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COMPANY NAME EXTERNAL PROISION TEAM 1. Academy Priorities, Areas for Development (AfD), Key performance Indicators (KPI) Summary 2018 – 2019 Priority 1: Enabling inspirational leadership and management Summary of where academy is at in relation to Trust Wide priorities and Team ambitions As a result our L&M foci are to: ▪ Identify where academy is at, relating to Trust Wide priorities listed on page 5 AFD Area for Development KPIs Actions Evaluation Milestones AFD Deliver a clear, RT External Provision Lead Creation of RT Quality By February Review 1.1 shared, Trust wide to devise clear and Assurance Framework Implementation of RT approach for understandable RT Policy and assessment of TTP TTP Directory across working with Third on TTP and Trust wide Provision. Completed with the Trust. - Directory Party Providers - working procedures when all TP Providers being has been created and QA’d 2018-2019 and engaging with a TTP. published on the Categorization of TTP beyond. Implementation of TPP website and staff with set guidelines for advised at all levels. Scrutiny Group to all RT Schools to follow Clear and scrutinize working RT Academies to be to standardize working understandable practices in TTP. using the TTP guidance procedures for RT TPP Policy on TTP and documents and TPP across the Trust. - Trust wide Directory. - Completed TP Policy procedures for Implemented and now written and published working with a TTP. adopted by RT with categorisation of Academies. TPP’s and set procedure TPP Scrutiny Group required for schools to feedback on RT TPP engage with them. Policy and Procedures - Information shared needs to be set up this term 2
with all Heads and By July Review Heads of School. End of academic year To gain a clear review understanding of all TTP RT academies to share used across the Trust. - breakdown of all TTP TPP audit was accessed in academic undertaken in year - database to be September 2018 and created for each centre each provider was to monitor TPP placed into a category accessed based on level of risk. Creation of RT Directory of approved TTP to be used by all RT Academies. - Completed TP Policy written and published with categorisation of TPP’s and set procedure required for schools to engage with them. Information shared with all Heads and Heads of School. Implementation of TPP Scrutiny Group to scrutinize working practices in TTP. - Not set up but plans in place to start by end of April 2019 3
AFD Create a culture of RT External Lead to work Proactively seek By June Review 1.2 determined leadership with HEG and Heads of relationships with TTP’s RT TTP growth of offer across the Trust, rooted in School to understand and and external in RT Academies. - growth implement working partnerships to review Academies to provide a practices in each of the RT RT working practices. breakdown of TP offers Academies and establish TP’s actively chosen to across each school with clear lines of be part of the RT amount of hours responsibility and Directory. TP Provider accessed. accountability for TTP feedback to be sought TTP Scrutiny panel policies and procedures. - from providers going meeting notes and TPP Policy is now being forward. yearly review. - needs used by each MAT To work with TTP’s to to be set up this term Academy. plan, shape and deliver Peer challenge and new curriculum support is delivered and opportunities across clearly demonstrated the RT Academies. - through TPP Scrutiny Working with TP panel and peer feedback. Providers to produce - This needs to be offers of learning implemented and review tailored to our young of working practices date people include – Punch to be set by April 2019 Studios – mixed media, animal care – Deben Community Care Farm and Construction with ERT. To work loosely with RT academies to review TTP offers to ensure they are current, robust and relevant to the young people we 4
represent. - TP feedback forms and YP feedback forms created. Next step will be drop in observations of current providers. Development of curriculum opportunities and based on changing needs of YP in RT Academies. Ongoing review of YP interests and developing offers with providers – YMCA Training / Eastern Region Training are good examples of tailoring provision to meet the needs of students. AFD Design and implement a RT External Lead to work TTP Policies and By June Review 1.3 Trust wide Governance plan with HEG and Heads of Procedures to be All policies / action aimed at advancing School to understand and published and plans signed off with governance capacity to hold implement working implemented on targets met - RT TP leaders and academies to practices in each of the RT website and school Guidelines / RT account Academies and establish databases. RT TP Directory/ RT Policy on clear lines of Guidelines / RT TP Provision / RT Work responsibility and Directory/ RT Policy on Experience Policy / RT accountability for TTP TP Provision / RT Work Careers Guidance Policy policies and procedures Experience Policy / RT / RT Educational Visits 5
Careers Guidance Policy Policy – All published / RT Educational Visits and online Policy – All published and online AFD Review accountability RT TTP budget to be Undertake a review of By February Review 1.4 structures to ensure reviewed and clear external providers and Internal review of TTP - spending decisions always procedures to be third party provisions completed October impact learner outcomes developed with regards to used across the 2019 spending and individual academies - TPP audit By July Review RT Academy Budgets for was undertaken in All RT Academies TTP. September 2018 and following same each provider was procedure for TTP - placed into a category Completed November based on level of risk. 2019 RT Guidelines to be developed with regards to TTP and accountability and responsibility within the RT Academies. - RT TP Guidelines / RT Directory/ RT Policy on TP Provision / RT Work Experience Policy / RT Careers Guidance Policy / RT Educational Visits Policy – All published online and shared with MAT Academy Leadership Teams. 6
AFD Construct a fit for purpose TPP Policies and TPP Scrutiny Group By February Review 1.5 framework of policies and procedures are in place Consultation on key Trust and academies procedures for all settings and sites, policies ensure are fully compliant - and provide a platform collaborative Completed November for growth. convergence at all 2018 levels - Needs to be By June Review implement by end of Trust and academy April 2019 policy and procedures All TTP policies reflect first class reviewed and amended practice across all accordingly - Policies to areas. - RT TP be reviewed as part of Guidelines / RT scrutiny panel by end of Directory/ RT Policy on April 2019. TP Provision / RT Work Experience Policy / RT Careers Guidance Policy / RT Educational Visits Policy – All published online and shared with MAT Academy Leadership Teams. AFD Increase agility across the Commission and deliver All TTP information to By February Review 1.6 Trust through conscious digital strategy across the be accessed centrally Website is compliant investment in digital Trust and academies and policies and and delivers planned capacity (website/social procedures published purpose - completed medial/MIS/365) on line - All TP Provider and constantly All staff confident users of information either on reviewed. new systems Sharepoint or published By June Review online. Digital strategy delivered and operational in all academies 7
Priority 2: Delivering High Quality Learning Summary of where academy is at in relation to Trust Wide priorities and Team ambitions As a result our foci are to: ▪ Identify where academy is at, relating to Trust Wide priorities listed on page 5 AFD Area for Development KPIs Actions Evaluation Milestones AFD Centralise clear trust wide ILPs show well matched, Develop site based ILPs By February Review 2.1 standards for exceptional aspirational target setting to ensure standardized All learners have high learning delivered through and reviews for all capture points quality ILPs in place focused, challenging pupil learners Build and standardise By June Review target setting Pupil Progress Reviews robust pupil learning data on All learners progress and well documented for all School Pod across the and learning records learners academies recorded on School Pod RT to develop robust, Standardised TTP focused and challenging feedback and reports pupil target setting and captured on School Pod feedback in regard to - feedback forms TTP. created and in use across the MAT Academies – Need to be linked to School Pod AFD Centralise trust wide Curriculum evaluated Undertake full By February Review 2.2 expectations for site based against intention, curriculum evaluation, Complete full Trust curriculum offers build on implementation, impact amending where wide curriculum review prior experience, future criteria and costed to impact on outcomes Complete full review of aspiration and a strong ensure economic below expectation impact of External / belief in transformations efficiency Audit curriculum Third Party Providers - resulting from exceptional Strong learner strengths across RT MAT Academies to education engagement evident academies to provide feedback on TP across the academies strengthen cross provision accessed academy working since Sept 2019. 8
Increased curriculum agility Audit TTP strengths and By June Review demonstrated through full use of weaknesses across RT New RT Curriculum in Trust wide resources and internal TTP to strengthen cross place for full partnership academy working. implementation Sept 2019 Priority 3: Securing Safe and Energising Learning Environments Summary of where academy is at in relation to Trust Wide priorities and Team ambitions As a result our foci are to: ▪ Identify where academy is at, relating to Trust Wide priorities listed on page 5 AFD Area for Development KPIs Actions Evaluation Milestones AFD Set RT centralised standards Standardised procedures in place Internal review of RT By February Review 3.1 of safeguarding mutually across Trust for TTP to ensure TTP safeguarding, Internal scrutiny strengthening procedures Safeguarding, GDPR, HR, and (including HR), GDPR completed and within and beyond the Trust H&S and health and safety. resulting action plans RT QA Framework formulated - Scrutiny completed with all TP panel to be set up by Providers having to April 2019 meet se standards in By June Review safeguarding, training, Internal review welfare, GDPR, confirms standards met monitoring, evaluation, in all locations teaching and learning and health and safety. AFD Establish a professional Procedures in place for RT to publish clear lines By February Review 3.2 culture of learning through recording and reporting of reporting. - RT HEG and Governor open and transparent of Near Misses and Data Guidelines for working review of records show scrutiny of near misses and Breaches with TP’s / Feedback practice altered as a data breaches Transparent routes for and review shared with result of lessons learnt. ensuring ‘lessons learnt’ all MAT Academies. are shared at across 9
academies and External DPO in place, HT reports amended to governance with clear action plans account for data TTP Scrutiny Group to be for improvement breaches and near miss established and availed to leaders information regarding safeguarding, GDPR and H&S to be shared. AFD Strengthen our partnerships Form solid partnerships To develop working By July Review 3.3 with other professionals to with the LA, TTP, PRU partnerships with Increased TP secure our learners access Heads, SASH, and Primary agencies who support engagement across the to support at the point of Heads. young people to deliver Trust. - TP engagement need To attend working groups programs aimed at data to be collected in relation to IAG, WEX increasing wellbeing, Termly. and Careers Leaders. confidence and mental health resilience. AFD Secure Trust wide All academies applying Design a RT Policy for By February Review 3.4 expectations and robust RT procedures for TTP and guidelines for TPP Policy and procedures for the use of reduced timetables all academies. procedures on are reduced timetables aimed Commissions have clear Implementation and in place and shared at promoting full time understanding of RT training to all sites on with partners. - RT engagement Policy in relation to TPP access / Directory TP Guidelines / RT reduced timetables Directory/ RT Policy Development of RT TTP on TP Provision / RT Directory to enrich Work Experience timetables across centre Policy / RT Careers Guidance Policy / RT Educational Visits Policy – All published online and shared with 10
MAT Academy Leadership Teams Attendance procedures for dual registered learners clear, understood and consistently applied, By June Review Monitoring system show robust approach being delivered in all areas of the Trust AFD Set RT centralised standards Standardised procedures Internal review of TTP By February Review 3.1 of safeguarding mutually published and in place TTP review of RT Internal scrutiny strengthening procedures across the Trust for TTP Academies completed and within and beyond the Trust resulting action plans formulated By June Review Internal review confirms standards met in all locations Priority 4: Empowering Supportive, Skilled and Nurturing Staff Summary of where academy is at in relation to Trust Wide priorities and Team ambitions As a result our foci are to: ▪ Identify where academy is at, relating to Trust Wide priorities listed on page 5 11
AFD Area for Development KPIs Actions Evaluation Milestones AFD Grow clear systems Clear process in place for Staff of all levels Yearly review of all TTP 4.1 promoting a culture of open staff to engage with the offered the opportunity professional conversations Trust to join the TPP Scrutiny at all levels in the Trust Group AFD Invest in colleagues through Opportunities for staff Level 6 IAG Training - In June Review: 4.2 a Trust wide programme of development to support started November 2018 Review of all development and coaching TTP and YP development professional across the Trust Level 6 Careers Leader development Performance Training - started Management is November 2018 monitored centrally to ensure equity and equality of opportunity in all academies AFD Sharpen focus on the 7 Nolan Principles evident in Nolan Principles By July Review: 4.3 Nolan Principles of public practices involving TTP published on website Nolan Principles known service across all tiers of the and on all sites and referred to across organization all levels of the Trust – commitment to the 7 principles embedded in ethos and policy for TPP All TPP policies and procedure demonstrate alignment to the Nolan Principles 12
Priority 5: Forging Focused Partnerships and Collaborations Benefitting Pupil Outcomes Summary of where academy is at in relation to Trust Wide priorities and Team ambitions As a result our foci are to: ▪ Identify where academy is at, relating to Trust Wide priorities listed on page 5 AFD Area for Development KPIs Actions Evaluation Milestones AFD Secure strong trust wide Clear processes in place Feedback processes By February Review 5.1 systems for providing all for ttp feedback through designed and published Feedback surveys stakeholders with a voice website on web site underway – Feedback positively impacting Planned consultations of TPP underway Jan improvement with TPP partners and RT 2019 colleagues in place By June Review TPP Scrutiny Group reports show improvements as a result of stakeholder feedback RT Development Group propose new directions for RT as a result of consultation 2019 onwards strategic plan adjusted for Trust ratification AFD Strengthen opportunities RT External Provision Develop specific terms of By February Review 5.2 for learning about lead impact on learners reference for RT Ext. Pro. RT Directory in place enterprise and demonstrated in Team and working well. - employability academy and site SEFs Recruit new member of Currently in use by Increase in partnerships WEX team – Staff MAT Academies across the academies member recruited Gatsby Level targets supporting a broad and December 2019 for each site in place. - balanced curriculum Working with 13
Ensure all WEX team Enterprise Co- engaged in Level 6 ordinators across Trust Careers or enterprise By June Review training – Training All identified learners started January 2019 engaged in meaningful Compass Tool to be enterprise and implemented in each RT employability Academy. - Completed procedures for all Key stage 4 schools 0% of Yr11 leavers GATSBY benchmarks to NEET be reviewed and RT Schools engaged with Academy school to know Enterprise Coordinator – how they are meeting Ipswich Opportunity Area each benchmark. - Ongoing Careers Policy to created and published on website - completed November 2018 and reviewed January 2019 RT External Provision Lead to ensure all schools are represented by an Enterprise Coordinator – Ipswich Opportunity Area - Completed AFD Strengthen opportunities to RT Pedagogical Lead RT Ped develop proposal for By February Review 5.3 learn from pupil voice establish a RT Young HEG: YP Committee & Pupil Proposals agreed by Persons Committee Charter HEG and action plan RT Pedagogical Lead confirms RT agreed Pupil Charter By June Review 14
Charter published and in place Committee open and meeting schedule underway AFD Engage with local, national Process in place to Knowledge and skills By February Review 5.4 and international partners capture and cascade database built into digital RT Knowledge Base to learn from best practice, knowledge and skills transformation available on cloud research and enquiry across the Trust platform. Leaders are actively engaged in By June Review external professional All colleagues engaged communities in recording and reporting development experiences for wider Trust community 15
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