F1 US Grand Prix October 2021 - Ultimate Driving Tours

Page created by Alvin Duran
F1 US Grand Prix October 2021 - Ultimate Driving Tours
Grand Prix
October 2021
F1 US Grand Prix October 2021 - Ultimate Driving Tours
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EXPERIENCE THE WORLD'S BEST                                                                                                                                                         Long Established

Luxury Driving Holidays                                                                                                                                                             One of the world’s longest established driving holiday
                                                                                                                                                                                    specialists, with decades of experience creating
                                                                                                                                                                                    extraordinary motoring and luxury travel events.

Ultimate Driving Tours evolved from my        of our ever-growing global team,            about much more than cars, more
lifelong love of motoring. It started as      Ultimate Driving Tours has evolved          than driving. Our experiences take
                                                                                                                                                                                    Award Winning
an idea, then became a small project          into a renowned and award-winning           you to stay in the finest boutique
between like-minded friends. We found         luxury adventure travel business—           and experiential accommodation,
                                                                                                                                                                                    Recognised across the luxury travel industry as the
a select group of clients who shared our      the world’s premier provider of             dine in celebrated restaurants, and
                                                                                                                                                                                    world’s best driving holiday provider and a multi-award
passions for travel, enjoying the finer       extraordinary driving, motorsport and       savour unique and exclusive lifestyle
                                                                                                                                                                                    winning international tour operator.
things in life, and driving incredible cars   track experiences. From Europe to           experiences. That might include a
in great company. And it soon became          the Americas and Australasia, we now        private tour of one of Europe’s most
apparent that we had found a winning          offer the most diverse and far-reaching     prestigious vineyards and champagne
                                                                                                                                                                                    Global Presence
formula.                                      selection of incredible motoring            maisons, or a chartered private jet,
                                              adventures, with all the elements of an     helicopter or yacht, and so much more.
                                                                                                                                                                                    The only driving tour company with a global presence,
But the roots of UDT’s story begin much       unforgettable luxury travel experience.
                                                                                                                                                                                    and experiences in operation throughout the Americas,
earlier than our first tour. For over                                                     We hope that you too will become one
                                                                                                                                                                                    Australasia and Europe.
twenty years, I have participated in,         Our experiences are designed to let you     of our family of guests, and join us for
created, directed and owned motoring          live out your bucket-list, whatever may     the journey of a lifetime. After perusing
events, starting with a celebrated tarmac     be on it. Whether you would prefer to       this brochure, please don’t hesitate to
                                                                                                                                                                                    Exceptional Delivery
rally series. After seven years of growing    experience a fleet of supercars on the      reach out to our team. We look forward
the rally into a beloved Australia-wide       world’s best driving roads, watch the       to hearing from you and to having you
                                                                                                                                                                                    Our journeys are meticulously curated to incorporate
motoring event, I turned my focus to          Grand Prix of Monaco from the plush         along.
                                                                                                                                                                                    only the very best of your chosen destination and the
the international arena, taking a group       seats of a superyacht, get behind the
                                                                                                                                                                                    highest standards of service.
to motorsport mecca – Nurburgring.            wheel of a real F1 car at a private track   To a life of adventure,
This initial venture was perhaps a            day, or dine with motorsport legends
little more rough and ready than the          like Sir Jackie Stewart, our events cover
                                                                                                                                                                                    Unique & Exclusive
refinement of our current tours, but it       all the ‘must do’ experiences associated
was the genesis of a beautiful journey.       with motoring.                              Anthony Moss
                                                                                          CEO & Founder                                                                             We work closely with carefully selected boutique

                                                                                          Ultimate Driving Tours                                                                    suppliers to ensure access to the most unique and
Over the years, and with the help             But an Ultimate Driving Tour is also
                                                                                                                                                                                    exclusive experiences, driving or otherwise.

                                                                                                                                      WHY ULTIMATE
                                                                                                                                      DRIVING TOURS?                                  A WORD FROM OUR CEO

                                                                                                                                      "Just unbelievable; out of this world – a
                                                                                                                                      bucket-list dream with new but now lifelong

                                                                                                                                      Adam & Kerryn, Australia
                                                                                                                                      Guests on 2019 European Supercar Tour

                                                                                                                                         FIND OUT MORE
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                                   TOUR SUMMARY

                                                Friday 22 – Monday 25 October

                           Experience one of the most popular, fan friendly races in the F1 calendar – the US
                                          Grand Prix – in luxury, with our F1 hospitality package.

                             Be treated to your suite’s exceptional views and gourmet catering as part of an
                           all-inclusive, adrenaline-filled weekend. Outside of the Grand Prix, you can relax at
                            your secluded and luxurious resort in the Austin hills, or head into Downtown to
                           enjoy the lively and eclectic city of Austin (one of our favourite US cities!). True F1
                           aficionado can also take part in an exclusive dinner with an F1 favourite – Australian
                                                          driver Daniel Ricciardo.

                                              A Snapshot of the Tour
4 Days / 3 Nights                                       F1 US Grand Prix
Add 1+ Days / Nights for
Optional Add-On
                                   Day 1                ARRIVAL & WELCOME

Driving                            Day 2                F1 US GRAND PRIX (QUALIFYING)

                                   Day 3                F1 US GRAND PRIX (RACE)

Drive Start
Austin, Texas                      Day 4                DEPART | OPTIONAL DINNER WITH F1 DRIVER

                                   Day 5                DEPARTURES FOR GUESTS FROM F1 DINNER
                                                        Onward travel
Drive End
Austin, Texas

                                                                                                                     Want to See A Tour in Action?
                                                                                                                        Check out our videos at ultimatedrivingtours.com

                                                                                                                                      W AT C H I T N O W
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                                               Friday 22 – Monday 25 October

                                                                                                                                     Guests enjoying this exclusive opportunity
                                                                                                                                     can spend the day continuing to explore
                                                                                                                                     the city and surrounds. We recommend
                                                                                                                                     checking out the outlets, strolling the city
                                                                                                                                     or riverside, or perhaps a lazy day by the
                                                                                                                                     pool, cocktail in hand. That evening, guests
                                                                                                                                     will meet for dinner at Uchiko – one of the
                                                                                                                                     hottest restaurants on the Texan dining
                                                                                                                                     scene. Here you will enjoy the private
                                                                                                                                     dining experience with current F1 Driver.

                                                                                                                                     Over the course of this intimate meet and
                                                                                                                                     greet, guests can chat in a relaxed setting
                                                                                                                                     with the driver and hear insights and
                                                                                                                                     behind the scenes news and gossip about
                                                                                                                                     the world of F1 and the weekend that has
                                                                                                                                     just passed, as well as having professional
                                                                                                                                     photos taken, and memorabilia signed. An
                                                                                                                                     unforgettable bucket-list experience!

A       rrive into Austin on Friday.
        Following transfers from the airport
and check-in, spend the afternoon
                                               a VIP experience at one of the most
                                               fan-friendly races in the F1 calendar –
                                               the US Grand Prix. The race is hosted
                                                                                         In the evenings after the racing
                                                                                         concludes, guests can choose to stay
                                                                                         at COTA to enjoy celebratory concerts
                                                                                                                                                                                    Omni Barton Creek Resort & Spa
relaxing at your five-star resort, making      at the stunning Circuit of the Americas   from A-list music superstars. In the past                                                  (3 nights)
the most of its golfing facilities and spa,    (COTA) complex, which was specially       this has included the likes of Taylor
or head into Downtown to explore the           commissioned in 2010 to host F1's         Swift, Justin Timberlake, Usher, Bruno
city. Later that evening the group will        triumphant return to the United States.   Mars and more. Alternatively you can                                                       Dining
meet for a welcome aperitif, followed                                                    return to the resort for a good night's
by dinner.                                     For your F1 experience you will be        sleep, or head into Downtown to make                                                       Blind Salamander (Friday Night)
                                               treated to the ultimate in hospitality,   the most of the nightlife for which the                                                    Fresh seafood with stunning views
Austin is the exuberant capital of             spending the weekend enjoying either      city is renowned.                                                                          Uchiko (Monday Night)
Texas, as well as the proclaimed world         Champions Club, or upgrading to the                                                                                                  Optional dinner with an F1 Driver
capital of live music. Home to a vibrant       glitz and glamour of Paddock Club.        After an adrenaline-filled weekend, on
crowd, eclectic dining scene, and many         Both suites offer gourmet catering,       Monday morning you can relax before
talented artists and entertainers, you         a premium open bar and the best           onward travel plans. Alternatively, for
will find no shortage of things to see,        vistas on offer, with the Paddock Club    guests who wish to make the most
do, taste and listen to in this incredible     also including access to the F1 Pit       of their F1 experience, you can stay
city.                                          Lane, Q&As with F1 drivers and racing     an additional day and enjoy a private
                                               personalities, live entertainment, and    evening meeting with a current Formula
On Saturday and Sunday you will enjoy          much more.                                1 driver.
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                                                ITINERARY                                                                                                 COVID-19 MANAGEMENT
                                                      A snapshot of the tour                                                                                                     UDT takes your health and safety seriously.
                                                                                                                                                                              For any further queries, please contact our team.

DAY 1: FRIDAY 22 OCTOBER                        Lunch		                Dinner                  can opt to enjoy a private and intimate
ARRIVAL + WELCOME                               F1 Hospitality         Own Arrangements        dinner with a current F1 driver.
                                                                                                                                              In light of the current pandemic, we have implemented a number of health and safety practices for both guests

Arrive into Austin. Following chauffeur                                                        Accommodation inc Breakfast
                                                                                                                                              and staff. These include:
transfers from the airport, it's time to        DAY 3: SUNDAY 24 OCTOBER                       Omni Barton Creek Resort & Spa
settle in, relax and enjoy the hotel’s          AMERICAN GP (RACE DAY)                                                                            •    The provision of a sanitising pack including gloves, a face mask, hand sanitiser and wipes
extensive amenities, or head into Downtown                                                     Lunch		                Dinner                      •    Sanitising stations for use on arrival and departure at all venues and stops
to explore this charismatic city.               Today is race day. Take in the thrills and     Own Arrangements       Uchiko                      •    Adherence to social distancing throughout the event
                                                excitement of the Grand Prix, in addition
                                                                                                                                                  •    Daily temperature checks
Accommodation inc Breakfast                     to exploring the sights, sounds and
Omni Barton Creek Resort & Spa                  entertainment at COTA. Choose to stay on       DAY 5: TUESDAY 26 OCTOBER
                                                for the live entertainment, or return to the   DEPARTURES FOR F1 DINNER GUESTS                We also require venues and suppliers to follow health and safety procedures, and request guests similarly act
Lunch		                Dinner                   hotel for dinner.                                                                             responsibly in terms of informing us if you feel unwell in the lead up to or during an event, or have had close
Own Arrangements       Blind Salmander                                                         For guests who joined the F1 dinner, you can   contact with a confirmed or suspected case.
                                                Accommodation inc Breakfast                    again enjoy a sleep-in and midday check-
                                                Omni Barton Creek Resort & Spa                 out. From here the day is yours to further
                                                                                                                                              Lastly, on our events we avoid big cities and crowded places where possible. If feasible, we also book exclusive
DAY 2: SATURDAY 23 OCTOBER                                                                     explore before you depart on onward travel.
AMERICAN GP (QUALIFYING)                        Lunch		                Dinner
                                                                                                                                              use of hotels, restaurants and experiences, or request separate, private spaces for our guests.
                                                F1 Hospitality         Own Arrangements        Accommodation inc Breakfast
Enjoy a VIP experience at one of F1's most                                                     Own Arrangements
fan friendly races. From your luxurious suite
you can enjoy qualifying along with warm        DAY 4: MONDAY 25 OCTOBER                       Lunch		               Dinner
Texan hospitality. In the evening you can       DEPART OR DINNER WITH F1 DRIVER                Own Arrangements      Own arrangements
choose to stay on for the live entertainment,
or return to the hotel for dinner.              Enjoy a relaxed start to the day before
                                                onward travel plans, or for those who have
Accommodation inc Breakfast                     opted to enjoy the dinner, spend the day
Omni Barton Creek Resort & Spa                  exploring or shopping. In the evening you
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                                                                                                              TOUR PACKAGE
                                                                                                      Inclusions, exclusions, and options to complete your experience

                                                              Our tours are designed to be end-to-end luxury travel experiences, with every aspect from the moment you arrive to the moment you depart considered.
                                                                           Your final tour investment is comprised of your Tour Package (as outlined below) and any Optional Add-Ons you choose to include.

                                                                                                         * Please note, packages are currently tentative and may be subject to change.

F1 Grand Prix Weekend (Champions Club)                                                                                                                        Upgrade to Paddock Club
                                                            PAC K AG E                                                                                                                                          PAC K AG E

    •    Guided experience at the F1 US Grand Prix in Austin hosted over five days and four nights                                                           Guests looking to join us for the GP weekend can also opt to upgrade their hospitality from the Owner's
    •    Two days enjoying Champions Club hospitality at the Grand Prix, including:                                                                          Club to the ultimate in luxury at the F1 Paddock Club, embarking on a first class adventure into the world
         • Premier access and viewing for the F1 weekend, including pit access                                                                               of F1.
         • Premium hospitality including gourmet catering and open bar (champagne, beer, wine and more)
         • Driver appearances                                                                                                                                Offering the highest level of hospitality in F1, guests of the Paddock Club will experience first-class race
    •    Luxury transfers to all destinations throughout the tour                                                                                            viewing, pit lane tours, gourmet dining, an open bar including champagne, Q&A with F1 insiders, live
    •    A team of support staff to manage all aspects of the experience                                                                                     entertainment and much more.
    •    Professional photography and videography
    •    All fees, service charges and applicable taxes                                                                                                                                                   £1,590   GBP ( per person )*

                                                     from            GBP ( per person )*
                                                                                                                                                              Dine with an F1 Driver
                                                                                                                                                                                                                PAC K AG E
                                                                                                                                                              Spend Monday evening with an F1 Driver, enjoying a private dinner at a celebrated restaurant including a
    Flights Before or After the Tour                                                                                                                          gastronomic menu and accompanying wine package, as well as an additional night of accommodation.
    Own travel arrangements are to be made before the commencement of the Tour and following its conclusion. On
    request, the UDT team can provide advice or assistance with arranging flights.                                                                                                                     from   £2,990   GBP ( per person )*

    Travel Insurance
    All participants must have a comprehensive travel insurance policy in place before leaving for the Tour. Particular attention
    should be paid to cover for items such as medical/dental, personal effects, cancellations and rental vehicle excess.

    Accommodation and Dining Package
    Due to the diversity of options and preferences, accommodation is organised separately to the Tour investment. An
    Accommodation & Dining Package has been designed specifically for this tour. Further details available on the following page.
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        ACCOMMODATION & DINING                                                                                                                                                    CALCULATE YOUR INVESTMENT
                                                                Choose your preference                                                                                                                                     Your final tour investment is comprised of:
                                                                                                                                                                                                        1) Tour Package* + 2) Accommodation & Dining Package* + 3) Optional Add-Ons*
              Due to the diversity of options and preferences, accommodation is packaged separately to the Tour Package.
     Your Accommodation and Dining Package covers your accommodation, breakfasts and dinners. Lunches, morning/afternoon tea,
and aperitifs are included in the Tour Package. All you need to do is 1) select your occupancy (double, twin, or single) and 2) choose
                                                          your category (Gold, Platinum, or Black).

                                   * Please note, packages are currently tentative and may be subject to change.

F1 Grand Prix (3 Nights)
      G O L D PAC K AG E

            Three nights in a standard room at a luxury hotel, located right in the
            heart of Austin, Texas.                                                                         Double                Twin-share                   Single

            A welcome aperitif on arrival followed by a gourmet dinner with paired                      £1,450     GBP           £1,450      GBP           £2,390       GBP
                                                                                                          (per person)              (per person)
            wines at a renowned restaurant, as well as breakfast each morning.

      P L AT I N U M PAC K AG E                                                                                                                                                                T O U R PA C K A G E                                                          A & D PA C K A G E ^

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           GOLD                  P L AT I N U M                BLACK
            Three nights in a premium room at a luxury hotel, located right in the
            heart of Austin, Texas.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Double (pp)                 Double (pp)             Double (pp)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         £1,450   GBP                 £1,690   GBP            £1,890   GBP
            A welcome aperitif on arrival followed by a gourmet dinner with paired                          Double                Twin-share                   Single                            from   £5,590 GBP
            wines at a renowned restaurant, as well as breakfast each morning.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           +            Twin-share (pp)           Twin-share (pp)            Twin-share (pp)
                                                                                                        £1,690     GBP            £1,750     GBP           £2,690       GBP                         (per person)
                                                                                                          (per person)              (per person)                                                                                                         £1,450   GBP                 £1,750   GBP            £1,990   GBP
            Limousine transfers from the Fairmont Hotel to your point of
            departure in Austin.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Single                     Single                   Single
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         £2,390    GBP                £2,690   GBP            £3,250   GBP

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     + OPTIONAL ADD-ONS
       B L AC K PAC K AG E ( L I M I T E D N U M B E R S )

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      per person                                                                per person
           Priority access to suites and premium rooms at a luxury hotel for the                                                                                                    + Upgrade to Paddock Club (from)                                         + Dine with an F1 Driver (from)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     £1,590    GBP                                                             £2,990     GBP
           three nights of the tour, as select from the options at right.

           A welcome aperitif on arrival followed by a gourmet dinner with paired                                                                                                 * Please note, packages are currently tentative and may be subject to change.
           wines at a renowned restaurant, as well as breakfast each morning.                               Double                Twin-share                   Single             ^ Choose your level (gold or platinum or black) and your room occupancy (single, twin, or double)

           Door-to-door limousine transfers from the Fairmont Hotel to the                              £1,890     GBP           £1,990     GBP            £3,250       GBP
                                                                                                          (per person)             (per person)
           airport, and on your return from the airport to your home.

           Our team of luxury travel professionals will be on hand to curate every
           aspect of your travel experience down to the finest detail.

                          ^Tra n sfers a re b a sed on tra vel with in m etropoli tan reg i ons . Reg i onal/ i nter-ci ty trans fers wi ll vary dependi ng on l o ca t i o n .
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                                                                         EXPLORE MORE TOURS
                                                                                                  Can't Make the F1 US Grand Prix?
                                                                          Explore a selection of our other incredible and unforgettable experiences below.

Driving                                                 Self-Guided                                                   F1 Hospitality +                                      Bespoke
Tours                                                   Drives                                                        More                                                  Events
Our award-winning signature tours let you drive         Celebrate your love of driving with our range of              Love motorsport? So do we! Our packages let           Is your company seeking a unique way to
our full fleet of supercars on some of the world’s      luxurious self-drive holidays. Perfect for guests             you enjoy luxurious hospitality at the world's most   delight VIP clients, or reward and incentivise key
greatest roads, while enjoying a fully-managed luxury   seeking maximum flexibility or a solo escape. Simply          exciting events. Experience Monaco GP aboard our      employees? Or perhaps you have a group of friends
holiday in Europe, the UK, the USA, or Australia.       choose your favourite car from our fleet, arrive,             superyacht, head to legendary Monza for a thrilling   looking for an exclusive way to celebrate a special
Alternatively, our ‘Drive Your Own’ car tours allow     then follow your perfectly-planned route complete             weekend at the Italian GP, or choose to arrive into   milestone? Contact our team today to find out how
you to bring out a favourite drive from your home       with stunning luxury accommodation and our team               Goodwood in a chartered helicopter and watch the      our bespoke events can be the perfect corporate
garage for a guided adventure.                          on call.                                                      action from a luxury suite. The choice is yours.      incentive or private luxury escape.

          Scan to see more details                                 Scan to see more details                                     Scan to see more details                              Scan to see more details
          online or click here.                                    online or click here.                                        online or click here.                                 online or click here.
F1 US Grand Prix October 2021 - Ultimate Driving Tours
Ultimate Driving Tours was born from a passion for all things motor-related.

       That, and an appreciation for the finer things in life. We specialise in
     exclusive and unforgettable supercar driving tours, motorsport packages
              and track events, as part of a luxury travel experience.

US +1 (800) 860-103     |   UK +44 (0)800 098 8175          |   AU +61 1300 313 343

        info@ultimatedrivingtours.com       |   www.ultimatedrivingtours.com
F1 US Grand Prix October 2021 - Ultimate Driving Tours
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