FEBRUARY 19 2021 - Fryeburg New Church

Page created by Ernest Sharp
FEBRUARY 19 2021 - Fryeburg New Church
www.fryeburgnewchurch.org   FEBRUARY 19 2021

FEBRUARY 19 2021 - Fryeburg New Church

F R Y E B U R G   N E W   C H U R C H

Contact People

Chair of Trustees Lee Dyer

Vice -Chair of Trustees Jim Gibson

Secretary of Trustees Susan Logan

Treasurer Jim Dutton

Trustee Lynn Kennard

Trustee Dean Harnden

Trustee open

Music Director Ellen Schwindt

Office Secretary Dawn Crowe

Child care coordinator Dede Frost

Pastor Rev. Alison Lane -Olsen

For contact information visit

12 Oxford Street
Fryeburg, Maine 04037

Secretary hours:
Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m

Pastor: By appointment
“Kindness is an inner desire that makes us want to do
good things even if we do not get anything in return.
It is the joy of our life to do them. When we do good
   things from this inner desire, there is kindness in
             everything we think, say, want, and do.”

                            ― Emanuel Swedenborg
Church Services

             VIRTUAL CHURCH
                            Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m.

                       ZOOM SERVICE THIS WEEK
                             (all links must be copied and pasted)

         ZOOM INFORMATION                               FRIENDLY REMINDERS
  Pleases join us this Sunday at 10:00 a.m.
                                                  We will be continuing to meet for our
      on Zoom for a worship service.
                                                  Sunday worship services on Zoom until
                                                  further notice. However, the Sanctuary will
Join Zoom Church Service                          be open for visitors on Saturdays from 10:00
If using computer or smartphone (video)           a.m. to 12 noon. Please call by 12 noon on
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/853309828?              Friday if you plan to come: either the
pwd=MUxnSkd5ZERzSUoxUHR1QzNU                      Church office (207)935-3413 or Rev. Alison
WmFYdz09                                          (620)960-6748. Face masks will be required
Meeting ID: 853 309 828                           and we will be practicing social distancing.
Password: FNC2020                                  Disposable masks will be available but
                                                  please bring your own if you can.
Dial +1 929 436 2866
Meeting ID: 853 309 828                                      JOIN REV. ALISON
Password: 4867915
See you there!                                    Rev. Alison is live on our church FaceBook
                 TRUSTEES                         page, Monday mornings at 11am with a card
The next Trustees meeting date on Zoom            reading for the week. She will also be
will be announced soon. Please use the same       offering "Coffee with the Angels" Thursday
link as our worship services. By the way ~        mornings at 9:00 a.m., also on FB Live.
there is still an opening for one more board      If you miss either of these events you can
member if you are interested. If you have         watch them later any time by visiting our FB
anything you would like added to the agenda       page. The Wednesday evening Meditation
please let one of the Trustees know.              group will be meeting on Zoom @ 7:00 p.m.
Thank you!                                        See you there!
FEBRUARY 19 2021

                   Family Worship ~ Every Sunday on
                   Zoom @ 10:00 a.m.
                   Trustees meeting ~ TBA on Zoom @ 6:30 p.m.
                   Card readings with Rev. Alison ~ Every
                   Monday on FaceBook live @ 11:00 a.m.
                   Meditation group ~ Every Wednesday on
                   Zoom @ 7:00 p.m..
                   Coffee with the Angels ~ Every Thursday
                   FaceBook Live @ 9:00 a.m.
                   Lent Begins ~ 2/17

                       Everyday is special! Here are a few
                      unique days to celebrate in February.

                   National Love Your Pet Day ~ 2/20
                   National Sticky Bun Day ~ 2/21
                   National Walking the Dog Day ~ 2/22
                   National Dog Biscuit Day ~ 2/23
                   National Tortilla Chip Day ~ 2/24
                   Purim ~ 2/25
                   National Skip the Straw Day ~ 2/26
                   National Pokemon Day ~ 2/27
                   Rare Disease Day ~ 2/28

                           Have something to add to the
                              calendar or newsletter?
                       Please let the office know by giving a
                        call or sending an email. Thanks!

                         “Wherever you go,
                     go with all your heart.”
                                  — Confucius
Swedenborg and Life:
                                                 (586) The Spirituality of Aliens -
   The Spirituality of Aliens
                                                  Swedenborg & Life - YouTube
   In the spirit of the Perseverance Rover
   successfully landing on Mars this week,      ★☆★ABOUT★☆★
   we are including this fun video about        Swedenborg and Life is brought to you
   Swedenborg and other planets by              by the Swedenborg Foundation—a
   Off the Left Eye. Check it out ~
                                                501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent,
   Informative and entertaining! The
                                                educational organization for those
   following is a short blurb from the
                                                seeking to explore spirituality and
   YouTube page:
   "Is there life on other planets? We'll see
   you and raise you one: What's the            Available as a FREE e-book visit:
   spirituality of those living on other        http://www.swedenborg.com
   planets? Join us as we explore what
   Swedenborg learned from his spiritual        Other Planets: New Century Edition
   journeys visiting the spirits of other       By Emanuel Swedenborg
   planets."                                    Translated by George F. Dole and Jonathan S. Rose

February 19 2021
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