EU energy transition: concerns emerging from ongoing research activities (MAGIC project) - Europa EU

Page created by Charlotte Taylor
EU energy transition: concerns emerging from ongoing research activities (MAGIC project) - Europa EU
EU energy transition: concerns emerging from
ongoing research activities (MAGIC project)
       Mario GIAMPIETRO

              Workshop: Extreme Events and Energy Transitions
              Tackling the Challenges of Climate Change by
              Integrating Social and Complex Systems Science
              September 26th, 2019 - JRC Makers Space, ISPRA
EU energy transition: concerns emerging from ongoing research activities (MAGIC project) - Europa EU
1. How did we miss the most extreme event experienced so far by humankind?

2. The problems with intermittent sources of electricity

3. The problems with biofuels

4. Do our governments understand what they want to govern?
EU energy transition: concerns emerging from ongoing research activities (MAGIC project) - Europa EU
The existing situation
EU energy transition: concerns emerging from ongoing research activities (MAGIC project) - Europa EU
The reasonable scenarios . . .
EU energy transition: concerns emerging from ongoing research activities (MAGIC project) - Europa EU
> 3% per year forever

                            EXPECTED DIRECTION OF
                            ECONOMIC GROWTH

The narrative about the future used by mainstream economists
EU energy transition: concerns emerging from ongoing research activities (MAGIC project) - Europa EU

Anyone who believes that exponential growth can
go forever in a finite world is either a madman or
an economist
                             Kennet Boulding
EU energy transition: concerns emerging from ongoing research activities (MAGIC project) - Europa EU
The elephant in the room – the ultimate extreme event in human history . . .
EU energy transition: concerns emerging from ongoing research activities (MAGIC project) - Europa EU

Thousands years!

                                 Fossil energy
EU energy transition: concerns emerging from ongoing research activities (MAGIC project) - Europa EU
Quantitative Story-Telling in action: renewable sources of electricity

EU energy transition: concerns emerging from ongoing research activities (MAGIC project) - Europa EU
The Budget Committee of
the German Parliament
The problem is not about generating a given quantity of electricity over
a year, but it is about matching “demand and supply” defined at a smaller
scale  minutes, hours, days, months . . .
Peakers     e.g. gas turbines or hydro – high flexibility in supply


              Base load   e.g. nuclear or coal fired plants – high utilization factors

                                                                          Time scale
Acknowledging the existence of two types of power capacity used so far to
produce electricity – loaders and peakers – with different characteristics

EU28             Power               Electricity      Capacity
                 capacity            Produced         Factor
Power Plant type MW                  GWh              GWh/MW
Nuclear                   108,700         947,000          8.7
Brown Coal                 30,800         240,000          7.8      Base
Coal                       60,600         280,300          6.4

Natural Gas               134,500         499,600          3.7
Fuels                      29,550          98,200          3.3
Hydro                      63,900         240,600          3.8

 Data source: Enipedia - 2015
Case A - Intermittents with no priority in the supply to the grid

 and Supply
              Electricity produced                                         Intermittents
              but not used . . .

                  Base load          nuclear or coal fired plants – high utilization factors

                                                                                 Time scale
Case B - Intermittents with priority in the supply to the grid

 and Supply
                                                                          A back-up is required
                                                                          to avoid blackouts

                                  Back-up of
                                 conventional                            Back-up of
                                    plants                              conventional

        All electricity                                             Time scale
        produced is used . . .        Intermittents
Renner A. and Giampietro M. (in press) Discourses of European electricity decarbonization: Contesting narrative
credibility and legitimacy with quantitative story-telling - Energy Research & Social Science
The same information was available in a Table of a book of 1979 . . .

Strauss, L. & Reeh, P. 1979 Electrical Load-curve Coverage, in R. Maxwell (Ed.)
Electrical Load-Curve Cover., Pergamon Press, Oxford, England, UK: pp. 193–202.
The need of taming the intermittent sources . . .

Requirement         Intermittents                Peakers
 and supply

                                                                  Time scale
Functional elements of modern electric sectors
cannot be cheap and unreliable (intermittent)
we have to back-up intermittents!

              +             +
Vaclav Smil

Tokyo at 25 GW for just one day
under typhoon will require 600 GWh

   By 2021 the largest announced storage system (more than 18,000 Li-ion
   batteries) will be in Long Beach for Southern California Edison: it will be capable
   of running at 100 MW for 4 hours. But 400MWh is still three orders of
   magnitude lower than what a large Asian city would need in just one day if it
   were deprived of its intermittent supply  600 GWh/400 MWh = 1,500
The world's largest battery storage substation

 100MW/129MWh, the Hornsdale Power Reserve (TESLA)
165 GWh
                      24,000 GWh?                                   2 million cars
                                          In EU we have about
                                          290 million cars
                                                                                     105 GWh


                                                                                      20 GWh

     Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance, Avicenne
Quantitative Story-Telling in action: the biofuel solution

                             Marie Antoinette
1 kg of UCO p.c./year  0.75 kg of gross biodiesel p.c./year  0.6 kg of net biodiesel p.c./year

= 7 kg of biodiesel from UCO p.c./year. This require more than 12 kg of UCO collected p.c./year
Corn Stove               when looking for alternative fuels,
                             does everything go?

What about refined biodiesel from human fat after liposuction?

                                                         after all this
                                                         is a win-win
                                                         solution . . .
“There’s an interesting business model: link a biodiesel plant with the cosmetic
  surgeons,” says Mr. Bethune. “In Auckland we produce about 330 pounds of fat
  per week from liposuction, which would make about 40 gallons of fuel.
  If it is going to be chucked out, why not?”
            Peter Buthune is the founder of Earthrace, a project to promote the use of
            biofuel trying to break the round-the-world powerboat speed record
            in a boat powered by biodiesel fuel partly manufactured from human fat.

                  “A large liposuction operation involves
Peter Bethune     removing 10 pounds of fat, which would
                  drive a car about 50 miles once converted”

                   The lean Mr. Bethune had about three ounces of fat extracted from
                   his body in a liposuction procedure, and he is seeking volunteers
                   to donate more.

costs for the
     land water labor capital    GROSS

                                                 energy used by the
                                                 economy to produce
                                                 and consume goods
                                                 and services

         internal consumption
          of the energy system        First Generation Biofuels
         costs for the economy
nutrients                                    nutrients

 W/m2                                         W/m2
                                       Useful Energy
        nutrients                      FUND


        nutrients                 nutrients            nutrients

W/m2          W/m2                       W/m2
FARMS                                         ENVIRONMENTAL
                                                     Useful Energy
                                                     FLOW (fossil energy)


W/m2                                   W/m2
                            leakage                             leakage
Energy supply                                                  Energy requirement
                       105                                                          105

                       104                                                          104
power density (W/m2)                                            oil fields

                       103                       coal fields                        103

                       102                                                          102

                       101                                                          101                 houses                    cities

                       100                                                          100

                       10-1                 Biofuel                                 10-1
                              10-2   100   102     104         106     108   1010          10-2   100      102     104      106   108      1010
                                            area (m2)                                                            area (m2)
                                                                power density gaps

                                                     after Vaclav Smil 2003 Energy at the Crossroads, The MIT press
                                                                                          (Fig. 5.2 and Fig. 5.3)
modern technical progress =
using oil to save land and labor

biofuel idea =
using land and labor to save oil!
Too much stress
fossil energy implies the
                            on the sink side!
same problem generated
by disposable diapers !
different forms of recyclable diapers have been used since the dawn of humankind . . .

                “When moss was used for diapers the baby seldom became chafed,
                 and when it was unwrapped you could smell only sweet moss”
                      Statement gathered by the ethnologist Imez Hilger
A Tikanagan used      in the 1930s from an elder Native American          British Museum
by native Americans

So why did humans stop to use recyclable diapers in the first place?
The delusion of domestic biogas plants in China . . .

 “The vast majority of the 6 million domestic biogas
 plants in rural China have been abandoned as soon
 as fossil energy has become accessible . . .”

                                       Vaclav Smil

  So, what is wrong with domestic biogas plants?
ask the operator!

1                       2

3                       4

5                       6
WHAT IS GOING ON?                     The neglected knowledge
                                           of energetics . . .

                                        my old book
         Energetics is no longer a      of energetics
         basic course in University
         programs . . .
Do our governments understand the functioning
of the systems they want to govern?
1971                                                                                                       2019
                                                        800 years
The economy
is an entropic              240 BC                                            550 AD                        The economy
                                                                                                           can be circular

                 Eratosthenes                                            Cosmas Indicopleustes
                 Calculation of Earth’s circumference                    Topographia Cristiana

            He calculated the circumference of the              A flat Earth supporting the heavens with
            Earth from the distance from Alexandria             high walls on its borders
            and Syene
“socially constructed ignorance”

“To make sense of the complexity of the world so that they can act,
individuals and institutions need to develop simplified, self-
consistent versions of that world. The process of doing so means
that much of what is known about the world needs to be excluded
from those versions, and in particular that knowledge which is in
tension or outright contradiction with those versions must be
expunged . . .”
dysfunctional cases of uncomfortable knowledge
have to be ignored in the official story-telling
     Rayner, S., 2012. “Uncomfortable knowledge:
     the social construction of ignorance in science
     and environmental policy discourses”
     Economy and Society, 41(1): 107-125.
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