Mid-year Music Concert-tickets still available!

Page created by Mathew Flores
Mid-year Music Concert-tickets still available!
Issue No: 22                                                       26 July, 2013

                                                    Issue No: 22
                                                Parent Bulletin

Mid-year Music Concert—tickets still available!
                                                                      The annual Mid‐year Music Concert is
                                                                      always one of the major highlights of
                                                                      the year. The work behind the scenes,
                                                                      a er school rehearsals and all the
                                                                      prac ce at home come together for a
                                                                      fantas c night of entertainment.
                                                                      The Concert is this Tuesday 30 July and
                                                                      Wednesday 31 July 2013 at the
                                                                      Clocktower Centre. Concert star ng at

Invita on: We would like to invite all families and friends of music students to the Concert.
Tickets will be available from the Box Office ( Phone: 9243 9191 Monday to Friday,
9am‐5pm) at the Clocktower Centre, Mt Alexander Rd, Moonee Ponds.
                Adults: $27.00           Children/Concession: $20.00
Bookings also available at www.clocktowercentre.com.au there is a transac on fee and a
credit card fee for all online ckets.

Information Evenings
VTAC for Year 12 parents Tuesday 6 August 6.30pm
Parents of students in Year 12 have been mailed an invita on to a end the VTAC [Victorian Ter ary Admissions Centre]
Informa on Evening. The program for the evening will include
          1. Informa on about how VCE results are reported
          2. The Ter ary Entrance Rank [ATAR]
          3. Applying for ter ary courses and the selec on process.                                     Inside this issue:
To assist in the organisa on of the evening, please reply to the Senior School Coordinators by 31 July.
                                                                                                      World Challenge     2

VCE for Year 10 students and parents 13 and 14 August                                                 Strathmore Family

During the next few weeks, Year 10 students will be selec ng their subjects for Year 11 2014.         Sweet Charity       4
Invita ons have been mailed to Year 10 parents with details of the mee ngs. Argyll, S rling
and Chisholm students will be on Tuesday 13th August, Dunlop and Burnet students on
                                                                                                      Careers             5
Wednesday 14th August. Please reply to your child’s coordinator your inten on to a end.
Mid-year Music Concert-tickets still available!
Issue No: 22                                                                          Parent Bulletin

EMA NOTICE 2nd instalment applications close Friday 2nd August
Please note: The closing date for the 2nd instalment is Friday 2 August. If you have already applied for the first
instalment, you do not have to apply again. Forms are available from the General Office.

World Challenge Expedition to Peru 2014

Strathmore is delighted to announce the launch of another World Challenge program which will culminate in a 3—4 week expedi on to
Peru in November 2014. Parents of Year 9 and 10 students have been mailed details of the event.

During this expedi on the team will have the opportunity to work and interact with underprivileged communi es in Peru; working on
redevelopment projects, trekking in the Andes, visi ng Lake Ti caca, white water ra ing and marveling at the ancient se lement of Ma‐
chu Picchu.

Parents and their students in Year 9 and 10 are invited to a end a World Challenge presenta on about the expedi on on Monday 29th
July, 6.30pm at the Space Centre. Please reply to Jared Williams at the College if you are a ending.

                                                                           Thou hast not forgot the morality of success.
                                                                                   As success is granted to those
                       Thank you to                                                      With the aptness,
                                                                                         And the adeptness
                   Brendan Canham 9D2                                            To control their every mortal fibre,
                who has written this poem in                                  From the urge of fraudulently accep ng
                 Elizabethan English in his                                      What thou has not truly achieved.
                                                                                   But what thou have laboured,
                  preparation for studying
                                                                                   To their apex of mortal ability
                          Hamlet.                                                            To achieve,
                                                                                          Thou’s success,
                                                                                      Is when thou have truly
                                                                                 And valiantly, effectuated success.
    Page 2                                                              Thou have then not forgo en the morality of success,
                                                                              Thus becoming accustomed to its praise.
Mid-year Music Concert-tickets still available!
Issue No: 22                                                                Parent Bulletin


                                                     Renee Tierney, 7A2, continues her series of interviews
                                                    with members of her family who have a long connection
                                                              with the College. The story so far:
                                                                       Gail Smith (1962-1966)
                                                                       Ted Price ( 1965-1970) )
                                                                      Robyn Smith (1965—1970)
                                                                  Ivy Smith (Great Grandma—Canteen)

             SUE TIERNEY 1979—1984
             My years at Strathmore were one of the best days throughout all these years. I s ll have friends
             that I used to go to school with that I see today. One of my favorite teachers was Mr. Reynolds
             [who is s ll at the
             college]. He was my Geography teacher, he was short with blonde hair and had an American ac‐
             cent. He also liked baseball, and o en we used to talk about it in class. I played a lot of sport at my
              me at Strathmore, they were hokey, football, cross country, and many more. (Most of which
             were taught by Mr. Bitmead, who is s ll teaching today!) I really enjoyed my years at Strathmore.

                          Does your family have an associa on with the College in way or another?
                                             If so, we would love to hear from you.
                    Please email your story along with a photo if you have any to the Editor, Dianne King:

Dance prac ces started last week for the Year 11 Ball, 94 very
enthusias c students are par cipa ng and working hard
learning the dances and rou nes.

Informa on and order forms regarding cket sales for the 2
evenings, Saturday 7th September and 14th September will be
given out at the next dance lesson on Thursday 31st August.

                                    Congratula ons to Morgan Sholakis
                                    10B3 who has been chosen in the
                                    Victorian team to compete in the SSV
                                    All Schools Springboard Diving                COLLEGE COUNCIL
                                    Na onal Compe on.
                                                                                  The College Council mee ng is
                                    Raffle ckets @ $2.00 are for sale
                                    from the General Office if you would            next Thursday 31st August ,
                                    like to support Morgan to represent           6.30pm.
   Page 3
Mid-year Music Concert-tickets still available!
Issue No: 22                                                               Parent Bulletin

                        Sweet Charity—Coming Soon!
                                                                     Prepara ons for Strathmore’s produc on
                                                                     for Sweet Charity are well underway. Both
                                                                     students and staff are busily working to get all
                                                                     aspects of the show together to ensure it is
                                                                     our best one yet.

                                                                     Sweet Charity is a tender, poignant and con‐
                                                                     sistently funny look at the adventures, or
                                                                     rather, misadventures of Charity Hope Valen‐
                                                                       ne. Through her journey Charity, who is
                                                                     played by year 11 Louise Pangio dis, develops
                                                                     the strength to believe she can live ‘hopefully’
                                                                     ever a er and that new possibili es are always
                                                                     on the horizon.

                                                                     The show includes great numbers such as
                                                                     ‘Rhythm of Life’ and ‘Big Spender’, which are
                                                                     sure to be a hit.

                                                                     We are looking forward to sharing all the tal‐
                                                                     ent Strathmore has to give. The performances
                                                                     will be held at the Clocktower Centre in
                                                                     Moonee Ponds, Wednesday 28th, Thursday
                                                                     29th and Friday 30thAugust.

                                                                     Tickets go on sale on Monday 29th July. You
                                                                     can purchase your ckets by contac ng the
                                                                     Clocktower Box Office on (03) 9243 9191
                                                                     between 9am – 5pm or visi‐
                                                                      t www.clocktowercentre.com.au

           This piece of writing is also by Brendan Canham 9D2, part of his writing
                       folio - a descriptive piece on an image from WWI
Thundering echoes filled the ears of all soldiers on the ba lefield as guns were blazing like ra le snakes. Death
and destruc on the primary goal, screams could be heard from the withering cries of soldiers, suffering from
bloody streams of pain and sacrifice. Masses of dust, smoke and vapour filled the cloudy sky as these men, once
                                                   friends, but now brothers, lay on the damp debris, mephi c mud,
                                                   all reminisce of the destruc on that has taken place. They have
                                                   endured more than that of a normal rela onship; they have
                                                   fought, lived, and suffered stone cold terror together. Their bond
                                                   could not be any ghter for they must rely on each other to sur‐
                                                   vive. The shades of this picture differ, depending on what is being
                                                   represented; the destruc on and machinery that are used for
                                                   massacre are shaded in darker colours to withdraw the devas‐
                                                   ta ng emo onal appeal that lies within. While the men who are
                                                   depending on each other to survive are shaded in a lighter tone,
                                                   to withdraw the happiness of friendship even in such devasta ng
  Page 4
Mid-year Music Concert-tickets still available!
Issue No: 22                                                                   Parent Bulletin

Careers News
 University prerequisites for 2016 (Current Year 10 students) – in the daily
 papers, Monday 22 July (also available on the VTAC website ‐
 www.vtac.edu.au/publica ons.html)
 Open Days ‐ coming up in August

 OPEN DAYS – Annual University and TAFE Open Days are coming up soon. These
are a great opportunity for you to check out facili es, courses, loca ons, a end
presenta ons about courses and careers, and to talk to staff and students. Year 10 is
good me to start a ending these, and Year 11 is a good me to a end too. Star ng
visits in Year 12 is leaving it a bit late, although s ll worthwhile. Applying for courses
happens in Term 3 of the Year 12 year, the same me as Open Days are scheduled.

OPEN DAY DATES FOR YOUR DIARY (generally 10am to 4pm – check websites):
Sat 3 Aug – Monash University (Berwick, Gippsland, Peninsula campuses)
Sun 4 Aug – Deakin University (Warrnambool); Monash University (Caulfield, Clayton, Parkville); Swinburne
    (University & TAFE) (Hawthorn)
Sun 11 Aug – Australian Catholic University (Melbourne); Deakin (Geelong); Gordon (Geelong); RMIT
    (University and TAFE)
Sun 18 Aug –La Trobe University (Bendigo); Melbourne Uni (Parkville & Southbank ‐ VCA)
Sun 25 Aug – ACU (Ballarat); Ballarat University; Box Hill Ins tute: Deakin (Burwood); La Trobe (Bundoora);
    Victoria University and TAFE; William Angliss Ins tute
Sun 1 Sept – La Trobe University (Albury/Wodonga)

Don’t wander aimlessly….try the following:
Obtain an Open Day Guide beforehand (eg from websites like www.deakin.edu.au/openday, or
www.openday.unimelb.edu.au) ‐ some hard copies are available in the careers room
Plan to be at Open Day when relevant informa on sessions are conducted
Allow sufficient me for your visit; two hours or so would be advisable
Speak to staff about courses that interest you ‐ note your ques ons beforehand
Get a student perspec ve ‐ speak to students studying courses that interest you
Collect informa on/brochures
Ask about industry based‐learning (IBL) opportuni es; these can assist with gaining employment
Ask about interna onal study opportuni es – a very popular op on
Consider transport issues; is the campus accessible from where you live?
Check the environment where you will study; will you be happy there for three/four years?
Consider the facili es/clubs offered at your preferred ins tu on
Consider visi ng a rural campus, especially if you think you won’t obtain a high enough ATAR for a metropolitan campus.
     ATAR’s are o en lower and they o en offer more personal assistance, accommoda on, and a lifestyle which will suit
     some students.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you plan to apply for a course involving an interview/folio presenta on/ audi on as part of the selec‐
 on process you may well be asked what you learnt or found of interest about the course at Open Day. A endance is A
    Page 5
Issue No: 22                                                          Parent Bulletin

                                    EXPLORING OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY AS A CAREER – Interested in a career as
                                    an O.T.? If so, go to an informa on and demonstra on evening and hear from Occupa‐
                                     onal Therapists experienced in spinal rehabilita on, hand therapy, mental health and neu‐
                                    rology. When: 5.30‐8pm, Thurs 12 Sept; Where: Educa on Precinct, Level 4, Aus n Tower,
                                    Aus n Hospital, Studley Rd, Heidelberg; Register: email Monica.williams@aus n.org.au – all
                                    guests must be registered and places are limited to a maximum of 2 a endees per reserva‐
                                     on – you will receive a confirming email.

                                                          HERALD SUN MELBOURNE CAREERS EXPO – a large and com‐
                                                           prehensive expo encompassing career opportuni es from employment
             and training in the trades, corporate and professional sectors. There will be a vast array of career advice, employ‐
             ment opportuni es, a large university and training representa on, and a ‘hands on’ Skills Industry Hub,

             When: Fri 16 – Sun 18 August; Where: Melbourne Exhibi on Centre, Clarendon St, Southbank; Info:
             www.careerexpo.com.au. An opportunity to collect informa on, talk to people and find out more about careers in
             one loca on.

  Free passes are coming to the careers office soon watch this for details

                                                   DESIGN COURSES AT SWINBURNE IN 2014 – Swinburne will be mak‐
                                                   ing some changes and addi ons to a range of Bachelor of Design courses in
                                                   The Bachelor of Design (Industrial Design) will become a four‐year program
                                                   The Bachelor of Design (Interior Design) will be replaced with a four‐year
                                                   Bachelor of Design (Interior Architecture)
                                                   A new course, the Bachelor of Film and Television (Anima on) will com‐
                                                   mence in 2014

                                              SCIENCE AT SWINBURNE – Swinburne will be offering some new majors
in the Bachelor of Science in 2014: Applied mathema cs, Biomedical physiology, Biomolecular science, Chemistry, Computer
science and mathema cs, Environmental science, Physics, Psychology, Psychology and Psychophys‐iology.

AUSTRALIAN CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY ARTS DEGREES – ACU is commi ed to developing graduates with strong com‐
munica on and analy cal skills, flexible and innova ve thinking, who will seek exci ng career op ons in the global workforce.
Arts Advantage is a new subject which will s mulate students to think from the very beginning of the degree about work read‐
iness and the a ributes sought by employers. The compulsory unit will focus on work readiness, and building relevant skills
and knowledge in essen al areas. It will be undertaken in the B. Arts, B. Crea ve Arts and the B. Arts/B. Global Studies from
Semester 1, 2014.

PARENTS AND DEAKIN UNIVERSITY – Would you like to be be er informed about further study op ons for your child,
how to prepare for this important transi on, and key dates and processes? You will be able to meet staff and students, find
out about the range of courses, the costs associated with further study, the VTAC applica on process and more about campus
life. When/Where: 6‐8pm, Wed 24 July, Deakin University, 221 Burwood Highway; 6‐8pm, Wed 11 Sept, Geelong Waterfront
Campus, 1 Gheringhap St, Geelong; Register: www.deakin.edu.au/parents. Refreshments will be served, and you can enter
into a prize draw to win a $1,000 travel voucher.

STUDENT AND PARENT EVENING AT VICTORIA UNIVERSITY – The transi on from school to further educa on
can be daun ng for parents and students. Find out about courses, facili es, the VTAC system, how parents can assist with
transi on, and talk to VU representa ves. When: 7‐9pm, Tues 13 Aug; Where: Footscray Park Campus; Register:
                          www.vu.edu.au/vce‐informa on‐evening.
    Page 6
Issue No: 22                                                                    Parent Bulletin

                                                           WHY STUDY SPORT AT VICTORIA UNIVERSITY? If you
                                                            are passionate about staying fit and healthy, and want to help
                                                            others do the same, you can join a mo vated group of like‐
                                                            minded people in VU’s College of Sport and Exercise Science. Be
                                                            spurred on by interna onally recognised teaching staff who are
                                                            highly sought a er in the sports and exercise science industries,
                                                            as coaches, advisers and more. Youll also benefit from the close
                                                            links with spor ng ins tu ons such as the Victorian and Australi‐
an Ins tutes of Sport, Western Bulldogs, AFL and Netball Australia. With a range of courses spanning TAFE, bachelor and
postgraduate qualifica ons, you will find an entry point that suits your level of educa on.

                                     MONASH UNIVERSITY’S NEW BACHELOR OF COUNSELLING – The Berwick
                                     campus of Monash is offering a new degree in counselling in 2014. Recognised by the
                                     Australian Counselling Associa on (ACA), the degree will provide students with a solid
                                     background in psychology, as well as in‐field placement opportuni es and will focus on
                                     delivering counselling to diverse communi es. At comple on of the degree, graduates
                                     will be job ready as this course does not require further postgraduate qualifica ons to
                                     find accredited employment (unlike a psychologist).

  VTAC        will update its website on Monday July 29th. Year 10, 11 and 12
  students can visit the website and see ATAR scores, pre requisites and
  courses. Try Coursesearch its easy :‐) www.vtac.edu.au

      What is the
 difference between


for useful explanations!

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Issue No: 22                                  Parent Bulletin

                        Strathmore Secondary College      Tel: 9379 7999
                        400 Pascoe Vale Road              Fax: 9379 2812
Page 8
                        STRATHMORE VIC 3041               Email: strathmore.sc@edumail.vic.gov.au
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