   gauche pour activer l’écoulement de l’eau
     de contrôler quel système de filtrage           de l’eau dans le réservoir pendant ce procédé.         à travers le porte-filtre. Brasser l’eau à
     soit le plus approprié, en saisissant les                                                              travers le groupe pendant au moins deux
     paramètres obtenus au moyen du Kit              Groupe café: L’eau s’écoule directement                minutes.
     sur notre site “LA MARZOCCO WATER               dans la chaudière café dès que la pompe                • En veillant à ne pas se brûler, tourner
     CALCULATOR” (http://www.lamarzocco.             à eau est activée. Lorsque la linea mini est              chaque buse à vapeur pendant au moins
     com/water_calculator/).                         allumée, la pompe à eau s’active permettant               30 secondes.
                                                     le remplissage des deux chaudières.                    • Tourner la valve de l’eau chaude pendant
     2) Raccorder la machine à café espresso au      Lors de la première mise en service de                    le temps qu’il faudra pour permettre de
     réseau électrique.                              la machine, l’utilisateur doit déplacer                   brasser au moins 0,5 litre d’eau.

     Brancher la machine à café espresso             le levier de distribution et le laisser
                                                     en position de distribution pendant au                 5) En attendant que la machine à café espresso
     à un circuit électrique qui ait les
                                                     moins 30 à 40 secondes afin de saturer                 se réchauffe et atteigne la température de
     caractéristiques appropriées à celles
                                                     complètement la chaudière.                             fonctionnement.
     reportées sur la plaque de la machine.
                                                     La machine chauffe une fois que la                     Pendant le chauffage, il se pourrait que
                                                     chaudière à café est totalement saturée                l’aiguille du manomètre relative au groupe
     3) Remplir les chaudières d’eau.
                                                     et que la chaudière à vapeur a atteint le              café atteigne 12 bar. Ceci pourrait se
     Pour remplir correctement les chaudières,
                                                     niveau correct.                                        vérifier chaque fois que l’élément de
     effectuer les opérations suivantes:
                                                                                                            chauffe est en condition “on”.
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