Executive Director of Human Resources - Appointment pack July 2018 - Dreaming, Believing, Achieving - Dixon Walter

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Executive Director of Human Resources - Appointment pack July 2018 - Dreaming, Believing, Achieving - Dixon Walter
Executive Director
of Human Resources
Appointment pack July 2018

Dreaming, Believing, Achieving.
A 21st century university         uws.ac.uk
Executive Director of Human Resources - Appointment pack July 2018 - Dreaming, Believing, Achieving - Dixon Walter
Contents                                                       UWS Truths
UWS Truths                                                02   At UWS we adhere to a set of truths in all that we do:

                                                               // We are here for our students
UWS is a university that dares to be different            03
                                                               // Our teaching is our passion, and it reaches to the future
We are here for our students		                            05
                                                               // We understand that a graduate career is important to our students
We are a knowledge-rich organisation                      07
                                                               // We are a knowledge-rich organisation

Teaching is our passion, and it reaches into the future   09   // We believe in partnership with business (private, public and global)

A global outlook                                          11   // We are an international university

                                                               // UWS is a great place to work and study
UWS is a great place to work                              12
                                                               // We are an inclusive organisation that welcomes and values diversity
Living in the west of Scotland                            13
                                                               // UWS is a university that dares to be different
Our successes                                             15

Executive Director of Human Resources - Appointment pack July 2018 - Dreaming, Believing, Achieving - Dixon Walter
UWS is a university
                                                                                                Key areas of the Executive Director’s remit include:

                                                                                                • Member of the Vice-Chancellor’s Executive Group which supports the Principal
                                                                                                  and Vice-Chancellor in devising and implementing the business plan and strategy

that dares to be
                                                                                                  of the organisation, providing strategic thinking and solutions to complex people
                                                                                                  management issues

                                                                                                • Responsible for designing, implementing and delivering against Key Performance

                                                                                                  Indicators for the Human Resources department and monitoring corporate

                                                                                                • Provides high-level specialist advice and decision-making regarding complex issues in
                                                                                                  the areas of people policy/practice and employment law

                                                                                                • Facilitates change in a rapidly evolving organisation, leading the development of the
An exciting opportunity for an experienced                                                        HR function in order to promote and engender best practice in the management of

HR professional
                                                                                                  staff performance

                                                                                                • Enhances service delivery, with University-wide impact by utilising appropriate
                                                                                                  developmental tools with the aim of improving management capability and capacity
                                                                                                  throughout the organisation

                                                                                                • Responsible for developing a people management culture throughout the University by
                                                                                                  working in partnership with managers to support and enhance their management skills
Executive Director of Human Resources
                                                                                                • Interacts with external bodies, including Scottish Funding Council, Universities and
An exciting opportunity has arisen for an experienced strategic human resource                    Colleges Employers Association, Universities Human Resources Scotland, Advisory
professional to be part of one of the UK’s most innovative modern universities.                   Conciliation and Arbitration Service, Trade Unions and their full-time Officers,
Reporting directly to the Principal & Vice-Chancellor, and as a member of the Vice-               Legal Advisers retained by UWS, Advance HE and the Equality and Human Rights
Chancellor’s Executive Group, you will provide sound, responsive and professional                 Commission and other HE institutions
advice to the Principal on all areas relating to human resources. You will be
instrumental in establishing and delivering an ambitious people strategy that will              • Works on a range of initiatives to enhance the University’s ability to recruit, retain and
balance organisational change and rationalisation with evidenced commitment to                    motivate staff and to provide opportunities for fulfilling careers
employee engagement, partnership, equality and inclusiveness. This highly visible
role requires resilience, political acumen, strategic vision, tactical skills and, above all,   • Post will be based on one campus but works across all five UWS campuses
leadership to provide impact within and outside the organisation.
                                                                                                • UWS Human Resources is accountable for approximately 2000 colleagues
Educated to Masters level (or equivalent) in a relevant area, with Chartered
membership of CIPD you will have significant strategic Human Resources and
executive-level experience. You will have a real ‘can do’ attitude and be able to
evidence significant experience of working at executive level as part of a CEO’s senior
team through periods of organisational change without losing operational focus;                       For full details of this exciting opportunity and of the application process,
demonstrate an understanding of working in complex, diverse and, ideally, multi-site
                                                                                                      contact Alan Walter of our executive search firm Dixon Walter on
organisations, with trade unions; and outstanding staff management and leadership
experience.                                                                                           +44 (0)131 202 1000 / Email alan@dixonwalter.co.uk
                                                                                                      or visit www.dixonwalter.co.uk/opportunities/uws-hrd

                                                                                                      Closing date for applications:     17 August 2018

                                                                                                      Interview dates:                   12 and 13 September 2018

03                                                                                                                                                                                             04
Executive Director of Human Resources - Appointment pack July 2018 - Dreaming, Believing, Achieving - Dixon Walter
We are here for
our students                                                                                86%
                                                                                            of students continuing studies after their first
                                                                                            year up from 75% in 2011/12
At UWS, our principal truth is that we are here for our students.
We have a proud record in delivering work-ready graduates and

developing effective partnerships with business, industry and
the public and voluntary sectors. With our cutting-edge courses,
practical knowledge, and intelligent teaching, we help our
students get ahead.
We are delivering on our purpose to transform lives and communities through higher
education. We equip our students with the skills and confidence to shape their futures,
while ensuring that they have the best possible experience and outcomes., As one of         of graduates securing professional employment
Scotland’s biggest modern universities with campuses in Paisley, Lanarkshire, Ayr and
Dumfries, UWS is the local university for over 30% of the population of central Scotland.   or further study in 2016/17, surpassing our
We also have a growing national and international reach: our 5th UK campus opened in
London in September 2015.                                                                   original target of 85% by 2019/20
Our student body is unique - many UWS students are the first in their families to go into
higher education and we have a high level of mature students with caring and work
responsibilities. Our diverse student population means we need to deliver learning in
innovative, flexible, personalised and supportive ways. In our Corporate Strategy we set
out an ambitious vision to deliver an outstanding teaching and learning environment
which is paying dividends for our students.

                                                                                            Student                 UWS student
                                                                                            satisfaction            application
                                                                                            grows                   rates UP

                                                                                            We have invested in innovative student support services, personalised and
                                                                                            flexible education delivery and interactive technology-supported learning.
                                                                                            The experience we provide is as unique, bold and inspiring as our students
                                                                                            and we are proud to be a force for change, inclusion and success.

05                                                                                                                                                                   06
Executive Director of Human Resources - Appointment pack July 2018 - Dreaming, Believing, Achieving - Dixon Walter
We are a
Our incredible journey of transformation and success also
includes our delivery of globally relevant research in areas
including thin-film, 5G networking, gravitational waves and
UWS researchers are making a real difference, developing innovative technologies and
shaping society. We work with industry, government and partner organisations to tackle
a wide range of exciting and diverse issues critical to developing technology, improving
lives and creating a more equal society in our regions and beyond. Our research activity        “5G networks will
also informs our teaching and learning to enrich our students’ experience.
                                                                                                make possible things
• In the 2014 REF (Research Excellence
  Framework) all of our submissions –
                                                  healing’ mobile network. It will deliver
                                                  dramatic improvements to quality of           that would have
  double the number from the 2008
  exercise – were ranked as having
                                                  user experience, reliability and security –
                                                  unlocking a wealth of new possibilities.      been considered
  international or world-leading status in
  terms of their originality, significance and
                                                  “Put simply,” says Dr Alcaraz-Calero,
                                                  ”SELFNET will allow 5G networks to make       science fiction a few

• UWS breakthrough research in
                                                  possible things that would have been
                                                  considered science fiction just a few years
                                                                                                years ago.”
  ultrasound sensors led to the creation of
  our first spin-out company, novosound,         • In 2018 UWS became Scotland’s first
  which took first prize in Scotland’s             official Scottish training partner for
  Converge Challenge in 2017 and was               China after receiving accreditation from
  shortlisted in the Times Higher Education        China’s State Administration for Foreign
  Leadership and Management Awards                 Expert Affairs (SAFEA). This means we
  2018.                                            will provide expertise and technical and
                                                   managerial training to organisations
• Remote surgery, driverless cars                  in China, as well as providing overseas
  and smooth mobile HD streaming                   training to Chinese professionals.
  could all become a reality thanks to
  pioneering research taking place at
  UWS. Researchers Jose Alcaraz-Calero
  and Qi Wang are the technical leads on
  the SELFNET project, developing a ‘self-

07                                                                                                                      08
Executive Director of Human Resources - Appointment pack July 2018 - Dreaming, Believing, Achieving - Dixon Walter
Teaching is our
                             Our Scottish campuses are based in four central locations in the
                             heart of the west of Scotland – in Paisley, Lanarkshire, Ayr and
                             Dumfries. Our London Campus, opened in 2015, is located in

passion, and it
                             Southbank, close to the centre of the city.
                             Our fabulous, ultra-modern £110m Lanarkshire Campus opening
                             in September 2018 brings new thinking in the delivery of

reaches into                 teaching and creates flexible and interactive learning spaces,
                             easily adaptable to the needs of our students and staff. It will be
                             a landmark building for Scottish Higher Education.

the future


09                                                                                             10
Executive Director of Human Resources - Appointment pack July 2018 - Dreaming, Believing, Achieving - Dixon Walter
A global outlook                                                                                                UWS is a great
UWS is an international university with links around the globe.
We’re committed to diversity, collaboration, and a curriculum
that helps our students stand out in the global job market.
                                                                                                                place to work
                                                                                                                At UWS we are dedicated to driving positive change in society.
                             “When I started my programme, I didn’t even know that
                              Fund Accountants existed. Thankfully, due to the variety of
                              guest speakers and lecturers who came to UWS, my eyes                             UWS Principal and Vice-Chancellor, Professor Craig Mahoney,
                              were opened to the range of jobs which my accountancy
                              qualification could lead to.”
                                                                                                                has, since his appointment in 2013, encouraged the University’s
                             Graduate Fatima Jamshed - Financial Analyst with Morgan Stanley
                                                                                                                staff to deliver educational empowerment through teaching,
                                                                                                                learning and research – inspiring them to demonstrate
                                                                                                                intellectual and professional leadership.

                                                                                                                // To enable this we seek to create a supportive, disciplined and demanding
                            “Arriving in a new country from India, I had to hit the ground                         environment where staff develop and contribute through self-motivation
                             running, both in terms of my studies, and building a new social                       and inspiration and a shared drive for success.
                              circle, and UWS has been brilliant for that. Ever since I arrived,
                              I have been involved in the life of the University, the students’
                              association, and student welfare issues.”                                         // We want to recruit and retain the best people through a creative reward
                             Franklin Jacob Babu - Applied Bioscience with Forensic Investigation student          and recognition framework; aim to be a university that is sector-leading
                                                                                                                   in developing its staff; and are committed to advancing our systems,
                                                                                                                   processes and approaches to ensure they are customer focused, efficient
                                                                                                                   and flexible.

                          Katie Duff BEng Hons Civil Engineering graduate received two job offers before
                           graduating. One from Amey and the other from AECOM, the US construction              // We want to strengthen our reputation as a great place to work and study,
                            firm that successfully pitched for the Network Rail infrastructure inspection and      promote creativity and empower people to be the best they can be.
                             assessment project. She chose AECOM and says:

                              “My UWS course gave me a broad base of knowledge that I                           // Our new Executive Director of Human Resources will play a crucial role in
                              can apply in my job and has allowed me to go on to study                             realising this vision.
                             towards a Masters before I go for Chartership status with the
                            Institution of Civil Engineers.”

“I was always fascinated with how the brain works and how mental illness can impact on
quality of life. I have a passion for meeting new people and thought that I was ideally suited
for a career in this area. As soon as I started the course at UWS I knew I had made the
correct choice. The support from my lecturers has been fantastic – they’re approachable
and extremely passionate about their subject which leads to a great learning environment.”
BSc Mental Health Nursing student Peter Cartwright

11                                                                                                                                                                                         12
Executive Director of Human Resources - Appointment pack July 2018 - Dreaming, Believing, Achieving - Dixon Walter
Living in
                                                                                               Our Lanarkshire Campus is located on Hamilton International Technology Park, close to a
                                                                                               number of country parks and nature reserves such as Strathclyde Park. The cultural cities
                                                                                               of Glasgow, Edinburgh and Stirling are nearby, and the beautiful scenery of the Clyde
                                                                                               Valley and the Borders is within easy reach.

the west of
                                                                                               Paisley combines the heritage and history of the Paisley pattern shawl and the Victorian
                                                                                               thread industry with cultural interests including the Museum and Art Gallery, the 12th
                                                                                               century Abbey, a thriving youth theatre and the Spree Arts festival. Loch Lomond and the
                                                                                               Trossachs are both easily accessible from the town. UWS played a significant supporting

                                                                                               role in the bid for Paisley as UK City of Culture 2021 - the only Scottish location shortlisted.
                                                                                               Although, ultimately, not selected as the award winner, the legacy of the bid process and
                                                                                               planning will see significant benefits for Paisley and the local area both culturally and

                                                                                               Glasgow and Edinburgh are close to our campuses and offer excellent shopping, superb
                                                                                               café culture, museums and galleries, world-famous music venues and international
Scotland is a great place to live and work, with a high quality of                             cuisine. Travelling to and from our campuses is easy thanks to excellent road and
life and a range of lifestyle benefits such as excellent value house                           rail links. Glasgow International Airport is on the outskirts of Paisley, and Prestwick
                                                                                               International Airport is also easily accessible, being around 40 minutes away by road or
prices, straightforward commuting and easy access to beautiful                                 rail from Paisley Campus; Prestwick is also just a 15-minute drive from Ayr Campus.
Our campuses in Ayr, Lanarkshire and Paisley are within close proximity to Scotland’s
largest city, Glasgow, with our Dumfries Campus a 90-minute drive south of the city. There
are numerous smaller towns and villages within travelling distance of all of the campuses,
so whatever style of living you prefer, you will find something to suit your needs.

Scotland offers a culture steeped in history, dramatic untouched scenery, bustling towns
and cities and a world renowned education system. The west coast boasts some of the
world’s most stunning scenery and wildlife.

The town of Ayr is set among some of Scotland’s most impressive scenery and looks out
on the Firth of Clyde, with the peaks of Arran in the foreground and the Mull of Kintyre
in the background. Packed with historical sites, Ayrshire’s visitor attractions and cultural
and leisure pursuits include unspoiled beaches and rolling hills, castles, a racecourse
and, of course, golf courses. Burns and A’ That, a major festival which takes place in June,
celebrates Ayr’s most famous son, Robert Burns.

Dumfries & Galloway is a region of rugged coastlines, sandy beaches and tranquil lochs;
and has over 300 square miles of forest to explore, with the largest forest park in Britain;
and in excess of 30 golf courses and= driving ranges.

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Executive Director of Human Resources - Appointment pack July 2018 - Dreaming, Believing, Achieving - Dixon Walter
We’re proud to have received national recognition for our
work across a range of diverse areas, including the student
experience, health, equality and diversity and the environment
// Times Higher Education World University
   Rankings 2018 – officially recognised in the top
   3% of universities worldwide
                                                                                           At UWS, we believe in our students’ future.
// Times Higher Education Young University Rankings                                     We have a proud record in delivering work-ready
   2018 – officially recognised in the world’s top 150                                graduates and developing effective partnerships with
   universities under 50                                              2018 TOP 150   business, industry and the public and voluntary sectors.
                                                                                       With our cutting-edge courses, practical knowledge,
// In 2018 UWS was shortlisted in the Times Higher                                   and intelligent teaching, we help our students get ahead.
   Education Leadership & Management Awards for Innovation Project                      Through our innovative learning partnership we
   of the Year ; in the Guardian Awards in the Inspiring Leader and Course              invest in people’s potential to shape their future.
   & Curriculum Design categories; in the Herald Higher Education Awards              Built on uniting students, professionals, industry and
   in the Innovative Technology and Widening Access categories; and in the            our communities, this partnership stretches from the
   PIEoneer Awards for Digital Innovation                                                      West of Scotland around the world.
                                                                                         We believe in the transformative power of active
// The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2018 – recognised
                                                                                        learning and engagement. We treat our students as
   in the top 100 UK universities for the first time.
                                                                                        individuals, partners and potential leaders in their
                                                                                     fields and professions, providing them with the globally
// Winner at the Herald Higher Education Awards 2017 for ‘Student                       relevant knowledge, skills and confidence to think
   Support Team’ and ‘Research Project’ of the year.                                        critically and to challenge received wisdom.

// Winner at Scotland’s Dementia Awards 2016 for ‘Best Educational                            DREAMING, BELIEVING, ACHIEVING
                                                                                                  a 21st century University.
   Initiative’ for our innovative intergenerational resource Dementia: Class in a
                                                                                                          Campuses in
// THE Student Experience Survey 2015-16 – 4th most improved UK                                    Ayr, Dumfries, Lanarkshire,
   university                                                                                           London & Paisley

Executive Director of Human Resources - Appointment pack July 2018 - Dreaming, Believing, Achieving - Dixon Walter
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