EVENTI info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it - Rimini turismo

Page created by Roy James
                                                                  info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

Entertainment for children and picture exhibition in Viserba
30 July, 3, 6, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17, 19, 21, 24, 26, 30,31 August, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9 September 2020
100 Days Party organized by the Tourist Committee
A party with entertainment for children offered by The Viserba Tourist Committee.
Every Friday evening, except on 31 July, 7, 28 August, in addition, there is a picture exhibition.
Località: Piazza Pascoli - Rimini Viserba
Telefono: 0541 53399 (Tourist Information)
Sito: www.facebook.com/comitatoturisticoviserba
Orario: from 9 pm

Show for kids in Bellariva
Every Monday and Friday evening until 11 September 2020
A party lasting 100 days by I love Bellariva Tourism Committee
 'I love Bellariva' Tourist Committee proposes shows for kids: on Monday evening by MIX ART PRODUCTION
and on Friday evening by HAPPY CIRCUS.
Località: Piazzale Toscanini - Rimini Bellariva
Telefono: 0541 53399 (Touristic Information)
Orario: from 8.30 pm

Show with street performers in Rivabella
every Wednesday from 8 July to 9 September 2020
100 days party organized by the Tourist Committee
The Tourist Committee of Rivabella proposes an evening of show with artistsof street performer.
Località: Piazzale Adamello - Rimini Rivabella
Telefono: 0541 53399 (Tourist Information)
Sito: www.facebook.com/Rivabella-di-Rimini-Comitato-dArea-e-Turistico-125064160837597/
Orario: from 8 pm to 00 am

Ritratti d'autore
Every Wednesday until 9 September 2020
Organizzed Marina Centro Rimini Association
The event, now in its fourth edition, takes place on the promenade of Viale Vespucci in Marina Centro, where the
artists of the School of Art Umberto Folli will paint live.
Località: viale Vespucci - Rimini Marina Centro
Sito: www.facebook.com/comitatomarinacentro
Orario: from 9.30 pm to 11.30 pm

Wednesday evening of Summer with music and dance
Evey Wednesday evenings from 17 June to 9 September 2020
Events of Pro Loco Miramare da Amare
Every Wednesday of the Summer 2020 with music in Viale Oliveti.
Località: viale Oliveti - Rimini Miramare
E-mail: miramaredamare@gmail.com
Sito: www.miramaredamare.it
Orario: from 9 pm

Entertainment for children and picture exhibition in Viserba
30 July, 3, 6, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17, 19, 21, 24, 26, 30,31 August, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9 September 2020
100 Days Party organized by the Tourist Committee
A party with entertainment for children offered by The Viserba Tourist Committee.
Every Friday evening, except on 31 July, 7, 28 August, in addition, there is a picture exhibition.
Località: Piazza Pascoli - Rimini Viserba
Telefono: 0541 53399 (Tourist Information)
Sito: www.facebook.com/comitatoturisticoviserba
Orario: from 9 pm

Macfrut Digital 2020
From Tuesday 8 to Thursday 10 September 2020
The Digital trade-show of the Fruit & Veg Sector
                                                                   info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

The uncertainty surrounding the current health emergency has made it difficult to organise the traditional trade
fair, now in its 37th edition, in the usual way.
So, Macfrut, trade fair for the fruit and vegetable sector, goes Digital.
Hosted by the Natlive platform, a three-day event for sector professionals with B2B meetings and buyers from all
over the world.This innovative project makes Macfrut the first digital trade fair for the fruit and vegetable industry.
All visitors, from all across Italy and from all over the world, will be able to access and participate in this three-day
virtual trade fair by using a personal device (PC, tablet or smartphone).
Macfrut Digital will consist of two areas: the Exhibition and the Forum. To log in, please register
on macfrutdigital.com (registration is free of charge). Once logged in, visitors can watch an interactive map
divided by product sector and explore all the virtual “stands” to find out more about an exhibitor’s product range,
request information,and organise B2B meetings in live streaming.
There are plenty of advantages for exhibitors: an agenda of scheduled meetings with buyers and the opportunity
to interact, also face-to-face in live streaming, with professionals from all over the world.
Together with the commercial part, Macfrut Digital hosts the Technical Forums.
During these three days Macfrut Digital will host a series of live-streamed conferences, which can be viewed on
the Natlive platform, upon free registration. The topics will include innovations in horticulture, news in the
greenhouse sector, Acquacampus and innovations in irrigation, and the Biostimulant Forum. The platform will also
be available to exhibitors for dedicated events.

Info: www.macfrutdigital.com/
E-mail: info@macfrut.com
Sito: www.macfrutdigital.com/index.php?l=en

Music in Viserba
29 July - 5, 7, 8, 9, 15, 28, 29 August - 5, 10 September 2020
100 Days Party by the local Tourist Committee
The Tourist Committee of Viserba presents live music with different local live bands.
Località: Piazza Pascoli - Rimini Viserba
Telefono: 0541 53399 (Tourist Information)
Sito: www.facebook.com/comitatoturisticoviserba
Orario: from 9.30 pm

Puppet theater in Rivabella
every Thursday evening from 2 July to 10 September 2020
A party lasting 100 days by by the Tourist Committee
The Tourist Committee of Rivabella proposes animation and entertainment for kids with the puppet show by
Medini Theatre every Thursday evening.
Località: Piazza Adamello- Rimini Rivabella
Telefono: 0541 53399 (Tourist Information)
Sito: www.facebook.com/Rivabella-di-Rimini-Comitato-dArea-e-Turistico-125064160837597
Orario: 20.00 - 24.00

Venerdì sera in centro - Friday Night Downtown
Every Friday from 19 June to 11 September 2020 except 28 August and 4 September
Summer market
Every Friday during Summer is held the traditional evening market in Rimini historic centre, which boasts
interesting stands of antiques, second hand product, modern art, vintage tools, crafts, oddities from the past and
collectors’ items.
Località: Rimini, Piazza Cavour
Telefono: +39 0541 781108 (COCAP)
Sito: www.cocap.it/it/mercati/
Orario: from 6.30 pm to 11.30 pm

Romagna Osteria: the voyage of the senses
Next appointments in Rimini: 10 - 11 september September 2020
Event by 'La Brigata del diavolo'
'Romagna Osteria' is a project by 'Visit Romagna' that gather the best chefs in the area, who bring their
knowledge and culinary flavors to the evocative places of Romagna.
                                                                  info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

The idea is inspired by the "Manifesto" of the Cuochi Sognatori of the Associazione Brigata del Diavolo, led by
the creator Fausto Fratti. The Brigade, was born from the passion for cooking combined with the discovery of the
It is stimulating for chefs to tell the story, the colors and the flavors enhancing the charm of the places and the
beauty of nature. For this reason, the decision to leave their restaurants and move their kitchen to the most
unusual sites rich in poetry, art and spirituality. Many are the appointments between May 2019 and end 2020.
Along this journey, the Brigade has planned several stops. In Rimini: after the Christmas party at the Grand Hotel
in December 2019, the brigade is back on Thursday 10 and Friday 11 September 2020 in the Vecchia Pescheria
(the old fish market) in Piazza Cavour. On the occasion of the reopening of the fishing season, the cooks will
prepare a breakfast / lunch open to the whole city in the morning, then an aperitif at the Teatro Galli and a dinner
in the Vecchia Pescheria.
Località: Rimini, Vecchia Pescheria - Piazza Cavour, historic centre
Telefono: +39 329 0174886
E-mail: info@romagna-osteria.it - info@brigatadeldiavolo.com
Sito: www.romagnaosteria.it/

Show for kids in Bellariva
Every Monday and Friday evening until 11 September 2020
A party lasting 100 days by I love Bellariva Tourism Committee
 'I love Bellariva' Tourist Committee proposes shows for kids: on Monday evening by MIX ART PRODUCTION
and on Friday evening by HAPPY CIRCUS.
Località: Piazzale Toscanini - Rimini Bellariva
Telefono: 0541 53399 (Touristic Information)
Orario: from 8.30 pm

Fellini and his 'borgo'
Saturday 12 September 2020
Homage to Federico Fellini in his favourite district of Rimini
In the centenary of his birth, 'Società de Borg' (local cultural association) pays homage to Fellini, by inaugurating
new graffiti inspired by the great Director from Rimini, and a temporary installation dedicated to Felliniesque
Località: Rimini, Borgo san Giuliano
Sito: it-it.facebook.com/SocietadeBorg
Orario: 6.00pm

Dance performance in Rivabella
every Saturday evening from 11 July to 12 September 2020 except 15 August and 5 September
100 Days Party organized by the Tourist Committee
 The Tourist Committee of Rivabella proposes a show of dance with local dance school, every Saturday evening.
Località: Piazza Adamello- Rimini Rivabella
Telefono: 0541 53399 (Tourist Information)
Sito: www.facebook.com/Rivabella-di-Rimini-Comitato-dArea-e-Turistico-125064160837597
Orario: from 8 pm to 00 am

Matrioska Lab Store
Friday 11, Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 September 2020
Artists, artisans and craftsmen display unique handmade pieces
This year the appointment with Matrioska, the itinerant lab store with artists, artisans and creators of unique
handmade items, is postponed from May to September.
Matrioska #17 will be back with its artists, manufacturers and designers to present their creations as a laboratory
open to visitors. As a matter of fact what separates Matrioška from a simple market is its approach to art that
combines theater, music, cuisine, cinema, literature, painting and graphics and its search for suggestive spaces to
be redeveloped and transformed.
Località: Rimini, ex Magazzini Enel, via Destra del Porto 57
E-mail: hello@matrioskalabstore.it
Sito: www.matrioskalabstore.it

Grand Prix of San Marino and Riviera di Rimini
11 - 13 September 2020
                                                                  info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

World Championship MotoGP 2020 at Misano World Circuit – Marco Simoncelli
The engines are warming up for the thirteenth edition of the San Marino and Riviera di Rimini Grand Prix, the
event that attracts fans from all over the world and millions of viewers every year. A weekend of extraordinary
shows, on and off the track in the heart of the Motor Valley.
Info and tickets on www.ticketone.it
Località: Misano Adriatico (Rimini), Misano World Circuit – Marco Simoncelli
Telefono: +39 0541 618511
E-mail: gp@misanocircuit.com
Sito: www.misanocircuit.com/calendario-eventi/gp-san-marino-e-riviera-di-rimini/

Yoga at the Tiberius Bridge
Every Friday, Saturday and Sunday
Outdoors group lessons of traditional yoga
Traditional yoga classes in one of the most evocative places in Rimini, one step away from Tiberius Bridge.
The lessons, lasting 90 minutes, are held by Rimini Yogi every Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 7.00pm to
8.30pm in the basin of the Tiberius Bridge.
The lessons both for beginners and for lovers of the discipline are free with free offer.
To guarantee hygiene and distance measures, the partecipation in the courses requires the compilation of an ON
LINE FORM and the booking of lessons through association's Facebook page.

Località: Tiberius Bridge's basin
Telefono: +39 331 528 5154
Sito: www.facebook.com/YogiRimini/
Orario: From 7.30pm to 8.40pm

Sagra Musicale Malatestiana: Les Musiciens du Prince
Wednesday 16 September 2020
Symphonic concert at the Galli Theater with Cecilia Bartoli
The 71st Malatesta Music Festival will be opened by Cecilia Bartoli, belcanto world star, who was the protagonist
of the reopening evening of the Galli Theater with Gioachino Rossini's La Cenerentola. With the Les Musiciens du
Prince orchestra conducted by Gianluca Capuano, now again on stage for a concert that confirms the great
artist's privileged relationship with the city of Rimini.
Località: Teatro Galli, piazza Cavour, 22 - Rimini historic centre
Telefono: +39 0541 793811 (info and tickets); +39 0541/704295 (Sagra Musicale Malatestiana)
E-mail: biglietteriateatro@comune.rimini.it
Sito: www.sagramusicalemalatestiana.it
Orario: 9.00pm

Prospettive diverse
Summer 2020: on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays until September 20th
Unusual charming visions of Tiberius bridge by boat
An original trip by boat under the old Bridge's archades. For 2000 years, residents and travellers have been
crossing Tiberius Bridge in the city of Rimini. It’s not only a link between the two sides of the Marecchia river but
a connection between different people, a symbol of confrontation (not always peaceful) between civilizations.
Tiberius Bridge is one of the few bridges which can claim this venerable age. This fact, in addition to its solidity
and resistance, has always been an attractive surprise and has created the legend of the "devil’s bridge".
It was built with advanced techniques and is also full of a decorative symbols. It’s mentioned in many history
books and Andrea Palladio drew inspiration from its perfect proportions for the costruction of the Rialto Bridge in
In 1885 it was declared national monument.
With this initiatve visitors don’t see the Bridge "from above", as they normally do, but are able to pass under its
archades by boat discovering it from a different perspective, gliding on water level.
In this way many details and peculiarities of the bridge, that normally remain hidden, can be admired. One of its
arches was demolished at the beginning of the first Middle Ages and was mined by the Germans during the
retreat at the end of World War II. Who knows in how many other occasions it has run the risk to perish. But it is
still there as a witness of the past glory, and perhaps, in the future, when streets are no longer necessary, it will
reminds us what we were.
Località: Rimini, Ponte di Tiberio
                                                                 info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

Telefono: +39 334 7805113
E-mail: rimini@marinando.org
Sito: www.marinando.org
Orario: from 8pm to 11.30 pm

Nuvolari Grand Prix - 30th edition
From Friday 18 to Sunday 20 September 2020
International Gran Prix of vintage cars
Historical cars, coming from all over the world, will compete at the Nuvolari Gran Prix in a challenging course of
1000 km through the most evocative historical centers and as usual they will stop in Rimini where the Felliniesque
Gala evening will take plece at the Grand Hotel.
The highlight is on Saturday, with the arrival and the parade of the cars through the historic center in the late
afternoon, while in the evening the cars will park in Piazzale Fellini, where the public will be able to admire them.
The 30th edition of the modern international rally is dedicated to cars built between 1919 and 1976, according to
F.I.A. / F.I.V.A. / A.C.I. Sport.?
Località: Rimini, piazzale Fellini
Telefono: +39 0376 322003
E-mail: org@gpnuvolari.it
Sito: www.gpnuvolari.it
Orario: Saturday 19 September (late afternoon parade in the historic center), From Saturday 19 to Sunday 20 at
7.00am stop in piazzale Fellini

Giardini d'Autore
18 - 20 September 2020
Plants, flowers, craft and design
Gardeners know well what patience is, the time of waiting, the time of sacrifice, the time of care, the time
needed to protect the seeds in the earth to keep them sheltered. Nature tells us that we need a stop to reborn and
flourish more luxuriant every year. So, after a long stop, the gardening exhibition with the best Italian nurserymen
returns to Rimini for the autumn edition, to re-propose a program full of appointments and new ideas for
decorating home and garden with garden experts, artisans, artists and designers. This special edition will take
place in a new fascinating place in the city, the square on the water, overlooking the riverbed of the Marecchia, in
the shadow of the Tiberius bridge. Obviously, all the initiatives that have characterized Giardini d'Autore in recent
years will not be missing: from the Giardini Farm with agricultural producers to the court kitchen of chef Silver
Succi, up to musical forays and workshops for "small gardeners".
Località: Rimini
Telefono: +39 339.7028961
E-mail: info@event-studio.it
Sito: www.giardinidautore.net/
Tariffa d'ingresso: 5 €
Orario: from 9:30am to 7:30pm

Grand Prix of Emilia-Romagna and Riviera di Rimini
18 - 20 September 2020
World Championship MotoGP 2020 at Misano World Circuit Marco Simoncelli
The engines are roaring again in the heart of Romagna, the new appointment with the two wheels, the Grand Prix
of Emilia-Romagna and the Riviera of Rimini, to be held on the weekend of 18-20 September.
A Grand Prix that will take place in compliance with all safety regulations, as in September the stands of the
Misano World Circuit will be able to welcome at least some public.
International television coverage guarantees worldwide visibility.
Località: Misano Adriatico (Rimini), Circuito Internazionale Misano World Circuit – Marco Simoncelli
E-mail: gp@misanocircuit.com
Sito: www.misanocircuit.com/eventi/gp-emilia-romagna-e-riviera-di-rimini/

Artigiani al Centro - craftmarket
14 June, 20 September, 18 October, 8 November 2020
Exhibition market of handmade products
Appointment with art, creativity, design; many ideas to create and invent!
One Sunday a month, craftsmen and creators show what their passion and creativity can realize using wood,
metals, fabrics, yarns, clay and forgotten objects.
                                                                 info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

Unique pieces made by hand, the result of continuous research and the ability to create with the intellect,
imagination and heart!
Località: piazza Tre Martiri - Rimini historic centre
Telefono: +39 340 3031200
E-mail: artigianialcentro@gmail.com
Sito: www.facebook.com/artigianialcentro/
Orario: From 9.30 am to 7 pm

Remember me: Arianna Lanci soprano
Wednesday 23 September 2020
Sagra Musicale Malatestiana: Ancient Music at the Galli Theater
The Ancient Music section of the Malatesta Music Festival presents the soprano Arianna Lanci with the soloists of
the Ensemble Locatelli.
At the center of the eighteenth-century chamber music concert, the comparison between the chamber arias by
Georg Friedrich Handel and Alessandro Scarlatti.
Località: Teatro Galli, piazza Cavour, 22 - Rimini historic centre
Telefono: +39 0541 793811 (info and ticket); +39 0541 704295 (Sagra Musicale Malatestiana)
E-mail: biglietteriateatro@comune.rimini.it
Sito: www.sagramusicalemalatestiana.it
Tariffa d'ingresso: 12 €
Orario: 9.00pm

Visit of the Ancient Rooms in the Gambalunga Library
Last Saturday of each month
Discovering the historical heritage of the Gambalunga Civic Library
The Gambalunga Library, every last Saturday of the month and upon reservation, offers the opportunity to visit the
Ancient Halls in the seventeenth century Palazzo Gambalunga, where it is possible to admire the most prestigious
volumes and precious furnishings.
Founded by the jurisconsult Alessandro Gambalunga, who prepared the legacy of his "library" to the Municipality
of Rimini in his will.
His archive consisted of 1438 volumes, about 2,000 printed works, with prestigious covers bearing the emblem of
the family and the name of the patron.
The library, opened in 1619, qualified as public, is the first civic library in Italy.
In the seventeenth and eighteenth century rooms you can discover treasures of refined elegance and of historical
and cultural interest.
Località: Gambalunga Palace, via A.Gambalunga, 27 - Rimini historic centre
Telefono: +39 0541 704486 (Library) - 0541.793851 (City Museum)
E-mail: gambalunghiana@comune.rimini.it
Sito: www.bibliotecagambalunga.it/
Orario: Last Saturday of the month at 10 am and 11.30 am

Wellness Week - Special Edition
from Thursday 24 to Sunday 27 September 2020
Sport, wellbeing and healthy lifestyle in the Wellness Valley
A long weekend dedicated to well-being and healthy lifestyle to try out and to discover concretely the benefits of a
wellness life.
During these days many initiatives are scheduled organized by the excellenes of Wellness Valley: from
movement to culture, from sport to landscape, from games to education.
The Wellness Week aims to enhance the Romagna region as an international district of well-being and high
quality of life, in other words a Wellness Valley.
See the reference site for the program.
Località: Rimini, several venues
Sito: www.wellnessweek.it/2020specialedition/#about

PART, Palazzi dell'Arte di Rimini: grand opening on September 24th
From Thursday 24 to Sunday 27 September 2020
A new museum site with collection of contemporary art works
A new museum opens in Rimini: 'PART Palazzi dell’Arte di Rimini'. A single project brings together
the renovation of Palazzo dell'Arengo and Palazzo del Podestà for a cultural purpose. These are two architectural
                                                                    info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

masterpieces from the 13th and 14th centuries, in the heart of the city, where the eclectic collection of
contemporary art works donated by artists, collectors and gallerists to the San Patrignano Foundation will be
permanently placed.
These are the artists of the collection: Mario Airò, Vanessa Beecroft, Bertozzi & Casoni, Domenico Bianchi,
Alessandro Busci, Pier Paolo Calzolari, Maurizio Cannavacciuolo, Loris Cecchini, Jake e Dinos Chapman, Sandro
Chia, Roberto Coda Zabetta, George Condo, Enzo Cucchi, Anne de Carbuccia, Thomas De Falco, Nicola de
Maria, Gianluca Di Pasquale, Zehra Do?an, Nathalie Djurberg & Hans Berg, Sam Falls, Flavio Favelli, Giuseppe
Gallo, Alberto Garutti, Giorgio Griffa, Shilpa Gupta, Mona Hatoum, Damien Hirst, Carsten Höller, Emilio Isgrò,
Giovanni Iudice, William Kentridge, Loredana Longo, Claudia Losi, Iva Lulashi, Ibrahim Mahama, Agnes Martin,
Paul McCarthy, Igor Mitoraj, Davide Monaldi, Gian Marco Montesano, Mimmo Paladino, Yan Pei-Ming, Tullio
Pericoli, Achille Perilli, Diego Perrone, Luca Pignatelli, Pino Pinelli, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Gianni Politi, Matteo
Pugliese, Jean Paul Riopelle, Pietro Ruffo, Mario Schifano, Julian Schnabel, Elisa Sighicelli, Andreas Slominski,
Ettore Spalletti, Grazia Toderi, Francesco Vezzoli, Velasco Vitali, Silvio Wolf, Xiaongang Zhang.
The PART hosts a site-specific work by artist David Tremlett, created with the help of young people from the San
Patrignano community.
The inauguration, initially scheduled for March 14, has been postponed to September. The doors of PART will
open free of charge to the public for a special opening weekend: Thursday 24 September from 17.00 to midnight
and Friday 25, Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 September from 9 to midnight. The press preview will be held on
Thursday 24 September 2020 starting at 10.30.
Località: PART, piazza Cavour - Rimini

Rimini Antiqua
every last Sunday of each Month (except December)
Exhibition/ market of antique, modern and vintage
On the last Sunday of the month, the old town hosts an exhibition/ market of antique, modern and vintage items
where you can find a wide selection of ceramics, glassware, books, furniture, jewelry, silverware and various
objects, all carefully dated or antique.
Località: Rimini centro storico: Piazza Tre Martiri, via IV Novembre e parte di Corso d'Augusto
Telefono: 0541 774385 - 340 3031200 (Rimini Art)
Orario: from 8.30 am to 7 pm

Al Meni 2020 - a special edition not to be missed
from 25th to 27th September 2020
Circus 8 and 1/2 of flavors, things made by hands and heart, is back to Rimini in late September together with
Massimo Bottura and other great Italian chefs
Al Meni restarts for a special edition which, in the year of Fellini's birth centenary, will postpone the traditional date
in June to late September. The great event dedicated to food in all its forms, includes starry show cooking, high
quality street food and markets dedicated to the excellent products of the area, craftsmanship and creativity.
As usual Massimo Bottura, Chef Patron of Osteria Francescana restaurant and founder of the non-profit
organization Food for Soul, will be the protagonist of the scene together with other great interpreters of Italian
cuisine, who will enhance the best products from Emilia Romagna, the only region in Europe with 44 PDO and
PGI products, bringing tastes of magic inside and outside the Circus of flavors, in the year that celebrates the birth
centenary of the great director Fellini.
Next to the Circus there will be the Market of food excellences with the best farmers and agricultural producers of
the region and Matrioska, the lab of creatives and designers, who will present their creations in the atmosphere of
a street party.

Transitalia Marathon 2020
From Monday 28 to Wednesday 30 September 2020
International Classic Motorbike Challenge: off road motorbike tour
An event unique in Europe: a tour with rally-style navigation formula.
It is the great celebration of motorcycle tourism combined with the show of the World Rally Raid
The route crosses 6 regions, for a total of almost 900 km with the aim of making known the traditions of the
The start of the Challenge is Rimini, in the beatiful setting of Fellini square just in front of the Grand Hotel while
the start is scheduled from 8.00 on Wednesday.

Località: Partenza da Piazzale Fellini - Rimini Marina Centro
                                                                   info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

Telefono: +39 348 0615440 - 340 6996903
E-mail: info@minoagroup.com
Sito: www.transitaliamarathon.com/home
Orario: Monday 28 opening of the Village in Piazzale Fellini from 2.00pm, Tuesday 29 in the afternoon opening
ceremony at around 6.00pm, Wednesday 30 at 8.00am start

The Tamburini organ restored on the centenary of its construction
Thursday 1 October 2020
Ancient Music of the Sagra Musicale Malatestiana, with Maestro Andrea Macinanti
In the enhancement of the musical heritage of the territory, the concert by the organist Andrea Macinanti.
The instrument, on the centenary of its construction, has recently been restored in the church of Santa Maria in
Corte thanks to the proceeds of the fundraising organized by the Club Agora and Inner Wheel Rimini and Riviera.
Località: Piazzetta Servi, n. 2 lungo Corso d'Augusto - Rimini historic
Telefono: +39 0541 793811 (info and tickets); +39 0541 704295 (Sagra Musicale Malatestiana)
E-mail: biglietteriateatro@comune.rimini.it
Sito: www.sagramusicalemalatestiana.it
Orario: 9.00pm

P.assaggi DiVino in Borgo San Giuliano
Friday 2 and Saturday 3 October 2020
Tiberius Bridge and surroundings. Two evenings dedicated to the DOC wines of Rimini
The wineries of Rimini’s hinterland gather on the Tiberius Bridge and in the squares of Borgo San Giuliano to
enjoy two entire nights of tastings and entertainment, with a glass in your hand. Two nights dedicated to local
DOC wines and the century-old cultural and food/wine link to the hinterland of the Rimini province. There will also
be themed menus and streetfood dishes. Saturday 3 and Sunday 4, picnic lunch in Parco Marecchia, in
partnership with local restaurants.
Località: Ponte di Tiberio e Borgo San Giuliano - Rimini
Telefono: 0541 787037
E-mail: info@stradadeivinidirimini.it
Sito: www.stradadeivinidirimini.it/
Orario: 6 pm - 11 pm

Enada Spring 2020-Rimini Fiera
From Wednesday 30th September to Friday 2nd October 2020
32nd International Trade Fair of Amusement & Gaming Show - 30th edition
Enada is an international expo of equipment for the amusement and gaming sectors and a showcase of all
novelties in the world of games: from games of skill and entertainment up to the leading companies of the new
telematics systems for communication.
The expo will host not only the innovations of products and services, but it will be complemented by debates
between all the key players in the sector (institutions, manufacturers and networkers) who will dedicate space and
attention to the topics linked to responsible and legal gaming.
Località: Rimini Fiera (Ingresso Sud), via Emilia 155 - Rimini
Telefono: +39 0541 744555
Sito: www.enada.it
Tariffa d'ingresso: Only for professionals: 25 €
Orario: From 10am to 6.00pm

Rimini Amusement Show at Rimini Fair
From Wednesday 30th September to Friday 2nd October 2020
The reference show for the operators of the world of amusement.
Rimini Amusement Show is the reference show for the operators of the world of amusements.
It is a key event enhancing all the novelties and the excellence in the field of entertainment with no cash winnings
for all ages.
Children, teenagers, adults and the family: a diverse and multifaceted world ranging from traditional attractions
(from swing rides to inflatables, from pinball to foosball) to the most incredible and futuristic ones involving virtual
reality, laser games and e-sports.
Rimini Amusement Show is an international platform promoting Italian businesses globally.
Delegations of buyers from emerging markets will attend the show with a view to activate new business relations
with the exhibiting companies.
                                                                 info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

The operators visiting the show will not only find events and workshops offering training and in-depth market
analysis, but will also be introduced to new formats of entertainment, tournaments and competitions highlighting
the playful and socialising power of games and play.
Località: Rimini Fiera (Ingresso Sud), via Emilia, 155 - Rimini
Telefono: +39 0541 744555 ( from 9.00am to 1.00pm and from 2.30pm to 5.30pm)
E-mail: www.riminiamusement.it/helpdeskticket
Sito: www.riminiamusement.it
Tariffa d'ingresso: 25 €
Orario: From 10.00am to 6.00pm

P.assaggi DiVino in Borgo San Giuliano
Friday 2 and Saturday 3 October 2020
Tiberius Bridge and surroundings. Two evenings dedicated to the DOC wines of Rimini
The wineries of Rimini’s hinterland gather on the Tiberius Bridge and in the squares of Borgo San Giuliano to
enjoy two entire nights of tastings and entertainment, with a glass in your hand. Two nights dedicated to local
DOC wines and the century-old cultural and food/wine link to the hinterland of the Rimini province. There will also
be themed menus and streetfood dishes. Saturday 3 and Sunday 4, picnic lunch in Parco Marecchia, in
partnership with local restaurants.
Località: Ponte di Tiberio e Borgo San Giuliano - Rimini
Telefono: 0541 787037
E-mail: info@stradadeivinidirimini.it
Sito: www.stradadeivinidirimini.it/
Orario: 6 pm - 11 pm

Le voci dell'anima theatre and dance festival
from Tuesday 29 to Sunday 4 October 2020
XVIII edition: Lassandè
2020 theatre and dance events “LASSANDÈ” by the Teatro della Centena (Rimini) in partnership with
ResExtensa (Bari) and Più Live Arts (Milan).
Località: Teatro degli Atti, via Cairoli 42 - Rimini historic centre
Telefono: 333 8870576
E-mail: teatrodellacentena@pianoterra.org
Sito: www.teatrogalli.it

The Seventh Art - Cinema and Industry 2020
Wednesday 10 and Thursday 11 October 2020
The Rimini Film Festival
The second edition of La Settima Arte - Cinema and Industry, the Cinema Festival, organized by Confindustria
Romagna, Cinema Fulgor, University of Bologna - Department of Sciences for the Quality of Life of Rimini, with
the support of Romagna Servizi Industriali, is back in Rimini, in collaboration with the Municipality of Rimini.

The new edition, an important occasion also for the celebrations of the Fellini centenary, will descibe the industry
and the professions of cinema through the relationship with other intellectual and cultural realities: architecture,
fashion, comics, literature, journalism.

Two days of free events, live and online, in which the debate on the state of the sector, one of the hardest hit by
the crisis due to the pandemic, will play a central role.

The delivery ceremony of the Confindustria Romagna "Cinema and Industry" Prize, attributed to the figures who
have distinguished themselves in the universe of professions in the sector, such as producers, distributors,
screenwriters, set designers, costume designers, composers chosen by a jury of experts chaired by Pupi Avati,
will take place at the Galli Theatre.

Località: Rimini
E-mail: comunicazione@lasettimarte.it
Sito: www.lasettimarte.it/

Giro d'Italia 2020
                                                                  info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

October 2020
from Porto sant'Elpidio to Rimini
Rimini wears pink on the occasion of the Giro d'Italia, the main Italian cycling event for 103 years, an identity
event for Italy and this year for the City of Fellini. The 11th leg will be dedicated to the Maestro of cinema, on the
occasion of the celebrations for the centenary of his birth.
More than 30 years after the last time, Rimini is approaching this event full of enthusiasm in an increasingly bike
friendly territory, presenting infrastructures and services designed not only for athletes and champions but also for
bike enthusiasts.
Località: Rimini
Sito: www.giroditalia.it/it/percorso-2020/

TTG Travel Experience - The International B2B Expo Fair for Tourism
from Wednesday 14 to Friday 16 October 2020
Contemporarily - SIA Guest and SUN trade fairs
TTG Travel Experience is more than a travel trade show. It is a unique platform where you can discover the latest
trends in the travel industry, meet professionals and experts from all over the world and grow your network and
your business.
TTG Travel Experience bring together at a single event the communities of the industry’s three leading trade
shows: TTG Travel Experience, Italy’s main International tourism show and the largest marketplace for Italy’s
tourism offer worldwide; SIA Hospitality Design, the International hospitality exhibition; Sun Beach&Outdoor
Style, the open-air holiday show.
The last edition of the TTG, SIA and SUN registered together an attendance figure of 76,035 professionals and
2,900 exhibitors.
Località: Rimini Fiera, via Emilia 155
Telefono: 0541 744555 (Help Desk)
E-mail: helpdesk.rn@iegexpo.it
Sito: en.ttgexpo.it/
Tariffa d'ingresso: entry reserved to professionals
Orario: Wednesday 14 and Thursday 15from 10 am to 6 pm, Friday 16 from 10 am to 5 pm

Antico/Presente - Festival del Mondo Antico
Friday 16, Saturday 17,Sunday 18 October 2020
XXII edition
Three days of meetings, round tables, book presentations, guided tours... where we can read the past to
understand the present and build our future with greater awareness.
Località: Museo della Città 'Luigi Tonini, via Tonini 1 - Rimini historic centre
Telefono: 0541.704426 -8
E-mail: festival.antico@comune.rimini.it
Sito: antico.comune.rimini.it/

Artigiani al Centro - craftmarket
14 June, 20 September, 18 October, 8 November 2020
Exhibition market of handmade products
Appointment with art, creativity, design; many ideas to create and invent!
One Sunday a month, craftsmen and creators show what their passion and creativity can realize using wood,
metals, fabrics, yarns, clay and forgotten objects.
Unique pieces made by hand, the result of continuous research and the ability to create with the intellect,
imagination and heart!
Località: piazza Tre Martiri - Rimini historic centre
Telefono: +39 340 3031200
E-mail: artigianialcentro@gmail.com
Sito: www.facebook.com/artigianialcentro/
Orario: From 9.30 am to 7 pm

IBE - International Bus Expo
from Thursday 22 to Saturday 24 October 2020
Fair dedicated to the world of buses and local public transport
IBE International Bus Expo, the leading exhibition of the Mediterranean area for the bus industry, turns into a
whole new platform for the collective transport.
                                                                 info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

In a constantly changing and evolving society, the 2020 edition of the IBE International Bus Expo introduces the
topicof integrated, innovative and sustainable collective mobility.
The bus range integrates with an interconnected mobility system that fosters the moving of people through urban
mobility, long-distance travel, small collective means of transport, sharing mobility and rail transport.
IBE 2020 becomes the new PLATFORM which tells the story of collective transport and future mobility in their
continuous evolution.
A beacon event for the industry, public administrations and trade associations.
IBE is organised by Italian Exhibition Group, the biggest Italian exhibition&convention provider, in collaboration
with industry associations and relevant ministries.
Località: Fiera di Rimini (Ovest entrance) - via Emilia, 155 - Rimini
Telefono: 041 2719009
Sito: en.internationalbusexpo.it/ibe

Rimini Antiqua
every last Sunday of each Month (except December)
Exhibition/ market of antique, modern and vintage
On the last Sunday of the month, the old town hosts an exhibition/ market of antique, modern and vintage items
where you can find a wide selection of ceramics, glassware, books, furniture, jewelry, silverware and various
objects, all carefully dated or antique.
Località: Rimini centro storico: Piazza Tre Martiri, via IV Novembre e parte di Corso d'Augusto
Telefono: 0541 774385 - 340 3031200 (Rimini Art)
Orario: from 8.30 am to 7 pm

Postponed until autumn the 93rd Alpine National Muster in Rimini
Event POSTPONED TO 23rd - 25th OCTOBER 2020
The first time of the Penne Nere ('black feathers') in Rimini, on the centenary of the national gathering
The 'Black feathers' (this is how the Italian mountain troops are nicknamed) arrive for the first time on the
It will be a special edition because 100 years have passed since the first spontaneous meeting of the Alpine
A record participation is expected. The 2020 gathering will in fact be the first in Italy and abroad, involving the
territory including San Marino and it is estimated that around 500 thousand people will partecipate. The highlight
will be the great parade with one hundred thousand 'Black feathers', among the approximately 350 thousand
registered in the Ana, divided into 110 sections, 80 in Italy and 30 abroad.
Among them there will also be 4,500 members of the Bolognese-Romagna section of the Ana "Angelo Manaresi",
chaired by Vittorio Costa, who also includes citizens from the Republic of San Marino.

The gathering, at first scheduled from 7 to 10 May in Rimini, has been postponed to the second half of
October (23rd - 25th) to cope with coronavirus emergency.
Località: Rimini, Marina Centro
Telefono: +39 0541 1648069 - Tourist info +39 0541.53399
Sito: www.adunatalpini.it

Crossroads: Paolo Fresu plays David Bowie- We can be heroes just for one day
Monday 12 October 2020 - NEW DATE
Traveling Jazz festival in Emilia Romagna at the Galli Theater
Crossroads, the 21st edition of the traveling Jazz show throughout Emilia Romagna, presents the musical show
by Paolo Fresu, who plays David Bowie on the stage of the Galli Theater.
A tribute to the music of David Bowie leading the surprising group (with, among others, Petra Magoni, Gianluca
Petrella and Christian Meyer).
The musicians rearranged some thirty pieces, including Life on Mars, This Is Not America, Warszawa, When I
Live My Dreams, giving the project greater variety and dynamism.

Località: Teatro Amintore Galli, piazza Cavour - Rimini historic centre
Telefono: +39 0541 793811
E-mail: biglietteriateatro@comune.rimini.it
Sito: www.crossroads-it.org
Orario: 9.15 pm
                                                                 info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

Visit of the Ancient Rooms in the Gambalunga Library
Last Saturday of each month
Discovering the historical heritage of the Gambalunga Civic Library
The Gambalunga Library, every last Saturday of the month and upon reservation, offers the opportunity to visit the
Ancient Halls in the seventeenth century Palazzo Gambalunga, where it is possible to admire the most prestigious
volumes and precious furnishings.
Founded by the jurisconsult Alessandro Gambalunga, who prepared the legacy of his "library" to the Municipality
of Rimini in his will.
His archive consisted of 1438 volumes, about 2,000 printed works, with prestigious covers bearing the emblem of
the family and the name of the patron.
The library, opened in 1619, qualified as public, is the first civic library in Italy.
In the seventeenth and eighteenth century rooms you can discover treasures of refined elegance and of historical
and cultural interest.
Località: Gambalunga Palace, via A.Gambalunga, 27 - Rimini historic centre
Telefono: +39 0541 704486 (Library) - 0541.793851 (City Museum)
E-mail: gambalunghiana@comune.rimini.it
Sito: www.bibliotecagambalunga.it/
Orario: Last Saturday of the month at 10 am and 11.30 am

Tribute to Fellini with Ensemble Le Muse directed by Federico Moldelci
Saturday 31 October 2020
Section Fellini 100 of the Malatesta Music Festival at the Galli Theater
In the year of the centenary of Federico Fellini's birth, the homage to the music of Nino Rota - which the great film
director considered the embodiment of Music - takes shape in the concert of the Ensemble Le Muse conducted by
saxophonist Federico Moldelci.
The concert is part of the Fellini 100 section of the 71st Malatesta Music Festival.

Località: Teatro Galli, piazza Cavour, 22 - Rimini historic centre
Telefono: +39 0541 793811 (info and tickets); +39 0541 704295 (Sagra Musicale Malatestiana)
E-mail: biglietteriateatro@comune.rimini.it
Sito: www.sagramusicalemalatestiana.it
Tariffa d'ingresso: 15 €
Orario: 9.00pm

Ecomondo - Key Energy, the Green technology expo
from Tuesday 3 to Friday 6 November 2020
International Fair of Material and Energy Recovery and Sustainable Development, the leading expo for the green
and circular economy
ECOMONDO is the leading expo of the green and circular economy in the Euro-Mediterranean area; an
international event with an innovative format that combines all sectors of the circular economy into one platform:
from the recovery of materials and energy to sustainable development.
KEY ENERGY, is the Exhibition of Energy and Sustainable Mobility that presents industrial solutions and also
urban applications of energy efficiency, renewable energy, mobility and sustainable city.
Simultaneously with Ecomondo and Key Energy, Rimini Expo Centre also hosts Sal.Ve, the biennial Waste
Vehicle Expo, organized in partnership with ANFIA. On show, the entire range of industrial and special vehicles
for the collection of solid and liquid waste.
Località: Rimini Fiera, via Emilia 155
Telefono: 041 2719009 Info ticket assistance
Sito: en.ecomondo.com/
Orario: 9 am - 18 pm

Artigiani al Centro - craftmarket
14 June, 20 September, 18 October, 8 November 2020
Exhibition market of handmade products
Appointment with art, creativity, design; many ideas to create and invent!
One Sunday a month, craftsmen and creators show what their passion and creativity can realize using wood,
metals, fabrics, yarns, clay and forgotten objects.
                                                                  info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

Unique pieces made by hand, the result of continuous research and the ability to create with the intellect,
imagination and heart!
Località: piazza Tre Martiri - Rimini historic centre
Telefono: +39 340 3031200
E-mail: artigianialcentro@gmail.com
Sito: www.facebook.com/artigianialcentro/
Orario: From 9.30 am to 7 pm

Two women and their music in the age of Enlightenment
Friday 13 November 2020
Ancient Music of the Sagra Musicale Malatestiana at the Galli Theater with soprano Laura Catrani
With the voice of the soprano Laura Catrani, a concert dedicated to two female composers who lived in the heart
of the eighteenth century: the harpsichordist Maria Teresa Agnesi and the princess Maria Antonia Walpurgis, who
was a protector of the arts and who grew up in the teachings of masters such as Hasse and Porpora.
Località: Teatro Galli, piazza Cavour, 22 - Rimini historic
Telefono: +39 0541 793811 (info and tickets); +39 0541 704295 (Sagra Musicale Malatestiana)
E-mail: biglietteriateatro@comune.rimini.it
Sito: www.sagramusicalemalatestiana.it
Tariffa d'ingresso: 12 €
Orario: 9.00pm

Superfaces at Rimini Expo
from 12 to 14 November 2020
marketplace dedicated to innovative materials for interior design and architecture
Superfaces is the B2B marketplace dedicated to innovative materials for interiors, design and architecture.
With Superfaces, tradition and innovation are creatively interpreted, with cutting-edge materials and solutions for
cladding, panelling and flooring. A unique opportunity to explore new horizons of architecture and interior design,
as well as developing business with trade sector professionals.
Località: Rimini Fiera, via Emilia 155
E-mail: press@superfaces.it/
Sito: www.superfaces.it

PAD. D1 + HALL SUD T2000 at Rimini Expo
Sunday 15 November 2020
The tobacco products and service trade fair
The tobacco products and service trade fair, confirms its travelling showevent formula, called “T2000 in Tour”,
organized in three stages: Rimini, Rome, Bari.
Località: Rimini Fiera, via Emilia 155
Telefono: 02 64.56.661/2
E-mail: info@t2000intour.it
Sito: www.t2000intour.it/gli-eventi-2020/rimini-15-novembre-2020

Web Marketing Festival at Rimini Palacongressi
From 4 to 6 June 2020 on line; from Thursday 19 to Saturday 21 November 2020 at Rimini Palacongressi
Web Makes Future: International Festival on Digital and Social Innovation
The biggest Innovation Festival at the Palacongressi: over 80 training events, shows, entertainment, business,
networking, art and live performances.
With over 21,000 presences recorded in three days in the past edition, 500 exhibitors and partners and 500
speakers from all over the world, the 2020 edition of the WMF expands even further, addressing all the main
innovation themes: from Virtual Reality to Social Media Marketing, from Blockchain to eSports and Gaming. It also
hosts the largest Startup Competition in Italy, the Hackathons and new vertical events, such as Digital Job Fair,
the fair on digital professions, and the Digital Tourism Festival, the Festival dedicated to the tourism sector and its
innovations. There is also space for research with the Call for Researchers, for the contribution of women with the
call Women in Tech, to the publishing world - Book Presentation.
An online appointment is scheduled from 4 to 6 June 2020.
Località: Palacongressi di Rimini, via della Fiera, 23 - Rimini
Telefono: +39 0510951294
E-mail: info@webmarketingfestival.it
Sito: www.webmarketingfestival.it/?utm_source=ilfestival&utm_medium=spot&utm_campaign=0520
                                                                info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

Orario: From 8.30am

Expodental Meeting
postponed to 19 - 21 November 2020
Dental industry fair in Rimini Fiera
Expodental Meeting is the most important event of the dental sector in Italy, with a format that will be presented
again in 2020 with a growing number of exhibitors and a program of scientific and cultural events able to involve
all dental care professionals.
EXPO3D, the area dedicated to new digital technologies, becomes even more engaging and interactive:
alongside the rich program of scientific conferences that in the last three years has attracted thousands of
professionals, a series of technical tables on the topic, organized in partnership with Companies and with the
main opinion leaders of digital workflow.
Località: Rimini Fiera (main entrance - Sud) - via Emilia, 155 - Rimini
Telefono: +39 041 2719009
E-mail: commerciale@expodental.it
Sito: www.expodental.it/it
Orario: Thursday and Saturday: 10.00am - 6.00pm, Friday: 10.00am - 7.00pm

Malatesta Music Festival: Luigi Cherubini Youth Orchestra
Tuesday 24 November 2020
Symphonic concert at the Galli Theater conducted by Maestro Riccardo Muti
Within the 71st Malatesta Music Festival, Maestro Riccardo Muti returns to Rimini one year after his performance
and directs the Luigi Cherubini Youth Orchestra, protagonist under his guidance of many performances around
the world.
Località: Teatro Galli, piazza Cavour, 22 - Rimini cehistoric centre
Telefono: +39 0541 793811 (info and tickets); +39 0541/704295 (Sagra Musicale Malatestiana)
E-mail: biglietteriateatro@comune.rimini.it
Sito: www.sagramusicalemalatestiana.it
Orario: 9.00pm

Visit of the Ancient Rooms in the Gambalunga Library
Last Saturday of each month
Discovering the historical heritage of the Gambalunga Civic Library
The Gambalunga Library, every last Saturday of the month and upon reservation, offers the opportunity to visit the
Ancient Halls in the seventeenth century Palazzo Gambalunga, where it is possible to admire the most prestigious
volumes and precious furnishings.
Founded by the jurisconsult Alessandro Gambalunga, who prepared the legacy of his "library" to the Municipality
of Rimini in his will.
His archive consisted of 1438 volumes, about 2,000 printed works, with prestigious covers bearing the emblem of
the family and the name of the patron.
The library, opened in 1619, qualified as public, is the first civic library in Italy.
In the seventeenth and eighteenth century rooms you can discover treasures of refined elegance and of historical
and cultural interest.
Località: Gambalunga Palace, via A.Gambalunga, 27 - Rimini historic centre
Telefono: +39 0541 704486 (Library) - 0541.793851 (City Museum)
E-mail: gambalunghiana@comune.rimini.it
Sito: www.bibliotecagambalunga.it/
Orario: Last Saturday of the month at 10 am and 11.30 am

Rimini Antiqua
every last Sunday of each Month (except December)
Exhibition/ market of antique, modern and vintage
On the last Sunday of the month, the old town hosts an exhibition/ market of antique, modern and vintage items
where you can find a wide selection of ceramics, glassware, books, furniture, jewelry, silverware and various
objects, all carefully dated or antique.
Località: Rimini centro storico: Piazza Tre Martiri, via IV Novembre e parte di Corso d'Augusto
Telefono: 0541 774385 - 340 3031200 (Rimini Art)
Orario: from 8.30 am to 7 pm
                                                                  info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

Malatesta Music Festival: Philharmonic of the Scala
Monday 30 November 2020
Symphonic concert at the Galli Theater conducted by Maestro Fabio Luisi with Alessandro Taverna on the piano
The cycle of symphonic concerts of the 71st Malatesta Music Festival ends with the Philharmonic Orchestra of the
Scala entrusted to the baton of Fabio Luisi with Alessandro Taverna, soloist on the piano, in a program entirely
dedicated to Ludwig van Beethoven.
Località: Teatro Galli, piazza Cavour, 22 - Rimini historic centre
Telefono: +39 0541 793811 (info and tickets); +39 0541 704295 (Sagra Musicale Malatestiana)
E-mail: biglietteriateatro@comune.rimini.it
Sito: www.sagramusicalemalatestiana.it
Orario: 9.00pm

Sagra Musicale Malatestiana: 71st edition of the most prestigious music event in Rimini
From September to November 2020
Symphony concerts and collateral projects
Since 1950, the Sagra Musicale Malatestiana has brought the most popular international conductors, soloists and
orchestras to Rimini, for this prestigious cultural events, one of the most long-standing in Italy. Apart from
symphony concerts, in the last years, the event has expanded with different collateral projects, where music
meets the other arts. From the end of the summer, the new Galli Theatre will start its excellent music season, with
the Sagra Musicale Malatestiana ending with chamber music.

To open the Malatesta Music Festival, Cecilia Bartoli, world star of bel canto (16 September), followed by Valery
Gergiev (19 September), with his orchestra, in a program dedicated to the symphonies of Mendelssohn and
Prokof’ev. And again Riccardo Muti, on the podium of the Luigi Cherubini Youth Orchestra (24 November). The
cycle of symphonic concerts ends with the Filarmonica della Scala entrusted to the baton of Fabio Luisi
(November 30) with Alessandro Taverna soloist at the piano, in a program entirely dedicated to Ludwig van

Two acclaimed virtuosos of the bow, the violinist Giuliano Carmignola and the cellist Mario Brunello, inaugurate
(October 6) the cycle dedicated to chamber music proposed by the Malatesta Music Festival. The soloists of the
Quartetto della Scala (18 October) and the musicians of the WunderKammerOrchestra conducted by Carlo Tenan
(28 October) will return to the Galli Theater. Beethoven again in the program proposed by the acclaimed pianist
Alexander Romanowski (November 19).

For eighteenth-century chamber music, Arianna Lanci (23 September) with the soloists of the Ensemble Locatelli,
the concert of the organist Andrea Macinanti (1 October), the voice of soprano Laura Catrani (13 November) with
a concert dedicated to the harpsichordist Maria Teresa Agnesi and Princess Maria Antonia Walpurgis.

To enrich the calendar of events, the presence of the Fellini 100 - Maratona Galli festival, with the concert of the
Ensemble Le Muse (31 October) conducted by saxophonist Federico Moldelci in homage to the music of Nino
Rota. Dedicated to the Rimini composer Amintore Galli is the concert marathon on November 15.

To explore the different facets of Amintore Galli musician and theorist, there will be a round table that on
November 14th at the Galli Theater, with Donata Bertoldi, Paolo Patrizi, Gianandrea Polazzi and Annarosa

Program on the reference site.

Località: Rimini, Teatro Galli
Telefono: +39 0541 793811 (info and tickets); +39 0541/704295 (Sagra Musicale Malatestiana)
E-mail: biglietteriateatro@comune.rimini.it
Sito: www.sagramusicalemalatestiana.it

The gymnastic festival
4 - 8 December 2020
Competitive event of gymnastics at the Rimini Fair
“Ginnastica in Festa” is a sporting event of the FGI, the Gymnastic Federation of Italy, organized by Esatour
Sport Events and ASD Pesaro Gym.
                                                                   info: tel. 0541 53399 - www.riminiturismo.it

Also this year, after the success of the 2019 edition the pavilions of the Rimini Fair will host the sporting event:
19.000 athletes followed by 2.506 trainers, 300 national judges and many protagonists of the Olympics and
international competitions.
Numerous exhibitors will partecipate with their stands.
Località: Rimini Fiera - via Emilia, 155 - Rimini Viserba
E-mail: info@ginnasticainfestarimini.it
Sito: www.ginnasticainfestarimini.it/
Tariffa d'ingresso: 12 € a day
Orario: from 8 am to 8 pm

Visit of the Ancient Rooms in the Gambalunga Library
Last Saturday of each month
Discovering the historical heritage of the Gambalunga Civic Library
The Gambalunga Library, every last Saturday of the month and upon reservation, offers the opportunity to visit the
Ancient Halls in the seventeenth century Palazzo Gambalunga, where it is possible to admire the most prestigious
volumes and precious furnishings.
Founded by the jurisconsult Alessandro Gambalunga, who prepared the legacy of his "library" to the Municipality
of Rimini in his will.
His archive consisted of 1438 volumes, about 2,000 printed works, with prestigious covers bearing the emblem of
the family and the name of the patron.
The library, opened in 1619, qualified as public, is the first civic library in Italy.
In the seventeenth and eighteenth century rooms you can discover treasures of refined elegance and of historical
and cultural interest.
Località: Gambalunga Palace, via A.Gambalunga, 27 - Rimini historic centre
Telefono: +39 0541 704486 (Library) - 0541.793851 (City Museum)
E-mail: gambalunghiana@comune.rimini.it
Sito: www.bibliotecagambalunga.it/
Orario: Last Saturday of the month at 10 am and 11.30 am

Fellini 100: A one-year-long birthday (1920 -2020)
The whole year 2020
Rimini celebrates Fellini's 100th birth anniversary
Started on 14 December 2019 with the inauguration of 'Fellini 100 Immortal Genius. The exhibition', on show in
Castel Sismondo, and culminated in the week from 17th to 31st January with the Maestro's Birthday, the
celebrations in honor of the great film director will continue with a program of appointments and events that will
develop throughout 2020. Among the various summer events, worthy of mention is the Festival held at the Corte
degli Agostiniani, between July and August, with 8 films in their version restored for the centenary. In autumn the
initiatives continue with, for example, the second edition of' La Settima Arte - Cinema e Industria', the Rimini Film
Festival (10 - 11 October). The celebrations will end with the inauguration of the Fellini international Museum.
Meanwhile Castel Sismondo virtually opens its doors for a video walk inside the exhibition 'Fellini 100. Immortal
genius' to allow the public to visit its rooms, even after closing.
Località: Rimini
Sito: www.federicofellini.it

La Madonna Diotallevi by Raffaello Sanzio on show in Rimini
From 17 October 2020 to 10 January 2021
Exhibition by Raffaello Sanzio
On the occasion of the 500th anniversary of Raffaello Sanzio's death, the City Museum will be opening an
exhibition dedicated to him, featuring the work "Madonna Diotallevi", considered one of his most important early
The exhibition will take a closer look at the profile of the last owner of the work before it entered the Berlin
museum, Audiface Diotallevi, city banner-holder and patron of the architect Luigi Poletti for his work on the Teatro
Località: Museo della Città 'Luigi Tonini', via Tonini 1 - Rimini historic centre
Telefono: +39 0541 793851
E-mail: musei@comune.rimini.it
Sito: www.museicomunalirimini.it/

Sintonie High-End Video Exhibition
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