MINUTES - EN - European Union

MINUTES - EN - European Union
2019 - 2020


                          of the sitting of

                         29 January 2020

P9_PV-PROV(2020)01-29     PROVISIONAL VERSION   PE 647.765

EN                      United in diversity       EN

*                  Consultation procedure
***                Consent procedure
***I               Ordinary legislative procedure: first reading
***II              Ordinary legislative procedure: second reading
***III             Ordinary legislative procedure: third reading
(The type of procedure is determined by the legal basis proposed in the draft act.)


AFET                Committee on Foreign Affairs
DEVE                Committee on Development
INTA                Committee on Trade
BUDG                Committee on Budgets
CONT                Committee on Budgetary Control
ECON                Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs
EMPL                Committee on Employment and Social Affairs
ENVI                Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
ITRE                Committee on Industry, Research and Energy
IMCO                Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection
TRAN                Committee on Transport and Tourism
REGI                Committee on Regional Development
AGRI                Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development
PECH                Committee on Fisheries
CULT                Committee on Culture and Education
JURI                Committee on Legal Affairs
LIBE                Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
AFCO                Committee on Constitutional Affairs
FEMM                Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality
PETI                Committee on Petitions

DROI                Subcommittee on Human Rights
SEDE                Subcommittee on Security and Defence

                               ABBREVIATIONS USED FOR POLITICAL GROUPS

PPE                 Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)
S&D                 Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament
Renew               Renew Europe Group
Verts/ALE           Group of the Greens / European Free Alliance
ID                  Identity and Democracy Group
ECR                 European Conservatives and Reformists Group
GUE/NGL             Group of the European United Left / Nordic Green Left
NI                  Non-attached Members
1. Resumption of the session................................................................................................................. 3

2. Opening of the sitting......................................................................................................................... 3

3. Formal sitting - International Holocaust Remembrance Day - 75th anniversary of the liberation of

4. Resumption of the sitting....................................................................................................................3

5. Approval of the minutes of the previous sitting...................................................................................4

6. Composition of Parliament................................................................................................................. 4

7. Composition of political groups...........................................................................................................4

8. Composition of committees and delegations.......................................................................................4

9. Negotiations ahead of Council's first reading (Rule 72)..................................................................... 4

10. Signing of acts adopted in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure (Rule 79)................. 5

11. Action taken on Parliament's resolutions.......................................................................................... 5

12. Delegated acts (Rule 111(2))........................................................................................................... 5

13. Implementing measures (Rule 112).................................................................................................. 6

14. Documents received........................................................................................................................ 6

15. Order of business.............................................................................................................................7

16. Withdrawal Agreement of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the
European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community *** (debate)........................................ 9

17. Voting time..................................................................................................................................... 10

    17.1. Withdrawal Agreement of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from
    the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community *** (vote)............................... 10

18. Explanations of vote....................................................................................................................... 11

19. Corrections to votes and voting intentions.......................................................................................11

20. Resumption of the sitting................................................................................................................ 11

21. Coronavirus outbreak (debate) ...................................................................................................... 11

P9_PV-PROV(2020)01-29                                                                                                            PE 647.765 - 1
22. Rights of indigenous peoples (debate)............................................................................................ 12

23. India's Citizenship (Amendment) Act 2019 (debate)...................................................................... 12

24. Urgent humanitarian situation on Greek Islands, especially of children - ensuring protection,
relocation and family reunification (debate) ........................................................................................ 13

25. EU strategy for sustainable mobility and transport: measures needed until 2030 and beyond
(debate) .............................................................................................................................................. 13

26. One-minute speeches on matters of political importance................................................................14

27. Decision to draw up an own-initiative report (Rule 54).................................................................. 14

28. Decision to apply a joint committee meetings procedure (Rule 58)................................................ 14

29. Agenda of the next sitting...............................................................................................................14

30. Closure of the sitting...................................................................................................................... 14

ATTENDANCE REGISTER.............................................................................................................. 15

P9_PV-PROV(2020)01-29                                                                                                              PE 647.765 - 2

                                       2019 - 2020 SESSION

                                 Sittings of 29 and 30 January 2020



                                 WEDNESDAY 29 JANUARY 2020

                                IN THE CHAIR: David Maria SASSOLI

1. Resumption of the session
The session suspended on Thursday 16 January 2020 was resumed.

2. Opening of the sitting
The sitting opened at 15.08.

3. Formal sitting - International Holocaust Remembrance Day - 75th
anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz
From 15.08 to 16.10, a formal sitting of Parliament was held on the occasion of the International
Holocaust Remembrance Day – 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.

The cellist Mischa Maisky and the pianist Max Maisky performed the piece 'Prayer', from 'Jewish
Life' by Ernest Bloch.

The President and Liliana Segre, who is an Italian senator for life and an Auschwitz survivor, made

Parliament observed a minute's silence.

Ursula von der Leyen (President of the Commission) made a speech.

The Karski Quartet and the mezzo-soprano Naomi Couquet performed 'Kaddish' by Maurice Ravel.

                                (The sitting was suspended at 16.10.)

4. Resumption of the sitting
The sitting resumed at 16.16.

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5. Approval of the minutes of the previous sitting
The minutes of the previous sitting were approved.

6. Composition of Parliament
The Austrian authorities had given notice of the election of Christian Sagartz to replace Karoline
Edtstadler as Member of Parliament with effect from 23 January 2020.
The British authorities had given notice of the election of Heather Anderson to replace Alyn Smith as
Member of Parliament with effect from 27 January 2020.
Parliament took note of their election.

Under Rule 3(2), until such time as their credentials had been verified or a ruling had been given on
any dispute, and provided that they had previously made a written declaration stating that they did not
hold any office incompatible with that of Member of the European Parliament, Christian Sagartz and
Heather Anderson would take their seats in Parliament and on its bodies and would enjoy all the rights
attaching thereto.

7. Composition of political groups
Martin Buschmann had left the GUE/NGL Group as of 29 January 2020

and would henceforth sit with the non-attached Members.

8. Composition of committees and delegations
The President had received from the Renew Group the following decisions changing the composition
of the committees and delegations:

EMPL Committee: Atidzhe Alieva-Veli was no longer a member

AGRI Committee: Atidzhe Alieva-Veli to replace Sheila Ritchie

The decisions took effect as of that day.

9. Negotiations ahead of Council's first reading (Rule 72)
The President announced that the EMPL and ECON Committees had decided to enter into
interinstitutional negotiations, in accordance with Rule 72, on the basis of Parliament's following
positions at first reading:

—     European Parliament legislative resolution of 16 January 2019 on the proposal for a regulation of
      the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund
      (EGF) (COM(2018)0380 – C8-0231/2018 – 2018/0202(COD)) - position at first reading P8_TA

—      European Parliament legislative resolution of 27 March 2019 on the proposal for a regulation of
      the European Parliament and of the Council on a framework for the recovery and resolution of
      central counterparties and amending Regulations (EU) No 1095/2010, (EU) No 648/2012, and
      (EU) 2015/2365 (COM(2016)0856 – C8-0484/2016 – 2016/0365(COD)) - position at first
      reading P8_TA(2019)0300.

P9_PV-PROV(2020)01-29                                                                      PE 647.765 - 4
10. Signing of acts adopted in accordance with the ordinary
legislative procedure (Rule 79)
The President announced that, together with the President of the Council, on Wednesday 29 January
2020 he would sign the following act adopted in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure:

- Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) No 1306/2013
as regards financial discipline as from financial year 2021 and Regulation (EU) No 1307/2013
(00095/2019/LEX - C9-0012/2020 - 2019/0253(COD))

11. Action taken on Parliament's resolutions
The Commission communication on the action taken on the resolutions adopted by Parliament during
the September 2019 part-session was available on Parliament's website.

12. Delegated acts (Rule 111(2))
The following draft delegated acts had been forwarded to Parliament:

- Commission Delegated Regulation amending Annex II to Regulation (EU) 2018/848 of the European
Parliament and of the Council as regards certain detailed production rules for organic products (C
(2020)00051 - 2020/2516(DEA))

Deadline for raising objections: 2 months from the date of receipt of 13 January 2020

referred to committee responsible: AGRI

- Commission Delegated Regulation correcting certain language versions of Delegated Regulation
(EU) No 1254/2014 supplementing Directive 2010/30/EU of the European Parliament and of the
Council with regard to energy labelling of residential ventilation units (C(2020)00142 - 2020/2526

Deadline for raising objections: 2 months from the date of receipt of 20 January 2020

referred to committee responsible: ITRE

- Commission Delegated Regulation correcting the Polish language version of Delegated Regulation
(EU) 2015/208 supplementing Regulation (EU) No 167/2013 of the European Parliament and of the
Council with regard to vehicle functional safety requirements for the approval of agricultural and
forestry vehicles (C(2020)00187 - 2020/2530(DEA))

Deadline for raising objections: 2 months from the date of receipt of 21 January 2020

referred to committee responsible: IMCO

- Commission Delegated Regulation supplementing Directive (EU) 2017/2397 of the European
Parliament and of the Council with regard to the standards for databases for the Union certificates of
qualification, service record books and logbooks (C(2020)00248 - 2020/2528(DEA))

Deadline for raising objections: 2 months from the date of receipt of 20 January 2020

P9_PV-PROV(2020)01-29                                                                   PE 647.765 - 5
referred to committee responsible: TRAN, EMPL (Rule 57)

- Commission Delegated Regulation on the European Hull Data Base (C(2020)00255 - 2020/2527

Deadline for raising objections: 2 months from the date of receipt of 20 January 2020

referred to committee responsible: TRAN

Draft delegated act for which the deadline has been amended from 1 to 3 months at the
request of the committee responsible:

Commission Delegated Regulation amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/2251 as regards the
specification of the treatment of OTC derivatives in connection with certain simple, transparent and
standardised securitisations for hedging purposes (C(2019) 8950 – 2019/3011(DEA))

Period for lodging objections: 3 months from the date of receipt of 17 December 2019, at the request
of the committee responsible.

referred to committee responsible: ECON

13. Implementing measures (Rule 112)
The following draft implementing measures falling under the regulatory procedure with scrutiny had
been forwarded to Parliament:

- Commission Regulation correcting certain language versions of Regulation (EU) No 1253/2014
implementing Directive 2009/125/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to
ecodesign requirements for ventilation units (D064375/02 - 2020/2517(RPS) - deadline: 13 April 2020)
referred to committee responsible: ENVI

- Draft Commission Regulation correcting the Swedish language version of Regulation (EU) No
68/2013 on the catalogue of feed materials (D065323/01 - 2020/2529(RPS) - deadline: 22 April 2020)
referred to committee responsible: AGRI

14. Documents received
The following documents had been received:

1) from other institutions

- Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the Just
Transition Fund (COM(2020)0022 - C9-0007/2020 - 2020/0006(COD))
The President would consult the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the
Regions on this proposal, in accordance with Rule 145(1) and Rule 146(1).
     referred to                       responsible :    REGI
                                       opinion :        BUDG, EMPL, ENVI, ITRE, TRAN, AGRI

- Appointment of a member of the Single Resolution Board - Mr Jesus Saurina (N9-0005/2020 [01] -

P9_PV-PROV(2020)01-29                                                                   PE 647.765 - 6
C9-0009/2020 - 2020/0902(NLE))
     referred to                      responsible :     ECON

- Appointment of a member of the Single Resolution Board - Mr Pedro Machado (N9-0005/2020 [02] -
C9-0010/2020 - 2020/0903(NLE))
     referred to                      responsible :     ECON

- Appointment of the Vice-Chair of the Single Resolution Board (N9-0006/2020 - C9-0011/2020 -
     referred to                      responsible :     ECON

- Proposal for a Council decision on the conclusion of the Agreement between the European Union
and the Republic of Belarus on the facilitation of the issuance of visas (12362/2019 - C9-0013/2020 -
     referred to                      responsible :     LIBE
                                      opinion :         AFET

2) from committees

- *** Recommendation on the draft Council decision on the conclusion of the Agreement on the
withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union
and the European Atomic Energy Community (21105/3/2018 - C9-0148/2019 - 2018/0427(NLE)) -
AFCO Committee - Rapporteur: Guy Verhofstadt (A9-0004/2020)

- Report on the proposal for the appointment of the Executive Director of the European Banking
Authority (N9-0003/2020 - C9-0006/2020 - 2020/0901(NLE)) - ECON Committee - Rapporteur: Irene
Tinagli (A9-0008/2020)

- Report on the proposal for the appointment of a member of the Single Resolution Board (N9-
0005/2020[[01]] - C9-0009/2020 - 2020/0902(NLE)) - ECON Committee - Rapporteur: Irene Tinagli

- Report on the proposal for the appointment of the Vice-Chair of the Single Resolution Board (N9-
0006/2020 - C9-0011/2020 - 2020/0904(NLE)) - ECON Committee - Rapporteur: Irene Tinagli (A9-

- Report on the proposal for the appointment of a member of the Single Resolution Board (N9-
0005/2020[[02]] - C9-0010/2020 - 2020/0903(NLE)) - ECON Committee - Rapporteur: Irene Tinagli

- Report on the verification of credentials (2019/2180(REG)) - JURI Committee - Rapporteur: Lucy
Nethsingha (A9-0015/2020)

15. Order of business
The final draft agenda for the January II 2020 (PE 646.752/PDOJ) sittings had been distributed.

Following consultations with the political groups, the President proposed the following amendments
(Rule 158):


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Statements by the Council and the Commission on the coronavirus outbreak would be added as the
first item on the agenda for that evening. The sitting would be extended until midnight.


The following items would be added to voting time:
- Objection pursuant to Rule 111(3): Classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures
- titanium dioxide;
- two reports by Irene Tinagli on the Appointment of a member of the Single Resolution Board;
- the report by Irene Tinagli on the Appointment of the Vice-Chair of the Single Resolution Board;
- the report by Irene Tinagli on the Appointment of the Executive Director of the European Banking
Authority (EBA);
- the report by Lucy Nethsingha on the Verification of credentials.

Parliament agreed to the proposals.

The deadlines regarding Lucy Nethsingha's report on the Verification of credentials had been set as
- amendments: Wednesday 29 January 2020 at 18.00.
- requests for separate votes and split votes: Wednesday 29 January 2020 at 21.00.

The President had received the following requests for amendments:


Request from the GUE/NGL Group for the title of the Commission statement on the 'EU strategy for
mobility and transport: measures needed by 2030 and beyond' to be amended to 'EU strategy for
sustainable mobility and transport: measures needed until 2030 and beyond'.

The following spoke: Elena Kountoura, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, who moved the request, and
Barbara Thaler, against the request.

Parliament agreed to the request by electronic vote (263 in favour, 202 against, 8 abstentions).

Request from the ID Group to remove from the agenda the debate on India's Citizenship
(Amendment) Act 2019 (item 16 on the final draft agenda).

The following spoke: Thierry Mariani, on behalf of the ID Group, who moved the request, Michael
Gahler, who, on behalf of the PPE Group, proposed that the vote on the resolution on India's
Citizenship (Amendment) Act 2019 be postponed until the March II 2020 part-session, and Shaffaq
Mohammed, against the ID Group's request.

Parliament rejected the request by roll-call vote (111 for, 356 against, 12 abstentions).

Request from the PPE Group to postpone the vote on the resolution on India's Citizenship
(Amendment) Act 2019 until the March II 2020 part-session.

The following spoke: Scott Ainslie, against the request.

Parliament agreed to the request by electronic vote (271 in favour, 199 against, 13 abstentions).

P9_PV-PROV(2020)01-29                                                                       PE 647.765 - 8
Request from the GUE/NGL Group to include, as the fourth item on the agenda for the afternoon, a
statement by the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign
Affairs and Security Policy on the situation in Brazil regarding the proceedings against the American-
Brazilian journalist Glenn Greenwald.

The following spoke: Clare Daly, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, who moved the request, and Kati
Piri, against the request.

Parliament rejected the request by roll-call vote (141 for, 313 against, 28 abstentions).


Request from the S&D Group to place on the agenda, as the second point on the morning agenda, a
Commission statement on the Proposed changes in the Romanian electoral law.

The following spoke: Simona Bonafè, on behalf of the S&D Group, who moved the request, and
Esteban González Pons, against the request.

Parliament rejected the request by roll-call vote (136 for, 302 against, 31 abstentions).

Request from the Verts/ALE Group to place on the agenda, as the second item, a Commission
statement on the EU response to devastation following floods in Spain.

The following spoke: Diana Riba i Giner, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, who moved the request.

Parliament agreed to the request by electronic vote (354 in favour, 72 against, 26 abstentions).

The order of business was thus established.


The following spoke: Sergey Lagodinsky (the President gave explanations).

16. Withdrawal Agreement of the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European
Atomic Energy Community *** (debate)
Recommendation on the draft Council decision on the conclusion of the Agreement on the withdrawal
of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the
European Atomic Energy Community [21105/3/2018 - C9-0148/2019 - 2018/0427(NLE)] - Committee
on Constitutional Affairs. Rapporteur: Guy Verhofstadt (A9-0004/2020)

Guy Verhofstadt introduced the recommendation.

The following spoke: Nikolina Brnjac (President-in-Office of the Council) and Ursula von der Leyen
(President of the Commission).

P9_PV-PROV(2020)01-29                                                                       PE 647.765 - 9
The following spoke: Manfred Weber, on behalf of the PPE Group.

                              IN THE CHAIR: Mairead McGUINNESS

The following spoke: Philippe Lamberts, on the organisation of the debate (the President gave
explanations), Iratxe García Pérez, on behalf of the S&D Group, Nathalie Loiseau, on behalf of the
Renew Group, Philippe Lamberts, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Gerolf Annemans, on behalf of
the ID Group, Daniel Hannan, on behalf of the ECR Group, Martin Schirdewan, on behalf of the
GUE/NGL Group, Nigel Farage, non-attached Member, Danuta Maria Hübner, Richard Corbett,
Caroline Voaden, Jill Evans, Jörg Meuthen, Geoffrey Van Orden, Martina Anderson, Mislav Kolakušić,
Esteban González Pons, Pedro Silva Pereira, Bill Newton Dunn, Gwendoline Delbos-Corfield, Antonio
Maria Rinaldi, Geert Bourgeois, Matt Carthy, Seán Kelly, Domènec Ruiz Devesa, Naomi Long, Molly
Scott Cato, Jaak Madison, Anthea McIntyre, David McAllister, Katarina Barley, Luisa Porritt, Aileen
McLeod, Laura Huhtasaari, Nosheena Mobarik, Esther de Lange, Theresa Griffin, Sheila Ritchie,
Jordan Bardella, Vangelis Meimarakis, Brando Benifei, Judith Bunting, Siegfried Mureşan, Martin
Horwood and François-Xavier Bellamy.

                              IN THE CHAIR: David Maria SASSOLI

The following spoke: Michel Barnier (Head of the Task-Force for the Relations with the United
Kingdom) and Nikolina Brnjac (President-in-Office of the Council).

The debate closed.

Vote: 29 January 2020.

17. Voting time
Detailed voting results (amendments, separate and split votes, etc.) appear in the Results of Votes
annex to the minutes.

The results of roll-call votes are available as an annex to the minutes and can be accessed via
Parliament's website.

17.1. Withdrawal Agreement of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy
Community *** (vote)
Recommendation on the draft Council decision on the conclusion of the Agreement on the withdrawal
of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the
European Atomic Energy Community [21105/3/2018 - C9-0148/2019 - 2018/0427(NLE)] - Committee
on Constitutional Affairs. Rapporteur: Guy Verhofstadt (A9-0004/2020)

(Simple majority needed)


Adopted by single vote (P9_TA-PROV(2020)0018)

P9_PV-PROV(2020)01-29                                                                  PE 647.765 - 10
(Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 1)

Parliament gave its consent to the conclusion of the Withdrawal Agreement.

The Members stood and sang Auld Lang Syne.

The President made a speech and then signed the letter forwarding the text of the Agreement to the

                                  IN THE CHAIR: Rainer WIELAND

18. Explanations of vote
Written explanations of vote:

Explanations of vote submitted in writing under Rule 194 appear on the Members' pages on
Parliament's website.

Oral explanations of vote would take place on Thursday 30 January 2020.

19. Corrections to votes and voting intentions
Corrections to votes and voting intentions appear on Parliament's website under 'Results of roll-call
votes' as an annex to the minutes of the sitting.
The electronic version will be regularly updated for a period of two weeks following the last day of the
part-session concerned.
After those two weeks, the list of corrections to votes and voting intentions will be finalised so that it
can be translated and published in the Official Journal.
                                 (The sitting was suspended at 18.43.)

                                  IN THE CHAIR: Rainer WIELAND

20. Resumption of the sitting
The sitting resumed at 18.45.

21. Coronavirus outbreak (debate)
Council and Commission statements: Coronavirus outbreak (2020/2511(RSP))

Nikolina Brnjac (President-in-Office of the Council) and Stella Kyriakides (Member of the
Commission) made the statements.

The following spoke: Peter Liese, on behalf of the PPE Group, Jytte Guteland, on behalf of the S&D
Group, Véronique Trillet-Lenoir, on behalf of the Renew Group, Michèle Rivasi, on behalf of the
Verts/ALE Group, Silvia Sardone, on behalf of the ID Group, Joanna Kopcińska, on behalf of the ECR
Group, Kateřina Konečná, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Esther de Lange, Heléne Fritzon,
Nicolae Ştefănuță, who also replied to a blue-card question by Tomislav Sokol, Francisco Guerreiro,

P9_PV-PROV(2020)01-29                                                                      PE 647.765 - 11
Simona Baldassarre, Dolors Montserrat, Miriam Dalli, Katalin Cseh, Luisa Regimenti, Ewa Kopacz,
Nicolás González Casares, Andreas Glück, Edina Tóth, Tudor Ciuhodaru, Maria da Graça Carvalho
and Milan Brglez.

The following spoke under the catch-the-eye procedure: Eugen Tomac, Manuel Pizarro and Liudas

The following spoke: Stella Kyriakides and Nikolina Brnjac.

The debate closed.

22. Rights of indigenous peoples (debate)
Statement by the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign
Affairs and Security Policy: Rights of indigenous peoples (2019/3015(RSP))

Helena Dalli (Member of the Commission) made the statement on behalf of the Vice-President of the
Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.

The following spoke: Isabel Santos, on behalf of the S&D Group, Stéphane Bijoux, on behalf of the
Renew Group, Anna Cavazzini, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Nicolaus Fest, on behalf of the ID
Group, Miguel Urbán Crespo, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Antoni Comín i Oliveres, Nacho
Sánchez Amor, María Soraya Rodríguez Ramos and Marie Toussaint.

                                   IN THE CHAIR: Ewa KOPACZ

The following spoke: Neena Gill.

The following spoke under the catch-the-eye procedure: Robert Hajšel, Sandra Pereira and Fabio
Massimo Castaldo.

The following spoke: Helena Dalli.

The debate closed.

23. India's Citizenship (Amendment) Act 2019 (debate)
Statement by the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign
Affairs and Security Policy: India's Citizenship (Amendment) Act 2019 (2019/2519(RSP))

Helena Dalli (Member of the Commission) made the statement on behalf of the Vice-President of the
Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.

The following spoke: Michael Gahler, on behalf of the PPE Group, John Howarth, on behalf of the
S&D Group, Dinesh Dhamija, on behalf of the Renew Group, Scott Ainslie, on behalf of the
Verts/ALE Group, Thierry Mariani, on behalf of the ID Group, Ryszard Czarnecki, on behalf of the
ECR Group, Idoia Villanueva Ruiz, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Fabio Massimo Castaldo, non-
attached Member, Neena Gill, Shaffaq Mohammed, who also replied to a blue-card question by Eugen
Tomac, Anna Bonfrisco, Phil Bennion and France Jamet.

The following spoke under the catch-the-eye procedure: Silvia Sardone.

P9_PV-PROV(2020)01-29                                                              PE 647.765 - 12
The following spoke: Helena Dalli.

The motions for resolutions to be tabled under Rule 132(2) would be announced at a later date:

The debate closed.

Vote: March II part-session.

24. Urgent humanitarian situation on Greek Islands, especially of
children - ensuring protection, relocation and family reunification
Council and Commission statements: Urgent humanitarian situation on Greek Islands, especially of
children - ensuring protection, relocation and family reunification (2020/2520(RSP))

Nikolina Brnjac (President-in-Office of the Council) and Ylva Johansson (Member of the Commission)
made the statements.

The following spoke: Elissavet Vozemberg-Vrionidi, on behalf of the PPE Group, Claude Moraes, on
behalf of the S&D Group, Maite Pagazaurtundúa, on behalf of the Renew Group, Erik Marquardt, on
behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Annalisa Tardino, on behalf of the ID Group, Emmanouil Fragkos, on
behalf of the ECR Group, who also replied to a blue-card question by Damian Boeselager,
Konstantinos Arvanitis, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, who also replied to a blue-card question by
Michaela Šojdrová, Ioannis Lagos, non-attached Member, Lena Düpont, Pietro Bartolo, Jan-Christoph
Oetjen, Tineke Strik, Gilles Lebreton, Patryk Jaki, Anne-Sophie Pelletier, Kostas Papadakis, Michaela
Šojdrová, Juan Fernando López Aguilar, Damian Boeselager, Raffaele Stancanelli, Nikolaj Villumsen,
Karlo Ressler, who also replied to a blue-card question by Maria Grapini, Nikos Androulakis, Traian
Băsescu, Isabel Wiseler-Lima, who also replied to a blue-card question by Erik Marquardt, Anna-
Michelle Asimakopoulou and Jiří Pospíšil.

The following spoke under the catch-the-eye procedure: Sandra Pereira and Ljudmila Novak.

The following spoke: Ylva Johansson and Nikolina Brnjac.

The debate closed.

25. EU strategy for sustainable mobility and transport: measures
needed until 2030 and beyond (debate)
Commission statement: EU strategy for sustainable mobility and transport: measures needed until 2030
and beyond (2020/2518(RSP))

Adina-Ioana Vălean (Member of the Commission) made the statement.

                                IN THE CHAIR: Heidi HAUTALA

The following spoke: Marian-Jean Marinescu, on behalf of the PPE Group, Johan Danielsson, on
behalf of the S&D Group, José Ramón Bauzá Díaz, on behalf of the Renew Group, Karima Delli, on
behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Roman Haider, on behalf of the ID Group, Kosma Złotowski, on

P9_PV-PROV(2020)01-29                                                                 PE 647.765 - 13
behalf of the ECR Group, Elena Kountoura, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Ivan Vilibor Sinčić,
non-attached Member, Barbara Thaler, Ismail Ertug, Caroline Nagtegaal, Ciarán Cuffe, Philippe
Olivier, Angel Dzhambazki, João Ferreira, Antoni Comín i Oliveres, Sven Schulze, Giuseppe
Ferrandino, Izaskun Bilbao Barandica, Tilly Metz, Beata Mazurek, Benoît Lutgen, Isabel García
Muñoz, Clotilde Armand, Anna Deparnay-Grunenberg, Raffaele Stancanelli, Henna Virkkunen, Petar
Vitanov, Pablo Arias Echeverría, Vera Tax, Andrey Novakov and Maria Spyraki.

The following spoke under the catch-the-eye procedure: Traian Băsescu, Maria Grapini, Valter Flego,
Bogdan Rzońca and Eugen Tomac.

The following spoke: Adina-Ioana Vălean.

The debate closed.

26. One-minute speeches on matters of political importance
In accordance with Rule 172, the following Members who wished to draw Parliament's attention to
matters of political importance spoke for one minute:
Jiří Pospíšil, Tamás Deutsch, Rory Palmer, Maria Grapini, Valter Flego, Francisco Guerreiro, Maria
Walsh, Traian Băsescu, Julie Lechanteux, Sandra Pereira, Belinda De Lucy, Radan Kanev, Lina
Gálvez Muñoz, Radka Maxová, Eugen Tomac, Domènec Ruiz Devesa, Irena Joveva, Pernando
Barrena Arza, Peter Pollák, Isabel García Muñoz, Andrea Caroppo, Hermann Tertsch, John David
Edward Tennant, Tsvetelina Penkova, Marc Botenga and Robert Rowland.

27. Decision to draw up an own-initiative report (Rule 54)
committees AFET, INTA
- Report on the proposed mandate for negotiations with the United Kingdom (2020/2023(INI))

28. Decision to apply a joint committee meetings procedure (Rule 58)
- Report on the proposed mandate for negotiations with the United Kingdom (2020/2023(INI))
committees: AFET, INTA (Rule 58)

29. Agenda of the next sitting
The agenda of the next day's sitting had been established ('Agenda' PE 646.752/OJJE).

30. Closure of the sitting
The sitting closed at 23.51.

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Adamowicz, Ademov, Adinolfi Isabella, Adinolfi Matteo, Aguilera, Ainslie, Alexandrov Yordanov,
Alfonsi, Alieva-Veli, Allard, Amaro, Ameriks, Anderson Christine, Anderson Martina, Anderson
Heather, Andresen, Andrieu, Androuët, Androulakis, Annemans, Ansip, Arena, Arias Echeverría,
Arimont, Arłukowicz, Arvanitis, Asimakopoulou, Auštrevičius, Avram, Azmani, Baldassarre, Balt,
Bardella, Barley, Barrena Arza, Bartolo, Băsescu, Basso, Bauzá Díaz, Bay, Bearder, Beck, Beer,
Beghin, Beigneux, Bellamy, Benea, Benifei, Benjumea Benjumea, Bennion, Beňová, Bentele,
Berendsen, Berg, Berger, Bergkvist, Bernhuber, Biedroń, Bielan, Bijoux, Bilbao Barandica, Bilčík,
Bilde, Bischoff, Biteau, Bizzotto, Björk, Blaga, Blaško, Blinkevičiūtė, Bloss, Bocskor, Boeselager,
Bogdan, Bogovič, Bompard, Bonafè, Bonfrisco, Borchia, Botenga, Botoş, Bourgeois, Boyer, Breyer,
Brglez, Bricmont, Brophy, Brudziński, Bruna, Brunet, Buchheit, Buchner, Buda, Bullmann, Bunting,
Buschmann, Buşoi, Bütikofer, Buzek, Calenda, Campomenosi, Cañas, Canfin, Carême, Caroppo,
Carthy, Carvalhais, Carvalho, Casa, Caspary, Cavazzini, Chabaud, Chahim, Chaibi, Charanzová,
Chastel, Chinnici, Chowns, Christoforou, Cimoszewicz, Ciuhodaru, Číž, Colin-Oesterlé, Collard, Comín
i Oliveres, Conte, Corbett, Corrao, Crețu, Cutajar, Czarnecki, van Dalen, Dalli, Daly, D'Amato, Dance,
Danielsson, Danjean, Danti, Da Re, David, Davies, De Castro, Decerle, Delbos-Corfield, Deli, Delli,
De Lucy, De Man, Demirel, Deparnay-Grunenberg, De Sutter, Deutsch, Didier, Dlabajová, Dobrev,
Dodds, Doleschal, Donato, Dorfmann, Dowding, Dreosto, Duda, Düpont, Durá Ferrandis, Durand,
Ďuriš Nicholsonová, Dzhambazki, Ehler, Eickhout, England Kerr, Eppink, Ernst, Eroglu, Ertug, Estaràs
Ferragut, Evans, Evi, Evren, Fajon, Falcă, Farage, Farreng, Federley, Ferber, Fernandes, Fernández,
Ferrandino, Ferrara, Ferreira, Fest, Fiocchi, Fitto, Flanagan, Flego, Fotyga, Fourlas, Fox, Fragkos,
Franssen, Franz, Freund, Fritzon, Fuglsang, Gahler, Gál, Gálvez Muñoz, Gamon, Gancia, García Del
Blanco, García Muñoz, Gardiazabal Rubial, Garicano, Gebhardt, Geese, Geier, Georgiou, Georgoulis,
Geuking, Ghinea, Giarrusso, Gibson, Giegold, Gieseke, Gill Neena, Gill Nathan, Glancy, Glück, Goerens,
González, González Casares, González Pons, Grant, Grapini, Gregorová, Griffin, Griset, Grošelj,
Grudler, Gualmini, Guerreiro, Guetta, Guillaume, Gusmão, Guteland, Gyöngyösi, Gyürk, Habib, Hahn
Henrike, Haider, Hajšel, Halicki, Hannan, Hansen, Häusling, Hautala, Hava, Hayer, Hazekamp,
Heaver, Heide, Heinäluoma, Herbst, Herzberger-Fofana, Hlaváček, Hohlmeier, Hojsík, Holmgren,
Hölvényi, Homs Ginel, Hook, Hortefeux, Howarth, Hübner, Huhtasaari, Huitema, Incir, in 't Veld,
Jadot, Jahr, Jakeliūnas, Jaki, Jalkh, Jamet, Jarubas, Jongerius, Jordan, Joron, Joveva, Juknevičienė,
Jurgiel, Jurzyca, Juvin, Kaili, Kalinowski, Kalniete, Kammerevert, Kanev, Kanko, Karas, Karleskind,
Karlsbro, Karski, Katainen, Kefalogiannis, Keller Fabienne, Keller Ska, Kelly, Kempa, Kirton-Darling,
Kizilyürek, Kloc, Knotek, Kofod, Kohut, Kokalari, Kokkalis, Kolaja, Kolakušić, Konečná, Kopacz,
Kopcińska, Körner, Kósa, Köster, Kountoura, Kovařík, Kovatchev, Krah, Krasnodębski, Krehl, Kruk,
Kubilius, Kuhs, Kuźmiuk, Kympouropoulos, Kyuchyuk, Lagodinsky, Lagos, Lalucq, Lancini, Lange, de
Lange, Laporte, Lebreton, Lechanteux, Lega, Leitão Marques, Lenaers, Lewandowski, Liberadzki,
Liese, Lins, Lizzi, Loiseau, Løkkegaard, Long, López Aguilar, López-Istúriz White, Lowe, Luena,
Łukacijewska, Lundgren, Lutgen, McAllister, McGuinness, McIntyre, McLeod, Madison, Maestre
Martín De Almagro, Majorino, Maldeikienė, Maldonado López, Manda, Manders, Mariani, Marinescu,

P9_PV-PROV(2020)01-29                                                                PE 647.765 - 15
Marquardt, Marques Margarida, Marques Pedro, Martusciello, Matias, Matić, Maurel, Mavrides,
Maxová, Maydell, Mayer, Mazurek, Mažylis, Meimarakis, Melbārde, Melchior, Melo, Metsola, Metz,
Meuthen, Michels, Mihaylova, Mikser, Milazzo, Millán Mon, Miller, Mobarik, Modig, Mohammed,
Monteith, Montserrat, Moraes, Morano, Moreno Sánchez, Moretti, Mortler, Możdżanowska, Müller,
Mummery, Mureşan, Nagtegaal, Nart, Nethsingha, Neuser, Newton Dunn, Nica, Niebler, Niedermayer,
Nienaß, Niinistö, Nikolaou-Alavanos, Nistor, Noichl, Novak, Novakov, Olbrycht, Olekas, Olivier,
Omarjee, Overgaard Nielsen, Pagazaurtundúa, Palmer, Panza, Papadakis Demetris, Papadakis Kostas,
Papadimoulis, Patriciello, Patten, Paulus, Pekkarinen, Peksa, Pelletier, Penkova, Pereira Sandra,
Pereira Lídia, Petersen, Phillips Alexandra Lesley, Picierno, Picula, Pieper, Pietikäinen, Pignedoli,
Pineda, Piri, Pîslaru, Pizarro, Plumb, Polčák, Polfjärd, Poręba, Porritt, Pospíšil, Pugh, Puigdemont i
Casamajó, Radačovský, Radev, Radtke, Rafaela, Rafalska, Rangel, Regimenti, Regner, Rego, Reil,
Reintke, Ressler, Riba i Giner, Ries, Rinaldi, Riquet, Rivasi, Rivière, Roberti, Rodríguez-Piñero,
Rodríguez Palop, Rodríguez Ramos, Rónai, Rondinelli, Rooken, Roos, Roose, Ropė, Rougé, Rowett,
Rowland, Ruissen, Ruiz Devesa, Sagartz, Salini, Sánchez Amor, Sander, Sant, Santos, Sardone,
Sarvamaa, Saryusz-Wolski, Sassoli, Satouri, Schaldemose, Schieder, Schmiedtbauer, Schneider, Scholz,
Schreinemacher, Schulze, Schuster, Schwab, Seekatz, Séjourné, Semedo, Semsrott, Sikorski, Silva
Pereira, Šimečka, Simon, Sinčić, Sippel, Skyttedal, Slabakov, Smeriglio, Šojdrová, Sokol, Solís Pérez,
Sonneborn, Spurek, Spyraki, Stancanelli, Stanishev, Stedman-Bryce, Štefanec, Ştefănuță, Stegrud,
Strik, Strugariu, Szájer, Szydło, Tajani, Tang, Tarabella, Tardino, Tax, Tennant, Terheş, Thaler, Thun und
Hohenstein, Tice, Tinagli, Tobé, Toia, Tolleret, Tomac, Tomaševski, Tomašić, Tomc, Toom, Torvalds,
Tošenovský, Tóth, Toussaint, Tovaglieri, Trillet-Lenoir, Tudose, Ujhelyi, Urbán Crespo, Urtasun,
Ušakovs, Vaidere, Vana, Van Brempt, Vandendriessche, Van Orden, Van Overtveldt, Van Sparrentak,
Vautmans, Vedrenne, Verheyen, Verhofstadt, Vilimsky, Villanueva Ruiz, Vincze, Vind, Virkkunen,
Voaden, Vollath, Vondra, Von Wiese, Voss, Vozemberg-Vrionidi, Vrecionová, Wallace, Walsh,
Walsmann, Warborn, Ward, Waszczykowski, Weimers, Weiss, Wells, Widdecombe, Wieland, Winkler,
Winzig, Wiseler-Lima, Wiśniewska, Wölken, Wolters, Yenbou, Yon-Courtin, Zacharopoulou, Zahradil,
Zalewska, Zambelli, Zanni, Zarzalejos, Ždanoka, Zdechovský, Zīle, Zimniok, Złotowski, Zoido Álvarez,
Zorrinho, Zovko, Zullo, Zver


Al-Sahlani, Ceccardi, Rees-Mogg, Vuolo

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