February 10, 2023 - Oregon City Schools

Page created by Reginald Jones
February 10, 2023 - Oregon City Schools
February 10, 2023

Student of the Month
Congratulations to Katie Giller for being named the Genoa Bank/Metro Press January Student of the
Month. Katie was featured in the January 30 edition of The Press newspaper. Katie has a 4.28
cumulative GPA and ranks 5th in the senior class. She is a member of the National Honors Society, Tri-M
Music Honor Society and the Oregon Community Theatre where she serves as a student representative.
Katie is very active in the Clay Limelighters and other theatre organizations. In total, Katie has appeared
in over 30 local productions. She volunteers in the summer as a “wrangler” for the Oregon Children’s
Summer Theatre. Furthermore, she plays the trumpet in the Marching Band and Honors Band as well as
singing with the Varsity Voices. Katie is the daughter of Hans and Beth Giller. She plans to study
architecture at an undecided university. Once again, congratulations Katie. CHS is proud of you!

2nd Quarter Honor Roll
The 2nd Quarter Honor Roll included in the last Clay Chronicle had several students listed incorrectly.
Attached is the corrected list of students that earned 2nd Quarter Honor Roll status. Please accept my
apology for the mistakes in the Chronicle and the confusion this may have caused. The Honor Roll names
that were printed in the Oregon Oracle were correct.

OMEA Competition
On Saturday, January 28, the CHS choir and band students traveled to Lake High School to perform at the
Ohio Music Education Association Regional Solo & Ensemble competition. There was also one student
that participated in the piano solo category. Students select pieces in different difficulty classes. Class A
is the most technical level. Students earn a rating of 1 to 5 with a score of 1 being the highest rating.

Choir Students Earning a Top Rating of 1 Superior Were:
Adam Major = Class A Baritone Solo
Elisia Ackerman = Class A Mezzo Soprano Solo
Clara Steele = Class A Alto Solo
Christa-Joy Furtney = Class C Soprano Solo
Gwyn Jadlocki = Class C Alto Solo
Joe Gernert = Class A Piano
February 10, 2023 - Oregon City Schools
Band Students Earning a Top Rating of 1 Superior Were:
Hannah Schultz = Class B Piccolo Solo
Meena Brown, Hannnah Comer, Chloe Spetz & Lydia Roberts = Class C Woodwind Quartet
Raymond Jurski =Class B Snare Drum Solo
Mak Garrett = Class C Alto Sax Solo
Joseph Schmidlin = Class B Tenor Sax Solo
Joseph Duffer = Class A Bari Sax Solo
Katie Giller = Class B Trumpet Solo
Sydney Witek = Class B Trumpet Solo
Katlyn Druckenmiller = Class B Trumpet Solo
James Cavaliere = Class A Soprano Sax Solo
Jordan Silva = Class B Marimba Solo
Reagan Fairbanks = Class B Clarinet Solo
Hannah Schultz = Class A Flute Solo
Emily Schultz = Class C Trombone Solo
Evan Kessler, James Cavaliere, Joseph Duffer & Joseph Schmidlin = Class A Saxophone Quartet

Choir Students Earning a Rating of 2 Excellent Was:
Brock Stuller = Class A Baritone Solo

Band Students Earning a Rating of 2 Excellent Were:
April Church, Olivia Dioletti, Katlyn Druckenmiller = Class C Trumpet Trio
Gabe Shannon = Class B Snare Drum Solo

Congratulations to all of our student musicians on your hard work.

Bowling Results
On Tuesday, January 31, both the boys and girls bowling teams defeated Findlay at the Toledo Sports
Center. The top bowler of the match was Logan Davis who rolled a match high 263. Derrick Thoman
also contributed to the victory by bowling a 221 and 242. The girls team was led by Tyler Henney with a
147 and CC Vartorella with a 137. Congrats to both teams on picking up the victory.

On Wednesday, February 1, the boys bowling team won their second match in a row by defeating
Fremont Ross by a score of 2518 to 2475. Leading the way for the Eagles was Derrick Thoman who had
games of 256 and 247. Also leading the team was Joey Mottmiller who recorded the highest game in the
match with a 269. Unfortunately, the girls team did not compete due to Fremont not having a girls team.
The season concludes next week with the League Tournament and a match the following day with
Rossford. Good job bowlers. Keep up the hard work.

On Wednesday, February 8, the boys and girls bowling team participated in their last match of the season
by competing against Rossford High School. The Varsity Girls, Varsity Boys, JV Girls and JV Boys all
were victorious in their matches against Rossford. Leading the way for the girls team were Destiny
Martinez with a 180, Olivia Yenrick with a 164, and Hannah Schultz had a 154. The leading boys
bowlers were Derrick Thoman with individual games of 232 and 216, and Blake Dayton rolled a 213.
Congratulations to the entire CHS Bowling Teams on a very successful season.

DECA District Competition
On Wednesday, February 1, after being delayed by a week, the Marketing students traveled to BGSU to
compete with approximately 275 students that represented 8 other schools. The students listed below
February 10, 2023 - Oregon City Schools
placed at the District Competition and those that qualified for state are indicated with an asterisk.
2nd Place = Kristen Le – Innovation Plan*
2nd Place = Riley Klatt – Integrated Marketing Campaign Event*
2nd Place = Kendal Haskell – Financial Consulting*
3rd Place = Katie Clark – Hospitality & Tourism Professional Selling*
3rd Place = Collin Berryman – Business Finance Series*
3rd Place = Kelsie Katschke & Abri Young – Innovation Plan*
4th Place = Sophie Crawford & Camryn Reiter – Financial Services Team*
4th Place = Parker Reed – Food Marketing Series*
5th Place = Karissa Sillman – Principles of Hospitality & Tourism*
5th Place = Cole Rollins – Retail Merchandising Series*
5th Place = Avery Mohon & Avery Young – Travel & Tourism Team
5th Place = Chloe Fox & Faith Nagypaul – Entrepreneurship Team
5th Place = Lucas Frazier & Evin Baker = Start-up Business Plan
Congratulations to all the CHS students who participated in the February 1st District Competition; all
students represented Clay in an outstanding way!

Shining Star Award
Community members can now send a special note to an OCS staff member for a special recognition. In
the Oregon City Schools, we know our staff is often going the extra mile. Please help us celebrate our
staff by telling us how they make a difference in your child’s life. Your submission will be shared with
that person and their immediate supervisor. You can complete the recognition form by using the
following link:

Golden Eagle Café
CHS is excited to announce that the Golden Eagle Café opened to the public on February 8. The café has
been serving our community through private luncheons and catered events and now will be open every
Wednesday and Thursday for a sit-down lunch prepared in our exclusive student-run restaurant right on
Clay’s campus. As a part of every senior student’s final project, each week will feature a menu designed
to showcase their individual passion for food. This week featured an Asian inspired cuisine by chopstick
expert Orelio Espinoza. Next week, James Cavaliere will be featured by tapping into his Italian heritage
and offering appetizer and entrée options. The attached flyer has a link to browse the menus and book
reservations. When attending, please park in lot B (by the tennis courts) and enter door #17. Bon

Lourdes University Visit
On February 20, Lourdes University is holding “Gray Wolf for a Day” for all seniors who are considering
attending Lourdes. High school students will have the opportunity to talk with student organizations, sit
in on a class, meet with admissions and financial aid office, complete an application and much more.
Please open the attached document for additional information and the link to register.

Maumee Bay State Park Job Fair
Is your son/daughter looking for a summer job? Maumee Bay State Park will be holding open interviews
on Saturday, March 4, from 10:00 am – noon for seasonal and year-round workers. Numerous positions
are available. In order to be hired, all applicants must be 15 years old by the beginning of employment;
February 10, 2023 - Oregon City Schools
some positions have more specific age requirements. Please open the attached flyer for a list of jobs and
additional directions to apply.

ACT Administration for Junior Students
All junior students are scheduled to take the ACT at CHS on Tuesday, February 28. The State of Ohio
requires that all students are offered an opportunity to take the ACT for free during the spring of their
junior year of high school. Every junior has already been registered and their participation is expected.
Clay High School will operate on a regular bell schedule except for the juniors that will be taking the
ACT. The test will run from approximately 7:50 am until 12:30 pm, or if your child has ACT approved
accommodations, 7:50 am until 2:00 pm. At the conclusion of the test, junior students are permitted to
leave school as long as they have their own transportation. If the student does not have transportation,
that student must remain at Clay and return to their regular class schedule once testing is finished and
until the conclusion of the day.

Other information including testing times, locations, and approved and required materials including
calculators will be sent to the students and their parent(s)/guardian(s). Any questions regarding the junior
ACT can be directed to Mr. Sigg at gsigg@oregoncs.org or by calling the high school.

Clay Scholarships
Information regarding the Clay Scholarship program will be released on Friday, February 24. The
application, brochure and additional information will be posted in your child’s Schoology account. Please
have your child check the “Counselor Connections Class of 2023” section in Schoology for additional
information. The final deadline to apply for a Clay Scholarship is Friday, March 10. Please contact Mike
Celusta (mcelusta@oregoncs.org) for additional information or with any questions.

Senior Baby Ad in the Yearbook
Attention parents that have a child in the graduating class of 2023. Reservations are being accepted for
the Senior Graduation Baby Ad pages in the 2023 Clay Yearbook. Please email the yearbook advisor,
Lisa Joseph (ljoseph@oregoncs.org), to reserve a space in the yearbook. The size of the Baby Ads is 1/8,
¼, ½ or a full page. Attached is the order form that includes additional information and instructions to
purchase an ad. Don’t wait, the yearbook pages reserved for Baby Ads sell very quickly.

Ordering a 2023 Yearbook
The 2023 Yearbook Staff has been hard at work creating a 2023 Yearbook full of photos and memories of
the school year. The deadline to order a 2023 Yearbook is Friday, May 26. Orders are placed directly
from the Jostens website, www.jostensyearbooks.com. Remember, the yearbooks ship directly home for
all 2023 graduates at no additional charge. Please email Lisa Joseph (ljoseph@oregoncs.org) with any
questions on ordering a book.

Job Opportunity
Often, CHS receives inquiries from local businesses/companies/individuals asking if we have any
students interested in obtaining a job. When those requests are received, the job opportunities will be
posted in this area. If your child is interested in working at any of these companies/organizations, please
click the link to obtain more information.
*Maumee Bay State Park
*Moritz Landscaping (Please have your child talk with their counselor if interested. No attachment.)
February 10, 2023 - Oregon City Schools
Counselor Corner

Toledo Metroparks – The Toledo Metroparks are looking for youth volunteers for their summer
programs. This is a great opportunity for your child to acquire leadership skills and volunteer experience.
Please open the attached document for more information.

Moritz Landscaping – Jeff Moritz owns a landscaping business and does quite a business within Oregon.
He is looking to hire one, maybe two, students for summer work. His business is located in the old State
Highway Patrol building off I-280. Please have your child talk with their counselor if they are interested
in working for Mr. Moritz.

ProMedica Bay Park Scholarships – ProMedica Bay Park Hospital is awarding scholarships which
promote healthcare education, careers and professional development among the Bay Park Hospital
community. Scholarships are awarded to future healthcare professionals and Bay Park Hospital
employees. Please click the link for additional information:

United States Army Representative – A representative from the Army will be in the CHS cafeteria on
Tuesday, February 14. If your child is interested in enlisting in the Army or would like additional
information, please have them talk with Staff Sergeant Mook next Tuesday.

University of Findlay – The University of Findlay is hosting a pharmacy camp the last two weeks in
June. Findlay is well known for their amazing pharmacy program. Space in these camps is limited to 50
students. If your child is interested in attending these camps don’t hesitate to register. Additional
information is included in the attachment.

Upcoming Events
Feb. 11 = ACT (not administered at CHS)
Feb. 11 = Oregon School Foundation’s “Frost Fest” at 6:00 pm at St. Michael’s
Feb. 13 = Limelighter Booster Meeting at 7:00 pm in the Performing Arts Studio
Feb. 17 = Grade Update for the 3rd Quarter
Feb. 20 = NO SCHOOL, Presidents’ Day
Feb. 20 = Athletic Booster Meeting at 6:30 pm
Feb. 21 = Board of Education Meeting at 6:00 pm in the CHS Learning Commons
Feb. 24 = OHSAA Sectional Wrestling at CHS
Feb. 24 = CHS Scholarship Applications Released
Feb. 25 = OHSAA Sectional Wrestling at CHS
Feb. 26 = Vocal Concert at 3:00 pm in the CHS Auditorium
Feb. 27 = Eagles’ Got Talent Auditions
Feb. 28 = ACT for Junior Students during the School Day
Mar. 2 = Band Concert at 7:00 pm in the Auditorium
Mar. 3 = Grade Update for the 3rd Quarter
Mar. 3 = Symphonic Band OMEA Regional Competition at Southview High School

James Jurski
Clay High School Principal
419-693-0665 ext. 2002
February 10, 2023 - Oregon City Schools
Congratulations to our 2nd Quarter Honor Roll Students

                                                                              Summa Cum Laude (GPA >4.0)
Abdulhak, Danya           Clark, Isabella             Fairbanks, Reagan           Joyce, Julia                    Lesniewicz, Madelyn      Nonekowski, Nicholas       Saxon, William
Ackerman, Elisia          Clark, Kathrine             Fortier, Grace              Judy, Molly                     Loboschefski, Benjamin   Nowak, Lia                 Schmidlin, Joseph
Baldwin, Cherish          Conley, Zachary             Franke, Madison             Kalmbach, Emma                  Lohner, Logan            Orr, Gabriella             Sekinger, Bella
Bauer, Kassidy            Cousino, Tori               Freck, Abigail              Karrick, Hannah                 Lones, Michael           Osborne, Kelsey            Shannon, Gabriel
Bauer, Kayleigh           Coutcher, Jordan            Fry, Solana                 Karrick, Natalie                Madson, Cameron          Pacheco, Noah              Stager, Marleigh
Beamer, Taylor            Crapsey, Starr              Fuller, Lilly               Karrick, Olivia                 Mahr, Sophia             Perry, Danielle            Steele, Clara
Berning, Griffin          Crawford, Lucille           Gallaher, Grayson           Kennedy, Jadyn                  Major, Adam              Pettis, Christiana         Stuller, Brock
Berning, Hannah           Dayton, Blake               Garcia, Selena              Kent, Elizabeth                 Malin, Leah              Pettry, JeanAnn            Swartz, Jenna
Bolinger, Kara            Derr, Ava                   Giller, Katherine           Kessler, Evan                   Marsico, Sophia          Pitts, Zion                Thatcher, Samuel
Boudreaux, Christopher    Derrer, Julia               Graver, Jacob               Kinn, Isaiah                    Martin, Emma             Purtee, Conner             Tucker, Brooke
Brinkman, Lucie-Mae       Dioletti, Olivia            Gwinn, Jacqueline           Kraus, Benjamin                 McGough, Estelle         Reiter, Camryn             Vriezelaar, Cadence
Burkey, Collin            Dippman, Bryce              Hansen, Adam                Kwunyajai, Boonyavee            Mentzer, Kaitlyn         Ringle, Isabelle           Vriezelaar, Chase
Bustamante, Arnie         Downer, Alaysia             Heebsh, Annabell            Kyle, Samantha                  Miller, Natalie          Rivera, Evan               Waganfeald, Hal
Byers, Hudson             Dreier, Heidi               Henney, Tyler               LaClair, Sophia                 Mitchell, Kaylee         Rivera, Gabrielle          Wagoner, Andrew
Canterbury, Danica        Druckenmiller, Katlyn       Henninger, Kathryn          Langford, Makenna               Muchewicz, Skyler        Roberts, Lydia             Whitt, Addison
Cassidy, Jayden           Duffer, Joseph              Hernandez, Nevaeh           Lants, Sullivan                 Murray, Natalie          Rose, Calista              Williams, Camden
Chen, Christine           DuPont, Olivia              Hunyor, Annabelle           LaPorte-Schroeder, Jacqueline   Nagy, Aldar              Rowe, Matthew              Wishon, Sierra
Church, April             Espinosa, Karina            Jadlocki, Ian               Le, Kristen                     Nguyen, Khanh            Rugg, Adelyn               Ziviski, Kason
                          Eversman, Landon            James, Noah                 Leroux, Sadie                   Nonekowski, Kimberly     Sandoval, Rodrigo          Ziviski, Marissa

                                                                           Magna Cum Laude (GPA 3.75 to 3.99)
Alvarez, Aleceia          Culotta, Holly              Gidley, Christina           Kennedy, Jase                   Miller, Emma             Reiter, Brynn              Strauss, Macy
Amborski, Andrew          Dalton, Lillian             Gilbertson, Molly           Koehler, Logan                  Millimen, Shelby         Rohm, Chloe                Stringham, Curtis
Amundsen, Alexis          Dayton, Saylor              Goetz, Alexander            Kolinski, Rebekah               Montague, Kirsten        Rollins, Cole              Swain, Dominique
Baker, Zachary            Donofrio, Dominic           Graf, Jordan                Kurek, Cameron                  Morrison, Brock          Roughton, Savanna          Szymczak, Emilie
Bevier, Braden            Duwve, Brayden              Grodi, Samantha             Kwunyajai, Suppavit             Nagy, Anabelle           Ruiz, Olivia               Tabler, Cheyenne
Bialecki, Mia             Espinoza, Orelio            Hamilton, Rylie             Lajiness, Logan                 Neace, Lyndsey           Scarberry, Aubrey          Tawil, Angelina
Bohland, Kennedy          Finkbeiner, Caleb           Hazuda, Troy                Langford, Carson                Nelson, Natalie          Schacht, Noah              Thayer, Kendalyn
Calkins, Lukas            Fisher, Nicholas            Hendricks, Ross             LaPrade, Kaitlyn                Newman, Laney            Shanks, Makenna            Thompson, Savannah
Cassidy, Regan            Fishler, Isabella           Herrick, Kylee              Lincoln, Alyah                  Newton, John             Sheets, Ian                Tolles, Elaina
Cavaliere, James          Freck, Sarah                Hugueley, Addison           Logsdon, Karissa                Pawlaczyk, Jenna         Shinaver, McKenna          Vriezelaar, Isabelle
Chanthakham, Kaelani      Free-Knack, Peyton          Ivancso, Madison            Lohner, Caitlin                 Pecina, Rylee            Sillman, Karissa           Walendzak, Alyson
Cheatham, Kaitlynn        Furtney, Christa-Joy        Jeremy, Lucas               Loney, Brooke                   Pegish, Dominic          Silva, Jordan              Walendzak, Carter
Comer, Hannah             Fussell, Brock              Jones, Lindsey              Loyer III, Michael              Perales, Elizette        Smith, Canyon              Weiland, Natalie
Cook, Morgan              Gernert, Joseph             Jones, Rylie                Lutes, Alyson                   Peterson, Hadlee         Snow, Sharon               Wilson, Jonathan
Coughlin, Lily            Gianino, Anthonio           Joyce, Jessica              Mays, Christian                 Quinn, Katina            Spencer, Sydnee            Witek, Sydney
Csehi, Addison            Gibbons, Natalie            Juarez, Clara               Merritt, Alexia                 Rayburn, Riley           Splichal, Kyra             Woollard, Jacob
                                                                                                                                           Steffen, Faith             Yenrick, Olivia
                                                                              Cum Laude (GPA 3.5 to 3.74)
Agler, Nathan             Chavarria Linares, Aitana   Frasier, Lucas              Heck, Regan                     Luttke, Makenzie         Przybylski, Macey          Smith, Brooklynn
Alvarez, Alyssa           Clark, Benjamin             Fuller, Emma                Heintschel, Mason               Martin, Jerzee           Reese, Jaidyn              Snead, Alyvvia
Aziz, Steven              Cohen, Jaycee               Galyas, Remi                Hendricks, Riley                McCourt, Christiana      Remusat Wukotich, Claire   Spears, Grady
Baker, Emily              Cousino, Samantha           Garcia, Ava                 Hernandez, Brooke               McVicker, Rebekah        Rife, Kaden                Stager, Ethan
Batch, Alexis             Cullen, Bryce               Garnsey, Corbin             Herrera, Olivia                 Montague, Karley         Roberts, Kendal            Stine, Jacob
Baxter, Caiden            Donofrio, Gianna            Garrett, Makenzie           Ireland, Joseph                 Moore, Ella              Rodriguez, Adella          Sutton, Alec
Billett, Logan            Dow, Anya                   Gears, Charlotte            Jenkins, Matthew                Nemecek, Juliana         Schrauder, Andrew          Swan, Dalanea
Bohland, Avery            Durco Jr, Anthony           Granger, Makenna            Judy, Casey                     Nowacki, Blake           Schroeder, Aidan           Thoman Jr, Derrick
Brady, Owen               Edwards-Szabo, George       Greenawalt, Collin          Kidd, Paige                     Oberdick, Grant          Schultz, Hannah            Titgemeyer, Jacob
Brasiola, Jaxson          Edwards, Aurora             Haas, Olivia                Kowalka, Elizabeth              Oliver, Santos           Schuster, Carsen           Warrington, Ashley
Buenrostro, Jason         Farringer, Paytan           Hanthorn, William           Krueger, Calliann               Ornelas, Ramiro          Serres, Corinne            Wilkins, Kale
Carlen, Kennedy           Feher, Adecyn               Hawes, Cohen                Lockhart, Xavier                Ostrander, Brodi         Skadsheim, Brianna         Wong Jr, Alexander
Casey, Rebekah            Franke, Leah                Hawes, Kaiden               Lowry, Emma                     Pollauf, Dylanie         Smith, Avin                Yarrito, Joseph
                                                                                                                                                                      Zolciak, Xavier
                                                                             Principal's List (GPA 3.0 to 3.49)
Adamski, Alivia           Conley, Caden               Frushour, Kiley             Jurski, Raymond                 Meach, Jayden            Rahm, Zachary              Suto, Beth
Al-Sayegh, Abdulmohsen    Corado, Jayden              Fussell, Darin              Kadiuraus, Chasity              Medina, Micah            Redick, Michael            Swiderski, Sidney
Almaraz, Cruz             Coughlin, Katelynn          Gallaher, Vincent           Katschke, Kelsie                Michalak, Morgan         Reed, Parker               Taouil, Faten
Alvarez, Constance        Cowell, Brayden             Garcia, Elaina              Keller, Kaci                    Middlebrooks, Peyton     Reynolds, Savanna          Taylor, Mitchell
Amundsen, Andrew          Crapsey, Keely              Garcia, Vivica              Keller, Kayla                   Miller, Carly            Roberts, Benjamin          Tibbits, Richard
Artz, Aubry               Crawford, Sophia            Gibbs, Luke                 Klatt, Riley                    Mohon, Avery             Robertson, Donald          Titgemeyer, Lucas
Avelar, Claudia           Dabish, Peter               Gill, Alaina                Knappins IV, Robert             Montgomery, Ava          Rodriguez, Hayden          Van Hersett, Ethan
Aziz, Antony              Davis, Lainey               Gilsdorf, Brookelynn        Knopp, Madisyn                  Moore-Kongkeo, Maeling   Santos, Jeremiah           Vasko, Kaylee
Baxter, Carter            Deal, Brody                 Gladieux, Dillon            Kowalka, Queenzy                Morse, Maverick          Sass, Adrianna             Vasko, Kelsey
Beavers Jr, Sean          Deanda, Eduardo             Guerrero, MadiAnna          Kulwicki, Olivia                Muir, Laci               Scharer, Cohen             Vaughan, Makayla
Berryman, Collin          Depinet, Andrew             Halbur, Jackson             Kwiatkowski, Paige              Mullins, Ivy             Schilkey, Christian        Warns, Dakota
Birtwhistle, Brandon      Derrer, Isabella            Hall, Amber                 Lengel, Gabriela                Nagypaul, Faith          Schmidt, Donald            Weidner, Mason
Blair, Kaitlyn            Dokurno, Logan              Hardy, Camrin               Lenning, Savanna                Neace, Luke              Schultz, Emily             Westrick, Kaiden
Blossom, Noah             Duffer, Annabelle           Harrison, Emma              Leonhardt, Pierson              Nearhood, Ashton         Schultz, Jackson           Whitten, Jackson
Bobbs, Corey              Duran, Aleesia              Haskell, Kendal             Lerma, Ameila                   Nowak, Brooke            Sekinger, John             Wilkins, Carson
Bolinger, Brian           Duval, Annalisse            Henderson, Malia            Lewis, Gabriel                  O'Connor, Declan         Sentle, Conner             Williams, Jayden
Bradley, Cooper           Earl Diemer, Jimmie         Hendrickson, Brenden        Litten, Camryn                  Ogburn, Tristan          Sepulveda, Idania          Williams, Jordan
Brenot, Devon             Edwards, Logan              Herrera, Logan              Lones, Chase                    Orris, Jason             Sheetz, Braylyn            Wilson, Anna
Brown, Meena              Elam, Hailey                Hinojosa, Marcus            Ludrowsky, Dylan                Overton, Lillian         Shepard, Dylan             Wingard, Alexia
Brown, Peyton             Espino, Anthony             Hissem, Nolan               Lutes, Ashlyn                   Pfeiffer, Derek          Shoemaker, Logan           Wise, Kierstyn
Butler, Isabella          Espinoza, Julian            Hoang, Ryan                 Mabry, Gracie                   Pfeiffer, Nicholas       Show, Annabelle            Witek, Addison
Campos-Loredo, Arabella   Eversman, Michael           Hoersten, Jared             Madrid, Tino                    Pfouts, Juliana          Shrader, David             Wright, Payton
Cannings, Alayna          Faulkner, Timothy           Hooks, James                Maix, Emily                     Phan, The Anh            Slovak, Griffen            Yanez, Marissa
Cantu, Aiden              Fleck, Conner               Irving, Dylan               Mariano, Marisa                 Phillips, Brooklynne     Smith, Sariah              Yao, Xuan
Carn, Jacob               Fox, Chloe                  Jackson, Breylyn            Martinez, Anthony               Plettl, James            Soltesz, Jack              Yeager, Donovan
Cascadden, Ariana         Franke, Tyler               Jaquillard, Brendan         Martinez, Destiny               Purtee, David            Spetz, Chloe               Yingling Jr, Patrick
Collins, Lilly            Free, Makayla               Johnson, Brooke             McBride, Anya                   Pyle, Lily               Starcher, Skyla            Young, Avery
                                                      Joldrichsen, Jack           McCullough, Alaysha             Quinones, Katalina       Stevens, Kendra            Zuver, Aaron
February 10, 2023 - Oregon City Schools
February 10, 2023 - Oregon City Schools
February 10, 2023 - Oregon City Schools
February 10, 2023 - Oregon City Schools
Dear Parents and Guardians:

Express friendship, love, or congratulations to the senior student in your life with a senior baby ad in
the 2023 Yearbook! Select your ad size and personalize the ad with your own messages and photo(s). The
yearbook staff will take your photos and create a beautiful ad that celebrates and commemorates your
graduating senior.

Student’s name:______________________________________________________________________________________

Name of person placing ad: _________________________________________________________________________




Step 1: Neatly print your message below or attach a separate sheet of paper (or word document
if emailing).


Step 2: Circle your ad choice below:

Full Page Ad ($220)-up to 8 photographs, a written message up to three paragraphs, can be dedicated to
   more than one graduating senior
Half Page Ad ($110)- up to 4 photographs, written message up to two paragraphs. 3.
Quarter Page Ad ($70)- up to 2 photographs, written message up to one paragraph. 4.
Eighth Page Ad ($40) – up to 1 photograph, a short message up to ½ paragraph.

*Photos should be good quality and can be reduced or enlarged to fit the space.

*Digital Photos can be emailed to Ms. Joseph ljoseph@oregonscs.org with your son/daughter’s name as
the subject line. *Copyrighted material cannot be reprinted in the yearbook.
Step 3: Email or Mail this form and enclosures to the school.

      Enclosures (mark all that apply):
      ____ A check for $_________ written to “Clay High School”
          *There is also an option to pay with a credit card at the link below:

      ____ CD or flash drive with digital photos
      ____ Hard copy photos
      ____ Message on separate sheet of paper
      *If you would like to have printed photos returned to you, please include a
      stamped/self-addressed envelope. Your pictures will be mailed back to you this

                                     Send everything to:

                                        Clay Yearbook
                                      Clay High School
                                     5665 Seaman Road
                                     Oregon, OH 43616

Senior/Baby Ad Deadline: Friday, March 31, 2023! Email Ms. Joseph
ljoseph@oregoncs.org with any questions.

Don’t forget to order your Yearbook!! Senior yearbooks ship to your home
this year with no additional charge!!

Yearbook Order Deadline: Friday, May 26, 2023!
Pharmacy Summer Camp 2023
                         June 21-23 & June 26-28

The University of Findlay’s annual Pharmacy Summer Camp is a four day camp
where incoming high school juniors and seniors meet current pharmacy students,
pharmacy professors and pharmacists in the field to get a first-hand experience of
                what it takes to become a successful pharmacist.

• Learn about career opportunities        • Meet College of Pharmacy
  in pharmacy                               faculty and staff

•                                           • Get to know the University of
    Findlay’s state of the art laboratories   Findlay and the City of Findlay

• Meet other students who share           • Learn about pharmacology,
  your interest in pharmacy                 medicinal chemistry and therapeutics

Space is available for 50 students at each camp.
Must be graduating in the class of 2024 or 2025.

Early Bird Registration price of $350, Regular price of $400

to sign up to receive more information and
registration dates.

     For more information about the College of Pharmacy and our programs,
You can also read