FEBRUARY 2022 - St. Matthews Lutheran Church | Princeton, IL
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FEBRUARY 2022 Part-Time Position Media Outreach Technician We have a part-time position of 10 hours per week for a Media Outreach Technician as approved at our Annual Meeting to work with audio/video recordings, processing, and equipment along with our website, social media, and to also oversee and work with our volunteers in this growing area of outreach ministry. Part-Time Employment Opportunity: Media Outreach Technician Job description posted at www.StMatthewsPrinceton.org Send resumes to StMatthewsPrinceton@gmail.com or St. Matthews Lutheran Church, 416 E Dover Road, Princeton Il 61356-9551 Change Service Requested (815) 879-6491 Permit No. 449 Princeton, IL 61356-9551 Princeton, IL 416 E. Dover Road PAID St. Matthews Messenger U.S. Postage Non-Profit Org. St. Matthews Lutheran Church St. Matthews Messenger February, 2022
The beginning of A Note from Pastor Scott Schmidt: the good news of Jesus Christ, T he Gospel according to Mark The first Christians also used the fish symbol to starts with “The beginning of identify themselves. If a person met someone they the good news of Jesus Christ, the thought might also be a follower of Jesus, one person the Son of God. Son of God” and in the shorter might draw the top half of the fish symbol in the dirt. Mark 1:1 ending concludes with the word If the other person drew the bottom half, then they “salvation.” (Yes, there is a short and a long ending.) each knew they both confessed Jesus Christ as the The first Christian symbol is thought to be the fish Son of God and as their Savior. image. The Greek word for “fish” is and is I am fascinated by how the first Christian symbol pronounced Ichthus. Forming an acronym, and the first recorded Gospel (which is Mark) both each Greek letter in is the first emphasize what I hold to be true, that Jesus Christ is letter in the phrase translated into English God’s Son and is my/our Savior. as Jesus Christ, God’s Son, Savior. This In Jesus’ name, serves as a short creed or statement of faith. Pastor Scott Schmidt Kids’ Night Out January 25, 2022 For more pictures go to www.StMatthewsPrinceton.org St. Matthews Messenger 2 February, 2022
CONGREGATION Thank you for the cards and words of sympathy at the GIVING time of my mother’s death. We appreciate your FINANCIAL REPORT thoughtfulness during this difficult time. Through December 2021 YTD Giving Budget: $238,271 Trish & Pastor Scott Schmidt YTD Giving Actual: $271,722 YTD Expenses Budget: $273,471 Dear Members YTD Expenses Actual: $260,956 YTD Expenses Actual Thank you so much for your gift of money for Second under Budget $(12,515) Story Teen Center. We Are so grateful! YTD Giving Actual Second Story continues to stay busy with our teens. over Expenses Actual $10,766 Every Tuesday a counselor from Arukah is holding short sessions on how to deal with stress and life. The pantry is always available for any needs, and each teen is offered a hot meal, snacks, and also smiles from our volunteers! We recently were able to install a chair life for anyone on crutches. Thank you for your kindness and being part of our story. Jeff & Dana & volunteers & Teens of Second Story St Matthews 2021 Congregation Council & Leaders Chris Nesbitt, President Sandy Rose, Vice President Diana Dye, Finance Term: 2021-2023 Katie Dye, Worship & Music Term: 2021 - Jan 2023 Sandy Rose, Education & Youth/Family Term: 2021-2022 Terry Rapp, Memorial Term: Jan 2022 Jared Oloffson, Stewardship Term: 2019 - Jan 2022 Gail Peterson, Social Ministry CONGREGATION COUNCIL Term: 2020 - Jan 2022 Andy Dye, Property Tuesday, January 11, 2022 Education & Youth/Family: Kids’ Night Out is Term: 2020 - Jan 2023 Update on transfer-in-kind of the farm: we now have schedule for January 25, 2022. Nate Edlefson, Evangelism the survey map hoping to have the transfer-in-kind Social Ministry: no report Term: 2020 - Jan 2022 done in February then move on splitting the farm with Fellowship: Taking a break until January 30 Kathy Waca, Fellowship Term: 2020 - Jan 2023 Princeton Park District. Executive Committee Meetings: Tuesday, Tuesday, February 1, 2022 @ 4:30 pm Jill Snethen, Worship & Music: Bells taking a break until February. Financial Secretary Stewardship: No report Council Meeting: Mike Herro, Treasurer Evangelism: no report Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 6:00 pm Barb Miller, Finance: Good position at Year End with positive This is a summary of the council meeting. If you would like the Secretary (Office & Council) balance of $10,756. approved copy of the Minutes contact the office. Megan Olson, Director of Music Memorial: Minutes are pending approval at next Congregation Property: Council meeting. Kathryn Freiberg Nesbitt, Director of Youth & Family Ministry St Matthews 2021 Brad Snethen 2019-2021 Andy Dye 2021-2023 Wendell Nelson 2020-2022 Pastor Scott Schmidt Foundation Pam Horras 2021 Charlie Waca 2020-2022 St. Matthews Messenger 3 February, 2022
416 E. Dover Road Princeton, IL 61356 Webpage: www.StmatthewsPrinceton.org St. Matthews Lutheran Church 815.879.6491 Email: StMatthewsPrinceton@gmail.com Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat FYI - There will be a 3 day period in February in which the Feb 1 2 3 4 5 office and church facilities will need to be closed due to our TBA Finance 10 am Pastor’s Bible 4:30 pm Executive Study current construction project. Committee Committee 4:30 pm Education / 6:30 pm Explorer’s Bible Study St. Matthews Messenger Youth & Family Please watch for details on our Webpage, Facebook, phone Committee message and bulletins as to when this will take place. 5:30 pm Bell Practice 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 9 am Worship Service PASTOR’S DAY OFF 10 am Pastor’s Bible 10:30 am Gapinski 1 pm Quilters 10:15 am Sunday School In-Person Study Baptism 1 pm South 5:30 pm Bell Confirmation via Google Classroom 5:15 pm Via de Cristo Conference Pastors Practice 12 pm Princeton Meeting Ministerial Assoc 10:45 am Drive Thru Communion 6 pm Congregation 6:30 pm Explorer’s Bible with car radio transmission Council 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 9 am Worship Service PASTOR’S DAY OFF 5:30 pm Bell 10 am Pastor’s Bible 4 10:15 am Sunday School In-Person Practice Study 10:20 am Confirmation In-Person 5:15 pm Via de Cristo 7 pm Workcamp Confirmation via Google Classroom Meeting Meeting at Via de Cristo Overnight Training St. Matthews 6:30 pm Explorer’s Bible 4 pm Friday—5 pm Saturday 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 9 am Worship Service 12 pm—3 pm 1 pm Quilters PASTOR’S DAY OFF 4:30 pm Worship 10:15 am Sunday School Family Fun Day & Music Pastor’s Bible Study In Person takes a break will 5:30 pm Bell 11:30 am Pre-arranged Home Practice resume March 3 Communion 5:15 pm Via de Cristo Meeting 6:30 pm Explorer’s Bible Confirmation via Google Classroom Pr. Scott Schmidt personal days Feb 25-26 27 28 March 1 2 3 4 5 9 am Worship Service PASTOR’S DAY OFF 5:30 pm Bell 10 am Pastor’s Bible 10:15 am Sunday School In-Person 4:30 pm Executive Practice Study 5:15 pm Via de Cristo Committee 7 pm Ash 10:20 AM Confirmation In-Person Meeting Wednesday 6:30 pm Explorer’s Bible Confirmation via Google Classroom Workcamp Home Service Repair Application Pr. Scott Schmidt on vacation Feb 27 are due Applications for Workcamp free home repair are in the Narthex. If you know of someone who qualifies they applications are due March 1. Applicants can be from February, 2022 Senior Citizens, Low Income, and Handicap households.
VOLUNTEERS FOR SUNDAY WORSHIP All volunteers must wear masks. FEB 6 FEB 13 FEB 20 FEB 27 ACOLYTE Natalie Edlefson Grace Nesbitt Emma Dye Natalie Edlefson ALTAR GUILD Andy & Katie Dye Pam Clementz USHERS** Gary Morton Don & Nate Edlefson Bob Rapp Wendell Nelson Linda Hildebrand Jim Miller Carolyn Butterfield Dan Druley COMMUNION Steve & Sandy Rose Pam Nelson Andy Dye ASSISTANT Marilyn Lange Teri Schlindwein Wendell Nelson Gary Morton SANCTUARY Sandy Rose Kathy Waca Sandy Rose Kathy Waca ATTENDANCE Pam & Bob & Steve & Gail & GREETERS Wendell Nelson Terry Rapp Marilyn Lange Betty Peterson CAMERA Mike Herro Paul Schlindwein Mike Herro Jeff Martin OPERATOR SOUND SYSTEM Jeff Martin Charlie Waca Brian Huffstodt Tommy Rose READER Katie Dye Terry Rapp Tommy Rose Mike Herro VIDEO PROCESSING* OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN CANTOR Worship Team Diana Dye Barb Miller Katie Dye Carolyn FLOWERS OPEN OPEN OPEN Butterfield MUSICIANS Worship Team Leota Carlson Leota Carlson TBA BUILDING Diana Dye OPENERS BUILDING Diana Dye CLOSERS *Video Processing person would learn how **Being that fewer people have sent in a to take the tape from the service and get it Discipleship Practice Form (Time & Talent ready to post on-line on YouTube. Sheet). Our Worship & Music has opted to adapt the way we receive our offering. For those not able to attend Sunday Worship at this time we will mail a weekly bulletin with sermon messages included. If you wish a bulletin mailed to you please contact the Beginning February 13 we will only have office. two ushers each Sunday. The ushers will A Worship video will be posted at: get the plates from the Acolyte as usual and www.StMatthewsPrinceton.org (our website), www.facebook.com/StMatthewsLutheranPrinceton/ (Facebook), then collect offerings first from the outside @prscott_stmatts (Twitter), aisle then collect offerings up the center Pr Scott Schmidt (YouTube Channel), or the links are shared in our weekly email blast. aisle and give the plates to the Acolyte. St. Matthews Messenger 5 February, 2022
THOSE WHO REQUESTED PRAYER: From St. Matthews: Jim Dye, Steve Lange, Peter Lange, Shirley Schmidt, Judy Dyke, Doris King, Shirley Carter, Alyce Dall, Jane Gronwald, George Dall, Paul Segerstrom, Fran Orloff, Terry Ferrari, Kathy Waca, Dick Volker, Judy Nelson, Josie Edlefson, Lynda Fenwick, Jennifer Bacorn, Irma Streit, Jim Eble, Porter Seidel. Friends and Family* Dustin Seidel, Dana Freese (daughter of Jackie Woolley), Debra Dahl (daughter of Shirley May), FYI - There will be a 3 day period in February in Nancy Lorang (friend of Pam Clementz), Mona Cook which the office and church facilities will need to be (daughter of Libby Dyer & sister of Rita Byrd), Trisha Hiebing (niece of Lois Pinter), Deb Rabe (friend of Joelle Crockett), closed due to our current construction project. Scott Pazdro (friend of Gary & Joelle Crockett), Brayden Please watch for details on Bennett (great-grandson of Nancy Henning), Kendall Barfield our Webpage, Facebook, (cousin of Steve [Marilyn] Lange), Ruth (Clayton) Porter, (mother of Quinta [Bill] Naffziger), Gary Schiall (nephew of phone message and Lois Pinter), Lisa Nyman (cousin of Jackie Woolley & Lynda bulletins as to when this Fenwick), Loretta Volker, Jamie Pennington, Gail Edlefson, will take place. (father of Nate [Sara] Edlefson), Elizabeth Johnson (friend of Andy Rapp), Sara Redner (friend of the Quilters), Anne Buelvas (daughter of Steve & Marilyn Lange), Linda Wallace (friend of the Quilters), Art Stephenson (friend of Peter Lange), Rheta Shallhorn (friend of Nancy Henning), Beth Woolley (cousin of Lynda Fenwick & Jackie Woolley), Patrick Thorpe, Jr. (friend of Peter Lange), Debbie Kirk (friend of Peter Lange), Tim Cass (friend of Gail & Betty Peterson), victims of disasters & violence, and those impacted by our pandemic in anyway. PRAYER CHAIN: If you would like to share a prayer request , call the church or email a request to: StMattsPrayers1@gmail.com FYI – Caution It's been a while since some scammer has tried to do this in connection to St. Matthews, but some of our leaders got a text message on Sunday spoofing to be Pr. Scott Schmidt and seeking gift cards (in a 2022 Confirmation scam) supposedly for cancer patients. It is not Pastor doing this! If you got or get one of these text messages (or a phone The Small Catechism call or an email) asking for gift cards (or cash) please call All lessons are 30 to 40 minutes by Google Classroom and should be done by each Pastor directly on his cell phone at 779-537-4811 to let him student on their own or with parents. know. Please, please before participating in such a request - Complete the Quiz, save a copy, and send to Pastor.StMatthewsPrinceton@gmail.com. call Pastor or the St. Matthews church office. We will meet in person usually twice a month as indicated below in red, and the Google Classroom lesson for that day should be done prior to meeting in person. FEBRUARY 2022 Feb 6 The Lord’s Prayer – God’s Kingdom and Will Feb 13 The Lord’s Prayer – God Gives and Forgives Also Meet In-Person 10:20 am to 11:11 am Feb 20 The Lord’s Prayer –Temptation, Trial, Deliverance Feb 27 Serving Others Through Vocations Also Meet In-Person 10:20 am to 11:11 am St. Matthews Messenger 6 February, 2022
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