Exciting New Activities for Spring in Isanti - Spring 2022

Page created by Jane Castro
Exciting New Activities for Spring in Isanti - Spring 2022
Spring 2022

                      Exciting New Activities
                        for Spring in Isanti

                                  Photo: Flowers at the 2021
www.cityofisanti.us             Isanti Family Farmers Market
Exciting New Activities for Spring in Isanti - Spring 2022
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                                Letter from the Mayor

                                 Residents of Isanti,

                                 On my fourth year as Mayor, with hopes to be re-elected,
                                 I can’t help but feel grateful and excited for what we have
                                 accomplished and what is yet to come.
         Jeff Johnson            With unanimous votes, the Council reduced the City tax
                                 rate even further from the prior year reducing it from
                                 60.4% to 58.48% for 2022. This has been a continued
    City Meeting Dates           trend since I have become mayor and a goal the Council
  All meetings are held at       keeps in mind with every decision.
         City Hall:
      110 1st Ave NW             With Spring comes excitement for new and fresh growth within the City. Business development continues its strong
                                 growth trend with new and current City business owners building new buildings or planning for expansion, and many
        City Council             newly platted areas for residential development. We added many new businesses, a new 12,000 sq ft municipal
 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the      liquor store and 78 new residential home permits were issued to our City in 2021 alone. It is great news to hear that
                                 our City was listed as number 4 for 2021 on the Twin Cities Hot Housing list, according to the Star Tribune, which is up
    month at 7:00p.m.*
                                 from number 6 in 2020. Residential housing median sale price is $285,000 and market time is about 52 days.
        City Council
                                 The City Council and myself have had many great discussions over the recent months and had a great goal setting
 Committee of the Whole          meeting to share lots of ideas to continue to better our community.
Held at 5:00p.m. prior to the
2nd City Council meeting of      Some of those items and discussions are as follows:
         the month*
                                 ●          Continue to reduce the tax rate
   Economic Development          ●          Expanding industrial areas and recruit more businesses
           Authority             ●          County collaborations for intersection safety on County Roads within the City
   1st Tuesday of the month      ●          Future Bluebird Park expansion and amenities for the community to enjoy
  immediately following the      ●          A redevelopment district to help fund business project initiatives
     City Council meeting*
                                 I can’t wait for Spring to arrive in our beautiful City. We have a lot of amenities to offer our great community, as
    Planning Commission          always. The Community Garden will be open May 4th and we are accepting reservations now. The Farmers Market
  3rd Tuesday of the month       will kick off June 1 at their new location at 10 6th Ave SE (new liquor store). We also have great bands (Jonah and
  immediately following the      the Whales, Sweet Siren, Stone Daisy Band, and Skitzo Fonik) planned for this year’s Street Dances, with three taking
    City Council meeting*        place downtown and one at the new Bluebird Amphitheater.

                                 Projects to look forward to this Spring is the addition of an archery range in Bluebird Park and a street improvement
    Parks, Recreation and
                                 project that includes South Brookview Lane SW, Marion St SW, Nina St SW, and Page St SW.
        Culture Board
 4th Tuesday of the month at
                                 If there are any questions, comments, suggestions, or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me ANYTIME at
          6:00p.m.*              jeffjohnson@isantimayor.com or call me via cell 612-236-7513.

 Changes to meetings and         I hope everyone has a great Spring and I hope to see you out and about!
  special meetings will be
 posted on the city website
      and at City Hall.

      *Subject to change
Exciting New Activities for Spring in Isanti - Spring 2022
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                          City Offices & Staff Directory
City Council Members
Mayor                               Jeff Johnson          612-236-7513        jeffjohnson@isantimayor.com                City Hall
Council Member                      Paul Bergley          763-377-2209        paulmb60@gmail.com                       110 1st Ave NW
Council Member                      Dan Collison          763-444-4298        djcollison@msn.com                         PO Box 428
Council Member                      Jimmy Gordon          763-587-5633        jimmy.gordon20@yahoo.com                Isanti, MN 55040
Council Member                      Steve Lundeen         612-203-8957        sdlundeen@yahoo.com                       763-444-5512
City Staff
                                                                                                                      City Hall Hours:
City Administrator                                        Josi Wood                      jwood@cityofisanti.us     Monday, Wednesday,
Human Resources Director                                  Katie Grotte                  kgrotte@cityofisanti.us            Friday
City Clerk                                                Jaden Strand                  jstrand@cityofisanti.us    8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Public Services                                                                                                     Tuesday, Thursday
Public Services Director                                  Matt Sylvester            msylvester@cityofisanti.us     7:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Police Department                                                                                                      @CityofIsanti
Police Chief                                              Travis Muyres                tmuyres@cityofisanti.us

Community Development
Community Development Director                            Stephanie Hillesheim     shillesheim@cityofisanti.us
Community Development Specialist                          Ryan Saltis                    rsaltis@cityofisanti.us
Building Official                                         Matt Small           buildingofficial@cityofisanti.us
Permit Technician                                         Candy Conrad                 permits@cityofisanti.us            Police
                                                                                                                       401 1st Ave N
Municipal Liquor Store                                                                                               Isanti, MN 55040
Liquor Store Manager                                      Keith Lusk                      klusk@cityofisanti.us       Non-Emergency
Finance                                                                                                               Emergency 911
Finance Director                                          Michael Betker               mbetker@cityofisanti.us          After Hours
Parks, Recreation & Culture
Parks, Recreation & Events Coordinator                    Alyssa Olson              isantiparks@cityofisanti.us         @IsantiPD

                                                                                                                      Public Works
TimeWise® Miracle Set 3D™                                                                                             763-444-0459
Your three-dimensional                                                       City Hall will be closed
approach to skin aging                                                       for observance of the
This antioxidant powerhouse, featuring the exclusive,                          following holidays:
patent-pending Age Minimize 3D™ Complex, helps
interrupt the triggers that can cause your skin to look
older before its time.
Contact me to defy aging.                                                   April 15 - Good Friday                     Liquor Store
                                                                                                                       10 6th Ave SE
                                                                            May 30 - Memorial Day                    Isanti, MN 55040
Joelle Hime                                                                                                            763-444-5063
Independent Beauty Consultant
www.marykay.com/joelle                                                                                              @IsantiMunicipalLiquor
Exciting New Activities for Spring in Isanti - Spring 2022
Page 4

                             Parks, Recreation & Culture
          City Parks
          Academy Park                  Live, Play & Visit All Year Long
     6th Avenue Court NE                The City of Isanti Parks, Recreation & Culture team organizes community events and family programs
                                        throughout the year. Most activities are FREE to enjoy, and provide fun and engaging ways for kids and
          Bluebird Park                 adults of all ages to get out of the house to explore our City with members of our local community.
    201 Isanti Parkway NW
                                        Details about upcoming programs and events can be found at CityofIsanti.us. If you have an idea for a
                                        future program or would like to connect about ways to get involved, contact IsantiParks@CityofIsanti.us.
              Eagle Park
   Broadway St SW & Short St
                                        Save the Date for Fun Upcoming Events
                                        March 18 ~ Movie Night: The Croods: A New Age        July 16 ~ Street Dance: Sweet Siren
         Isanti Hills                   April 22 ~ Earth Day Clean-up                        August 13 ~ Street Dance: Stone Daisy Band
     Neighborhood Park
    518 Dogwood Street SW
                                        June 1 ~ Isanti Family Farmers Market Opens          September 17 ~ Street Dance: Skitzo Fonik
                                        June 18 ~ Street Dance: Jonah and the Whales                          (at Bluebird Amphitheater)
                                        July 7 ~ Fireworks in the Park                       September 25 ~ Family Day @ Legacy Park
              Legacy Park               July 8 ~ Splish Splash Summer Bash
     1043 Bellaire Boulevard

           Mattson Park
         311 5th Avenue NW

          Riverside Park
    503 Rum River Drive NW

     River Bluff Preserve
    1111 Rum River Drive SW

   Rum River Meadows Park
    1108 South Passage SW

              Unity Park
         420 3rd Avenue NW

                                                                                                 Main Street/1st Ave & Bluebird Park
      Whisper Ridge Park
         795 3rd Avenue SW
                                        Be come a Vendor
                                        Are you looking to sell your food, crafts, gifts and more throughout the City? From Street Dances to
          Non City Parks                Fireworks in the Park to the brand new Illuminate Isanti, there are many ways your business can get in
     Sanbrook Golf Course               front of residents and visitors throughout the year. Vendor applications are now available! Contact
   1261 Heritage Boulevard NE
                                        IsantiParks@CityofIsanti.us and ask about sponsorship opportunities to enhance your visibility.

                Key                     Visit CityOfIsanti.us to learn more and download applications.
    Basket-       Dog        Softball
    ball          Park       Field
    Fishing       Pavilion   Tennis
    Garden        Picnic     Toddler
                  Tables     Equip.
    Golf          Play-      Trails
    Course        ground
    Horse-        Skate      Volley-
    shoes         Park       ball
    Amphi-        Sledding
    theater       Hill
Exciting New Activities for Spring in Isanti - Spring 2022
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Parks, Recreation & Culture, Cont...

                                                 The City of Isanti strives to
                                                    offer the facility for
                                                      reasonable fees

                                                 Private Reservation Rates

                                                       Special Events
                                                      50+ ppl, full-day
                                                      $295.28 inc. tax

                                                   Private Event
Page 6

           Parks, Recreation & Culture, Cont..
                                A New Start for the Isanti Family Farmers Market
                                The Isanti Family Farmers Market has a new home and a new schedule! With the completion of the new
                                Isanti Municipal Liquor Store, the Farmers Market will follow the store across Highway 65 and set up shop in
                                the new parking lot across from O’Reilly Auto Parts and Coborn’s for the 2022 season.

                                The Market will also move to Wednesdays from 2-6pm to allow area residents and visitors to get their fresh
                                produce, homemade goods, gifts and more during the week. Save the date for the Market opening day on
                                Wednesday, June 1 and join us each week through September 28 to support our local farmers, growers, and
VOLUNTEER PROGRAMS              producers!
Spring is the perfect time
  to get involved in City
   volunteer programs!

    Earth Day Clean-up
      Friday, April 22
    5:00 PM - 7:30 PM

   Join us for a city-wide
   cleanup to help keep
Isanti a clean place to live,
        work & play!

          4x per year           Now Accepting Vendor Applications!
                                Are you looking for a place to sell your homemade goods, fresh produce, or unique crafts? Want to spend the
Looking for more than a 1       summer connecting with the Isanti community? Join the Market as a vendor! We are always looking for new and
                                unique products to keep the Market fresh! Three fee options allow you to plan around your schedule, whether
 day service project? Our
                                you’d like to be onsite for a full season, half season, or come in for just a few days.
  Adopt-A-Park program
  allows organizations to       Applications and Market rules are available at CityOfIsanti.us and at City Hall.
volunteer throughout the
park season & take care of            Find us on Facebook @IsantiMarket for the latest updates!
 a beloved park property.

  With 11 parks & 29 miles
     of trails to manage,
 individuals & groups of all
    sizes are welcome to
   join us for one or both
 of these environmentally-
      focused volunteer

  Contact Isanti Parks at
 or 763-762-5754 to learn
 how you can get involved
    in these programs.
Page 7

                                                    Public Works
How Does It Work?
Have you ever wondered where it goes once you flush? It starts with entering what is known as a collection
system. From there it will go through a treatment process before being discharged into the Rum River. Here is
a little bit about that process.
The City of Isanti has ten lift stations throughout the collec-
tion system that help get the wastewater to the wastewa-
ter plant. The collection system consists of pipes, man-
holes, and lift stations. The collection system is cleaned
or jetted using a nozzle propelled by high velocity jets of
water designed to cut and scour its way through the pipes.
One third of the entire collection system and lift stations
are cleaned each year.                                                                                                    YARD WASTE &
The first step in treating the wastewater is to remove un-
wanted rags and grit that is associated with the wastewa-                                                              The City has a compost
ter. The rags are removed by what is known as a Rotomat
where the wastewater flows through a screen to catch the                                                               site for Isanti residents
rags then augured up so the water can drain back down.                                                                  (must show proof of
Eventually they drop in a garbage can and taken to the                                                                 address) to dispose of
landfill. The wastewater then flows through a grit chamber
where the water goes through a cyclone where the grit can                                                                     yard waste.
drop out into a grit can drop out. It is then pumped up into
a grit collector. Similar to the Rotomat it is augured up and                                                               Open April 19 -
taken to a landfill.
                                                                                                                              November 6
The City of Isanti is rather unique compared to other com-                                                             Public Works Garage 100
munities because it treats the wastewater through an Aer-
ated Pond System. There are six aeration ponds that run in                                                            Isanti Parkway Northwest
a series. These ponds are 3.70 acres each and are approx-
imately 15 feet deep. There are three blowers that actually blow air into each pond through a series of pipes               Saturdays:
and nozzles. Because they are aerated the plant can continuously discharge. These are commonly known as
Facultative ponds where the surface areas in these ponds are Aerobic and will contain more oxygen whereas               12:00pm to 5:00pm
the lower areas are more Anaerobic and contain less oxygen. During the spring months as the ponds begin to
thaw and turnover, they will occasionally give off an odor. It takes approximately 120 days for the wastewater         Tuesdays & Thursdays:
to reach the main Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) after having had entered the aeration ponds.
                                                                                                                         1:00pm to 7:00pm
The WWTP is designed to handle 657,000 gallons of wastewater per day during wet weather. Currently the av-                   (or sunset)
erage is 420,000 gallons per day. Once the wastewater reaches the plant it will go through a clarifier. Alum or
Aluminum Sulfate is added to the clarifier to help solids that are suspended in the wastewater to settle to the
bottom and create a sludge. This sludge is then pumped back up to the first pond to repeat the process again.             Select Sundays*:
During the winter months the clarifiers are bypassed. At which time they are drained and cleaned.                        12:00pm to 5:00pm
After the clarifiers, the wastewater will pass through a Dual Media filter. This filter has a layer of sand and an-     *April 24, May 1 & 8,
thracite. These filters are used to polish the wastewater by removing any suspended solids that remain. These           October 23 & 30, and
filters can also be bypassed during the winter months.
                                                                                                                            November 6
There are influent and effluent samples taken twice a month including CBOD and TSS to determine that the
WWTP is working as efficient as possible. Daily tests are also taken for Dissolved Oxygen and PH.
                                                                                                                       Only clean leaves and
During the summer months April – October the wastewater must go through an Ultraviolet Light Structure.                grass clippings may be
During these months a Fecal Coliform test is completed twice a month. Domestic wastewater in general                        dropped off.
contains harmful or disease-causing organisms. The Ultraviolet light kills bacteria and viruses by destroying
their genetic material allowing them not to grow or reproduce ultimately killing them.
                                                                                                                         No branches, brush,
The wastewater treatment process is now complete. The clean water is now ready to be discharged into the
Rum River. The WWTP and staff have won a number of Awards for Exceptional Compliance through the                        twigs, wood debris or
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.                                                                                       trash of any kind.
So, what can you do to help? Keep the following in mind:
     • Flushable wipes are not exactly flushable and cause harm to the lift station pumps by clogging them.            Visit CityofIsanti.us to
     • Pharmaceuticals and personal care products can be very difficult to remove and could possibly pass               learn more & for an
          through the treatment process in trace amounts.
     • Chloride or salt cannot be removed from wastewater but can be found in many house hold                         update on the 2022 City
          cleaning products as well as water softeners.                                                                 Wide Clean Up Day.
     • Coffee grounds are not completely water soluble. When mixed with butter, oil and grease can
          increase the risk of clogging.
Page 8

                            Community Development
                                  Welcome, Community Development Director,
                                  Stephanie Hillesheim!
                                  Stephanie comes to us as an experienced Community Development professional
                                  with a demonstrated history of working in economic development, parks and
                                  recreation, and planning and zoning. Skilled in event and budget management,
 It is your responsibility as a   public speaking, fundraising, grant writing, and leadership. Stephanie is a strong
 pet owner to clean up after      advocate for community, local businesses, and believes in the power of collabo-
     your pet. When taking
  your pet for a walk, please     ration.
    show courtesy to other
 public and private property      Stephanie holds a Bachelor’s degree in Community Development from St. Cloud
   owners by removing the
   excrement deposited by         State University and an MBA from Concordia University in St. Paul. Stephanie
            your pet.             enjoys traveling, golfing, exploring national parks and adventuring with her
  City Code 87-5.1 requires       daughters. She’s excited to join the wonderful community of Isanti and eager to
 pet owners to immediately        become more acquainted with the community and businesses that make this a
    collect and remove dog        wonderful place to live and work.
   feces deposited by their
 animal on public or private
     property. A container,
 equipment, or other device
   is required for transport      Municipal Stormwater
    of the fecal material to      As the temperatures begin to rise heading into the spring season, an increasing amount of
   an appropriate disposal        snow melt comes with it. Rain and snow melt run over impervious surfaces in urbanized areas –
  receptacle located on the       roads, sidewalks, driveways, parking lots, roof tops, etc. – and can pick up pesticides, fertilizers,
 property of the pet owner.
     Please help keep our         oils, metals, pathogens, salt, sediment, trash, and other pollutants and carry them into storm
  neighborhoods and public        drains. Storm drains found on neighborhood streets discharge directly into lakes, rivers, streams
  spaces clean and sanitary.      and wetlands which make stormwater runoff the leading source of water pollution. The most
                                  common sources of pollutants in urban stormwater include road salt, oil, gas, spilled materials,
                                  pesticides and fertilizers applied to lawns, leaves and lawn clippings. These pollutants damage
                                  local natural resources and can impact aquatic habitats in our rivers, streams, lakes and wetlands.

                                  Local public entities that own or operate municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4) play a
                                  key role in preventing stormwater runoff from harming Minnesota’s valuable water resources -
                                  Information provided by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA).

                                  As an MS4 community, the City of Isanti is proud to be a vital part of protecting our water
                                  resources. All questions regarding this designation may be sent to the Community Development
     Dog Park Hours               Department at City Hall.

The City dog park is located
 within Bluebird Park, along
 Isanti Parkway, east of the
  Isanti Indoor Arena. The
dog park has approximately
   1-acre of open space to
  provide an off-leash area
   for dogs to exercise and

  Even in the winter, please
  continue to clean up after
   your pet with each use.
                                                                                                                                      © Monteco
Page 9

              Community Development, Cont...
Residential Rain Gardens
A rain garden is a garden of native shrubs, perennials, and flowers planted in a small depression, which is
generally formed on a natural slope. It is designed to temporarily hold and soak in rain water runoff that
flows from roofs, driveways, patios or lawns. Rain gardens are effective in removing up to 90% of nutrients
and chemicals and up to 80% of sediments from the rainwater runoff. Compared to a conventional lawn, rain
gardens allow for 30% more water to soak into the ground.
A rain garden is not a water garden. Nor is it a pond or a wetland. Conversely, a rain garden is dry most of the                                     DEVELOPMENT
time. It typically holds water only during and following a rainfall event. Because rain gardens will drain within                                       UPDATE
12-48 hours, they prevent the breeding of mosquitoes.
                                                                                                                                                 2021 welcomed the following
Benefits of Rain Gardens                                                                                                                           new businesses to Isanti:
• Improves water quality by filtering out pollutants
                                                                                                                                                         Gypsy Curl
• Preserves native vegetation
                                                                                                                                                       Caribou Cabin
• Provides localized stormwater and flood control                                                                                                   New Isanti Municipal
• Attracts beneficial birds, butterflies and insects                                                                                                    Liquor Store
• Easy to maintain after establishment                                                                                                                My Jungle Gym
                                                                                                                                                New Serenity Circle Counseling
Maintenance Requirements
When native plants are used, your rain garden will not require pesticides or fertilizer. As the rain garden is                                    In 2022, we look forward to
establishing during the first and second year or during periods of little to no rainfall, occasional watering of                                          welcoming:
the plants may be necessary. Likewise, weeds will need to be removed while dead plants may need to be
                                                                                                                                                          BP Metals
replaced. Once the plants in the rain garden have become established and grow larger, they will eventually
                                                                                                                                                       Special Tools, Inc
out-compete the weeds.                                                                                                                          Nick & Drew’s Discount Grocery

                                                                                                                                                  We are also excited for the
                                                                                                                                                 following businesses to open
                                                                                                                                                new locations in Isanti in 2022:

                                                                                                                                                      Wolf River Electric
                                                                                                                                                    Little North Boutique
                                                                                                                                                     Isanti Family Dental
                                                                                                                                                     Rockstad and Relics
                                                                                                                                                  Thunder Brothers Brewery

                                                                                                                                                   Learn more about these
                                                                                                                                                  businesses and other Isanti
                                                                                                                    © Lauren’s Garden Service

                                                                                                                                                    businesses by visiting
                                                                                                                                                   our Business Directory at

                                                                                                                                                If you want your Isanti business
                                                                                                                                                  to be added to the directory,
                                                                                                                                                     please email Stephanie
                                                                                                                                                     Hillesheim, Community
                                                                                                                                                    Development Director at
Page 10

                                 Who You Gonna Call?
                                 The Isanti Police Department works in collaboration with the citizens of Isanti to enhance the quality of life.
                                 Collaboration between the police and the community identifies and solves community problems. Every day,
                                 community members encounter situations calling upon them to be the eyes and ears of law enforcement.
                                 Be watchful for any unusual or suspicious persons, activities or vehicles in our neighborhood.

                                        WHO SHOULD CALL THE POLICE?
                                        YOU are the perfect person to call the police to report anything you find suspicious or believe is a crime
                                        in progress. Don’t assume someone else is observing the same event or behavior and is calling the police.

                                        WHY SHOULD YOU CALL THE POLICE?
                                        You risk nothing if you call the police and you are wrong. Consider what you risk if you fail to call the
                                        police and you were right. We would rather have you call and it be nothing, than not call and it turns out
                                        to be something serious. Information on suspicious activities directs how and where the Police Officers
   KNOW YOUR ALERTS                     direct their patrols.

                                        WHEN SHOULD YOU CALL THE POLICE?
 Tornadoes often accompany              Whenever you observe suspicious events, persons, or vehicles, even though you may not be the only
 thunderstorms. When there              person observing them, call the police. Never think the next person will do what you should. The police
  are thunderstorms in your             would rather get numerous calls on the same event than none at all.
area, turn on your radio or TV
 to get the latest emergency     Working together will enhance the quality of life for the Isanti community!
    information from local
   authorities or check your     ATVs and Golf Carts:
  mobile phone for weather       Special vehicles [Class 1 ATVs and golf carts] operated within the city need to obtain a special vehicle permit
             alerts.             from the Police Department. Class 2 ATVs do not need a city permit. All ATVs and applicable recreational vehicles
                                 need to bide by state laws and display state registration if applicable. The city special vehicle permit application
    Pay close attention to       is found on the city website. The application may be mailed to the police department for processing.
 changing weather conditions
    when there is a severe       Refer to MN DNR laws regarding state laws requiring operators to wear helmets. All persons under 18 years old
   thunderstorm watch or         must wear DOT approved helmets when on an ATV or UTV. All persons are encouraged to wear a helmet no
           warning.              matter the length they plan on operating.

 A severe thunderstorm watch     Bicycle Safety:
 means severe thunderstorms      Everyone riding a bicycle needs to wear a helmet no matter how far you intend to ride. Helmet use has been
    are possible in your area.   estimated to reduce the odds of head injury by 50 percent, and the odds of head, face or neck injury by 33
A severe thunderstorm warning    • Repair any broken elements of your bike before riding.
 means severe thunderstorms      • Wear brightly colored clothing so that others can see you better.
   are occurring in your area.   • Remember: one seat = only one rider! Keep both hands on the handlebars.
                                 • Obey traffic signs and lights. Use hand signals when stopping or turning.
                                 • Always ride in the same direction as traffic and use the right-hand side of the road.
       SAVE THE DATE:            • Look both ways before crossing the street and stay alert for cars backing out of driveways.
                                 • When riding with others, ride in a single-file line.
 April 4-8 | MN Severe Weather
        Awareness Week
                                 Please enjoy all of your outdoor activities. Remember to always be thinking about safety!!
  April 7 | Tornado Drill Day
                                 Chief Travis Muyres | Police Chief/Emergency Management Director
                                 Isanti Police Department
Page 11

                                          Isanti Fire District
Isanti Fire District Call Volume & New Hires                                                                           FIRE ESCAPE CHECKLIST
Greetings, Isanti.                                                                                                 ◊     Do you have working
                                                                                                                         smoke alarms in your

                                                                                                                   ◊     Is there a smoke alarm
                                                                                                                         in every sleeping room
                                                                                                                         and outside each
                                                                                                                         sleeping area?

                                                                                                                   ◊     Is there a smoke alarm
                                                                                                                         on each level of the
                                                                                                                         home, including the

                                                                                                                   ◊     Do you test your
                                                                                                                         smoke alarms at least
                                                                                                                         once a month?

                                                                                                                   ◊     Do children know the
                                                                                                                         sound of the smoke
Call volumes at the fire department have been consistently on the rise over the last several years, this contin-         alarms?
ued throughout 2021.
                                                                                                                   ◊     How old are the smoke
The graph shows the fire department’s overall call numbers, including calls to surrounding township areas.               alarms? If they are
The City of Isanti specifically saw firefighters on scene 538 times last year with emergency medical calls being         more than 10 years
the most frequent call type; 73% of the time.                                                                            old, replace them.
Among several factors- we expected this increase as we are also seeing increases in population and the num-        ◊     Does your family have
ber of households per the Isanti County Assessors office. Except for the fact that the department is seeing              a home fire escape
more sick and injured people, it is exciting to see our community grow and thrive!                                       plan?
To offset the raise in call volumes, I am happy to announce the conclusion of our most recent hiring period.       ◊     Does your family know
Our Station 1 in the City of Isanti recently brought on four new firefighters, bringing our 1-year total to six          two ways out of each
new hires. Please join us in welcoming Firefighters Susanne DeNio, Emma Jansen, Brittany Niezgoda, Kyle                  room in the home?
Riley, Marcus Rothove and Philip Schmidt to the team. 1,134 calls per year is more than a hobby, these six
individuals have committed to a life change that will touch families in our city and beyond over three times       ◊     Are all the exits in
per day.                                                                                                                 the home clear of
If you think you are up to the challenge of being our next new hire, or know someone who might be- stop in!
Check us out online, on social media or visit us at our Isanti Firefighters Annual Pro Rodeo scheduled for July    ◊     Has your family picked
8-9 this year. More information at isantifiredistrict.org.                                                               a meeting place
                                                                                                                         outside the home
                                                                                                                         where everyone can go
Alan Jankovich | Fire Chief                                                                                              when they’ve escaped
Isanti Fire District                                                                                                     a fire?

                                                                                                                   ◊     Does everyone at
                                                                                                                         home know how to call
                                                                                                                         the fire department
                                                                                                                         once they are outside?

                                                                                                                   ◊     Does the family
                                                                                                                         practice the escape
                                                                                                                         plan at least twice a
Page 12

                                   Community Updates
                                  The NEW Isanti Liquor
                                  For many, many years, Isanti Liquor proudly served the surround-
                                  ing area and generated revenue for the City of Isanti at the “old”
                                  store, which was located across the street from Urban’s Hard-
                                  ware. With your support, we managed to reach just under $4 mil-
                                  lion in gross annual sales in 2020. That’s a pretty big accomplish-
                                  ment for a store with a little over 2,000 sq ft of sales floor. That
                                  total followed a trend of sales increasing 10% or more annually.
                                  Those sales increases were attributed to a growing population,
                                  a decent selection, and great customer service. As a municipal
                                  operation, our number one priority is serving the community.
                                  That means selling alcohol responsibly, while also generating
                                  profit dollars to send back to the city. As most of you already
      10 TIPS TO KEEP             know, your support allows the Liquor Fund to send $350,000 to
     YOUR HOME CLEAN              the General Fund of Isanti each year. This money helps to pay for
       ALL YEAR LONG              basic city services and other amenities without asking residents
                                  to pay more in property taxes. We take a lot of pride in that and
                                  hope to see that number grow.
    Cleaning your home
 isn’t just reserved for the      With the annual increase in sales, and limited space at the old
                                  store, city leadership acted on the need for a new liquor store.
    beginning of Spring!          After careful deliberation, a plan was approved, and construction
                                  began in the spring of 2021. Construction completed and we
 Use these often-missed           were able to hold our Grand Opening at the NEW Isanti Liquor on November 18, 2021!
    tips to keep the air
                                  Some of the biggest improvements that you’ll find at the new Isanti Liquor include the following:
 fresh and surfaces clean
 throughout your home.            It’s a HUGE store at roughly 12,600 sq feet! That means that you’ll find the BIGGEST wine, liquor, and beer
                                  selection in the area.
1.    Wash your pillows           We’re EASY to get to! Located just south of Coborns at 10 6th Ave SE, traffic heading north can easily turn off
2.    Bathe/Groom your pets       at the access road just south of Heritage Blvd. It’s also easy to get across, or back onto, State Highway 65 from
3.    Remove your shoes           Heritage Blvd.
4.    Ditch your vinyl shower
      curtains                    We have GREAT PARKING!
                                                  PARKING! Our large parking area includes plenty of space designated for trailer parking and
                                  a separate area designated for curbside pick up parking. We even have enough room to host the Farmers’
5.    Clean your closet floor     Market throughout the Summer months.
6.    Monitor dishwashers
      and drains for mold/        We offer Curbside Pick Up! We encourage everyone to come in and check us out, but if you’d like, just give us a
      mildew                      call at 763-444-5063 and we’ll be happy to bring your order right out to your vehicle. You still have to meet all
7.    Steam clean or freeze       the regular requirements to buy alcohol, so be ready to show your ID when asked.
      stuffed animals             We take pride in our customer service! You’ll find friendly and helpful staff ready to help you locate whatever it
8.    Clean your refrigerator -   is that you’re looking for. If we don’t have it, we’ll do what we can to find it for you.
      top to bottom!              We’ve got a very active presence on Facebook! Follow us at IsantiMunicipalLiquor to stay up to date on all of
9.    Replace your duster         our sales, giveaways, tasting events and more.
      with a damp or microfi-
                                  THANK YOU for your continued support! With your help, we will continue to offer a huge selection with great
      ber cloth                   prices to the community that we serve. We look forward to seeing you soon!
10.   Clean your rugs

                                  Keith Lusk | Store Manager
                                  Isanti Municipal Liquor Store
Page 13

                Community Programs & Events
Isanti Community Garden
The Isanti Community Garden at River Bluff Preserve provides an opportunity for Isanti residents to plant
vegetables, flowers, or even their own pumpkin patch outside of their home. With in-ground plots, raised and
elevated beds, produce in the garden flourishes each year in a variety of planting environments.

                                                                                                                   10 FUN FAMILY
                                                                                                               ACTIVITIES FOR SPRING

                                                                                                               1. Go fishing off the dock at
                                                                                                                   River Bluff Preserve.
                                                                                                               2. Learn how to tap trees
                                                                                                                   for maple syrup.
Do you want to plant a garden but don’t have the space at home? Rent a plot at the Garden to manage your
own produce for the season while meeting and connecting with like-minded area residents, sharing tips and      3. Explore the trails in Lega-
tricks to creating the best harvest each season!                                                                   cy Park.
The Community Garden is open May - October each year. Registration is now open with limited plots avail-       4. Plant a rain garden.
able on a first-come, first-served basis.
                                                                                                               5. Go for a bike ride along
		                  Ground Plots: 		              $15 per 10x10’ *ONLY 10 LEFT!*                                   the Cambridge-Isanti
		 Raised and Elevated Beds: $20 per 4x8’                                                                          Bike/Walk Trail.
					Priority for these plots is given to those with mobility needs.                                           6. Celebrate the sunshine
                                                                                                                   with a picnic in the park.
Visit CityofIsanti.us to learn more and apply to reserve your plots today!
                                                                                                               7. Help clean up the city in
                                                                                                                   Isanti’s Earth Day Clean-
                                                                                                                   up on April 22nd.
                                                                                                               8. Go play on any of Isanti’s
                                                                                                                   11 playgrounds.
                                                                                                               9. Start up a Pickleball
                                                                                                                   league at Mattson Park.
                                                                                                               10. Go on a nature hike.
Page 14

    Community Programs & Events, Cont...
                                  Friends of the Isanti Area Library Fundraiser
                                                                       The Friends of the Isanti Area Library is a nonprofit
                                                                       group (IsantiLibrary.org
                                                                              (IsantiLibrary.org)) that helped to establish
                                                                       and continues to promote our Isanti Library Out-
                                                                       reach Site, doing our part to guarantee access to
Planning an Event?                                                     high-quality educational resources for everyone.
                                                                       Located inside Isanti City Hall, the Outreach Library
City code 278 “Special                                                 offers books, movies, audiobooks, and e-books on
Events” requires event                                                 Wednesdays from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Check with the
producers to acquire a Special                                         Librarian about special events, too.
Event Permit with approval
by the City Council and Public    Did you know you are welcome to request items by phone or on the East Central Regional
Safety personnel for any          Library website (ecrlib.org
                                                  (ecrlib.org)) to pick up here in Isanti? Checking out DVDs for three weeks
event anticipating more than      makes it easy to catch up on past seasons of your favorite TV show, or have no-cost enter-
75 attendees on either public     tainment on hand.
or private property.
                                  Friends actively “recycle” donated items back into our community to promote literacy all
A Special Event Permit            year long. Our Give & Take boxes and bookshelves are strategically placed around town.
application is not required for   Give a few books or take some to read from any of them, and let us know if you would
places of worship; stadiums       like to sponsor one at your home or business. Books for sale at the Library Outreach Site
or athletic fields; family        and the Used Book Sale are still a great deal at only 25¢ each.
gatherings, including family
reunions, graduation parties,     Don’t miss our spring Romance Novel Sale on Saturday, May 7th during the Citywide Ga-
religious ceremonies,             rage Sale! All proceeds and donations are used for projects promoting the Isanti Outreach
weddings, and similar events      Library and encouraging literacy and learning
held on private property;         in our community. Also, mark your calendar for
garage sales; and events          our next Annual Used Book* Sale October 14-
established through the City.     15, 2022.

A permit application must be      Do you love books and reading? Help us spread
submitted to the City Parks,      the fun! We greatly need and appreciate vol-
Recreation & Events               unteer help with various projects, community
Coordinator for approval a        events, and even helping from home. We are
minimum of 30 days prior to       actively seeking new members at this time.
the event.                        Interested adults are always welcome to attend
                                  our monthly planning sessions on the third
Visit CityofIsanti.us to          Thursday of each month at 9:00 a.m. Contact
download an application and       Susi McCune for more information:
learn more about the Special      Susi@IsantiLibrary.org or 612-345-0311.
Event Code and permit

Contact IsantiParks@City-
ofIsanti.us with questions.
Page 15

   Community Programs & Events, Cont...
Save the Date
March 24 and May 19 | 2-4pm | City Center Mall | EC MN Career Fair
Held at City Center Mall, 140 Buchanan Street N, Cambridge, MN 55008.
Free to both employers and jobseekers. Employer registration required. Visit
www.north65chamber.com for more information and to register.
                                                                                             Join the Conversation
April 28 | 9am-12pm | City Center Mall | Spring Senior Fair
Dedicated to our senior citizen community, this fair includes free health and wellness       The City of Isanti is always
screenings and vendor booths providing local resources and infor¬mation. Coffee and          looking to build spaces,
lunch options are available. Free admission; City Center Mall, Cambridge. For more           programs and events that
information, contact the North 65 Chamber of Commerce at www.north65chamber.com,             meet our community’s needs.
763-689-2505, or info@north65chamber.com.                                                    If you have an idea for an
                                                                                             activity, park enhancement or
May 7 | Friends of the Isanti Area Library Romance Novel Sale                                program, please contact the
                                                                                             Parks, Recreation & Culture
June 1 - August 24 | 5-8pm | Isanti VFW | Rum River Rods Bi-Weekly Car Shows: Every          team at
other Wednesday                                                                              IsantiParks@CityofIsanti.us.

June 2 | 5-9pm | Erickson Farmstead | North 65 Chamber of Commerce Gala and
Awards Dinner
You are invited to join us for the North 65 Chamber of Commerce Annual Gala and
Awards Dinner at Erickson Farmstead, Isanti. Enjoy dinner, music, games, and more.
Nominate or apply now for the business awards. Tickets and information                       Business Owners:
www.north65chamber.com, 763-689-2505, or info@north65chamber.com.
                                                                                             The City of Isanti has a
June 11 | 10am-2pm | Rum River Rods 8th Annual Scholarship Car Show                          number of partnership
There will be crafters and vendors at the show.                                              opportunities for your
                                                                                             business to get involved with
August 13 | 10am-3pm | Rum River Rods 12th Annual Summer Spectacular Car Show                community programs and
Crafters/Vendors, Pie Eating Contest, Muffler Rap Contest, Custom Made Trophies              events. Whether it’s being
                                                                                             recognized as a supporter of
July 7-10 | Downtown Isanti | Isanti Rodeo & Jubilee Days                                    an event, selling your
The North 65 Chamber of Commerce will host Jubilee Days in partnership with many com-        products or services onsite,
munity organizations and the Isanti Firefighters Rodeo Association will host the annual      sharing your knowledge in a
rodeo. Register online for the parade, food vendors, craft fair, Kids’ Day, Outhouse Races   group demonstration, or
and more. Sponsors should register by May 1 for full promotional benefits. For more          volunteering your time, the
information, contact the North 65 Chamber of Commerce at www.north65chamber.com,             City can work with you to
763-689-2505, info@north65chamber.com or follow the event on Facebook @IsantiRo-             drive traffic and recognition
deoJubileeDays.                                                                              to your platform.

October 14-15 | Friends of the Isanti Area Library Annual Used Book Sale                     Contact IsantiParks@City-
                                                                                             ofIsanti.us to learn about
                                                                                             upcoming and year-round
                                                                                             opportunities and get
                                                                                             involved with the Isanti
Page 16                            Isantian • Spring 2022

            City of Isanti
    110 1st Ave. NW, PO Box 428
          Isanti, MN 55040

           Phone: 763-444-5512
            Fax: 763-444-5560
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