EthicalMUN II FIFA Committee on Corruption and Transparency - Chairs: Zachary Zemmel and Cal Gelernt

Page created by Alicia Harris
EthicalMUN II FIFA Committee on Corruption and Transparency - Chairs: Zachary Zemmel and Cal Gelernt
EthicalMUN II
FIFA Committee on
Corruption and
Zachary Zemmel and
Cal Gelernt

Crisis Director:
Anton Van Schaik
EthicalMUN II FIFA Committee on Corruption and Transparency - Chairs: Zachary Zemmel and Cal Gelernt
EthicalMUN II
                          Dear Delegates,

                          Welcome to EthicalMUN II! Specifically, welcome to the FIFA Crisis Committee.
                          We hope that this committee will provide all of you with an interesting debate about
                          the world’s most popular (and in our opinion, greatest) sport. Over the course of the
Theo Dassin               coming weekend, we will examine issues that surround not only the sport in general;
Co-Secretary General      the global politics that surround soccer (football) will be discussed passionately too.
                          For this reason, many interesting characters from both the political and sporting
Iva Knezevic              sides of football will be portrayed. We hope to see you all are looking forward to the
Co-Secretary General      conference as much as we are.

Alex Keswani              The purpose of this background guide is to help you in your research for this crisis
Chief of Staff            committee; it has a comprehensive summary of each of the characters and their
                          positions. Additionally, it contains a detailed history of the subject. This being said,
Ryan Kelly                it is not sufficient for your research on the topic. For this reason, you must do your
Vice-Secretary of         own individual research to prepare for this committee. Finally, the questions to
Committees                consider are particularly important in this committee, and you are encouraged to do
                          your research and construct your position papers around the questions specifically.
Olivia Becker
Vice-Secretary of         This is a crisis committee and you should be prepared for the possible issues that
Administration            Anton, our crisis director, will create. It important to note that our committee is
                          technically a historical committee as we begin on February 1, 2018. This
                          committee will not be acting as any particular branch of FIFA. Rather, it has brought
Halle Friedman            current and former FIFA officials, governmental representatives, and important
Vice-Secretary of
                          people in the football world to discuss (and possibly punish) violations of different
                          laws, statutes, and codes related to corruption and transparency. Additionally, this
                          committee will look to find methods to stop corrupt practices and increase
Leilani Elkaslasy         transparency in the future.
Community Service
Director                  This committee will use the standard crisis committee parliamentary procedure. Due
                          to the nature of this committee, it is impossible to know the length of time for which
Abby Gewirtz              each topic is discussed in advance. Therefore, you should be prepared for
Director of Photography   substantive debates and discussions on all topics mentioned in this background
Prez Thomas, Ben
Kaiser, Max Zalta,        Please note: Descriptions were not written about Swiss and American
and David Runte           government officials as they will represent the interests of their entire
Senior Staff              government, rather than themselves.

                          If you have any questions about this committee, please email us.


                          Zachary Zemmel (,
                          Cal Gelernt (
                          Co-Chairs FIFA Crisis Committee
EthicalMUN II FIFA Committee on Corruption and Transparency - Chairs: Zachary Zemmel and Cal Gelernt
FIFA                                EthicalMUN II                                       Crisis

 General History of FIFA
 On the 21st of May, 1904, the Fédération
 Internationale de Football Association
 (FIFA) was founded with the intention of
 promoting the game of football
 internationally and creating a unified set of
 laws surrounding how the game was played.
 FIFA began as an organization that solely
 governed Europe. However, it started to
 expand out of the continent as early as 1909.   Figure 1: FIFA Headquarters in Zurich,
 Unfortunately, the First World War put a
 halt on FIFA’s operations and most sport        Corruption at FIFA
 worldwide. This meant that FIFA’s congress      Allegations of FIFA’s corruption first began
 would not meet for another seven years.   1
                                                 during João Havelange’s presidency when
 Nonetheless, Uruguay hosted the first FIFA      Swiss court documents implicated him and
 World Cup in 1930 with much financial           his son in law, Ricardo Teixeira, in
 success even though only four European          receiving kickbacks from a marketing
 nations competed (the most notable              company, ISL. Since then, numerous cases
 establishments of football were in Europe at    of corruption in FIFA have been uncovered,
 the time). Although the outbreak of World       including cases of match-fixing. In 2015, the
 War II occurred only nine years after the       United States and Switzerland began
 first World Cup, FIFA had doubled in size       investigations into FIFA corruption. In May,
 since 1921. Around 1970, FIFA president         seven FIFA officials were arrested by Swiss
 Dr. Joao Havelange started to use FIFA as a     Police on behalf of the United States and its
 tool to “[promote] technical development        ongoing FBI investigation into FIFA. Then,
 worldwide” as opposed to pure competition.      on December 3, 2015, 23 FIFA officials
 Additionally, Havelange used the                were indicted on a combined total of 92
 organization to promote diplomacy between       criminal charges, including fraud and
 nations that continued into the presidency of   racketeering. Bribery was not one of the
 Joseph ‘Sepp’ Blatter. 2
                                                 charges listed, however, the prosecutors
                                                 stated they were looking into the World Cup

FIFA                                 EthicalMUN II                                    Crisis

 bidding process. The Indictments allege that    In 2013, Chuck Blazer, the second-in-
 the criminal schemes lasted 24 years. FIFA      command at The Confederation of North,
 and President Sepp Blatter have denied the      Central American and Caribbean
 allegations. Although Blatter defeated          Association Football (CONCACAF) plead
 Prince Ali bin Hussein in the FIFA 2015         guilty to corruption charges. Blazer was
 election, Blatter resigned on June 2, 2015,     granted immunity in exchange for becoming
 amid the scandal. He was subsequently           an informant to the FBI and the US
 banned from any soccer-related activities for   Department of Justice (DOJ) in exchange for
 eight years.                                    providing information about illegal FIFA
                                                 activities taking place on American soil.5
 Role of the Swiss Government                    From Blazer’s testimony, the US

 FIFA is headquartered in Zurich,                Government learned that Jeffery Webb, the
 Switzerland. Therefore, the Swiss               head of CONCACAF and former Vice

 government has jurisdiction over much of        President of FIFA, was taking bribes from

 the area in which crimes were being             sports marketing officials. This bribery, in

 committed by FIFA officials. In 2015, Swiss     the form of $110 million, the DOJ learned,
 police raided the Baur au Lac Hotel in          resulted in the US hosting the 2016 Copa
 Zurich and arrested seven FIFA officials.       América.

 These officials were extradited to the United
                                                 The FBI and DOJ are still continuing with
 States because the arrests were part of an
                                                 their investigations. Nonetheless, nine FIFA
 FBI investigation into the corruption
                                                 officials and five corporate executives have
 allegations made against FIFA.4
                                                 been indicted by the United States
                                                 government for conspiracy, racketeering,
 Role of the U.S Government                      and corruption.6
 The United States Government continues
 plays a large role in the prosecution of FIFA
 officials. This is because many of the crimes
 committed by FIFA officials involved the
 US banking system.

FIFA                                EthicalMUN II   Crisis

 Questions to Consider:
 1. Should those who oversaw corruption at
    FIFA be held responsible? How so?
       a. If they are to be prosecuted
           criminally, noting the lack of
           enforcing power this committee
           has, how can it try those who
           have been accused of
    2. Given the issues surrounding the
       2018 and 2022 World Cups, how can
       the World Cup bidding process be
       improved in terms of transparency?
       a. Given the human rights issues
           that have arisen, should Russia
           and Qatar even be permitted to
           keep the World Cup?
             i. How can these issues be
                better addressed in the
    3. How should FIFA restructure to
       better prevent corruption?
       a. Should an independent overseer
           be created?
       b. Should it disband entirely?

FIFA                                EthicalMUN II                                      Crisis

 Portfolio Powers                                entities like banks in the US), has voting
 Swiss Government
 Michael Lauber (Attorney General)
 Can choose to prosecute anyone if he can        Non-Governmental Officials
 demonstrate probable cause (to the chairs) of   Gianni Infantino (President of FIFA)
 a crime being committed by them in Swiss        Gianni Infantino is the Swiss/Italian current

 territory (or when interacting with Swiss       president of FIFA. He assumed the office on

 entities like banks in Switzerland), has        February 26, 2016. Although he campaigned

 voting rights.                                  for the position on the promise of decreasing
                                                 corruption, he has been involved in scandals

 Simonetta Sommaruga (Federal                    himself. Firstly, he was heavily criticized
 Councilor - Head - of Federal Department        when he suddenly removed Cornel Borbély,
 of Justice and Police)
 Can call for police raids on Swiss territory,   the former head of the Investigatory

 can make arrests on Swiss territory, can        Chamber of the FIFA Ethics Board, along

 choose to accept or deny warrant requests by    with other Ethics Board members who were

 other Swiss government officials for police     investigating him for malpractice. This

 raids or arrests (all with probable cause as    investigation was concerned with the

 determined by the chairs), has voting rights.   allegations that he tried to influence a
                                                 Confederation of African Football (CAF)

 Guy Parmelin (Head of Federal                   presidential election. The other main

 Department of Defense, Civil Protection,        criticism surrounding Infantino’s supposed
 and Sport)
 Can direct Swiss military, make decisions       lack of transparency comes from his

 about Swiss governance of sport, has voting     involvement in the Mossack Fonseca

 rights.                                         “Panama Papers” leak; when he was the
                                                 director of legal services at UEFA, he may
                                                 have signed off on a contract with two
 United States Government
 Jeff Sessions (Attorney General)                Argentinian businessmen who have now
 Can choose to prosecute anyone if he can        been accused of bribery. This contract was

 demonstrate probable cause (to the chairs) of   apparently related to a TV deal for UEFA
 a crime being committed by them in US           Champions League broadcasting rights.
 territory (or when interacting with American    While UEFA and Infantino claim the
                                                 broadcasting rights were sold to the highest

FIFA                                  EthicalMUN II                                        Crisis

 bidder, US prosecutors claim that millions         Fatma Samba Diouf Samoura (Secretary-
                                                    General of FIFA)
 of dollars in bribes were given to UEFA
                                                    Fatma Samoura is a Senegalese senior
 officials to secure broadcasting rights. He
                                                    United Nations official and the current
 has the power to make decisions about
                                                    Secretary-General of FIFA. Her
 administration of FIFA, hire and fire FIFA
                                                    appointment by the FIFA council in May
 officials, has voting rights.
                                                    2016 was widely seen as a positive step for
                                                    FIFA as she is the first African and the first
 Joseph “Sepp” Blatter (Former President
                                                    woman to hold the position. However, her
 of FIFA)
 Sepp Blatter is a Swiss former president of        involvement in the CAF election scandal
 FIFA. He started his term in 1998 and              with Gianni Infantino has cast major doubts
 announced his resignation on June 2, 2015,         on her credibility. In order to help get her
 amidst new allegations surrounding his             favored candidate, Ahmad Ahmad, elected,
 involvement in the FIFA corruption scandal.        she supposedly promised presidents of
 He stated that he planned to resign by             different football associations that she could
 February of 2016. In September of 2015, the        “accelerate payments of FIFA development
 Swiss government began an investigation            money to their [respective] football
 into his relationship with the president of        associations if the presidents voted for
 UEFA at the time, Michel Platini. While            Ahmad.” She has the power to make
 they were both cleared of corruption               decisions about FIFA’s administration, hire
 charges, Blatter was discovered to have            and fire FIFA officials and has voting rights.
 given a $1.7 million payment to Platini.
 They were both subsequently banned from            Jérôme Valcke (Former Secretary-
                                                    General of FIFA)
 all football-related activities for eight years
                                                    Jérôme Valcke is a French former Secretary-
 (later reduced to six) for conflict of interest,
                                                    General of FIFA. He was banned from
 dereliction of duty, and the “disloyal
                                                    football-related activities for 12 years (later
 payment.” He has voting rights and access to
                                                    reduced to 10) in January of 2016 for his
 $20 million.
                                                    role in a number of scandals. He was found
                                                    to have breached seven counts of the FIFA
                                                    Ethics code. For example, he took private
                                                    flights rather than commercial ones “without

FIFA                                 EthicalMUN II                                        Crisis

 any business rationale for doing so.” More
                                                    Warner. He subsequently “used the payment
 importantly, however, he attempted to              for cash withdrawals, personal loans, and to
 facilitate the sale of TV rights for the 2018      launder money.” He has access to $160
 and 2022 World Cups “for a fee far below           million and voting rights.
 their actual value.” It was additionally found     Maria Claudia Rojas (Chair of the
                                                    Investigatory Chamber of the FIFA
 that Valcke “had helped a sports marketing
                                                    Ethics Committee)
 firm gain an undue advantage from the              Maria Claudia Rojas is the Colombian chair
 selling of World Cup tickets.” Finally,            of the Investigatory Chamber of the FIFA
 Valcke deleted files, folders, and emails          Ethics Committee. While she has not been
 relevant to the investigation against him          accused of corruption, her competence as
 despite knowing that they were relevant            chair of the committee was called into
 pieces of evidence. He presumably did this         question by a recent report by Anne
 with the intent to obstruct the investigation.     Brasseur, a representative of the
 He has voting rights and $5 million.               Luxembourg Democratic Party and
                                                    president of the Council of Europe’s
 Jack Warner (Former President of                   parliamentary assembly. The report states
 CONCAF and Former Vice President of
                                                    that Rojas does not have “the requisite
 Jack Warner is a Trinidadian former                experience of conducting criminal or
 President of CONCACAF and Vice                     financial investigations” necessary to chair
 President of FIFA. He was banned from              the committee. “her lack of knowledge of
 football-related activities for life in 2015 and   English and French is a major obstacle, as
 is currently indicted by the US government         almost all documents [relevant to the
 for corruption. He was found to have               investigations] are in one of these two
 received $10 million in bribes, sent on            languages.” The report suggests that her
 behalf of South Africa, in return for his vote     capacity to examine confidential work is
 for South Africa to host the 2010 World            limited because she often requires
 Cup. While the money was meant to be used          translators who do not have the necessary
 for the Caribbean Diaspora Legacy                  clearance to view confidential documents.
 Programme (a program meant to develop              However, much of the criticism of Rojas
 football in the Caribbean), it was arguably        comes down to the fact that she is largely
 understood that it was, in fact, a bribe to        seen as failing in terms of investigating the

FIFA                                 EthicalMUN II                                       Crisis

 Russian doping scandal. Currently, Rojas is       committee members if the investigatory
 responsible for investigating Vitaly Mutko        branch comes up with findings about them.
 along with any Russian footballers who may
 have broken the rules surrounding doping.         Mohammed bin Hammam (Former
                                                   President of the AFC)
 She has voting rights and the power to start
                                                   Mohammed bin Hammam is a Qatari former
 investigations into different crisis committee
                                                   President of the Asian Football
 members (chairs will give results of
                                                   Confederation (AFC). In 2011, he ran
                                                   against Sepp Blatter for President of FIFA
                                                   and promised that he would bring more
 Vassilios Skouris (Chair of the
                                                   transparency to the position.20 However, he
 Adjudicatory Chamber of the FIFA
 Ethics Committee and the Former                   withdrew his candidacy three days before
 President of the European Court of
                                                   the vote when it was discovered that he paid
 Vassilios Skouris is the Greek chair of the       $1 million to 25 members of the Caribbean
 Adjudicatory Chamber of the FIFA Ethics           Football Union in exchange for their votes.
 Committee and the former president of the         Additionally, he was suspected of being
 European Court of Justice. As chair, he           involved in a vote-trading pact with Angel
 oversees rulings made by the adjudicatory         Maria Villar Llona which was designed to
 chamber. Skouris is a well-respected and          help Qatar’s World Cup bid. This caused
 holds honorable distinctions from the Greek,      him to be banned for life from football-
 Cypriot, Austrian, French, Romanian, and          related activities. He later appealed this ban.
 Italian governments.18 While the                  However, he received a second life ban
 appointment of Skouris was not                    when it was discovered that he had
 controversial, the Infantino’s effective firing   “conflicts of interest” as president of the
 of Hans-Joachim Eckert, the judge who             AFC.21 He has voting rights and access to
 preceded Skouris, was. By getting rid of          $70 million.
 Eckert, many argue that Infantino was trying
 to hide information and that the firing of        Michael J. Garcia (Former Chairman of
                                                   the Investigatory Chamber of the FIFA
 Eckert was a “purge for reasons of self-
                                                   Ethics Committee)
 interest from the FIFA president.”19 He has       Michael J. Garcia is an American lawyer,
 voting rights and the power to try and            judge, and former Chairman of the
 sentence (on permission of the chairs)            Investigatory Chamber of the FIFA Ethics

FIFA                                   EthicalMUN II                                   Crisis

 Committee. In 2012, FIFA launched an             Committee, and International Olympic
 independent investigation, led by Garcia,        Committee. Nsekera was the first woman to
 into the bidding process for hosting rights of   hold a seat on the executive committee.24
 the 2018 and 2022 World Cups. Garcia             She has largely focused her time on the
 finished his investigation in 2014 and wrote     FIFA Council on anti-corruption work. She
 a 350-page report. However, FIFA and             is one of the few members of this committee
 Hans-Joachim Eckert declined to release the      who has actual experience in drafting anti-
 full report and instead released a 42-page       corruption legislation.25 She can issue
 summary. Garcia described the summary as         official suggestions for appointments and
 “materially incomplete,” and stated that it      dismissals of FIFA Executive Officials
 had “erroneous representations of the facts      (President, VP, Secretary-General, Different
 and conclusions [of the original report].” For   FIFA Committee Chairs, etc.) and has
 this reason, the Associated Press wrote that     voting rights.
 Eckert’s summary “was denounced by
 critics as a whitewash.”22 Garcia appealed       Sunil Gulati (Former President of United
                                                  States Soccer Federation)
 the decision to not release the report to the
                                                  Sunil Gulati is the American representative
 FIFA Appeal Committee. The Appeal
                                                  of the FIFA Council and the president of the
 Committee deemed Garcia’s appeal “not
                                                  United States Soccer Federation (USSF). He
 admissible.” Garcia resigned a day later in
                                                  was widely criticized for a lack of leadership
 protest citing “a lack of leadership” and lost
                                                  after the US Men’s National Team
 confidence in Eckert’s independence from
                                                  (USMNT) failed to qualify for the 2018
 FIFA’s oversight.23 He has voting rights and
                                                  World Cup. For this reason, he is not
 can indict and sentence (on permission of
                                                  seeking reelection in the 2018 USSF
 the chairs) individuals if trial is in a court
                                                  presidential election.26 Despite his supposed
 under jurisdiction of NY State Court of
                                                  failures with the USMNT, Gulati has
                                                  managed to keep the USSF largely clear of
                                                  the FIFA corruption scandal.27 Though
 Lydia Nsekera (Member of the FIFA
                                                  Gulati was close to Chuck Blazer, there are
 Executive Committee)
 Lydia Nsekera is a Burundian member of           currently no major links between the USSF
 the FIFA Council, FIFA Executive                 and the scandal. In fact, Gulati was one of
 Committee, FIFA Women’s Football                 several FIFA Executive Committee

FIFA                                 EthicalMUN II                                  Crisis

 members to call for the release of the full    executive decisions about appointments and
 Garcia Report.28 He can issue official         dismissals within FIFA, make decisions
 suggestions for appointments and dismissals    about governance of football in Asia, and
 of FIFA Executive Officials (President, VP,    has voting rights.
 Secretary-General, Different FIFA
 Committee Chairs, etc.), has voting rights,    Michel Platini (Former President of
 hire and fire members of the USSF, and
                                                Michel Platini is a former French player
 make decisions about governance of football
                                                considered to be one of the best footballers
 in the US.
                                                of all time and was subsequently a football
                                                administrator. Platini served as the French
 Sheikh Salman bin Ibrahim Al-Khalifa
                                                national team coach for 4 years before being
 (President of the AFC)
 Sheikh Salman bin Ibrahim Al- Khalifa is       elected the sixth president of UEFA, serving
 the President of the Asian Football            from December 2007 to December 2015.
 Confederation and a Vice-President of          Platini was involved in the 2015 corruption
 FIFA. He assumed office on May 2, 2013.        scandal. Swiss prosecutors accused then
 Additionally, he is a member of the FIFA       FIFA president Sepp Blatter of making a
 Council and chairman of the FIFA               “disloyal payment” to Platini of $2 million.
 development committee. Amid the                Swiss attorney general Michael Lauber
 corruption scandal, Salman was seen as a       claimed that Platini was investigated and
 quality alternative to Sepp Blatter and many   questioned by the Swiss government, and
 believed he would be the next president of     Platini was placed under special
 FIFA. In October 2015, Sheikh Salman           investigation by the FIFA ethics committee
 announced his candidacy to become the          in September of 2015. On October 8, 2015,
 FIFA’s next president. During the campaign,    Platini was provisionally suspended for 90
 several allegations of using money from        days and then, on December 21, Platini was
 development project funds to finance his       barred from football for eight years. The
 campaign as well as allegations of forming     committee stated that Platini "did not show
 illegal alliances to influence the election    commitment to an ethical attitude during his
 ended up costing him the election. He was      tenure.” He has access to $140 million and
 defeated by the UEFA Secretary-General at      has voting rights.
 the time, Gianni Infantino.30 He can make

FIFA                                   EthicalMUN II                                    Crisis

 Edson “Pelé” Arantes do Nascimento               praised for being a visionary and attempting
 (Former Football Player)
                                                  to put the tiny country of Qatar on the map.
 Edson Arantes do Nascimento, commonly
                                                  Yet the decision to place the World Cup in
 referred to as Pelé, is the widely regarded as
                                                  Qatar was met with tremendous amounts of
 the greatest footballer ever. He played for
                                                  criticism from football experts and human
 the Brazilian national team and the club
                                                  rights groups. Among the concerns are the
 teams Santos and New York Cosmos. After
                                                  climate in Qatar, human rights abuse of
 his retirement from football, Pele became an
                                                  laborers, the high expected cost, and the
 outspoken critic of Brazilian football
                                                  various allegations of bribery involved in the
 administrators in 1990s. In 1993, Pele
                                                  bid for the location. Several former FIFA
 publicly accused Ricardo Teixeira, then the
                                                  officials have publicly admitted the decision
 president of the Brazilian Football
                                                  was a mistake, including Sepp Blatter and
 Confederation, of corruption. Pele also
                                                  Theo Zwanziger. The decision was often
 heavily criticized FIFA’s decision to put the
                                                  cited as one of the main examples of
 2016 World Cup in Brazil, a country rife
                                                  corruption in FIFA during the 2015 scandal.
 with poverty, because of the amount of
                                                  He has $2.4 billion and has voting rights.
 money Brazil’s government would be forced
 to spend. Pele also called the 2015
                                                  Vitaly Mutko (President of the Russian
 corruption scandal “a shame,” and criticized
                                                  Football Union)
 FIFA’s leadership. He has $100 million, can      Vitaly Mutko is the Deputy Prime Minister
 call for protests/demonstrations throughout      of Russia and the Russian Football Union
 the Americas and Europe, and has voting          President. He assumed office in October
 rights.                                          2016 and was previously the Minister of
                                                  Sport. In that position, Mutko was the
 Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Bin Ahmed               chairman of Russia’s successful bid for the
 Al-Thani (Former Emir of Qatar)
                                                  2018 World Cup. Mutko was criticized for
 Hamad Bin Khalifa Bin Ahmed Al-Thani is
                                                  saying there was corruption in English
 a member of the Qatari royal family and was
                                                  Football, a rival bidding nation, but later
 the Emir of Qatar (the country’s highest
                                                  said, "What I meant was that sometimes the
 position) from 1995-2013. Under his
                                                  English media say there is corruption in
 leadership, Qatar won the bid to host the
                                                  Russia, but I meant that if you dig deeply
 2022 World Cup. Initially, Al-Thani was
                                                  you find corruption in any country." He was

FIFA                                EthicalMUN II   Crisis

 also appointed to FIFA’s Executive
 Committee in 2009. In 2015, Mutko was
 accused of complicity in a wide range
 doping scheme involving the Russian Track
 and Field Team. Though some said it was
 impossible for him to be aware of it, he was
 banned for life from Olympic games by the
 International Olympic Committee. Because
 of the doping ban, Mutko is expected to step
 down from his post as Russian Football
 Union President as of February 2018. In
 March 2017, Mutko was barred from
 seeking re-election as a member of FIFA’s
 council due to his governmental position.37
 He can make executive decisions about
 governance and policy of Russian
 government (including hiring/firing), make
 executive decisions about governance of
 Russian football, and has voting rights.

FIFA                              EthicalMUN II                                    Crisis

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FIFA                               EthicalMUN II                                  Crisis

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