Experimental Aspects of Muon Colliders - MuonCollider-Detector-Physics Group Donatella Lucchesi - IPPP Conference ...
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Experimental Aspects of Muon Colliders Donatella Lucchesi University of Padova and INFN, for MuonCollider-Detector-Physics Group
2 Muon Collider Parameters in numbers Muon colliders to expand frontiers of particle physics Parameter Unit 1.5 TeV 3 TeV Luminosity 1034cm-2s-1 1.25 4.4 N µ/bunch 1012 2 2 Bunches/beam 1 1 ! / % 0.1 0.1 " mm 10 5 #,% µm 6 3 Feb. 11, 2021
3 Set the Scene for Detector Requirements a) Beam Induced Background (BIB): Muons per bunch: 2 " 10!" many muon decay products, back of the envelope calculation: beam 0.75 TeV = 4.8×10# m, with 2×10!" /bunch ⇒ 4.1×10$ decay per meter of lattice b) Beam characteristics: • One bunch per beam • Collision time: 10 µs at = 1.5 TeV and 15 µs at = 3 TeV Long enough to assume not to have online selections: triggerless à la LHCb, strategies for possible online event selections are starting to be thought. • Bunch length, z=10 mm at = 1.5 TeV and z=5 mm at = 3 TeV Important for tracker design Collision time resolution t≃30 ps t≲20 ps Feb. 11, 2021
provides for are shown in Fig. 7. The maximum neutron fluence and y in the IR absorbed doses in the innermost layer of the silicon w the quench Set the Scene for Detector Requirements cont’d 4tracker for a one-year operation are at a 10% level of that s at the 1.9- in the LHC detectors at the nominal luminosity. More e, first four work is needed to further suppress the very high fluences level in the c)of photons Radiation Levelsin the tracker and calorimeter and electrons N. Mokhov et al. Fermilab-Conf-11-094-APC-TD ve the limit. which exceed those at proton colliders. Figure 6: Muon isoflux distribution in IR. liner in the Tunnel Detector Nozzle Final focus Silicon detector Figure 5: Power density (absorbed dose) profiles in the first IR dipole. Nozzle MDI AND DETECTOR BACKGROUNDS Figure In 6: design the IR Muon isoflux distribution assumed, in IR. the dipoles close to the IP and Figure 7: Neutron isofluence distribution in the detector Muon flux: E~ 10-100 GeV in the detector. tungsten masks in each interconnect region (needed to Neutron maximum fluence and absorbed dose in the per bunch crossing. Produced protect as Bethe-Heitler magnets) pairs. help reduce background particle fluxes innermost layer of the Si tracker for a one-year in the detector by a substantial factor. The tungsten operation are atREFERENCES a 10% level of that in the LHC nozzles in the 6 to 600 cm region from the IP (as proposed in the very early days of MC [8] and optimized [1]detectors at theE.nominal Y.I. Alexahin, luminosity. Gianfelice-Wendt, V. V. Kashikhin, Feb. 11, 2021 later [1,3]), assisted by the detector solenoid field, trap N.V. Mokhov, A.V. Zlobin, IPAC10. [2] I. Novitski, V.V. Kashikhin, N.V. Mokhov, A.V.
ponents and in the walls of the tunnel produce a high flux of secondary particles (see figure 1). IR quads, along with tungste was shown in the recent study [1], the appropriately designed interaction region and machine tor interface (including shielding nozzles, figure 2 and figure 3 ) can provide the reduction of and masks in interconnect reg n beam background by more than three orders of magnitude for a muon collider with a collision reduction of backgrounds. gy of 1.5 TeV. 5 Beam Induced Background Generation • W-nozzles, starting a few cent JINST 13 P09004 deg outer angle, are a very e Nozzle furthertobackground be suppress optimized as 2018 JINST 13 P09004 These nozzles can also fully c function of field of the detec the magnetic and machine • lattice With such an IR design, the MC detector is muon decays region confined to about±25 m re 1. A MARS15 model of the Interaction Region (IR) and detector with particle tracks > 1 GeV (mainly • Time gates would allow s New tool: s) for several forced decays of both beams. remaining background problem LineBuilder: read machine lattice and produce Fluka • There are ways to mitigate ne elements Fluka: generate new BIB considering all passive elements 6 Snowmass Planning Meeting Nikolai Mokhov | MDI at Muon Colliders Feb. 11, 2021 re 2. The shielding nozzle, general RZ view Figure 3. The shielding nozzle, zoom in near IP
6 Beam-Induced Background properties =1.5 TeV One muon beam of 750 GeV with 2 " 10!" particles/bunch Distance from µ decay point to IP (cm) Possible to study the BIB origin Integration path for BIB Timing distribution determined to mitigate it with dedicated machine-detector-interface contribution to the interaction by and accelerator lattice region depends on and accelerator lattice Feb. 11, 2021
7 Beam-Induced Background properties =1.5 TeV cont’d Secondary and tertiary particles have low momentum BIB characteristics strongly effect detectors design ➞ detailed evaluation is needed. Study of BIB behavior at 3 TeV center of mass energies is in progress, for higher energies a new strategy has to be defined. Feb. 11, 2021
8 D =1.5 TeV Collisions CLIC Detector technologies adopted with important modifications to cope with BIB. Detector design optimization at =1.5 (3) TeV is in progress. Room for collaboration! Feb. 11, 2021
9 Full Detector Simulation and Physics Object Reconstruction Ø ILCSoft which will be part of the Future Collider Framework, Key4hep, is used. The simulation/reconstruction tools support signal + beam-induced background merging. Presentation at Snowmass with a tutorial, and Software information on confluence Site. Ø Detector geometry frozen for =1.5 TeV studies. Ø Event Full Simulation ➞ no issues. Ø Track reconstruction: • It takes some time to do it with full BIB. • Several strategies almost in place (optimization needed ) to reduce the combinatorics. Ø Jet Reconstruction: § BIB effect reduction strategy ready. § Optimization of ParticleFlow algorithm optimization in progress. Ø Jet b-tag: • In progress algorithm definition and optimization. Ø Available simulated sample on the INFN-Tier-1 Storage Element: § Several BIB bunch crossings and signal+physics background samples. Ready to perform physics study with full simulation Feb. 11, 2021
to cope wit MDI: with 5 10 T =1.5 TeV cladd the be The impact of BIB on tracking system could be severe if not mitigated in the of ~50 Vertex detector barrel properly designed to not VXD g overlap with the BIB hottest spots around the detec interaction region VXD disk 1R VXD disk 0R VXD disk 2R VXD disk 0L VXD disk 2L VXD disk 1L VXD layer 3 in suc VXD layer 2 with th aroun VXD layer 1 VXD layer 0 z coordinate of BIB particles entering the detector M. Casarsa Detector Performance Studies at a Muon Collider - I Tracking performance have been studied applying timing and energy cuts on clusters reconstruction compatible with IP time spread Feb. 11, 2021
11 T =1.5 TeV BIB particles arrive on silicon sensors with a different angle respect to primary interaction particles: § Cluster shape in each sensor can be exploited to reduce BIB contribution; § Angles can be measured by correlating hits between adjacent sensors. This is the approach used for the CMS track trigger. Need to be studied and tuned taking into account primary vertex smearing. Appropriated tracker will be designed in future study Tracking performance are studied with the current detector configuration with no tracking algorithm optimization with samples of prompt muons with BIB overlayed Feb. 11, 2021
12 T =1.5 TeV Sample of prompt muons 0 < ! ≤ 10 Prompt muons with BIB Feb. 11, 2021
13 Calorimetry Study Current simulation is based on CLIC configuration: Silicon + tungsten for ECAL, Iron + Scintillator for HCAL. ECAL ECAL HCAL BIB deposits large amount of energy in both ECAL and HCAL Feb. 11, 2021
Calorimeter System at =1.5 TeV ECAL barrel hit arrival time – t0 14 Calorimeter Occupancy ECAL barrel longitudinal coordinate Few BIB hits arrive to the muon detectors BIB characteristics to be exploited to: § Design appropriated calorimeter system § Optimize jet reconstruction algorithm and design appropriate algorithm to identify b-jets. Feb. 11, 2021
The jet reconstruction efficiency is calculated as a function of the trasverse momentum of jets and is calculated as: Ntrue,matched ‘= Ntrue,matched + Ntrue,unmatched C where Ntrue,matched is the number of true jet matched with reconstructed jets, while at the denom- 15 inator there is the total number of truth-level jets. =1.5 TeV Jet momentum resolution Jet reconstruction efficiency Figure 51: Jet reconstruction efficiency as a function of the jet transverse momentum. Figure 52: Jet transverse momentum resolution as a function of the jet transverse momentum. Jet ParticleFlow reconstruction Jet b-tag efficiency As can be seen in Figure 51 the reconstruction efficiency is around 90 % for pT > 50 GeV while goes to 60% for low pT ≥ 10 GeV jets. algorithm under optimization. b-jet identification Tracks inside the jet cone were used to identify decay vertices compatible with the decay of b The jet transverse momentum resolution is then evaluated. The jetM C are divided into the same quark. intervals in pT as before, and for each jet the transverse momentum resolution has been very simple, based on Indeed, since b quarks have lifetime · ≥ 1.5 ps, they travel for an average distance d inside calculated as: the detector < d >= “ct— where c is the speed of light, — = vc where v is the particle velocity, and Determined with the “MAP” pT = pT,M C ≠ pT,reco secondary vertices “ = Ô 1 2 is the Lorentz factor. In the case of 1.5 TeV < d > is 8.3 mm. pT,M C pT,M C 1≠— The algorithm performs the following steps for each reconstructed jet: detector Then each Tp interval, with dual-readout the gaussian fit of the distribution of the jet transverse momenta performed. In Figure 52 can be seen the sigma of the gaussian fit as a function of the p . The is 1. tracks + ≠ it is inside the cone with pT > 500 GeV, impact parameter with respect to the µ µ interactio T calorimeter resolution on and the jet transverse momentum higher for jets with p < 20. very is lower“rough” than 10% for jets with p > 20 GeV, while T point greater than 0.04 cm and with a minimum number of 4 hits are selected. T jet reconstruction and b-tag 6.7 b-tagging algorithm 2. Two tracks vertices are built, by requiring the distance of closest approach between tracks to algorithms. be less than 0.02 cm, and the total transverse momentum greater than 2Feb. The identification of jets originated by heavy quarks (in general b and c jets) is performed via GeV. 11, 2021 flavour tagging tagging algorithms. The one available in the ILCSoftware has to be optimized for 3. Three muon collider environment. Therefore the analysis described in Section 7 is performed by assuming tracks vertices are built by selecting two tracks vertices with one track in common.
1.4 0.6 1.2 0.4 M 1 & ' 0.2 16 0.8 → → → 4 at = 3 TeV 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 p (Gev) dR Muon Pairs H->ZZ->4µ s=3 TeV p (Gev) Muon Reconstruction with BIB at = 1.5 TeV t t 4000 Efficiency: θ MC relation/ θ MC generated 3500 Muon hit distribution in barrel 1 250 3000 Cell y 200 Total hits Cluster hits 0.8 2500 150 100 0.6 Barrel +Endcap efficiency 2000 50 1500 0 0.4 1000 -50 -100 500 0.2 -150 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -200 dR 0 -250 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 -250 -200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 θ (°) Cell x Invariant Mass Muon Pairs H->ZZ->4µ s=3 TeV Efficiency: pt MC relation/ pt MC generated c2 / ndf (cut #layer5 1800 t 30 1600 0.8 0.8 20 1400 Barrel +Endcap efficiency 10 1200 0.6 0.6 0 1000 -10 800 0.4 600 0.4 -20 400 -30 0.2 200 0.2 -40 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 -50 mass (GeV) -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 0 Cell x 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 p (Gev) p (Gev) t t Feb. 11, 2021 Efficiency: θ MC relation/ θ MC generated 1
HH cross section measure PRELIMINARY 17 Exciting Physics measurements with the full simulated detector ● As a first attempt to HH sectionsimulation uncertainty a % & 9 9 The process → ̅ → ̅ at = 3TeV is under study by using the full detector Bkg tagging efficiencies o case → Again this Assumptions • ℒ'() = 1.3 &! ● A 5-observable Boos • Running time = 4 · 10 s7 been trained to sepa • one detector background. -1 With a simple fit to (4 yea With 1.3 ab ● data √s=3 TeV 1.3 ab-1 the BDTweoutput expect to selec HH background events Bkg = . ● With a simple fit to th CLIC has 10% with of 33% on the cros 5 -1 and very obtained. refined analysis Feb. 11, 2021
18 Summary q Full simulation of the detector and event reconstruction including beam-induced background available on github. q Object reconstruction performance almost determined including beam-induced-background at = 1.5 TeV: § Muon reconstruction well performing, Tracking and jets well advanced but need to be optimized, b-jet tagging under development. § Electrons and photons in progress. q Beam-induced-background fully studied at = 1.5 TeV, in progress the production of data at = 3 TeV with the following study with a new tool by using the machine lattice of MAP. q Physics benchmarks under study with full simulation demonstrating the great potential of the muon collider already at low, i.e. = 3 TeV energies. Ø Need an intensive study and R&D on detector technologies for = 10 TeV and high luminosity ➞ collaboration and support ECFA. Feb. 11, 2021
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