BaziChic Navigating out of the COVID-19 Storm -

Page created by Kent Solis
BaziChic Navigating out of the COVID-19 Storm -
FengShui & Chinese Astrology

BaziChic                      March 2021
                                 1st Quarter 2021

      Navigating out of the COVID-19

                       | March 2021   1
BaziChic Navigating out of the COVID-19 Storm -
MARCH 2021




                                                                            page 5

        Navigating out of the COVID-19 Storm
           HIGHLIGHTS                           THE WAY OF WIND
                                                & WATER
                                               NAVIGATING OUT OF THE COVID-19
     5  Which boat are you in now?
                                               15 Resolving problems
     8  Who are my Noble people in 2021?
     12 Optimize your life
     17 FULL MOONS IN 2021

                                              21 BAZI 101
        SCRIPTURE                                Core Characteristics
                                                 (Super Vibrant Structure)
                                              23 FACE READING
                                                 A Fantasy Story Writer
                                              24 THE TAO OF MANIFESTING
                                                 Matching the Qi Men Chart to our Wishes

2 March 2021 |
BaziChic Navigating out of the COVID-19 Storm -
                                                   Leader & Warrior
                                               Director Josephine Phang
                                                  Editor Ooi Eu Geen

WHO ARE MY NOBLE PEOPLE IN 2021?                 Writer Ooi Eu Geen
                          page 8                Writer Josephine Phang

                                                        Free Artist
                                              Graphic Designer Microkey

                                             Advertising enquiries contact

                                            BaziChic is a digital magazine published

                                                1-QUESTION & ANSWER
  YOUR ASSISTANT                                        SECTION
                                                  Have a pressing matter?
                                                   You ask, we answer!
38 GOOD DATES PLANNER                                        
45 ANNUAL & MONTHLY FLYING                               CAREER
   STARS                                   What am I good at doing? How can I
                                           improve my talent? Should I change jobs
                                                         this year?
CHEAT SHEET in Every Issue
54 24 Mountains Reference Chart                              
55 24 Mountains Compass                                  WEALTH
56 Feng Shui Eight Mansions: East & West   How can I increase my wealth? How can
   Group Direction                         I improve my talent? Should I look for a
57 Nine Life Gua                                          new job?​
59 Bazi Reference Table                                      
                                           When is my Prince Charming going to
                                           appear? How can I boost my chances at
                                           love? How can I improve my relationship?
                                           Send one (1) question together with your
                                            birth details (gender, date and time of
                                               birth) to

                                                       | March 2021   3
BaziChic Navigating out of the COVID-19 Storm -
Message from Editor
        Dear Reader,

        We hope that this issue finds you in good health. The light at the end
        of this COVID-19 tunnel is near with the roll-out of vaccines across the
        world. We hope that we will be going back to our normal lives soon. In the
        meantime, we can lay the groundwork to ensure that we can be ready to bounce
        back once the pandemic is over. Hence, our articles this month are focused on
        helping you to navigate out of the COVID-19 storm.

        For those who enjoy sharing Jo’s Feng Shui adventures, please note that we are not
        able to share any new adventures for the time being due to travel restrictions. We
        hope that we will all be travelling again soon, and visiting amazing Feng Shui
        locations vicariously through Jo.

        Take care and stay safe.

        Eu Geen

4 March 2021 |
BaziChic Navigating out of the COVID-19 Storm -
Navigating out of the COVID-19 Storm

     Which boat are you in now?
                      e are all in the same storm, but we are not riding
                      the same boat. If we want to navigate out of this
                      COVID-19 storm, we must first understand what
                position we are in now.

                So, which boat are you in now?

                                              | March 2021   5
Everyone’s situation can quickly be summarized into one of these three categories:


                                                                                                              10 New Norm
                                                                                                  9 Restore
                                                                                      8 Realign
                                                                           7 Experiment
                                                                6 Reboot
                                                   5 Readjust
                                         4 Panic
                              3 Fear & Anger
                2 Disbelief
   1 Clueless

         Thriving: You are fully aware of the impact of COVID-19 and have made all the preparations
         to deal with the changes arising from this pandemic. You have fully adjusted to the new
         norm and your life runs smoothly.

         Surviving: You are aware of the impact of COVID-19. You are actively making adjustments,
         rebooting your plans, and experimenting with new options to realign with your goals.

         Struggling: Struggling means that you are now still clueless about the pandemic’s negative
         impact. Or you are either disbelieving, fearful or panicking. You don’t know what to do. You
         may have been misguided into believing that the pandemic is a hoax.




6 March 2021 |
If you do not know which boat you are in, you are likely in the struggling position because
you are oblivious to what is happening around you.

However, some people may be in the survival position because they got lucky and went
with the right flow. It will be hard to find a lucky person who is thriving in this storm but is
oblivious to what is happening.

Check out the Five Elements in your Bazi Natal Chart to find out if the energies of the Year
of the Metal Ox will help you to navigate out of this storm. Every year, different people will
excel differently. The Five Elements will also show you how well you can fare in 2021.

Table: Five Element Energy Flow in 2021
Thriving     1 Water    Your energy goes with the flow in 2021. Things will work out
                        smoothly for you.

Surviving       2   Earth      You have the capability to make things happen.

                3   Fire       You tend to run into wealth opportunities

                4   Wood       Noblemen will offer help, mentorship and advice.

Struggling 5        Metal      You need to be the giver despite being at a disadvantage. You
                               also tend to get distracted, confused and will panic easily.

The Water, Earth and Fire Elements are the best energy to have in your Natal Chart
especially in the current 10-Year Luck Cycle, Year and Month Pillar. This is because these
three Pillars in your Natal Chart represents the external forces. Having these auspicious
elements in these Pillars means that you will easily find new opportunities. Things will run
smoothly for you. You will have better options, make better decisions and have enough of
everything that you want.

If your Natal Chart comprises mainly of Metal and Wood Elements, your energy is not in
sync with the Metal Ox energy. Look for a Nobleman to help you navigate out of this storm
(refer to page 8).

Do you need to change your career and move into another industry?
Every year some industries or businesses will do better than others due to the influence
of the Five Elements. If you are not in dying industries such as traditional advertisement
signage businesses, DVD, game and video rental businesses, records, CD and cassette tape
industry, data recovery services or oil and gas, you do not really need to make a career jump.
You just need to manoeuvre the Five Elements to benefit you. For example, you can look for
customers among people in the industries that are doing well. You can add knowledge or
skills that are related to the auspicious element of the year and apply it to your work. You
can look at ideas and strategies from businesses, companies and industries that are doing
well and adjust and apply it to your work.

                                                                     | March 2021   7
Navigating out of the COVID-19 Storm

                Who is my Noble people in 2021?
         1. In 2021, the zodiac that have the capability and willing to help others are the Monkey
            and Rooster signs.

         2. Besides these two signs you can look for your permanent Nobleman in your Bazi Natal
            Chart (refer the following tables).

         Table: Nobleman based on your Yang Day Master
              日主                  甲          丙              戊             庚              壬
           Day Master         Yang Wood   Yang Fire     Yang Earth    Yang Metal     Yang Water
                                 丑          酉              丑              丑              卯
              天乙贵                Ox       Rooster          Ox             Ox           Rabbit
          Nobleman Sign          未           亥             未              未             巳
                                Goat         Pig          Goat           Goat          Snake

         Table: Nobleman based on your Yin Day Master
              日主                  乙          丁             己               辛              癸
           Day Master         Yin Wood    Yin Fire      Yin Earth      Yin Metal      Yin Water
                                 申          酉              申              寅              卯
              天乙贵              Monkey     Rooster        Monkey          Tiger         Rabbit
          Nobleman Sign          子           亥             子              午             巳
                                 Rat         Pig           Rat           Horse         Snake

8 March 2021 |
What Nobleman mean?
Noble people are people who unlock your potential, inspire you, connect the dots for you,
help you resolve problems or play an important role in your future progress or prospects.
People get confused about Noble people as they think that Noble people must be nice,
powerful, and helpful. Well, that is ideal. However, Noble people can be nasty to you or not
highly intelligent. However, their actions or their presence will inspire you or prompt you
to do something important that is beneficial to you.

Noble Timing
Your Nobleman Star is not necessarily a person. Sometimes it is timing. For example, if you
are a Yang Wood Day Master, you will find a solution to one of your problems in January
or July. Or the Yang Wood Day Master person may get inspired by a movie he watched on
an Ox Day.

Do you really need to know your Nobleman?
Well, it is good if you have a friend who has your Nobleman Star. It is also great if your boss
is also your Nobleman.

However, it is not necessary to go out and network to find a good mentor. Introverted
people will find it hard to socialize all the time. Here is what you can do if you are an
introvert and find it hard to socialize and make friends:

1. Timing.
   You can actually do important things in the hour, day or month where your Nobleman
   sign appears. For example, jot down ideas during your Nobleman hour. Read something
   inspirational on the day that contains your Nobleman sign. You can refer to the Bazichic
   eTongshu to find your Nobleman day. You can also refer to the Reference Table: The
   Seasons and the Earthly Branches on page 101 to find the month that contains your
   Nobleman sign. The Table below shows the Zodiacs that represent the times of the day.

                               Table: Zodiac signs and Time

                          Hour                                  Zodiac

                     11pm – 12.59am

                      1am – 2.59am

                      3am – 4.59am

                      5am – 6.59am

                      7am -8.59am

                     9am – 10.59am

                                                                    | March 2021   9
Hour                                Zodiac

                               11am – 12.59pm

                               1pm – 2.59pm

                               3pm – 4.59pm

                               5pm – 6.59pm

                                7pm -8.59pm

                               9pm – 10.59pm

        2. Find Inspiration in People.
           Google the birthdays of successful, happy, rich and famous people to see who has your
           Nobleman sign in their natal chart. They can be famous actors, internet celebrities,
           authors or successful businessmen. Read their biographies. If your chosen celebrity
           Nobleman is an actor, watch his or her movie. Learn their strategies and try to apply it
           to your life, career or business.

        3. Attend a Conference or Retreat.
           Some famous coaches have their birth dates available online such as on Wikipedia.
           Google them, and see if they have your Nobleman sign. It is usually more effective to
           learn from coaches whose Bazi Charts contain your Nobleman sign. Alternatively, you
           can go for seminars or retreats on your Nobleman day or in your Nobleman month.

        4. Connect with Nature.
           Take a walk in nature or a park located in the direction of your Nobleman sign. If the
           situation allows, travel to a location in the direction of your Nobleman sign (refer to the
           table below).

10 March 2021 |
Table: Zodiac Direction or Sector

                           Zodiac                     Direction or Sector

                              午                              South 2
                              未                            Southwest 1
                              申                            Southwest 3
                              酉                               West 2
                              戌                            Northwest 1
                              亥                            Northwest 3
                              子                              North 2
                              丑                            Northeast 1
                              寅                            Northeast 3
                              卯                               East 2
                              辰                            Southeast 1
                              巳                            Southeast 3

5. Follow your Competitor.
   If you learn that your competitors have your Nobleman sign, compete harder against
   them. Learn from their success and mistakes. You will learn faster this way. Competition
   breeds inspiration. It inspires you to get to the next level. If all else fails, join them.

                                                                 | March 2021   11
Navigating out of the COVID-19 Storm

               he COVID-19 storm has affected everyone, either physically, emotionally, or mentally.
               Some people benefited from this storm while others are affected negatively. To shift
               out of this storm, we need to increase our capacity and optimize our lives.

        Even if we are not going through challenging times, we can still say to ourselves “One year
        from now, I don’t want to be the same person I am today. I want to grow. And become
        better every day.”

        So, what are the areas in life that can be optimized?
        Here are 10 areas in life that you want to consider improving and maximizing:

        1.   Energy
             Are you feeling energized every day? Do you wake-up immediately or hit snooze on
             your alarm clock? Anytime you hit snooze, it’s a negative reaction. Giving yourself time
             in the morning to put yourself in an optimal physical and mental state is an important
             step towards thriving. Feeling recharged and energized will motivate you to work
             towards your goals and make your dreams a reality.

             Tap into the White Tiger Deity to optimize your energy levels.

12 March 2021 |
2. Mindset
   Success very much depends on whether one can seize opportunities in life. It does
   not happen by itself. It is important to first prepare your mind. Preparing your mind
   means increasing your knowledge and having a plan and a vision in your target niche
   so that you are ready to tap into the opportunities as they come. You will not let the
   negativity around you affect you or stop you from going for what you want.

     Tap into the Nine Heaven Deity to cultivate a healthy mindset.

3. Time
   Just one hour a day can make a difference over time. Making changes in life can be
   overwhelming, especially if you want to do everything at once. The good news is that
   many of these areas overlap, and even small changes can compound over time. Take
   one hour a day and devote it to improvements in areas such as career, relationship or

     Tap into the Envoy to optimize your time.

4. Money
   Money is important whether we like it or not. People like to equate money with the
   root of all evil, but this only happens when one becomes greedy. The lack of money
   can be the root of a lot of problems. Heavy debt can stop a person’s progress in life
   and bankrupt a company or a country. Financial carelessness can become a red flag in

     Tap into the Life Door to optimize your wealth.

5. Skills
   A skill set is a combination of knowledge, abilities and experiences that you can apply
   to perform tasks well. There are two types of skills - soft skills and technical skills. Soft
   skills refer to interpersonal skills, organization, teamwork and leadership. Technical
   skills refer to research, computer programming or accounting. Spending time to
   improve your skills can help you to achieve personal career goals.

     Tap into the Great Moon Deity to optimize your skills.

6. Exposure
   To encounter as many potential opportunities as possible, you need to be active and

     Tap into the Open Door to optimize your exposure.

7.   Network
     The purpose of networking is not only to find Noble people to support you. Networking
     also means that you should take on the role of a Nobleman. Networking gives you the
     opportunity to help others, and in doing so help to keep you in their minds. When they
     face problems related to your niche, they will remember you. This way you become
     your own channel of opportunities.

     Tap into the Six Harmony to optimize your network.

                                                                   | March 2021   13
8. Resources
           Resources are simply the things that we use to achieve our goals. Most of us don't spend
           time to figure out how to maximize the resources we have. If resources are maximized
           properly, it will ensure steady growth in your career, company or life.

             Tap into the Death Door to optimize your resources.

        9. Health
           Health is wealth. Unlike robots, we cannot run continuously. Good health is the
           beginning of everything else. We need to take good care of ourselves.

             Tap into the Rest Door to optimize your health.

        10. Spiritual Health
            Most people have a sense of spirituality even if they are not religious. Spirituality
            helps one to reflect, feel gratitude, and gain clarity on one’s direction in life. A healthy
            spiritual mind brings a sense of peace, control, and joy.

             Tap into the Surging Snake Deity to optimize your spiritual health.

        You can refer to one of the following types of Qi Men Charts to find out the location of the
        Deities, Stars or Doors mentioned above:

        1. Qi Men Destiny Chart
        2. Qi Men Month Chart

        In every issue, BaziChic publishes the Qi Men Month Chart on page 50. By carrying out
        each activity at the corresponding location, you will tap into the energy of the universe.
        Your efforts will be 10 times more effective. It will help you optimize the areas where you
        want to see immediate improvements.

            “Time equal life; therefore, waste your time and waste of your life, or
                          master your time and master your life.”

                                                Alan Lakein

14 March 2021 |
Navigating out of the COVID-19 Storm

                  Resolving Problems

      OVID-19 became a catalyst for many of the problems we faced recently. The pandemic
      pushed many to make changes in their business activities and their daily lives. Every
      problem has a solution. You just need to discover what it is. We can simplify the
solution for most of problems into the following categories:

Financial concerns and problems are always present. While the breakout of COVID-19 has
directly impacted many people’s and businesses’ earnings, the pandemic only served to
magnify many existing financial problems. The current financial struggle can be due to a
lack of good financial habits, over expansion or lack of foresight.

Activating the West 2 sector on an auspicious date (refer to the Good Dates Planner section
on page 38) can resolve some of your daily cash flow issues but it may not be able to resolve
your core problems. For example, 11:30, 16 March 2021 is an auspicious time to activate
the West 2 sector.

To identify the root of the financial problems, sit in the Open Door sector (refer to the
Monthly Universal Qi Map on page 48) on a Danger Day (refer to the Good Dates Planner
section on page 38) to reflect on your finances. For example, on 15 March 2021 or 27 March
2021, sit in the West sector of your home. Identify the reason for your financial troubles
and find ways to resolve them.

Time Factor
Some problems are due to time factors, for example, delays caused by a third party. To
resolve this problem, you need to be patient and secure the cooperation of the third party.
The Heavenly Horse Star and Sky Horse Star can hasten matters. The Heavenly Horse Star
is present on a Dragon day and the Sky Horse Star is present on a Pig Day in 2021. On these

                                                                | March 2021   15
days, you can contact the relevant person to ask them to speed up their work.

        Some problems can only be resolved by taking action. This action ranges from explaining
        certain processes to a customer, replacing a product, renegotiating an agreement or
        reapplying for a license. The best day to do this is on an Open Day, Duke Virtue Day or
        Dragon Virtue Day (refer to the Good Dates Planner section on page 38). The Duke Virtue
        Day falls on a Xin Day and the Dragon Virtue Day falls on Monkey Day in 2021. For example,
        the Open Day falls on 6 March, 18 March and 30 March. Dragon Virtue Day falls on 25
        March. Beware - the Duke Virtue Day is not usable in March.

        Some problems can be resolved by acquiring new skills. It is good to start learning a new
        skill on a day graced by Academic Stars such as the Bright Hall, Study Hall and Intelligent
        Stars. It makes learning a lot easier. These stars fall on the Pig Day and Rat Day in 2021.
        For example, 16 March is a Pig Day.

        Some problems can be resolved using certain resources such as money, materials, human
        capital, specialised skills or assets. For example, the COVID-19 is accelerating the rise of the
        digital economy. Businesses going digital need employees with specialized IT knowledge.
        To find the right people or resources, activate the Nobleman sector in the South 1 sector
        (refer to the Good Dates Planner section on page 38).

        New Strategy
        Confucius said, “When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals,
        adjust the next action taken.” People can confuse setting a goal with having a strategy. A
        goal is a target you want to hit, while a strategy comprises the plan of action to achieve it.
        For example, if you are going to move upmarket and serve a higher-end client, you may
        need to develop leads through a different channel, change your packaging and improve
        your customer service. You may also need to change your strategy when there are changes
        in technology, regulations, and demand. The auspicious day to review your strategy or
        come up with a new strategy is on a Danger Day (refer to the Good Dates Planner section
        on page 38).

16 March 2021 |
Full Moons in 2021
      he table below lists down all the occurrences of full moons in 2021, together with the
      auspicious times and directions to make wishes. You can make a wish with your back
      facing the auspicious direction, at the time indicated on the table. It is recommended
to only make one wish per day.

                                                          Time for
      Date              Moon            Local Time                            Direction
                                                        Making Wishes

   28 January         Wolf Moon            19:16                -                  -

   27 February        Snow Moon            08:17              13:30             North

    28 March          Worm Moon            19:48              01:30            Southeast

     27 April         Pink Moon            04:31              11:30           Northwest

     26 May          Flower Moon           12:13              01:30              West

     24 June        Strawberry Moon        19:39              19:30              East

     24 July          Buck Moon            03:36              11:30            Southeast

    22 August        Sturgeon Moon         13:01             05:30              North

  21 September        Corn Moon             0:54             09:30              North

   20 October          Blue Moon           15:56              13:30             North

  19 November         Beaver Moon          08:57             13:30              North

  19 December         Cold Moon            04:35              15:30             South

                                                                | March 2021   17
The Earth Mother Scripture 地母经
                                           (De mu jīng)
                                                     The Earth Mother Scripture is a Tong Shu
                                                     believed to be written by the Yellow Emperor. It
                                                     is a record of Sixty Pillars (or years), predicting
                                                     events or natural disasters related to farming,
                                                     livestock, the economy, fishing, silkworm
                                                     cultivation, livestock breeding, pests, and
                                                     diseases. It was a yearly guide for commoners
                                                     who were mostly farmers. The real origin of
                                                    this scripture is unknown. Research indicates
                                                   that the scripture was likely a compilation of
                                                  works by scholars and literate farmers who
                                                 recorded the agricultural conditions and natural
                                               disasters of ancient China over a period time for the
                                             prevention of plagues and disasters. The Earth Mother
                                          Scripture is written in plain language, not fancy words.

         The Earth Mother Scripture is not well-known in Chinese Metaphysics studies. It only came
         to the attention of Feng Shui enthusiasts during the current COVID-19 pandemic. This is
         because a poem in this classical scripture recorded events similar to those in 2020. The
         following is the entry in the Earth Mother Scripture for the Metal Rat Pillar with a simple
         translation in English.

         Earth Mother Scripture Entry for the Year of the Metal Rat:
          太岁庚子年,人民多暴卒。             In the year of Grand Duke Metal Rat, many unexpected
          春夏水淹流,秋冬频饥渴。             Floods during the spring and summer, famine during
                                   autumn and winter.
          高田犹及半,晚稻无可割。             Crops will be decreased by half, nothing to be harvested
                                   later in the year.
          秦淮足流荡,吴楚多劫夺。             Insecurity at the foot of Qinhuai River, many robberies
                                   between the Wu and Chu land.
          桑叶须后贱,蚕娘情不悦。             Mulberry leaves lose value, the silkworm will starve.

          见蚕不见丝,徒劳用心切。                    Seeing the silkworm without silk, production will be

          鼠耗出头年,高低多偏颇。                    At the start of the Year of the Metal Rat, the gap increases
                                          between those with status and the commoner.
          更看三冬里,山头起墓田。                    In three winters, more graveyards will be seen in the hills.

18 March 2021 |
How did the events in the Earth Mother Scription line up with events in 2020?
        Events predicted in the
                                                          Events in 2020
        Earth Mother Scripture
In the Year of the Metal Rat, there will be Yes, the pandemic has caused many deaths
many violent and unexpected deaths.         and rioting. Violent deaths also occurred in
                                            some countries.

There will be floods in the spring and There were floods in China and many other
summer which causes famine later in the countries such as Indonesia, India and
year.                                   Vietnam which caused havoc for people in
                                        these countries. Crises of famine occurred
                                        in Africa and the Middle East due to the
                                        pandemic and not the flood.

At the Qinhuai River between Wu and Chu People were displaced due to the pandemic
land along the Yangtze river, homeless and floods. Peaceful protests turned into
people wander and robberies aplenty.    rioting and looting.

Silkworm, which was the important                Many industries and businesses were halted
industry during that period, will be affected    due to lock-downs implemented to control
badly. The mulberry leaves are food for          the pandemic. Many people were laid-off
the silkworm. The mulberry tree flourishes       and businesses were shut down.
only in dry soil. It needs little watering.
The floods will destroy the nutrition in the
mulberry trees, and silkworms will not
produce silk eating these leaves.

The gap and treatment between the poor           Certain people or businesses grew richer
and the rich, commoners and those with           due to this crisis. The poor became poorer.
high status will grow wider. This situation      Some rich people also suffered losses in
will last for three winters, and the number      their businesses. Biased treatment between
of deaths will increase.                         ordinary people and ministers can be seen
                                                 in countries with corrupted governments.

The accuracy of this classical scripture is limited to Sixty Pillars where each Pillar represents
a year in a sixty-year cycle. The cycle will repeat itself after sixty years.
The information in the record only considered events in certain
states in ancient China. It is not entirely appropriate to apply
this information to the events taking place in the world. For
one, the records for certain Pillars or years may be inaccurate.
The scripture also cannot accurately reflect the complex
businesses and industries in this modern era. However, it is
still a remarkable document and makes for fascinating study.
It enables us to have a better idea of what could happen
during the pandemic.

                                                                   | March 2021   19
So, what did the Earth Mother Scripture have to say about the Year
                     of the Metal Ox?

              Earth Mother Scripture Entry for the Year of the Metal Ox:
         太歲辛丑年,疾病稍紛紛。         In the year of Grand Duke Metal Ox, diseases will appear
                              on and off.
         吳越桑麻好,荊楚米麥臻。         In the Southern States of Wu and Yue mulberry and hemp
                              grow, in the Jing Mountain in Chu, rice and wheat arrive.
         春夏均甘雨,秋冬得十分。         Adequate rain in the spring and summer, autumn and
                              winter will gain ten times.
         桑葉樹頭秀,蠶姑自歡欣。         Mulberry leaves and stems grow, Silkworm maid rejoice.

         人民漸蘇息,六畜瘴逡巡。                     People regain their vitality, domestic animals linger.

         辛丑牛爲首,高低甚可憐。                     At the start of the Year of the Metal Ox , both higher and
                                          lower class suffer.
         人民留一半,快活好桑田。                     Half the people remain, happily caring for the mulberry

        Applying the predictions of the Earth Mother Scripture to 2021
                Events predicted in the
                                                              Prediction for 2021
                Earth Mother Scripture
        In the year of the Metal Ox, the spread of The spread of Covid-19 appears to be
        diseases is unstable.                      unstable. Sometimes it appears to be under
                                                   control while at other times confirmed cases
                                                   continue to increase.

         In the Southern States of Wu and Yue,          It is a good year for the farming, poultry
         farmers begin to plant mulberry and hemp       and plantation industries especially those
         trees. At the Jing Mountain in the State       located in countries in the South. People
         of Chu, seeds of rice and wheat arrive for     will begin to accumulate resources and
         planting.                                      make plans to start new businesses.

         Weather is good for crops.                     Good weather and no natural disasters.

         Mulberry leaves and stems grow, silkworm Industries and business start to improve.
         maid rejoice.                            People will regain a positive outlook.

         People regain their vitality, domestic People start to gain confidence and have
         animals linger.                        new hope. Domestic animals will suffer
                                                from a disease outbreak.

         At the start of the Year of the Metal Ox, both At the start of the year, everyone will suffer.
         higher and lower classes suffer.

         Half the people remain, happily caring for 2021: Half of the people who survive the
         the mulberry fields.                       pandemic will see new hope and flourish.

20 March 2021 |


Some Bazi natal charts are heavily skewed towards one or two Elements out of the Five
Elements. In Bazi studies, we called these Special Structures. There are four types of Special
Structures in Bazi studies. In the old days, these four Special Structures were known as the
Noble Charts. As it was believed that a person with this type of Special Structure will live a
noble and successful life. Is this true? The premise that people with Special Structures will
be noble and have a noble life is subject to debate these days.

In this issue's Bazi 101, we want to explore the Super Vibrant Structure. When one or two
elements are skewed toward the Day Master, and the Bazi Chart has no element to control
the extremely strong Day Master, then the Super Vibrant Structure is formed. The natal
chart is born in a season full of the same elements or producing the Day Master. Based on
the Five Elements, we can further classify the Super Vibrant Structure into:

1. Super Vibrant Wood Day Master
The Metal Element must not appear in the Super Vibrant Wood Day Master Bazi Chart. It is
considered a normal Ten God Structure if a Metal Element appears in the Bazi Natal Chart.
People with the Super Vibrant Wood Structure will also suffer more when going through
the Metal Element luck cycle or Metal Element annual luck. The Super Vibrant Wood
Structure is also known as the Longevity Structure. This is because the Wood Element
represents long life.

2. Super Vibrant Fire Day Master
The Water Element must not appear in the Super Vibrant Fire Day Master Bazi Chart. It is
considered a normal Ten God Structure if a Water Element appears in the Bazi Natal Chart.
People with the Super Vibrant Fire Structure will also suffer more when going through a
Water Element luck cycle or Water Element annual luck. The Super Vibrant Fire Structure
is also known as the Blazing Structure. As the name implies, the Fire Element burns brightly
and intensely.

3. Super Vibrant Earth Day Master
The Wood Element must not appear in the Super Vibrant Earth Day Master Bazi Chart. It is
considered a normal Ten God Structure if a Wood Element appears in the Bazi Natal Chart.
People with the Super Vibrant Earth Structure will also suffer more when going through a
Wood Element luck cycle or Wood Element annual luck. The Super Vibrant Earth Structure
is also known as the Sowing and Reaping Structure. The Super Vibrant Earth Structure
represents the soil where plants grow.

4. Super Vibrant Metal Day Master
The Fire Element must not appear in the Super Vibrant Metal Day Master Bazi Chart.
It is considered a normal Ten God Structure if a Fire Element appears in the Bazi Natal
Chart. People with the Super Vibrant Metal Structure will also suffer more when going
through the Fire Element luck cycle or Fire Element annual luck. The Super Vibrant Metal

                                                                 | March 2021   21
Structure is also known as the Revolution Structure. The Metal Element is associated
        mostly with weapons such as axes, daggers and spears which were used for war. Hence, the
        Metal Element was seen as an element that can create change using force.

        5. Super Vibrant Water Day Master
        The Earth Element must not appear in the Super Vibrant Water Day Master Bazi Chart. It
        is considered a normal Ten God Structure if an Earth Element appears in the Bazi Natal
        Chart. People with the Super Vibrant Water Structure will also suffer more when going
        through the Earth Element luck cycle or Earth Element annual luck. The Super Vibrant
        Water Structure is also known as the Moisturizing Structure. As the name implies, the
        Water Element can be used to moisturize and nurture not only plants but all other living

        Imagine an extreme version of a Thriving (Friends) or Goat Blade (Rob Wealth) person.
        This is the personality of the Super Vibrant Structure. Under such circumstances, we bring
        this type of Bazi chart back from the extremes by asking people with such charts to use the
        self and resource elements in their career and daily activities.

                                  Super Vibrant Wood Day Master

                   八 字 Bazi Chart: Donald Trump 14 June 1946 10:54AM
                時 Hour                    日 Day                 月 Month                   年 Year
           七                                               正                       正                       天干

                  己                       己                      甲                        丙
           殺                                               官                       印

           7K                                              DO                      DR

                    Ji                       Ji                    Jia                    Bing
                Yin Earth                Yin Earth              Yang Wood               Yang Fire

                  巳                       未                      午                        戌
                     Si                     Wei                    Wu                      Xu
                  Sanke                    Goat                   Horse                    Dog
                  Yin Fire               Yin Earth               Yang Fire              Yang Earth

            庚      丙         戊    丁        己         乙             丁         己     丁       戊         辛

           Geng     Bing     Wu   Ding      Ji        Yi           Ding       Ji   Ding    Wu        Xin
            HO       DR      RW    IR       F        7K             IR        F     IR     RW        EG
           傷官       正印       劫財   偏印       比肩        七殺            偏印        比肩    偏印      劫財        食神

22 March 2021 |
       re there distinctive facial features that    and creative as well as a visionary in her work.
       indicate a good fantasy writer? Above        Generally, a high and broad forehead indicates
       is a photo of Joanne Rowling. You may        a high intellect.
know her by the pen name J. K. Rowling, and
know of her Harry Potter fantasy series. What       Having a good imagination is not enough. One
are the facial features that make her the fantasy   must be able to take what is in the imagination
author with the bestselling book series in          and bring it to life in the real world. In the face,
history? Let’s take a look.                         the eyes function to express emotion. It is the
                                                    window to your soul. The eye is also the window
Looking at Joanne Rowling, we see that she has      into your imagination. Joanne Rowling has
an unusually high forehead. This indicates not      clear and bright eyes. Looking into her eyes,
only a good imagination and vision, but also a      you can feel all her emotions, both happiness
tendency to fantasize. However, a high forehead     and sadness. This indicates that she has the
needs to be paired with a broad forehead. If her    ability to produce or create whatever comes to
forehead is narrow, it can lead to unrealistic      her mind or imagination.
fantasizing and the inability to stay in touch
with reality. Fortunately, Joanne Rowling has       People who work alone, such as writers and
a broad forehead. A broad forehead indicates        authors like Joanne Rowling, tend to have a
open-mindedness, creativity, innovation, the        sharp chin. With the success of Harry Potter,
ability to connect the dots and a visionary         Joanne Rowling has gained many fans. She
mind. This balances out the unusually high          has fleshy cheeks with high cheekbones, which
forehead, indicating that she is open-minded        attracts fame and admirers.
                                                                      | March 2021   23
The Tao of Manifesting

                               Matching the         Qi Men

                               to our                Wishes
       The Activation and Cultivation of Deities

                  Matching the Qi Men Chart to our Wishes

          n all our articles about Fa Qi Men, we have mentioned that to get your
          wishes fulfilled, one has to get into an “alpha state of mind”. We have
          also given tips and methods on how to get into this state. If we can best
        match the Qi Men Chart to what we wish for, the wish will be easier to

        So, how to best match the Qi Men Chart?
        The Qi Men Chart is made up of the Stems, Doors, Stars and Deities.
        These four signs represent certain aspects of our wishes. If we can best
        match them to the activities, subjects or matters relating our wishes,
        fulfilling wishes will become easier.

        In this issue, we look at what aspect of wishes the Doors represent.

24 March 2021 |
Life Door
The direction of the Life Door best matches wishes that are related to
financial matters, business, and property matters.
Death Door
The direction of the Death Door best matches wishes that are related to
assets, intellectual property and the conclusion or ending of contracts,
agreements or partnerships.

Open Door
The direction of the Open Door best matches wishes that are related to
career, status, reputation, new opportunities, and winning awards.

Delusion Door
The direction of the Delusion Door best matches wishes that are related
to studies, research and avoiding or hiding from something or someone.

Scenery Door
The direction of the Scenery Door best matches wishes that are related to
fame, beauty, being attractive, mental health or positive emotions such
as happiness.

Rest Door
The direction of the Rest Door best matches wishes that are related to
relationships and physical health.

Harm Door
The direction of the Harm Door best matches wishes that involve certain
risk elements.

Fear Door
The direction of the Fear Door best matches wishes that are related to
defence, discipline or the overall well-being of a person.

In the next issue, we look at how to match the direction of the Stars to
our wishes.

                                                | March 2021   25

        MARCH 2021 辛卯 METAL RABBIT
                                              八 字 Bazi Chart
                 時 Hour               日 Day                 月 Month                 年 Year
           七                                           正                     正                        天干

                 戊                    壬                       辛                     辛
           殺                                           印                     印

           7K                                          DR                    DR

                    Yi                 Ren                     Xin                   Xin
                Yin Wood            Yang Water              Yin Metal             Yin Metal

                 申                    子                       卯                     丑

                  Shen                   Zi                    Mao                    Chou
                 Monkey                 Rat                   Rabbit                   Ox
                Yang Metal           Yang Water              Yin Wood               Yin Earth

            戊      庚         壬         癸                       乙              辛       己         癸

            Wu     Geng      Ren        Gui                      Yi           Xin      Ji       Gui
            7K      IR        F         RW                      HO            DR      DO        RW
            七殺     偏印        比肩         劫財                      正印            正印      正官        劫財

        Auspicious Stars                                    Hence, there will be situations where one
        天罡 Sky Bright                                       can meet with people who wouldn’t take
                                                            ‘NO’ for an answer. Success will come from
        Inauspicious Stars                                  hard work and determination to overcome
        災煞 Calamity Sha                                     challenges. There are opportunities for
        隔角 Separating Edge                                  wealth and fame. The Sky Bright Star also
        披頭 Pealing Head                                     indicates a sharp mind and vibrant energy.
        喪門 Funeral Door                                     This bodes well for Rabbit students who will
        地喪 Earth Funeral                                    be sitting for exams and athletes who are
        囚狱 Prison                                           training for competition.
        流霞 Cascading Cloud
                                                            People must be wary of the influence of

               he month of the Rabbit will generally        Calamity Sha and Separating Edge. Often,
               be stable if people tread carefully.         the Calamity Sha brings unexpected man-
               Those born in the year of the Rabbit         made disasters that can be avoided if
        will enjoy a fulfilling year. People born in the    one is able to stay mindful and alert. The
        Autumn and Winter months will be more               Separating Edge indicates discord. To avoid
        susceptible to the negative influences of the       interpersonal relationship problems, one
        inauspicious stars.                                 must stay humble and polite this month.
                                                            Always state and explain messages clearly.
        The presence of Sky Bright Star indicates an
        opportunity to achieve one’s goal or success. The Pealing Head, Funeral Door and Earth
        People will tend to be more determined and Funeral Stars indicate sad news. There will
        persistent due to the influence of this star. be more deaths reported this month. The

26 March 2021 |
Prison Star also indicates movement being    avoid trouble from petty people.
restricted and an emotional trap. There is
a chance that many places will go under      Fire Day Masters (丙 Bing Yang Fire and
lockdown again. People will feel depressed   丁 Ding Yin Fire), will tend to be more
and trapped in their homes.                  emotional. Fire Day Masters have to
                                             recognize their own emotions and those of
If the month’s Qi is unfavourable to you, others so that they can adjust their emotions
especially those who have the Rooster and and adapt to different environments.
Dragon in the Bazi Chart, you will encounter
sad news. Rat people will feel a stronger Earth Day Masters (戊 Wu Yang Earth
negative impact from the Prison Star.        and 己 Ji Yin Earth will experience heavy
                                             workloads. Unaware of their stress levels,
This month’s energy favours those who have they can easily get into arguments. Their
the following zodiacs: Pig, Rabbit and Goat. hard work will be rewarded monetarily.

This month’s energy does not favour those    Metal Day Masters (庚 Geng Yang Metal
who have the following zodiacs: Rooster,     and 辛 Xin Yin Metal), will experience a lot
Dragon and Rat.                              of competition. Do not be oversensitive to
                                             criticism or gossip.
Wood Day Masters (甲 Jia Yang Wood and
乙 Yi Yin Wood), should go all out for the    Water Day Masters (壬 Ren Yang Water
win. There will be many Noble people to      and 癸 Gui Yin Water), will have enough
help them secure wealth opportunities.       resources to execute their plans.
Keep your opinions and thoughts private to

                              The Tiger sign will come across many wealth opportunities.
                              This bodes well for those in business and sales. With
                              knowledge and the right information, Tiger people will be
                              able to grab hold of these good opportunities. Be prepared
                              to work hard and work smart. Tiger people will feel under
                              the weather due to weak immunity. Keep to a healthy diet
                              and supplement it with vitamins.

                              The Rabbit sign can look forward to a smooth sailing
                              month. New assignments or jobs may fall into their laps
                              and become their responsibility. The Rabbit sign has a
                              good leadership star. People tend to look-up to the Rabbit
                              for guidance and trust in their advice, but are afraid of the
                              Rabbit’s sharp tongue. Good communication will further
                              ease your relationship with the people around you. Take
                              an active approach to acquiring new knowledge.

                                                               | March 2021   27
                               In times of troubles and challenges, the Dragon will
                               receive help. Noble people will be more than willing to
                               help Dragons who are kind and humble. While Dragons
                               will enjoy a financially stable month, they should put some
                               money away for an emergency. Friends may not be able to
                               keep their promises. Dragons should not accept them at
                               their word so easily.

                               The Snake sign needs to tread carefully. There will be
                               plenty of wealth opportunities that the Snake sign can tap
                               into. At work, they will experience a heavier workload.
                               Snake people will also receive sad news from friends or

                               Horse people can look forward to a comfortable and
                               relaxing month. They will receive plenty of help and gifts
                               for no reason. Horses will also receive good news. They
                               will have many happy events and celebrations. At home,
                               Horses may need to spend money on home repairs which
                               may be related to water or sewage problems.

                               The lucky star is shining on the Goat people’s careers
                               this month. Goat people will receive lots of attention and
                               achieve some celebrity. However, all they want is some
                               peace and quiet.

                               Troubles will be visiting the Monkey sign. This is because
                               people feel that the Monkey people can help them to
                               resolve their issues. This will cause some stress for the
                               Monkey sign, resulting in Monkey people indulging in
                               retail therapy for stress relief. Watch out for your wallet!

                               The Rooster sign will experience ups and downs this
                               month. There will be many wealth opportunities for the
                               Roosters. However, money earned easily will also be spent
                               easily. In the end, the Roosters will feel that they have
                               achieved nothing. Overall, it is a happy month.

28 March 2021 |
The Dog sign will enjoy power and authority this month.
However, they need to deal with many problems too. Peo-
ple will listen to their instructions and follow their advice.
The Dog sign must be careful when giving advice. They
should only give advice in areas of their expertise. People
will hold them responsible if things don’t end well.

This is a favourable month for the Pig sign who runs a
business. They will have plenty of wealth opportunities.
Pig signs with a humble attitude will also do well in their
careers this month.

The Rat people can enjoy a smooth sailing month if they
are able to deal with difficult people. Avoid quarrelling
with this group of people. Some Rats will feel trapped if
they are forced to work from home. Overall, this is a good
month for the Rat people. It’s just the Rats themselves
who do not feel that this is so.

The best thing the Oxen can do this month is to learn
something new or take up a course. This will keep their
minds occupied and away from unnecessary negative

                                  | March 2021   29

         APRIL 2021 壬辰 WATER DRAGON
                                            八 字 Bazi Chart
                時 Hour              日 Day               月 Month                      年 Year
           正                                        比                          正                       天干

                 辛                  壬                        壬                       辛
           印                                        肩                          印

           DR                                       F                          DR

                   Xin               Ren                   Ren                         Xin
                Yin Metal         Yang Water            Yang Water                  Yin Metal

                 亥                  午                        辰                       丑

                   Hai                Wu                      Chen                     Chou
                   Pig              Horse                    Dragon                     Ox
                Yin Water          Yin Wood                 Yang Earth               Yin Earth

                  壬         甲        丁        己         癸     戊          乙     辛       己         癸

                   Ren      Jia      Ding      Ji   Gui        Wu         Yi   Xin      Ji       Gui
                    F       EG       DW       DO    RW         7K        HO    DR      DO        RW
                   比肩       食神       正財       正官    劫財         七殺        傷官    正印      正官        劫財

        Auspicious Stars                                women-related products and services such
        太陰 Moon                                         as cosmetics, beauty-related products and
        歲馬 Heavenly Horse                               services and clothing. Students who will
        唐符 Tang Fu                                      be sitting for exams will do well, especially
                                                        those studying literature, communications
        Inauspicious Stars                              and science. People will also tend to look for
        歲煞 Disaster Sha                                 hope and spiritual guidance.
        天煞 Sky Sha
        勾絞 Hook                                         The Heavenly Horse brings a lot of travel
        卒暴 Great Assembly                               and income from overseas. This star bodes
        貫索 Piercing Rope                                well for people who want to tap into the
        飛刃 Flying Blade                                 overseas market. The star also indicates
                                                        that there will always be urgent matters or

               he Dragon month brings uncertainties.    emergencies.
               There will be many ups and downs.
               The same goes for the stock markets. The Tang Fu brings some sort of stability in
        The Rabbit, Dragon, Horse and Dog signs a time of uncertainty. Countries with good
        will feel that they are on a roller coaster ride. governance will experience peace despite
                                                          tough times. Noble people will appear in
        The presence of the Moon Star indicates government departments, the police, or the
        the presence of a good-hearted Samaritan military to ensure order, even in countries
        who will offer help when people encounter with poor governance.
        troubles. The star also brings wealth
        opportunities, especially in the form of If the month’s Qi is unfavourable to you,

30 March 2021 |
especially those who have the Dog or Rabbit       Despite interpersonal relationship issues,
at the Hour and Year Pillar, it is best to work   there will be wealth opportunities waiting
from home.                                        for you.

This month’s energy does not favour those Earth Day Masters (戊 Wu Yang Earth and
who have the following zodiacs: Ox, Rabbit 己 Ji Yin Earth), be spontaneous. Speak your
and Dog.                                        mind. Promote your products or yourself
                                                more. This will lead you to more wealth
This month’s energy favours those who have opportunities.
the following zodiacs: Rooster, Monkey and
Rat.                                            Metal Day Masters (庚 Geng Yang Metal
                                                and 辛 Xin Yin Metal), be ready for some
Wood Day Masters (甲 Jia Yang Wood and tough times. Nevertheless, you will emerge
乙 Yi Yin Wood), good fortune shines on you. victorious in this battle.
You will be guided in the right direction. This
will help you to achieve your goals faster.     Water Day Masters (壬 Ren Yang Water
                                                and 癸 Gui Yin Water), you will tend to
Fire Day Masters (丙 Bing Yang Fire and be sensitive and emotional. Despite good
丁 Ding Yin Fire), have to work behind the advice, you will tend to look at the negative
scenes for more gains. Be humble and keep side of things. Sit in an auspicious sector to
a low profile to avoid petty people causing gain more clarity.
havoc at work and in your relationship.

                                 The Tiger can look forward to a peaceful month. If the
                                 situation allows, Tigers will be going on a gourmet eating
                                 spree this month. Otherwise, they will be cooking up a
                                 storm in their kitchens. Some sad events may dampen their
                                 spirits a little. Overall, it will still be a fun and enjoyable
                                 month for the Tiger sign.

                                 Rabbits will tend towards procrastination this month.
                                 Rabbits will fall into a lazy mode if they are not careful.
                                 They will not feel motivated. To keep their motivation up,
                                 they have to keep moving and keep doing. It is okay if you
                                 have no idea what you are doing or where you are going. It
                                 will clear up soon enough.

                                 Dragons want some solitude this month. They may appear
                                 to be anti-social, but it is okay. They will feel fulfilled by
                                 staying home and doing their own things. Going out and
                                 being sociable may get them into arguments or trouble.
                                 They will be vulnerable to diseases.

                                                                   | March 2021   31
                               Snake people will do well this Dragon month. Your focus
                               on improving work efficiency will be recognized by your
                               superiors. Stand out, be the first to offer help. Be more
                               sociable. You will be rewarded in tandem with the effort
                               you put in.

                               Horse people must tread carefully this month. The Horse
                               sign will have to resolve some problems due to their own
                               or other people’s errors. Despite this, Horse people can
                               settle all the issues and stand out with their excellent work.

                               Goat people will encounter many wealth opportunities.
                               Amidst these opportunities, they must take extra
                               precautions when it comes to their personal safety. Avoid
                               meeting strangers alone. Do not walk in deserted alleys
                               alone or walk alone at night.

                               Students will do well in their studies and exams. Monkey
                               people can gain some fame this month. Consider ‘live
                               streaming’ to promote or market your products or yourself.
                               Offer educational materials to potential customers.

                               The Rooster sign will enjoy a smooth sailing month. Their
                               good mood will prompt them to go on a shopping spree.
                               Be careful of empty bank accounts at the end of the month.

32 March 2021 |
The Dog sign must pay extra attention to their work. They
tend to rush out their work which results in many mis-
takes. While these mistakes can be ratified easily, it will
leave others with a bad impression.

The Pig sign will enjoy a smooth sailing month. They seem
to have the ‘Midas Touch.” Everything that they do will
turn out well.

The General Star is shining on the Rat people. Whether
they are ready or not, they will be given more decision-
making responsibility. Rat people will have to learn on the
job. It will be a good experience and training for them.
They will be rewarded monetarily when the project ends.

Ox people will experience good fortune. Negative people
will walk out on them. Be ready to let them go. More
positive people will enter their lives and bring many
opportunities and good experiences.

                                | March 2021   33

         MAY 2021 癸巳 WATER SNAKE
                                                  八 字 Bazi Chart
                  時 Hour                  日 Day                 月 Month                   年 Year
           七                                                比                       偏                       天干

                  己                       癸                         癸                     辛
           殺                                                肩                       印

           7K                                               F                       IR

                    Ji                     Gui                     Gui                      Xin
                Yin Earth               Yin Water               Yin Water                Yin Metal

                  未                       丑                         巳                     丑

                     Wei                    Chou                       Si                   Chou
                    Goat                     Ox                     Snake                    Ox
                  Yin Earth               Yin Earth                 Yin Fire              Yin Earth

            丁       己         乙     辛      己          癸         庚    丙         戊    辛       己         癸

           Ding       Ji       Yi   Xin      Ji       Gui   Geng      Bing     Wu   Xin      Ji       Gui
            IW       7K       HO    IR      7K         F     DR       DW       DO   IR      7K         F
           偏財        七殺       傷官    偏印      七殺        比肩    正印        正財       正官   偏印      七殺        比肩

        Auspicious Stars                                        their gains and losses this month. The
        三台 Three Stages                                         Three Stages brings out the calculative side
        玉堂 Jade Hall                                            of people. Everyone will try to manipulate
        龍池 Dragon Pool                                          the best outcome for themselves so it can
        國印 National Treasure                                    be hard to come to an agreement. Despite
        天福 Sky Fortune                                          this, the month is good for making deals and
        Inauspicious Stars
        官符 Litigation                                           The Dragon Pool Star brings out the
        年符 Year Charm                                           creativity in students and people in research
        飛符 Flying Charm                                         and development. The star bodes well for
        指背 Back Poking                                          people who are confident as confidence and
        地煞 Earth Sha                                            knowledge breed success.
        天哭 Sky Cry
        五鬼 Five Ghost                               Governments will impose more restrictions
                                                    to battle the COVID-19. People will get

               he month of the Snake is graced with summons or fines as they unknowingly
               the auspicious presence of the Jade break the new laws.
               Hall, National Treasure and Sky
        Fortune Stars. People will start to see the If the month’s Qi is unfavourable to you,
        silver lining. There is new hope amidst the especially those born in the year of the Tiger
        pandemic.                                   and Pig, you will be prone to legal problems
                                                    such as getting a fine, a ticket or a summon.
        People will tend to be more conscious of

34 March 2021 |
This month’s energy favours those who have 己 Ji Yin Earth), will have many wealth
the following zodiacs: Monkey, Ox, and opportunities. You will use the additional
Rooster.                                    income to gain more new knowledge to
                                            prepare yourself for the uncertain future.
Wood Day Masters (甲 Jia Yang Wood and
乙 Yi Yin Wood), the wealth star is shining Metal Day Masters (庚 Geng Yang Metal and
on you. You will also tend to flout the new 辛 Xin Yin Metal), need to lie low. They will
laws aimed at controlling the pandemic as tend to accidentally break the law because
they don’t make sense to you.               they are unaware of new regulations.

Fire Day Masters (丙 Bing Yang Fire and 丁         Water Day Masters (壬 Ren Yang Water
Ding Yin Fire), will feel that their ideas and   and 癸 Gui Yin Water), restrictions and
creativity are being restricted. Nevertheless,   competition will dampen your mood. There
the month offers you many wealth                 are still plenty of opportunities for those
opportunities through your work and ideas.       who are willing to look.

Earth Day Masters (戊 Wu Yang Earth and

                                The Tiger sign will need to tread carefully this month. This
                                is going to be a challenging month. Do not be bothered by
                                trifling matters. Focus your energy on what is important
                                and on positive things. You will have many achievements
                                career-wise despite the challenges.

                                The Rabbit sign can look forward to a fortunate month.
                                The external vibe will make it easy for them to accumulate
                                wealth. Rabbits will also appear to be more knowledgeable
                                to others. People will tend to trust the Rabbit’s advice and
                                hold them in respect.

                                It is a happy-go-lucky month for the Dragon people. Even
                                when there are many problems, they will tend to stay
                                positive and believe that everything will end well. What
                                they believe will come to pass.

                                                                | March 2021   35
                               There will be many challenges awaiting the Snake people
                               this month. The Snake sign can resolve all these problems
                               easily. As such, they become irritable when other people
                               pass their problems to them.

                               The Romantic Star shines on the Horses. Work or
                               business trips this month will offer opportunities to meet
                               new friends and potential soul mates. Be brave to pursue a
                               relationship if you find someone to your liking. Do not be
                               hesitant, or else you will miss the chance.

                               The Goat sign will experience ups and downs in the
                               month of the Snake. They will receive sad news from their
                               friends or relatives. Goat people also need to be mindful
                               as they will be prone to accidents. Goat people should
                               learn something new or take up a hobby to divert negative
                               thoughts into useful actions.

                               The Monkey sign can look forward to a great month. There
                               will be unexpected money from bonuses and dividends for
                               the lucky Monkey who works hard. Their good work will
                               be recognized by their bosses.

                               Rooster people will be pushed to take responsibility and
                               take the lead during a crisis. At the same time, they need
                               to deal with petty, jealous and backstabbing colleagues.
                               There will be no use in pointing fingers. Rooster people
                               should quickly find solutions to the problems. Their right
                               action will be recognized.

36 March 2021 |
The Romance Star shines on the Dog sign. Well-meaning
friends or relatives will introduce potential partners to
them. It is up to the Dog people to be open to this potential
relationship or not.

There will be unexpected expenses. Pig people need to
budget extra this month. Pig people who are in high-risk
occupations should take extra precautions when doing
their daily job. Pig people can enrol for a course and learn
something new. This will also mitigate the negative effects
of the Great Consumer Star.

Hard-working Rat people have a shot at being promoted
this month. Their effort and hard work will be recognized
by their superiors. Many people will also look to the Rat
people for help and mentorship. Keep up the good work.

Ox people who are in the property field will experience
an influx of good income. Their sales presentations will
attract many buyers. Their good work will also cause
jealousy among less productive colleagues.

                                 | March 2021   37
                                          Sunday                         Monday                           Tuesday                            Wednesday
                                                                                           戊                                己                                   庚
                                                               1                  Earth
                                                                                 Monkey    申    2                  Earth
                                                                                                                  Rooster   酉       3                  Metal
                                                                                                                                                        Dog     戌
                                                                         破 Destruction                          危 Danger                           成 Success

                                                           甲                               乙                                丙                                   丁
                               7                   Wood
                                                   Tiger   寅   8                  Wood
                                                                                  Rabbit   卯    9                    Fire
                                                                                                                  Dragon    辰       10                   Fire
                                                                                                                                                       Snake    巳
                                                 閉 Close                    建 Establish                        除 Remove                                 滿 Full
                                                                                                                                    Good day to activate for
                                                                                                                                    Nobleman luck at NE1 at 01:30
                                                                                                                                    or 19:30.

                                                           辛                               壬                                癸                                   甲
                               14                Metal
                                                Rooster    酉   15                 Water
                                                                                   Dog     戌    16                  Water
                                                                                                                      Pig   亥       17                 Wood
                                                                                                                                                        Rat     子
                                         破 Destruction                         危 Danger                        成 Success                           收 Receive
                                  四廢 Four Abandonment                                          Excellent day to activate for
                                                                                               popularity, career and wealth
                                                                                               luck at W2 at 11:30.

                                                           戊                               己                                庚                                   辛
                               21                 Earth
                                                 Dragon    辰   22                  Earth
                                                                                   Snake   巳    23                  Metal
                                                                                                                    Horse   午       24                 Metal
                                                                                                                                                       Goat     未
                                              除 Remove                             滿 Full                      平 Balance                        定 Stable
                                                               Good day to activate for                                                   歲破 Year Breaker
                                                               Nobleman luck at S2 at 01:30
                                                               or 19:30.

                                                           乙                               丙                                丁                                   戊
                               28                  Wood
                                                    Pig    亥   29                   Fire
                                                                                    Rat    子    30                   Fire
                                                                                                                      Ox    丑       31                  Earth
                                                                                                                                                        Tiger   寅
                                              成 Success                        收 Receive                          開 Open                              閉 Close
                               Excellent day to activate for
                               wealth luck at W2 at 01:30 or
                               Nobleman luck at NE1 at 07:30

38 March 2021 |
          Thursday                       Friday                     Saturday                       March 5 - April 3

                            辛                              壬                          癸
4                  Metal
                    Pig     亥    5                Water
                                                   Rat     子   6            Water
                                                                              Ox      丑       SE            S               SW

                                                                           開 Open                       5       1   3
                                                                                                    3       8       1
                收 Receive                   收 Receive

                                                                                               E    2
                                                                                                        4   6
                                                                                                            4       6
                                                                                                                        8   W

                                                                                                        9   9
                                                                                                                2   5
                                                                                              NE            N               NW

                            戊                              己                          庚
11                  Earth
                    Horse   午    12               Earth
                                                   Goat    未   13          Metal
                                                                          Monkey      申
                                                                                          董公择日 Dong Gong
               平 Balance                    定 Stable                      執 Initiate
                                                               四廢 Four Abandonment        Auspicious Day
                                      歲破 Year Breaker
                                                                                               Excellent 
                                                                                               Auspicious 
                                                                                               Fair 
                            乙                              丙                          丁       Not Suitable
18                  Wood
                      Ox    丑    19                 Fire
                                                   Tiger   寅   20            Fire
                                                                           Rabbit     卯
                  開 Open                          閉 Close              建 Establish

                            壬                              癸                          甲
25                 Water
                  Monkey    申    26            Water
                                              Rooster      酉   27              Wood
                                                                                Dog   戌
                執 Initiate              破 Destruction                    危 Danger
Auspicious day to activate for
wealth luck at S2/W2 at 05:30.

                                                                                           | March 2021                 39
                                           Sunday                            Monday                             Tuesday                         Wednesday

                                                             壬                                 癸                                  甲                                 乙
                                4                   Water
                                                    Horse    午     5                   Earth
                                                                                        Goat   未     6                  Wood
                                                                                                                       Monkey     申    7                   Wood
                                                                                                                                                          Rooster   酉
                                                     滿 Full                  平 Balance                                 定 Stable                         執 Initiate
                               Auspicious day to activate for           歲破 Year Breaker             Auspicious day to activate for    Today is a good day for fulfilling
                               wealth luck at NE3 at 01:30 or                                       wealth luck at S2 at 07:30.       wishes. Make your wish with
                               Nobleman luck at S2 at 07:30.                                        Tiger                            your back to NE at 01:30.
                               Rat                                                                                                   Rabbit

                                                             己                                 庚                                  辛                                 壬
                                11                  Earth
                                                      Ox     丑     12                  Metal
                                                                                       Tiger   寅     13                 Wood
                                                                                                                        Rabbit    卯    14                  Water
                                                                                                                                                          Dragon    辰
                                                收 Receive                            開 Open                             閉 Close                      建 Establish
                                                                  Good day to activate for wealth
                                                                  luck at S2 at 11:30.

                                                             丙                                 丁                                  戊                                 己
                                18                   Fire
                                                  Monkey     申     19                   Fire
                                                                                     Rooster   酉     20                   Earth
                                                                                                                           Dog    戌    21                   Earth
                                                                                                                                                              Pig   亥
                                                 定 Stable                          執 Initiate                  破 Destruction                            危 Danger
                               Auspicious day to mitigate Feng    Today is a good day to ask for                                      Today is a good day for fulfilling
                               Shui afflictions at SE at 11:30.   protection from harm and evil.                                      wishes. Make your wish with
                               Tiger                             Ask or pray with your back to N                                     your back to NE at 05:30.
                                                                  at 05:30.                                                           Snake

                                                             癸                                 甲                                  乙                                 丙
                                25                  Water
                                                    Rabbit   卯     26                 Wood
                                                                                     Dragon    辰     27                 Wood
                                                                                                                       Rooster    巳    28                    Fire
                                                                                                                                                            Horse   午
                                                   閉 Close                      建 Establish                         除 Remove                                 滿 Full

40 March 2021 |
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