Page created by Claude Mann
FEBRUARY 2021                                                       ORANGE COUNTY BREEZE • DARTS • WWW.OC-BREEZE.COM   PAGE 2

FEBRUARY 3, 2021                   FEBRUARY 9, 2021            positive for COVID-19
                                                               antibodies could provide
         Sphinx Virtuosi: This            Dixie’s Happy Hour, convalescent plasma for
         Is America                       7pm,                 critically ill coronavirus
         Performance and                  www.SCFTA.org        patients. To schedule a time
Q&A, 7pm, muscocenter.org/ She’s back! Everyone’s favorite to donate blood, visit
Join Sphinx Virtuosi one of      Alabama redhead is            redcrossblood.org.
the nation’s most dynamic        entertaining, enthralling and           Dixie’s Happy Hour,
professional chamber             maybe even a little shocking            7pm,
orchestras as they advance       to fans and newbies alike               www.SCFTA.org
diversity and lift the voices of with her all new streaming
brown and black                  show, Dixie’s Happy Hour.
communities through the lens Performances are virtual          FEBRUARY 12, 2021
of 18 top Black and Latinx       February 9-21 at 7pm each     LUNAR NEW YEAR
classical soloists. Join them    night.                                  Dixie’s Happy Hour,
for a performance and pre-                                               7pm,
                                 Dixie loves a good value, so
concert discussion and Q&A. tickets are $35 per household,               www.SCFTA.org
                                   perfect for gathering in small
FEBRUARY 6, 2021                   and distanced family groups       FEBRUARY 13, 2021
        Cypress Farmers            in the comfort of your living
                                   room or as one of                         Cypress Farmers
        Market, 9am,                                                         Market, 9am,
        Cottonwood Church          simultaneous cocktail parties
                                   with festive friends in other             Cottonwood Church
parking lot                                                          parking lot
                                   locations. They are available
                                   for purchase online at                    Dixie’s Happy Hour,
FEBRUARY 8, 2021                   www.SCFTA.org or by calling               7pm,
      Cypress Chamber              (714) 556-2787. The show has              www.SCFTA.org
      Networking                   ADULT CONTENT.
                                                                             Hello, Dolly!, 7pm,
      Breakfast, 9am,
                                                                             The Rose Outdoors,
www.cypresschamber.org             FEBRUARY 10, 2021                         www.rosecentertheat
         Aquarium of the                   Dixie’s Happy Hour,       er.com/events
         Pacific: Crafty                    7pm,                      With lyrics and music by
         Critters, 9am,                    www.SCFTA.org             Jerry Herman, and book by
                                                                     Michael Stewart, enjoy a
                                   FEBRUARY 11, 2021                 concert of songs from the
Grab some basic household                                            musical that featured iconic
                                           American Red Cross
supplies and build your very                                         tunes like "Put On Your
                                           Blood Drive, 10am,
own animal. Be sure to have                                          Sunday Clothes,""Before the
                                           Cypress Community
some paper, scissors,                                                Parade Passes By," and the
something to color with                                              title song "Hello Dolly!"
(crayons or markers), and
                                                                     THE ROSE OUTDOORS
either tape or glue. For extra     All donations are being tested
                                                                     CONCERT SERIES is a one-
fun, you can decorate your         for COVID-19 antibodies.
                                                                     hour musical event featuring
craft with ribbon. Pre-K to K.     Blood donations that test
                                                                     talented artists singing and
FEBRUARY 2021                                                   ORANGE COUNTY BREEZE • DARTS • WWW.OC-BREEZE.COM                                                                             PAGE 3

Aquarium of the Pacific reopens outdoor exhibits                                                   performing live various            performance ends just as          FEBRUARY 18, 2021
                                                                                                  musical highlights from            your cooking timer goes off
    After careful planning with the City of Long Beach, the Aquarium of the Pacific has            Broadway musicals.                 and then it’s time to eat! Stay            California
announced that it reopened its outdoor areas to the public on Saturday, January 30, with                                             with us for Act III, a virtual             Conference for
special safety measures in place. The Aquarium will also continue to offer a variety of           Presented outside and under                                                   Equality and Justice
                                                                                                  the stars in accordance with       brunch party with prompts
programs for people at home through its Online Academy, including virtual cultural festivals.                                        and participation from the        30th Annual Interfaith
                                                                                                  health and safety guidelines                                         Intercultural Breakfast, 8:30
    The Aquarium is offering discounted admission to visit its expansive outdoor areas with       put forth by the County of         artists.
safety protocols in place. Whether people are planning a staycation or looking to unwind          Orange, due to social              Registration Required —           www.cacej.org/upcoming-
watching fish or playful penguins and sea lions, the Aquarium invites people to explore its        distancing, audience               Limited Capacity — One            events/breakfast/
outdoor areas for $19 per person with advance reservations. Guests can feed colorful lorikeet     capacity for this outdoor          Registration Per Household
birds and safely touch sharks, rays, and even moon jellies in the Aquarium’s outdoor exhibits.    concert is limited. Advanced                                         This year’s speaker, Dr. Leah
    Safety is the nonprofit Aquarium of the Pacific’s top priority. The Aquarium is limiting the                                               Dixie’s Happy Hour,       Gunning Francis, is a
                                                                                                  ticket purchase required.
number of visitors, requiring advanced timed reservations, managing traffic flow to ensure                                                     7pm,                      seminary professor, activist,
social distancing, requiring masks for everyone age 2 and older and temperature checks for                                                   www.SCFTA.org             mother of two African
everyone, providing numerous hand-sanitizing stations, sanitizing surfaces constantly, and
                                                                                                  FEBRUARY 14, 2021                                                    American sons, and author
                                                                                                                                              Hello, Dolly!, 7pm,
much more. For complete details, you can visit the Aquarium’s safety page.                        VALENTINE’S DAY                             The Rose Outdoors,       of Ferguson and Faith:
    Anyone who wishes to visit during this time must make an online reservation. Members                   Touch | Screen, 1pm,               www.rosecenterthea       Sparking Leadership and
and those holding tickets must still make a free reservation time. The Aquarium will be open               muscocenter.org/          ter.com/events                    Awakening Community, a
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Mondays through Fridays and will extend its hours on Saturdays and                                                                              volume of stories gathered
Sundays to remain open until 8:00 p.m.                                                                                                                                 from clergy and young
                                                                                                  One part brunch party and          FEBRUARY 15, 2021                 activists on the street in the
    Public reopening date: Saturday, January 30, 2021, starting at 9:00 a.m. (open Monday         one part interactive               PRESIDENT’S DAY                   aftermath of Michael Brown’s
through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. / Saturday and Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00           performance, Touch | Screen                                          murder. Dr. Gunning Francis
p.m.) Aquarium of the Pacific, 100 Aquarium Way, Long Beach, CA 90802                                                                         Dixie’s Happy Hour,
                                                                                                  brings warmth and intimacy                                           will share stories that will
    General admission: $19 per person (adult, senior, and child) and free to children under age   to the digital space for a 21st                                      break your heart, inspire you,
three and Aquarium members / Advanced reservations required for everyone                          century, pandemic-style                                              and incite action for a more
    For more information, call 562-590-3100 or visit aquariumofpacific.org                         Valentine’s date. No date                                            just and equal world.
                                                                                                  required!                          FEBRUARY 16, 2021
                                                                                                                                                                       The event will take place via
                                                                                                  In Act I , Chef Kat begins the             Dixie’s Happy Hour,       Zoom and will start promptly
                                                                                                  event with an interactive                  7pm,                      at 8:30 am. The cost is $25
                                                                                                  cooking demonstration, so                  www.SCFTA.org             per person; sponsorship
                                                                                                  you can prepare the perfect                                          packages are available
                                                                                                  Valentine’s feast right            FEBRUARY 17, 2021                 starting at $500. Reserve
                                                                                                  alongside them. While your         ASH WEDNESDAY                     tickets online at:
                                                                                                  dish cooks enjoy a                                                   www.cacej.org /breakfast. For
                                                                                                  performance from Good                      Dixie’s Happy Hour,       more information, phone:
                                                                                                  Trouble Makers. The Act II                 7pm,                      562-435-8184 or email:
                                                                                                  performance is a                           www.SCFTA.org             pgarcia@cacej.org.
                                                                                                  multidisciplinary queer love
                                                                                                  story utilizing text, voiceover,                                             Dixie’s Happy Hour,
                                                                                                  music, and dance to explore                                                  7pm,
                                                                                                  how we build intimacy in the                                                 www.SCFTA.org
                                                                                                  digital space: Here a way of
                                                                                                  touching. From a distance,
                                                                                                  with no one. The
FEBRUARY 2021                                                          ORANGE COUNTY BREEZE • DARTS • WWW.OC-BREEZE.COM                                                                               PAGE 4

FEBRUARY 19, 2021                          Sweeney Todd,                  iconic, "The Ballad of             Interim Principal of Los Alamitos High honored as King
                                           7pm, The Rose                  Sweeney Todd."
       February Virtual                    Outdoors,
                                                                                                             Fundraising February Replaces LAEF’s Royal Gala
       Medicine, Munchies           www.rosecentertheater.com/            FEBRUARY 21, 2021                      The Los Alamitos Education Foundation (LAEF) announced, that “Fundraising February for
       & Movies — Heart             events                                                                   Los Al Kids” will take the place of LAEF’s signature fundraising event, The Royal Gala, this year.
Healthy Nutrition, 12pm,                                                           Kosher Food & Wine        In addition, LAEF is proud to announce that the campaign’s king honoree is Dr. Gregg Stone.
memorialcare.org                                                                   Experience, 2:30pm,
                                    FEBRUARY 20, 2021                                                        The LAEF Board of Directors selected the Interim Principal of Los Alamitos High School to be
Join us for an informational                                                       www.TheKFWE.com           crowned king and serve as the LAEF royal ambassador for the year!
health lecture and activity on              Cypress Farmers               With sold-to-capacity crowds,          “2020 was a tough year for everyone,” said LAEF Executive Director Carrie Logue. “LAEF
heart health and nutrition.                 Market, 9am,                  the annual Kosher Food &           funding is down $400,000, so many of our services are at-risk of cancelation, including mental
All guests who participate in               Cottonwood Church             Wine Experience (KFWE) is          health & wellness support, fee waiver scholarships for families in need, free elementary world
the interactive activity will       parking lot                           undisputedly among the             language classes, the STEAM initiative, and more.”
have a chance to win a $20                    Dixie’s Happy Hour,         hottest tickets in the kosher          Since holding their eighth annual Royal Gala is not an option at this time, LAEF teams will
gift card to Hof’s Hut. Call                  7pm,                        culinary world. These              be contacting individuals and businesses throughout the Los Al community to donate. The
(562) 933-1650 to RSVP and                    www.SCFTA.org               massive events in New York,        community is also invited to participate in an online auction taking place during the month of
have a link emailed to you                                                California, Israel, Miami, and     February.
before the event.                          Sweeney Todd,
                                                                          London attract thousands of             Dr. Gregg Stone represents exactly what LAEF was looking for in an honoree during this
                                           7pm, The Rose
The lecture will discuss heart                                            restaurateurs, chefs, caterers,    difficult time. In August 2020, Dr. Stone came out of his recent retirement to serve as the
healthy nutrition and will be                                             and foodies who wait all           Interim Principal of Los Alamitos High School in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. He
led by David Shavelle, M.D.,                                              year to sample the latest and      retired as the LAHS Principal in June 2019 after spending 21 years as Assistant Principal and
medical director, Adult                                                   greatest in fine kosher wines       Principal. Even in retirement, Dr. Stone spent the 2019-20 school year volunteering with LAHS
Cardiology, Long Beach              With music and lyrics by              and creative cuisine.              counseling and assisting students needing additional academic and social-emotional support.
Medical Center; and Jamie           Stephen Sondheim, and a
                                                                          Fans of the expo will be               Stone’s leadership and connection to the Griffin community are unparalleled and he is the
Mok, registered dietitian,          book by Hugh Wheeler,
                                                                          thrilled to know that social       ideal leader for the LAHS community during this unprecedented time. He regularly works
Long Beach Medical Center           enjoy highlights from this
                                                                          distancing won’t spoil the         evenings and weekends to monitor and communicate the ever-changing situation of the
                                    Tony Award winning
        Dixie’s Happy Hour,                                               party this year. In fact, those    pandemic. His “Thought-of-the-Week” messages have become legendary with LAHS families;
                                    Victorian era inspired musical
        7pm,                                                              coveted tickets won’t be           they give thought provoking and wise perspectives on life and provide a big-picture view
                                    that features songs like "The
        www.SCFTA.org                                                     needed when the 15th               during very uncertain times.
                                    Worst Pies in London,"
                                                                          annual Kosher Food and                 “When we put out the call for nominations, the considerations focused on someone who
                                    "Pretty Woman," and the
                                                                                                             demonstrates amazing support for Los Al kids, has longevity of service, is well respected in the
                                                                                                             community, and a strong supporter of LAEF. Dr. Stone was the perfect choice! He is a humble
 Explanation of Location Symbols                                                                             and gracious leader who cares deeply for our District community, and we are so excited to
                                                                                                             honor him through this campaign,” said Logue.
         City of                                                                                                 Proceeds from LAEF’s Fundraising February for Los Al Kids will support the launch of the
                                                                                  Online only,               middle school Well Spaces, which provide mental health and wellness services at Oak and
         Cypress                                                                  a virtual event            McAuliffe Middle Schools. LAEF donated $60,000 to build out the spaces and is working to
                                                                                                             develop programing and services in conjunction with district administration. Donations will
         City of                                                                  City of                    also directly fund teachers for free elementary world language classes, which are taking place
         Long Beach                                                               Westminster                online for the 2020-21 school year and include Spanish, Mandarin, Japanese, French and
                                                                                                             American Sign Language. The STEAM initiative and providing fee waiver scholarships for
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from           families in need continue to be areas funded by LAEF donor contributions.
the publisher. Photographs, artwork, advertising and graphics are the property of Orange County Breeze.          For more information and to sponsor, donate or provide auction items for the campaign,
Orange County Breeze assumes no responsibility or liability for claims made by advertisers contained         please visit www.LAEF4Kids.org/FundFeb.
herein. The opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Orange County Breeze or its owners.
Orange County Breeze is not responsible for typographical errors or omissions.                                   LAEF is the non-profit partner of Los Alamitos Unified School District.
FEBRUARY 2021                                                   ORANGE COUNTY BREEZE • DARTS • WWW.OC-BREEZE.COM                                                                          PAGE 5

Orange County Clerk-Recorder to offer first-ever                                                    Wine Experience goes virtual
                                                                                                   on Sunday, February 21 at
                                                                                                                                   stage, this classic fairy tale
                                                                                                                                   musical with music by
                                                                                                                                                                    Foundation will host the 46th
                                                                                                                                                                    Annual Americana Awards
Valentine’s Day virtual marriage services                                                          5:30 p.m. Eastern time (2:30
                                                                                                   p.m. Pacific time).
                                                                                                                                   Richard Rodgers and book
                                                                                                                                   and lyrics by Oscar
                                                                                                                                                                    via an exciting Live Stream
                                                                                                                                                                    Gala and online auction.
    Clerk-Recorder Hugh Nguyen will offer virtual marriage services for the first time on what is   For more information on         Hammerstein II features          Guests will enjoy
considered the most romantic day of the year by many. Although Valentine’s Day lands on a          KFWE 2021, to register, or to   contemporary classics like "In   magnificent Celebration
Sunday this year, that is not stopping Clerk-Recorder Hugh Nguyen from making it memorable         purchase the Official KFWE       My Own Little Corner," "Ten      Packages delivered to
for couples looking to tie the knot from the comfort and safety of their home. The department      2021 Wine Tasting Kit, visit    Minutes Ago," and                locations of their choice
will offer virtual marriage appointments from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on a first come, first served   www.TheKFWE.com.                "Impossible."                    within the Orange County
basis, so schedule yours soon! Couples must purchase a marriage license and have a civil           Participants will receive a                                      area. The Celebration
marriage ceremony performed during their appointment. To complete a marriage license               viewing link for the livecast   FEBRUARY 27, 2021                Packages will include a full
application and make an appointment, couples must visit                                            along with recipes, shopping                                     meal with dessert, wine, the
                                                                                                                                           Cypress Farmers          commemorative program
                              cr.ocgov.com/intranet_oc/emarriage/                                  lists, and a sneak peek at              Market, 9am,
                                                                                                   featured wines.                                                  and other surprises. This
                                                                                                                                           Cottonwood Church        special night will also include
    For more information, please call the department’s information line at 714-834-2500 or visit
                                                                                                           Dixie’s Happy Hour,     parking lot                      a virtual silent and live
                                                                                                           7pm,                             Americana Awards,       auction. The 2021 Americana
    “It has been tradition for my department to always offer marriage services on Valentine’s              www.SCFTA.org                    a virtual livestream    Awards is “The Reunion Year”
Day to ensure that those who want to marry on this day of romance have an opportunity to
                                                                                                            Cinderella, 7pm, The            event, 5:30pm pre-      where we will recognize all
do so,” said Clerk-Recorder Hugh Nguyen. “It gives me great pleasure to be able to bring
                                                                                                            Rose Outdoors,         event online reception, 6pm      former honorees.
couples some happiness during these difficult times.”
    To obtain virtual marriage services on Valentine’s Day, the following requirements apply:               www.rosecenterthea livestream gala,                              Cinderella, 7pm, The
                                                                                                   ter.com/events                  www.americanaawards.org                   Rose Outdoors,
• The couple must appear together on the same video call and be physically present in the
   State of California.                                                                            Originally written for          On Saturday, February 27,                 www.rosecenterthea
                                                                                                   television, but later played on 2021, the Cypress College        ter.com/events
• Your computer must have audio and videoconferencing capabilities.
• You must have a functional e-mail address prior to starting the process.                                                                                                  register online at
• The parties to the marriage license shall have the capability to transmit the marriage license
   via e-mail or other electronic means to the person solemnizing the marriage on the day of
   their appointment.
• Each person must present one form of valid non-expired, government issued photo
   identification such as a driver’s license or a passport.
• If divorced within the last 90 days, please provide a copy of the divorce decree.
• If widowed within the last 90 days, please provide a certified copy of the death certificate.
• Couples are not required to change their name(s). However, if the couple decides to change
   their name(s), they must do so at the time of signing the marriage license. Once the license
   is signed only a court order can change the name(s).
• Couples must purchase a marriage license and have a marriage ceremony performed
   during their appointment.
    For more detailed information, please call the department’s information line at 714-834-
2500 or visit OCRecorder.com. The information line is available Monday through Friday, from
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. except holidays.
FEBRUARY 2021   ORANGE COUNTY BREEZE • DARTS • WWW.OC-BREEZE.COM                                                         PAGE 6

                                                                   Platinum Sponsor - $20,000 - Registration for 10. Full-
                                                                   page color donor acknowledgment in superior location in
                                                                   Americana Program, recognition on website and during
                                                                   virtual event. Identified on Cypress College marquee.
                                                                   Includes ten delivered Americana Celebration Packages.

                                                                   President’s Circle Sponsor - $15,000 - Registration for 10.
                                                                   Full-page color donor acknowledgment in prime location
                                                                   in Americana Program, recognition on website and during
                                                                   virtual event. Includes all Corporate Level President’s Circle
                                                                   Benefits for year-long recognition and events. Includes ten
                                                                   delivered Americana Celebration Packages.

                                                                   Patriot Sponsor - $10,000 - Registration for 10. Full-page
                                                                   color donor acknowledgment in prime location in
                                                                   Americana Program, recognition on website and during
                                                                   virtual event. Includes ten delivered Americana Celebration

                                                                   Founder Sponsor - $5,000 - Registration for 10. Full-page
                                                                   color donor acknowledgment in Americana Program,
                                                                   recognition on website and during virtual event. Includes
                                                                   ten delivered Americana Celebration Packages.

                                                                   Benefactor Sponsor - $3,000 – Registration for 10. Half-
                                                                   page color donor acknowledgment in Americana
                                                                   Program. Includes ten delivered Americana Celebration

                                                                   Spirit Sponsor - $2,000 - Full-page color donor
                                                                   acknowledgment in Americana Program.

                                                                   Patron Sponsor - $1,000 - Half-page color donor
                                                                   acknowledgment in Americana Program.

                                                                   Star Sponsor – $700 – Registration for two and
                                                                   Americana Program listing. Includes two delivered
                                                                   Americana Celebration Packages.

                                                                   Individual tickets - $250 – One Americana registration.
                                                                   Includes one delivered Americana Celebration Package.

                                                                                   For information e-mail
                                                                        Register online at www.AmericanaAwards.org
FEBRUARY 2021       ORANGE COUNTY BREEZE • DARTS • WWW.OC-BREEZE.COM                                                                   PAGE 7

Crossword                      CLUES ACROSS                         59. Deity                            37. Christian creator and ruler of the
                               1. Nuclear near reach weapon         60. A major division of geological   universe

First week of February         5. Of she
                               8. Hyperbolic function
                                                                    61. Fishing net
                                                                                                         38. They __
                                                                                                         40. Caused severe damage
                               12. Rice dish                        62. Small Caribbean bird             41. Work done under harsh
                                                                    63. Field force unit                 conditions for no pay
                               14. A team’s best pitcher
                                                                    64. Japanese beverage                42. One point east of due south
                               15. Strong and healthy
                                                                                                         43. Sea eagles
                               16. Induces
                                                                    CLUES DOWN                           44. Drenched
                               18. Popular manga series
                                                                    1. Prevents oil spills               45. State capital
                               19. From a distance
                                                                    2. Monetary unit                     47. Italian city
                               20. Split
                                                                    3. The color of the sky              48. Sweetheart (archaic)
                               21. Consumed
                                                                    4. Dough used to make tortillas      49. Brief talk
                               22. Cushions
                                                                    5. Popular comic strip character     52. Popular disco group: Bee __
                               23. All over
                                                                    6. Distinct form of a plant          53. First Chinese dynasty
                               26. One who provides food
                                                                    7. Replenishment                     54. Military vehicle
                               30. St. __ Girl, brand of beer
                                                                    8. Has its own altar                 55. Chinese Moslem
                               31. Walking slowly
                               32. Wood                             9. Expedition to see animals
                               33. Semitic gods                     10. Group of related
                               34. Bugle
                                                                    11. His and __
                               39. 60-minute periods (abbr.)
                               42. Congressman
                                                                    13. Frenetically              Sudoku solution (next page)
                                                                    17. Small integer
                               44. Plant of the heath family
                                                                    24. Unit of energy
                               46. Subdivision of an army
                                                                    25. Studies of culture
                               47. Having many different forms
                                                                    26. Taxi
                               49. Shellfish
                                                                    27. Doctors’ group
                               50. Latin for hail
                                                                    28. Don’t know when yet
                               51. Between sixth and seventh
                                                                    29. Former measure of
                               56. Maori war dance                  length
                               57. Precious or semiprecious stone   35. Popular CBS series
                               58. Teeter totter                    36. Skin condition

                                Want to sponsor our puzzle pages? Email ads@oc-breeze.com!
FEBRUARY 2021                                    ORANGE COUNTY BREEZE • DARTS • WWW.OC-BREEZE.COM                        PAGE 8

First week of February
Fun By The Numbers
Like puzzles? Then you’ll love sudoku. This
mind-bending puzzle will have you hooked
from the moment you square off, so sharpen
your pencil and put your sudoku savvy to the
Here’s How It Works:
Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid,
broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a
sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each
row, column and box. Each number can appear
only once in each row, column and box. You
can figure out the order in which the numbers
will appear by using the numeric clues already
provided in the boxes. The more numbers you
name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!
                                                                                                    Crossword solution
                                                                                                    (previous page)
You can also read