FEBRUARY 2022 - Twin Isles Country Club

Page created by Glenn Ford
FEBRUARY 2022 - Twin Isles Country Club
F E B R U A R Y   2 0 2 2
FEBRUARY 2022 - Twin Isles Country Club
3 LETTER FROM POPE GOLF              Twin Isles Country Club
                                      Twin Isles Country Club
4 THINGS TO KNOW                      301 Madrid Blvd, Punta Gorda, FL 33950
Welcome New and Returning
Members                               General Manager- Lea Warner
                                      ext. 420
5 GET INVOLVED                        lwarner@popegolf.net

Interest Groups and Clubs - 6-7
                                      Regional Controller - Juvi Sutherland
                                      ext. 421
8 GOLF                                jsutherland@popegolf.net

Golf Events - 8                       Admin Assistant - Kelly Hajney
TILGA Update - 9                      Ext. 422

                                      Dining Room Supervisor - Kelly Rockow
Men's Tennis Scores                   Ext. 423

                                      Golf Professional - Steve Baisch
                                      Ext 427
Heart Healthy Tips
                                      Tennis Professional - Bob Blazekovic
12 CULINARY                           Ext. 430

Culinary Recipe - 12                  Restaurant Reservations

Feb. Specials - 13                    Ext.429
                                      Pro Shop
                                      Ext. 428

A look back at Jan.
                                      Liaison's Contact Information
                                      Tennis Liaison's:
                                       Jeannie Schmidt Jeannielushschmidt@hotmail.com
15 OUT & ABOUT                        Richard Wagar
Catch up on events
                                      Social Liaison:
around town.
                                      June Espositio - june0710@aol.com
                                      Tennis Liaison's:
16 A LOOK AHEAD                        Jeannie Schmidt Jeannielushschmidt@hotmail.com
                                      Richard Wagar
Save the date for upcoming events.    rwagar@comcast.net
                                      Golf Liaison's:
                                      Monika Tandon - mdtandon1@gmail.com
                                      Ed Volk - volk_5hotmail.com
                                      Ed Bouton - ed.bouton@gmail.com

                       TWIN ISLES COUNTRY CLUB | Page 2
FEBRUARY 2022 - Twin Isles Country Club

Dear Twin Isles Country Club Members,

As we enter into our peak winter season, I would like to welcome all
new and returning members back to the Club. The Golf Course and
Tennis Courts are very active. The course is looking great and the
greens are rolling! The tennis courts are lively and the competition
intense. Our events are in full swing. Make a reservation for dinner in
the dining room and enjoy Happy Hour from 3-6. As events are selling
out be sure to make a reservation early to not miss out on the fun!
Please continue to enjoy this season at Twin Isles and remember my
door is always open. See you around the Club soon.

Your General Manager
Lea Warner

                         Twin Isles Country Club | Page 3
FEBRUARY 2022 - Twin Isles Country Club


        We ar e so e xci t ed t o w el co me o u r
        n ew and r ej o in ing me mbe r s t o Twi n
        I sl es Co un tr y Cl u b!

        James & Scarlett Robertroy
        Judy Troy
        Paul & Paulette Alexanian
        Paul & Patricia Murphy
        Joe & Cheri Hovekamp
        Mike & Yolanda Henry
        John Morgan
        Jack Gessel
        Dani Piacena
        Joe Nelson
        Stu Gibson
        Thomas & Claudia Hovey
        Terry & Debi Odonnell

Twin Isles Country Club | Page 4
FEBRUARY 2022 - Twin Isles Country Club

                                 Interest Groups

I nt e re s t g r o u ps a nd s oci a l cl ubs c r e ate a gr e at o ppo r tu n it y f o r me mb ers
      to le a rn a n e w sk il l , m a k e n ew f r ien d s, o r s ha re a ho bb y w it h othe r
                         m e m b er s t h at w ho h av e s imil ar in t er es t s .
    Me e t fe ll o w m e m b er s w i t h s imi lar in te re st s by cr eat in g o r j o in in g an
  I n t e re s t Gr o u p , s uc h a s a ca rd c lu b , a w alki ng gr o up, a M ah jo ng cl ub ,
         or p e rha p s a coc k ta i l of th e mo n t h c lub , o pt io ns ar e end le ss .

   An y Me m b er w i s h i ng t o de v elo p a n in t er es t g r o up o r c lub sh ou ld
 con ta ct L e a Wa r n e r , y ou r G ene ral M anag er t o r ec eiv e inf o r mat ion and
                                      an a pp lic at io n .

                             Twin Isles Country Club | Page 5
FEBRUARY 2022 - Twin Isles Country Club

A NIGHT WITH RON                          Sassy Apron COOKING
LORENZO                                   CLASS
Tues. Feb. 1 | $25++
Pasta Action Station                      FRIDAY, Feb.11 | starts
Caesar Salad, Penne Pasta,                at 3pm
                                          $10.00 per person
Cheese Tortellini,           Cooking      Don the Bartender versus
Assortment of Sauces          Club
Dinner $ 18++                             the "Sassy Apron" in a craft
                             WITH HOLLY
Entertainment: $3                         cocktail showdown.
5pm -Happy Hour
6pm- Dinner                               RSVP by 2/9/22
6-9pm Music                               Call 941 -637-1232

R.S.V.P by 1/30

  CARD NIGHT                              SUPERBOWL PARTY

  Feb. 2, 9, 16, 23                       SUN. Feb. 13
    6:30pm                                5:30 pm Start time
  .                                       6:30 pm Game time
                                          PUB BUFFET $16 ++
                                          Boneless Chicken Wings
                                          w/ Assorted sauces, Beef
                                          tacos with all fixings,
                                          Pepperoni & Cheese
                                          (we will have game
  BINGO NIGHT                             playing on multiple Tv's
                                          with a raffle of Big Screen
  FEB 2 & 16| 6:30pm                      TV
  R.S.V.P. 941-637-1232
  Come join us and try                    R.S.V.P by 2/10
  your luck at Bingo.                     941-637-1232 to sign up

                                          TILGA Skirts & Shirt Golf
Valentine Casino Night
                                          & Lunch
Sat. Feb. 12
SOLD OUT                                  Wed. Feb. 16
                                          8:30 am Start time
                                          $24 Inclusive

                                          R.S.V.P by 2/13
                                          941-637-1232 to sign up

FEBRUARY 2022 - Twin Isles Country Club

SWEETHEART SCRAMBLE                           BOOK CLUB
GOLF & DINNER                                 WED, Feb 23| 3pm
SUN. Feb. 20                                  Book: The Last Thing He
12:30 pm Shotgun                              Told Me
5 pm Cocktails                                Author: Laura Dave
5:30 pm Dinner                                RSVP by emailing
GOLF & DINNER -                               Nancy Svehla
DINNER ONLY $30++                             nlsvehla924@comcast.net
R.S.V.P by 2/10                               or sign up in the book at
Sign up in Pro Shop or                        podium
call 941-637-1232 for
Dinner only
                                               GOLF & LUNCH
                                               Sat. FEB. 26
                                               8:30am Start time
 G U ITA R C L A SS                            $ 24 Inclusive
 E VE R Y MOND AY 1-                           R.S.V.P by 2/23/22 by
 3PM                                           signing up in Pro Shop
 A l l Memb er s ar e
 w el c ome to j oi n the
 c l ass. A t the
 b egi nni ng of the                           TI WOMEN'S FIELD TRIP
 c l ass, new stud ents
                                  TI LADIES    Trip to the Peace River
 w i l l get i nstr uc ti ons &                Botanical Gardens
 then the gr oup j am                          5827 Riverside Drive- Punta
 for ab out an hour                            Gorda, Fl
 and a hal f. If p l ayer s                    Mon. Feb. 28
 ar e seasoned they                            Arrive at 11:15 am
 c an j am for the ful l 2
                                               $13.00 Entrance Fee
 hour s.
                                               Boxed Lunch: Half Turkey &
                                               Swiss Sandwich with
                                               Lettuce & Tomato, Potato
                                               Chips, Piece of Fruit and
                                               Bottle of Water
                                               Lunch $12++ (Lunch will be
                                               charged to Member
                                               R.S.V.P by 2/25|941-637-

FEBRUARY 2022 - Twin Isles Country Club

Sweetheart Scramble & Dinner
(Open to all Golf Members)
Sun. Feb. 20
12:30pm Shotgun
5:00pm Cocktails
5:30pm Dinner
Golf & Dinner - $40
Dinner only - $30++

Dinner: Bread & Butter, House Salad with a Tropical Twist Raspberry Dressing, 6 oz
Filet with Truffle Demi Glaze, Roasted Garlic Spinach Mashed Potatoes, Grilled
Asparagus with Micro Greens & Pico de Gallo. Dessert: Red Velvet Cake topped with
Fresh Berries.

RSVP by Feb.10 by signing up in the Pro Shop for GOLF | For Dinner only call

Men's Member | Member Golf & Lunch
Sat. Feb. 26 | 8:30 am Start time with Lunch to follow

$24 Inclusive - Hamburgers, Hotdogs, Potato Salad, Southern Baked Beans & Cookies
RSVP by Feb.23 by signing up in the Pro Shop

T.I.L.G.A Skirts & Shirt Golf & Lunch

Wed. Feb. 16 – 8:30 am Start time with Lunch to follow
Meal- $ 24 Inclusive
Bread with TICC Salad, Chicken Piccata, Wild Rice, Green Beans and Key
Lime Pie. R.S.V.P. by 2/23. Sign up in the Pro Shop

                    TWIN ISLES COUNTRY CLUB | Page 8
FEBRUARY 2022 - Twin Isles Country Club
TILGA started off the New Year with the "Alligator Classic" (a bracketed match play
event) which goes on for about 4 weeks. This year the 9-Hole Ladies joined the
event. Therefore, there will be a 9-Hole and an 18-Hole winner.

On Jan.11, we had a great turnout at our annual TILGA Cocktail Party with
appetizers and cash bar drinks. This event is a "mixer" for the regular TILGA golfers
welcoming the new TILGA golf members, the returning and new Seasonal golf

On Jan. 26 and 27 TILGA will have the Member/Member 2-Day Ringer
Tournament. Members choose their own partners. The first day will be regular play
using the best ball of the two. The second day it will be a shotgun starting at 8:30
a.m. with the team having a chance to improve their score. The tourney will
conclude with a luncheon and prizes.

Feb. 16 will be a Shirt and Skirt Tournament. It is the TILGA charity event for the
season. TICC men golf members will be asked to voluntarily sign up and play with
the ladies. One man will join each ladies' team of 3. The game is the 2 best balls of
the 4-some (the man can never score more than a bogie). The shotgun will start at
8:30 a.m. and end with a luncheon.

It is not too early to think about the Member/Guest Tournament, which is a 2-day
event on March 1 and 2. First-day play is practice and optional. Tee times are
available for a practice round. A cocktail party will follow outside by the pool. Plan
to attend the cocktail party even if you do not play the first day. The second day is
the official tournament. It will be an 8:30 a.m. shotgun start. The game is two best
balls of the 4-some. There will be 2 gross prizes and 4 net prizes. The fees will be $
75 per person which includes: 1 practice round (plus cart fees applying for non-
members and those that do not have a cart lease), cocktail party, tournament day
play, luncheon, and many wonderful prizes. June Esposito has headed the tourney
for several years and has done an outstanding job organizing it and giving out
many great prizes. By the way, a guest can be any woman not belonging to TILGA.
She can be a Social Member or other Golf Member or a player outside our TICC
family, but the guest must have an established handicap which should be provided
to Steve. Watch for further details.

I hope many of you will participate in these wonderful events. Sign-up sheets will
be on the bulletin board in the Pro Shop.

Your TILGA President,
Monika Tandon

                         TWIN ISLES COUNTRY CLUB | Page 9
FEBRUARY 2022 - Twin Isles Country Club

             as of January 13, 2022

          TWIN ISLES COUNTRY CLUB | Page 10

                                                 Feb r uar y i s Amer i c an H ear t Month, a ti me when w e
                                                 shoul d star t foc usi ng on our c ar d i ovasc ul ar heal th.
                                                 The good new s i s 80 p er c ent of c ar d i ovasc ul ar
                                                 d i seases may b e p r eventab l e w i th ed uc ati on and
                                                 ac ti on. Si mp l e l i festyl e c hanges c an make a b i g
                                                 i mp ac t when i t c omes to hear t heal th. Show your
                                                 hear t some l ove w i th these 10 ti p s.

                                                 10 T i ps f o r a H eal t h y H ear t

                                                  1. Stop Smoki ng
                                                  2. K now your numb er s
                                                  3. G et sc r eened for Di ab etes
                                                  4. G et ac ti ve - w al k i nstead of r i d i ng on a c ar t d ur i ng
                                                    your gol f game
                                                  5. Eat smar t - C hoose hear t-heal thy r ec i p es
                                                  6. Bui l d musc l e- Star t Yoga or Pi l ates
                                                  7. Sl eep mor e - We al l need mor e of that
                                                  8. L i mi t j unk - tr eat your sel f onc e a w eek
                                                  9. Str ess l ess - Star t a hob b y
                                                 10. Smi l e - We al l need to d o mor e of that.

                                                 Berry-Almond Smoothie Bowl
                                                 A little frozen banana gives a creamy texture to this
                                                 satisfying smoothie bowl.

                                                 Ingredient Checklist
                                                 ⅔ cup frozen raspberries
                                                 ½ cup frozen sliced banana
                                                 ½ cup plain unsweetened almond milk
                                                 5 tablespoons sliced almonds, divided
                                                 ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon
                                                 ⅛ teaspoon ground cardamom
                Nutrition Facts                  ⅛ teaspoon vanilla extract
           Serving Size: 1 1/3 cups              ¼ cup blueberries
    Per Serving: 360 calories; protein 9.2g;
    carbohydrates 45.6g; dietary fiber 14g;
                                                 1 tablespoon unsweetened coconut flakes
   sugars 21.4g; fat 19g; saturated fat 3.3g;
vitamin a iu 357.7IU; vitamin c 35.6mg; folate   Directions
     52mcg; calcium 341mg; iron 2.5mg;
   magnesium 129mg; potassium 736.2mg;
               sodium 89.4mg.
                                                 Step 1
       Exchanges: : 2 1/2 fruit, 3 1/2 fat       Blend raspberries, banana, almond milk, 3
                                                 tablespoons almonds, cinnamon, cardamom, and
                                                 vanilla in a blender until very smooth.

                                                 Step 2
                                                 Pour the smoothie into a bowl and top with
                                                 blueberries, the remaining 2 tablespoons almonds,
                                                 and coconut.

                                        Twin Isles Country Club | Page 11

Brioche French Toast with Brown Sugar-Cranberry Sauce

Cranberry Sauce                                  French Toast
   2 cups fresh or frozen cranberries,              6 large eggs
   thawed and chopped                               ¾ cup heavy cream
   ½ cup plus 2 tablespoons                         1 ½ tablespoon packed light
   packed light brown sugar                         Brown sugar
   4 large strips of orange zest                    ¼ teaspoon pure vanilla extract
   ½ tsp. salt                                      ¼ teaspoon salt
   6 tbsp. unsalted butter cubed                    Unsalted butter for greasing
   ¼ cup heavy cream                                12 1-inch thick slices of brioche
                                                    Lightly sweetened whipped cream
                                                    for serving

Di r ec ti ons
Make the cranberry Sauce                           6

St ep 1
In a med ium saucep an, comb ine the chop p ed cr anb er r ies with the light b r own
sugar , or ange zest, salt, and 2 tab lespoons of water and b r ing to a b oil. Simmer
over mod er ate heat, stir r ing occasionally,
until the cr anb er r ies ar e soft and the sauce is r ub y-color ed , 3 to 5 minutes.
R emove the cr anb er r y mixtur e fr om the heat and whisk in the b utter and heavy
cr eam.
Cook over mod er ately low heat, whisking, until the b utter is completely melted
and the sauce is hot,
ab out 3 minutes. Discar d the or ange zest. Keep the cr anb er r y sauce war m over
ver y low heat.
Make the French Toast
St ep 2
Pr eheat oven to 225 d egr ees. In a lar ge b aking d ish, whisk the eggs with heavy
cr eam,
light b r own sugar , vanilla extr act, and salt. Heat a lar ge cast-ir on gr id dle and
lightly b utter it.
Wor king in b atches, d ip half of the b r ioche slices in the egg mixtur e, tur ning
them, until they ar e well moistened .
Tr ansfer the soaked b r ioche to the gr idd le and cook over moder ate heat, tur ning
until the Fr ench toast is gold en and cooked thr ough ab out 4 minutes.
Tr ansfer the Fr ench toast to a b aking sheet, cover loosely with aluminum foil and
keep war m in the oven.
R ep eat with the r emaining b r ioche slices. Ser ve the Fr ench toast with cr anb er r y
sauce and whip p ed cr eam.
Make Ahead
The cr anb er r y sauce can b e r efr iger ated for up to 3 d ays. R eheat gently b efor e
ser ving.

                                  Twin Isles Country Club | Page 12

              Friday Specials

Feb. 4 - Grilled 8 oz Skirt Steak served with 2 Fried Eggs, French
Fries with Roasted Bell Peppers & Chimichurri Sauce on the
side............................................................................................$ 28.95 ++
Feb .11- Prime Rib Carving Station & Salad Bar to include,
Chicken Florentine, Crab stuffed Baked Salmon, Homemade
Fries and Seasonal
Vegetables...............................................................................$ 34.95 ++
Feb. 18 - Fried Fish Night
Jalea Mixta-Calamari Shrimp, Mussels, topped with Corn,
Onions, and Cilantro..............................................................$ 20.99++
Boom Boom Shrimp with a Light Spicy Sauce $ 18.99++
Fried Grouper Basket ...........................................................$ 22.99++
Feb. 25- Roasted Filet Mignon Carving Station & Salad Bar to
include, Chicken Piccata, Baked Salmon with Tropical Fruit
Salsa, Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes and Seasonal
Vegetables............................................................................... $ 32.95++

                                      Twin Isles Country Club | Page 13

     In case you missed it ...

               Welcome Back

             Members had a blast sporting their best Tommy
             Bahama-inspired attire and toasting to new friends
             during our Welcome Back Party! The night was filled
             with plenty of laughs, dancing, and a fabulous buffet
             of Island-inspired food.

Twin Isles Country Club | Page 14

                                     Out & About
         Check out these fun events happening around town!

                           3rd Annual Punta Gorda                                 Tampa Bay Rays Spring
                           Seafood Festival                                       Training at Charlotte
                                                                                  Sports Park
                           February 18th – 20th
                           LOCATION: 115 Tamiami                                  LOCATION: Charlotte Sports
                           Tr.Punta Gorda, FL 33950                               Park 2300 El Jobean Rd.Port
                           PHONE: (941) 487-8061                                  Charlotte
                                                                                  February 27 - March 29

Enjoy delectable foods cooked fresh on-site including    Take everyone out to the ballgame! There’s no
seafood, meat, and vegetarian dishes. Seafood dishes     better way to experience baseball—and get a good
are prepared using indigenous and sustainable            feel for the upcoming season—than attending a
seafood from Florida's coastal waters. Add to your       Spring Training game. Or four. Or ten.
main course selections from a diverse menu of side       Tampa Bay Rays Spring Training baseball at
dishes and a choice of alcoholic and non-alcoholic       Charlotte Sports Park is a fun and exciting
drinks. Festivities begin Friday evening, 4–10 pm, and   adventure for the whole family. The stadium
continue through Saturday, 11 am–10 pm and               features a boardwalk ringing the outfield, kids’ play
Sunday, 11 am–6 pm. Admission is free and pets are       area, tasty concessions, a tiki bar, a top-of-the-line
allowed. There is limited on-site parking for $15 and    team store, and a wonderful, community feeling.
free public parking around downtown Punta Gorda,
as designated.                                           It's time for baseball, and we've got your team.
                                                         Come cheer them on!

                         Visani Italian                                            Charlotte County Fair
                         Steakhouse and                                            Jan 28-Feb. 6th
                         Comedy Theater
                         February 24 - 26                                          LOCATION: Charlotte
                         LOCATION: 2400 Kings                                      County Fairgrounds, 2333
                         Highway Port Charlotte                                    El Jobean Rd., Port
                         PHONE: (941) 629-9191                                     Charlotte, FL
                                                                                   PRICE: Varies by day of
                                                                                   the week. Please visit their
Southwest Florida's premier nightspot is proud to                                  website for details.
offer a variety of music and entertainment from                                    The 2022 Charlotte County
all over the United States, including top talents                                  Fair begins its 10-day run
from "The Comedy Zone," featuring comedians                                        on January 28, 2022. Don't
from Las Vegas to New York. For your dining                                        miss rides, animals,
pleasure, they feature a dinner menu including                                     entertainment, and food
freshly-prepared Italian entrees with a touch of                                   galore. Visit
seafood and black angus steaks and one-of-a-                                       TheCharlotteCountyFair.co
kind hand-tossed pizzas.                                                           m for ride and admission

                                     Twin Isles Country Club | Page 15

        March 1                         March 2                       March 15
A Nightwith Ron Lorenzo       TILGA Member guest & Golf Lunch         Blood Bus

        March 13                             March 17           March 25 Archway Tennis
Irish Open Golf & Dinner              St. Patty's Day lunch           Fundraiser

                           Twin Isles Country Club | Page 16
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