Euro Retina Programme Virtual 2021 - RETINA FORUM VIRTUAL Weds. 08 September - OPHTHALMOLOGY FUTURES ...

Page created by Andre Hubbard
Euro Retina Programme Virtual 2021 - RETINA FORUM VIRTUAL Weds. 08 September - OPHTHALMOLOGY FUTURES ...
                                  Weds. 08 September

ednesday 30 September

                        Euro Retina Programme
                                 Virtual 2021
Euro Retina Programme Virtual 2021 - RETINA FORUM VIRTUAL Weds. 08 September - OPHTHALMOLOGY FUTURES ...
Vision, a window to the world.
With vision, we connect with others.
With vision, we feel happiness.

That is why we at Santen believe
seeing is integral to life.
As a company focused on vision,
we explore and grow the unlimited potential
of our ability to see.
Because we know we can one day
achieve a world free of vision problems.
Because we know we can one day
create a future full of smiles
where everyone’s vision is nurtured.
Until then, we will not stop challenging ourselves.

                                                      EURO RETINA VIRTUAL FORUM 2021   1
Euro Retina Programme Virtual 2021 - RETINA FORUM VIRTUAL Weds. 08 September - OPHTHALMOLOGY FUTURES ...
Welcome                                      3

Timings                                      4

Presenting companies | Pannelists | Chairs   6

Our sponsors                                 7
Platinum                                     9

Gold                                         10

Silver                                       11

Bronze                                       12

New innovator                                13

European Forum 2021                          14

Programme committee                          15

                                                  EURO RETINA VIRTUAL FORUM 2021   2
Euro Retina Programme Virtual 2021 - RETINA FORUM VIRTUAL Weds. 08 September - OPHTHALMOLOGY FUTURES ...
Dear colleagues,

Welcome to the Ophthalmology Futures Retina      This Forum will highlight developments in the
Forum 2021. The virtual format for this year's   treatment of Dry AMD, home monitoring,
forum has presented us with challenges and       surgical robotics and personalized approaches
opportunities. While missing the chance to       for posterior segment diseases.
network with participants in person, we are      We will look to the future of drug delivery as
able to reach a much larger audience and         well as gene therapy for rare and common
include speakers who would otherwise not have    retinal diseases. An interview with Dr. Anthony
been able to attend.                             Adamis will undoubtedly be one of the
                                                 highlights of the day.
The unique nature of innovation relating
to diseases of the posterior segment led us to   Ophthalmology Futures Forums thanks our key
recognize the need for a standalone forum        advisors, corporate presenters and distinguished
to increase our focus in this rapidly evolving   faculty for their invaluable support and
space a few years ago and we have been           assistance. We would also like to especially
delighted by the success of this format.         thank our sponsors who have provided support
As in prior Retina forums, we will have          allowing us to have this meeting without
presentations from companies at various stages   a registration fee for all attendees!
of the innovation process and panels on topics
                                                 Thank you for joining us!
deemed to be of interest to all stakeholders.
Ophthalmology Futures is dedicated to creating   The Ophthalmology Futures Team
a novel program for each meeting.

                                                 Vision Futures Limited, London, UK.
                                                 Registered in England No: 8125858.

                                                                     EURO RETINA VIRTUAL FORUM 2021   3
Euro Retina Programme Virtual 2021 - RETINA FORUM VIRTUAL Weds. 08 September - OPHTHALMOLOGY FUTURES ...

13:50 - 14:00                              18:10 - 18:40
WELCOME                                    PANEL 5: HOME MONITORING
• Keith Barton
                                           & REAL WORLD DATA
                                           TO ACCELERATE POSTERIOR
• Kuldev Singh
                                           SEGMENT INNOVATION
14:00 - 14:30                              • Francesco Bandello
                                           • Usha Chakravarthy
APPROACH TO BACK OF                        Panellists
THE EYE THERAPEUTICS                       • Art Ciociola
                                           • Kester Nahen
                                           • Helge Sudkamp
• Adnan Tufail
                                           • Angelo Rago
Panellists                                 • Sally Tucker
• Jill Hopkins                             • Einar Stefánsson
• Daniela Ferrara                          • David Crabb
• Jay Duker
• Jason Ehrlich
• Almira Chabi                             18:40 - 19:10
• Einar Stefánsson
                                           PANEL 6: SUSTAINED
                                           DRUG DELIVERY FOR AMD:
                                           MAINSTREAM CARE OR AN
14:30 - 15:00                              EXPENSIVE SIDE SHOW?
                                           • Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth
                                           • Ramin Tadayoni
Co-chairs                                  Panellists
• Bart Leroy
                                           • Jaya Chidambaram
• Dominik Fischer
                                           • Cynthia Grosskreutz
                                           • Ram Palanki
• Olivier Danos
                                           • Fred Guerard
• Magali Taiel
• Gil Carrasquinho
• Thomas Ciulla
                                           19:10 - 19:30
                                           ONE ON ONE
15:00 - 16:00                              • Kuldev Singh

COMPANY PRESENTATIONS 1                    • Anthony Adamis

• REGENXBIO | Stephen Pakola
• GenSight Biologics S.A. | Magali Taiel
                                           19:30 - 20:30
• Eyevensys | Francine Behar-Cohen
• Iveric Bio | Pravin Dugel                COMPANY PRESENTATIONS 3
• Santen Cell Therapy | Gil Carrasquinho   • Clearside Biomedical | Thomas Ciulla
• ForwardVue Pharma | Alan Franklin        • EyePoint Pharmaceuticals | Nancy Lurker
                                           • Re-Vana Therapeutics | Michael O'Rourke
                                           • Samsara Vision | Mike Besserman
                                           • Preceyes | Gerrit Naus
16:00 - 16:30
WILL WE GET THERE                          20:30 - 21:00
                                           PANEL 7: SURGERY
Co-chairs                                  AND ROBOTICS:
• Sophie Bakri                             THE NEXT FRONTIER?
• Sobha Sivaprasad
                                           • Stan Rizzo
• Keith Lane
                                           • Borja Corcostegui
• Chris Brittain
• Melissa Liew
                                           • Paul Hallen
• Pravin Dugel
                                           • Gregg Draudt
• Kourous Rezaei
                                           • Steve Charles
                                           • Paulo Stanga
                                           • Eugene de Juan
16:30 - 17:10
OVERVIEW                                   21:00 - 21:10
Introduction                               SUMMARY
• Michael Giaquinto
                                           • Adnan Tufail
• Michael Giaquinto
                                           21:10 - 21:15
• Geert-Jan Mulder
• Begoña Carreño                           SUMMARY & CONCLUDING
• Alex Pasteur
• Eugene de Juan                           • Keith Barton
                                           • Kuldev Singh

17:10 - 18:10
• Ocuphire Pharma | Mina Sooch
• OcuTerra Therapeutics | Kerrie Brady
• Pleryon Therapeutics | Yu Yu
• | Olivier Menage
• Notal Vision Ltd | Kester Nahen
• Visotec GmbH | Helge Sudkamp

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Euro Retina Programme Virtual 2021 - RETINA FORUM VIRTUAL Weds. 08 September - OPHTHALMOLOGY FUTURES ...



The Visian Toric ICL clinical trial reported 1:
 • 98.4% of patients would have the Visian Toric ICL procedure again
 • Predictable outcomes realized across a broad range of treatment options
 • 93.8% of eyes maintained or gained 1 or more lines of BSCVA
 • Rapid and stable achievement of outstanding MRSE and MRCyl
 • In eyes with pre-op BSCVA 20/20 or better 100% of eyes obtained 20/40 or better UCVA
 • Over 94% of eyes maintained rotational stability of ≤ 5˚ at all post - op time points
 1 STAAR Surgical Visian Toric Implantable Collamer Lens PMA Supplement P030016 Ophthalmic Devices Advisory Panel, March 14, 2014
Euro Retina Programme Virtual 2021 - RETINA FORUM VIRTUAL Weds. 08 September - OPHTHALMOLOGY FUTURES ...
CHAIRS & PANELLISTS                                                              PRESENTING
A                                      K
•   Adnan Tufail                       •   Keith Barton                          A
    Consultant Ophthalmic                  Consultant, Moorfields Eye
                                                                                 •    Alan Franklin
    Surgeon, Moorfields Eye                Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
                                                                                      Founder, ForwardVue Pharma
    Hospital NHS Foundation Trust          Professor of Ophthalmology,
•   Alex Pasteur                           UCL
    Partner, F-Prime Capital           •   Keith Lane
•   Almira Chabi                           Vice President, Ora, Inc.             F
    VP, Glaucoma &                     •   Kester Nahen
                                                                                 •    Francine Behar-Cohen
    Neuroprotection; AI Lead,              CEO, Notal Vision Ltd.
                                                                                      Scientific Founder, Eyevensys
    Santen Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.     •   Kourous Rezaei
•   Angelo Rago                            Associate Professor, Illinois
    Global Head of Ophthalmic              Retina Associates/Rush
    Diagnostics, Carl Zeiss                University Medical Center             G
    Meditec, Inc.                      •   Kuldev Singh                          •    Gerrit Naus
•   Anthony Adamis                         Professor of Ophthalmology,                CEO, Preceyes B.V.
    Formerly Vice President                Stanford University School of
    & Global Head of                       Medicine                              •    Gil Carrasquinho
    Ophthalmology, Genentech                                                          Head of Cell Therapy, Santen
                                                                                      Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd
•   Arthur Ciociola
    Vice President Global
    Head Regulatory Affairs            M
    Ophthamology, Novatis
    Pharma AG
                                       •   Magali Taiel                          H
                                           CMO, GenSight Biologics S.A.
                                                                                 •    Helge Sudkamp
                                       •   Melissa Liew                               CEO, Visotec GmbH
                                           VP & Global Head of
B                                          Translational Medicine-
                                           Ophthalmology, Novartis
•   Bart Leroy
    Professor of Ophthalmology,
                                           Intitutes for Biomedical
    Ghent University Hospital                                                    •    Kerrie Brady
                                                                                      CEO, OcuTerra Therapeutics
•   Begoña Carreño
                                                                                 •    Kester Nahen
    Global Head BDL
    Ophthalmology, Novartis            O                                              CEO, Notal Vision Ltd
    Pharma AG                          •   Olivier Danos
                                           Senior Vice President, Chief
                                           Scientific Officer, REGENXBIO
C                                                                                •    Magali Taiel
                                                                                      CMO, GenSight Biologics S.A.
•   Chris Brittain
    Global Head of Ophthalmology       P                                         •    Michael O'Rourke
    Product Development,               •   Paul Hallen                                CEO, Re-Vana Therapeutics
    Genentech                              VP, Global Head Retina, Alcon
                                                                                 •    Mike Besserman
•   Cynthia Grosskreutz                •   Paulo Stanga                               VP, Worldwide Marketing,
    VP & Global Head of                    Professor of Ophthalmology,                Samsara Vision
    Ophthalmology, Novartis                London Vision Clinic - Retina
    Intitutes for Biomedical                                                     •    Mina Sooch
                                       •   Pravin Dugel                               CEO, Ocuphire Pharma
                                           President, Iveric Bio

D                                                                                N
                                       R                                         •    Nancy Lurker
•   Daniela Ferrara
                                       •   Ram Palanki                                President & CEO, EyePoint
    Senior Medical Director,
                                           Senior Vice President,                     Pharmaceuticals
•   David Crabb
                                       •   Ramin Tadayoni
    Professor of Visual Science,
                                           Head of Ophthalmology
    City University of London
                                           Department, Hôpitaux De Paris         O
•   Dominik Fischer
                                                                                 •    Olivier Menage
    Professor of Ophthalmology,
    University of Tuebingen
                                       •   Sally Tucker
E                                          Executive Director, Ora, Inc.         P
                                       •   Sobha Sivaprasad                      •    Pravin Dugel
•   Einar Stefánsson
                                           Consultant Ophthalmologist,                President, IVERIC bio
    Professor, University of Iceland
                                           Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS
•   Eugene De Juan                         Foundation Trust
    Managing Partner, ForSight
                                       •   Sophie Bakri
                                           Professor, Mayo Clinic
                                       •   Stano Rizzo                           •    Thomas Ciulla
                                           Professor of Ophthalmology,                CMO, Clearside Biomedical, Inc.
F                                          University of Florence

•   Francesco Bandello                 •   Steve Charles
    Professor, University                  CEO & Founder, Charles Retina
                                                                                 •    Stephen Pakola
•   Fred Guerard
                                                                                      Senior Vice President and
    CEO, Graybug Vision
                                                                                      CMO, REGENXBIO
                                       •   Thomas Ciulla
G                                          CMO, Clearside Biomedical,
•   Geert-Jan Mulder
                                                                                 •    Yu Yu
    Managing Partner,
                                                                                      CEO, Pleryon Therapeutics
    Forbion Capital Partners
•   Gil Carrasquinho                   U
    Head of Cell Therapy, Santen
                                       •   Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth
    Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd
                                           Professor & Chair, Medical
•   Gregg Draudt                           University of Vienna
    Director of Design, Cambridge                                               ALL OF THE SPEAKERS FOR
                                       •   Usha Chakravarthy
    Consultants                                                                 OUR EURO RETINA FORUM
                                           Professor, The Queen's
                                           Univeristy of Belfast                CAN BE FOUND ON OUR
H                                                                               OPHTHALMOLOGY-
•   Helge Sudkamp
    CEO, Visotec GmbH

•   Jason Ehrlich
    CMO/CFO, Kodiak Sciences, Inc.
•   Jay Duker
    Chief Strategic Scientific
    Officer, EyePoint
•   Jaya Chidambaram
    Medical Director, Roche-
•   Jill Hopkins
    Global Head Ophthalmology
    Development, Novartis
    Pharma AG

                                                                            EURO RETINA VIRTUAL FORUM 2021            6
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                                              EURO RETINA VIRTUAL FORUM 2021   7
Euro Retina Programme Virtual 2021 - RETINA FORUM VIRTUAL Weds. 08 September - OPHTHALMOLOGY FUTURES ...
Euro Retina Programme Virtual 2021 - RETINA FORUM VIRTUAL Weds. 08 September - OPHTHALMOLOGY FUTURES ...

  Alcon is the global leader in eye care, dedicated to helping people see brilliantly. With
  our 70-plus-year heritage, we are the largest eye care device company in the world – with
  complementary businesses in Surgical and Vision Care. Being a truly global company, we
  work in over 70 countries and serve patients in more than 140 countries. We have a long
  history of industry firsts, and each year we commit a substantial amount in Research and
  Development to meet customer needs and patient demands.
  For more information, please visit

As a global specialized company dedicated exclusively to ophthalmology, Santen brings
130-year history of scientific knowledge and organizational capabilities to research,
development, and commercialization of pharmaceutical, surgical, and OTC eye care
products. Headquartered in Osaka, Japan, Santen is the market leader in Japan for
prescription ophthalmic pharmaceuticals. With more than 4,000 employees worldwide,
Santen continues to grow its global presence across Asia, Europe, and North America,
providing innovative solutions in retina, glaucoma, uveitis, dry eye, ocular allergy and
infection to patients around the world.
For more information, please visit

                                                              EURO RETINA VIRTUAL FORUM 2021   9

   STAAR, which has been dedicated solely to ophthalmic surgery for over 30 years, designs,
   develops, manufactures and markets implantable lenses for the eye with companion
   delivery systems. These lenses are intended to provide visual freedom for patients,
   lessening or eliminating the reliance on glasses or contact lenses. All of these lenses are
   foldable, which permits the surgeon to insert them through a small incision. STAAR’s lens
   used in refractive surgery is called an Implantable Collamer® Lens or “ICL”, which includes
   the EVO Visian ICL™ product line. More than 1,000,000 Visian® ICLs have been implanted
   to date and STAAR markets these lenses in over 75 countries. To learn more about the ICL
   go to: Headquartered in Lake Forest, CA, the company operates
   manufacturing and packaging facilities in Aliso Viejo, CA, Monrovia, CA and Nidau,
   For more information, please visit the Company’s website at

Helping Doctors Improve
Their Patients‘ Quality of Life.
ZEISS Medical Technology Business Group

                                                                        Improving Quality of Life

                                                                        ZEISS Medical Technology is proud
                                                                        to support the Ophthalmology
                                                                        Futures Retina Forum


  Essilor International is the world’s leading ophthalmic optics company. Essilor designs,
  manufactures and markets a wide range of lenses to improve and protect eyesight. Its mission
  is to improve lives by improving sight. To support this mission, Essilor allocates more than €200
  million to research and innovation every year, in a commitment to continuously bring new, more
  effective products to market. Its flagship brands are Varilux®, Crizal®, Transitions®, Eyezen™,
  Xperio®, Foster Grant®, and Bolon™. It also develops and markets equipment, instruments and
  services for eyecare professionals.
  At Essilor we believe that people deserve the right vision solutions to unleash the full potential
  of their life, every day, all life long. That belief is anchored in the Group's mission. Essilor
  International is a subsidiary of EssilorLuxottica.
  Please visit:

REGENXBIO Inc. is a leading clinical-
stage biotechnology company seeking
to improve lives through the curative
potential of gene therapy. Our gene
therapy product candidates are designed to
deliver functional genes to address genetic
defects in cells, enabling the production
of therapeutic proteins or antibodies that
are intended to impact disease. Through a
single administration, gene therapy could
potentially alter the course of disease                 The Medical Technology segment of ZEISS
significantly and deliver improved patient              offers complete solutions to diagnose and
outcomes with long-lasting effects. We                  treat ophthalmic diseases. With a special
have developed a broad pipeline of                      focus on ophthalmology and ophthalmic
gene therapy programs using our NAV®                    surgery, the company supports healthcare
Technology Platform to address genetic                  professionals in setting new standards of
diseases through two modalities: AAV-                   care with proven medical technology and
mediated antibody delivery and monogenic                broad application competence based on
gene replacement. We believe this platform              cutting-edge innovations.
forms a strong foundation for our current
                                                        For more information, please visit
programs and with our ongoing research
and development, we expect to continue to
expand the platform.
Please visit

  Novartis is reimagining medicine to improve and extend people’s lives. As a leading global
  medicines company, we use innovative science and digital technologies to create transformative
  treatments in areas of great medical need. In our quest to find new medicines, we consistently
  rank among the world’s top companies investing in research and development. Novartis products
  reach nearly 800 million people globally and we are finding innovative ways to expand access
  to our latest treatments. About 109,000 people of more than 140 nationalities work at Novartis
  around the world.
  Please visit:

                                                                    EURO RETINA VIRTUAL FORUM 2021     11

   GenSight Biologics is a clinical-stage biopharma company focused on developing and
   commercializing innovative gene therapies for retinal neurodegenerative diseases and central
   nervous system disorders. GenSight Biologics’ pipeline leverages two core technology platforms,
   the Mitochondrial Targeting Sequence (MTS) and optogenetics, to help preserve or restore vision in
   patients suffering from blinding retinal diseases.
   Developed as a treatment for Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON), GenSight Biologics’ lead
   product candidate, LUMEVOQ® (GS010; lenadogene nolparvovec), is currently in the review phase
   of its registration process in Europe, and in Phase III to move forward to a BLA filing in the U.S.
   Our second lead product candidate, GS030, combines gene therapy with optogenetics and is
   currently in Phase I/II PIONEER to treat Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP).
   For more information, please visit

                                                            LENSAR®, Inc., the leader in next-generation
                                                            femtosecond cataract laser technology,
                                                            continues to focus on astigmatism with
                                                            Streamline® IV. This includes enhancements
Iveric Bio is a science-driven biopharmaceutical            unique to LENSAR that are dedicated to help
company focused on the discovery and                        surgeons confidently manage astigmatism and
development of novel treatment options for                  optimize patient outcomes, for both toric IOLs
retinal diseases with significant unmet medical             and arcuate incisions.
needs. The Company is currently developing
                                                            Enhancements include IntelliAxis Refractive
both therapeutic product candidates for
                                                            Capsulorhexis®, which incorporates lenticular
age-related retinal diseases and gene therapy
                                                            markings to guide precise and confident
product candidates for orphan inherited
                                                            toric IOL alignment, and wireless transfer
retinal diseases.
                                                            of preoperative data from multiple devices,
For more information on the Company,                        for seamless treatment planning. Iris
please visit                              registration further contributes to accuracy
                                                            by automatically accounting for cyclotorsion.
                                                            The LENSAR Laser is revolutionizing the
                                                            surgeon’s ability to deliver great outcomes for
                                                            astigmatic patients.
                                                            Please visit

   Ora is the world's leading full-service ophthalmic research organization with offices in the United
   States, United Kingdom, Australia, and Asia. For over 40 years, we have helped our clients earn 48
   product approvals. We support a wide array of organizations, from start-ups to global pharmaceutical
   and device companies, to efficiently bring their new products from concept to market. Ora's unique
   models, methodologies, and global regulatory strategies have been refined and proven across
   thousands of global projects. We bring together the world's most extensive and experienced team of
   ophthalmic experts to maximize the value of new product initiatives.
   For more information, please visit

                                                            Apellis is a global biopharmaceutical
                                                            company leveraging courageous science,
                                                            creativity, and compassion to deliver
AcuFocus, Inc., is a privately held ophthalmic              life-changing medicines.
medical device company that delivers                        At Apellis, we are committed to developing
breakthrough small aperture intraocular                     transformative therapies for people
products to address diverse unmet needs                     living with Geographic Atrophy (GA) by
and help patients achieve their best personal               regulating complement, a part of the body’s
vision. The IC-8 IOL is a first-of-its-kind                 immune system.
presbyopia-correcting lens that delivers                    Our work is rooted centrally at C3, which is
true extended depth of focus and enhanced                   the only target in the complement cascade
adaptability through its distinctive, wavefront-            that addresses all three pathways that can
filtering, small aperture design. The IC-8 IOL              drive disease. Targeting C3 has broad platform
received CE mark in 2015 and is available in                potential to treat many diseases such as
select markets across Europe and Asia.                      GA, where there are currently no treatment
Visit for more                             options available.
information.                                                Please visit:

   EyePoint Pharmaceuticals is a pharmaceutical company committed to developing and
   commercializing innovative therapeutics to help improve the lives of patients with serious eye
   disorders. The Company’s pipeline leverages its proprietary Durasert® technology for extended
   intraocular drug delivery including EYP-1901, a potential twice-yearly sustained delivery intravitreal
   anti-VEGF treatment initially targeting wet AMD, the leading cause of vision loss among people
   50 years of age and older in the United States. EyePoint’s product candidate pipeline also includes
   YUTIQ® 50, a potential twice-yearly treatment for non-infectious uveitis affecting the posterior
   segment of the eye, and separately, two commercial products, YUTIQ and DEXYCU.
   Please visit:

   Sight Sciences is a growth-stage medical device company dedicated to the development
   of intelligently designed and engineered products that address the underlying physiology
   of ophthalmic diseases. The company's portfolio consists of the OMNI® Surgical System which
   is a novel, implant-free device that can be used in combination with cataract surgery or as
   a standalone procedure, as well as the non-surgical TearCare® System which is a device that
   applies heat to the eyelids to remove blockage, the hallmark of MGD.
   Please visit:

                                                                         EURO RETINA VIRTUAL FORUM 2021       12

LensGen®, a clinical stage ophthalmic medical device company headquartered in Irvine, California
has developed a disruptive fluid-optic intraocular lens (IOL) for treating cataracts and presbyopia.
With its innovative Juvene® IOL the company aims to bring to market this revolutionary device
designed to restore full range of vision with quality optics and improved safety due to the modular,
capsule filling design. The company is currently progressing through the IDE approval process and
is planning a large Series B Financing in early 2021 that will fund the company through approval of
the Juvene IOL pivotal FDA study.
For more information about the financing please contact Ramgopal Rao, CEO at
and visit

Graybug is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical                   iSTAR Medical pioneers
company focused on developing transformative                    minimally invasive, ophthalmic
medicines for the treatment of diseases of                      implants for powerful, safe and
the retina and optic nerve. The company’s                       enduring treatment of patients
proprietary ocular delivery technologies are                    with glaucoma. MINIject is
designed to maintain effective drug levels in                   a supraciliary MIGS device made
ocular tissue for six months and potentially                    from STAR® material, which is
longer, improving disease management, reducing                  soft and flexible, medical-grade
healthcare burdens and ultimately delivering                    silicone with a micro-porous,
better clinical outcomes. Graybug’s lead product                multi-channel geometry enabling
candidate, GB-102, a microparticle depot                        bio-integration of surrounding
formulation of the pan-vascular endothelial                     tissues. Clinical trials show that
growth factor (VEGF) inhibitor, sunitinib malate,               IOP is reduced by >40% to a mean
targeting a six-month or longer dosing regimen,                 of 13.8mmHg at two years post-
inhibits multiple neovascular pathways for                      surgery.
the intravitreal treatment of retinal diseases,
                                                                The US Food and Drug
including wet age-related macular degeneration.
                                                                Administration (FDA) has
Graybug is also using its proprietary technologies
                                                                approved the start of a pivotal
to develop GB-401, an injectable depot
                                                                trial for MINIject.
formulation of a beta-adrenergic blocker
prodrug, for primary open-angle glaucoma, with                  Please visit:
a dosing regimen of once every six months or
longer, and GB-103, a longer-acting version of
GB-102, designed to maintain therapeutic drug
levels in the retinal tissue for 12 months with
a single injection. Founded in 2011 on the basis
of technology licensed from the Johns Hopkins
University School of Medicine, Graybug is
headquartered in Redwood City, California.
For more information, please visit or contact us at

A new name in the ophthalmic industry, Medevise Consulting brings together an experienced
team to provide regulatory, clinical, market assessment and medical communication services for
companies looking to succeed in Europe.
With unparalleled insight, resources and a network built up over decades of experience, we
work with clients to build long-term relationships that ensure your European business thrives.
As a team of specialists, we stand for ophthalmology innovation in Europe.
Please visit:

                                                                    EURO RETINA VIRTUAL FORUM 2021     13
                          EUROPEAN VIRTUAL FORUMS
                          European Forum Virtual 2021
                          Thurs. 07 October
                            (Forums begin @ 12:30 Central European Summer Time)


                                                   SEEKING TO IMPROVE LIVES
                                                      THROUGH THE CURATIVE
                                                  POTENTIAL OF GENE THERAPY

                                            OUR COMMITMENT
                                            REGENXBIO is committed to developing gene therapies that improve
                                            treatment options for people with serious diseases. The personal stories of
                                            patients and families help guide our work. We earn their trust through our
                                            actions and our words.                               › For the latest updates on our programs, visit
©2021 REGENXBIO Inc. All rights reserved.
Ike Ahmed | Division Head, Ophthalmology,          Sir Peng Khaw | Professor of Glaucoma &              of Ophthalmology, Quinze- Vingts National
Trilium Health Partners, Toronto, Canada.          Ocular Healing, Director National Institute for      Ophthalmology Hospital & Rothschild
Assistant Professor, University of Toronto,        Health Research Biomedical Research Centre,          Ophthalmology Foundation, Paris. Director,
Canada. Clinical Assistant Professor, University   Moorfields Eye Hospital & UCL Institute of           Institut de la Vision (Sorbonne Université,
of Utah, USA.                                      Ophthalmology, London, UK.                           Inserm, CNRS, Paris).
Jorge Alio | Professor &Chairman of                Shigeru Kinoshita | Professor & Chair,               Chelvin Sng | Associate Professor,
Ophthalmology, Miguel Hernandez University,        Department of Ophthalmology, Kyoto                   Department of Ophthalmology, National
Alicante, President, Vissum Corporation,           Prefectural University of Medicine, Japan.           University Hospital, Singapore.
                                                   Richard Lindstrom | Founder & Attending              Julian D. Stevens | Consultant Ophthalmic
Gerd Auffarth | Professor & Chairman,              Surgeon: Minnesota Eye Consultants,                  Surgeon, Moorfields Eye Hospital, London,
Dept. of Ophthalmology, University                 Minneapolis, USA. Adjunct Professor Emeritus:        UK.
of Heidelberg.Director, David J. Apple             University of Minnesota, USA.
                                                                                                        Donald Tan Tiang Hwee | Arthur Lim
International Laboratory for Ocular Pathology,
                                                   Boris Malyugin | Chief of Department of              Professor, SNEC & Duke-NUS Medical School,
International Vision Correction Research
                                                   Cataract & Implant Surgery, Deputy Director          Singapore. Partner & Senior Consultant
Centre, Heidelberg, Germany.
                                                   General, S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery                Ophthalmic Surgeon, Eye & Retina Surgeons
Francesco Bandello | Full Professor &              Complex State Institution, Moscow, Russia.           (ERS), Camden Medical Centre, Singapore.
Chairman Department of Ophthalmology,
                                                   Prof David Spalton | Past-president,                 Marie-Jose Tassignon | Past Chief & Chair
University Vita-Salute, Ospedale San Raffaele
                                                   European Society of Cataract & Refractive            Department of Ophthalmology Antwerp
of Milan, Italy.
                                                   Surgeons London, UK.                                 University & University Hospital Antwerp,
David Chang | Altos Eye Physicians &                                                                    Belgium.
                                                   Prof Dr Ingeborg Stalmans | Head of
Clinical Professor, University of California,
                                                   the Glaucoma Clinic, University Hospitals            Adnan Tufail | Consultant Ophthalmologist,
San Francisco, USA.
                                                   UZ Leuven, Belgium. Head, Ophthalmology              Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, UK.
Steve Charles | Founder & CEO, Charles             Research Group, University KU Leuven,                Professor, UCL Institute of Ophthalmology,
Retina Institute Clinical Professor of             Belgium.                                             London, UK.
Ophthalmology, University of Tennessee, USA.
                                                   Paulo Eduardo Stanga | London Vision                 Tien Yin Wong | Vice Dean, Academic &
Paul Chew | Professor of Ophthalmology,            Clinic Retina Lead Consultant Ophthalmologist        Clinical Development, Duke-NUS Medical
National University of Singapore, Singapore.       & Vitreoretinal Surgeon. Professor of                School, Singapore. Provost’s Chair Professor,
                                                   Ophthalmology & Retinal Regeneration,                National University of Singapore. Deputy
Beatrice Cochener | Professor, Chairman,
                                                   University of Manchester, UK.                        Group CEO (Research & Education),
Ophthalmology Department, University
                                                                                                        SingHealth, Singapore. Medical Director &
Hospital, Brest, France. Past-president,           Paul Rosen | Consultant Ophthalmic
                                                                                                        Senior Consultant Ophthalmologist, Singapore
European Society of Cataract & Refractive          Surgeon, Oxford Eye Hospital, Oxford, UK.
                                                                                                        National Eye Centre. Chair, Ophthalmology &
                                                   José-Alain Sahel | Endowed Professor &               Visual Sciences Academic Clinical Programme.
Jost Jonas | Professor of Ophthalmology,           Chairman, Department of Ophthalmology,               Chairman, Board of Directors, Singapore Eye
Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of            University of Pittsburgh Medical Center,             Research Institute, Singapore.
Heidelberg, Germany.                               Pittsburgh, USA. Professor of Ophthalmology,
                                                   Sorbonne Université. Chairman Departments

ADVISORS                                                                                                COMMITTEE
Laurent Attias | Senior VP, Head of                Malvina Eydelman | Director, Division of             Keith Barton | Consultant Ophthalmologist,
Strategy, BD&L & Market Access, Alcon, USA.        Ophthalmic & Ear, Nose & Throat Devices              Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, UK,
                                                   ODE/CDRH/FDA, USA.                                   Professor of Ophthalmology, UCL, UK.
Eugene de Juan | Jean Kelly Stock
Distinguished Chair, Ophthalmology, ForSight       Akira Kurokawa | Chairman. Santen                    Don Budenz | Professor & Chairman,
Labs & University of California, Menlo Park,       Pharmaceutical Co.                                   Department of Ophthalmology, University of
California.                                                                                             North Carolina, USA.
                                                   James Mazzo | JGlobal President
Tom Dunlap | Founder, Dunlap                       Ophthalmic Devices, Carl Zeiss Meditec, USA.         Lea Pietrolongo | Operational Director,
Ophthalmology Consulting, Board of                                                                      Ophthalmology Futures Forums, UK.
                                                   Naveed Siddiqi | Novo Ventures.
Directors, Advisory Boards.
                                                                                                        Kuldev Singh | Professor of Ophthalmology
                                                                                                        & Director, Glaucoma Service, Stanford
                                                                                                        University Medical Center, Palo Alto, USA.
                                                                                                        Chelvin Sng | Associate Professor,
                                                                                                        Department of Ophthalmology, National
                                                                                                        University Hospital, Singapore.
                                                                                                        Sanny Yuzhen Jiang | Honorary
                                                                                                        Clinical Fellow. Moorfields Eye Hospital.
                                                                                                        Senior Research Associate, University College
                                                                                                        London Institute of Ophthalmology, UK.

                                                                                                     EURO RETINA VIRTUAL FORUM 2021                   15
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