Charting Our Course Assessing Nitrogen Removal Retrofits - Also: neiwpcc

Page created by Rick Gonzales
Charting Our Course Assessing Nitrogen Removal Retrofits - Also: neiwpcc

                             Our Course

 Removal Retrofits
Assessing Nitrogen
                                                                                                   Spring 2021
Charting Our Course Assessing Nitrogen Removal Retrofits - Also: neiwpcc

                                                                         t has been over a year since states began issuing
                                                                         stay-at-home advisories to prevent the spread
                                                                         of the coronavirus; over a year since all of our
                          Chair: Mark Klotz                          lives changed overnight. Faced with the challenges
      Vice Chair: Peter LaFlamme • Treasurer: Harry Stewart
                                                                     presented by the pandemic’s strict quarantine,
    Connecticut: Energy and Environmental Protection
    Commissioner Katie Dykes, Acting Public Health                   NEIWPCC quickly pivoted our way of working, and
    Commissioner Deidre Gifford, Michael Bisi, Yvonne Bolton,        continued to carry on with our commitment to help
    Denis Cuevas, Jane Stahl, Lori Mathieu
                                                                     the states of the Northeast preserve and advance
    Maine: Environmental Protection Acting Commissioner
    Melanie Loyzim, Health and Human Services Commissioner           water quality.
    Jeanne Lambrew, Michael Abbott, Brian Kavanah,
    Brian Tarbuck, Stacy Thompson, David Van Slyke
                                                                         Now, as more and more Americans get vaccinated, businesses open
                                                                     up, and we find a new “new normal,” I am focusing on how we will keep
    Massachusetts: Environmental Protection Commissioner
    Martin Suuberg, Public Health Commissioner Monica Bharel,        evolving in 2021 and beyond.
    Kathleen Baskin, Jana Ferguson, Paul Hogan, John Sullivan,
    Adam Yanulis                                                       In this issue of “Interstate Waters,” we explain the five programmatic
    New Hampshire: Environmental Services Commissioner               priorities we established in 2020: contaminants of emerging concern,
    Robert R. Scott, Thomas Ballestero, Frederick McNeill,           watershed planning and waterbody protection, infrastructure
    Thomas O’Donovan, Nelson Thibault, Robert Varney
                                                                     improvements, Clean Water Act modernization, and training and
    New York: Environmental Conservation Commissioner
    Basil Seggos, Health Commissioner Howard Zucker,                 certification for wastewater and other environmental professionals.
    Mark Klotz, Richard Lyons, Roger Sokol
                                                                     These priorities will serve as a road map for NEIWPCC through 2025
    Rhode Island: Environmental Management Director Janet            and a way for us to measure progress on preserving and advancing
    Coit, Health Director Nicole Alexander-Scott, Janine Burke-
    Wells, Russell Chateauneuf, Amy Parmenter                        clean water in the Northeast.
    Vermont: Environmental Conservation Commissioner Peter             We also describe some of our new initiatives around the region,
    Walke, Health Commissioner Mark Levine, Lori Cragin, Peter
    LaFlamme, Dennis Lutz                                            including a chloride pollution collaborative with the states of the
                Executive Director: Susan Sullivan                   Northeast, and our program partners’ efforts to address racism in
    NEIWPCC is a regional commission that helps the states of        the environmental field. We relay lessons learned from a project that
    the Northeast preserve and advance water quality. We engage      recommended improvements to wastewater treatment plants in the
    and convene water quality professionals and other interested
    parties from New England and New York to collaborate on          Long Island Sound watershed.
    water, wastewater, and environmental science challenges
    across shared regions, ecosystems, and areas of expertise.
                                                                       We also include a new department in this issue, a roundup of
                                                                     NEIWPCC news posted on our website. To read these news posts
                                                                     in full, readers can visit our website or subscribe to our e-newsletter,
                                                                     “Streamlined.” I encourage all of you to subscribe by emailing
                 Volume 5, Number 1 • Spring 2021
                       Editor: Amy Magin
      Contributing Editors: Kale Connerty, Michelle St. John           Finally, this past winter, we launched a weekly social media
                   Contributor: Audra Martin                         campaign where we shared photos of wastewater operators in the
                  Circulation: Lee-Ann Wilder
                                                                     Northeast, to give our support to them and raise awareness about
              Graphic Design: Newcomb Studios
                                                                     these essential workers. Their work is often unseen and taken for
            “Interstate Waters” is published by NEIWPCC.             granted, but these everyday heroes have ensured we have access to
          It is funded by a grant from the U.S. Environmental
                 Protection Agency and distributed free of           clean water throughout the pandemic. Those photos are shared on
                 charge to subscribers. To subscribe, email Type “Subscribe” in the           pages 14-15.
       subject field and provide your full mailing address. In the     My sincerest gratitude goes out to these essential workers, to our
         body of your email, indicate whether you also wish to
            receive our monthly e-newsletter, “Streamlined.”         staff, and to our other partners in clean water. I eagerly look forward to
                                                                     all of us being together in-person again soon.
    The opinions and information stated in “Interstate Waters”
    are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the
    opinions of NEIWPCC. Articles in “Interstate Waters” may
    be copied and distributed, except as noted. Please credit
         650 Suffolk Street, Suite 410, Lowell, ma 01854
                                                                     Susan J. Sullivan
                       Tel: 978-323-7929
                                            neiwpcc Executive Director

2     Interstate Waters • Spring 2021
Charting Our Course Assessing Nitrogen Removal Retrofits - Also: neiwpcc

Christina Stringer is NEIWPCC’s               become involved in the environmental         Nora Lough, Narragansett Bay
new Wastewater and Onsite Programs            sector through the “Youth and the            Commission biologist and a wastewater
Division director, moving from her            Environment Program.”                        training instructor for NEIWPCC,
previous role as program manager                 “Across New England, the professionals    received the Clair N. Sawyer Award from
for NEIWPCC ’s                                operating wastewater treatment               NEWEA for outstanding service in the
Water Resource                                plants, and the municipalities and state     wastewater industry.
Protection Division.                          environmental agencies that support
Stringer has led                              them, are essential to keeping our           Colleen Hickey, NEIWPCC information
NEIWPCC ’s efforts                            environment healthy by protecting            officer, was recognized by the EPA
to explore PFAS                               water quality,” said EPA New England         Region 1 with a 2020 Environmental
topics, residuals,                            Acting Regional Administrator Deborah        Merit Award, for her accomplishments
and environmental                             Szaro. “It’s not every day you come across   benefitting the communities and
surveillance efforts                          someone as dedicated as Mr. Kennedy          ecosystems of the Lake Champlain Basin.
through her role in                           is and I am proud to acknowledge his
the Emerging Contaminants and Ground          outstanding contributions to help protect    Julia Twichell, NEIWPCC environmental
Water and Source Water Protection             public health and water quality for so       analyst, won the Best Interagency
workgroups.                                   many years and give him the credit he        Collaboration Award from Esri, a
                                              deserves. Mr. Kennedy’s impact will          geographic information system (GIS)
Don Kennedy, NEIWPCC training                 surely continue to make a difference in      software provider, for a new StoryMap she
coordinator, was honored by the U.S.          our region for years to come.”               created with colleagues at the EPA. The
Environmental Protection Agency’s                 Kennedy was also honored by the          map, “How Do We Use Our Coasts?” can
                      (EPA) New               New England Water Environment                be viewed through the Narragansett Bay
                      England Office for      Association (NEWEA) with the 2020            Estuary Program’s GIS Data Hub.
                      outstanding service     James J. Courchaine Collection
                      throughout his          Systems Award. The award recognizes          Janine Burke-Wells, NEIWPCC
                      career. He received     outstanding efforts and dedication in the    commissioner, was featured in a Water
                      a 2020 Lifetime         collection systems field.                    Environment Federation podcast,
                      Achievement Award                                                    discussing how PFAS regulations
                      for his many years of   John Sullivan, NEIWPCC commissioner,         impact biosolids programs. Burke-Wells,
                      providing training      received the Elizabeth Cutone Executive      executive director of the North East
                      and technical           Leadership Award from NEWEA                  Biosolids & Residuals Association, also
assistance to wastewater professionals        for leadership leading to significant        talked about technologies for PFAS
in New England. Kennedy, who recently         advances in a water, wastewater or other     treatment and productive regulatory
retired, but will continue with NEIWPCC       environmentally focused organization.        approaches by states. The podcast series,
in a part-time capacity, is well known for    Sullivan has worked for the Boston Water     “Words on Water,” features conversations
his enthusiasm while providing training       and Sewer Commission for more than 30        with influential people from the water
to the wastewater employees as well as        years and has served as its chief engineer   sector and news from the Water
encouraging the younger generation to         since 1990.                                  Environment Federation.

                               Welcome to Our New Commissioners
  Michael Abbott                              Stacy                                        Amy
  Maine                                       Thompson                                     Parmenter
  Michael Abbott is an                        Maine                                        Rhode Island
  associate director of                       Stacy Thompson is                            Amy Parmenter
  the Maine Center                            deputy director for the                      is serving as
  for Disease Control                         Saco Water Resource                          interim chief
  and Prevention,                             Recovery Department.                         and supervising
  leading the Division                        She oversees the                             environmental
  of Environmental                            daily operations for                         scientist for the
  and Community                               the treatment facility                       Rhode Island
  Health, which includes the drinking         and the 29 pump stations located             Department of Health’s Center for
  water program, health inspection,           throughout the city. Thompson is a           Drinking Water Quality. She protects
  radiation control, and environmental        past president of the Maine Water            and promotes health and safety by
  and occupational health. Abbott is also     Environment Association (MEWEA).             ensuring the quality of the state’s
  a licensed professional engineer and                                                     public drinking water supplies.
  certified geologist in Maine.

                                                                                           Volume 5, Number 1 • Interstate Waters    3
Charting Our Course Assessing Nitrogen Removal Retrofits - Also: neiwpcc

Connections                                                        Protection
Binational Partnership Studies Pollution in                        New Handbook Guides Hudson River
Missisquoi Bay                                                     Landowners
   The increasing persistence of algal blooms in the Missisquoi      “Creating and
Bay led to NEIWPCC’s involvement in a binational water             Maintaining
quality report on the Lake Champlain Basin. Missisquoi             Hudson River
Bay, the northern-most sub-basin shared between the                Views: A
Province of Québec and Vermont, has been chronically               Handbook for
afflicted by excessive phosphorus loads. NEIWPCC and               Landowners”
the Lake Champlain Basin Program partnered with the                provides
Québec watershed group Organisme de basin versant de               guidance for
la baie Missisquoi to conduct a comprehensive review of            historic sites,
the bay’s nutrient problems. The recommendations from              land trusts, and
this collaborative effort were incorporated into a final           owners of other
report, “Nutrient Loading and Impacts in Lakes Champlain           large properties
and Memphramagog,” provided to the American and                    to use the best methods for environmental stewardship,
Canadian governments. The report provides an overview of           for scenic vistas that balance aesthetic and historic goals
scientific knowledge related to regional nutrient loading and      with the protection of habitat and natural areas. Landscape
recommendations for restoring the bay.                             architect and engineering firm Saratoga Associates, through
                                                                   a NEIWPCC contract in partnership with the Hudson River
                                                                   Estuary Program, developed and produced the handbook,
                                                                   which is accompanied by a three-part training video series. The
                                                                   handbook is available on the New York State Department of
                                                                   Environmental Conservation website.

                                                                   A New Plan to Protect the Peconic
                                                                      The Peconic Estuary Partnership’s (PEP) new management
                                                                   plan has a rededicated focus on cultivating relationships with
                                                                   new and existing partners. With support from NEIWPCC, PEP
                                                                   updated the plan for the first time since 2001. Climate change,
                                                                   nitrogen pollution, and other threats to water quality, including
                                                                   loss of shoreline wetlands, are some of the challenges facing

Updated Resource Compiles, Compares
Water Regulations in the Region
   NEIWPCC updated its water quality standards matrix,
comparing how the Northeast states regulate different water
quality parameters. The matrix, available on NEIWPCC’s
website, includes criteria for 30 water quality parameters—
pollutants or characteristics—that some or all the states
regulate, from the aesthetics of water bodies to tritium
concentrations (a radioactive hydrogen isotope). The criteria
describes what states mean by “clean water,” and are based
on the main ways people and wildlife use a water body. Under
the Clean Water Act, the EPA usually delegates their authority
to regulate water quality to the states. The states often follow
the EPA’s recommendations, but they can also set science-
based standards which better reflect their own unique natural
conditions and water resource needs.

4   Interstate Waters • Spring 2021
Charting Our Course Assessing Nitrogen Removal Retrofits - Also: neiwpcc
the Peconic Estuary, which lies between Long Island’s north          2020 State of
and south forks. Partnership will be key to addressing these
issues. A stronger network will reinforce PEP’s goals, which
                                                                     the Hudson
include resilient communities prepared for climate change,           Report
clean waters for ecosystem health and safe recreation, and a            New York State
healthy ecosystem with abundant, diverse wildlife.                   Department of
Quality Management: Critical to Sound                                Conservation (DEC)
Science                                                              and the New York-
                                                                     New Jersey Harbor
   NEIWPCC’s Quality Management Program—a requirement                & Estuary Program
of the U.S. EPA’s Quality Program—safeguards the scientific          have released
integrity of all of our environmental data projects. Projects        the “2020 State of the
collecting or analyzing data for decision-making are required        Hudson.” The report was prepared with support from the New
to have an approved quality assurance project plan (QAPP)            York State Environmental Protection Fund in partnership with
to help ensure high-quality data, yielding reliable and useful       NEIWPCC. It documents the status and trends of the Hudson
results. In 2020, NEIWPCC conducted five field assessments           River Estuary’s water quality, its natural communities and
to ensure that all approved procedures in a QAPP were being          inhabitants, and the health of the landscape that nurtures the
followed. The projects included: the planning and design             Hudson and its tributaries. This compilation of recent scientific
of a bog restoration project in Freetown, Massachusetts;             data and historical information allows program managers,
a municipal road stream crossings resiliency project in              partner organizations, and interested members of the public to
Saugerties, New York; the development of a data collection           measure and communicate progress toward state and federal
and management protocol for potential restoration sites              goals for conserving and restoring the estuary ecosystem. The
in Bethlehem, New York; invasive mussel impact on native             report also identifies environmental areas of need.
freshwater mussel communities in Lake Champlain (Vermont);
and an aquatic invasive species survey, map creation,
management plan and boat steward initiative in Bristol,              Education
New Culvert Constructed                                              Delves into
   Following a                                                       New Normal
management                                                           for Tanks
plan developed
by Trout                                                                The latest issue
Unlimited and                                                        of “L.U.S.T.Line”
funded by the                                                        focuses on how state
Hudson River                                                         underground storage
Estuary Program                                                      tanks (UST) programs
in partnership                                                       have adjusted to
with NEIWPCC,                                                        COVID-19’s impact,
the town of                                                          as well as other topics
Copake, New                                                          on virtual inspections,
York completed                                                       PEI RP100, and
the construction of a new road culvert, replacing one severely       operator training.
in need of repair. The old culvert presented a barrier to aquatic    The issue was the
organisms, impeding fish passage and reducing opportunities          last for longtime
for spawning and survival, which can impact the population           editor, Ellen Frye, who has been
sustainability for migratory fish such as trout. The new culvert’s   associated with the publication since its inception. “L.U.S.T.Line”
design allows the stream bed to remain intact so that the water      serves as the publication of record for UST matters nationwide,
flows naturally and fish are able to move easily through the         covering issues such as clean-up funds, spill remediation, and
stream at ground level. It will also improve the town’s flood        prevention technologies; informing state, tribal, territorial, and
resiliency, protecting both public safety and the health of the      federal UST regulators, consultants, contractors, and tank
ecosystem. Estuary program staff were involved in the project’s      owners.
launch, educating the community and stakeholders on the                 The publication is produced twice a year with support from
importance of well-designed road stream crossings for aquatic        the EPA’s Office of Underground Storage Tanks. NEIWPCC
connectivity and ecology, water quality and flood resiliency.        maintains a full archive of past issues and an index, organized
                                                                     by topic, at

                                                                                            Volume 5, Number 1 • Interstate Waters       5
Charting Our Course Assessing Nitrogen Removal Retrofits - Also: neiwpcc

                                                                  pioneer species, then an intermediate tube-building species,
                                                                  which today appears to be giving way to a mature and diverse
    A Year for the Ages: Serving our States                       community.
    in 2020
       The fiscal year 2020 state summaries, now available on     A Day in the Life
    the NEIWPCC website, describe how NEIWPCC helped              of the Hudson and
    the Northeast preserve and advance water quality during
    a year dominated by the COVID-19 crisis. Despite barriers
                                                                  Harbor Interactive
    to in-person collaboration, NEIWPCC worked closely            Videos
    with its partners to face public health and clean water          Last October, educators from
    challenges. From protecting the Peconic Estuary down          the New York State Department
    in New York to ensuring clean drinking water up in Maine,     of Environmental Conservation
    and everything in between: the summaries highlight on-        (DEC) and more than 50
    the-ground work in each member state as well as the           environmental education
    collective benefits from participating in our commission.     organizations traveled to the
                                                                  shores of the Hudson River
                                                                  estuary and piers of New York
Recovery on the Sea Floor                                         Harbor to study the Hudson’s
   The Narragansett Bay Estuary Program (NBEP) released           fish and invertebrates, track the river’s tides and currents, and
a StoryMap—an interactive, Esri GIS-based tool—to share           examine water quality and chemistry, during the annual event,
research on the Narragansett Bay’s sea floor in an accessible                                        “Day in the Life of the Hudson
and engaging way. Readers can scroll through text, photos,                                            and Harbor.” However, this
cartoons, and maps, gradually unfolding 30 years of science                                           year’s event took place
and history at the bottom of the Bay. In 1988, the Narragansett                                       without the 5,000 students
Bay was heavily polluted, and the sea floor became                                                    and teachers who typically
uninhabitable. However, water quality in the Narragansett                                             participate, so educators
estuary has greatly improved over the last three decades;                                             filmed their activities to bring
upgrades to wastewater treatment plants and other changes                                             the event to students. The DEC
have decreased nutrient pollution in the watershed. The                                               produced three interactive
StoryMap walks through the species succession scientists                                              videos demonstrating how
saw happening as water quality improved—starting with a                                               to measure the river’s water

6    Interstate Waters • Spring 2021
Charting Our Course Assessing Nitrogen Removal Retrofits - Also: neiwpcc
                                                                   Proposed Funding Formula for Sewer
                                                                   Overflow and Stormwater Reuse
                                                                      In a letter last fall, NEIWPCC weighed in on the U.S. EPA’s
                                                                   proposed allotment formula for the Sewer Overflow and
                                                                   Stormwater Reuse Municipal Grants program, addressing
                                                                   the proposed funding that will help manage combined sewer
                                                                   overflows (CSOs), sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs), and
                                                                   stormwater. NEIWPCC noted that the proposed formula relies
                                                                   on old data; approximately 83 percent is based on the 2012
                                                                   Clean Watersheds Needs Survey (CWNS) and the 2010 U.S.
                                                                   Census. Also, the 2012 CWNS did not include complete CSO,
                                                                   SSO, and stormwater infrastructure needs. The letter requested
                                                                   that the EPA increase the weighting factor in the proposed
                                                                   formula for average annual precipitation, and focus on only the
                                                                   urban population where issues with CSOs, SSOs (municipal
temperature, dissolved oxygen, and salinity and show students      sewer systems) and stormwater are most prevalent.
how to identify fish species. The videos, available on the DEC
website, are accompanied by online data sheets for students to
record the results of the activities.
                                                                   Streamgage Network Funding
                                                                       NEIWPCC urged Congress to increase federal funding for
Developing A Climate Resilience Vision                             the United States Geological Survey Streamgage Network, in
                                                                   a letter last October. The program provides invaluable data for
    Waterfront communities on the tidal Hudson face rising         water resource management, collecting real-time water flow
sea levels and flood risk for important infrastructure, homes,     data in rivers and streams across the country. The network is
and businesses. To help plan in addressing these threats, the      currently supported with federal and state matching funds, but
Hudson River Estuary Program has created two short videos          the financial burden on states has grown unsustainable. Federal
on the history and future of the Hudson. The videos, funded by     appropriations have not kept up with the rising maintenance
NEIWPCC, are designed to show communities how they can             costs. NEIWPCC suggests federal appropriations be adjusted
adapt to climate change while prioritizing ecological and social   with a roughly 50-50 cost-sharing split.
resiliency. They are available with both English and Spanish          “Without current and historical streamgage data, we cannot
subtitles.                                                         accurately predict how to safely repair, replace, or construct
    One video looks back to when pollution was prevalent           infrastructure and development,” wrote Executive Director
along the Hudson River, showing the life-changing impact           Susan Sullivan. “Continuous investment in streamgage
of environmental cleanups, and improvements to public              placement, maintenance, and research is critical to water
access by the New York State Department of Environmental           resource management, including forecasting and responding
Conservation (NYSDEC) and other leading organizations.             to water resource emergencies.”
Another video highlights how communities along the Hudson
are envisioning the future in response to the
climate change crisis and sea level rise. A key
message of the video is that everyone, including
low-income communities and communities of
color, must be meaningfully represented in a
vision for the future and the process for creating
it. The NYSDEC’s website features additional
videos offering guidance and more information on
adaptive action.

  For more information about these stories, go
  to the News page on neiwpcc ’s website, at You can also get our online
  news posts sent straight to your inbox! Email to subscribe
  to our e-newsletter, “Streamlined.”

                                                                                         Volume 5, Number 1 • Interstate Waters   7
Charting Our Course Assessing Nitrogen Removal Retrofits - Also: neiwpcc
A Roadmap for Preserving and
         Advancing Water Quality

by Michelle St. John                                                                               snapshot of the evolving water-
                                                                                                   related topics in which NEIWPCC

        eiwpcc ’s mission, to                                                                      is best positioned to realize
        preserve and advance                                                                       progress and are of importance to
        clean water in the                                                                         our member states.
Northeast through collaboration                                                                       The process in which we
with, and service to, our member                                                                   determined the five priority topics
states, is articulated through our                                                                 centered on a comprehensive
work to connect, protect, train,                                                                   analysis of a stakeholder survey
educate, and engage those within                                                                   distributed to commissioners,
the water community.                                                                               partners, and staff. The multi-
   Every five years we review our                                                                  month effort was led by
complete body of work in respect                                                                   NEIWPCC Wastewater and
to the needs of our member states, and        under the shadow of the COVID-19             Onsite Systems Division Director
determine which water program topics          pandemic and aligned with the launch         Christina Stringer and Environmental
should take priority.                         of our new name, strategic plan, critical    Analyst Peter Zaykoski.
   Our goals are illustrated through          objectives, mission, vision, and values in      NEIWPCC’s current water program
NEIWPCC ’s water program priorities,          2020 (“Interstate Waters,” September         priorities include: contaminants of
which serve as a roadmap and will guide       2020).                                       emerging concern, watershed planning
our work over the next several years.            Unlike previous years, the 2020           and waterbody protection, infrastructure
   This latest iteration was developed        update provides a narrowed number of         improvements, Clean Water Act
                                              topics, each representing a key area of      modernization, and training and
Michelle St. John is an information officer   concern among member states. Five            certification for wastewater and other
in NEIWPCC’s Communications Division.         were ultimately selected to represent a      environmental professionals.

8   Interstate Waters • Spring 2021
Charting Our Course Assessing Nitrogen Removal Retrofits - Also: neiwpcc
2020 NEIWPCC Water Program Priorities
                                                    ■ Contaminants of Emerging Concern
                                                    ■ Watershed Planning and Waterbody Protection
                                                    ■ Infrastructure and State Revolving Fund
                                                    ■ Clean Water Act Modernization
                                                    ■ Training and Certification

                                            each water priority topic to three             from these and other CECs through
                                            critical objectives from our strategic         regular discourse during workgroups,
                                            plan—funding, workforce development,           commission meetings, and other
                                            and engagement. By connecting our              gatherings. For example, our efforts to
                                            objectives and priorities, we are ensuring     support the Northeast sewage sludge
                                            that NEIWPCC and our partners remain           infrastructure as it addresses stressors
                                            focused on the most critical issues facing     related to PFAS impacting regional
                                            our region today.                              capacity for effective waste management
                                                                                           continues to evolve.
                                            The Five Priorities                                NEIWPCC ’s residual workgroup
                                                                                           is a major generator of ideas, meeting
                                            Contaminants of Emerging                       monthly to address deficiencies in
                                            Concern                                        regional wastewater sludge treatment,
                                                As with the 2015 water program             transportation, and disposal options.
                                            priorities, contaminants of emerging              Throughout the next several years,
                                            concern (CEC) remain a significant issue       NEIWPCC will continue to develop
                                            for NEIWPCC’s member states. Per-              opportunities and strategies to translate
                                            and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)          lessons learned into proactive and
                                            have emerged as an inexorable and              standardized approaches to addressing
                                            intensifying threat to the environment         CECs in the future.
                                            and humans alike. PFAS contaminants
                                            are persistent and can easily travel           Watershed Planning and
                                            through the environment—in wastewater,         Waterbody Protection
                                            residuals, and surface water.                     A priority for NEIWPCC since 1947
                                                In 2016, the U.S. Environmental            when NEIWPCC set out to establish
                                            Protection Agency (EPA) issued a lifetime      water quality standards, watershed
                                            health advisory level of 70 parts per          planning and protection is an ongoing
                                            trillion for two major PFAS compounds-         issue. Watershed planning and protection
Water Priorities —                          perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and              comprises water quality monitoring,
New Considerations                          perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS).          pollution budgets—also known as
   Tumultuous social justice events that    Many states have adopted the EPA’s             total maximum daily loads (TMDLs),
continue to bring light to inequities       health advisory level, while others have       permitting, and the development of best
across our nation, coupled with access to   developed more stringent standards             management practices. Much of this
clean water in communities such as Flint,   or guidelines and expanded guidance            work is carried out through our program
Michigan, led NEIWPCC to emphasize          to include other PFAS compounds.               partners—the Hudson River Estuary
our commitment to environmental             The variety of approaches to defining          Program, Hudson River National Estuarine
justice. NEIWPCC ’s mission—to              standards/guidance and the resulting           Research Reserve, Lake Champlain
advance clean and sustainable water         disparity in drinking water values has         Basin Program, Long Island Sound Study,
throughout the Northeast—is further         exacerbated challenges related to risk         Narragansett Bay Estuary Program, and
nuanced by a commitment to clean            communication in many states.                  Peconic Estuary Partnership.
water for all, especially in communities        More recently, NEIWPCC and its                Beyond our partners, regional and
with lower socio-economic status and        member states have expanded their              state-federal collaboration is orchestrated
larger minority populations. We are not     purview to include the impact PFAS             through NEIWPCC’s longstanding
achieving our mission and realizing our     (and other CECs) may have on ambient           workgroups, including the Northeast
vision until all of our communities have    surface water. Preliminary research and        aquatic biologists, monitoring, water
access to clean and safe water.             planning, currently in progress, will serve    quality standards, National Pollutant
   Climate change and resiliency, which     to inform and guide how NEIWPCC                Discharge Elimination System (NPDES),
was identified as a stand-alone priority    can best support this effort, which is still   nonpoint source, TMDL, and stormwater.
in previous versions, is being addressed    largely at the state level.                       Annual conferences and workshops
within each priority topic.                     NEIWPCC is leading efforts to              bring water professionals together to
   Additionally, NEIWPCC linked             address the cross-cutting impact               address issues, offer potential solutions

                                                                                           Volume 5, Number 1 • Interstate Waters    9
Charting Our Course Assessing Nitrogen Removal Retrofits - Also: neiwpcc
and explore best management                                                                     improve funding opportunities,
practices. Future efforts, supported                                                            and expand the national
by NEIWPCC commissioners,                                                                       conversation to include other
include a regional monitoring                                                                   NEIWPCC program priorities
network, PFAS, MS4 stormwater                                                                   including infrastructure funding
permits, nutrient criteria, a water                                                             and workforce development.
quality standards academy, a
collaborative tracking and                                                                        Training and Certification
accounting initiative, and a                                                                         Since 1968, NEIWPCC has
potential update to the regional                                                                  been committed to providing
mercury TMDL.                                                                                     professional development
                                                                                                  and training opportunities for
Infrastructure and                                                                                wastewater, drinking water and
State Revolving Fund                                                                              other environmental professionals
   Aging infrastructure throughout                                                                preparing for state licensure and
the Northeast is a growing                                                                        re-certification. These programs
problem. It is estimated that over                                                                are a NEIWPCC essential offering
the next 20 years, wastewater                                                                     and continue to be a priority for
and drinking water infrastructure                                                         our member states. Without trained and
needs will hover close to $100 billion.      access to clean water.                       certified operators, clean water would be
Infrastructure improvements are funded          With these concerns in mind,              at risk for all.
through the Clean Water and Drinking         NEIWPCC ’s recent efforts include a             Training opportunities continue to
Water State Revolving Fund programs.         2020-21 virtual webinar series designed      evolve and be responsive to member
   Many of the water distribution and        to develop a national response to this       state’s needs. NEIWPCC ’s regional in-
collection systems are close to being in     critical water problem.                      person training program, which has had
continuous use for a hundred years. With                                                  a long and robust presence within the
age, comes issues—water main breaks          Clean Water Act Modernization                wastewater operator training community,
and combined sewer overflows (CSOs)             Ensuring that the Clean Water Act         came to a full stop when the COVID-19
are common occurrences. CSOs have a          (CWA) provides adequate tools to solve       pandemic hit. In a matter of weeks,
direct effect on public health, with each    our nation’s 21st century water challenges   NEIWPCC staff pivoted this program
overflow dumping untreated wastewater        continues to be a priority for NEIWPCC.      into a live, virtual training opportunity,
into local waterways. Several cities         Increasingly complex issues—nutrients,       which continues to grow and expand well
throughout our members states still have     contaminants, stormwater, nonpoint           into 2021.
combined sewer systems.                      source pollution, jurisdiction rulings,          NEIWPCC has deep roots
   Federal funds are crucial for improving   climate change—necessitate the focus on      supporting wastewater operator
our water infrastructure. NEIWPCC            Clean Water Act modernization to better      training, certification exams, and license
taps into our core abilities—our             serve our current needs and current          renewals in Maine, through the Joint
knowledge, resources, and collaborative      reality.                                     Environmental Training Coordinating
approach—to address this priority. We           Much of this work is realized through     Committee and in Massachusetts. Our
are currently partnering with the New        NEIWPCC ’s representation of our             work in ensuring wastewater operators
York City Department of Environmental        member states in national discussions,       gain new skills and prepare for entry and
Protection (NYC DEP) to upgrade and          legislative monitoring, and subsequent       advancement into the water workforce
maintain wastewater treatment facilities     comment letters addressing proposed          is adaptable. NEIWPCC partners with
in watersheds from which they receive        amendments. Through dedicated                states and the EPA to offer training
drinking water. Another NEIWPCC/NYC          engagement with our Congressional            courses on a range of priority topics—
DEP partnership                                                     delegation,           whole effluent toxicity, permit writing,
oversees the                                                        NEIWPCC ’s staff      extreme weather events, and municipal
funding to                                                          and extended          cybersecurity.
communities                                                         network lend
in the East of                                                      expertise to the
                                                                    conversations, to
                                                                                          On the Horizon
Hudson watershed
to address                                                          ensure that the          Throughout the next five years,
inadequate                                                          collective voice      NEIWPCC will be illustrating our
wastewater                                                          of our member         progress against each priority topic,
treatment and                                                       states are heard      offering case studies, reports, news
protect drinking                                                    in the national       updates and featured stories in our digital
water supplies for                                                  conversation. With    and print publications, presentations, and
New York City.                                                      modernization,        other public-facing opportunities. Our
   This priority is a                                               we are better         strengths lie in our ability to convene and
keen example of                                                     positioned to         collaborate with interested individuals
the environmental                                                   address climate       connected to a myriad of water quality
justice issues                                                      change and            issues. Roadmap in hand, we invite you to
plaguing equal                                                      resiliency issues,    join us on our journey.

10   Interstate Waters • Spring 2021
Assessing Nitrogen                                                                            that others did not attempt the study’s
                                                                                              recommendations included concerns

Removal Retrofits
                                                                                              over damage to the plant and reduced
                                                                                              performance, significant maintenance
                                                                                              requirements, and preference for more
                                                                                              traditional treatment methods. The
                                                                                              feedback suggests that future studies
                                                                                              should combine computer-simulated
by Audra Martin                                 Figure 1. Nitrogen removal actions            design recommendations with on-

                                                taken by 21 wastewater treatment              the-ground experiences and include
   n 2013, NEIWPCC commissioned                 facilities involved in a 2015 study.          additional facility training or support to
   a study funded by the Long Island                   Unknown: 1                             successfully implement recommended
   Sound Study to assess the feasibility                                                      retrofits.
of low-cost nitrogen removal retrofits to                                                         Permit requirements are the primary
wastewater treatment plants in the upper                                                      incentive for increased nutrient removal.
Long Island Sound (LIS ) watershed. The          Alternate                                    For most facilities, any actions are entirely
                                                 approach: 4                  None:
study, completed by JJ Environmental,                                          12             voluntary as they are meeting their
llc in 2015, presented a suite of cost-                                                       current National Pollutant Discharge
efficient retrofit and process modification                                                   Elimination System (NPDES) permits.
recommendations for 21 plants in                 Partial or                                   Most of the facilities’ permits require that
Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and                attempted: 4                                 they monitor and report total nitrogen
Vermont.                                                                                      concentrations in wastewater effluent,
   Five years later, NEIWPCC contacted          nitrogen removal using low-cost retrofits,    but do not specify a limit. Little incentive
the facilities to learn about any nitrogen      predicting additional nitrogen removal        exists to perform voluntary upgrades,
removal upgrades and operational                totaling about 2,313 pounds per day or        although sometimes a plant can save
changes made since the study’s                  844,525 pounds per year at a capital cost     money by changing its operation or
completion.                                     of $5 million.                                is eligible for funding not available
   As shown in Figure 1, of the 21 facilities      Of the eight facilities that attempted     for meeting permit requirements.
included in the study, eight made               or partially implemented the study’s          A host of barriers may deter action,
some type of upgrade, of which half             recommendations, the practices to             including budget constraints, limited
attempted to implement the study’s              achieve nitrogen reduction involved           support from community leadership,
recommendations and the other half              better control of dissolved oxygen levels     and higher priorities for their limited
chose an alternate approach to the              at the facilities, including the addition     funds such as addressing water quality
recommendations presented. Two of the           of automatic controls and timers and          contaminants of increased concern like
facilities were required to make changes        installation of new variable frequency        PFAS/PFOA. However, several facilities
in order to meet permit requirements,           drives, pumps, aerators, and/or blowers.      are anticipating changes to their next
while changes were voluntary at the             Another plant began operating with            five-year permit, at which time they will
other six. Twelve facilities made no            simultaneous nitrification/denitrification,   initiate changes to meet newly specified
changes, and one could not be reached.          which is an accepted nitrogen removal         nitrogen limits.
   Excess nitrogen has long been the            strategy. Other facilities are undergoing         A review of the study shows that it
dominant water quality concern in LIS. In       complete upgrades which will include          did influence wastewater treatment
2001, the EPA approved a total maximum          nitrogen optimization. Several facilities     facilities, but with relatively minor
daily load (TMDL) for dissolved oxygen          received supplemental funding from            reductions to nitrogen reaching the
in LIS. Nitrogen pollution in the Sound         programs including the Massachusetts          Sound. Our findings suggest that
reduces dissolved oxygen to unhealthy           Clean Water State Revolving Fund,             presenting facilities with a conceptual
levels, and the TMDL is designed to             Massachusetts Clean Energy Center, and        design and cost estimate per additional
reduce the amount of nitrogen reaching          the Long Island Sound Futures Fund.           pound of potential nitrogen removal
the Sound from both point and non-point            The study motivated one plant to           did not prove sufficient to spur action in
sources throughout the LIS watershed,           implement changes, but it did not follow      most cases. A more successful—albeit
which includes portions of all the states in    the recommendations due to higher             more costly approach—might include a
the Northeast except Maine.                     than expected costs. To stay ahead of         comprehensive facility plan, including an
   The study created conceptual designs         any possible mandates, that facility took     iterative and adaptive implementation
using BioWin simulations that took into         an alternate approach, accomplishing          approach using more traditional
account current facility configuration,         nitrogen improvements with no increase        treatment methods and providing
operation and maintenance costs,                in operating costs. Three facilities          funding for implementation. NEIWPCC
and effluent nitrogen concentration             reported conducting additional studies        remains committed to help improve
to recommend the most practical,                on their own.                                 water quality in Long Island Sound.
cost-effective upgrades. The report                The study’s recommendations raised             For more information, contact
found that 20 facilities could improve          concerns for many facilities. Two of the      Richard Friesner, director of the
                                                plants tried to incorporate operational       Water Quality Programs Division,
                                                recommendations for several years but         at
Audra Martin is a former environmental
                                                encountered problems. The reasons
analyst with NEIWPCC.

                                                                                              Volume 5, Number 1 • Interstate Waters     11
New Regional Initiative to                                                                    While the states in the Northeast
                                                                                           have diverse approaches to

Address Salt Pollution                                                                     addressing chloride impairments in
                                                                                           their waters, there are many areas
                                                                                           of overlapping need. NEIWPCC is
Keeping highways and other paved areas clear of                                            exploring several ways to support
ice and snow is taking a toll on the region’s waters.                                      our states, including by facilitating
                                                                                           further discussions for environmental
                                                                                           officials, hosting webinar
                                                                                           presentations, compiling a resource

        EIWPCC is launching a new                Elevated salt concentrations in           database, and/or leading a regional
        collaborative to help our             drinking water can be harmful to human       education and outreach effort.
        member states address chloride        health. In rivers, lakes, and streams, too      Some of the initiatives happening
contamination in drinking water and           much salt can harm the fish, amphibians,     in NEIWPCC member states
surface water, which is caused primarily      and bugs that are adapted to live in         include:
by application of salt to roads, parking      freshwater environments.                     ⏴ The United States Geological
lots, and sidewalks. Household and               In December 2020, NEIWPCC held              Survey is conducting both
industrial water softening systems also       two meetings for environmental staff to        targeted, local research and
contribute to this problem.                   share data and strategies their states         long-term trend monitoring
   Some states in the Northeast, such as      have taken to reduce road salt use and         to investigate chloride and
New Hampshire and Vermont, have been          raise awareness about the issue.               specific conductivity levels in
monitoring chloride pollution in their           To learn more or to get involved            Connecticut surface waters.
waters for decades. Other states do not       in NEIWPCC’s regional chloride               ⏴ The University of Rhode Island
have comprehensive chloride monitoring        coordination efforts, contact Christina        conducted a study to assess
programs in place, but are nonetheless        Stringer at              saltwater intrusion into drinking
seeing the cumulative effects on their        or Emma Gildesgame at                          water wells.
watersheds of millions of tons of road salt
applied over the years.                                                                    ⏴ The Massachusetts Department
                                                                                             of Transportation is testing out
                                                                                             new technology on their trucks to
                                                                                             reduce road salt use.
                                                                                           ⏴ New Hampshire has a robust
                                                                                             Green Snowpro certification
                                                                                             program, which teaches
                                                                                             municipalities best practices
                                                                                             for snow and ice management.
                                                                                             Connecticut has begun hosting
                                                                                             similar trainings.
                                                                                           ⏴ The Sustainable Winter
                                                                                             Management program (SWiM),
                                                                                             by WIT Advisors, will educate
                                                                                             landowners and property
                                                                                             managers in Long Creek, Maine
                                                                                             about salt contamination.
                                                                                           ⏴ New York recently passed
                                                                                             the Randy Preston Road Salt
                                                                                             Reduction Act, establishing the
                                                                                             Adirondack Road Salt Reduction
                                                                                             Task Force that will research
                                                                                             road salt alternatives to be
                                                                                             implemented in a three-year pilot
                                                                                           ⏴ The Vermont Department of
                                                                                             Environmental Conservation is
                                                                                             using continuous stream data
                                                                                             to investigate the potential for
                                                                                             TMDL plans to improve water
                                                                                             quality in a chloride-polluted

12   Interstate Waters • Spring 2021
Eliminating Systemic
Racism in the
Environmental Field
         EIWPCC recognizes that we             topics. These programs extend to staff
         cannot achieve the vision of          who support NEIWPCC program
         advancing clean and sustainable       partners.
water until all of the communities in            These small, preliminary steps are
the Northeast have equitable access to         only the beginning in addressing the
these resources, and diverse minority          ways that systemic racism prevents
populations have representation in our         NEIWPCC from advancing clean
environmental workforce. Therefore,            water in the Northeast.
NEIWPCC and our program partners
have joined together to address the
issues of environmental justice, and
diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in the
organization and industry.                                   Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
    The Long Island Sound Study’s Citizen
Advisory Committee and Science and                              Commitment Statement
Technical Advisory Committee held a                   NEIWPCC is committed to fostering, cultivating, and preserving a culture of
joint meeting in the fall of 2020 about           diversity, equity and inclusion.
equitable public access to the Sound’s                Our people are the most valuable asset we have. The collective sum of the
shores. The Peconic Estuary Partnership           individual differences, life experiences, knowledge, inventiveness, innovation,
is inviting community members to                  self-expression, unique capabilities, and talent that our employees invest
join their new workgroup for Inclusion            in their work represents a significant part of not only our culture, but our
and Environmental Justice. The Lake               reputation and achievement as well.
Champlain Basin Program is conducting                 We embrace and encourage our employees’ differences in age, color,
a needs assessment to improve diversity,          disability, ethnicity, family or marital status, gender identity or expression,
equity, and inclusion in their program            language, national origin, physical and mental ability, political affiliation, race,
and partner watershed organizations.              religion, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, veteran status, and all other
The Narragansett Bay Estuary Program              characteristics that make our employees unique.
is undertaking a similar assessment and               NEIWPCC’s diversity initiatives are embedded in all our policies and
held a DEI training for staff. The Hudson         practices which include (but are not limited to) talent acquisition, professional
River Estuary Program also held a virtual         development and training, compensation and benefits, and a work environment
DEI workshop.                                     that supports our mission, strategy, and core values.
    NEIWPCC has developed a DEI                       A key component of NEIWPCC’s mission is recognizing communities
confirmation statement that was                   with lower socio-economic status and those with larger minority populations
unanimously approved by our executive             who disproportionally contend with serious water quality issues and threats
committee and our commissioners.                  to their access to clean and safe water. Our work in service of underserved
This statement has been provided to               and underrepresented groups is a key aspect of our priorities. NEIWPCC
all NEIWPCC employees to ensure                   understands that we are not achieving our mission and realizing our vision until
understanding and support. Training               all of our communities have access to clean and safe water.
programs are provided throughout the                  In addition, our strategic plan is the foundation for us to continue to build
year on various diversity and inclusion           a more diverse and inclusive water quality workforce and to draw upon our
                                                  organizational values to strengthen culture and create a sense of community
                                                  for staff in support of our workforce development objective. NEIWPCC is
     Dr. Jacqueline Echols, board                 committed to continued progress in this arena.
  president of the South River                        All employees of NEIWPCC have a responsibility to treat others with dignity
  Watershed Alliance, presented                   and respect at all times. All employees are expected to exhibit conduct that
  a webinar on environmental                      reflects inclusion. All employees are also required to attend and complete
  justice under water quality                     annual diversity awareness training to enhance their knowledge to fulfill this
  programs as part of NEIWPCC’s                   responsibility.
  National 303(d)/TMDL Webinar                        NEIWPCC is an organization comprised of many people with diverse back-
  Series on March 29, 2021. The                   grounds, education, experiences and ideas who come together and strive to
  webinar recording is available on               make our vision a reality: Clean and Sustainable Water throughout the Northeast.
  NEIWPCC’s website.

                                                                                            Volume 5, Number 1 • Interstate Waters       13
                                                           Clean water is essential and so

                                                                                                    Portland Water

                                                           JIM LAMB,
                                                           Operator and
                                                           Water Pollution
                                                           Control Authority
GREGGORY BISI, Plant Operator II, Metropolitan
District Commission-Rocky Hill (Connecticut)

                                       MATTHEW SERRANO, Crew
                                       Leader I/Operator III, Metropolitan
                                       District Commission-Rocky Hill

 SCOTT GOODINSON,                                                              HARDY CUMMINGS,
 Superintendent, Narragansett WRRF,                                            Greater Augusta Utility District
 (Rhode Island)                                                                (Maine)

14   Interstate Waters • Spring 2021
Water Operators!

are water and wastewater workers
                                                                                                  Greater Augusta
                                                                                                  Utility District

   NORA LOUGH, Biologist, Narragansett Bay Commission;
   PETER CONNELL, President, Rhode Island Clean Water
   Association; JANINE BURKE-WELLS, Executive
   Director, North East Biosolids & Residuals Association
   and former Superintendent, Warwick Sewer Authority
   (Rhode Island)

                         BRIAN                              RYAN                                    MATTHEW
                         FORTIN,                            STARKEY,                                ONDRA,
                         Lead Operator,                     Operator II,                            Laboratory
                         Bennett                            Warwick                                 Manager,
                         Environmental                      Sewer                                   Rockland
                         Associates, LLC                    Authority                               Pollution
                         (Massachusetts)                    (Rhode                                  Control
                                                            Island)                                 Facility


                                                                           Volume 5, Number 1 • Interstate Waters   15
Wannalancit Mills
                                                                                                                                         Non-profit Org
                                                 Suite 410
                                                                                                                                          U. S. Postage
                                                 650 Suffolk Street
                                                 Lowell, MA 01854
                                                                                                                                         Manchester, NH
                                                                                                                                         Permit No. 724

The Missisquoi Bay algal bloom photo on page 4 is from the Québec Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les
changements climatiques. The four photos of children on pages 6 and 7 are from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.

                                                                                Water Environment Federation Residuals and Biosolids (virtual)
                                                                                Innovative topics, peer-to-peer networking opportunities,
                                                                                and informative sessions from forward-thinking leaders in the
                                                                                water sector.
                                                                                May 11-13 •

                                                                                NEWEA 2021 Spring Meeting and Exhibit (virtual)
                                                                                Annual three-day technical meeting for water quality professionals
                                                                                in the wastewater industry.
                                                                                Date TBD •

                                                                                NYWEA 2021 Spring Technical Conference and Exhibition
                                                                                June 15-17 •
         31st Annual Nonpoint Source                                            WEF Stormwater Summit (virtual)
             Pollution Conference                                               Innovative topics, peer-to-peer networking opportunities,
                                                                                and informative sessions from forward-thinking leaders in the
               A Virtual Watershed Moment                                       water sector.
                                                                                June 22-23 •
       This premier event in the northeast for sharing
     information on NPS pollution issues and projects                           American Water Works Association, Membrane Technology
         will move to a virtual format, continuing to                           Conference and Exposition
                                                                                Explore how the latest developments in membrane technology
        provide an engaging forum for networking,                               can enhance water reliability and quality.
              demonstration, and coordination.                                  July 19-22, West Palm Beach, Florida •
                      May 20, 25, 27


16    Interstate Waters • Spring 2021
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