Page created by Kristen Bowers
P R O M O T I N G      H E A LT H Y        L I F E S T Y L E S        VOLUME 88, NO. 1

                                               ETBU KINESIOLOGY
                                               STUDENTS HOST FIELD DAY
                                               FOR COMMUNITY CHILDREN

                       S P R I N G     I S S U E   2 0 2 0
         18 | MEMBERS IN THE NEWS      |
                                     22 2019 ANNUAL CONVENTION PICTURES
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                                                                                       S P R ING IS S U E 2 0 2 0

                                                                                     BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                                                                                    Odies Wright | Abilene Christian University
                                                                 PHYSICAL                         H.C. Grimet | Katy ISD
           DANCE             HEALTH         RECREATION          EDUCATION                           Past President
                                                                                           Janice Longino | Rockwall ISD

                                                                                                      Vice Presidents
                                                                                         AREA:  Robert Vogler | Houston ISD
                                                                                           COLLEGE: Graeme Cox | Lee College
10 The Evolution of the Sports Analytics Program at Rice University;
                                                                                  DANCE: Alexandra Pooley | Texas A&M University
   WAR – What is it Good For?                                                      GENERAL: Rhonda Rutherford-Odom | Dallas ISD
   James G. Disch, Director of the Sports Analytics Concentration                           HEALTH: Michelle Beer | Katy ISD
                                                                                PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Teri Carter | Texas State University
   Department of Sport Management, Rice University                              RECREATION: Mary Lou Trinidad | UT Rio Grande Valley

14 Catch My Breath                                                                                 Vice Presidents-elect
   Article Contributed by CATCH Global Foundation                                       AREA:  Timothy Miller | Pasadena ISD
                                                                                   COLLEGE: John Smith | Texas A&M San Antonio
16 ETBU Kinesiology Students Host Field Day for Community Children                         DANCE: Hilary Rinella | Dallas ISD
                                                                                  GENERAL: Barbara Polansky (Interim) | Brock ISD
   Article Contributed by Dr. Will Walker                                              HEALTH: Becky Simmons | Beaumont ISD
                                                                                PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Ana Cisneros | University of Texas

COLUMNS                                                                                                 at El Paso
                                                                                       RECREATION: Ernest Celaya | Northease ISD
6   President’s Message: Odies Wright                                                              Past Vice Presidents
                                                                                        AREA:  Shawn Dixon | East Central ISD
8   The State of TAHPERD: Rose Haggerty                                              COLLEGE: Patty Donaldson | Angelina College
                                                                                    DANCE: Kaysie Brown | Texas State University

ASSOCIATION NEWS                                                                 GENERAL: Sandy Kimbrough | Texas A&M University
9   In Memory: Frank Calsbeek, Patricia Onley, Tedde Ridley                             HEALTH: Thomasina Gatson | Aldine ISD
                                                                                PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Amber Sladecek | Georgetown ISD
18 Members in the News: Delia Thibodeaux, Mario Reyna                                 RECREATION: Chris Peurifoy | Spring Hill ISD

                                                                                                       Student Chair

CONTRIBUTE                                                                                                 TBD
                                                                                              Student Chair-Elect
37 Guidelines for Authors                                                         Samantha Moss | University of Texas-Arlington
SPECIAL FEATURES                                                                    Lynn Luttrell | Abilene Christian University

18 2019 TAHPERD Teachers of the Year                                                                 Executive Director
                                                                                                Rose Haggerty | TAHPERD
20 TAHPERD Fundraising
22 2019 Annual Convention Pictures                                                                       Editor
                                                                                                     Rose Haggerty
26 Leadership Conference Pictures                                                                   Managing Designer
                                                                                                     Tambra Garcia
27 Staff Retreat Pictures
                                                                                                    Editorial Board
28 2020 TAHPERD Officers                                                             Rick Grimes | Editorial Board Coordinator
                                                                                           James Disch | Rice University
31 Thank You to 2017-2019 Officers                                                   Xiangli Gu | University of Texas Arlington
                                                                                    Sharon Carano | Texas Wesleyan University
32 2020 Committees                                                                  Stacia Miller | Midwestern State University
                                                                                        Lorraine Killion | TAMU Kingsville
34 Thank You to 2017-2019 Committee Members
                                                                                                      State Staff
35 Research Poster Scholarship Recipients                                            Lynda Alvarado | Membership Manager
                                                                                  Lisa Fall | Director of Conventions & Meetings
36 2019 Annual Convention Partners & Sponsors                                  Tambra Garcia | Technology Communications Manager
                                                                                        Rose Haggerty | Executive Director
37 2019 Annual Convention Exhibitors                                                     Becky Wyatt | Exhibits Manager
                                                                                                  TAHPERD Office
                                                                                     7910 Cameron Road | Austin, Texas 78754
                                                                                           512.459.1299 or 800.880.7300
                                                                                                 Fax 512.459.1290

                                                                            TAHPERD JOURNAL SPRING ISSUE 2020                              3
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                               M I S S I ON STATEMEN T
              The Texas Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation
               and Dance is committed to the development of knowledge and
                 programs that promote active, healthy lifestyles and enhance
                                  skilled, aesthetic motor performance.

                                        DATES TO REMEMBER
POLICY STATEMENT                        March 15, 2020
The TAHPERD Journal (ISSN               Annual Convention Call for Presentation Forms DEADLINE
0889-0846), a refereed and blind
peer reviewed journal, is the           May 15, 2020
official publication of the Texas       TAHPERD Early Bird Summer Conference Registration DEADLINE
Association for Health, Physical        SAVE $20
Education, Recreation, and Dance
and is published three times            June 15, 2020
annually in the fall, spring, and       TAHPERD Summer Conference Pre-Registration DEADLINE
summer. Manuscripts, photos,            SAVE $10
and news items are invited
and should be submitted in              June 19, 2020
accordance with the Author’s            Summer Conference Hotel Cut-Off DEADLINE
Guidelines found on page 37. The
author’s opinions are their own         July 12 – 14, 2020
and do not necessarily reflect the      36th Annual Summer Conference
attitude or views of TAHPERD,           Embassy Suites Hotel & Convention Center | Frisco, Texas
its officers, or the editors of the

                                                                       TAHPERD JOURNAL SPRING ISSUE 2020   5

                                  ODIES WRIGHT
                                  TAHPERD President


             elcome to a new season for TAHPERD in which each             to have a peer sit beside you and sign up also to join for the
             member will make a difference. I am looking forward          first time. We welcome first-time members who bring fresh
             to working with all of you. Thank you to our team            perspectives. You might also help a previous member join again.
             of talented Vice Presidents who are clearly fit for the      We welcome the wisdom and ideas of the experienced. Let’s
    challenges ahead.                                                     help each other build our TAHPERD connections. In accepting
        Robert Vogler                 VP Area Division                    the challenge to duplicate yourself this year, write down your
        Graeme Cox                    VP College Division                 goal and follow through. Keep pursuing until you have done
        Alexandra Pooley              VP Dance Division                   your part to double membership. All benefit from the mutual
        Rhonda Rutherford-Odom        VP General Division                 supportive mentoring we offer in TAHPERD. The professional
        Michelle Beer                 VP Health Division                  development sessions alone are worth the cost, but the collegial
        Teri Carter                   VP Physical Education Division      peer mentoring relationships are priceless. This year, “Each One
        Mary Lou Trinidad             VP Recreation Division              Bring One.”
                                                                          Doubling our membership and solidifying our operating
    Being fit for the challenge in 2020, this year TAHPERD is
                                                                          funds puts us in position to become a recognized presence in
    expanding by doubling membership and developing a sound
                                                                          our state Promoting Healthy Lifestyles. Determined to build
    financial inflow while becoming a known community presence
                                                                          communities through health, physical education, recreation,
    “Promoting Healthy Lifestyles.” We continue the TAHPERD
                                                                          and dance opportunities, we plan to distinguish the TAHPERD
    adventure as we keep forging new pathways, successfully getting
                                                                          brand. We are “Promoting Healthy Lifestyles”; we are changing
    all Texans fit for life’s challenges.
    The vision for this year is to stand arm in arm together as each
                                                                          Being a recognized presence in our local communities is a
    member individually and TAHPERD as a unified body works
                                                                          commitment each TAHPERD member lives out personally.
    toward our three goals. Each person’s focus needs to be threefold.
                                                                          Some members are writing grants; we need more members to
    We need to grow our membership to bring in the wealth of
                                                                          do so. Others are organizing events. We need each member
    skills and ideas that are present in people in our professions in
                                                                          to be involved in planning local healthy lifestyle events such
    Texas. We need an operating income to replace Jump Rope for
                                                                          as 5K walk/runs, disc golf tournaments, and dance-a-thons.
    Heart’s longstanding financial partnership. We need to change
                                                                          What difference-making event will you plan for 2020? Team up
    communities in ways that change individual lives, all the while
                                                                          with local TAHPERD-member friends to plan and implement
    sending our brand out as a recognizable agent of help and fitness
    Members, it is up to each of us. Find the person you know who
    needs TAHPERD. Let them know how much TAHPERD also
                                                                              Members, it is up to each of us. Find the
    needs them. Together, when each one brings one, we become a               person you know who needs TAHPERD.
    more diverse group with broader skill sets. The bigger we are,
    the bigger the difference we make in communities. TAHPERD is              Let them know how much TAHPERD also
    a stellar professional association on which some of our colleagues
    are missing out. As fellow fitness advocates, we can help others
                                                                              needs them. Together, when each one
    who will benefit from TAHPERD for career development. The                 brings one, we become a more diverse
    added enrollment fees would easily replace the financial gap in
    operating funds left by the exit of Jump Rope for Heart. We make          group with broader skill sets. The bigger we
    a career difference for members. Bring others to benefit all. “Each
    One Bring One.”
                                                                              are, the bigger the difference we make in
    Being fit for the challenge, walk a friend through the steps of           communities.
    joining. Remember as you renew your membership this year

a community event this year. As you promote healthy lifestyles
in your community tell us your story. Send a photo. We want to
hear about your successes.
Texas MOVES is TAHPERD’s collaborative partnership plan for
                                                                                      2019 Annual Convention

joining with educators and administrators to encourage health
through moving. We are grateful to the strong development
team led by Janice Longino who brought us the Texas MOVES                             Game Card Winners
initiative. Go to Texas MOVES on our website to start. When
a member organizes an event with Texas MOVES, we gain a                               To the Grand Prize Winner
joint win! With each event, 50% of funds raised benefit a locally
chosen organization, such as a non-profit research hospital                           of a $500 Gopher Gift Card
or a children’s library. The school, team, or group raising the
money by putting on the event benefits with 25% of the funds.
TAPHERD accepts 22% of the funds toward our mission of
                                                                                      Sergio Silva
“Promoting Healthy Lifestyles.” The remaining 3% goes to                              Washington Elementary
SHAPE America to support their like-minded efforts. All events
which members plan under the Texas MOVES label support local
non-profit organizations whose goals align with TAHPERD’s                             and the Second Prize Winner
mission of “Promoting Healthy Lifestyles.” Build your team and
start planning your local event.
                                                                                      of a 2 night Stay at the
From this viewpoint, I am seeing the tremendous talent in our                         Sheraton Arlington
membership. I see our diverse skills. I admire the passion I see
for making a difference. We are truly fit for the challenge of
moving TAPHERD forward. Being fit for the challenge, each
                                                                                      Crystal Hearn
member is leading this year, making a difference, as we double                        Regina-Howell Elementary
TAPHERD membership, develop a solid funding flow, and
become a recognized presence “Promoting Healthy Lifestyles” in
each Texas community. Let’s do this.

       Call for
                                                                                 As TAHPERD members, you have an
                                                                              opportunity to donate to the association by
                                                                             just shopping. Online shopping has become
                                                                               very popular and convenient. If you shop
    TAHPERD is a member-driven association which                               through Amazon, TAHPERD would like
    means the members establish and implement the                               to encourage our members, family and
   mission, goals, and strategies for the association and
                                                                               friends to consider making purchases on
   needs volunteers to serve as officers and committee
     members. TAHPERD needs over 500 volunteers                                AmazonSmile,
   every year to operate efficiently. If you would like to                     Simply indicate the Texas Association for
   become actively involved in TAHPERD please email                             Health Physical Education Recreation &
    your name and interest area to
                                                                             Dance as your charity of choice and Amazon
             Areas of Greatest Volunteer Need:                                  will donate a percentage based on your
            Officers & Committee Members                                     purchase amount to TAHPERD. Please share
          Manuscript Reviewers (Research Level)                             this information with your family and friends
                    Event Volunteers
                                                                               and help support TAHPERD. Thank you!
    Volunteer to Help TAHPERD Grow!

                                                                                         TAHPERD JOURNAL SPRING ISSUE 2020   7

                                   ROSE HAGGERTY
                                   Executive Director

    CONVENTION 2019                                                     “Being Fit for the Challenge” was the theme for the
                                                                        Annual Leadership Conference
    The 96th Annual TAHPERD Convention at Arlington Convention          On January 17-19, 2020, 118 TAHPERD officers, committee
    Center, in Arlington, December 4-December 7, 2019 was a great       members, and interested members met in Granbury to review
    success. There were a total of 2039 attendees, 97 exhibit booths,   the progress and status of the 2019-2021 goals for their area of
    and approximately 250 local volunteers participating in the         responsibility. This year to assist with outlining the direction of
    convention.                                                         the organization, several special presentations were scheduled
                                                                        to provide members with information to strengthen leadership
    TAHPERD’s Board of Directors and the Representative Assembly
                                                                        skills necessary to guide TAHPERD toward “Being Fit for the
    held their annual meetings during the convention. The following
    actions were taken by the Board of Directors:
      • Approved the 2020 elected officers, see the complete list on    Thank you to the following keynote speakers: Dr. Henry Ross,
         page 28.                                                       TAHPERD 2018 David K Brace Award Recipient and Dr. Jayne
      • Approved the 2020 list of committee members, see the            Greenberg, Program Director-U. S. Dept HHS. Both delivered a
         complete list is on page 32.                                   powerful presentation on leadership and change. Participants
      • Recognized individuals, who completed their term as an          received valuable leadership strategies that can transferred to
         officer and/or committee member, see the complete list on      their work environment.
         pages 31 and 34.                                               During the planning process, division and committee leaders
    The Representative Assembly voted to approve the following          worked hard to review and revise of TAHPERD goals for
    change to the TAHPERD Bylaws: (1) removes that the Jump Rope        2019-2021. These goals will be monitored over a 3 year period
    and Hoops Committee be removed from the TAHPERD bylaws              by TAHPERD Board of Directors to determine the growth and
    and organizational structure.                                       progress of the organization. Of course, the highlight of the
                                                                        conference was the passion, commitment and belief participating
    Registration Fee Structure                                          members have for the profession and for TAHPERD.
    Just to remind members that the following registration fee
    changes were approved by the Board of Directors at the April 13,    TEKS Revisions
    2019 meeting.                                                       The State Board of Education (SBOE) continuing through the
                           Summer Conference                            review and revision for the health education and physical
                          Early Bird    Pre-Registration   Late Reg     education Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS).
                                                                        TAHPERD your voices are critical to this process!! Visit the TEA
      Professional         $130             $140            $150
                                                                        website for update information and status regarding the Health
       Associate           $130             $140            $150
                                                                        and Physical Education TEKS review and revision
        Retired             $45              $45             $55         • Health Education TEKS Review:
        Student             $35              $35             $45           curriculum/teks/health/review
                                                                         • Physical Education TEKS Review: https://
                            Annual Convention                    
                          Early Bird    Pre-Registration   Late Reg

      Professional         $150             $170            $190        Fundraising Opportunity
       Associate           $150             $170            $190        This is a new venture for TAHPERD yet an exciting one. Visit
        Retired             $45              $45             $55        the TAHPERD website to view the fundraising opportunities
        Student             $35              $35             $45        and partnerships listed. Select the one that works best for your
                                                                        school and community.
                                                                        As TAHPERD moves through 2020, we are reminded that our
                                                                        members are dedicated to “promoting healthy lifestyles” and
                                                                        serving an HPE community that is “Fit for The Challenge”.

                              PATRICIA ONLEY                                                        FRANK CALSBEEK
                              1944-2019                                                             1932-2019
                              Richardson ISD                                                        Texas State University
                              Patricia Onley, age 75, of McKinney,                                  TAHPERD Past President
                              Texas passed away November 29,                                        1991-92
                              2019 at T. Boone Picken’s Hospice.                                     Franklin (Frank) Calsbeek, 87,
                              She was born November 9, 1944                                          experienced his last sunset on
                              to Howard Benton Onley and Jane                                        August 13, 2019, when his loving
                              (Lemon) Onley in Sulphur Springs,                                      Savior determined he had spent
                              Texas.                                                                 enough time trying to make a
Pat graduated from ETSU with a BS Degree in Health, Physical          difference in a messy world. Born to August and Rena (Bakker)
Education and Recreation in 1967 and earned an MS in 1979. She        Calsbeek, he lived in Rock Valley, IA with his loving parents and
also accrued 40 hrs toward a doctorate degree. She was a dedicated    family until he left for Northwestern College in nearby Orange
educator and provided 40 years of outstanding service to the          City, later transferring to Augustana College in Sioux Falls. He
Richardson Independent School District, retiring in 2006. Her first   excelled in sports in college and the army, especially basketball
8 years were spent teaching HPER where her love of both students      and baseball. He also found much joy in pheasant hunting,
and subject matter resulted in her being an outstanding teacher.      fishing and traveling. Loving sacred classical music, he enjoyed
In addition to her Texas Teaching Certificate, Pat held eight (8)     singing in high school choirs, The Valley Male Chorus, and a
additional certifications, including being a licensed chemical        variety of church choirs.
dependency counselor. When she moved into administration, she         In between his junior and senior years at college, he served two
wore many hats and served as a Director of Gateway Instruction,       years in the U.S. military during the Korean War. His college
Director of Organization and Development (of curriculum),             emphasis in science courses prompted military authorities to assign
Director of Teacher Support Services, Director of Health and          him to the missile program at Redstone Arsenal (now named
Physical Education, and Director of Curriculum and Instructional      The Marshall Space Center) in Huntsville, AL. It was here that he
Support. She was associated with a wide variety of professional       worked with many rocket scientists from Peenemunde, Germany.
organizations, from education and administration to physical
education, drug education and abuse, youth services, community        Returning home from military service, he finished his bachelor
action, and various leadership alliances to name a few.               degree at Augustana and took his first teaching job at IIliana
                                                                      Christian High School, located in Lansing, IL (on Chicago’s
In addition to evaluating both curriculum and teachers during         south side). During this time, he completed two Master degrees
this time, she also developed, implemented and evaluated              from the University of Illinois at Champaign. Shortly thereafter,
many programs. Highlights include: the development of a               he was asked to teach and coach basketball at Dordt College in
Crime Prevention and Drug Education program for the entire            Sioux Center, IA where he stayed for eleven years. Continuing
Richardson School District grades K-12, and the preparation           his studies during this time at The University of Oregon, he was
of grants which provided over $100,000 for the Community              awarded a Doctoral degree in 1969. After eleven years at Dordt,
Guidance Center. Perhaps most importantly, Pat initiated,             he accepted a new position at Texas State University in San
developed, and implemented the first district-wide Drug and           Marcos, TX, where he served as a professor and administrator for
Suicide Prevention Program in Texas which involved establishing       the rest of his tenure.
LIFT teams in each school to identify teens in trouble. She will
long be remembered for her outstanding leadership, her selfless       The University Board of Regents honored his work by naming
service, and her dedication to young people.                          him Distinguished Professor Emeritus in 2004. He was humbled
                                                                      when he was recognized as a Fellow with the American School

                              THEADORA                                Health Association. He lived the Rotarian motto of “Service over
                                                                      Self” -from consulting with the CRC World Relief Committee,
                              “TEDDE” P. RIDLEY                       to chairing the schools and colleges task force for the American
                              1946-2019                               Heart Association, to leading T.AH.P.E.R.D. through a very
                                                                      tumultuous period. After a distinguished career, Calsbeek retired
                              Texas State University
                                                                      to begin a new venture as a freelance writer. As a columnist
                              Tedde Ridley, 72, of Central Point,     for theWest Iowa Review (a weekly publication), he attempted
                              Oregon, passed away Saturday,           to capture the significance of Siouxland where he was born.
                              February 23, 2019, peacefully at        Additionally, he authored two books and a novel.
                              home after a long battle with cancer.
                              Tedde was born in Minnesota to
                              Victor and Ruth Petricka. She grew
up in McKinney, TX, taught elementary physical education for 25
years in Richardson, Texas, and after 40 years as a Texan, moved
to Central Point, Oregon, where she made many new friends to
laugh with. She wants people to remember the laughter and joy
that you all shared together.

                                                                                        TAHPERD JOURNAL SPRING ISSUE 2020                   9

     James G. Disch, Director of the Sports Analytics Concentration
     Department of Sport Management, Rice University

     Abstract                                                             of the Houston Rockets and at the time Jeff Luhnow, GM for the
     Sports analytics has become a large part of most professional        Astros from 2011-2020. When Luhnow was hired by the Astros,
     sports and many college sports. The skills needed to work            he brought Sig Mejdal from the Cardinals. Sig had worked
     in sports analytics include computer knowledge, statistical          previously as an engineer for NASA before joining the Cards.
     expertise, and the ability to work with large “big data” data        His original title with the Astros was the Director of Decision
     bases. This article discusses the process by which the sports        Sciences. Daryl, Jeff and Sig represented the brightest minds in
     analytics concentration was developed in the Sport Management        the field of sports analytics and with the owners of this respective
     Department at Rice University. The courses that were developed       teams willing to give them carte blanche they were able to
     and the students who have gone on to work in the field.              develop the Rockets and the Astros using “Big Data.”

     Keywords: sports analytics, big data, R, SQL, Python                 Daryl Morey, who along with being GM of the Rockets was one
                                                                          of our first Adjunct Professors in the Rice Sport Management
     Intruduction                                                         Department, was approached to further get an idea of how to
     WAR what is it good for. The term WAR stands for wins above          structure the curriculum. Here are his responses to a series of
     replacement. This has become a staple in baseball and something      questions posed:
     analogous to it has become a univariate measure to represent         Question: How important is Analytics to the NBA in general and
     excellence for a player in a given sport. In 2012 the first sports     the Rockets specifically?
     analytics class at Rice was taught in the Sport Management           Response: We invest the most in the league.
     Department. The book Moneyball: The art of winning an unfair
                                                                          Question: With the Rockets, how is Analytics related to
     game (Lewis, 2003) had been published recently and a number of
                                                                            traditional scouting?
     professional sports teams were creating analytics departments.
                                                                          Response: We use analytics in everything we do. We weight it
     As Alamar (2013) stated in his seminal text on sport analytics         based on its predictive power.
     “the push in sports as in business to use analytic tools comes
                                                                          Question: Is anything special done with international scouting?
     from advances in computer power and the availability of massive
                                                                          Response: Same as domestic. Gather data - video and event –
     amounts of data to both teams and the public, which create an
                                                                            and analyze.
     opportunity for a competitive advantage.” (p. 1) All professional
     sports teams are looking for any type of competitive advantage       Question: What basketball related decisions are based on
     they can obtain as can be seen in the recent sign stealing scandal     Analytics?
     for my beloved Houston Astros. But the information that can be       Response: All
     gleaned from analytics is massive and he movement started with       Question: How is it utilized on the business side?
     his book.                                                            Response: Tad Brown question Tad is President of the Rockets
                                                                          Question: What type of information have you been able to glean
     Input from the Experts
                                                                            from the in arena cameras?
     Alamar further states that analysts should ask five basic
                                                                          Response: New type of data — it is very helpful. Guarded/
     questions when structuring an analysis. They are as follows:
                                                                            unguarded shots and many more.
       1. What was the thought process that lead to the analysis?
       2. What is the context of the result?                              Question: What is the organizational structure of Analytics with
       3. How much uncertainty is in the analysis?                          the Rockets?
       4. How does the result improve the decision making process?        Response: We keep that private!
       5. How can we further reduce the uncertainty? (p. 55)              Question: What are the most important skills and knowledges
     The key to the success of the analysis will ultimately depend          students interested in working in analytics should possess?
     upon the specificity of the theory. A given approach will not fit    Response: Statistics, probability, and programming
     every team or situation. It must be designed specifically for a      To get some current thoughts on the status of sports analytics,
     given team or situation!                                             Sig Mejdal was asked an updated set of questions. Sig is now
     In order to develop the sports analytics undergraduate               the Vice President and Assistant General Manager for baseball
     curriculum at Rice we had to determine what were the critical        analytics for the Baltimore Orioles. Here are his responses:
     elements that students in the track needed to perform in the         Question: What are the most important questions analytics can
     business. We were very fortunate in Houston to have two of the        help answer in MLB in general and the Orioles specifically?
     leaders in the field in Daryl Morey the general manager (GM)

Response: Analytics can help make sense of any decision that          Students taking the introductory statistics class at Rice learn R as
  a human being faces. The more that has been recorded, the           a foundation. Therefore, the students would have a background
  more an analysis can take the effort out of the human mind          in R before taking our initial class in the sport management
  and into something that is less biased such as math.                track, Introduction to Sports Analytics. A course we included
                                                                      in the program for students taking the concentration in sports
Question: How have you been able to integrate analytics with
                                                                      analytics is COMP 140: Computational Thinking. This gave them
  traditional scouting?
                                                                      a background in Python and one of the required projects was
Response: Whether it is the number of HR you have hit in the
                                                                      developing a regression model to predict wins in Major League
  Cape Cod league or the fact that the scout thinks your future
                                                                      Baseball. SQL was more difficult because there were many
  hitting grade is a 65, it is a number. If you can quantify it,
                                                                      prerequisites in computer science and statistics before students
  you can study it and you can integrate it with other numbers.
                                                                      could take it so we encouraged them to find an online course in
Question: How have you been able to help qualify scouting             order to gain knowledge in this area.
                                                                      At this time, we were trying to develop a minor in sports
Response: See above. Ask them to put their expertise into
                                                                      analytics, but at about the same time Rice was developing a
  scales – 20-80, 1-10, A-F, Likert, etc
                                                                      minor in data sciences. It became obvious that the best way to
Question: Have any of the new technological devices been able         advance was to create a sports analytics concentration within the
  to help you reduce the uncertainty in your analyses? If so,         major and to require our sport analytics students to take a minor
  which ones and in what ways?                                        in data sciences. This would give them all of the statistical and
Response: New technologies can give you useful data. That             computer skills they would need as well as allowing them to be
  useful data can help guide your decisions. Trackman and it’s        exposed to sports analytics research through our courses.
  effect on pitching has been huge in the last decade.
                                                                      The initial thought was to develop a parallel course to the
Question: What do you feel will be the next frontier in analytical    introduction to sports analytics in sport econometrics. It became
  data?                                                               evident that there was no one available with the skills to teach
Response: New technologies creating new data with predictive          a class like this. Therefore, it was decided to add a class in sport
  ability.                                                            business analytics. Harrison and Bukstein (2017) published a
Question: What specific academic skills to people wanting to          book on this topic that was perfect for the course.
  work in sports analytics need to possess?                           Over the years a variety of texts had been used in the Intro to
Response: They have to be experts at SQL, R, Python. Have             Sport Analytics class, but none of them really served the overall
  experience with statistical analysis. Be passionate about           purpose like Harrison and Bukstein’s did for the business
  baseball and be socially mature enough to be successful             analytics. Mathletics (Winston, 2009) was one of the first texts
  change agents.                                                      used and it was quite good from the standpoint of presenting
Question: Is there anything else you would like to add?               various applications to sport analytics. Alamar’s book (2013)
Response: Pragmatic model building skills are surprisingly            was used once, and although it outlined the elements of sports
  difficult to find. Sometimes it is hard to use a relatively         analytics and the current state thereof, it worked better as a
  simple model when you know all sorts of complex and                 supplemental option. Selected readings have been used in recent
  amazing statistical models, but it is often what is needed –        years.
  especially if you hope that your end user understands that          The third course is a seminar in sport analytics for those
  model.                                                              advanced students in the concentration who are either juniors or
                                                                      seniors. As a capstone class, the students are required to conduct
Building the Curriculum                                               an original research study in an area of their choice, either on
Big data, R, SQL are essential elements of these programs. Big        the sports side or the business side. Their second requirement
data refers to data sets with millions of entries. R is a free ware   is to pair with a “mentor” actually working in sports analytics
statistical program that can handle these huge data sets that are     with a team. Their work with the mentor is on a real project for
critical for sports analytics research. SQL stands for Structured     the organization represented by the mentor. This puts them in
Query Language. It is the standard language for communicating         good stead for future job opportunities as well as serving as
with relational data bases. So much information can be gathered       a networking experience. The courses included in the current
from the in-game information now that there had to be ways in         curriculum are presented in Table 1.
which these data could be analyzed. No longer could Excel or
                                                                      With all of the emphasis on new techniques my background from
SPSS answer the questions that sport analysts were proposing,
                                                                      the 70’s was lacking, so on my last sabbatical the dean allowed
much less handle the extremely large data sets that were being
                                                                      me to go back to school and take classes to learn more about R
created. Knowledge of computer languages such as python
                                                                      and SQL I found a course on edX that was called Sabermetrics
became critical since the data had to be gathered from various
                                                                      101. All of the problems were dealing with baseball. A book
sources. The term “scraping” was coined to reflect these data
                                                                      by Marchi and Albert (2014) was the basis for this class. It was
gathering procedures. Once the data was scraped, it had to be
                                                                      excellent introduction into both R and SQL. I sat in on Comp
“cleaned” using computer commands to be recognized in the
                                                                      405, the main course in teaching R applications at the time. This
SQL data base or the R program.
                                                                      background provided me with enough current knowledge to
These techniques had to be incorporated into our classes so           teach the courses in the concentration.
that students could understand, analyze and interpret the data.

                                                                                         TAHPERD JOURNAL SPRING ISSUE 2020                   11
                                                                                           Other resent graduates working in the field are:
          Table 1. Current Courses in the Sports Analytics Concentration
                                at Rice University                                           Justin Wolin, Senior Business Analyst for the Houston Astros,
                                                                                             Nick Fleder, Basketball Data Analyst for the Indiana Pacers,
        COMP 140                    Computational Thinking (4 hours)                         Sergio Santamaria, Basketball Operations Analyst for the
         STAT 315                   Statistics for Data Science (4 hours)                      Phoenix Suns,
                                                                                             Chad Tatum, Baseball Operations Analyst for the Baltimore
         STAT 405                       R for Data Sciences (3 hours)                          Orioles,
        SMGT 430*               Introduction to Sports Analytics (3 hours)                   and Caroline Cobb, Business Analytics Fellow for the Houston
        SMGT 490                  Seminar in Sports Analytics (4 hours)
                                                                                           This past Fall we offered a course in Business Analytics, Pro Sports
       SMGT 440**                          Sport Business Analytics                        that was taught be Winston Lin, Director, Strategy and Analytics
                                                                                           for the Houston Rockets. He structured the entire class and
     *STAT 280 is a prerequisite for SMGT 430
                                                                                           conducted all of the lectures. The assignments were all based on
     **Not required in the Sports Analytics Concentration, but is
                                                                                           actual Rockets data. It was a fabulous experience for the students
                                                                                           and served as a sort of audition for future employment!

     Rice Students Working in Sports Analytics                                             The Future
     Ben Jedlovec was one of our first majors interested in sports                         We are currently in the process of hiring an Assistant Professor
     analytics. Ben graduated in 2008 before we officially started the                     in Sport Analytics. With the addition of another fulltime teacher
     sports analytics concentration. He was a double major in sport                        in the concentration we will be able to offer additional courses
     management and statistics and his interest was in baseball. He                        and possibly create a practically oriented class in sports analytics
     taught a student class at Rice on Sabermetrics before he graduated                    for students not in the concentration or even the major? We
     and applied for a job in analytics with the Astros before the                         are getting more students each year who are interested in the
     team was sold to Jim Crane. The Astros were not using analytics                       program. Many come in with some or all of the skills needed.
     at the time and so he ended up working for a company called                           There are currently student sports analytic team for men’s and
     Baseball Info Solutions that is owned by John Dewan and Bill                          women’s basketball, baseball and soccer. The future is indeed
     James. Interestingly enough his contact with that group was                           bright!
     through Daryl Morey of the Rockets. Daryl had worked for Boston
     Consulting before going to work for the Boston Celtics. After                         References
     coming to the Rockets, he met Ben as an intern.                                       Alamar, B. C. (2013). Sports analytics: A guide for coaches, managers,
     Travis Stockbridge was our next student to take advantage of the                         and other decision makers. New York, USA: Columbia
     sport analytics curriculum. Two months into his freshman year at                         University Press.
     Rice he was working one of the cameras at the Houston Rocket                          Harrison, C. K., & Bukstein, S. (2017). Sport business analytics:
     games before the NBA required all NBA arenas to have the camera                           Using data to increase revenue and improve operational efficiency.
     system. During his second year he was the director of the entire                          Boca Raton, USA: CRC Press: Taylor & Frances Group.
     camera staff and as a junior he was asked to start working on some
     analytical problems as well as doing some traditional scouting. He                    Lewis, M. (2003). Moneyball: The art of winning an unfair game.
     would work with the upper level staff at trade deadline and on                           New York, USA: W. W. Norton.
     draft day. They asked him to graduate in December of his senior                       Marchi, M., & Albert, J. (2014). Analyzing baseball data with R. Boca
     year so that he could begin work full time with the Rockets. He                          Raton, USA: CRC Press: Taylor & Francis Group.
     was recently promoted to General Manager of the Rio Grande
                                                                                           Winston, W. L. (2009). Mathletics: How gamblers, managers, and
     Valley Vipers, the Rockets’ G League team. Travis at 25 is the
                                                                                              sports enthusiasts use mathematics in baseball, basketball, and
     second youngest GM in the league.
                                                                                              football. Princeton, USA: Princeton University Press.

                                                                                                             Get Social!!!
     Figure 1. Travis Stockbridge with Me and Current Rockets Coach Mike D’Antoni at The
     Sloan Conference on Sports Analytics

                                                                                               Tag us in your pictures and posts. #TexAHPERD


                           PROMOTING HEALTHY LIFESTYLES

  Texas MOVES is a collaborative partnership between TAHPERD and all
local educators and administrators. The goal is to encourage and promote
    movement in the community, support local non-profit organizations
  whose goals align with TAHPERD’s mission, and benefit local and state
                         educational programs.

                                                TAHPERD JOURNAL SPRING ISSUE 2020   13

     Article Contributed by CATCH Global Foundation

     CATCH My Breath is an evidence-based youth
     E-cigarette and JUUL prevention program developed
     by The University of Texas Health Science Center
     at Houston (UTHealth) School of Public Health.
     Implemented in nearly every state across the nation,
     the program provides up-to-date information
     to teachers, parents, and health professionals to
     equip students with the knowledge and skills they
     need to make informed decisions about the use of
     E-cigarettes, including JUUL devices. CATCH My
     Breath utilizes a peer-led teaching approach and
     meets National and State Health Education Standards.

     Project Summary                                                      Outcomes
     CATCH My Breath was created in 2016 at The University of             Since its creation, CATCH My Breath has reached more than
     Texas School of Public Health (UTHealth) in Austin. Dr. Steven       105,000 students and 250 schools in Texas over the course of the
     H. Kelder developed the curriculum as a response to the 900%         last two school years. At the start of the 2019-2020 school year,
     spike in youth e-cigarette use from 2011-2015. The pilot program,    CATCH My Breath has reached five of the top eight districts
     funded by St. David’s Foundation ran in 19 middle schools in         in Texas including but not limited to Frisco ISD, Katy ISD, and
     Central Texas, as well as in several other key states. The results   Austin ISD.
     of this pilot study have been submitted to a peer-reviewed           With support from Texas ambassador Emily Hayes and
     journal and are awaiting publication. St. David’s Foundation has     community organizations like Say What!, Behavioral Solutions of
     continued to support the program in 2019.                            South Texas, and Texas DSHS the program will continue to grow
     In addition to working in a school setting, CATCH My Breath          and meet the demand for youth e-cigarette prevention education
     formed partnerships with other tobacco research and prevention       and community presentations.
     entities including, but not limited to MD Anderson, Texas            Educators and students across the state have given feedback
     Department of State Health Services (DSHS), and TAHPERD.             regarding the program:
     The program also gained traction during the annual Eliminate
     Tobacco Summit hosted by The University of Texas and was             The CATCH My Breath program offers a wealth of needed
     recognized by Dr. Brian King of the CDC as a primer prevention       information to youth about the dangers of e-cigarettes. Here in
     program during the 2019 event.                                       Williamson County, we have seen a rapid uptake of e-cigarette
                                                                          usage by youth. One of the great things about the program is that
     CATCH My Breath will continue to gain notoriety in Central           all the materials are provided, which makes the lessons are easy
     Texas as research partner and program creator, UTHealth,             and enjoyable to deliver. All of my students were very interested
     recently won a five-year National Institutes of Health (NIH)         in the subject matter, had lots of insightful questions, and enjoyed
     grant to conduct a randomized controlled trial of the program.       participating in the CATCH My Breath lessons and activities.
     The grant terms begin in 2019 and will focus on following a
     cohort of middle school students from grades 6 to 8. Dr. Steven      Click hear to view the announcement about CATCH My Breath
     Kelder will be the principal investigator on the project and will    being an evidence-based program:
     work closely with CATCH Global Foundation to innovate and  
     disseminate the curriculum.                                          id=6160d425-9cbe-4167-9f90-e1e9ce724d42.

In partnership with

                                                      GO Dough
              School wellness funds made simple.


Raise wellness                               Funds are loaded                              Spend funds on
funds online.                                onto your card.                               school wellness.
Send us some basic                           Donations are added to your GO                You decide how and
information and photos, and                  Dough card balance, which works               where to spend your funds.
we’ll set up your online                     just like a VISA gift card.                   Auditing tools ensure every
fundraising page.                                                                          expense is transparent.

     Learn more and enroll at

  Fundraising made simple.                                                Spending made simple.
  CATCH sets up your fundraising                                          Your GO Dough card works like a VISA and
  webpage for online donations.                                           has security to prevent fraudulent spending.

  Keep 75¢ of every dollar raised.                                        Support your profession.
  More money for your school’s wellness                                   TAHPERD receives 10¢ of every dollar
  efforts.                                                                raised.

  Accept cash donations.                                                  Continually reload your card.
  Raise money online or collect cash for                                  Bring in funds throughout the year, or
  deposit at any CHASE Bank.                                              hold a fundraising event.

                Keep your funds secure.            Auditing that fits your comfort.              No ATMs or cashback.
                Optional receipt uploads, daily    Districts or principals can access           Ensure all spending is
                spending limits, and other         monitoring tools and account reports.        transparent.
                controls available.
                                                                                              CATCH® is a registered trademark of The Regents of the University of California.

                                                                                     TAHPERD JOURNAL SPRING ISSUE 2020                                                           15

     Article Contributed by Dr. Will Walker
     Originally published online in the ETBU NOW

     Over 350 three and four-year old students from
     Marshall ISD enjoyed the East Texas Baptist
     University Kinesiology Department’s 12th annual
     Washington Early Childhood Center (WECC) Field
     Day on Wednesday, October 30. ETBU Kinesiology
     students led the ECC attendees in a variety of
     physical activities, ranging from parachute play,
     and tricycle riding, to obstacle course running.
     “Because of Marshall Early Childhood Center’s
     move to the old South Marshall Elementary
     building, they were able to increase their number
     of classes. We accommodated around 80 more
     students than we ever have before,” ETBU
     Professor of Kinesiology Dr. Will Walker said.
     “ETBU students were able to gain practical
     experience in a physical activity-based environment
     at a fairly early stage in their own college careers.
     At the same time, we served the greater Marshall
     community through providing opportunities for
     the MECC students to enjoy games and play with ‘big kids’, who       leadership skills, and build relationships with children and
     happen to be dressed up as superheroes, sports stars, pandas,        families in the local community.
     crayon boxes, and a variety of other fun things.”
                                                                          “This Field Day is about community outreach and career
     The Marshall Early Childhood Center serves children in               training,” junior kinesiology major Brady Faulkner said. “We
     pre-kindergarten and is home to Marshall ISD’s Head Start            apply what we’ve learned in the classroom with kids around the
     Program. The organization focuses on preparing each child for        ages that we will be teaching in the real world. I enjoyed hanging
     kindergarten through quality curriculum, engaging activities,        out with the kids, putting a smile on their face, and having fun.”
     and a staff who is committed to encouraging and teaching
                                                                          Field Day is more than a one-day activity for ETBU students.
     students. This collaboration between MECC and ETBU provides
                                                                          Prior to the event, students spend time carefully building lesson
     physical education and activities for elementary students and
                                                                          plans, specifically for the age range of children that attend the
     encourages and inspires the college students in their chosen field
                                                                          event. In addition, the students also practice teaching strategies,
     of study.
                                                                          incorporating and applying effective use of wording and body
     “I love seeing the interaction and engagement between college        language to elementary students.
     students and the kids,” MECC teacher Tonya McCray said. “I can
                                                                          “I chose to major in kinesiology because I like the idea of helping
     see that the kids are developing their gross motor skills, and it
                                                                          people be better and doing it through a physical aspect. I hope
     shows them that this is something
                                                                                                          to be able to impact lives with
     they could look forward to going
                                                                                                          encouragement both verbally and
     to a big school. I bet all of them
                                                                                                          physically,” junior kinesiology
     will sleep well today!”
                                                                                                          major Justice Henson said. “This is
     Students in ETBU’s KINE 2309                                                                         a great opportunity to get started
     Teaching K-5 Physical Education                                                                      in my field of work, and I’m I love
     course, which primarily consists                                                                     to see the kids’ smiling faces.”
     of first-semester sophomores
                                                                                                          For more information on East
     majoring in All-Level Physical
                                                                                                          Texas Baptist’s Kinesiology
     Education and in Child
                                                                                                          program, visit
     Development, are provided an
     opportunity to apply course
     content, practice their learned
     content in practical situations,
     strengthen their servant

 From the                           AREA DIVISION
                                  DRAWING WINNERS
of TAHPERD                        One-Year Membership:
                                  Jonathan Johnson
                                         Dallas ISD
“From the Heart of TAHPERD”
 project is a way for TAHPERD     2020 Summer Conference
to give back to the communities    or Annual Convention
   that so graciously support           Registration:
  our association and host our
            convention.             Evelyn Tidwell
                                      East Central ISD
    From the Heart of
   TAHPERD Winner:                One-Year Membership &
                                  2020 Annual Convention
Mary Lou Trinidad                       Registration:
    University of Texas
    Rio Grande Valley                Rex Peebles
                                          Katy ISD

                                       TAHPERD JOURNAL SPRING ISSUE 2020   17

                                                                                                       MARIO REYNA
                                                                                                       Induction into the 2020
                                  DELIA THIBODEAUX                                                     Rio Grande Valley Sports
                                  ASPIRE Hero of the Month                                             Hall of Fame
     Ms. Delia Thibodeaux is a real smoking and vaping prevention        An official of many sports for 42 years and still counting, Reyna
     enthusiast on her school campus - Westside High School, HISD.       may be the only official in the Rio Grande Valley that has
                                                                         officiated UIL state championships in three different sports and
     Ms. Thibodeaux is recognized as Teacher of the Year for the Texas
                                                                         one TAPPS state championship game.
     Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and
     Dance (TAHPERD). She was also named National Teacher of the         Reyna officiated title games in UIL baseball (1993 and 1994), UIL
     Year by the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE         volleyball (2003), UIL basketball (2003 and 2005), and TAPPS
     America).                                                           basketball (2008). Additional highlights include officiating the
                                                                         1998 Texas All-Star Basketball game and the 2009 Texas Girls’
     The ASPIRE team has had the pleasure of working with Ms.
                                                                         Class 5A Volleyball game. Reyna umpired college games for 12
     Thibodeaux for many years. She is devoted and dedicated to the
                                                                         years that included players that went on to play in the major
     mission of tobacco prevention, presenting at numerous events,
                                                                         leagues. He has officiated more than 2,000 high school games and
     including the TAHPERD conference, community meetings, and
                                                                         200 college baseball games.
     HISD Job-A-Like. She helped many of her colleagues to bring the
     ASPIRE curriculum to their classrooms.                              Reyna has served in leadership positions of local sports’ officials
                                                                         associations in baseball, basketball, and volleyball. In 2016, he
     Thank you, Ms. Thibodeaux, for assisting the ASPIRE team in the
                                                                         was inducted into the Society of Health and Physical Educators
     mission to eradicate cancer through implementing ASPIRE on
                                                                         (SHAPE America) Hall of Fame. In 2019, he received the Texas
     the campus of Westside High School and for participating in our
                                                                         Association of Health, Physical Education and Recreation
                                                                         Directors (TAHPERD) David K. Brace Award, the highest
                                                                         award bestowed on a member, and was named the TAHPERD
                                                                         Administrator of the Year in 2015.

                             THANK YOU TO US GAMES FOR SPONSORING THE
                                   TAHPERD TEACHERS OF THE YEAR.

                                                    The Program
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                                                                      ✔ Safe and secure digital fundraising platform with a
Inspire healthy habits, fuel active minds                               dedicated page for your school to help raise funds

                                                                        for your health & physical education program.
   and teach Inspire  Inspire
                     your    healthy
                              students  healthyhabits,
                                                to thrive    fuel active
                                                          habits,   ✔ fuel Sign minds
                                                                                 up your
                                                                                     and outreach
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             your students
       physically         and andInspire    to
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                                              healthy  your   physically
                                                            habits, ✔
                                                                    fuel   about
                                                                            active      emotionally!
                                                                                        of the game and learn more
                                                                             and community engagementyour   program.
                                      and teach your        and   emotionally!
                                                               students       to thrive

                                                                  2 Share
      FEATURES:                                                            FUNDRAISE:
                                            physically and emotionally!
      ✔ Safe and secure digital fundraising platform with a
          dedicated page for your school to help raise funds
                                                             50%          of all       fundswith
                                                                           Spread the word!
                                                                                event information   raised
                                                                                                     your school
          for your health & physical education program.
                                     ✔ Safe and secure digital
        ✔ Communication and outreach tools to help you              back
                                                               fundraising        to
                                                                         platform   with
                                                                                        your school!
                                                                         and parents. Use our templates and online
                                                                                      geta started!
                                        ✔ Safe and secure digital fundraising platform with a
          spread the word.          dedicated      page    for
                                           dedicated   page  foryour  schooltoto
                                                                 your school     help
                                                                               help raiseraise

        ✔ Family and community engagement   resources.             Learn
                                    for your health & physical education
                                           for your health &  physical       more
                                                                       education       or
                                                                                 EDUCATE:  register your
                                                                                 program.                       school today!
                                                                                      you youyour activities!
                                          ✔ Communication
                                     ✔ Communication       andoutreach
                                                               outreach tools to
                                                                          tools  help
                                                                                 to help

                        Get        Started          Now!
                                            spread the word.                   Incorporate our ready-to-use lessons and
   Get of      all funds
          Started           Thisraised
                                       spread the word.
                                    Fall! ✔ Family and community engagement activities
                                     ✔ Family and community engagement
                                                                               resources. on kindness, mindfulness and
 go back         to your school!
  1 50%       of   all
                                             funds   raised
       ACTIVATE:                                  CELEBRATE!

                  50%           of
                                 learnalltofunds       raised
 Learn more
       Sign  or
            up  register
               your       your
                    school!    school today!      Celebrate all of the amazing work your
       Get ahead of      go and
                     the game back    more    yourschool
                                                         has done with one of our special
                                                  wellness activities.
                              back more orto   your        school!
       about implementing your program.
                                          register your school today!

   2                                                                 5
            FUNDRAISE:                                  EARN!
            Spread the word!  Implement your activities!
                         Learn more
            Share event information        or school
                                     with your register yourReceive
                                                                         of the funds raised in
            and parents. Use our templates and online       a Gopher gift card!
            platform to get started!

            Implement your activities!
            Incorporate our ready-to-use lessons and                                The lea
                                                                                            der in q
            activities on kindness, mindfulness and                                   Athleti
                                                                                              cs, and
                                                                                                     uality P
                                                                                                       Fitness al Education
            empowerment.                                                                                         equipm

                                                                                                 GIFT C

   4Join us as we build a kinder, healthier future for our nation’s youth.
            Celebrate all of the amazing work your
            school has done with one of our special
            wellness activities.                                        Join us as we build a kinder, healthier
                                                         future for our nation’s youth.

            Implement your activities!                                
            Receive 50% of the funds raised in
            a Gopher gift card!                                                        TAHPERD JOURNAL SPRING ISSUE 2020        19

                                               TAHPERD Fundraising and Partnerships Menu
                                           Texas      SHAPE
                                                     America’s How  ls the
                         School’s % of   AHPERD%                                                                                                               Additional
           Event                                                 money                   Description                Options with funds        Web Sites
                         funds raised     of funds   % of fund collected?                                                                                      Incentives
                                           raised     raised

                                                                             Texas MOVES is a collaborative
                                                                             partnership between TAHPERD          School can spend
                           50% local                                         and all local educators and          25% of the monies       or https://
                           nonprofit                                         administrators to encourage           raised to support
       Texas AHPERD:        charity                                          and promote movement in the         school level health/      secure/
                                           22%         3%        Online
        Texas Moves                                                          community, support local non-       wellness initiatives, cause_pdetails/
                         25% to school
                                                                             profit organizations whose goals    physical education       NjUzMjI=
                                                                             align with TAHPERD’s mission, and equipment based on
                                                                             benefit local and state educational     unique needs.

                                                                             Purpose/Focus: Health. Moves.
                                                                             Minds. (HHM) is a school-based
                                                                             program with both educational
                                                                             and fundraising components. It
                                                                             will focus on core areas related        School can keep
                                                                             to health and wellness and will           all 50% of the
                                                                             include new standards-based             monies raised or
                                                                             classroom and event resources          give a portion to a
                                                                             for teachers.                        community or national
                                                                                                                                                           Gopher will
                                                                             K-8 target audience: grade bands                                                add 10%
      SHAPE AMERICA: 50% in the form                                         K-2, topic Kindness; grade bands                           www.shapeamerica. to school
                                                                 Online                                            Schools can spend
     health.moves.minds of Gopher gift     15%         35%                   3-5 topic Mindfulness, grade band                              org/events/     funding if
                                                                  only                                                the gift card on   healthmovesminds the school
                            card                                             6-8 topic Empowerment.
                                                                                                                    GOPHER products
                                                                             Educational Materials: toolbox                                                decides to
                                                                                                                    including physical
                                                                             with many resources for teachers, education equipment,                       keep all 50%
                                                                             3 educational kits, one per band         Moving Minds,
                                                                             including 4 full lessons, physical    SPARK, Play with a
                                                                             activity-based activities k-2 & 3-5, Purpose and STEM
                                                                             assessment sheets, worksheet                materials.
                                                                             templates, skills mini-posters,
                                                                             other supplemental materials,
                                                                             accommodations & modifications,
                                                                             ideas for equitable groups.

                                                                          Focus: Coordinated School Health
                                                                          targeting nutrition and physical
                                                                          education/activity. Allows school
                                                                          to develop a budget for the
                                                                          desired amount seeking to raise.
                                                                                                                    Funds can be used
                                                                          15% of funds for administrative
                                                                                                                     to support school
                                                                          cost and fees to CATCH Global
                                                                                                                  level health/wellness
                                                                                                                   initiatives, TAHPERD
                             75%                                          1. School creates an online
                                                                 Online,     fundraiser page using a
       CATCH Global                                                                                                     conference/            godough
                         directly back                             can       quick-and-easy, ready-made
        Foundation:                                                                                                      convention
                         to schools in     10%                   support     template.
         GoDough                                                                                                   registration fees and Abby Rose, GO Dough
                          the form of                           cash and 2. Donations to the fundraiser are
                                                                                                                            travel.       Program Manager
                         debit card or                            check      loaded onto a GO Dough card,
                        one-time check                         donations.    which works just like a VISA
                                                                                                                  Wellness teams have
                         disbursement                                        debit card. (One-time check
                                                                                                                  direct control of funds
                                                                             disbursement option is also
                                                                                                                  via GO Dough card or
                                                                          3. The school’s wellness team
                                                                             spends the funds as it sees
                                                                             fit. No limited catalogues of
                                                                             equipment. No restrictive
                                                                             vendor lists. No red tape.

                                                                             Focus: to provide funds for the
                                                                             physical education program.           The school control
                                                                             School receives 250 pair of Y-ties    where they want to
                                                                             or more, depending on what they        spend their funds,
                                                                             ordered. Each pair cost $5, the       they might choose
                         50% of sales,   $100 per                At the      school keeps half. At the end                                http://www.y-ties.
           Y-TIES                                                                                                    to distribute the
                            Cash          school                 school      of the program the school send                                      com/
                                                                                                                   funds to programs/
                                                                             remaining Y-Ties back if they have       departments in
                                                                             any, and they send a check to         addition to physical
                                                                             Y-Ties.                                    education.
                                                                             K-5 target audience

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