"LA VOCE D' ABRUZZO" - Federazione Abruzzese del Michigan

Page created by Aaron Norman
"LA VOCE D' ABRUZZO" - Federazione Abruzzese del Michigan
April 2015
Volume 9, Issue 4
                                                                                    A Publication of the Federazione Abruzzese del Michigan

May 1, 2015:                                    DETROIT CONSULAR DISTRICT
Abruzzo and Molise
Regional Dinner—IACS                         COM.IT.ES ELECTION RESULTS
                             The Comitati degli italiani
May 5, 2015:                 all'estero (Com.It.Es) are represen-
Gen Mbrshp Meeting           tative bodies of our communities
IACS—7:00 PM                 elected directly by Italians living
                             abroad in each Consular jurisdiction
May 22, 2015:                where there are at least 3000 coun-
Columbus Day Pageant         trymen; in fact, if there are less than
IACS – 6:00 PM               3000 citizens Italian, the committees
                             may be appointed by the Authority
May 25, 2015                 diplomatic-consular Authority. The
Memorial Day Parade/         Com.it.Es regulations wereenacted
Picnic—10:00 AM              by Law of October 23, 2003, n. 286
                             and by Presidential Decree 29 De-
May 31. 2015                 cember 2003, n. 395 (Rules of imple-
FADM Scholarship             mentation).
Deadline                     The Com.It.Es consist of 12 mem-
June 2-6, 2015:              bers or 18 members, depending on
Festa della Repubblica       whether they are elected in consular
Bocce Ball Tournament        jurisdictions with fewer or more
                             than 100 thousand compatriots are
June 6, 2015:                living and which there is derived an
“Formation of the Repub-     updated list used to elect representa-
lic”. Presentation by John   tives to National Parliament. The
Zaretti. IACS—12:00 PM       Committee, once elected, can later
June 7, 2015:                decide to co-opt 4 or 6 components,
Festa della Repubblica       foreign citizens of origin Italian.
IACS—2:00 PM                 The Com.it.es is defined as "Bodies
June 9,10, 2015              representative of Italians abroad in
CRAM Conference              their relations with diplomatic-
TBD                          consular representations "; thus, it
June 14, 2015:               enhances their role, both in regard to
Abruzzese Memorial Mass      the society of which they are repre-
Holy Family Church           sentatives, and to the consular au-
11:00 AM                     thorities. The new law emphasizes
June 18, 2015:               the close cooperative relations and
FADM Board Meeting           cooperation that should exist be-
IACS—6:30 PM                 tween consular authorities and com-
June 28, 2015:               mittees, including through the
Bariscianotti Club Picnic    "Regular flow of information."
Knights of Columbus Field    With regard to their duties, Com.It.Es., including through studies and research, help in identifying the needs of
                             social development, cultural and civic life of the community of reference; The Committees are also called to
July 12, 2015:               cooperate with the consular authorities in the protection of the rights and the interests of Italian citizens resid-
FADM Picnic                  ing in the consular District. Based on the recent elections of April 17, 2015 the following representative were
Lake St. Clair MetroPark     elected to the Com.it.es for this Consolate.
(Metropolitan Beach)         The above is taken from the COM.IT.ES website in regards to the roles and responsibilities of the Committee.
11:00 AM Mass                These are the elected representatives of the community at large and represent them to the best of their abilities.
                              This year, two (2) members of the Federazione Abruzzese del Michigan (FADM) were se-
July 19, 2014:               lected to participate in the Election Committee. Tonino Corsetti and Davide DiCicco were
Tiger Baseball Game          nominated and accepted as Election Monitors for this election.
Tigers vs Baltimore -
 Limited seating
"LA VOCE D' ABRUZZO" - Federazione Abruzzese del Michigan
Tuesday, May 5,, 2015. The General membership meeting will take place at the Italian American Cultural Center located at 43843 Romeo Plank
Road, Clinton Township, MI 48038 at 7 p.m.

 We are revising our Birthday and anniversary database. If your Birthday or Anniversary is not listed, we do not have it on file. Please email me or
call me and I will add it to our database. Enzo Paglia 586-207-1063 or email at automan25@aol.com . Our apologies to Nida and Americo Fabri-
zio whose Anniversary is on July 28, not April 26.

All memberships are valid for one year starting January 1 and ending December 31. If you have friends who would like to join, have them call our
membership chairman or give us their name and address for a follow up mailing to invite them to join. Remember, we have also started the “Friends
of Abruzzo” program where non-Abruzzesi can join and enjoy some of the benefits of membership. If you have any questions or need further infor-
mation, please call Susan DuBois-Reetz at 586-293-6507. See page 9 for renewal form.

The FADM is again proud to sponsor our “tuition Reimbursement Program” for members’ children under 18 years of age who successfully com-
plete the requirements of the classes. The family must be in good standing for a one year period before they qualify for the program.

May 1, 2015: The IACS first Regional Dinner event featuring the cuisine and wines of Abruzzo and Molise. Aaron Caruso will be performing. Cost is
$25.00 per person.
May 9, 2015—Wine Tasting, for more information contact Douglas Simone dfsimone@comcast.net

May 22, 2015: Annual Columbus Day Queen Pageant. Come join the activities and show our support at the IACS beginning at 6:00 PM as our Miss
Abruzzese and Miss Abruzzese Jr. will compete for the coveted title. Let’s show the world the beauty, talent and poise of our Abruzzese Young
Ladies. Contact Pam Vanderziel (Pageant coordinator ) at 586-945-5570 for additional information and guidelines.

May 25, 2014: Join us in celebrating our tribute to the men and women of the Armed Forces and the veterans who help keep us free. We will be
walking with our float and banners and our cycling club. All are welcome to our after-parade potluck picnic at Dodge Park. Call Sergio Paglia for
information and reservations for riding at 586-759-3114.

May 31, 2015: The deadline for scholarship application submission is May 31, 2015. The scholarship application can be downloaded from the
FADM website http://fedabruzzo.org., or contact Sandy Tornberg to request an application: sandratornberg@comcast.net, or 586-907-6631.

June 2 –6 : Registration for the Festa della Repubblica Bocce Tournament. Team Abruzzo will defend their title from last years tournament. For
more information, contact Antonio Di Giorgio at 586-286-3247.
Sunday, June 7, 2015: IACS: Americans have July 4, Independence Day, the French have July 14, Bastille Day, and Italians have June 2, Festa della
Repubblica; the day the Italians formed the first republic after World War Two. Come celebrate with us at the IACS for presentations and food from
the different regions of Italy as we celebrate our unity. This year’s guest speaker will be Antonio Rugiero, owner of Antonio’s Cucina Italiana res-
Sunday, June 14, 2015: Join us in celebrating Mass at Historic Holy Family Church in downtown Detroit. The mass will be celebrated for all
Abruzzese family members, club members and friends. Everyone is welcome to come. Coffee and desserts will be available after Mass in the fellow-
ship hall.
Sunday June 28, 2015: The Bariscianotti Club will hold their Annual Picnic at the Knights of Columbus Field on 21 Mile Road. This event is for Ba-
riscianotti Club members and family only. Call Frank Simone at 586-770-3287 for information.
Sunday, July 12, 2015: Mark your calendar for our Annual FADM picnic at St. Clair MetroPark (Formerly known as Metropolitan Beach). The day
begins with Mass at 11:00 AM. With lunch served at 1:00. Join us in fun and fellowship with Giggles the Clown, lots of kids’ games, a Bocce Ball
tournament and a Mora Tournament as well as other surprises. Enjoy the day with your family and friends as we enjoy the beauty of nature in sum-
mer time.
Sunday July 19, 20145 Tigers vs Baltimore Orioles. Join the FADM members, Friends of Abruzzo and anyone who likes to cheer on for the Tigers.
Event includes lunch at Vivio’s Restaurant, shuttle to ball park and back and lot’s of fun. Contact Sergio Paglia at 586-759-3114 for details and reser-
vations. Hurry, limited number of tickets are available
"LA VOCE D' ABRUZZO" - Federazione Abruzzese del Michigan
Dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the Abruzzo Culture

                  EVENTS AND HAPPENINGS
                                                              MEMORIAL DAY PARADE
                                                                  AND PICNIC
                                                           STERLING HEIGHTS MEMORIAL DAY PARADE. COME
                                                          WALK WITH US AS WE HONOR ALL ITALIAN-AMERICANS
                                                          WHO PAID THE ULTIME PRICE FOR DEFENDING THEIR
                                                                  COUNTRY AND SUPPORTING LIBERTY.
                                                          JOIN US IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE PARADE AT DODGE
                                                               PARK FOR A POTLUCK PICNIC AFTERGLOW.
                                                                           SEE YOU THERE!

                                                                   MONDAY, MAY 25, 2015
                                                                       10:00 AM

Carlo DiVirgilio and Pauline (D’Onofrio) Parafinowicz,

                                                                MEMORIAL MASS:
                                                                   Sunday, June 14, 2015
                                                            Holy Family Church, 11:00 AM Mass.

                                                         Join Father Addari along with your friends and fam-
                                                         ily in remembrance of those loved ones who have
                                                         gone before us. .
                                                         Coffee and doughnuts served in the fellowship hall
                                                         after the mass. This mass is open to all Abruzzesi
                                                         who wish to participate.
                                                         Submit names to be remembered to:
                                                         Frank Serraiocco at 313-527-6193. All names will
                                                         be read during prayer of the faithful.

         Dante and Clementina Galluci
"LA VOCE D' ABRUZZO" - Federazione Abruzzese del Michigan
Dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the Abruzzo Culture

                      EVENTS AND HAPPENINGS
        TIGER BASEBALL!!!!                                               FADM ANNUAL PICNIC
                    Sunday, July 19, 2015                            Join the fun of hot dogs, burgers and beer,
            Detroit Tigers vs. Baltimore Orioles
                     Game time 1:08 PM                                bocce tournament, and kids’ games on a
Lunch at Vivio’s in Eastern Market and shuttle ride to and                        Sunday afternoon.
                        from stadium.                                           Sunday, July 12, 2015
Call Sergio Paglia at 586-759-3114 for information and res-                    Lake St. Clair MetroPark
                    ervations. HURRY !!!
            Limited number of tickets available.                           (Formerly Metropolitan Beach)
                                                                                  Mass at 11:00 AM
                                                                                 Dinner at 1:00 PM
                                                                            Followed by events and games
                                                                        Members are free Guests are $10.00
                                                                      Call Frank Serraiocco at 313-527-6193 or
                                                                     Elio Bucciarelli at 248-852-5346 for details.

        FEDABRUZZO.ORG                                                                        Council of Presidents
            New and improved. Coming soon.
Our website is being updated with new features and infor-                 69th Annual Festa Della Repubblica
mation, links to other Abruzzese clubs and areas of interest                Celebration Sunday, June 7, 2015
         from the Abruzzo Region as well as Italy.                          Italian American Cultural Society
                                                                              Banquet & Conference Center
                   Check us out.
                                                               On Sunday, June 7, 2015, the Italian Consulate, the Council of
  Now you can review past activities as well as upcoming       Presidents, COMITES, and the Italian American Cultural Society,
                        events.                                in cooperation with over 22 Italian Clubs and Associations, are
                                                               pleased to announce the Celebration of the 69th annual Festa della
                                                               Repubblica commemorating the birth of the Italian Republic. Our
                   Check us out.                               Special Guest speaker for this event is Mr. Antonio Rugiero, res-
 Sign up for events on line through PayPal or your credit      taurateur, and 69th Annual Festa Della Repubblica Celebration
                           card.                               Sunday, June 7, 2015 Italian American Cultural Society Banquet &
                                                               Conference Center Young Special guests Ms. Ylenia Bonni’ and
Become a new member or renew your membership on line           Mr. Damiano Alloggia. For additional information, please contact
     with our easy to navigate enrollment screen.              the Italian American Cultural Society at 586-228-3030.

                                                                  Featuring displays and snacks from regions of Italy.
                   Check us out.                                  Annual Bocce Ball Tournament. June 2 – 6, 2015.
                                                                  Presentation on the formation of the Republic by Mr. Gianni
  Photo albums on our past events. Relive the memories.            Zaretti, President of the Verdi Opera Theatre. Saturday, June
                                                                   6, 2015 at the IACS.
                   Check us out.
                  Coming May 1, 2015.
"LA VOCE D' ABRUZZO" - Federazione Abruzzese del Michigan
Dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the Abruzzo Culture

                     EVENTS AND HAPPENINGS
 Cappuccetto Rosso cammina                                        FADM EDUCATION
nel bosco quando a un trato                                       PROGRAM UPDATE
vede il lupo cattivo nascosto in                          The FADM is proud to sponsor our education pro-
cespuglio ed esclama:                                     gram for children of our members. We offer three
         - Che occhi grandi che        COMEDY CORNER
                                                          (3) distinct programs for our up and coming schol-
hai! Il lupo scappa via. Un po’
piu` avanti, Cappuccetto                                  ars:
           scorge lo stesso lupo questa volta dietro un   1. Tuition Reimbursement Program. Designed for
           albero e dice:                                     our members from Kindergarten to High
         - Che orecchie grandi che hai!                       School ; under 18. Upon successful completion
         - Il lupo fugge un’altra volta. Piu avanti           of an Italian Language Course provided by a rec-
           Cappuccetto Rosso lo rivede dietro un              ognized institution, we will reimburse the parent
         masso:                                               for the tuition costs.
         - Che bocca grande che hai!                      2. Scholarship Program: Designed for College
         - Ma insomma, mi lasci fare i miei bisogni in        level individuals who submit an application form
         pace?                                                for review by a panel of judges.
                                                          3. Cultural Exchange Scholarship. Program offer-
In prima elementare la maestra domanda.—Luca, puoi            ing by Wayne State University for language im-
contare fino a dieci?
                                                              mersion course in Abruzzo. Must meet qualifica-
       - Si, signora maestra: uno, due , tre, quattro,
         cinque, sei, sette, otto, nove, dieci.               tions of program.
       - Bravo, Luca! Adesso puoi andare oltre?           Our Deadline for the Scholarship Program is
       - Certamente: fante, donna, re, asso.              May 31. Call Sandy Tornberg at 586-907-6631.

   Abruzzo invites everyone to attend the first Worlds Fair in over 50 years— Milan 2015
                         Don’t forget to visit the Abruzzo Expo.
                        Bring back photos and memories to share.
"LA VOCE D' ABRUZZO" - Federazione Abruzzese del Michigan
Dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the Abruzzo Culture

                                  -ABRUZZO HERITAGE-
                                               ~ Elena Costa ~
Elena Costa is a writer from Pescara, Abruzzo, Italy.

Terremoto: Un libro per non dimenticare… perché c’è ancora bisogno di tanto aiuto.
“Oltre 200 foto e 40 testimonianze raccontano il dramma vissuto dalle popolazioni colpite
dal sisma che sarà ricordato come uno dei più violenti in Italia”

Devastazione ovunque, visi segnati dall’orrore vissuto, mezzi militari ad ogni angolo, volon-
tari, tendopoli, bagni chimici, chi ha avuto modo di “visitare” L’Aquila e i paesi limitrofi nei
primissimi giorni successivi al terremoto, ha impresso nella propria memoria tutto ciò: uno
vero e proprio territorio in assetto di guerra. L’organizzazione e la tempistica dei soccorsi è
stata eccellente. Mai come in questo terremoto la popolazione italiana e lo Stato si sono or-
ganizzati a livello di volontariato in questo modo. L’Aquila, città capoluogo di regione nel
cuore dell’Italia, simbolo monumentale, è andata distrutta in gran parte, insieme a molti
altri paesi della sua provincia. Questo sisma ha colpito profondamente il cuore degli italiani
tutti. E’ stato questo il disastro caratterizzato fondamentalmente dalla grande dignità
umana degli aquilani, della massiccia presenza delle istituzioni e soprattutto della dinamica
e sostanziale attività di tutte le forme volontaristiche e non, corse a prestare il loro aiuto.
Ancora oggi sono migliaia le persone sistemate nelle strutture ricettive sulla costa abruzzese, altre nelle tendopoli. Molte
famiglie sono rientrate a casa anche se le scosse continuano. La ripresa della città è graduale ma costante. Il Presidente della
Provincia Stefania Pezzopane, anche lei sfollata, ai nostri microfoni ha definito questo terremoto, che lei chiama ”l’urlo vio-
lento di un orco”: «Un evento drammatico, indimenticabile, una tragedia enorme che ha distrutto vite umane, case e posti di
lavoro. Un tragedia che però noi vogliamo lasciarci alle spalle, perché la nostra voglia di ricostruire vale sopra ogni cosa».
Tornare a L’Aquila in questi giorni significa vederla pian piano rinascere, guardare
all’opera le imprese che hanno l’arduo compito di ricostruirla. Migliaia di operai
lavorano oltre otto ore al giorno per poter consegnare “entro settembre” piccoli ap-
partamenti alle famiglie aquilane. I primi a rientrare saranno gli anziani e i nuclei
familiari composti da giovani ragazzi che dovranno tornare a scuola. Come riferisce
il Direttore Guido Bertolaso: «Si sta facendo il possibile e non c’è iniziativa che non
sia finalizzata a risolvere tutte le priorità. E’ necessario – continua – non lasciare
nulla di intentato e di imparare tutto quello che è possibile da quest’esperienza così
che tragedie di questo genere non accadano più». Subito dopo il terremoto mi sono
attivata per raccontare la storia di questa catastrofe e ne è nato un libro: “L’Aquila
06-04-09 il catastrofico terremoto delle 3:32” concepito non solo per raccontarvi
quello che le persone hanno provato e vissuto sulla loro pelle quella notte ma anche
per capirli più da vicino. Con una veste grafica sobria, il volume raccoglie oltre 40
testimonianze e tantissime illustrazioni fotografiche dei momenti più rilevanti. Una
raccolta nata da un’idea, del produttore televisivo e direttore editoriale della nostra
testata, Pino Costa. Oltre due mesi di lavoro intenso, in giro per l’Abruzzo che mi
hanno fatto conoscere personalmente gli aquilani.
"LA VOCE D' ABRUZZO" - Federazione Abruzzese del Michigan
Dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the Abruzzo Culture
"LA VOCE D' ABRUZZO" - Federazione Abruzzese del Michigan
Dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the Abruzzo Culture
         GIRO D’ITALIA 2015 MAP AND GUIDE                                             Route of the 2015 Giro d'Italia:
                                                                                      May 9, Stage 1: San Lorenzo Al Mare - Sanremo (Team time
                                                                                      trial), 17.6km
                                                                                      May 10, Stage 2: Albenga - Genoa, 173km
                                                                                      May 11, Stage 3: Rapallo - Sestri Levante, 136km
                                                                                      May 12, Stage 4: Chiavari - La Spezia, 150km
                                                                                      May 13, Stage 5: La Spezia - Abetone, 152km
                                                                                      May 14, Stage 6: Montecatini Terme - Castiglione Della Pescaia,
                                                                                      May 15, Stage 7: Grosseto - Fiuggi, 263km
                                                                                      May 16, Stage 8: Fiuggi - Campitello Matese, 188km
                                                                                      May 17, Stage 9: Benevento - San Giorgio Del Sannio, 212km
                                                                                      May 18, Rest day
                                                                                      May 19, Stage 10: Civitanova Marche - Forlì, 195km
                                                                                      May 20, Stage 11: Forlì - Imola (Autodromo Ferrari), 147km
                                                                                      May 21, Stage 12: Imola - Vicenza (Monte Berico), 190km
                                                                                      May 22, Stage 13: Montecchio Maggiore - Jesolo, 153km
                                                                                      May 23, Stage 14: Treviso - Valdobbiadene (Individual time trial),
                                                                                      May 24, Stage 15: Marostica - Madonna Di Campiglio, 165km
                                                                                      May 25, Rest day
The 2015 Giro d'Italia will include six mountain finishes, three other testing days   May 26, Stage 16: Pinzolo - Aprica, 175km
of climbing, six stages for the sprinters and a 59.2km individual time trial from
                                                                                      May 27, Stage 17: Tirano - Lugano, 136km
Treviso to Valdobbiadene.
                                                                                      May 28, Stage 18: Melide - Verbania, 172km
   Six mountain finishes, six stages for the sprinters
                                                                                      May 29, Stage 19: Gravellona Toce - Cervinia, 236km
   59.2km individual time trial
                                                                                      May 30, Stage 20: Saint-Vincent - Sestriere, 196km
   Race starts with a team time trial
                                                                                      May 31, Stage 21: Turin - Milan, 185km

From San Remo to Milan, via central Italy, the Dolomites and the Alps
The 2015 Giro d'Italia begins with a 17.6km team time trial along a spectacular coastal bike path from San Lorenzo al Mare (at the foot of the Cir-
pressa climb) to San Remo on Saturday, May 9. It will end three weeks later on Sunday, May 31 with a 185km road stage from Turin to Milan and
seven laps of a city centre circuit. The riders will race for 3481km during the three weeks, for an average of 165km a day. The six mountain finishes
stand out like shark teeth on the route profile but the early stages to Sestri Levante and La Spezia, stage nine to San Giorgio del Sannio and stage 18
to Verbania also have lots of bite and should not be ignored. Monte Ologno rises from the shores of Lago Maggiore for 10km at an average of nine
per cent and is followed by a hair-raising descent back to Verbania. It would be perfect for a late attack from Vincenzo Nibali if he can convince the
Astana team to let him ride. There are only 76.8km of time trialing but with the opening team time trial only 17.6km long. That means the Treviso-
Valdobbiadene individual time trial is a whopping 59.2km, one of the longest seen in the Giro d’Italia for several years. The mixed profile of flat
roads and then rolling roads in the Prosecco vineyards will make it even harder for the Grand Tour contenders and no doubt open some significant
time gaps.
"LA VOCE D' ABRUZZO" - Federazione Abruzzese del Michigan
Dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the Abruzzo Culture
"LA VOCE D' ABRUZZO" - Federazione Abruzzese del Michigan
Dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the Abruzzo Culture

  (Regflash) L'Aquila, 24 apr - La possibilità di riutilizzare le cosiddette auto blu della Regione Abruzzo per gli utilizzi istituzionali di presidente e
  assessori, non è da considerarsi un privilegio, ma una modifica del precedente disciplinare. La Regione Abruzzo, infatti, ha recepito il decreto
  del presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri (del 25 settembre 2014) con un provvedimento licenziato dalla prima commissione consiliare e varato
  con il voto dei componenti di tutte le forze politiche. Nel vecchio regolamento, approvato dalla precedente Giunta, non era prevista la possi-
  bilità per i presidenti del Consiglio e della Giunta, nonché per gli assessori, di essere accompagnati alle loro abitazioni con le autovetture di
  servizio regionali. La limitazione era nata dall'interpretazione restrittiva del decreto del presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri dell'agosto 2011
  nella quale, per porre limite a ripetuti abusi, si stabiliva che l'uso dell'autovettura di rappresentanza fosse "concesso limitatamente alla durata
  dell'incarico e per sole esigenze di servizio del titolare, ivi compreso gli spostamenti 'verso' e 'da' i luoghi di lavoro". Viste, però, le diverse e
  discordanti letture fatte dalle Regioni italiane, il decreto del 25 settembre 2014 a firma del premier Renzi ha fatto chiarezza su che cosa vada
  inteso con quel verso e da. Il nuovo testo, infatti, stabilisce che l'utilizzo delle autovetture di servizio a uso di dirigenti e funzionari per esigenze
  di servizio non prevede spostamenti tra l'abitazione e i luoghi di lavoro. Di conseguenza, le autovetture a uso esclusivo, ovvero per i compo-
  nenti del governo nazionale e del governo regionale, possono prevedere spostamenti tra l'abitazione e i luoghi di lavoro. Il 1° aprile scorso,
  la prima commissione consiliare Bilancio, affari generali e istituzionali ha approvato in sede deliberante una proposta di nuovo
  regolamento. Nel nuovo regolamento si legge che "negli spostamenti consentiti è compreso anche il tragitto dal luogo di resi-

  (REGFLASH)      Pescara, 24 apr. L'Abruzzo delle eccellenze si è mostrato a Milano, ieri sera, nella splendida cornice di
  Palazzo Giureconsulti, per l'Anteprima Expo Abruzzo. Si è svolta una conferenza stampa illustrativa, alla quale hanno
  partecipato oltre 40 giornalisti di prestigiose testate nazionali di settore. Numerose le domande rivolte al presidente
  della Giunta regionale, Luciano D'Alfonso, e al sottosegretario alla Presidenza della Giunta regionale, Camillo D'Ales-
  sandro, sul palinsesto ispirato alla biodiversità e giudicato dai giornalisti interessante, soprattutto per il progetto
  Abruzzo Terra dei Cuochi. Tra gli ospiti d'onore il questore di Milano, Luigi Savina, che ha rimarcato con orgoglio la
  sua "abruzzesità". La scuola del gusto dei Gal ha condotto gli ospiti in una degustazione guidata di prodotti enogastro-
  nomici e di vini abruzzesi. Le musiche di Tosti, le poesie di D'Annunzio hanno "aggiunto fascino ad una serata che è
  riuscita a rappresentare la cultura, l'anima, la qualità, il gusto di una regione che, seguendo questa strada, saprà
  meravigliare come mai in precedenza, coniugando storia e passione alla modernità". (REGFLASH) US150424
Dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the Abruzzo Culture
Dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the Abruzzo Culture
                                 FEDERAZIONE ABRUZZESE DEL MICHIGAN
                                                            P. O. BOX 545
                                                          STERLING HEIGHTS
                                                               MI, 48311

        TASTES AND FLAVORS OF ABRUZZO                                                                    Call for your
                                                                                               Membership Information Packet
  Controguerra, Colline del Ducato,Colline Aprutine, tremonti e                                         586-293-6507
         Valle Peligna, colline Teatine, Tratturo del Re.                                                     Or
                                                                                             Complete the information and mail to:
The lie of Abruzzo’s hills and its terrain are ideal for grapes to ripen per-                      FADM – Membership
     fectly. Here wine has achieved Excellence, with Montepulciano                                       PO Box 545
  d’Abruzzo, a wine obtained from washing the grapes and macerating                             Sterling Heights, MI, 48311
the skins, and Cerasuolo d’Abruzzo, which is white-wine fermented with
  Montepulciano d'Abruzzo grapes to produce an intense and fragrant             Name: _______________________________________
   rose wine, considered as one of the best in the world in its category.

                                                                                Address: _____________________________________

                                                                                City/ State: ____________________ ZIP: ___________

                                                                                Phone Number: (H): ___________________________
      Montepulciano Grapes                      Trebbiano Grapes
                                                                                              (C): _________________________

  White grape wines include Trebbiano d’Abruzzo, a fruity and sophisti-
 cated wine and the re-emerging Montonico, a very sweet, white wine, of         Email: __________________________Date:________
 long-standing tradition, form the Bisenti area. To discover and promote
  the region through its wines, six Abruzzo wine routes have been estab-
lished to guide visitors around some of the region's most interesting wine
                          growing areas and estates.
You can also read