Everyday people, everyday places, everyday things - 14 June 2021 - Firstport NZ

Page created by Tim Rios
Everyday people, everyday places, everyday things - 14 June 2021 - Firstport NZ
Everyday people, everyday places,
        everyday things

         14 June 2021
Everyday people, everyday places, everyday things - 14 June 2021 - Firstport NZ
Our favourite places....
                         Marine Parade Napier

                             Kia Ora,
     Welcome to this week's Disability Information and
              Advisory Service newsletter.

Halfway through June already... only 196 sleeps until Christmas Day. I'm not
               too sure whether that is a good or bad thing!!

  Lots of things happening in June in NZ - Men's Health Month, Move Your
   Butt Bowel Cancer Awareness and Motor Neurone Disease awareness

       Men's Health Week - 15 - 21 June 2020
Men's Health Week encourages men to take a short survey to find their
health "score" and then take steps to decrease their score.

The Men's Health Week homepage has some interesting video including
some of the several high-profile ambassadors talking about their health
Everyday people, everyday places, everyday things - 14 June 2021 - Firstport NZ
The stronger our voice grows, the more lives we
                     can save
Bowel cancer is currently New Zealand’s second biggest cancer killer: every
year, over 3,000 Kiwis are diagnosed, and 1,200 of us will die from it. It’s
time to change this! The more we can raise awareness of bowel cancer
symptoms and prevention, the more we reduce the stigma around talking
about it with doctors – and with each other.

                       See the impact we are making

      Do you have a story to share about your experiences with MND?

MND NZ invites you to help raise awareness about MND and its impact on
New Zealanders by sharing your story when the time feels right.
Everyday people, everyday places, everyday things - 14 June 2021 - Firstport NZ
Your story may assist us in various ways. It could help us write more
powerful funding applications, advocate for the rights of people living with
MND, raise public awareness of MND, and help other people with MND and
carers to know they are not alone in their experiences.

                      Click here to share your story.

                   Also in this week's edition

               Save the Date for the next StarJam disco
                       Boccia is back in the Bay
                        Auckland Disability Law
                             NZDSA Enews
                Brain Injury HB June Members Update

                            and much more.....

      In 2021 we are looking forward to continuing
     bringing you news about inclusive events and
   happenings in the Bay, so if you have something to
               share, please let us know.
Everyday people, everyday places, everyday things - 14 June 2021 - Firstport NZ
Please feel free to email in a photo of your favourite local spot,
          remember to tell us why is special to you.

                      DRC Living Life Connected

                      Team Updates
Everyday people, everyday places, everyday things - 14 June 2021 - Firstport NZ
Turning Point - Community Participation
Turning Point provides a service assisting people with disabilities to
be valued contributors in their community, helping them to gain the
confidence and skills, and enhances the support given to them by
their families and friends to reach their full potential.
Every second Monday Turning Point people have the opportunity to
take part in bus training with support staff. Knowing how to
recognise which bus to catch, where to get on and off and how to
use the swipe card system increases confidence and improves

Turning Point - Transition
It's never too early to think about what happens next for ORS
students when they are ready to leave school. Our transition team
is happy to come out to meet with you, your family and school to
share how we can continue to support you on your family member
as they continue on their life adventure. Please call us on 06 873
8210 to arrange a time for a chat, we'd love to meet you.

Network Personnel
Do you have a long-term disability or health condition (six months or
more) that is impacting your ability to find employment? Perhaps we
can help, give Robin or Kylee at Network Personnel a call on 06
Network Personnel is always on the lookout for job
placement opportunities so if you are looking for that extra bit of
help, or know someone who is, please call us on 06 8738210.

The IHC Foundation has funded a new resource about the Treaty of
Waitangi for people with intellectual disabilities. This week we spent
some time going through the booklet and we learnt a whole lot. ‘The
Easy Read Book About the Treaty of Waitangi’ is thought to be the
first book specifically designed for people with intellectual disabilities
to help them learn about and understand the treaty, including their
rights and how to protest. These books which use simple language
Everyday people, everyday places, everyday things - 14 June 2021 - Firstport NZ
and images to convey the importance of the treaty, will be
distributed to every public library in the country.

     How amazing was the last StarJam disco?

             Save the date for the next one.

                   Friday 2 July 2021

     Circle your calendars now... more details to
Everyday people, everyday places, everyday things - 14 June 2021 - Firstport NZ

      An Inclusive Sport for People of all Ages and Abilities

                   Come along and be involved!

                         Learn new Skills:
                  Play, Support and Social Time


  STARTING           SATURDAY 19th JUNE 2021

  TIME               1.30pm – 3.00pm
                     TARADALE PRIMARY SCHOOL
                     10 Church Road, Taradale
  COST               KOHA ON ENTRY

For more information or to register your interest in playing, please
                                                 027 307 2665
               Evelyn Churchill

               Sarah Hansen                      027 513 8321
Everyday people, everyday places, everyday things - 14 June 2021 - Firstport NZ
Susie Chapman        susie.chapman@psec.org.nz

  Supported by Boccia NZ, Sport Hawke’s Bay and Enliven Disability

                    Call for Volunteers

Kia ora Everyone,
We have had such a great response from all of you around Daffodil Day. I
am receiving more and more emails every day. Thanks for your continued
commitment to the Cancer Society Annual Daffodil Day Appeal!
Currently we are on the lookout for;

   •   Area coordinators
   •   Fresh flowers blooms team
   •   Drivers – to deliver resources and Counter Boxes in Hastings,
       Havelock North, Napier
   •   Volunteers to prepare packs for street sites
   •   Pop-Up Opp shop assistants
Everyday people, everyday places, everyday things - 14 June 2021 - Firstport NZ
If you have already been in contact, I will make a note of your availability and
we will be in touch with your Area Coordinators details shortly. Please
excuse us if you have received this email twice. We are trying to cover all
platforms to communicate out to our generous volunteers.

Warmest regards,
Katy Wedde
Volunteer Coordinator - Te Iti Pounamu
Email: katy.wedde@cancercd.org.nz
Please note my usual working days are Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday

Follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/CancerSocietyHB

                    Register now:
           ADL’s Cyber Bullying and the Law
                   Online July 2021

                          DID YOU KNOW

Auckland Disability Law (ADL) provides free legal services to disabled
people associated with their disability related legal issues. ADL is the only
specialist disability law community law centre in Aotearoa New Zealand.

ADL provides legal education on disability law in the community and within
disability and legal organisations. We work with the Disability and Deaf
communities through our community engagement and law reform activities.

                  Cyber Bullying and the Law July 2021

Register quickly for ADL’s next free legal education session on Zoom. This
introductory session will cover our cyber bullying law and where to get
help. It is a great opportunity to learn how to keep ourselves and those
around us safe online. ADL’s Cyber Bullying and the Law is designed for
disabled people and supporters. To register or for more information,
email info@adl.org.nz, or text 027 457 5140, or call 09 257 5140.

Tuesday 6 July 2021, 11am – 12noon
Register by 25 June 2021

                    June Members Update

We are pleased to announce a new Brain Injury peer support group starting
this month, we also have updates on some community events including All
Abilities Golf, an All Abilities Gym, and Boccia in the Bay – starting soon!

                            You can read it here
                                 Ngā mihi,

                               Katie Hopkins
                              Liaison Officer
                  Brain Injury Association, Hawkes Bay
                             06 878 6875 ext:5
                               027 283 8896
Read the June Enews here

Kia ora,

What does getting a break look like to you? We asked parents to send in
pics of how they like to rest and recharge—we just love the photo above of
Lorraine luging for the first time! Check out some more pics at the bottom of
this email. How are you going to fill your cup today? This month:

   •   Helpful tips on how to get a break
   •   Respite ideas and strategies
   •   Photo montage: Kiwi carers take walks, scrapbook, snowboard, and have
       other great ideas to relax

               You can read the full May newsletter here
Parent2Parent Support Groups Hawkes Bay

Does your child/teenager/young adult have a disability, special need or
health impairment? Would you like to meet other parents? Share
experiences? Access information? Get support and meet new friends? Come
along and meet other parents of children with different abilities in a relaxed
and informal coffee group. You can drop in for as long or as short a time as
suits you.
All welcome, however please remember to RSVP for the CHB and Taradale
catchups. Meet-ups are still once a month for this year. You are welcome to
join us let Blanche know 020 40118711 or
email hawkesbay@parent2parent.org.nz and she will welcome you to the
group! Just ask at the counter to point you in my direction on your arrival.

Special Announcement
Coffee groups this term have been very slow, so for the winter
months I will be running the Coffee Groups as pop up groups only.

Blanche will randomly announce a group which will be RSVP so
keep an eye on Facebook and your emails as that is how it will be

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact Blanch,
who am still available for Face to Face support.
What's on in the Bay?

   Don't forget to email us with your activities and
    events for 2021 information@drchb.org.nz

15 June
Bay Autism Support - Coffee Group at Empire Cafe, 10am-noon 9
Allen Berry Avenue, Pirimai, Napier

16 June
Koryo Taekwando United Diversity KTUD - 128 Market Street
North Hastings 11am, koha. A class for everyone, taught by
students with diverse abilities. For more
information http://www.koryo.co.nz/
Shake Rattle & Roll - A music and dance group for adults with
intellectual disabilities to socialise and have fun. Each Wednesday
10.00am to 11.15am. Napier Baptist Church, 36 Riverbend Rd,
Maraenui. $3.00 includes morning tea (caregivers free). For more
info contact Gail on 027 495 5172

18 June
Altogether Autism - By Autistics for Autistics Zoom group for
adults, every Friday 2pm, register
at info@altogetherautism.org.nz This is a group for autistic teens
and adults, run by two autistic hosts (host is Paul Freeman, co-host
is Jolene Stockman.

19 June
Boccia Starting in the Bay Today - see above for more details./

22 June
Altogether Autism - By Autistics for Autistics Zoom group for
adults, every Friday 2pm, register
at info@altogetherautism.org.nz This is a group for autistic teens
and adults, run by two autistic hosts (host is Paul Freeman, co-host
is Jolene Stockman.

23 June
Koryo Taekwando United Diversity KTUD - 128 Market Street
North Hastings 11am, koha. A class for everyone, taught by
students with diverse abilities. For more
information http://www.koryo.co.nz/
Shake Rattle & Roll - A music and dance group for adults with
intellectual disabilities to socialise and have fun. Each Wednesday
10.00am to 11.15am. Napier Baptist Church, 36 Riverbend Rd,
Maraenui. $3.00 includes morning tea (caregivers free). For more
info contact Gail on 027 495 5172

24 June
The Brain Injury HB Peer Support Group - Last Thursday of each
month. National Services Club, Market St Hastings 11.30am-
1pm. The activity for today is Bingo. Please call the office on 878
6875 to register

25 June
Altogether Autism - By Autistics for Autistics Zoom group for
adults, every Friday 2pm, register
at info@altogetherautism.org.nz This is a group for autistic teens
and adults, run by two autistic hosts (host is Paul Freeman, co-host
is Jolene Stockman.

29 June
Bay Autism Support - Coffee Group at Serendipity Cafe, 1412
Pakowhai Road, Hastings, 10am-noon

30 June
Koryo Taekwando United Diversity KTUD - 128 Market Street
North Hastings 11am, koha. A class for everyone, taught by
students with diverse abilities. For more
information http://www.koryo.co.nz/
Shake Rattle & Roll - A music and dance group for adults with
intellectual disabilities to socialise and have fun. Each Wednesday
10.00am to 11.15am. Napier Baptist Church, 36 Riverbend Rd,
Maraenui. $3.00 includes morning tea (caregivers free). For more
info contact Gail on 027 495 5172

01 July
The Brain Injury HB Central Hawke's Bay Peer Support Group
- Lily Pond Cafe, Waipukurau at 11am. First Thursday of every
month Please get in touch with the office on 06 878 6875 to
register , or email katie.hopkins@braininjuryhb.co.nz

02 July
StarJam Disco - Save the Date More details to follow.

06 July
The Brain Injury HB Whanau Support Group - Last Thursday of
each month. National Services Club, Market St Hastings 11.30am-
1pm. Please call the office on 878 6875 to register or
email katie.hopkins@braininjuryhb.co.nz
Auckland Disability Law Cyber Bullying and the Law - free legal
education Zoom session see above for details

08 July
The Brain Injury HB Taradale Peer Support Group - Bay
Expresso, Gloucester Street, Taradale 10-11am, meetings will be
held on the second Thursday of each month. Please phone the
office on 06 878 6875 to register, or
email katie.hopkins@braininjuryhb.co.nz

14 July
Local Social Dinner Meeting - meets once a month for dinner, a
laugh and some chit chat. The July catchup is at the Filter Room,
Meeanee, Napier from 5pm-7.30pm. Bring a couple of questions for
Trivia Night. Call Tina to RSVP or for more info on 027 381 4133

                Articles of Interest
                     Paraplegic’s fury at driver
                         Poppy take a bow

              Improving online accessibility - Netsafe

 Deaf Action New Zealand Incorporated (Deaf Action) Takes TVNZ To
       Human Rights Review Tribunal For NZSL Interpretation

    Down syndrome community welcomes budget commitment to
                   disability sector - NZDSA
Editor's Note
We are pleased to be able to send out this information and to keep the
community informed about what’s going on. Please continue to send us your
flyers, and any information you have about cool stuff happening here. Don't
forget to add your contact details for readers who want further information
about your event.

We also appreciate any feedback you have about this newsletter. Tell us
what we got right, got wrong or just let us know what you want to see.

Friendly reminder
To ensure your notices, news items and information gets into the update,
please have details into us by this Friday 12pm midday at the latest. The
update gets sent out weekly on a Monday.

DRC receives information from our many networks which we pass on in this
update. Feel free to share and use this information.

To place a notice, phone 06 873 8210, or email information@drchb.org.nz.

Keep up to date with us on Facebook facebook.com/drchb and visit our
website at www.drchb.org.nz
Click here for Firstport

DRC is a Principle member of:     Funded by:
Copyright © 2020 Disability Resouce Centre (H.B.) Trust, All rights reserved.

                           Our mailing address is:
                                 PO Box 2348
                               Stortford Lodge
                               HASTINGS 4153

                          Our physical address is:
                           204 Nelson Street South
                              HASTINGS 4122

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