Page created by Cathy Young
June 2022             Springville Community Club Newsletter      Phyllis Taylor Editor

We have gotten off to a great start           You have all inspired me with your
in 2022. Our speakers have been               friendship, energy, and willingness
interesting and the attendance at             to try new ideas.
the meetings has been great! In
addition, several new people have             Thanks a million Thanks a million
joined and jumped right in to take            and keep spreading the word that
positions and add spice to the                our club is here and helping to
events.                                       keep Springville alive and
                                                            Jeanne Preall
The charcuterie contest was fun
and inspired creativity and
interest. Many thanks to Norma                 UPCOMING CLUB EVENTS
Imel for chairing that event. On
May 21 the book talk tea takes                Sheri Smith, 1st Vice President,
place with lovely tables decorated            has the following programs lined
by members. This is a good                    up for the following months:
chance to hear about excellent                 May 26, 2022
books for our summer reading list.
                                                Marilyn Meredith will be
Norma Inabinette has been busy
                                              speaking how true events have
planning this event
                                              inspired different books -- mostly
                                              the Tempe Crabtree series.
Members are looking forward to
                                              Plant Sale during the meeting
the plant sale in May and a bingo
party in June! Remember please                June 23, 2022
that even though we take a hiatus
                                               A Night of Bingo.
for July and August, the Patton
                                              Meeting is at 7 pm. Club
House remains open so be sure to
                                              members and family only!
sign up for shifts or stop by to
keep up on member news. Also                  July & August
open the website to see what is
                                                 No meetings
happening in town.

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June 2022              Springville Community Club Newsletter            Phyllis Taylor Editor

                                               The following is NOT a club event but an
Sept 22, 2022                                  invitation to attend in memory of a Club Member

will give an overview of the history
of the Apple Festival.
                                                       A Celebration of Life
Membership dues are due for                             for Our Dear Friend
                                                               Chris Smith
Oct 27, 2022
 to be announced                                       Saturday June 11, 2022

Nov 17, 2022                                              1 pm – 3 pm
 Lori Witt will talk about being a                      Springville Veterans
civilian working the fire lines and
what it feels like being one of the                      Memorial Building
few women on the fire line
Dec 15, 2022
  Christmas Celebration
                                                 CHARCUTERIE CONTEST
                                                          Norma Imel
                                               Charcuterie, otherwise known as
                                               Appetizers, contest was a big
                                               success. Winners were Barbara
                                               Forlano, Andrew DeLarge, and
                                               Lynette Thomas receiving the top
                                               honors. Judges were Gregg King,
                                               Rhonda Hauk, and our guest
                                               speaker Yolanda Bocanegra.
                                               Prizes were donated by Anne
                                               Beveridge and Phyllis Taylor.
                                               Please see the last

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June 2022             Springville Community Club Newsletter         Phyllis Taylor Editor

page of the Newsletter for the                OUR NEWEST MEMBERS
winning recipes.
                                                         Diana Saario
                                              Give      a  warm     Springville
                                              Community Club WELCOME to the
                                              following   additions  to    our
                                              Community and CLUB!
                                              Denise Young
                                              Melinda Snyder
                                              Amber Ross
JULY                                          Andrew DeLange
13 Bobbi Ernst                                Rachel Niggli
19 VelmaCoats
20 Carol Hohnstein                            Gail Woods
21 Phyllis Taylor
22 Barbara Tallon
27 Jean Loscotoff                             CONCERTS IN THE PARK
29 Bertie Sousa
30 Karin Wiseman
22 Marion Vickers
24 Marilyn Meredith                                       Phyllis Taylor
29 Sandy Whaling
31 Jean Preall                                The 2022 Concerts in the Park
                                              series starts on June 10th with 6
                                              different bands bringing you
                                              summer enjoyment.
                                              Music starts at 7 pm and continues
                                              until 9 pm In the Springville
                                              Memorial Park.

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June 2022             Springville Community Club Newsletter      Phyllis Taylor Editor

For your comfort, please bring your
own seating (chairs, blankets etc.)
For the comfort and safety of others
please NO PETS. The schedule is
listed below. Handouts are
available at the Patton House,
Hamburger Stand and other
locations about town.
June 10          Stillwater
                                                SPRINGVILLE WINE WALK

June 24           That Little Band
                                              The Springville Chamber of
July 8            Patty Torrey                Commerce held its very first Wine
                                              Walk in Downtown Springville
July 22           Fire on the Mtn
                                              Saturday, May 7, 2022.
August 5          Branded Heart
                                              Tickets included a printed souvenir
August 19         Jerry Hall                  wine glass, depicting a horse and
As a special treat, the Springville           the words, "Get Un Corked in
Nazarene Church will be serving               Springville". Participants were
                                              able to roam Downtown Springville
FREE Root Beer Floats – come
                                              and visit 11 local business
and enjoy one at three of our
                                              locations that were each serving a
events!    Can you pick which                 variety of wine as well as varied
concert they will be at???                    appetizers at each stop. Each
Should you have a suggestion for a            merchant was able to showcase
band for next years Concerts                  their business location,
Series be sure to talk with Phyllis           themselves as owners, and what
                                              they have to offer the public. It
                                              was a good time for mingling and

                                              Each participant got a stamp on
                                              their raffle card at each

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June 2022              Springville Community Club Newsletter        Phyllis Taylor Editor

location. The stamps on their                  membership. The remainder of
cards entered them into a door                 the money was used to purchase
prize drawing at the end of the                non-alcoholic drinks for the
night. Raffle gifts included                   hydration garden. The Chamber
Stafford's chocolate, wine and                 is most appreciative of the
wine-related items, as well as a               donation and looks forward to
weekend stay at Bear Creek                     helping promote the Community
Retreat Air B and B in Springville.            Club this year.
The highlights of the day included             Overall, the event was well
participants checking in for and               attended, and local merchants
starting their Wine Walk                       were pleased to have so many
experience at the Brand-New                    people discover them during the
Chamber Headquarters in the                    Wine Walk.
Historic Elster Building, as well as
the Chamber doing two Ribbon
Cutting Ceremonies for new                        BOOK         TALK          TEA
businesses in Downtown
Springville: The Shoppe and The

The Community Club participated
by providing the ever-essential                           Norma Inabinette
hydration station, located in the              After a two-year hiatus, the 12th
Beautiful Patton House Garden                  annual Book Tea was held on May
and Gazebo, that included a                    21st. Each of the tables was
variety of non-alcoholic drinks for            filled with ladies in their finery for a
the folks who needed a break from              lovey afternoon of books and
wine or perhaps were the                       delicious food. The event
designated driver for their                    presented a three-course
group. The Community Club                      luncheon of unique finger foods
made a donation to the Wine Walk               and the discussion of books
in the amount of $100. The                     chosen by the hostesses to
Chamber set aside $35 from that                share with the guests. The best
donation to cover the annual                   part was the tables
membership fee for the                         which were each decorated by
Community Club's 2022 Chamber                  each hostess to match

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June 2022            Springville Community Club Newsletter          Phyllis Taylor Editor

the theme of the book presented.             The menu this year included:
Sue Marcotte's table                              Le Petit pecan bites
depicting Chicken Alaska won the                  Boats of peppers
prize for the most appropriately                  Stuffed tomatoes
decorated table.                                   Spanakopita
                                                  Feta/Tomato skewers
This year the books                               Curried chicken sandwiches
included everything from a                        Tres stuffed baguette
Western book written                              Bacon, cream cheese tarts
by a horse to the biography of                    Turkey cheese wraps
Cinderella's stepmother.                          Cala Lily sandwiches
                                                  Minute pecan tarts
All the Ever Afters by Danielle                   Delicate crem puffs
Teller, Hostess Norma Inabinette                  Quaint shortbread bites
                                                  Pretzeled flowers
Tisha by Ann Hobbs told to Robert                 Demure tiny cheesecakes
Specht ,Hostess Sue Marcotte
                                             Needless to say event was a huge
Run, Rose, Run by Dolly Parton               success with many smiles, much
and James Patterson, Hostess                 laughter, a few ooohs and
Judi King                                    ahhh's, good chatter, and full
Killers of the Flower Moon by
David Grann, Hostess Sheri Smith

Misty's Long Ride by Smooth
Georgia Mist, Hostess Melody
Inabinette                                                     SCHOLARSHIPS
Dark Queens by Shelly Puhak,                                 Melissa Lucas
Hostess Sandy Whaling
                                             This year the Springville
Cutting for Stone by Abraham                 Community Club has chosen two
Verghese, Hostess Melinda                    scholarship recipients. Both

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June 2022             Springville Community Club Newsletter       Phyllis Taylor Editor

students are from Harmony                     Include writing cards to veterans
Magnet Academy.                               and to children in Valley Children’s
                                              Hospital. Shaylee has also
RAFAEL ROGEL is a young man
                                              donated hygiene products and
with many hopes for his future. He
                                              clothing to our local homeless
is planning to attend UC Santa
                                              shelter. Shaylee has also worked
Barbara with a Pre-Bio major.
                                              on the yearbook committee. After
While attending college he is
                                              graduation, she plans to attend
planning to join the Marine Corps
                                              COS and major in law
reserve to help with expenses.
                                              enforcement. She will Finish her
After college Rafael is planning to
                                              training at CSUF with plans to
attend medical school with the
                                              become a detective.
hopes of becoming an orthopedic
surgeon. Rafael is currently in               The Springville School Service
ASB and the Porterville Youth                 award goes to Ashtyn Perry, an
Committee, Additionally, with a               8th grader. She has been involved
couple of friends and Porterville             in helping at the Rodeo, planning
Chamber of Commerce to set up                 trees in the forest and various
the drive-in-movies’ theater during           other activities at the school. She
the pandemic. During his leisure              visits, weekly, an elder in the
time he focuses on his physical               community. She has also helped
well-being and health, by going to            with Women’s’ Club at pie baking
the gym and exercising.                       time
Shaylee Steinbring is our second
recipient from Harmony Magnet
Academy. Shaylee has been in
                                                     COMMUNITY CLUB
CSF since she was a freshman.                           WEB SITE
Every semester she is required to             Stay in the know by visiting our
fund raise for a community service            clubs’ website. We are trying to
project. Some of these projects               get this to be “the place” to go if

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June 2022              Springville Community Club Newsletter       Phyllis Taylor Editor

you have questions about our                   If your design is selected, you will
upcoming events. Hopefully, we                 receive $100 and a free t-shirt. We
will get the Newsletter posted o               have received very few entries
the site as soon as it is published.           and none from our members, so
                                               hurry up and get your entries in.
So, there will no more missing
meeting dates and events put on                Keep in mind the many
by our Springville Community Club              opportunities we have for
and participating community                    volunteering a little of your time
groups. Check us out at:                       either in preparation for the festival
springvillecommunityclub.org                   or on the day of the festival. We
                                               will need volunteers to assist at
                                               the Information booth, the
         APPLE FESTIVAL                        opportunity drawing booth, and the
         TEE SHIRT CONTEST                     t-shirt booth. We could also use
                                               some assistance with our costume
                                               contests and game booths that are
                                               in the park. And remember we are
                                               still in the process of planning and
              Judi King                        organizing this year’s festival (we
                                               do not go dark over the summer),
We are deep into preparation for               so if you have any constructive
our 40th Apple Festival which will             suggestions or would like to help
be held on Saturday, October                   in any way, please let me know.
15thfrom 9 to 4. The item with the
most pressing deadline is our T-
Shirt design contest. Entries must
be received by June 1, 2022.
Information on what is needed is
on a flyer that is posted at the
Patton House. The design can’t be
more than 8” by 8” and must
contain the words Springville
Apple Festival and Apple Fest 40.

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June 2022               Springville Community Club Newsletter        Phyllis Taylor Editor

                                                     15 wonton wrappers (see
          CHARCUTERIE                                notes below)
         WINNING RECIPES                             1 1/2 tablespoons olive oil
Presented by Andrew DeLange                          FOR THE SHRIMP
                                                     2 teaspoons olive oil
Chili Lime Baked Shrimp Cups                         12 large shrimp, peeled and
   •     PREP 25mins                                 deveined
   •     COOK 20mins                                 1 lime
   •     TOTAL 45mins
                                                     1 teaspoon ancho chili
These are like mini shrimp tacos.                    powder, try our homemade
Wonton wrappers are baked in                         chili powder recipe or
the oven until crisp, filled with                    substitute regular chili powder
arugula, a lime sour cream, and                      1/4 teaspoon fine sea salt
then topped with a big juicy chili-                  1/4 teaspoon freshly ground
lime shrimp. You can make the                        black pepper
wonton shells in advance, but
                                                     1 cup baby arugula leaves
assemble the cups with the
arugula, sour cream and shrimp                       LIME SOUR CREAM
just before serving. See below in                    3 tablespoons sour cream
the notes section for more                           1 teaspoon fresh lime juice
details.                                             Pinch salt
Another option for the cups is to
use store-bought tortilla chips in                         CHARCUTERIE CUP
the shape of cups, sometimes
                                                                 presented by
called scoops.
                                                                Lynette Thomas
       Makes 12 shrimp cups
                                                The toughest decision will be
                                                deciding which items to stuff inside
                                                your glass cup or vessel. Consider
                                                mixing and matching

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June 2022            Springville Community Club Newsletter        Phyllis Taylor Editor

your favorites:
                                             2(8 oz) water chestnuts drained &
   Cheese, including wedges,                 sliced
   whole mini wheels or cubes                Marinade
   on skewers, Tall and                      1/3 cup low sodium soy sauce
   thin,flatbead,crackers,Breadst            ½ tsp ground ginger
   icks, Jerry Sticks, Nuts,                 ½ t curry powder
                                             3 Tbsps. brown sugar
   salami, pepperoni, prosciutto,            dash salt & pepper
   or other folded cured meats
                                             Heat oven to 375 degrees, line
   folded or stacked on skewers,
                                             rimmed baking sheet with foil and
   Cornichons, Fresh fruit, Dried            rack
   fruit, Fresh herbs, Chocolate-
                                             Cut bacon in ½ crosswise and
   covered pretzels,Pocky Sticks             arrange on rack bake for 12 min
   or other small candies                    until still flexible, remove to cooling
                                             rack. Cut the chicken livers into ¾
                                             inch pieces. When bacon is cool
     RUMAKI CHICKEN                          enough to work with, place a strip
 LIVER/BACON APPETIZER                       on a work surface, Place a piece
                                             of chicken liver on the top of the
            Presented by
                                             bacon and a water chestnut just
          Barbara Forlano                    below, roll securely making sure
                                             toothpick goes thru the bacon,
Prep time: 20 min
                                             liver and chestnut. Repeat with
Cook time 10 min                             remaining ingredients. Bake for
Ingredients:                                 20 minutes or until the bacon is
                                             crisp, turning halfway thru the
15 strips of bacon                           cooking time and basting with the
6 ounces of chicken livers                   marinade

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June 2022     Springville Community Club Newsletter   Phyllis Taylor Editor

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