Platforms at the gate? Initial reactions to the Commission's digital consultations - Oxera

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Platforms at the gate? Initial reactions to the Commission's digital consultations - Oxera
Advancing economics in business

June 2020

Platforms at the gate? Initial reactions to
the Commission’s digital consultations
and design of both initiatives?
                       Contact                                                                    Figure 1 The four options under the
                       Felipe Flórez Duncan                                                       proposal for an NCT
                                                It is clear that whichever options contained
                                                in these consultations are implemented
                                                (assuming at least one is implemented),
                                                there will be a major step-up in enforcement
                                                action, both ex ante and ex post, in the
                                                digital sector.

                                                We have two main observations on how
On 2 June 2020, the European
                                                this enhanced enforcement action can be
Commission launched a consultation
                                                given the best possible chance of achieving
on proposals for a new competition
                                                its intended aims (i.e. ensuring a fair trading
tool (NCT) and the Digital Services
                                                environment and increasing the innovation
Act (DSA) package. If enacted, they                                                               Source: Oxera.
                                                potential in the EU digital single market).
would represent a significant change
in competition enforcement in the EU,                                                             2.2 Ex ante platform regulation
                                                   •First, the principles and evidentiary
and a major step-up in the regulatory
                                                   standards of competition law should
rules and oversight of the digital                                                                In parallel, the Commission is consulting
                                                   remain at the heart of any ex ante or
economy. In this article, we set out                                                              on options to introduce an ex ante
                                                   ex post framework. In practice, this
some initial thoughts on the proposals                                                            regulatory framework for large platforms
                                                   would mean rejecting regulatory options
from an economic perspective and                                                                  with ‘significant network effects acting as
                                                   involving per se prohibitions (e.g.
discuss some relevant considerations                                                              gatekeepers’. This initiative arises from
                                                   blacklisting certain practices) absent
for consistent, proportionate and                                                                 a range of concerns which, according
                                                   unambiguous evidence that a practice
effective policies that may lead to                                                               to the Commission, may lead to risks
                                                   is proven to be harmful and favouring
better consumer outcomes.                                                                         of reduced social gains from innovation
                                                   a case-by-case analysis of platform
                                                                                                  and large-scale unfair trading practices.5
                                                   business models, their incentives and,
1 Introduction
                                                   ultimately, the effects on consumers.
                                                                                                  Three options are discussed for ex ante
                                                   This would also mean seeking to align
The recent Commission impact                                                                      platform regulation.
                                                   the rationale for intervention (both in
assessment publications cover
                                                   the NCT and ex ante regulation) with
three distinct regulatory initiatives.                                                            1. Revising the P2B Regulation,
                                                   well-understood concepts such as
One proposes an ex ante regulatory                                                                by extending its scope to include
                                                   dominance and robust evidence of
framework for ‘large online platforms                                                             prescriptive rules on certain practices
                                                   actual or likely effects on competition
benefitting from significant network effects                                                      (such as certain forms of self-
                                                   and consumers.
and acting as gatekeepers’ (henceforth,                                                           preferencing, data access policies and
‘ex ante platform regulation’),1 while the                                                        unfair contract terms). Importantly, this
                                                   •Second, to the extent that fairness
second contains modifications to the                                                              option would have a broad ‘horizontal’
                                                   goals are pursued through one or more
liability rules around content, goods and                                                         scope and would not be targeted only
                                                   of these tools, the primary focus should
services available from online platforms.2                                                        at large platforms considered to be
                                                   be on fairness of process (as in the
Together, these two impact assessments                                                            gatekeepers.
                                                   existing P2B Regulation) as opposed
cover the main options for reform that are
                                                   to fairness of outcomes. If fairness of
being considered under the DSA package                                                            2. Collection of data from large
                                                   outcomes is pursued, this must also
announced in February 2020.                                                                       platforms by a dedicated regulatory
                                                   take account of the efficiencies and the
                                                                                                  body, the goal being to gain further
                                                   value created by platforms’ business
The third is an impact assessment on                                                              insights into the business practices of
                                                   models and practices, for consumers
options for a NCT to complement the                                                               these platforms. This option would not
                                                   and other platform users.
traditional tools of Articles 101 and 102                                                         include any power to impose remedies.
TFEU that the Commission can use to
address competition concerns. While                                                               3. Adopting a new ex ante regulatory
                                                2 What are the Commission’s
the first two initiatives specifically target                                                     framework for gatekeepers, where
digital markets, the NCT is potentially                                                           gatekeepers would be identified by a yet-
a broader tool that would apply to all                                                            to-be-agreed set of criteria.6 Two sub-
                                                2.1 New competition tool
sectors.3                                                                                         options are discussed as to how such a
                                                                                                  framework could be structured:
                                                The NCT initiative is motivated by the
We focus on two specific questions raised
                                                possibility of structural risk or lack of
by the ex ante platform regulation and the                                                           a. blacklisting certain practices by
                                                competition which cannot be easily
NCT initiative.                                                                                      gatekeepers, and setting out clear
                                                resolved through Articles 101 or 102
                                                                                                     obligations (e.g. blacklisting self-
                                                TFEU.4 The Commission presents four
    •First, whether there is currently                                                               preferencing);7
                                                options for the potential NCT, which
    an ‘enforcement gap’ that requires
                                                vary according to the threshold and
    granting authorities new tools, and, if                                                          b. tailor-made remedies for specific
                                                scope. The threshold for using the NCT,
    so, what is the appropriate threshold                                                            gatekeepers on a case-by-case
                                                discussed further below, might be based
    for intervention in digital markets?                                                             basis. These remedies could include
                                                on: dominance or structural features of
                                                                                                     blacklisting practices as above,
                                                markets; whereas the scope might be
    •Second, as regards the relationship                                                             as well as others such as (non-
                                                ‘limited’ (focused on digital or digitally
    and possible tension between the                                                                 personal) data access obligations,
                                                enabled markets) or ‘broad’ (across the
    goals of competition (economic                                                                   personal data portability or
                                                economy as a whole).
    efficiency) and ‘fairness’—an explicit                                                           interoperability requirements.
    goal of the ex ante regulation—what
    are the implications for the analysis

                                                                                                                       June 2020              1
and competitors and can therefore dictate       competition law alone is insufficient to
                                                  the parameters of competition. At the           address the market failure(s) identified.
3 The perceived enforcement gap
                                                  same time, competition law recognises           See the figure below.
and the appropriate threshold for
                                                  that acquiring a dominant position can be
                                                  the result of significant investments and       Figure 2 The ex ante SMP
                                                  innovative behaviour, as well as a reflection   framework for electronic
As can be seen, both consultations
                                                  of the efficiencies, and value created          communications in Europe
aim to tackle very similar concerns in
                                                  and shared with business partners and
digital markets, as also articulated in a
                                                  consumers. Therefore, being dominant by
wide range of reports (most notably, the
                                                  itself does not result in presumptions of
Special Advisers Report, the Furman
                                                  guilt or wrong-doing.
Review and the Stigler Centre Report). In
fact, these reports also argued that the
existing toolbox of competition authorities
                                                  3.2 The European SMP framework for
and regulators is not sufficient to deal
                                                  electronic communications (telecoms)
with these concerns effectively, and that
changes and additions to the toolbox are
necessary. In other words, the case for
                                                  There are examples where a position of
reform is predicated on the existence of
                                                  dominance has been a cause for concern
an enforcement gap.
                                                  due to the risk of harmful practices. This
                                                  has led to the creation of ex ante regulatory
3.1 Mind the gap
                                                  frameworks to deal with problems before
                                                  they give rise to harm.
It is therefore worth probing the nature
of this alleged gap in more detail. There
                                                  The most prominent example in this regard
are at least two aspects that are relevant                                                        Source: Oxera.
                                                  is the ex ante regulatory framework for
                                                  the electronic communications sector in
                                                                                                  While there are a number of important
                                                  Europe, which has been referred to by the
   • Timing of harm: has the harm                                                                 differences in the economics of the
                                                  Commission as a source of inspiration
   to consumers materialised, or is it                                                            telecoms and digital sectors, the success
                                                  for regulation in digital markets. This
   hypothesised to happen in the future if                                                        and longevity of the ex ante SMP regime
                                                  framework, which has been in place since
   there is no intervention?                                                                      owes a great deal to its close alignment
                                                  2002, is based on identifying whether one
                                                                                                  with the legal principles and economic
                                                  or more operators hold significant market
   •Cause of harm: is the harm arising                                                            analysis required under competition law.
                                                  power (SMP)—a position equivalent to
   or likely to arise because of the                                                              This is an important lesson for the design
                                                  dominance under competition law. If such
   unilateral actions of dominant firms, or                                                       of new regulatory tools for the digital
                                                  a finding is made, the regulator is given
   because of structural market failures                                                          economy.
                                                  powers to impose remedies. The remedies
   (including unilateral practices by one
                                                  are chosen from a specific list, aimed at
   or more non-dominant firms)?                                                                   3.3 Platforms at the gate?
                                                  addressing the most common problems
                                                  that may arise in the telecoms sector, such
Given that Article 102 TFEU typically                                                             The similarity of Option 2 of the NCT
                                                  as excessive retail or wholesale prices, or
seeks to address (alleged) harm arising                                                           consultation to the ex ante SMP
                                                  refusal to provide access to third parties.
from historical/ongoing conduct of                                                                framework in telecoms suggests that it
dominant firms, three potential ‘gaps’                                                            arguably should have been presented as
                                                  As can be seen, the SMP framework in
could be conceived.                                                                               an additional option (or possibly even a
                                                  electronic communications addresses gap
                                                                                                  replacement) to the gatekeeper options
                                                  #1 identified above.8
   • Gap #1: harm that is hypothesised                                                            (3a and 3b) of the ex ante platform
   to happen in the future because of the                                                         regulation. Not only is it clear that Option
                                                  Among the Commission’s initiatives, the
   risk of future practices by dominant                                                           2 of the NCT more closely resembles an
                                                  options that share the greatest similarities
   firms.                                                                                         ex ante regulatory intervention than an
                                                  with the SMP framework are Options 1
                                                                                                  ex post competition tool, there is also the
                                                  and 2 of the NCT. Under these options,
   • Gap #2: harm that is hypothesised                                                            question of the relationship between the
                                                  the Commission would be able to impose
   to happen in the future because of                                                             concepts of dominance and the definition
                                                  behavioural and, where appropriate,
   existing structural market failures.                                                           of a gatekeeper.
                                                  structural remedies on dominant
                                                  companies before any harmful practice
   • Gap #3: harm that is already                                                                 In particular, it may be the case that being
                                                  has taken place, as in the SMP telecoms
   happening because of structural                                                                dominant in a market is a necessary
   market failures.                                                                               condition for being a gatekeeper.
                                                                                                  Dominance refers to the ability to
                                                  However, despite these similarities,
There is also a debate about whether the                                                          act independently of other market
                                                  Options 1 and 2 are being proposed by
existing toolkit is sufficiently agile to allow                                                   participants, including customers and
                                                  the Commission as new competition
the Commission to act quickly enough,                                                             competitors. It is open to debate whether,
                                                  tools, rather than as ex ante regulatory
providing an additional motivation for                                                            and in what contexts, a platform can be
                                                  instruments. This is surprising because
introducing new tools.                                                                            a gatekeeper capable of causing harm if
                                                  the SMP framework in electronic
                                                                                                  it cannot act independently of the market
                                                  communications is explicitly not considered
There are good legal and economic                                                                 participants, including users on either
                                                  to be a part of the EU competition law
reasons why Article 102 primarily focuses                                                         side of the platform.
                                                  toolkit. Indeed, electronic communications
on actual or potential harm caused by
                                                  markets can be regulated only if they
specific ongoing practices by dominant                                                            Alternatively, the Commission may be
                                                  pass the three-criteria test for markets
firms. Firms in a dominant position can                                                           conceiving of gatekeepers as large
                                                  susceptible to ex ante regulation and,
behave independently of consumers
                                                  in particular, the third criterion: that

                                                                                                                       June 2020              2
platforms having a position of power           one that most closely resembles the UK           that any imbalances of bargaining power
relative to smaller trading partners, such     market investigations regime. It is beyond       will not necessarily be resolved for all
that they could impose trading conditions      the scope of this article to discuss whether     customers by more competition, nor are
that would not be observed in normal           this option is appropriate to address the        they necessarily caused by structural
market circumstances. This would be            perceived concerns regarding the digital         competition problems.
similar to the concept of economic             sector. Much will depend on what is the
dependence that exists in some EU              precise threshold for finding evidence of        Furthermore, the P2B Regulation
member states’ competition law, which          harm and adverse effects, as well as the         recognises that many terms and
effectively lowers the threshold of            standards of judicial review and appeal that     conditions that may appear unfair from
intervention to situations of ‘relative        investigated firms will have recourse to.11      the perspective of one party, are actually
dominance’ (i.e. a position of power                                                            central to the functioning of the platform
relative to a trading partner) rather than     If they are set at levels equivalent to what     and therefore create significant value and
‘absolute dominance’ (i.e. a position of       currently exists under EU competition law,       efficiencies for the system as a whole.
power across a relevant market as a            this could become an important new tool          As a result, the P2B Regulation does not
whole).                                        in DG Competition’s armoury. There is a          ban practices, nor limits commercial and
                                               risk, however, that the new tool is designed     contractual freedom. Instead, it requires
The Commission cites a number of               to address not only harm that is already         transparency and other safeguards for
factors and criteria that may be used to       happening due to structural market failures      business users of platforms.
determine when a platform is deemed            and can therefore be evidenced (gap
to be a gatekeeper. Interestingly, being       #3), but also harm that is hypothesised          In any discussion of fairness, it is
dominant, or even having a position of         to happen in the future due to structural        important to recognise that it is a relative
economic dependence vis-à-vis trading          features of the market (gap #2).                 concept with various different dimensions
partners in a market, does not appear to                                                        (as we discussed in a previous Agenda
be one of them.                                In the latter case, this would go well           article).13 In particular, fairness might
                                               beyond the scope of the UK’s market              relate to the process or the outcome.
Given the potentially highly intrusive         investigations regime and start to resemble
nature of the remedies that could flow         the prospective analysis that is required        If fairness focuses on the process, there
from a gatekeeper finding, including           under the significant impediment to              is less likely to be a tension between
per se prohibitions on practices               effective competition (SIEC) test in merger      fairness and competition objectives,
(blacklisting), it is crucial to clarify how   control. The key difference is that, unlike      since, for example, fair processes tend
the definition of a gatekeeper can be          merger control, there would be no concrete       to involve higher transparency, which in
aligned with well-understood concepts          transaction or change in market structure to     turn promotes competition. However, if
such as dominance and SMP. This is             focus the analysis on.                           the concept of fairness primarily focuses
particularly important as the Commission                                                        on the outcome, there can be a tension
has said that it may take inspiration                                                           with competition law, because there
from the telecoms sector regulatory                                                             are likely to be many instances where
framework in the design of remedies,           4 Competition and fairness: friends or           practices could be considered to be
but, as noted above, remedies in               foes?                                            pro-competitive due to long-run dynamic
telecoms can only be imposed with a                                                             efficiency reasons but they could be
finding of SMP.9                               A close read of the NCT and ex ante              perceived to be unfair to a group of
                                               platform regulation proposals reveals that       customers in the short run. For example,
3.4 Inspiration from the UK market             they are in pursuit of both competition          price discrimination can be efficient
investigations regime?                         (economic efficiency) and fairness as policy     (especially when it leads to a market
                                               goals.                                           expansion and the recovery of risky
The other concrete regime that these                                                            investment costs), but under the lens of
proposals draw inspiration from is the         There can, however, be some tension              ‘fair outcomes’ it might be seen as unfair
UK market investigations regime. In            between these two objectives,                    to charge different prices to different
place since the early 2000s, this tool         depending on how one defines fairness.           consumers for the same good or service.
has been used to probe competition             Commissioner for Competition Margrethe
issues that would not be caught under          Vestager articulated this well in her speech     In this regard, some of the more
Articles 101 and 102 (or their national        at the 2018 GCLC Annual Conference:              interventionist proposals by the
equivalents). Indeed, the UK market                                                             Commission (such as blacklisting
investigations regime is specifically             … in the end, that’s what the                 practices) appear to be guided more
aimed at addressing gap #3, i.e.                  competition rules are for. […] to make        by the desire to achieve a certain
harm that is already happening due to             sure that our markets stay competitive        fairness in outcome. A concern with
structural market failures.                       enough to give consumers the power            such an approach is that it runs a
                                                  to demand a fair deal. [But] It doesn’t       high risk of adopting a partial view of
In order to be able to impose remedies            mean that just because something is           fairness, without taking into account
under the market investigations regime,           unfair, it’s automatically also against the   the efficiencies and value created, for
the UK authority must be able to                  competition rules.12                          both consumers and business users, by
demonstrate the existence of an adverse                                                         different platforms’ business models and
effect on competition (AEC), defined as        As explicitly stated in many publications,       their practices.
‘any feature, or combination of features,      the Commission considers that the
of each relevant market [which] prevents,      position of some online platforms may            For example, a key concern of the
restricts or distorts competition in           have become so strong that they are able         Commission is that platform markets
connection with the supply or acquisition      to impose unfair commercial conditions           might ‘tip’ to one player. However, being
of goods or services’.10                       on businesses that have become                   large is often central to the platform
                                               economically reliant upon them. This was         business model. Indeed, such tipping,
In terms of the options proposed by the        indeed one of the prime motivations for          where it occurs, is often the result of
Commission, Option 3 of the NCT is the         the P2B Regulation, which recognised             network effects, which give rise to

                                                                                                                     June 2020           3
significant efficiencies and value for the   1 European Commission (2020), ‘PROPOSAL               Competition and markets Authority (CMA) carries
users of the platform. Tipping happens       FOR A REGULATION: Digital Services Act                out very in-depth economic analyses of the market
because consumers and/or businesses          package – ex ante regulatory instrument of very       for 18 months, to identify competition concerns and
prefer to be on platforms that other         large online platforms acting as gatekeepers’.        potential remedies rooted in empirical evidence.
consumers or businesses are using,                                                                 In a number of cases, the Competition Appeal
regardless of whether these are one-sided    2 European Commission (2020), ‘PROPOSAL               Tribunal has in turn carried out in-depth ‘on the
or multi-sided platforms.                    FOR A REGULATION: Digital Services Act –              merits’ reviews of CMA decisions.
                                             deepening the internal market and clarifying
Furthermore, platform markets prone          responsibilities for digital services’.               12 Speech on fairness and competition by
to tipping are also arguably more                                                                  Margarethe Vestager at GCLC Annual Conference,
likely to remain contestable relative to     3 European Commission (2020), ‘PROPOSAL               Brussels, 25 January 2018.
traditional natural monopolies. Indeed,      FOR A REGULATION: Single market – new tool
such platforms still need to ensure that     to combat emerging risks to fair competition’.        13 Oxera (2019), ‘Fairness and competition in
they remain attractive to their users at                                                           online markets: friends or foes?’, Agenda, April.
all times, since the presence of network     4 These include structural risks to competition
effects means that networks can implode      (i.e. the market may be about to tip); and            14 See Oxera (2019), ‘Death of an old star…
as rapidly as they can explode.14 A close    structural lack of competition (i.e. high             evolution of a new one?’, Agenda, February.
case-by-case examination of different        concentration, entry barriers and consumer lock-
platforms’ business models and their         in). For example, the Commission could use the
competitive dynamics will therefore be       NCT to intervene in markets that it perceives as
required to make a proper assessment of      at risk of ‘tipping’ and it could also intervene in
the overall fairness of current and future   (unilateral) practices by non-dominant firms in
market outcomes.                             an oligopolistic market.

                                             5 The concerns noted by the Commission
                                             include: the economic dependence of traditional
Contact                                      businesses on large platforms; difficulties
                                             for innovative startups to compete due to the
Felipe Flórez Duncan                         incontestable position of some large platforms;
Partner                                      and the ability of the large platforms to enter               adjacent markets with relative ease and the risk
                                             that those adjacent markets tip towards them
Dr Avantika Chowdhury                        as well.
Partner                 6 The criteria used as examples do include the
                                             presence of significant network effects; the size
Dr Andrew Mell                               of the user base; and the ability to leverage data
Technical Adviser                            across markets.
                                             7 These might be principles-based, applying to
                                             gatekeepers in whichever sector they operate
                                             (e.g. ban on self-preferencing in all markets
                                             in which the gatekeepers are present); and/
                                             or issue-specific rules for particular markets or
                                             practices (e.g. operating systems, algorithmic
                                             transparency, online advertising).

                                             8 This was justified at the time, given that the
                                             telecoms sector had been recently liberalised
                                             and many of the largest players were formerly
                                             state-owned monopolies. Hence, a tool that
                                             allowed regulators to act quickly to prevent harm
                                             as well as to actively promote competition was
                                             seen as crucial for the future development of the

                                             9 ‘While recognising the many differences,
                                             experience from the targeted and tailor-made ex
                                             ante regulation of telecommunications services
                                             can serve as an inspiration in this regard, given
                                             the similarities deriving from network control
                                             and network effects.’ See p. 4 of European
                                             Commission (2020), ‘PROPOSAL FOR A
                                             REGULATION: Digital Services Act package
                                             – ex ante regulatory instrument of very large
                                             online platforms acting as gatekeepers’.

                                             10 UK Enterprise Act 2002, Section 134(1).

                                             11 In the UK market investigations regime, the

                                                                                                                             June 2020                 4
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