Event Management Plan IUAA Cross Country Championships 2021 DCU Sports Grounds (St. Clare's) Sunday 26 th September 2021

Page created by Jerome Mendez
Event Management Plan IUAA Cross Country Championships 2021 DCU Sports Grounds (St. Clare's) Sunday 26 th September 2021
Event Management Plan

               IUAA Cross Country
               Championships 2021
DCU Sports Grounds (St. Clare’s)

  Sunday 26 September 2021

 Version 2.0                    20/08/2021
Event Management Plan IUAA Cross Country Championships 2021 DCU Sports Grounds (St. Clare's) Sunday 26 th September 2021
General Details ........................................................................................................................................... 3
Event Details: ............................................................................................................................................. 3
Key Contacts: .............................................................................................................................................. 3
Details ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Organising Committee: ............................................................................................................................... 5
Event Running Order................................................................................................................................... 5
Timetable Draft ........................................................................................................................................... 6
List of Officials............................................................................................................................................. 6
Medical ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
Stewards ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
Catering – TBC............................................................................................................................................. 8
Car Parking Plan .......................................................................................................................................... 8
Parent-Guardian ......................................................................................................................................... 9
Branding /Signage/ Media ........................................................................................................................ 10
Toilets ....................................................................................................................................................... 10
Equipment Required ................................................................................................................................. 10
COVID -19 Specific Procedures/Protocols ................................................................................................. 11
Appendices ............................................................................................................................................... 17
A – Third Party Costs ................................................................................................................................. 17
B – Incident Report Card ........................................................................................................................... 17
C – DCU Sport Grounds Map ..................................................................................................................... 18
D – Schematic of XC Course ...................................................................................................................... 19
E – Warm Up/Kit Drop Area ...................................................................................................................... 20
F- Steward Locations on Site ..................................................................................................................... 21
G- Check-in/Registration ........................................................................................................................... 22
H- Bib Collection ....................................................................................................................................... 22
I - Toilets in use during competition ......................................................................................................... 22
Event Management Plan IUAA Cross Country Championships 2021 DCU Sports Grounds (St. Clare's) Sunday 26 th September 2021
General Details
    DCU Athletics Club, in conjunction with the IUAA, Dublin City University and all relevant
    stakeholders are committed to hosting a successful and safe edition of the IUAA Cross Country
    Championships in 2021. This event will operate in accordance with all relevant public health
    guidelines at the time. This event aims to be the first form of Intervarsity Athletics Competition
    in over 18 months. The last competition held was the IUAA Cross Country Championships by
    UCC in the Curaheen Sports Ground on 7th March 2020, just before the COVID-19 pandemic hit
    the country. This is the first time the IUAA XC Championships have been held in DCU since

    Event:                   2020/21 Irish University Athletics Association Cross Country Champs

    Date:                    Sunday 26th September 2021 (First Race 2pm)

    Host:                    Dublin City University Athletics Club

    Venue:                   DCU Sports Grounds (St. Clare’s), Ballymun Rd, Glasnevin, Dublin 9 D09 FK50

    Eligible Students:       (i) Students registered during the 2020/21 academic year, and (ii) students who
                             completed a course of study in the 2019/20 academic year (such students to be
                             referred to as competing “one year down”).

    Governing Bodies:        Irish University Athletics Association (IUAA) & Athletics Association of Ireland

    Max Attendance:          200 people including athletes and officials at each session/race. No spectators
                             are allowed. The event will be split into two separate sessions, Session 1 –
                             Women’s Race & Session 2 – Men’s Race to ensure numbers stay below 200
                             people total. This is in line with government guidelines as of 20/08/2021.

    Insurance:               Athletes that have consent from their respective institutions to compete will be
                             covered under the IUAA’s insurance.

    Event Details:

Key Contacts:
Title                                   Name                         Number           E-Mail
Organiser’s Event Manager (Main         Paul Byrne                   085 1689493      paul.byrne@dcu.ie
point of contact on the event day)
IUAA Chairperson &                      Garret Dunne                 086 8766692      garret@iuaa.org
COVID Officer
IUAA Secretary                          Stephen Lipson                                stephen@iuaa.org

IUAA Assistant Chairperson              Laura Brennan                                 laura@iuaa.org

DCU Sport Manager                       Fergal Smyth                 085 157 3925     fergal.smyth@dcu.ie

DCU Health & Safety                     Paula Hawkins                                 paula.hawkins@dcu.ie
Event Management Plan IUAA Cross Country Championships 2021 DCU Sports Grounds (St. Clare's) Sunday 26 th September 2021

 Event Date (s)                                    Sunday 26th September

 Event Organisers Name                             Irish University Athletics Association & DCU

 Event Details                                     IUAA Cross Country Intervarsity Championships

 Location                                          DCU Sports Grounds, Glasnevin, Ballymun Rd. D09 FK50

 Set Up Date(s) & Times                            Course setup, Saturday 25th. Portaloo deliveries Sat 25th.

 Take Down Date(s) & Times                         Sunday 26th Sept by 6pm

 Car Parking Required                              Approx. 70 car park spaces available in DCU Sports Grounds.
                                                   Alternative parking at the DCU multi-story car park (next to the

Session One – Women’s Race
No. of Officials, Volunteers, Stewards, Medical,
Catering on site.                                  31

No. of Participants                                70

No. of Coaches                                     17 (One per club)

No. of Spectators                                  No spectators allowed.

No of Guardians for U18’s                          None expected; any U18 athletes competing must notify the
                                                   organising committee no later than Wed, 22nd September.


Session Two – Men’s Race
No. of Officials, Volunteers, Stewards, Medical,   31
Catering on site.

No. of Participants                                90

No. of Coaches                                     17 (One per club)

No. of Spectators                                  No spectators allowed.

No of Guardians for U18’s                          None expected; any U18 athletes competing must notify the
                                                   organising committee no later than Wednesday 22nd

Event Management Plan IUAA Cross Country Championships 2021 DCU Sports Grounds (St. Clare's) Sunday 26 th September 2021
DCU Athletics Organising Committee:
Title                             Name                   Number            E-Mail
Head of Athletics                 Paul Byrne             0851689493        paul.byrne@dcu.ie
DCU AC Chairperson                Shane Monagle          085 2303228       monagleshane1@gmail.com
DCU AC Men’s Captain              Jamie Battle           087 2492147       jamiebattle3300@gmail.com
DCU AC Treasurer                  Adam McInearney        086 2477376       adamcinerney@gmail.com
DCU AC Women’s Captain            Grace Casey            086 4128791       grace.casey8@mail.dcu.ie
DCU AC PRO                        Kim O’Hare             087 7682892       kimoh1234@gmail.com
DCU AC PRO                        Rory Cassidy           085 2722830       rory.cassidy4@mail.dcu.ie
DCU AC                            Colin Smith            083 4865803       csmithno.7@gmail.com
DCU AC Ordinary Member            Paul Morgan                              paul.morgan6@mail.dcu.ie
DCU AC Ordinary Member            Euan Lagan             087 3868356       euan.lagan3@mail.dcu.ie

    Event Running Order
    To facilitate the numbers in each of the men’s and women’s races, as well as volunteers, officials and
    stewards the competition day (26th Sept) has been split into two. The women’s race will be held
    separately from the men’s race. The area will be cleared between the two races. This is to ensure the
    event remains below 200 people at all times.

    Day 1 (Setup Day) Saturday 25th Sept 2021

    TBC     Delivery of port-a-loos
    12.30   Course inspection takes place
    13:00   Setup of XC course with rope and markers
    14:00   Setup space for registration & check in.
    14:30   Setup one way systems where needed (toilets, entrances and exits)
    15:00   Posters for parking, course maps and COVID 19 put in place.
    18:00   Facility Closes

    Day 2 (Competition Day) Sunday 26th September 2021
    10am Facility Opens
    10:15 Course Inspection
    TBC     Catering Arrives for Setup
    TBC     First Aid/Order of Malta Arrive
    12:00 Stewards, volunteers and officials arrive on site
    12:15 Stewards, volunteers & officials briefing
    12:30 Women’s Race Entrants Arrive (athletes can only arrive 70mins before event call up and no later
            than 45mins before)
    13:40 Women’s Race Call Up
    13:45 Women’s Race Starts
    14:10 Women’s Race Ends
    14:40 Stadium/Competition Area Cleared
    14:45 Men’s Entrants Arrive (athletes can only arrive 70mins before event call up and no later than
            45mins before)
    15:55 Men’s Race Call Up
    16:00 Men’s Race Starts
    16:35 Men’s Race Ends
    17:05 Competition Ends & Stadium Cleared
    17:10 Full tear down of equipment and site begins
    18:00 Facility closed
Event Management Plan IUAA Cross Country Championships 2021 DCU Sports Grounds (St. Clare's) Sunday 26 th September 2021
Event                                Distance                          Start Time
Women’s Race                         5000m                             1:45pm
Men’s Race                           8000m                             4pm
Note that the timetable is subject to change.

List of Officials
Role                                       Name
Competition Director                       Paul Byrne
Referee & Timing                           Andrew Lynam
COVID-19 Officer                           Garret Dunne
COVID-19 Assistant                         Peter O’Shea
COVID-19 Assistant                         Colin Smith
Entries & Results                          Stephen Lipson
Entries/Check In                           Kim O’Hare
Starter & Finish Line Chief                Cyril Smyth
Start Line & Finish Line Assistant         Eric Brady
Start Line & Finish Line Assistant         Laura Brennan
Start Line & Finish Line Assistant         Craig Harrington
Start Line & Finish Line Assistant         Shane Aston
Start Line & Finish Line Assistant         Grainne Moggan
Lap Counter                                Dylan Byrne
Lap Counter                                Victoria Isa Daniels
Presentation                               Stephen Lipson & Garret Dunne
Video/Photo                                Mark Smyth & Tommy Dickson

Medical / Safeguarding
Details of medics are to go in the box below.

Name                   Number on Map            No. of People   Location (s)
Medical Controller     N/A                      N/A             N/A
Paramedic(s)           N/A                      N/A             N/A
Ambulance(s)           8                        N/A             Ambulance parking spot
First Aider(s)         9                        2               Finish line area
Doctor(s)              N/A                      1               Dr. Ian Morrison - Race Course
Defibrillator          N/A                      N/A             Located in DCU Sport Complex
DLP                    N/A                      1               Eric Brady – Arena
Event Management Plan IUAA Cross Country Championships 2021 DCU Sports Grounds (St. Clare's) Sunday 26 th September 2021
Details of stewards that will be available on the event day(s) to go in the box below.
All stewards should be briefed of their responsibilities on the day of the event:

Steward Details
Location                                                                Responsibly
Car Park (St Clare’s)               Colin Smith                         Directing Cars to parking location.
                                                                        Lease with Garda present. Direct
                                                                        people to DCU Multi Story when
                                                                        sports grounds car park full.
Car Park (St Clare’s)               Shane Monagle                       Directing Cars to parking location.
                                                                        Lease with Garda present. Direct
                                                                        people to DCU Multi Story when
                                                                        sports grounds car park full.
Sports Grounds Building Main        Grace Casey                         Ensure there are no people
Entrance                                                                gathering. Maintain flow of
                                                                        people to toilets. Ensure people
                                                                        have masks on and sanitise hands
Main Pitches Entrance               Rory Cassidy                        Ensure there are no people
                                                                        gathering. Maintain flow of
                                                                        people to competition area.
                                                                        Ensure everyone uses hand
On Course Steward                   Adam McInearney                     Ensure athletes know where
                                                                        they’re going. Ensure nobody
                                                                        takes shortcuts
On Course Steward                   Paul Morgan                         Ensure athletes know where
                                                                        they’re going. Ensure nobody
                                                                        takes shortcuts
Finish Area Steward                 TBC
Total number of stewards: 7

Stewards have been identified through the student membership of DCU Athletics Club
They will receive training and will also receive sponsored clothing.
Stewards duties include:

    -   Control and direct athletes, coaches and volunteers who are entering or leaving the arena.
    -   Prevent overcrowding at check in/registrations area, entrance to main pitches and at the finish
        line and ensure that gangways and exits are kept clear adhering to COVID-19 protocols.
    -   Monitor the crowd throughout for signs of distress. Act in accordance with their brief.
    -   Be aware of the location of fire assembly point(s) as per DCU Maps and medical
        equipment/personal in their assigned area.
    -   Recognise potential hazards on course and clear them if possible (branches, litter etc.)
    -   Comply promptly with an instruction given in an emergency by a Garda Officer, Competition
    -   Report to the competition director any damage or defect likely to cause injury or danger to
        persons in attendance.
    -   Maintain their position at their place of duty under until the event is over.
See Appendices attached for locations of Stewards on site.

Details of any catering planned for the event to be inserted in the box below.

Company Name                       Last Lap Café
Contact Details                    Paul 0871664762
Email                              paul@lastlapcafe.com
Location                           Main Car Park Area Only

Applicable to event                Yes

Car Parking Plan
DCU Sports grounds has limited parking availability (approx. 70 spaces including 3 disabled parking
spaces). DCU Sport and DCU organising committee will supply car parking assistants from the stewards
list above on the day of the event. No buses will be allowed. The DCU Sports Campus grounds located in
St. Clare’s just off the Ballymun Rd. (before the Circle K garage and adjacent to Glasnevin Lawn Tennis
Club), see map in Appendix below. Athletes will be asked to travel alone or with people they live with
only. Public transport, cycling and walking as a means to get to the event are also encouraged where
possible. DCU Athletics clubs through the organising committee will link in with An Garda Siochana to
ensure there they are aware of the event.

Traffic cannot be allowed to block up the external roads to DCU Sports Grounds (Ballymun Rd. etc.) and
cars cannot park in the local community. The DCU multi-storey car park will be designated as the
overflow parking facility.

Parking plan maps/Maps of location

    1) DCU Sports Grounds Parking

2) Overflow Parking

Enter DCU multi-storey carpark via Collin’s Avenue. It is approximately 15min walk from the DCU multi-
storey car park to the DCU Sports Grounds on Ballymun Rd. There is a cost to parking here at the
following rates:

First 15 mins – Free

30mins – 1hr €1.00

1hr – 2hr €2.00

2hr – 3hr €3.00

3hr – 5hr €4.00

Athletes under the age of 18 are entitled to have guardianship whilst in competition at all Athletic
Ireland events.

Any Parent or guardian will be required to leave the competition promptly once their child’s event is
done. (Number of U18 athletes competing still to be determined post final entries).

The code of ethics in athletics gives a more in-depth guide to the athlete under the age of 18 and to the
role of the guardian responsibility.

Branding /Signage/ Media

No branding requirements are needed for this event.


Some universities will have a flag they will use on the day to identify their warm up/college area. Some
COVID-19 Signage will have to be erected before the event as well as course maps and parking
directions. This will be done in advance of the event and removed in the post event tear down.

Media Requirements

DCU PRO Mark Smyth and Tommy Dickson will take photos and video on the day.

Limited access to the indoor area toilets. See appendix for toilet access. When using the toilets social
distancing and hand hygiene must be observed. Athletes, coaches and volunteers should wear a mask in
areas that are crowded.

Equipment Required

   Area Used        Equipment Description

  Check In Area     Pens                                                                 Check In

  Check In Area     Clipboards                                                           Check In

                                                                                       Used to pin
  Check In Area     Safety Pins                                                        number to
                                                                                     competition kit
  Check in Area     Race Numbers
                                                                                      Marking of XC
Competition Area    White stake markers                                                  course
Competition Area                                                                       Sanitisation
& Check In Area     Hand Sanitiser Bottles
                                                                                     Marking of XC
Competition Area    Blue rope & Red/White marking Tape                                  course
                                                                                    Making of Course
                                                                                     and University
Competition Area    Stake Markers                                                    Warm Up Area
                                                                                     Timing of race
Competition Area    Stopwatches
COVID -19 Specific Procedures/Protocols
General COVID-19 Information


•       All athletes attending the championships will be required to complete an electronic health
        questionnaire which will be emailed prior to the event.
       Due to government regulations of only 200 people allowed on site, the championships will be
        closed to spectators. A maximum of 1 coach per University can attend. The names of designated
        coaches from each University will be captured in advance of the event
       Entry to the venue will only be permitted via the Main Ballymun Rd entrance. All entrants must
        have completed their COVID-19 health declaration in advance.
       Athletes will be required to leave the venue immediately once their event is complete.
       To aid administration please inform the IUAA if you do not intend to complete.
       Any athlete who has been abroad must have completed 14 days’ self-isolation prior to
        competing and have proof of travel dates.
       Due to COVID-19 for the Championship dates cannot travel to the event as athletes or officials.

All athletes must bring their own named water bottles, hand sanitizer, face mask and any
personal items required.
Conditions of Participation

       All participants (athletes and officials) must complete a COVID-19 health screening declaration
        (https://forms.gle/Ka9tMS3QzA8Rc7Y66 )
       Persons who have travelled abroad for an essential reason in the 14-day period prior to the
        event must produce a negative PCR test result no less than 5 days after return and prior to
        attending this meet.
       Additional risk mitigation measures will be in place due to COVID-19 and must be adhered to at
        all times, by all persons. These include.
            o   Social distancing at all times except during times where this is not possible for example
                athlete racing.
            o   Good hand hygiene.
            o   Must be feeling well and in good health.
            o   Good respiratory etiquette. Face masks must be worn, covering the mouth and nose, in
                crowded areas of the event.
            o   All attending must abide by the direction of the officials and organisers during the
Guidelines/Protocols for IUAA and Host University (Organisers) (reference:
Practical Guide for Competition Organisers- Cross Country following the Covid-19

Pre - Competition

   A COVID-19 Compliance Officer to be appointed for the event, whom will be responsible for
    managing issues relating to the COVID 19 pandemic. This officer should;
             o Ensure that sufficient HSE Covid-19 information Posters are on site and PA messages are
             o Be responsible for informing all stakeholders of the COVID-19 guidelines and insist on
                 full cooperation.
             o Ensure all approved and recommended COVID-19 protocols are in place for the event.
             o Ensure that the event staff, volunteers and participants always adhere to HSE / Public
                 Health advice.
   Compliance assistants to be appointed (e.g. check in, starts), whom will be responsible for managing
    issues relating to the COVID 19 pandemic in that area. This officer should;
             o Ensure that sufficient HSE Covid-19 information Posters are on site.
             o Be responsible for informing all stakeholders of the COVID -19 guidelines and insist on
                 full cooperation.
             o Ensure all approved and recommended COVID-19 protocols are in place.
             o Ensure that the officials and athletes within that area adhere to HSE / Public Health
                 advice at all times.
   For involvement in the competition athletes, officials and volunteers:
             o Have registered for the event providing contact details before arriving at the
                 competition venue.
             o Not have been off the island of Ireland in the last 14 days.
             o Not have been in close contact in the last 14 days with someone diagnosed with Covid-
                 19 or someone waiting on a Covid test or test results.
             o Not be in a period of self-isolation and/or cocooning under the current Health Policy
             o Not be displaying COVID-19 symptoms.
             o Adhere to any travel restrictions in place.
   Athlete entry to be taken electronically prior to the Competition. Strictly no entries on the day of
   Athletes will only be allowed to enter the event via the Ballymun Rd. entrance to DCU Sports
    Grounds. They must leave they are designated to compete in and must leave the arena immediately
    after their event(s) has concluded. At the end of the session, officials not involved in the next
    session and all athletes must vacate St. Clare’s.
   Athletes based overseas wishing to take part must have completed days of self-isolation prior to the
    event and have proof of travel dates.
   A briefing will be given to all event support staff on the current COVID -19 Guidelines which need to
    be followed during the event. Event specific briefings will also be given to officials.
   All authorised persons will be required to complete a COVID-19 declaration form before entering
    the venue
   A one-way pedestrian traffic flow will be put in place to support social distancing during the event at
    specific areas highlight by health and safety.
   ALL officials on duty will have access to face masks, gloves, and hand sanitiser. Wipes will be
    available at every event and black sacks for their safe disposal.

Competition Day

   Parking and Transport
    o Where possible encourage cycling, walking and public transport if available.
    o Athletes will be notified of available parking and alternative transport options. If participants
        must park next to another car, they should wait for the other person to exit or enter before
        doing so themselves.
   Competition ingress/egress
    o One-way system to be designed to allow space for social distancing and increase flow of athlete
        and officials around the competition venue,
    o Event maps and access routes to be provided to athletes in advance of the competition.
    o Organising committee to manage routes, direction signage to be erected.
    o Hand sanitisation points to be provided at check-in/registration and at the main entry point to
        the cross country course.
    o Sample event access map.

   Athlete Check in
    o Utilise Electronic check-in and athlete self-check in system (provided by Entry4sports online
        entry system).
    o Separate check in area and bib collection area.
    o One-way system for athlete flow to minimise contact.
    o Staggered times for check-in - only one event/age category permitted at a specific time.
    o Hand sanitiser available at check-in entrance & exit for athletes and on check-in/bib collection
        tables for officials.
    o Provide gloves & masks for officials.
    o Perspex screens between officials & athletes.
    o One official per table & tables must be 2 metres apart or within safe social distancing guidelines.
    o Only one athlete or athlete representative allowed to collect bib number.

   Team areas
    o Athletes to arrive to come ready for competition; changing and showering facilities will not be
    o Greater space given to teams/Universities in the warm up area.
    o Possible markings to space out further and throughout the entire venue.

   Toilets
    o Increased quantity of portaloos/toilets supplied depending on event capacity Suggested 1:50
        ratio. We will have 3-4 additional portaloos on site as per map in appendix at the end of this
    o In conjunction with the venue owner ensure toilets are cleaned and sanitised on a regular basis.
Call up/Starts area

    o   All athletes should practice responsible social distancing by remaining at least 2m apart until the
        call to line up for the race. Start area should allow for this.
    o   Athletes should wear face coverings in areas that are crowded.
    o   Reduce call up time to 10min prior to race.
    o   Officials to be provided with appropriate PPE when needed.
    o   Increase size of pens and space between should be greater than 2m where possible.

Finish Area

    o   All athletes should be moved through the finish area as soon as possible and practice
        responsible social distancing by remaining at greater than 2m apart.
    o   The number of officials should be limited to reduce the number of people present.
    o   One-way flow of athletes while exiting the area.
    o   Provide hand washing and hand sanitizer stations for officials.
    o   Athletes should refrain from handshakes, high fives, fist/elbow bumps, chest bumps, group
        celebrations, etc.

   Awards Area
    o Awards ceremonies should not take place.
    o Awards to be collected at a designate area by athletes.
    o Athlete only or team representative to collect medal from designated area.
Guidelines/Protocols for Athletes (reference: Practical Guide for Athletes at Cross
Country     Competition        following      the       Covid-19      Restrictions)


   For involvement in the event, participants must:
    o Have entered for the event.
    o Have filled in the pre event questionnaire. https://forms.gle/Ka9tMS3QzA8Rc7Y66
    o Not have been off the island of Ireland in the last 14 days.
    o Not have been a close contact of someone diagnosed with COVID-19 or someone waiting on a
        COVID test or test results in the last 14 days.
    o Not be in a period of self-isolation and/or cocooning under the current Health Policy Rules.
    o Not be displaying COVID-19 symptoms.
    o Adhere to any domestic travel restrictions in place at the time of the event

   Participants must read and understand all notices from the competition organiser, to include:
    o Covid-19 specific guidelines.
    o Competition specific messages.
    o Competitor etiquette (No spitting, no hand shaking etc).
    o Venue maps.

• Participant must enter before the competition, no on the day registrations will be taken

Competition Day

Athletes must complete a COVID- 19 screening questionnaire at check in for the competition.

   To protect against infection;
    o Participants must refrain from handshakes, hugs and high fives.
    o Keep 2m away from other people at all times.
    o Cover their coughs and sneezes.
    o Try not touch any surfaces at the event.

   Athletes should arrive ready to participate where possible and as close to the check in time as
   Participants should bring a small bottle of hand sanitizer if possible.
   Wear a face covering in areas that are crowded or when indoors.
   Athletes will be told to listen to the instructions of officials regarding keeping a safe distance.
   Toilet etiquette (advised by Dept. of Health) must be adhered to.
   Adhering to competition ingress and egress plans.
   While warming up athletes should maintain a safe distance from others at all times.
   Athletes and Universities will be grouped in specific areas which are clearly marked to avoid virus
    transmission on the day.
Post Competition

   All athletes will be expected to leave as soon as they finish.
   Adhere to egress signage.
   If an athlete becomes unwell after competing, they should first contact their GP and read the HSE
    guidelines and then inform the Competition Organisers. The Competition organisers will then follow
    advice provided to them by the HSE on the next steps.

A – Third Party Costs
Ambulance              = €800 (tbc)

B – Incident Report Card

General Details:
Date:                                       Time:

Exact Location:

Reported By:
Name:                                 Company:

Tel No:

Details of Incident:

C – DCU Sport Grounds Map

                     1                        B
                                              2   9    8

                                                       3            10
                                                       4                 6


A     Cross Country Course/Competition Area       1        Start Line (All races)
B     Warm Up/Colleges Kit Area                   2        Finish Line (All races)
                                                  3        Entrance/Exit to Cross Country area
                                                  4        Last Lap Café Location
                                                  5        Registrations/Officials Office
                                                  6        Onsite Parking
                                                  7        Entrance to DCU Sports Grounds
                                                  8        First Aid/Ambulance Parking
                                                  9        First Aid on site
                                                  10       Fire Assembly Point
D – Schematic of XC Course

                        SMALL LAP (SL)


                  Small Lap (SL) = 800m approx.
                  Large Lap (LL) = 1400m approx.
              Start to Finish (S-F) = 200m approx.

        Women’s Race = 1 x Small Lap & 3 x Large Lap – 5,000m
         Men’s Race = 1 x Small Lap & 5 x Large Lap – 8,000m
E – Warm Up/Kit Drop Area
Athletes can use the highlighted area below as a warm up area. They will be assigned a specific area
(pen) within that area for each University to leave kit and gear bags. It will be marked out in advance
and each University will have a clearly identified area to leave kit. This is located on and next to the main
DCU pitch.

                                                      Each University will be
                                                   allocated an area to drop kit
                                                          and warm up.

                                              Entrance to competition
F- Steward Locations on Site

      Stewards locations
G- Check-in/Registration
Check-in/registration will be located in an outdoor covered area at the side of the main Sports Complex
Building. A representative from the IUAA and DCU will be located here to distribute numbers and check
in athletes. Only one representative from each club should collect numbers and check in athletes on the
day. There will be a one-way system in place at the entrance and a steward in position.

The Check in Desk will be used to confirm the athletes has check-in and colleges will be given their entire
set of bib numbers for their teams (men’s and women’s). These should only be collected by the club

An online COVID-19 questionnaire check (via Google Forms) will need to be complete before entering
the grounds. This will be check on arrival to ensure all athletes have complied and passed before

H- Bib Collection
Bib collection will take place directly after check -in, once the designated representative from each
University/Club goes through check-in they will proceed to Bib -collection, see map above. The
designated athlete/representative will collect their numbers at this point and get information to prepare
for their event. They will distribute the college’s numbers to the athletes on their teams.

I - Toilets in use during competition

         Port-a-loos on course
         Changing Room Toilets
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