Page created by Carmen Harmon
FALL 2021

                A DV E N T U


 Clarendon Hills Park District                                                                                                                                                                                          MONDAY
 COMMUNITY CENTER                                                                                                                                                         M    ONDA
                                                                                                                                                                                   Y                                    23
 315 Chicago Avenue, Clarendon Hills, Illinois 60514
                                                                                                                                                                           UST 2                               Non-Resident
 Phone: (630) 323-2626 • Fax: (630) 323-5362 • clarendonhillsparkdistrict.org                                                                                           AUG
                                                                                                                                                                                         t                     Registration
                                                                                                                                                                                   iden ion
 General Email: info@clarendonhillsparkdistrict.org
                                                                                                                                                                               e s
 OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY, 9:00AM-5:00PM                                                                                                                                  R
                                                                                                                                                                                   s t rat
 Weekend & evening hours vary according to the recreational programming schedule.                                                                                           Reg

 Board of Commissioners & Staff........................2                           Park Foundation...................................................34             Tennis...................................................................... 21
 Culinary....................................................................17    Rainbow Club Seniors 60+......................... 28-32                          Tot Athletics........................................................... 12
 Dance................................................................. 18-19      Registration Information & Forms............. 38-39                              Tot Programs..................................................... 10-11
 District Map............................................................37        Rentals & Permits.................................................36             Youth Athletics...............................................22-25
 Fitness.....................................................................27    SEASPAR/Special Recreation............................35                         Youth Programs................................................14-17
 Little Learners Preschool.................................. 8-9                   Special Events......................................................3-7
 Nature.......................................................................13   Teens...................................................................... 26

                        Clarendon Hills Park District works cooperatively with Darien and Westmont Park Districts and Hinsdale Recreation Department to offer
                        programs. This symbol by program indicates that it is offered in cooperation.

                     CONTACT INFORMATION                                                                                                                                                      PARK BOARD
                     Park District Staff                                                                                                                                                      MEETINGS
                                                                                                                                                                                              Clarendon Hills Park District
 Donald H. Scheltens, CPRP | Executive Director............................. dons@clarendonhillsparkdistrict.org
                                                                                                                                                                                              is a separate municipal
 Valerie Louthan, CPRP | Superintendent of Recreation................. valeriel@clarendonhillsparkdistrict.org                                                                                governing agency established
                                                                                                                                                                                              for the purpose of providing
 Vince Davis, CPRP | Athletic/Facility Recreation Supervisor....... vinced@clarendonhillsparkdistrict.org                                                                                     parks, facilities and
 Michelle Koegel | Early Childhood Recreation Supervisor........... michellek@clarendonhillsparkdistrict.org                                                                                  recreational programs for the
                                                                                                                                                                                              community. The Park District is
 Hilary Opland | Aquatics Recreation Supervisor............................. hilaryo@clarendonhillsparkdistrict.org                                                                           responsible for maintenance,
 Maria Tobin | Senior/Facility Recreation Coordinator.................... mariat@clarendonhillsparkdistrict.org                                                                               operation and administration
                                                                                                                                                                                              of parks and park facilities
 Michael Fletcher, CPSI | Superintendent of Parks........................... mikef@clarendonhillsparkdistrict.org                                                                             under its jurisdiction and is
 Brett Roberts | Landscape Specialist.................................................. brettr@clarendonhillsparkdistrict.org                                                                 governed by five elected
                                                                                                                                                                                              commissioners who set
 Jordan Vesecky | Park Maintenance................................................... jordanv@clarendonhillsparkdistrict.org                                                                  policies for the operation of
                                                                                                                                                                                              the Park District. Regular Park
 Board Of Commissioners                                                                                                                                                                       Board meetings are held the
                                                                                                                                                                                              fourth Monday of each month
 Suzanne Austin | President..................................................................... suzannea@clarendonhillsparkdistrict.org                                                      at 7:00pm at the Clarendon
 Robert Callan | Vice President............................................................... robertc@clarendonhillsparkdistrict.org                                                         Hills Park District Community
                                                                                                                                                                                              Center. Residents are invited
 Mike Barcelos | Commissioner.............................................................. mikeb@clarendonhillsparkdistrict.org                                                              to attend all meetings and are
                                                                                                                                                                                              welcome to make suggestions
 Don Draudt | Commissioner................................................................... dond@clarendonhillsparkdistrict.org                                                             to improve programs or
 Lara Fetzer | Commissioner.................................................................... laraf@clarendonhillsparkdistrict.org                                                          facilities that we offer.

 The mission of the Clarendon Hills Park District is to provide well-maintained, safe, active and passive recreational spaces through sound
 environment management; to provide programs in consideration of the needs of our diverse community which support the health and
 wellness of individuals as well as the community; increase awareness and respect for our environment and allow for athletic participation at all
 levels; and to work within the community’s financial limitations while fostering cooperative relationships whenever possible.

                   FALL PROGRAM GUIDE 2021 | Clarendon Hills Park District...Great Adventures! | clarendonhillsparkdistrict.org
C l a r e n d o n                     H i l l s               P a r k               D i s t r i c t

S AT U R D AY, S E P T E M B E R 1 8
3:30-6:30PM          PROSPECT
Join us for our Annual Family Fall
Festival in Prospect Park. Gather
your family and friends for a great
family event for all ages.


& Much more
for the whole family
     clarendonhillsparkdistrict.org | Clarendon Hills Park District...Great Adventures! | FALL PROGRAM GUIDE 2021
    Friday, September 24
    Prospect Park
    Counsel Ring
    Join the Clarendon Hills Park
    District as we sit around the
    campfire eating ooey-gooey
    s’mores and singing good
    ole’ fashion campfire songs!
    Don’t forget to bring
                                                                                & Pizza Party
    your roasting stick
    and a flashlight.
                                                                         Wednesday, October 20
    We’ll supply the                                                                 Community Center
    rest!                                                          Let your imagination unfold to create your own pumpkin design using
                                                                 paints. Pick your pumpkin from the Park District Pumpkin Patch and enjoy
    Free for                                                      pizza and drinks. Remember to dress in your painting clothes – we will
    Clarendon                                                           be using some non-washable paints. Register by October 18.
    Hills residents                                                                       Fee R/NR:.......$10/$13
    of all ages!                                                             Code         Age                        Time
                                                                             350300-20    3-5 years old with adult   11:45am-12:30pm
                                                                             865300-02    6-10 years old             4:00-4:45pm
                                                                             865300-03    11-13 years old            5:15-6:00pm

          8th Annual
    Clarendon Hills

    House Decorating Contest

    Halloween                                                            Clarendon Hills is the place to be if Halloween is your family’s
                                                                         favorite holiday. We are looking for the best decorated houses
                                                                         in town. All houses will be judged on creativity, originality
                                                                         and arrangement. Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd
                                                                         place. Winners will receive a gift card to a local restaurant.
                                                                         Registration is required by Wednesday, October 20. Houses
                                                                         will be judged on the evening of Thursday, October 21
                                                                         between 6-7:30pm. All decorations must be put up by you
                                                                         and your family members in order to participate. Winners will
                                                                         be announced via the Clarendon Hills Park District Facebook
                                                                         page on Friday, October 22.

                                                                         Free for all Clarendon Hills residents
                                                                         Code: 865300-10

           FALL PROGRAM GUIDE 2021 | Clarendon Hills Park District...Great Adventures! | clarendonhillsparkdistrict.org
Mystery                                                               Rapunzel’s
 Box                                                                             Movie Night
 Cooking                                                               Friday, November 12
                                                                       5:45 -7:15 pm
                                                                       Community Center
Tuesday, November 2                                                    Put on your pajamas for
                                                                       a slumber party themed
6:00 pm - 7:15 pm                                                      movie night. Rapunzel’s
Community Center Kitchen                                               Movie Night will host a
                                                                       screening of Tangled, a
Challenge your culinary skills at Mystery Box Cooking. Start           craft fit for a princess,
by unveiling a mystery box of ingredients. Let your creativity         and dinner. Participants
shine by cooking a recipe limited to items included in the             are encouraged to wear
box! Chefs will have 50 minutes to compete by preparing the            pajamas for a magical
tastiest dish. Dishes will be judged on taste, presentation, and       night of fun! Registration
uniqueness. Registration is required by Thursday,                      is required by Friday,
October 28.                                                            November 5.
Min/Max:	��������4/10                                                  Min/Max:	��������10/30
Age:	�����������������9-12 years old                                   Age:	�����������������5-10 years
Location:	��������Community Center Kitchen                             Fee R/NR:	������$26/$36
Fee R/NR:	������$26R/$36NR                                             Code:	��������������850300-01
Code:	�������������� 895300-01

   Thanksgiving Weekend
   Friday-Sunday,                                                                       Stay active over the long holiday weekend and

   November 26-28
                                                                                        have some fun doing it.
                                                                                       Complete a 5k each day.
                                                                                      Registration required for this free event.
   Code: 843300-05                                                                   All participants who turn in their Tally Sheet will
   Clarendon Hills residents only                                                    receive a Turkey Walk-Off gift for bragging rights.

               clarendonhillsparkdistrict.org | Clarendon Hills Park District...Great Adventures! | FALL PROGRAM GUIDE 2021
tt e
Le fromr s
  Sa  n  t a                                              Register by
                                                          December 3
                                  Ho, ho, ho! Believe In the Magic of Santa. Share in the
                                  excitement with your child, who will receive a letter from Santa
                                  in the mail. Each letter is personalized and filled with Christmas
                                  Spirit. A questionnaire is available at the Park District office or on
                                  the website beginning November 1.
                                                Clarendon Hills residents only
                                                   Code:................... 863300-01
                                                   Fee:...................... $10R

                  Santa’s Workshop
                                                               Friday, December 10 • 5:00-7:30 pm
                                                               Community Center
                                                               Bring the whole family and jump on Santa's sleigh for a
                                                               ride across Prospect Park to see Santa in his workshop!
                                                               Families will meet at the Community Center to load onto
                                                               a horse drawn sleigh. The sleigh will travel through the
                                                               park and back, including a stop at Santa’s Workshop. The
                                                               evening will include light refreshments and holiday fun.
                                                               Come see what Santa has been working on in his shop!
                                                               Timeslot registration is required.
                                                               This is a free event for Clarendon Hills residents only.
                                                               Registration is required.
                                                               Max:	�����������������30 per timeslot

    Timeslot Codes
    865300-11.....5:00pm • 865300-12.....5:30pm • 865300-13.....6:00pm • 865300-14.....6:30pm • 865300-15.....7:00pm

          FALL PROGRAM GUIDE 2021 | Clarendon Hills Park District...Great Adventures! | clarendonhillsparkdistrict.org
Mrs. Claus Cookie Delivery
Saturday, December 11
                       Mrs. Claus will special deliver her very
                       own cookie kit between 11:00am-1:00pm
                       to your home!
                       Enjoy this holiday tradition in the
                       comforts of your own home, spreading
                       sprinkles and smiles.
You'll have a few minutes at the door to have the kids
snap a photo with Mrs. Claus and then she'll be off to
the next house. All supplies are included.

Clarendon Hills residents only.
Code:	��������������864300-02
Fee:	�����������������$20R a box per child

                                   You’ve Been El ed
                                                        Friday, December 17
                                                        Prepare for a visit from a mischievous elf. Surprise your
                                                        kids with an at home candy cane hunt! Buddy will hide
                                                        a plethora of candy canes in your front yard and place
                                                        "You've Been Elfed" sign on your door! We will visit each
                                                        house between 1:00-4:00pm.
                                                        Clarendon Hills residents only.
                                                        Code:	��������������864300-07
                                                        Fee:	�����������������$20 a house

                clarendonhillsparkdistrict.org | Clarendon Hills Park District...Great Adventures! | FALL PROGRAM GUIDE 2021
sch o o l year.
                                               h e 2021-2022
                                trati o n for t
                  stu dent regis
  ce pti n g late

                                                  Little Learners Preschool offers a safe, child-centered
                                                  environment to develop cognitive, physical, and socio-


                                                  emotional learning. Play-based centers for math,
                                                  phonics, dramatic play, music, science, computers, and

                                                  art are designed for children to experience individual
                                                  and small group learning. This multisensory hands-on



                                                  approach to engagement is fun and instills a lifelong
         ES           O
                                                  love of learning.

         FALL PROGRAM GUIDE 2021 | Clarendon Hills Park District...Great Adventures! | clarendonhillsparkdistrict.org
                     Tuesday and Thursday
Twos will enjoy daily songs, chants and music to lay the foundation for language skills
as well as develop balance and coordination through movement and dance. Daily
play with children as well as solitary play will develop their imagination and creativity.
While in preschool, children will develop inner tolerance by being away from home
and at school. Must be 2 by September 1.
Tuition: $1,000R/$1,250NR

Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Threes emphasis is on learning through child-directed play and academics. One of
the main goals is socialization. Children will become acquainted with the classroom
environment, learn how to listen, follow directions, take turns with other children and
immerse themselves in both teacher-led and child-directed learning opportunities via
our multi-sensory approach. Must be 3 by September 1.
Tuition: $1,800R/$2,250NR

Fours love connecting with friends and teachers as they explore learning through
play. Our creative teachers bring curriculum to life through meaningful experiences.
The curriculum is designed to support individual learning by varying content, materials
and setting to developing the whole child. Must be 4 by September 1.
Tuition: $2,300R/$2,875NR

Fives continues to develop in a nurturing environment to support a more enriched
learning connection to science, technology, art, and math skills.
Must be 5 by September 1; this is an enrichment to attending Kindergarten class.
Tuition: $2,700R/$3,375NR

  2021-2022 School Year Information
  PRESCHOOL SCHEDULE: Preschool begins after Labor Day, September 7 and 8. Preschool ends May 19 and 20.
  Tuition is due in two installments on the 15th of the month; August and December.
  REGISTRATION PROCESS: Please bring the Registration Form, a $100 deposit (non-refundable), and a copy of the child's
  birth certificate to the Community Center, 315 Chicago Ave.
  In August you will receive a letter announcing your student's teacher and an invitation to the Parent Orientation.

                   clarendonhillsparkdistrict.org | Clarendon Hills Park District...Great Adventures! | FALL PROGRAM GUIDE 2021

     Rock ‘n’ Kids!                                                      These interactive classes have everyone on their feet! We all learn
                                                                         together while engaging in fun, creative, music-based activities, rhythm
                                                                         instruments and movement props. All class procedures are designed
                                                                         to keep staff and students safe. Activities are age appropriate by
     September 14-October 19                                             class and include songs and rhymes, rhythm and coordination, fine
     November 2-December 14                                              and gross motor, imagination and sensory, listening and following
                                                                         directions skills. Sing, dance, play, learn and imagine with us!
                                                                         Min/Max:	��������4/12
                                                                         Location:	��������Community Center

                                                                         TOT ROCK (1-2 year olds with adult)
                                                                         Code          Day      Dates                      Time            Fee R/NR
                                                                         305300-01     Tue.     September 14–October 19    9:30-10:10am    $58/$73
                                                                         305300-04     Tue.     November 2–December 7      9:30-10:10am    $48/$60

                                                                         KID ROCK I (2-3 year olds with adult)
                                                                         Code          Day      Dates                      Time
                                                                         305300-02     Tue.     September 14–October 19    10:15-10:55am $58/$73
                                                                         305300-05     Tue.     November 2–December 7      10:15-10:55am $48/$60

                                                                         KID ROCK II (3-5 year olds without adult)
                                                                         Cod           Day      Dates                       Time
                                                                         305300-03     Tue.     September 14–October 19    11:00-11:40am   $58/$73
                                            o Cla                        305300-06     Tue.     November 2–December 7      11:00-11:40am   $48/$60
                                           N . 23

DRUMMING TOTS                                                                MUSICAL ME WITH MISS GRETCHEN
Drumming Tots enhances the development of auditory (listening)               Friday afternoons just got more musical at the Clarendon
skills, gross and fine motor skills, sense of rhythm while maintaining       Hills Park District! Join music instructor and Little Learners
a steady beat, body awareness, coordination, and following                   preschool teacher, Miss Gretchen, for 45 minutes of
directions. Children will be guided through simple movements                 songs, rhymes, fingerplays, dance, and song-story books.
enhancing their bilateral coordination, a foundational skill for early       Get your little one on the road to socializing and learning
learners. Come move, groove, and drum along!                                 in a group setting with a parent or caregiver!
Min/Max:	��������6/10                                                        Min/Max:	��������6/10                                   Cla
Ages:	���������������3–6-years old                                           Ages:	���������������9-36 months with adult           No . 26
Location:	��������Community Center                                           Location:	��������Community Center                    Nov
Fee R/NR:	������$44/$55                                                      Fee R/NR:	������$65/$81
Code          Day      Dates                           Time                  Code             Day      Dates                          Time
303300-10     Mon.     September 13–October 4          12:30-1:30pm          303300-01        Fri.     September 17–October 22        12:30-1:15pm
303300-11     Mon.     October 18–November 8           12:30-1:30pm          303300-02        Fri.     November 5–December 17         12:30-1:15pm

Each week children will play games that develop their imagination,
musical talents, and ability to move. This class combines dramatic
play with physical activities such as obstacle courses, crawling,
hopping, rolling, and throwing. There will be lots of dancing, music,
and theater drama that will delight your little one.
Min/Max:	��������6/15
Ages:	���������������3–6 years old
Location:	��������Community Center
Fee R/NR:	������$44/$55
Code          Day      Dates                           Time
260300-05     Thu.     September 16–October 7          11:30-12:15pm
260300-06     Thu.     October 14–November 4           11:30-12:15pm

            FALL PROGRAM GUIDE 2021 | Clarendon Hills Park District...Great Adventures! | clarendonhillsparkdistrict.org

Holiday Table Setting
for Tots
Let Miss Gretchen from Little Learners Preschool and creator of
Manners Academy teach your child about important life skills. Just in
time for Thanksgiving and the holidays, the children will learn to feel
comfortable in all social situations and during mealtime! This class is
guaranteed to be interactive and engaging.
Min/Max:	��������6/10
Ages:	���������������3-5 years old
Location:	��������Community Center
Fee R/NR:	������$40/$50
Code          Day         Dates                Time
303300-03     Wed.        November 17          12:30-1:30pm
303300-04     Wed.        November 17          4:30-5:30pm

                                             Mrs. Claus’s Kitchen
                                             Spend an afternoon with Mrs. Claus in her kitchen whipping up holiday sweet treats to
                                             delight your friends and family. She will share her secret cookie icing recipe, which you will
                                             get to decorate your own cookies. She will also share how to make Santa Claus’s favorite
                                             peppermint hot cocoa with chocolate sprinkles.
                                             Min/Max:	��������6/12
                                             Ages:	���������������3-5 years old
                                             Location:	��������Community Center
                                             Fee R/NR:	������$30/$37
                                             Code             Day         Dates               Time
                                             350300-12        Fri.        December 3          4:30-5:15pm

                                              HOLIDAY BOOK WEEK
                                              Monday-Wednesday, December 20-22
                                              Miss Mickey is excited to share her favorite storybooks leading up to the holiday
                                              weekend. Toddlers and their caregivers will enjoy the morning listening to holiday
                                              stories followed by a holiday-themed craft. This is the perfect opportunity to break up
                                              the morning and visit with fellow tots in the neighborhood.
                                              Registration is required for this free event.
                                              Ages:	���������������3-5 years old
                                              Location:	��������Community Center
                                              Code:	��������������335300-05

               clarendonhillsparkdistrict.org | Clarendon Hills Park District...Great Adventures! | FALL PROGRAM GUIDE 2021
                                                                                                                        OCT. 2
 Classes are                                                                                                           Make-up
 Saturday, September 11-October 16                                                                                      Date
 at Prospect Park
 Fee R/NR: $62/$78

 This parent-tot class is great for improving simple
 motor skills such as: catching, throwing, batting,
 shooting, passing, running, and help in developing
 hand-eye coordination. Parents participate with the

                                                               T-BALL JR.
 child as we play a variety of sports. All equipment is
                                                               Players will learn the proper
 Code          Time                 Age                        mechanics of catching, throwing,
 345300-01     10:00-10:45am        2-3 years old with adult   fielding, base running and batting.
                                                               This fun and exciting program will
                                                               prepare each player for the next level of
 SUPER SPORTS JR.                                              play. Please bring your glove and be ready to
 This class is for the all-around young athlete who
 wants to take a shot at different sports. Stay                Code         Time                Age
 active and learn the rules of baseball, football,             345300-07    11:45am-12:30pm     3-6 years old
 soccer, and more. There is no reason to pick
 one sport when you can play all.
 Code          Time                 Age
 345300-04     10:45-11:45am        4-6 years old

                                                                                          SOCCER JR.
                                                                                          Coaches will cover simple foot skills, dribbling,
                                                                                          passing, shooting, basic rules, and work on
                                                                                          spreading the field. Players stay active and
                                                                                          engaged while learning to focus on teamwork
                                                                                          and sportsmanship. Please provide your own
                                                                                          shin guards and size 4 soccer ball.
                                                                                          Code          Time                  Age
                                                                                          345300-03     12:30-1:15pm          3-6 years old

         FALL PROGRAM GUIDE 2021 | Clarendon Hills Park District...Great Adventures! | clarendonhillsparkdistrict.org

                                                                              ANIMAL ADVENTURES
                                                                            Introduce your child to the wonderful world of animals and their
                                                                            habitats. Through creative exercises and hands-on learning, children
                                                                            will discover the wonders of natural spaces and the animals that call
                                                                            those places home. They should dress for their adventures with the
                                                                            animals in weather-appropriate clothing as we often will be outside.
                                                                            Age:	�����������������4-6 years old
                                                                            Fee:	�����������������$54
                                                                            Code             Day         Dates              Time
                                                                            285300-20        Tue.        September 14-28    8:45-10:45am
                                                                            285300-21        Tue.        October 12-26      8:45-10:45am
                                                                            285300-22        Tue.        November 9-23      8:45-10:45am

                                                                               TRAVELING WORLD
                                                                               OF REPTILES
 NATURE TOTS                                                                   Start your family's Thanksgiving holiday with a field trip to
                                                                               the Park District. Dave Dinaso's Traveling World of Reptiles
                                                                               is visiting for an interactive hands-on experience for your tot.
Through story time, sensory bins, movement activities, and more,
                                                                               Children will learn about reptile and amphibians from around
toddlers will learn new and exciting things about the world around
                                                                               the world that is not just educational but also entertaining.
them while practicing fundamental skills too! Play-time inside
and outside will allow your toddler’s imagination to run wild as we            Age:	�����������������3-6 years old
explore different nature subjects each week.                                   Location	���������Community Center
                                                                               Fee R/NR:	������$15/$19
Age:	�����������������18 months-3 years with adult
Fee R:	�������������$12                                                        Code              Day         Dates             Time
                                                                               350300-02         Mon.        November 22       11:00am-12:00pm
Code             Day         Dates                   Time
285300-01        Mon.        September 13            9:30-10:30am
285300-02        Mon.        September 27            9:30-10:30am
285300-03        Mon.        October 25              9:30-10:30am
285300-04        Mon.        November 8              9:30-10:30am

Take a closer look at nature and local wildlife through this fun and
observation-focused class. Through sketching, hiking, collecting,
open play, and more, your child will appreciate nature in new and
thoughtful ways. Please dress your child ready to spend much of the
class in the great outdoors (weather permitting).
Age:	�����������������4-6 years old
Fee:	�����������������$22
Code             Day         Dates                   Time
285300-14        Fri.        September 10            12:30- 2:30pm
285300-15        Fri.        October 8               12:30- 2:30pm
285300-16        Fri.        November 5              12:30- 2:30pm
285300-17        Fri.        December 3              12:30- 2:30pm

                    These programs are offered as a cooperative with Oakbrook Terrace Park District and held at the Lake View Nature
                    Center, 17W063 Hodges Rd, Oakbrook Terrace. Instructor is Laura Saletta. Registration closes one week prior to the start
                    of class. Max is 3.

                        clarendonhillsparkdistrict.org | Clarendon Hills Park District...Great Adventures! | FALL PROGRAM GUIDE 2021
                DOUBLE THE FUN DRAWING
                SATURDAY CLASS
                2 hour classes! Here’s an exciting experience for your
                                                                                   Lisa Lombardi
                imaginative child. This class will awaken the inner
                Artist! We explore all the basics of visual arts, in a fun
                                                                                   Coaching Inc.
and confident setting that ensures success for every child. Basic                  www.lisalombardi.com
drawing, portraits, action, and cartooning. Students complete                      Location:	�����Community Center
several different projects and learn to draw whimsical characters,
animals, everyday objects, and action scenes. Young Rembrandts                     HALLOWEEN GORE-TASTIC LAB
artists gain so much confidence. Double your child’s creative spirit               Investigate what makes Halloween so chilling in this
and art skills. Add this workshop to your Child’s schedule. Don’t                  electrifying science workshop. Have fun with weird and
miss out, sign up today!                                                           horrifying Halloween concepts like: puking pumpkins, static
Min/Max:	��������7/15                                                              powered witches, horrific Halloween pranks, blood and
Age:	�����������������6-12 years                                                   bruises, the science of a haunted fall carnival, creepy candy
Location:	��������Community Center                                                 experiments, and more ghoulish Halloween exploration!
Fee R/NR:	������$90/$108                                                           Kids will have such a blast; they won’t even realize they are
                                                                                   acquiring new science concepts! Themed souvenirs included.
Code              Day         Date                    Time
240300-01         Sat.        September 11–25         10:00am-12:00pm              Max:	�����������������3
240300-02         Sat.        October 2-16            10:00am-12:00pm              Age:	�����������������5-12 years old
240300-03         Sat.        November 6-20           10:00am-12:00pm              Code             Day         Date         Time          Fee R/NR
240300-04         Sat.        December 4-18           10:00am-12:00pm              288300-01        Wed.        October 6    6:00-7:00pm   $27/$33

                                                                                   WACKY WINTER WONDERLAND
SOCIAL MEDIA ETIQUETTE                                                             ADVENTURE WITH FROSTY THE
FOR TEENS                                                                          SNOWMAN
Navigate the in’s and out’s of online                                              Let’s play with winter! No snow on the ground? No problem!
manners! Now more than ever, teens, ages                                           We will make our own fluffy faux snow with Frosty the
12-16, need to practice kindness while on                                          Snowman. Color it, scent it, and more! If there is snow
virtual platforms.                                                                 present, we will do experiments to mix it and make great
                                                                                   discoveries! Also, explore eye-popping pine-cone science
Participants will role play different online scenarios
                                                                                   and the mystery of how icicles grow so long. Then, while
that occur on Snap, Twitter, Instagram, Discord and
                                                                                   playing the song “HOT CHOCOLATE”, we will learn the history
Tik Tok. Cyber-bullying will be discussed, as well
                                                                                   and science of the sticky- mushy marshmallow that floats in
as what the state of Illinois considers inappropriate
                                                                                   your hot chocolate cup and enjoy a treat. Winter truly is an
texting content between minors. Each participant
                                                                                   avalanche of wild and wacky fun! Like every snowflake is
will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the class.
                                                                                   unique, so are we! Life coaching lessons peppered throughout
Min/Max:	��������10/20                                                             this workshop on self-esteem and friendship networks. Kids
Age: 	����������������12-16 years old                                              keep the faux snow they make.
Location	���������Community Center
                                                                                   Max:	�����������������3
Instructor:	�������Gretchen Wells-Malitz
                                                                                   Age:	�����������������5-13 years old
Fee R/NR:	������$27/$33
                                                                                   Code             Day         Date         Time          Fee R/NR
Code           Day            Date               Time
                                                                                   288300-02        Sat.        December 4   2:00–3:00pm   $29/$35
303300-05      Monday         September 20       5:30-6:30pm

This exciting program brings together elements of science, art and math in a hands-
on, action-packed environment! Students will conduct experiments, play educational
games, and unlock their creativity through building challenges and projects. No
experience necessary.
Min/Max:	��������2/6
Age:	�����������������K-5th Grade
Location:	��������Darien Park District, 7301 Fairview Avenue
Code           Day       Date                         Time                   Fee R/NR
245300-04      Tue.      September 7–October 12       6:00–7:00pm            $107/$129
245300-05      Tue.      November 2–December 7        6:00–7:00pm            $107/$129

            FALL PROGRAM GUIDE 2021 | Clarendon Hills Park District...Great Adventures! | clarendonhillsparkdistrict.org
                                                     CHECKMATE              BEGINNING VOICE
                                                     CHESS                  In a non-competitive, nurturing environment, learn to sing great
                                                        Develop your        songs from musical theater, Disney, pop songs, etc. This voice class
                                                        child’s intellect   is perfect for kids who love to sing but may not be ready for private
                                                        through the         lessons. Young singers learn how to sing together, harmonize,
                                                        royal game of       musical traditions, and create beautiful music in a relaxing and
                                                        chess! Current      healthy environment. This class is hosted by the American Music
                                                       research has         Institute.
                                                       shown a strong       Min/Max:	��������2/6
                                                     link between chess     Age:	�����������������6-12 years old
                                                    and academic            Location:	��������Darien Park District, 7301 Fairview Avenue
                                                   performance in           Day:	�����������������Wednesday
                                                 a variety of areas,        Fee R/NR:	������$75/$80
                                              including mathematics and
                                           language arts. Also, chess
                                       has been proven to enhance           Code           Date                         Time
                                   children’s motivation, concentration,    261300-03      September 1–October 6        5:45–6:45pm
                            focus, social skills, and creativity.           261300-04      October 13–December 17       5:45–6:45pm

Learn how to win at chess! No previous knowledge of chess is
necessary. Each class will consist of a fun interactive teaching period
and guided practice time. Children will have an opportunity to test            BEGINNER GUITAR CLASS
for a Chess Belt® under a unique Chess Scholars system patterned               Beginner guitar class emphasizes having fun while learning
after martial arts belts. Due to the small size of the group, each child       basic guitar skills in a supportive setting that allows students
will receive plenty of personalized attention. Both new and returning          to develop at their own pace. Basic note-reading will be
participants are welcome and will get to the next level under the              introduced through classic pop songs. This class is hosted
guidance of an experienced Chess Scholars coach. There will also               by American Music Institute and the participant is required to
be a chess competition with prizes! No Class November 25                       provide their own guitar.
Min/Max:	��������2/4                                                           Min/Max:	��������2/6
Age	������������������5-13 years old                                           Age	������������������6-12 years old
Location:	��������Darien Park District, 7301 Fairview Avenue                   Location:	��������Darien Park District, 7301 Fairview Avenue
                                                                               Fee R/NR:	������$75/$80
Code          Day      Date                     Time           Fee R/NR
245300-01     Thu.     September 9-October 14   6:00-7:00pm    $94/$99         Code         Day      Date                        Time
245300-02     Thu.     October 21-December 2    6:00-7:00pm    $94/$99         261300-01    Wed.     September 1–October 6       4:30-5:30pm
                                                                               261300-02    Wed.     October 13–November 17      4:30-5:30pm

Amaze family and friends with tricks that involve cards, ropes, coins,
mind-reading, and more. All materials are provided and each child
receives a magic kit to take home. Brand new tricks are taught each
session by Magic of Gary Kantor..
Min/Max:	��������5/15
Age:	�����������������5-12 years old
Location:	��������Westmont Park District, 75 E. Richmond Street
Fee R/NR	�������$20/$25

Thursday, September 23 • 5:00-5:55pm
Code          Location
270300-01     Westmont Park District, 75 E. Richmond Street

Tuesday, November 16 • 6:45-7:40pm
Code          Location
270300-02     Community Center, 315 Chicago Avenue

               All classes are offered in cooperation with neighboring agencies. The Min/Max for these programs are for each park district.

                     clarendonhillsparkdistrict.org | Clarendon Hills Park District...Great Adventures! | FALL PROGRAM GUIDE 2021

                                                                           Max:	�����������������3
                                                                           Age:	�����������������6-10 years old
                                                                           Location:	��������Community Center

                                                                          SAFE AT HOME
                                                                          Children will learn                                            Safe at Home
                                                                                                                    Sign up for both
                                                                          the importance of                                         d fo r Kids on same
                                                                                                                    AND First Ai
                                                                                                                                     ive a  discount.
                                                                          behaving responsibly                      day and rece
                                                                                                                                       nut-free lunch
                                                                          and how to handle                         Please send a
                                                                                                                                        if you choose
                                                                                                                     with your child
                                                                          themselves when                                 op tio n.
                                                                          confronted with a                                              $55
                                                                                                                      Discount Fee:
                                                                          challenge, such
                                                                          as answering
                                                                          the telephone or
                                                                          the door when

                                                                          parents are away
                                                                          or occupied
                                                                          elsewhere in the
                                                                          home. Topics

                                                                          covered include
                                                                          safety in the
                                                                          home, proper
                                                                          use of keys, what
                                                                          to do in case of
          Saturday, September 11 &                                        an emergency,
                                                                          how to respond
                 October 16                                               to strangers
                                                                          and general
              9:00am-4:30pm                                               house rules.
                                                                          Fee includes
     Plan to babysit with the knowledge and skills necessary to
     safely and responsibly provide care for children and infants in
     the absence of parents. Develop leadership skills, learn how to      Disclaimer: This course does NOT endorse children being home
     develop a babysitting business, keep yourself and others safe,       alone; that responsibility lies with the parents. This course simply
     help children behave, and learn about basic child care and           prepares children to be safe and careful when parents are not
     basic first aid. Certification for this class includes participant   immediately available.
     workbook, emergency guide and American Red Cross
                                                                          Code          Day       Dates           Time                    Fee
     Babysitters Training certificate. Attendance is required for the
                                                                          265100-01     Sat.      October 23      10:00-11:30am           $31R
     entire day to receive certification. Please bring a sack lunch.
     Max:	�����������������3
     Age:	�����������������11-15 years old
                                                                          FIRST AID FOR KIDS
                                                                          This American Red Cross class teaches children basic health and
     Location:	��������Community Center
                                                                          safety tips focusing on shock, bleeding, choking, the Heimlich
     Fee R/NR	�������$78/$94
                                                                          maneuver, burns, poisons and much more! Many hands-on activities
     Code	���������������265300-03 • September 11
                                                                          will be provided for additional reinforcement. Upon completion of
                           265300-04 • October 16
                                                                          class, a Red Cross certificate will be received.
                                                                          Code          Day       Dates           Time                    Fee
                                                                          265100-03     Sat.      October 23      12:00-1:30pm            $31R

                All classes are offered in cooperation with neighboring agencies. The Min/Max for these programs are for each park district.

             FALL PROGRAM GUIDE 2021 | Clarendon Hills Park District...Great Adventures! | clarendonhillsparkdistrict.org

   Welcome to the new
   Clarendon Hills Park District
   Culinary Kitchen!

Community Center
Min/Max:...4/9 • Ages:....6-10 years old • Fee:...$30/$37

                                PIZZA AND A SALAD
                                Tuesday, September 21
                                                                             Cooking Classes
                                                                              Chef Samia Atik-Richardson
                                                                              As a Chef it is my responsibility to educate on
                                Kids will slice and dice some of their
                                                                              food waste, sustainability, healthy
                                favorite topping to add on a pizza and put    living, and diet.
                                together a salad. A healthy way to have       My passion for cooking was
                                fun in the kitchen.
                                                                              inspired by my Grandmother,
                                Code:..............575300-05                  who taught me how to make
                                                                              Middle Eastern dishes!
Tuesday, October 12                                                           The satisfaction that
6:00-7:00pm                                                                   comes from showing how
Who doesn't love breakfast for dinner?                                        diet and a goal oriented
Kids will be taught a variation of French                                     active lifestyle will improve
toast and pancake recipes to cook for the                                     your overall health keeps me
whole family.
Code:	��������������575300-06

                                    COOKIES-N-ICE CREAM
                                    Tuesday, November 9                                Stay tun
                                                                                     yummy ed for more
                                    Kids will learn how to measure out                       culinary
                                    ingredients and bake their own                                    classes!
                                    cookies. Then we will turn those into
                                    ice cream cookie sandwiches.

                    clarendonhillsparkdistrict.org | Clarendon Hills Park District...Great Adventures! | FALL PROGRAM GUIDE 2021

                                                                        Le ssons
                                                                        Min:....................... 10
                                                                        Location:............. Community Center
                                                                        Fee R/NR:........... $90/$112

                                                                        Students will learn new cheers daily, work on form, and add to their
                                             e S                        poms routine. They will then move to the yoga/stretch portion where
                                                                        they will learn traditional yoga poses and work on the flexibility and
                     New Da n
                                                                        stretches needed for cheer jumps and movements. Parents may
                                                                        attend the last day of camp to watch the final performance.
                                                                        6-9 years old - JR. VARSITY - No class on 11/23
                                                                        Code           Day      Date                      Time
                                                                        221300-02      Tue.     September 7-October 12    4:15-5:15pm
BITTY BALLET                                                            221300-34      Tue.     October 26-December 14    4:15-5:15pm
Learn the basic positions of ballet and have fun dancing and singing
along in this beginning level class.                                    10-14 years old - VARSITY - No class on 11/23
                                                                        Code           Day      Date                      Time
3-5 years old - No class on 11/26                                       221300-10      Tue.     September 7-October 12    5:15-6:15pm
Code          Day     Date                        Time                  221300-35      Tue.     October 26-December 14    5:15-6:15pm
221300-20     Fri.    September 10-October 15     10:00-11:00am
221300-29     Fri.    October 29-December 10      10:00-11:00am
4-6 years old - No class on 11/24                                       Students will learn choreography and poses, work on strength, show
Code          Day     Date                        Time                  off their creativity in free-style sessions and more. Chicago Loves
221300-21     Wed.    September 8-October 13      4:00-5:00pm           Dance runs on the philosophy that dance should open your child’s
221300-30     Wed.    October 27-December 8       4:00-5:00pm           creative abilities and be FUN! We pride ourselves on teaching the
                                                                        self-esteem and socialization needed in everyday life through the
YOUTH BALLET                                                            activity of dance and performance.
Students will learn the art of ballet including barre work, movement    6-9 years old - No class on 11/23
across the floor, ballet terminology and technique in this weekly       Code           Day      Date                      Time
class. On the last day dancers will do a short performance to show      221300-40      Tue.     September 7-October 12    6:15-7:15pm
off their new talents at the end of class for their parents.            221300-36      Tue.     October 26-December 14    6:15-7:15pm
7-12 years old - No class on 11/24                                      10-14 years old - No class on 11/23
Code          Day     Date                        Time                  Code           Day      Date                      Time
221300-22     Wed.    September 8-October 13      5:00-6:00pm           221300-11      Tue.     September 7-October 12    7:15-8:15pm
221300-31     Wed.    October 27-December 8       5:00-6:00pm           221300-37      Tue.     October 26-December 14    7:15-8:15pm

THURSDAY NIGHT JAZZ                                                     HIP HOP
Students will learn the art of jazz dance including terminology and     Show off your creativity with freestyle choreography to the newest
technique in this weekly class run by jazz dancers. On the last day     pop/dance songs. The last day of the class will be a parent watch
dancers will do a short performance to show off their new talents at    day where they will do a short performance to show off their new
the end of class for their parents.                                     talents.
6-9 years old - No class on 11/25                                       6-9 years old - No class on 10/11 & 11/22
Code          Day     Date                        Time                  Code           Day      Date                      Time
221300-23     Thu.    September 9-October 14      5:00-6:00pm           221300-04      Mon.     September 13-October 25   4:30-5:30pm
221300-32     Thu.    October 28-December 9       5:00-6:00pm           221300-38      Mon.     November 1-December 13    4:30-5:30pm
10-14 years old - No class on 11/25                                     10-14 years old - No class on 10/11 & 11/22
Code          Day     Date                        Time                  Code           Day      Date                      Time
221300-24     Thu.    September 9-October 14      6:00-7:00pm           221300-41      Mon.     September 13-October 25   5:30-6:30pm
221300-33     Thu.    October 28-December 9       6:00-7:00pm           221300-39      Mon.     November 1-December 13    5:30-6:30pm

               All classes are offered in cooperation with neighboring agencies. The Min/Max for these programs are for each park district.

            FALL PROGRAM GUIDE 2021 | Clarendon Hills Park District...Great Adventures! | clarendonhillsparkdistrict.org

                                      Please wear comfortable, form-fitted clothing and bare feet.

Explore the joy of movement with your child and discover the                      DISCOVER DANCE
benefits of early childhood dance classes. We will dance, sing, and               Our Discover Dance classes offer an outlet for creative expression,
play in both one-on-one activities and group activities.                          physical growth, and social interaction. Children will explore the
                                                                                  essence of movement that will lead to the discovery of multiple styles
Age:	�����������������Walking-3 years old with adult                              of dance.
Fee R/NR:	������$45/$56
                                                                                  Fee R/NR:	������$67/$99
Code             Day         Date                        Time
                                                                                  DISCOVER DANCE A • 3-5 years old
223300-01        Tue.        September 21-October 26     11:15-11:45am
                                                                                  Code            Day       Date                           Time
223300-02        Tue.        November 2-December 14      11:15-11:45am
                                                                                  223300-05       Tue.      September 21-October 26        9:30-10:15am
                                                                                  223300-06       Tue.      November 2-December 14         9:30-10:15am
Watch your child’s independence and confidence soar, as our                       DISCOVER DANCE B • 4-6 years old
                                                                                  Code            Day       Date                           Time
dancers explore and discover the benefits of a more structured
dance class. Live singing, musical play, and sensory props will have              223300-07       Tue.      September 21-October 26        12:00-12:45pm
these little ones moving and grooving.                                            223300-08       Tue.      November 2-December 14         12:00-12:45pm

Age:	�����������������2-3 years old
Fee R/NR:	������$45/$56
                                                                                  All classes located at the
Code             Day         Date                        Time                     Community Center                                   No
223300-03        Tue.        September 21-October 26     10:30-11:00am                                                               on 1 sses
223300-04        Tue.        November 2-December 14      10:30-11:00am                                                                   1/23

                                                       FRIDAY DANCE PARTIES
                                                        Dance Parties are camp-style classes that focus on technique, movement games, crafts,
                                                        and a mini-performance! All levels are welcome to participate.
                                                        Wear comfortable form-fitted clothing, dance shoes or bare feet.
                                                        Feel free to dress to match the theme too!

OCT. 22 • HIP HOP                                            NOV. 19 • JAZZ                                                              ALLET
                                                                                                            DEC. 10 • B
Halloween                                               Superhero Power                                                  Dreams
                 m • 3-7 years old                      4:30-5:30pm • 3-7 years old                         Nutcrackme•r3-7 years old
4:30-5:30p                                                                                                  4:30-5:30p                       ement games
                  hnique, movement                      Jazz dance technique, movement                                          chnique, mov
Hip Hop dance tec                        te                                             games,                     t da nc e te                     th e
                    raphy to your favori                and choreography to a Superhero                     Bal le
                                                                                                                              aphy to the m
                                                                                                                                            usic of
games, and choreog                                                                      theme.
                                                                                                            and choreogr
Halloween music.                                       Fee R/NR:...$21/$25 • Code:...22330
                                                                                           0-12             Nutcracker.
                                        0                                                                                              e:...2233 00-14
                     • Code:...223300-1                                                                                    1/$25 • Cod
 Fee R/NR:...$21/$25                                                                                         Fee R/NR:...$2

 Zombies & Chee rleaders                               Center Stage                                                       Lyrical
             years old                                 5:45-7:45pm • 8-13 years old                          Let It Snow
                                                                                                                       • 8-13 years
 5:45-7:45pm • 8-13 e, movement                                                                               5:45-7:45pm chnique, movement games
    Hop dance techniqu                                 Jazz dance technique, movement                                         te
  Hip                                                                                    games,
                     raphy to music from                                                                      Lyrical dance                  ter theme.
  games, and choreog
                                                       and choreography to your favorite
                                                                                                                 d ch or eo gr aphy to a win
                      vies.                            Broadway shows.                                        an                           ...223300-15
  Disney's Zombies mo                                                                                                         8/$47 • Cod
                      • Code:...223300-1
                                         1             Fee R/NR:...$38/$47 • Code:...22330                     Fee R/NR:...$3
  Fee R/NR:...$38/$47                                                                      0-13

                  All classes are offered in cooperation with neighboring agencies. The Min/Max for these programs are for each park district.

                        clarendonhillsparkdistrict.org | Clarendon Hills Park District...Great Adventures! | FALL PROGRAM GUIDE 2021

        B ir th d a y Par ti e s        y
                         ur special da
    Celebrate yo                              s                             Choose how you want to party!
            c lo se   st fa m ily and friend
with your                 or posing, ma
                                           king                             Fee R/NR:$425/$530
       g , c h e e ri n g
dancin                                    e.
                         t last a lifetim
    memories tha                          inment
                                  hour of enterta
                 nsists of one             d dessert in th
                                                                                                      Dance Party
 Ea ch pa rty co
           by 45  m  in ut es of pizza an          H os t to
followed                             by a Party
                    l coordinated
    party room, al               ea n- up. Party is up
                   t-up and cl                            ter for
    assist with se                        m  un ity C en                                                       Code:

                  se contact the
15 guests. Plea and time availability.
                                 e choices are
                                                                        Che e r le                                           Yoga P
              Party start tim
                   12:00pm 2:   or   30pm.
                                     booked in                               Party                                              C
                Parties must be          te
                                                                                                                                   22130 :
                        advance of da                                           Code:                                                   0-44
                                    ym  en t                                          -42
                       with full pa                                            221300

                                                                                   BACK TO SCHOOL YOGA CLASS
                                                                                   Before you head back to school, find your balance in yoga. This
                                                                                   one hour class will offer focus and relaxation for your student's mind
                                                                                   before they start their busy schedule.
                                                                                   Min/Max:	��������5/20
                                                                                   Age:	�����������������9-12 years old
                                                                                   Location	���������Community Center
                                                                                   Instructor;	�������Janelle Dimitriou
                                                                                   Fee R/NR:	������$12/$15
                                                                                   Code           Day          Date               Time
                                                                                   215300-05      Mon.         August 16          11:00am-12:00pm

 LET'S PAIR UP WITH MOM                                                            UGLY CHRISTMAS SWEATER TEEN YOGA
 Before the craziness of the holidays, let's spend time with mom for a             Don't forget your ugly sweater for this session! This unique class
 mom and me yoga class. This one-hour class will bring peace to the                encourages your teen's individuality and creativity to flow through
 both of you and allow you to pair up for stability poses. This is a fun           yoga poses, breathing and meditation. This uplifting class among
 way to start the holiday month. Join in and find your namaste.                    friends will be sure to put a smile on each others' faces as they pose
                                                                                   with their sweater on.
 Min/Max:	��������5/15 pairs
 Age:	�����������������9-12 years old                                              Min/Max:	��������5/20
 Location	���������Community Center                                                Age:	�����������������11-14 years old
 Instructor;	�������Chicago Loves Dance                                            Location	���������Community Center
 Fee R/NR:	������$25/$31 per pair youth and adult                                  Instructor;	�������Janelle Dimitriou
                       $10/$12 additional child                                    Fee R/NR:	������$12/$15

 Code             Day           Date                      Time                     Code           Day          Date               Time
 215300-06        Wed.          December 15               5:15-6:15pm              215300-07      Thu.         December 16        5:15-6:15pm

              FALL PROGRAM GUIDE 2021 | Clarendon Hills Park District...Great Adventures! | clarendonhillsparkdistrict.org
Fall                                                                                              SEPT.


August 29-October 10                                             • Prospect Park Tennis Courts
The Clarendon Hills Park District is excited to partner with Matt Burghgraef and his staff to provide fall tennis programs. The
tennis program utilizes the United States Tennis Association “Quick Start Tennis”. The principle of Quick Start is to get children
playing quickly and appropriately through the use of modified equipment, making the court and equipment smaller, ball slower
and considering the needs and development stages of children at different ages. Every child, regardless of age deserves the best
possible instruction, to maximize their potential to play.

What to Bring to Class:.........Tennis racquet, water bottle
What to Wear:..........................Tennis Shoes (no sandals or slip-ons)

RED BALL­: MIGHTY MITES (4-5 years) (6-7 years)
The focus is on development of skills necessary to play tennis, such as movement patterns, hand-eye coordination and tracking
as well as basic tennis skills progressing to learning rally and basic techniques. These skills are taught through a variety of fun
individual or team tennis games. Red balls on 36’ court

Players are introduced to all shots and continue work on basic stroke development, footwork and rallying while incorporating match
tactics. Orange balls on 60’ court

GREEN BALL: BIG ACES (9-11 years)
Basic strokes, racquet skills and sending and receiving skills will be taught as well as footwork, position on court, scoring and match
tactics. High Performance Green Ball needs coaches approval to register. Green balls on 90’ court

This class is for the player with little or no experience. We will focus on learning basic strokes with correct form and etiquette.
Structure of class will mostly consist of feeding drills to allow players to hit a lot of balls to improve strokes therefore it is an hour of
great cardio work. Instructor reserves right to move students dependent on skill level.

ADULT INTERMEDIATE (USTA 3.0-3.4 & below) and
ADVANCED (USTA 3.5 & above)
Players who have some experience and those looking to fine tune their game will advance their skills through stroke development,
footwork and tactical drills. Live point drills and games will be included to provide an energetic and fun experience. These two drills
are combined and will run as one drill. Instructor reserves right to move students dependent on skill level.

Cardio tennis is an exercise class with an emphasis on tennis. The class focuses less on stroke development and more on
cardiovascular exercise. If you’re looking for a fun way to burn calories this class is for you! Cardio tennis is very fast moving and
sometimes uses low compression orange tennis balls for safety and to equalize skill levels. No tennis experience required.

Class                                      Day         Time                    Code        Fee R/NR
RED BALL (4-5 YRS)                         Sun.        1:00-1:45pm             143300-01   $63/$79
RED BALL (6-7 YRS)                         Sun.        12:00-1:00pm            143300-02   $84/$105                     OUT D
                                                                                                                   WILL       A
ORANGE BALL                                Sun.        10:00-11:00am           143300-03   $84/$105
                                                                                                                        BE AD TES
GREEN BALL                                 Sun.        11:00am-12:00pm         143300-04   $84/$105                AT TH      D ED
ADULT INT./ADVANCED                        Sun.        8:30-10:00am            143300-05   $126/$158               THE S ND OF
ADULT BEGINNER                             Sun.        2:00-3:00pm             143300-07   $84/$105                      ESSIO
ADULT CARDIO TENNIS                        Sun.        2:00-3:00pm             143300-08   $84/$105
HIGH PERFORMANCE GREEN BALL*               Sun.        12:00-1:30pm            143300-09   $126/$158
 *Needs coaches approval to register

               clarendonhillsparkdistrict.org | Clarendon Hills Park District...Great Adventures! | FALL PROGRAM GUIDE 2021
                                                                                              2-POINT LEAGUE
                                                                                              Grades 1st & 2nd

                                                                                              This level is ideal for the new player who

                                                                                              needs to work on the fundamentals and

                                                                                              learning the “game” and the beginner who
                                                                                              is working on skills and confidence. Hoops

                                                                                              will be at 8 foot height.


                                                                                              Practice Time..........6:10-6:50pm

                                                                      o be          r         Game Times............9:00am & 10:00am

                                                                O c t
                                         i on            in                                   3-POINT LEAGUE
                                  rm a t                                                      Grades 2nd & 3rd

                e i n fo                                                                      This level is for the advanced beginner

        M    or                                                                               to intermediate player who has played
                                                                                              basketball and is ready for the next level of
                                                                                              play. The atmosphere is fun while players
                                                                                              continue to develop skills and rules of the
                                                                                              game are “enforced” to prepare for more
                                                                                              competitive play. Hoops will be at 9 foot

                                              OCT. 3

                                                                     NOV. 2


DRIB                                              No s NO
                                                     m e      V. 2      No ce OV. 27
                                                                                N             Code .........................103300-02

                                                 G a                      c t

          ND                                                          Pra
                                                                   3                          Practice Time..........6:50-7:30pm

      O U

                                                                                              Game Times............11:00am & 12:00pm
                                                         Pract                  Games

                                        FA L L YOUT H
                                        L E AGUE                                                        SHOOT & !
Dates TBD
Prospect and Walker Schools
Register your player for the 2021 Youth Fall Basketball League. Players focus on
dribbling, passing, and shooting with sportsmanship taking the lead during each
practice and game. Teams are composed of a mix of grade level and school.
Practice is on Tuesday or Thursday evening with Saturday morning games.
                                                                                           GYM          Date TB
Each player receives game day t-shirt. Game length is two-20 minute periods.                  CHMS S
                                                                                          (enter th        c h o o lG
                                                                                                      rough Pa ym
                                                                                        Grades 1 st               r k District
 Min/Max:....32/48 • Fee R/NR:....$75/$93       •   Register by October 15.                         – 3 rd  ............. 1    )
                                                                                        Grade 4 th                          0:00-11:0
                                                                                                     - 8 th........                   0am
                                                                                                                    ..... 12:00
                                                                                                     $3 Drop                    -1:00pm
                                                                                                                    In Fee

         FALL PROGRAM GUIDE 2021 | Clarendon Hills Park District...Great Adventures! | clarendonhillsparkdistrict.org

                                                                                              Sunday, August 29
                                                                                  Lady Devils Softball is a competitive travel team that competes
                                                                                  locally. This is the league for you if you are ready to make
                                                                                  the jump from camps and clinics to league games. Teams are
                                                                                  based on ages; 14U, 13U, 12U, 11U, 10U, and 9U. Off-season
                                                                                  practices start in February and league games and tournaments
                                                                                  start in April.

                                                                                  League tryouts are free.
                                                                                  Location............................... Prospect Park Eccles Field
                                                                                  League Head Coach:....... Steve Contreras

The training academy focuses on small group instruction for
                                                                                  9U, 10U, 11U
fielding, hitting, pitching, and base running. Players will receive               12U, 13U, 14U          110200-07              3:30-5:00pm
instruction from a professional hitting coach, pitching coach, and
Hinsdale Central High School varsity softball players. Coaches will               2022 BIRTH YEAR REQUIREMENTS:
take measurements of speed, arm strength, and hitting power to                    2007:......14U                2009:......12U              2011:........10U
record a personal athletic profile for each player that can be tracked            2008:......13U                2010:.......11U             2012/13:..9U

                                                                                                     y !
over time. There is live gameplay throughout the week during the

                                                                                              To d a

                                                                                 Regi s t e r
The Training Academy will serve as the preliminary evaluation for the
2022 Lady Devils Softball League, but is not required to be selected
for those teams.
Each player will receive a camp t-shirt.
Min/Max:.............................. 20/50
Age:....................................... 8-14 years old
Location............................... Prospect Park Eccles Field
League Head Coach:....... Steve Contreras
Code             Day             Dates              Time             Fee R/NR
110200-05        Wed.-Fri.       August 18-20       2:00-4:30pm      $100/$125

                      clarendonhillsparkdistrict.org | Clarendon Hills Park District...Great Adventures! | FALL PROGRAM GUIDE 2021

Want to wield a foil? Fencing class teaches students the basics of attack
and defense as well as strategies that create the foundation for their fencing
game. Each class will have instruction and bouting (actual fencing).
Due to COVID-19, fencers must rent equipment or purchase their own basic
set. Contact Fencing Sports Club at 630-678-0035 for more information.
NOTE: Program is designed to accommodate all fitness levels. Instructor
considers heights and abilities of each fencer.
Min/Max:	��������6/20
Age:	�����������������8-16 years old
Location:	��������KLM Lodge, 5901 County Line Road, Hinsdale
Fee R/NR:	������$60/$72 First family member
                      $30/$36 Additional family members (Sept./Oct. dates)
                      $35/$43 Additional family members (Oct./Dec. dates)
Code           Level          Day     Date                         Time
170300-01      Advanced       Mon.    September 13-October 18      4:45-5:45pm
170300-02      Beginner       Mon.    September 13-October 18      5:45-6:45pm
170300-03      Advanced       Thu.    October 28-December 16       4:45-5:45pm
170300-04      Beginner       Thu.    October 28-December 16       5:45-6:45pm

                                                     CHICAGO ELITE YOUTH VOLLEYBALL
                                                     Chicago Elite Youth Academy is a child development program created to both introduce
                                                     children to the game of volleyball, as well as continue to improve their individual skill
                                                     development in the sport. Chicago Elite classes develop important volleyball skills such as
                                                     passing, setting, attacking, blocking, serving, defense and movement. Players will be divided
                                                     according to both skill level and age and challenged accordingly.
                                                     Min/Max:................. 8/10
                                                     Location:................. The Community House, 415 W 8th Street, Hinsdale
                                                     Day:.......................... Tuesday
                                                     Fee R/NR:............... $100/$120
                                                     Code           Age                Date                      Time
                                                     122300-01      1st-5th Grade      September. 7-October 5    5:00-6:00pm
                                                     122300-02      6th-8th Grade      September. 7-October 5    6:00-7:00pm

                                                              THANKSGIVING BREAK VOLLEYBALL CAMP
                                                              Min/Max:	��������8/10
                                                              Location:	��������The Community House, 415 W 8th Street, Hinsdale
                                                              Day:	�����������������Monday-Wednesday
                                                              Dates:	�������������November 22-24
                                                              Fee R/NR:	������$90/$108
                                                              Code           Age                 Time

                                                              122300-03      1st-8th Grade       1:00-2:30pm

                                                                                 WINTER BREAK VOLLEYBALL CAMP
                                                                                 Min/Max:	��������8/10
                                                                                 Location:	��������The Community House, 415 W 8th Street, Hinsdale
                                                                                 Day:	�����������������Monday-Wednesday
                                                                                 Dates:	�������������December 20-22
                                                                                 Fee R/NR:	������$90/$108
                                                                                 Code          Age               Time
                                                                                 122300-04     1st-8th Grade     1:00-2:30pm

            FALL PROGRAM GUIDE 2021 | Clarendon Hills Park District...Great Adventures! | clarendonhillsparkdistrict.org
                        ILLINOIS SHOTOKAN                                                     TAEKWONDO
                                                                                              Classes are taught under the direction of G.Master
                        KARATE CLUB                                                           Ki Hong Kim* (9th Dan Kukkiwon World Taekwondo
                  Classes are taught under the instruction of John                            Headquarters.)
                  DiPasquale, a four-time National Champion, US
                                                                              A $45 uniform fee is required at the first class. All colored belt
National Coach and President of the US National Karate Federation.
                                                                              students are required to have complete sparring gear. Belt testing is
Visit www.iskc.com for more information or call 847-359-0666.                 offered through KH Kim Taekwondo at an additional fee and is held
All classes located at the Community Center                                   twice a year. All belt levels included.
                                                                              All classes located at the Community Center
PRE-KARATE                                                                    Classes runs Wednesday, September 19-December 22
In our Pre-Karate classes, young children develop flexibility, strength,      Register by age • Fee R/NR:.....$121/$132
and coordination in fun, yet disciplined activities. This program is
specifically designed for growing minds and bodies to enhance                 LITTLE DRAGONS
memory and agility. Watch your child’s confidence blossom and their           This introductory class is designed to captivate the interest of our
skills improve.                                                               youngest students. Skills are developed through gentle instruction
Max:	�����������������5                                                       and appropriate games for their ability. This class focuses on
Age:	�����������������4-7 years old                                           developing balance, coordination, and respect for the discipline of
Fee R/NR	�������$176/$211 (15 weeks)                                          martial arts training.
September 7-December 14                                                       Code           Age                       Time                 Min/Max
Code             Level                       Day       Time                   138200-01      4-5 years old             4:00-4:40pm          3/6
135300-01        Beginner                    Tue.      4:15-5:00pm
135300-02        Cont. (2+ Sessions)         Tue.      5:10-5:55pm            EARLY TAEKWONDO
                                                                              This class helps kids develop conditioning, coordination, listening
YOUTH & ADULT KARATE                                                          skill, and self-confidence through creative activities.
ISKC’s Youth karate classes will put children in touch with
their bodies and offers a good mix of strength training, with                 Code           Age                       Time                 Min/Max
cardiovascular and flexibility exercises. Children increase their             138200-03      6-7 years old             5:00-5:50pm          3/8
coordination, agility and poise, as well as learn lasting personal
safety skills and the choreographed moves of the kata.                        YOUTH TAEKWONDO
                                                                              This class includes a balanced cardiovascular workout using the
Max:	�����������������5
                                                                              Taekwondo tradition, and self-control. Participants will improve
Age:	�����������������8+ years old
                                                                              coordination, power of concentration, balance, and both physical
Fee R/NR	�������$176/$211 (15 weeks)
                                                                              and mental discipline.
September 7-December 14
Code             Level                                 Day      Time          Code           Age                       Time                 Min/Max
135200-05        Beg./Cont. (White-Orange Belts)       Tue.     6:05-7:00pm   138200-05      8-13 years old            6:10-7:00pm          3/8
135200-06        Int./Adv. (Yellow-Black Belts)        Tue.     7:10-8:05pm
                                                                              PARENT/CHILD TAEKWONDO
                                                                              This class provides families with a fun opportunity to spend time
                                                                              together while improving physical and mental conditioning through
                    All Karate and Taekwondo classes are offered in           cardiovascular drills, calisthenics, and Taekwondo techniques.
                    cooperation with neighboring agencies. The Min/
                    Max for these programs are for each park district.        Code           Age                       Time                 Min/Max
                                                                              138200-07      7+ years old with adult   7:20-8:15pm          3/8

TRACK & FIELD PROGRAM                                                                         SAND VOLLEYBALL FUNDAMENTALS
Coaches will focus on teaching sprints,                                              This program consists of competitive drills for skills
hurdles, jumps, running, and throws. The          KIDS FIRST SPORTS SAFETY, INC training, including serving, bumping, setting, spiking,
program consists of balance techniques,                                              speed and quickness, balance, first step directional
speed, quickness, agility drills, and team relay races.               movements, safety awareness, sportsmanship, skills challenge
Program concludes with a championship series event.                   contest, and championship volleyball game.
Min/Max:	���������6/28                                                        Min/Max:	���������6/40
Age:	�����������������5-7 & 8-14 years old                                    Age:	�����������������7-14 years old
Location:	���������Prospect Park                                              Location:	���������Prospect Park Sand Volleyball Courts
Fee R/NR:	�������$69/$88                                                      Fee R/NR:	�������$69/$88
Code             Day         Date                             Time            Code           DAy       Date                             Time
314300-08        Sat.        September 11- October 2          9:45-11:00am    314200-09      Sat.      September 11- October 2          11:00am–12:15pm
314300-09        Sat.        October 9 – October 30           9:45-11:00am    314200-09      Sat.      October 9- October 30            11:00am–12:15pm

                        clarendonhillsparkdistrict.org | Clarendon Hills Park District...Great Adventures! | FALL PROGRAM GUIDE 2021
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