Product Catalogue 2020 - - IOP Publishing

Page created by Gail Ellis
Product Catalogue 2020 - - IOP Publishing
Product Catalogue 2020
Product Catalogue 2020 - - IOP Publishing
IOP Publishing is a multi-channel publisher of scientific
content focusing on physics, materials science,
biosciences, astronomy and astrophysics, environmental
sciences, mathematics, and interdisciplinary sciences,
including education.
Currently publishing 89 journals, a digital book
programme, conference proceedings and providing expert
science journalism, we reflect the changing nature of
scientific research. Our programme spans foundational
sciences to their application and commercialisation.
We also publish many of our products on behalf of other
scientific organisations and represent their needs and
those of their members and contributors.
Product Catalogue 2020 - - IOP Publishing
IOP Publishing Catalogue 2020

Journals                                                      page        Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering                28
2D Materials                                                    12        Journal of Neural Engineering                                 29
Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 12           Journal of Optics                                             29
Applied Physics Express                                         13        Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical            30
The Astronomical Journal                                        13        Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics   30
The Astrophysical Journal                                       14        Journal of Physics Communications                             31
The Astrophysical Journal Letters                               14        Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter                          31
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series                     15        Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics                         32
Biofabrication                                                  15        Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics            32
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics                                    16        Journal of Radiological Protection                            33
Biomedical Materials                                            16        Journal of Semiconductors                                     33
Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express                        17        Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment       34
Chinese Physics B                                               17        Journal of the Electrochemical Society                        34
Chinese Physics C                                               18        JPhys Complexity                                              35
Chinese Physics Letters                                         18        JPhys Energy                                                  35
Classical and Quantum Gravity                                   19        JPhys Materials                                               36
Communications in Theoretical Physics                           19        JPhys Photonics                                               36
ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology               20        Laser Physics                                                 37
Electronic Structure                                            20        Laser Physics Letters                                         37
Engineering Research Express                                    21        Machine Learning: Science and Technology                      38
Environmental Research Communications                           21        Materials Research Express                                    38
Environmental Research Letters                                  22        Measurement Science and Technology                            39
EPL                                                             22        Methods and Applications in Fluorescence                      39
European Journal of Physics                                     23        Metrologia                                                    40
Flexible and Printed Electronics                                23        Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 40
Fluid Dynamics Research                                         24        Multifunctional Materials                                     41
Functional Composites and Structures                            24        Nano Futures                                                  41
International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing                  25        Nanotechnology                                                42
Inverse Problems                                                25        New Journal of Physics                                        42
Izvestiya: Mathematics                                          26        Nonlinearity                                                  43
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics                             26        Nuclear Fusion                                                43
Journal of Breath Research                                      27        Physical Biology                                              44
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics                  27        Physica Scripta                                               44
Journal of Instrumentation                                      28        Physics Education                                             45

Product Catalogue 2020 - - IOP Publishing
IOP Publishing Catalogue 2020

Physics in Medicine & Biology                                       45        Russian Mathematical Surveys                    53
Physics—Uspekhi                                                     46        Sbornik: Mathematics                            54
Physiological Measurement                                           46        Semiconductor Science and Technology            54
The Planetary Science Journal                                       47        Smart Materials and Structures                  55
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion                                47        Superconductor Science and Technology           55
Plasma Research Express                                             48        Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties    56
Plasma Science and Technology                                       48
Plasma Sources Science and Technology                               49        Other products                                 page
Progress in Biomedical Engineering                                  49        Journal developments                            08
Progress in Energy                                                  50        New partnership for 2020                        09
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific             50        IOP ebooks                                      10
Quantum Electronics                                                 51        IOP Conference Series                           57
Quantum Science and Technology                                      51        ECS conferences                                 58
Reports on Progress in Physics                                      52        Science news: Physics World                     59
Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics                              52        Magazines                                       60
Russian Chemical Reviews                                            53        Careers support                                 62

Product Catalogue 2020 - - IOP Publishing
IOP Publishing Catalogue 2020

Journals by subject area
Our journals, ebooks, conference proceedings and science journalism reflect the changing
nature of scientific research. Explore our portfolio below, where you will find titles covering
physics, materials science, biosciences, astronomy and astrophysics, environmental sciences,
mathematics, and interdisciplinary sciences, including education.

Physics                                                       page         New Journal of Physics                               42
                                                                            Nuclear Fusion                                       43
Applied Physics Express                                          13
                                                                            Physical Biology                                     44
Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express                         17
                                                                            Physica Scripta                                      44
Chinese Physics B                                                17
                                                                            Physics Education                                    45
Chinese Physics C                                                18
                                                                            Physics in Medicine & Biology                        45
Chinese Physics Letters                                          18
                                                                            Physics–Uspekhi                                      46
Classical and Quantum Gravity                                    19
                                                                            Physiological Measurement                            46
Communications in Theoretical Physics                            19
                                                                            Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion                 47
Electronic Structure                                             20
                                                                            Plasma Research Express                              48
EPL                                                              22
                                                                            Plasma Science and Technology                        48
European Journal of Physics                                      23
                                                                            Plasma Sources Science and Technology                49
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics                              26
                                                                            Quantum Electronics                                  51
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics                   27
                                                                            Quantum Science and Technology                       51
Journal of Optics                                                29
                                                                            Reports on Progress in Physics                       52
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical               30
                                                                            Semiconductor Science and Technology                 54
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and                      30
                                                                            Superconductor Science and Technology                55
Optical Physics
Journal of Physics Communications                                31
                                                                            Materials                                           page
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter                             31
Journal of Physics: Conference Series                            57
                                                                            2D Materials                                         12
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics                            32
                                                                            Advances in Natural Sciences:                        12
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics               32        Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Journal of Semiconductors                                        33        Applied Physics Express                              13
JPhys Complexity                                                 35        Biofabrication                                       15
JPhys Energy                                                     35        Biomedical Materials                                 16
JPhys Materials                                                  36        ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology    20
JPhys Photonics                                                  36        ECS Meeting Abstracts                                58
Laser Physics                                                    37        ECS Transactions                                     58
Laser Physics Letters                                            37        Electronic Structure                                 20
Machine Learning: Science and Technology                         38        Engineering Research Express                         21

Product Catalogue 2020 - - IOP Publishing
IOP Publishing Catalogue 2020

Flexible and Printed Electronics                              23        Methods and Applications in Fluorescence                   39
Functional Composites and Structures                          24        Physical Biology                                           44
International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing                25        Physics in Medicine & Biology                              45
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering      57        Physiological Measurement                                  46
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics                           26        Progress in Biomedical Engineering                         49
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering                28
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter                          31        Environmental sciences                                    page
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics                         32
                                                                         Engineering Research Express                               21
Journal of Semiconductors                                     33
                                                                         Environmental Research Communications                      21
Journal of the Electrochemical Society                        34
                                                                         Environmental Research Letters                             22
JPhys Materials                                               36
                                                                         Fluid Dynamics Research                                    24
Machine Learning: Science and Technology                      38
                                                                         Inverse Problems                                           25
Materials Research Express                                    38
                                                                         IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science     57
Methods and Applications in Fluorescence                      39
                                                                         Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics                      32
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science                 40
and Engineering                                                          Machine Learning: Science and Technology                   38
Multifunctional Materials                                     41        Nonlinearity                                               43
Nano Futures                                                  41        Progress in Energy                                         50
Nanotechnology                                                42
Semiconductor Science and Technology                          54        Astronomy and astrophysics                                page
Smart Materials and Structures                                55
                                                                         The Astronomical Journal                                   13
Superconductor Science and Technology                         55
                                                                         The Astrophysical Journal                                  14
Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties                  56
                                                                         The Astrophysical Journal Letters                          14
                                                                         The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series                15
Biosciences                                                 page
                                                                         Chinese Physics C                                          18
Biofabrication                                                15        Classical and Quantum Gravity                              19
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics                                  16        Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics             27
Biomedical Materials                                          16        Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics         32
Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express                      17        Machine Learning: Science and Technology                   38
Journal of Breath Research                                    27        The Planetary Science Journal                              47
Journal of Neural Engineering                                 29        Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific    50
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter                          31        Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics                     52
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics                         32
Journal of Radiological Protection                            33
Machine Learning: Science and Technology                      38

Product Catalogue 2020 - - IOP Publishing
IOP Publishing Catalogue 2020

Mathematics                                                   page         Journal of Instrumentation                  28
                                                                            Journal of the Electrochemical Society      34
Communications in Theoretical Physics                            19
                                                                            Machine Learning: Science and Technology    38
Fluid Dynamics Research                                          24
                                                                            Measurement Science and Technology          39
Inverse Problems                                                 25
                                                                            Metrologia                                  40
Izvestiya: Mathematics                                           26
                                                                            New Journal of Physics                      42
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical               30
                                                                            Physics Education                           45
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment          34
                                                                            Physics–Uspekhi                             46
Machine Learning: Science and Technology                         38
                                                                            Reports on Progress in Physics              52
Nonlinearity                                                     43
                                                                            Russian Chemical Reviews                    53
Quantum Science and Technology                                   51
Russian Mathematical Surveys                                     53
                                                                            Other products                             page
Sbornik: Mathematics                                             54
                                                                            Journal developments                        08
Interdisciplinary                                             page         New partnership for 2020                    09
                                                                            IOP ebooks                                  10
ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology                20
                                                                            IOP Conference Series                       57
ECS Meeting Abstracts                                            58
                                                                            ECS conferences                             58
ECS Transactions                                                 58
                                                                            Science news: Physics World                 59
Engineering Research Express                                     21
                                                                            Magazines                                   60
EPL                                                              22
                                                                            Careers support                             62
European Journal of Physics                                      23

Product Catalogue 2020 - - IOP Publishing
IOP Publishing Catalogue 2020

Journal developments
                     Engineering Research Express                                                  JPhys Complexity
                     A broad, rapid peer-review journal                                            JPhys Complexity is a new,
                     publishing new experimental                                                   interdisciplinary and fully open access
                     and theoretical research on                                                   journal publishing the most exciting
                     innovation, design, maintenance                                               and significant developments across
                     and the application of all aspects of                                         all areas of complex systems and
                     engineering, in all its disciplines.                                          networks.


                     Functional Composites                                                        International Journal of 
                     and Structures                                                                Extreme Manufacturing
                     Functional Composites and Structures                                          An open access, multidisciplinary
                     is a new journal communicating                                                journal uniquely covering the areas
                     high-quality research results and                                             related to extreme manufacturing.
                     technological developments in the                                             It publishes original research and
                     functional aspects of composite                                               reviews from fundamentals to
                     materials research.                                                           process, metrology, conditions,
                                                                                                   environments, and system integration
                                                                       of manufacturing.

                     In partnership with
                                                                                                   In partnership with Institute of Machinery
                                                                         A co-owned publication of The Korean Society
                                                                                                       Manufacturing Technology, China Academy
                                                                         for Composite Materials and IOP Publishing
                                                                                                   of Engineering Physics

                     Machine Learning:                                                            The Planetary Science Journal
                     Science and Technology                                                        Devoted to recent developments,
                     A multidisciplinary, open access journal                                      discoveries, and theories in planetary
                     publishing high-quality research on                                           science. The journal welcomes all
                     the application and development of                                            aspects of investigation of the solar
                     machine learning for the sciences.                                            system and other planetary systems.

                                                                                                   In partnership with

Materials Research   Materials Research Express to become a fully gold open access journal in 2020
Express              In response to increasing demand for more accessible and open science, Materials Research Express will
                     become a fully gold open access journal from the beginning of 2020. All articles published from volume 7 (2020)
                     onwards will be immediately free to read under a Creative Commons licence, providing maximum visibility and
                     allowing authors to comply with any requirements for open access publication from institutions and funders.
                     Content published up to and including volume 6 (2019) of the journal will remain published on a subscription
                     basis and fully protected by copyright.


Product Catalogue 2020 - - IOP Publishing
IOP Publishing Catalogue 2020

New partnership for 2020
The Electrochemical Society (ECS) has selected IOP as its journals publishing partner.
Starting in 2020, we are pleased to begin our partnership with ECS for the publication of the Journal of the Electrochemical Society and
the ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, and the hosting of ECS Transactions, ECS Meeting Abstracts, and Interface, as
well as the archives for ECS’s retired publications – ECS Electrochemistry Letters, ECS Solid State Letters, Electrochemical
and Solid-State Letters, and ECS Proceedings Volumes.

ECS has a 117+ year reputation for creating outstanding, peer-reviewed periodicals, conference proceedings, and magazines, and is the only
non-profit society with top publications in electrochemistry and solid state science and technology.

ECS publications now included in the IOP portfolio

  Journal of the Electrochemical                                           ECS Journal of Solid State Science
  Society                                                                  and Technology
                         2018 Impact Factor:                                                      2018 Impact Factor:
                         3.120                                                                    1.795
                         Ranked #4 in materials science,
                         coatings and films, and #11 in
                         electrochemistry. ONLY

Also to be hosted by IOP

                           ECS Transactions                                                       ECS Meeting Abstracts
                           The official conference proceedings                                    Extended abstracts of the technical
                           publication of the ECS.                                                papers presented at the ECS biannual
                                                                                                  meetings and ECS-sponsored
                                                                                                  meetings, and a first look into the
                                                                                                  current research in the field.

                           ECS Archives                                                           Interface
         ECS               • ECS Electrochemistry Letters                                         An authoritative yet accessible
       Archives            • ECS Solid State Letters                                              publication for those in the field of
                           • Electrochemical and Solid-State                                     solid-state and electrochemical
                              Letters                                                             science and technology.
                           • ECS Proceedings Volumes.

Product Catalogue 2020 - - IOP Publishing
IOP Publishing Catalogue 2020

IOP ebooks is the essential collection of books developed by a society publisher for the scientific
community. We amplify the voices of our authors through innovative publishing techniques
to advance knowledge across multiple key subject areas, while empowering libraries to take
control of the content that they purchase to best serve the needs of their users.

                                                                                Valuable topic overviews that provide a way into the
                                                                                primary literature via extensive references. They include
                                                                                monographs, handbooks and edited collections.

                                                                                For advanced undergraduate and graduate-level students,
                                                                                our course texts include a range of features such as reader
                                                                                exercises and interactive Q&A content for an enriched
                                                                                learning experience.

                                                                                Accessible insights into the latest hot topics, often taking
                                                                                a multidisciplinary approach.

We work with pioneers and award-winning authors to educate, enhance knowledge and connect readers to cutting-edge work in their field.

               Professor                          ProfessorDavidKFerry                VladimirEFortov                    ProfessorClaudia
               RobertWilliams                     School of Electrical,                  Joint Institute for High             TanjaMierke
               University of California-           Computer, and Energy                   Temperatures,                        University of Leipzig,
               Santa Cruz, STScI                   Engineering,                           Moscow, Russia                       Germany
               Astronomer Emeritus, USA            Arizona State University,

IOP Publishing Catalogue 2020

Broad subject coverage
With books covering 16 subject areas across the physical sciences, you can be assured that there is something for everyone at your library.

 Astronomy and                          Atomic and molecular                 Biomedical engineering              Classical physics
 astrophysics                           physics

  Condensed matter                      Culture, history and                 Education and outreach              Environment and energy

  Instrumentation and                   Materials                            Mathematics and                     Medical physics and
  measurement                                                                computation                         biophysics

  Optics and photonics                  Particle and nuclear                 Plasmas                             Quantum science

Expert partners
We partner with world-leading scientific societies who are at the
forefront of their fields of expertise and know the needs of their
communities to publish highly relevant books.

Library benefits                                                            Reader benefits
• Budget management: Take control of your budget with a one-time           • Convenient: Books can be accessed 24/7 on or off campus
   perpetual purchase model                                                    through our integrated journal and book platform
• Ease of use: All books are DRM free with no restrictions on use           • Interactive: An elevated reading experience through embedded
• Discoverable: Smarter searching and optimal discovery through               videos, interactive features and downloadable software
   free MARC records and extensive indexing                                 • Accessible: Multiple formats available to support reading on all
• Relevant: On average, 64% of our customers’ books are used                  devices, as well as compatibility with screen readers, such as
   within 12 months of purchase                                                JAWS, NVDA and Apple’s VoiceOver
• Accessible: High-accessibility standards and compatibility with          • Compatible: Books are easily integrated into the Virtual Learning
   assistive technology                                                        Environment
• myPrint: Give your library users the option to purchase heavily          • Flexible: Manage your reading list through individual chapter or
   discounted print copies of the books in your collection                     whole-book downloads

                                                                                         For more information and a list of
                                                                                         published and forthcoming titles, visit

2D Materials                                                                           Advances in Natural Sciences:                                                                     Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

                        Volume                                               7                                Volume                                          11
                        Frequency                                            4                                Frequency                                        4
                        Online ISSN                            2053-1583                                      Online ISSN                           2043-6262
                        CODEN                                     DMATB7                                      CODEN                                       ANSNCK

Editor-in-chief                                                                        Editor-in-chief
V Fal’ko, University of Manchester, UK                                                 Nguyen Quang Liem, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Hanoi,
Associate editors-in-chief
• Regional editor for North America: Joan Redwing, Pennsylvania State                 Deputy editor-in-chief
   University, PA, USA                                                                 Nguyen Bich Ha, Institute of Materials Science, Hanoi, Vietnam
• Regional editor for Asia: B-H Hong, Seoul National University, Korea
                                                                                       Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
2D Materials™ (2DM) publishes fundamental and applied research of the                  (ANSN) produces quarterly issues of research covering all aspects of
highest quality and impact, covering all aspects of graphene and related               nanoscience and nanotechnology, including the fundamental physics,
2D materials.                                                                          optics, photonics, chemistry, biology and technology of nanometre-scale
                                                                                       materials and devices, for applications in quantum computation, smart
2DM publishes new research, topical reviews and commentaries that are                  lighting, energy generation and storage, sensors, health care, agricultural
vital reading for scientists and engineers working on any aspect of this               production, and environmental protection.
important area of research.
                                                                                       ANSN supports the international community, publishing research
The journal covers all aspects of 2D materials, including fundamental                  from around the world and acting as an information resource for its
properties (experiments, theory and simulations), novel applications                   international readership – including primary researchers, industry
(electrical, mechanical, chemical and biomedical) and synthesis/                       professionals and undergraduate nanotechnology students.
fabrication techniques. Specific materials of interest include, but are not
limited to:                                                                            Published using the gold open access model between 2010 and 2018,
• graphene and graphene-derived materials (such as graphene oxides,                   ANSN has been published on a subscription basis from 2019 onwards.
   graphene quantum dots)
                                                                                       A corresponding print version is created for local use in Vietnam.
• silicene and germanene/silicane and germanane
• boron nitride
• transition metal dichalcogenides                                                     Online archive
• 2D topological insulators                                                            2010–2020 available free with journal subscription

2DM readers can also enjoy the video abstracts that accompany many
articles, allowing authors to go beyond the constraints of the written                 Partner
article to personally communicate the importance and value of their work               Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
to the journal’s global multidisciplinary audience.

Online archive
2015–2020 available free with journal subscription                                         ONLY

   ONLY            7.343

Applied Physics Express                                                              The Astronomical Journal                                                        

                        Volume                                           13                                 Volume                                 159–160
                        Frequency                                        12                                 Frequency                                     12
                        Online ISSN                             1882-0786                                   Online ISSN                           1538-3881
                        Print ISSN                              1882-0778                                   CODEN                                   ANJOAA
                        CODEN                                      APEPC4

Chief executive editor                                                               Editor-in-chief
Takuji Takahashi, University of Tokyo, Japan                                         Ethan Vishniac, John Hopkins University, Maryland, USA

Editor-in-chief                                                                      The Astronomical Journal (AJ) is a peer-reviewed, monthly journal
Kouichi Ono, Kyoto University/Osaka University, Japan                                published for the American Astronomical Society by IOP Publishing. It
                                                                                     serves an international community of authors, scientists and students
Applied Physics Express (APEX) is a letters journal devoted solely to                through its high-quality, rapid publication and accessible communication
rapid dissemination of up-to-date and concise reports on new findings in             of a broad range of astronomical research, extending from the solar
applied physics. The main focus of the Editorial Board is the high scientific        system to observational cosmology.
and/or technological impact of its published papers.
                                                                                     AJ articles present significant scientific results derived from
In 2018, APEX introduced a new type of article – the APEX Review. These              observations, including descriptions of data capture, surveys, dynamical
invited articles will concisely introduce emerging and fast-developing fields        processes, analysis techniques and astrophysical interpretation, as well
that will be of interest to the whole community. Fields of interest include:         as theoretical models. This broad coverage, along with discussions of
• semiconductors, dielectrics and organic materials                                  instrumentation and associated software, make this journal an essential
• photonics, quantum electronics, optics and spectroscopy                            resource for anyone interested in astronomy and planetary sciences
• spintronics, superconductivity and strongly correlated materials                  research.
• device physics including quantum information processing                            AJ actively seeks opportunities to enhance electronic presentations of
• nanoscale science and technology                                                   information. Features include the provision of tabular data underlying
• physics-based circuits and systems                                                 figures and the compilation of related articles into electronic special
• crystal growth, surfaces, interfaces, thin films and bulk materials               issues. High citation rates, affordable subscription pricing and a
• plasmas, applied atomic and molecular physics, and applied nuclear                worldwide circulation base establish AJ as a premier journal in refereed
   physics                                                                           publication of astronomical and astrophysical research from throughout
• device processing, fabrication and measurement technologies, and                  the world.
• cross-disciplinary areas such as bioelectronics/photonics, biosensing,
   environmental/energy technologies and MEMS                                        Online archive
                                                                                     Rolling one-year archive available with journal subscription

Online archive
2008–2020                                                                            Partner
                                                                                     American Astronomical Society

The Japan Society of Applied Physics
                                                                                      ELECTRONIC       IMPACT FACTOR
                                                                                         ONLY           5.497

The Astrophysical Journal                                                             The Astrophysical Journal Letters                                                          

                        Volume                                   888–905                                      Volume                                   888–905
                        Frequency                                          36                                 Frequency                                           36
                        Online ISSN                            1538-4357                                      Online ISSN                            2041-8213
                        CODEN                                      ASJOAB                                     CODEN                                       AJLEEY

AAS Editor-in-chief                                                                   AAS Editor-in-chief
Ethan Vishniac, Johns Hopkins University, MD, USA                                     Ethan Vishniac, Johns Hopkins University, MD, USA

Launched in 1895 by George E Hale and James E Keeler, The                             Letters editor
Astrophysical Journal (ApJ) is the foremost astronomical and                          F Rasio, Northwestern University, IL, USA
astrophysical research journal in the world. Published for the American
Astronomical Society by IOP Publishing, ApJ is devoted to disseminating               The Astrophysical Journal Letters (ApJL) is an express scientific journal
original research on recent developments, discoveries and theories not                that allows astrophysicists to rapidly publish short notices of significant
previously published in astronomy and astrophysics.                                   original research. ApJL articles are timely, high-impact, and broadly
This prestigious journal has been the first to report many of the classic
discoveries of the 20th century and has also presented much of the
important recent work on quasars, pulsars, neutron stars, black holes,                Online archive
solar and stellar magnetic fields, X-rays and interstellar matter.                    Rolling one-year archive available with journal subscription

ApJ has a long history of publishing papers on data and instruments that
support astronomical observations and theory. These papers represent                  Partner
essential research for anyone working in the fields of astronomy and                  American Astronomical Society

Online archive                                                                                          IMPACT FACTOR
Rolling one-year archive available with journal subscription                              ONLY            8.374

American Astronomical Society

    ONLY           5.580

The Astrophysical Journal                                                       Biofabrication
Supplement Series                                                     

                        Volume                                 246–251                                 Volume                                           12
                        Frequency                                   12                                 Frequency                                            4
                        Online ISSN                           1538-4365                                Online ISSN                            1758-5090
                        CODEN                                    APJSA2                                CODEN                                      BIOFFN

AAS Editor-in-chief                                                             Editor-in-chief
Ethan Vishniac, Johns Hopkins University, MD, USA                               Wei Sun, Drexel University, PA, USA, and Tsinghua University, Beijing,
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series (ApJS) publishes significant
articles containing extensive data or calculations. ApJS also supports          Biofabrication (BF) is the first peer-reviewed journal to focus on research
Special Issues, collections of thematically related papers published            and development of biomanufacturing processes, modelling and design.
simultaneously in a single volume.
                                                                                Biofabrication publishes research on the use of cells, proteins, biological
                                                                                materials and biomaterials as building blocks to manufacture biological
Online archive                                                                  systems and/or therapeutic products. BF is the leading journal in
Rolling one-year archive available with journal subscription                    bioprinting and a highly respected resource for engineers, biologists and
                                                                                medical researchers all over the world.

Partner                                                                         BF publishes articles covering a range of research topics from this
American Astronomical Society                                                   important and rapidly developing field, including:
                                                                                • cell, tissue and organ printing, patterning and assembly
                                                                                • biofabricated cell/biological material integrated systems and medical
ELECTRONIC       IMPACT FACTOR                                                  • cell-laden micro-fluidic devices
   ONLY            8.311                                                        • cell/tissue/organ-on-a-chip
                                                                                • novel 3D tissue scaffold fabrication
                                                                                • modelling of the biofabrication processes and biofabricated constructs
                                                                                • protein/biomolecules printing, patterning and assembly
                                                                                • integrated bio- and micro/nano-fabrication

                                                                                Online archive
                                                                                2010–2020 available free with journal subscription

                                                                                International Society for Biofabrication

                                                                                 ELECTRONIC       IMPACT FACTOR
                                                                                    ONLY           7.236

Bioinspiration & Biomimetics                                                       Biomedical Materials                                                        

                         Volume                                        15                                Volume                                           15
                         Frequency                                      6                                Frequency                                        6
                         Online ISSN                          1748-3190                                  Online ISSN                           1748-605X
                         CODEN                                      BBIICI                               CODEN                                   BMBUCS

Editor-in-chief                                                                    Editor-in-chief
Robert J Full, University of California, Berkeley, USA                            Myron Spector, Harvard Medical School, VA Boston Healthcare System,
                                                                                   MA, USA
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics™ (BB) has two principal aims: to draw from
biology to enrich engineering and to draw from engineering to enrich               Associate editor
biology. The journal communicates research focusing on the principles              J Y Wong, Boston University, MA, USA
and functions found in biological systems that have been developed
through evolution, and application of this knowledge to produce novel and          Biomedical Materials™ (BMM) publishes articles on advances in
exciting basic technologies as well as new approaches to solving scientific        biomaterials that contribute to the research community’s knowledge
problems.                                                                          of the composition, properties and performance of materials for tissue
                                                                                   engineering and regenerative medicine.
BB provides a forum for interdisciplinary research from across the
biological and physical sciences, including:                                       With a diverse readership drawn from the biomedical and tissue
• bioinspired robotics                                                             engineering, materials and biomaterials, biochemistry, pharmacology,
• systems, designs and structure                                                  and medicine communities, this specialised journal delivers a
• communication and navigation                                                     combination of Topical Reviews, Special Issue articles, Notes and
• co-operative behaviour                                                           Editorials covering a diverse range of topics, including:
• self-organising biological systems                                               • synthesis/characterisation of biomedical materials
• self-healing and self-assembly                                                   • in vitro/in vivo performance of biomedical materials
• aerial locomotion and aerospace applications of biomimetics                     • nature-inspired synthesis and biomineralisation
• biomorphic surface and subsurface systems                                        • tissue engineering/regenerative medicine applications
• marine dynamics: swimming and underwater dynamics                                • interaction of molecules/cells with materials
• biomechanics: movement, locomotion and fluidics                                  • effects of biomaterials on stem-cell behaviour
• cellular behaviour                                                               • growth factors/genes incorporated into biomaterials
• sensors and senses
• biomimetic or bioinformed approaches to geological exploration                  Online archive
                                                                                   2010–2020 available free with journal subscription
                                                                                    2006–2009 available in the IOP Journal Archive
Online archive
2010–2020 available free with journal subscription
2006–2009 available in the IOP Journal Archive

                                                                                   ELECTRONIC       IMPACT FACTOR
                                                                                      ONLY           3.440
   ONLY             3.130

Biomedical Physics &                                                            Chinese Physics B
Engineering Express                                                   

                        Volume                                        6                                Volume                                         29
                        Frequency                                     6                                Frequency                                      12
                        Online ISSN                         2057-1976                                  Online ISSN                          2058-3834
                        CODEN                                  BPEEAE                                  Print ISSN                            1674-1056
                                                                                                        CODEN                                      CPBHAJ

Editor-in-chief                                                                 Editor-in-chief
R Jeraj, University of Wisconsin, WI, USA                                       ZC Ouyang, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of
                                                                                 Sciences, Beijing, China
Deputy editors
• María-Ester Brandan, National Autonomous University of Mexico,               Widely recognised as one of China’s top journals, Chinese Physics B
   Mexico                                                                       (CPB) continues to publish research papers in all areas of theoretical and
• Thorsten Wohland, National University of Singapore, Singapore                 applied physics, with the exception of nuclear physics and the physics of
• Philip Langley, University of Hull, UK                                        elementary particles and fields, reflecting the high quality and wide scope
                                                                                of Chinese research.
Launched in 2015, Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express™ (BPEX)
                                                                                The journal’s broad focus makes it an important source of current
is an inclusive, international, multidisciplinary journal devoted to
                                                                                research in physics, materials, mechanics and engineering.
publishing new research on any application of physics and/or engineering
in medicine and/or biology. The journal covers three key independent,           CPB’s scope includes many areas of high-interest physics research:
yet complementary scientific areas at the intersection of physics,
                                                                                • condensed matter and materials physics
engineering, medicine and biology. All areas of biomedical engineering,
                                                                                • atomic, molecular and optical physics
biophysics and medical physics are covered, with a special emphasis on
the interdisciplinary work within these areas to help promote crossover         • statistical, nonlinear and soft-matter physics
research.                                                                       • plasma physics
                                                                                • interdisciplinary physics

Online archive
2015–2020 available free with journal subscription                              Online archive
                                                                                2010–2020 available free with journal subscription
                                                                                1992–2009 available in the IOP Journal Archive
Endorsed by
Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM)
                                                                                Chinese Physical Society

                                                                                 IMPACT FACTOR

Chinese Physics C                                                                   Chinese Physics Letters                                                        

                        Volume                                           44                                 Volume                                             37
                        Frequency                                        12                                 Frequency                                          12
                        Online ISSN                           2058-6132                                     Online ISSN                             1741-3540
                        Print ISSN                             1674-1137                                    Print ISSN                             0256-307X
                        CODEN                                    CPCHCQ                                     CODEN                                      CPLEEU

Editor-in-chief                                                                     Editor-in-chief
Y F Wang, Institute of High-Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,           BF Zhu, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
 Beijing, China
                                                                                    Chinese Physics Letters (CPL) attracts a growing, international
Chinese Physics C (CPC) was founded in 1977 and covers theory,                      readership, which strengthens the journal’s coverage of major advances in
experiments and applications in the fields of particle physics, nuclear             all aspects of physics.
physics, astrophysics and cosmology.
                                                                                    Letters are an increasingly important aspect of international research.
The journal publishes the latest developments and achievements in the               CPL fulfils this requirement as the flagship letter journal of the Chinese
theory, experiment and applications of:                                             Physical Society.
• particle physics
                                                                                    The journal publishes “Express Letters”, dedicated to the rapid
• nuclear physics
                                                                                    publication and dissemination of latest novel and significant research
• particle and nuclear astrophysics
                                                                                    from leading Chinese physicists.
• cosmology
The journal publishes original research papers, letters and reviews. The            Online archive
letters section covers short reports on the latest important scientific             2010–2020 available free with journal subscription
results, published as quickly as possible. Such breakthrough research                1984–2009 available in the IOP Journal Archive
articles have very high priority for publication. High-quality research
papers and rapid communications published in CPC, such as the latest
Atomic Mass Evaluation (AME), make it a key resource for researchers in             Partner
high-energy and nuclear physics.                                                    Chinese Physical Society

Online archive
2010–2020 available free with journal subscription
                                                                                     IMPACT FACTOR
• Chinese Physical Society
• Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
• Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Classical and Quantum Gravity                                                     Communications in                                                                Theoretical Physics

                        Volume                                         37                                Volume                                          72
                        Frequency                                      24                                Frequency                                       12
                        Online ISSN                           1361-6382                                  Online ISSN                            1572-9494
                        Print ISSN                            0264-9381                                  Print ISSN                            0253-6102
                        CODEN                                    CQGRDG                                  CODEN                                      CTPHDI

Editor-in-chief                                                                   Chief editor
Gabriela González, Louisiana State University, USA                               CP Sun, Graduate School of China Academy of Engineering Physics
                                                                                   (GSCAEP) & Beijing Computational Science Research Center (CSRC),
As the world’s leading gravitational physics journal, Classical and                Beijing 100193, China
Quantum Gravity ™ (CQG) is widely read and well cited thanks to its
focus on the highest-quality research. CQG is a popular choice among              Communications in Theoretical Physics (CTP) reports new developments
physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists in the fields of gravitation          in theoretical physics, including:
and the theory of space–time, and is valued by both theorists and                 • mathematical physics
experimentalists.                                                                 • quantum physics and quantum information
                                                                                  • particle physics and quantum field theory
CQG subscribers have access to high-quality papers on many subjects,
including:                                                                        • nuclear physics
                                                                                  • gravitation theory, astrophysics and cosmology
• classical general relativity
                                                                                  • atomic, molecular, optical (AMO) and plasma physics, chemical physics
• applications of relativity
                                                                                  • statistical physics, soft matter and biophysics
• experimental gravitation, including gravitational waves
                                                                                  • condensed matter theory
• cosmology and the early universe
• quantum gravity                                                                Interdisciplinary areas such as biophysics, mathematical physics and
• supergravity, superstrings and supersymmetry                                    computational physics are also covered by CTP.
• mathematical physics
                                                                                  In addition to original research articles, letters, research notes and
In addition to regular research papers, CQG also publishes Topical                rapid communications, CTP also publishes review articles. All article
Reviews and solicits articles for Focus Issues on high-interest subjects,         submissions, peer review and production – from acceptance to
resulting in an overview of the most interesting research in this field.          publication – are supported by the Institute of Theoretical Physics,
The findings are placed in the wider context of gravitational physics, a          Chinese Academy of Sciences.
significant added benefit for any reader. Additionally, CQG welcomes a
variety of other article types including Letters, Comments, Brief Reviews
and Notes.                                                                        Online archive
                                                                                  2010–2020 available free with journal subscription
                                                                                   1982–2009 available in the IOP Journal Archive
Online archive
 2010–2020 available free with journal subscription
1984–2009 available in the IOP Journal Archive                                   Partners
                                                                                  • Chinese Physical Society
                                                                                  • Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

                                                                                   IMPACT FACTOR

ECS Journal of Solid State                                                             Electronic Structure
Science and Technology                                                       

                        Volume                                               9                                Volume                                            2
                        Frequency                                        12                                   Frequency                                         4
                        Online ISSN                             2162-8777                                     Online ISSN                             2516-1075
                        CODEN                                       EJSSBG                                    CODEN                                       ESLTAC

Editor-in-chief                                                                        Editors-in-chief
Krishnan Rajeshwar, University of Texas at Arlington, USA                              • Risto Nieminen, Aalto University, Finland
                                                                                       • Bert de Jong, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology (JSS) was launched in
2012, and is published by IOP Publishing on behalf of The Electrochemical              Electronic Structure ™ (EST) is a new multidisciplinary journal covering all
Society. The journal publishes outstanding research covering                           theoretical and experimental aspects of electronic structure research,
fundamental and applied areas of solid state science and technology,                   including the development of new methods. EST is the first journal
including experimental and theoretical aspects of the chemistry and                    dedicated to serving the entire electronic structure community, spanning
physics of materials and devices.                                                      materials science, physics, chemistry and biology.
JSS has five topical interest areas:                                                   As well as original research papers, EST offers authoritative topical
• carbon nanostructures and devices                                                   reviews, invited focus collections, and technical notes. Technical notes
• dielectric science and materials                                                     must demonstrate a new computational or experimental methodology, or
• electronic materials and processing                                                  an improvement to existing methods, with proof of application.
• electronic and photonic devices and systems
• luminescence and display materials, devices and processing                          The journal provides rapid in-house peer review and offers hybrid open
                                                                                       access, compliant with all major funding bodies.

Online archive
While a subscription is current, a subscribing institution will have                   Online archive
access to all of the available backfile as well as content from the current            2019–2020 freely available at
subscription year

Partner                                                                                 ELECTRONIC
The Electrochemical Society                                                                ONLY

                  IMPACT FACTOR
    ONLY            1.795

Engineering Research Express                                                           Environmental Research                                                                     Communications

                         Volume                                             2                                  Volume                                            2
                         Frequency                                          4                                  Frequency                                       12
                         Online ISSN                             2631-8695                                     Online ISSN                            2515-7620
                         CODEN                                       ERENBL                                    CODEN                                     ERCNCC

Editor-in-chief                                                                        Senior advisory panel
Jingyan Dong, North Carolina State University, USA                                     • Qingyun Duan, Beijing Normal University, People’s Republic of China
                                                                                       • Weijun Gao, Kitakyushu University, Japan
Engineering Research Express™ (ERX) is a broad, multidisciplinary journal              • Pavel Groisman, North Carolina State University, USA
devoted to publishing new experimental and theoretical research covering               • Rosamond Naylor, Stanford University, USA
topics extending across all areas of engineering science including
                                                                                       • Paul Palmer, University of Edinburgh, UK
interdisciplinary fields. The journal is committed to fast review and
operates a transparent editorial selection and feedback process focused
                                                                                       • G Arturo Sanchez-Azofeifa, University of Alberta, Canada
on the scientific rigour of the work, rather than its perceived impact or              • Wilfried Winiwarter, International Institute for Applied Systems
                                                                                          Analysis, Austria
novelty. The journal is characterized by article-length flexibility and a fast-
track peer-review process.
                                                                                       Environmental Research Communications™ (ERC) is a new open access
Topics of particular interest include:                                                 journal for the publication of high-quality research in all areas of
• electrical engineering – including control engineering, quantum                     environmental research.
   engineering, electronic engineering, optical engineering, power
                                                                                       The journal does not make a subjective assessment on the potential
   engineering, robotics and semiconductor engineering
                                                                                       future significance of a paper, instead it provides a rapid platform for
• mechanical engineering – including aeronautical engineering,                        communicating research that meets high standards of scientific rigour
   automotive engineering, materials engineering and vacuum
                                                                                       and contributes to the development of our knowledge of the environment.
• civil engineering – including environmental engineering, hydraulic                  All environment-related research is in scope, including interdisciplinary
   engineering, ocean and geographical engineering, and structural                     and multidisciplinary studies. All types of results can be published,
   engineering                                                                         provided they contribute to advancing knowledge in their field, including
• chemical engineering – including bioengineering, food science,                      incremental studies, negative results, null results, case studies, local
   chemical synthesis and refining, and microfabrication                               research and replication studies.

                                                                                       The journal is fully open access and all articles are published under a
                                                                                       CC BY 3.0 licence, permitting the widest possible dissemination and
     NEW         ELECTRONIC                                                           reuse of an author’s research.
   LAUNCH            ONLY

                                                                                       Online archive
                                                                                       2019–2020 freely available at

                                                                                           OPEN         ELECTRONIC
                                                                                          ACCESS            ONLY

Environmental Research Letters                                                                       EPL                                                                                

                             Volume                                                       15                                 Volume                                    129–132
                             Frequency                                                    12                                 Frequency                                         24
                             Online ISSN                                      1748-9326                                      Online ISSN                             1286-4854
                             CODEN                                                 ERLNAL                                    CODEN                                       EPLAC4

Editor-in-chief                                                                                      Editor-in-chief
D M Kammen, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA                                              Bart van Tiggelen, Université Grenoble, CNRS, Grenoble, France

Environmental Research Letters ™ (ERL) is published under the gold open                              EPL (formerly Europhysics Letters) has been in constant publication since
access model and offers authors the option to publish raw data alongside                             its creation in 1986 from the merger of Journal de Physique Lettres with
their articles as supplementary data, providing free access to this data for                         Lettere al Nuovo Cimento.
all researchers.
                                                                                                     A Letters journal serving all areas of physics and its related fields, EPL
ERL is the meeting place for the research and policy communities                                     publishes the highest quality research from around the world, and provides
concerned with environmental change and management. The journal                                      authors with fast, fair and constructive peer review thanks to an Editorial
covers all of environmental science; its coherent and integrated approach                            Board of active scientists, who are experts in their respective fields.
includes research letters, review articles, perspectives and editorials. ERL
communicates new results and findings that merit rapid publication. The                              Over 24 online issues per year, EPL publications are focused on novel,
journal’s coverage reflects the interdisciplinary nature of environmental                            scientifically significant, developing areas of science. This is exemplified by
science and the wide range of contributions to the development of                                    the journal’s series of Focus Issues, which have included Self-assemblies
methods, tools and evaluation strategies relevant to the field.                                      of Inorganic and Organic Nanomaterials, Evolutionary Modeling and
                                                                                                     Experimental Evolution, and Quantum Engineering.
ERL’s diverse scope ranges from physical and natural sciences to
economics, political, sociological and legal studies, including:                                     EPL enjoys the benefits of international partnership. It is co-managed by
• biodiversity                                                                                       scientists for the international scientific community, and published under
                                                                                                     the scientific policy and control of the European Physical Society by EDP
• biogeochemical cycles
                                                                                                     Sciences, IOP Publishing and Società Italiana di Fisica for a partnership of
• climate
                                                                                                     17 European physical societies (the EPL Association).
• energy
• environmental health, risk assessment, policy and law
• pollution                                                                                          Online archive
• natural resources, water, food                                                                     2010–2020 available free with journal subscription
                                                                                                      1986–2009 available in the IOP Journal Archive
Cover image, top left: Inspired by Ariel Miara et al 2013 Environ. Res. Lett. 8 025017
and Robert J Stewart et al 2013 Environ. Res. Lett. 8 025010. Artwork by Milicia Jevtic,
CUNY Environmental CrossRoads Initiative. Figure previously published in Ariel Miara and
Charles J Vörösmarty 2013 Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts 15 1113.                                  Partners
                                                                                                     • European Physical Society
                                                                                                     • EDP Sciences
Online archive                                                                                       • Società Italiana di Fisica
2006–2020 freely available at

                                                                                                      ELECTRONIC        IMPACT FACTOR
    OPEN            ELECTRONIC            IMPACT FACTOR                                                 ONLY            1.886
   ACCESS               ONLY                 6.192

European Journal of Physics                                                              Flexible and Printed Electronics                                                             

                         Volume                                               41                                Volume                                            5
                         Frequency                                            6                                 Frequency                                         4
                         Online ISSN                             1361-6404                                      Online ISSN                            2058-8585
                         Print ISSN                              0143-0807                                      CODEN                                      FPELAB
                         CODEN                                       EJPHD4

Editor-in-chief                                                                          Editor-in-chief
M Vollmer, University of Applied Sciences, Brandenburg, Germany                         Ronald Österbacka, Åbo Akademi University, Finland

With a worldwide readership and authors from every continent, European                   Launched in 2015, Flexible and Printed Electronics™ (FPE) is a
Journal of Physics (EJP) is a truly international journal dedicated to                   multidisciplinary journal devoted to publishing cutting-edge research
maintaining and improving the standard of taught physics in universities                 across all aspects of printed, plastic, flexible, stretchable and
and other higher education institutes.                                                   conformable electronics.

Examples of the wide-ranging EJP content include; original physics                       Uniquely bridging fundamental science and novel applications, the
education research and examples of how this research can inform the                      scope and characteristics of FPE have been shaped to meet the demands
teaching and learning of physics at university level; original insights into             of researchers based in both academia and industry, working across
the derivation of results; descriptions of novel laboratory exercises;                   this rapidly developing field. The journal’s aim is to serve as a unique
descriptions of successful and original student projects (whether                        international forum that brings together both fundamental science and
experimental, theoretical or computational); reviews of contemporary                     novel technological applications to advance progress in the field.
physics at a level accessible to physics students and teachers.
                                                                                         FPE publishes timely research articles of the highest scientific quality, on
EJP is a place for teachers, instructors and professors to share their                   the following subjects:
experiences and views on teaching physics at university level. It is an                  • materials and devices for stretchable electronics and conformal
essential point of reference for anyone involved in physics education,                      biointerfaces
including teacher trainers in physics, engineering and education                         • printed materials, ink formulations and rheology and printing systems
departments. It produces resources for colleges and universities,                        • device physics, device mechanics and engineering
companies with an education programme, government-funded bodies                          • circuit and system design
and government-funding departments.
                                                                                         • advanced fabrication methods and metrology
                                                                                         • printing of biological systems interfaced to electronic devices
Online archive                                                                           • mechanical, thermal and electronic modelling of flexible hybrid
2010–2020 available free with journal subscription                                          electronic systems and components
1980–2009 available in the IOP Journal Archive                                           • applications including displays, lighting, sensors and actuators,
                                                                                            bioelectronics, medical electronics, photovoltaics, energy harvesting
                                                                                            and storage, RF electronics, smart packaging and IoT devices/systems
European Physical Society
                                                                                         Online archive
                                                                                         2016–2020 available free with journal subscription

   40th           IMPACT FACTOR
 ANNIVERSARY        0.861

Fluid Dynamics Research                                                             Functional Composites                                                                  and Structures

                         Volume                                         52                                  Volume                                                 2
                         Frequency                                       6                                  Frequency                                              4
                         Online ISSN                           1873-7005                                    Online ISSN                              2631-6331
                         CODEN                                    FDRSEH                                    CODEN                                        FCSUAH

Editor-in-chief                                                                     Editor-in-chief
Yasuhide Fukumoto, Institute of Mathematics for Industry, Kyushu                    Woong-Ryeol Yu, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
University, Japan
                                                                                    Launched for 2019, Functional Composites and Structures (FCS) is an
Fluid Dynamics Research (FDR) is published on behalf of The Japan                   international journal co-owned by the Korean Society for Composite
Society of Fluid Mechanics. This international journal caters for                   Materials (KSCM) and IOP Publishing.
researchers in all areas of fluid dynamics, including: aerodynamics,
nano-fluids, fluid motion or modelling, turbulence, waves, rogue waves,             Functional composites and structures are essential to the creation
vortices, bifurcation, bubbles, gas–liquid boundaries and computational             of next-generation technologies and cultures in the fourth industrial
fluid dynamics.                                                                     revolution. Advances in this area will promote human welfare by
                                                                                    overcoming global energy and environmental crises and climate
FDR’s scope includes theoretical, numerical and experimental studies                change. In addition, new knowledge in this field will facilitate innovative
that contribute to the fundamental understanding and/or application of              advancements in living necessities, mobile devices, sporting goods,
fluid phenomena. The journal’s broad coverage features invited reviews              transportation (land, marine, and aerospace), energy and environmental
and original papers on topical subjects by leading researchers in this              applications, and will aid in the creation of a variety of new competitive
interdisciplinary field.                                                            industries.
Each year, FDR’s Editorial Board selects an outstanding article published
                                                                                    This journal will support the development of these important fields and
in the previous year to be awarded the FDR Prize. This article must contain
                                                                                    provides authors with a home for the functional aspects of composite
rigorous scientific work, be highly novel, exhibit a significant advancement
                                                                                    materials research.
to the field and, above all, be an extremely interesting read.
                                                                                    For the first two year’s of publication, all articles published in FCS will be
                                                                                    free to access.
Online archive
2010–2020 available free with journal subscription
 1986–2009 available in the IOP Journal Archive                                     Online archive
                                                                                    2019–2020 freely available at
The Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics                                                Co-owned by
                                                                                    • Korean Society for Composite Materials                                             A co-owned publication of The Kore
                                                                                                                                                                         for Composite Materials and IOP P
                                                                                    • IOP Publishing

   ONLY            0.993
                                                                                         NEW         ELECTRONIC
                                                                                       LAUNCH            ONLY

International Journal of                                                             Inverse Problems
Extreme Manufacturing                                                      

                        Volume                                            2                                   Volume                                              36
                        Frequency                                         4                                   Frequency                                           12
                        Online ISSN                             2631-7990                                     Online ISSN                              1361-6420
                        CODEN                                       IJEMKF                                    Print ISSN                               0266-5611
                                                                                                               CODEN                                         INPEEY

Editors-in-chief                                                                     Editor-in-chief
• Dongming Guo, Dalian University of Technology, People’s Republic                  S R Arridge, University College London, UK
   of China
• Yongfeng Lu, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA                                   Inverse Problems™ (IP) is an interdisciplinary journal that combines
                                                                                     mathematical and experimental papers on inverse problems with
The International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing is a new                          numerical and practical approaches to their solution. IP is a key resource
multidisciplinary journal uniquely covering the areas related to extreme             for mathematicians, physicists, engineers and scientists working in:
manufacturing. Extreme manufacturing is specifically manifested in                   • geophysics
manufacturing with extremely high-energy density, ultrahigh precision,               • radar
extremely small spatial and temporal scales, extremely intensive fields,             • optics
and giant systems with extreme complexity and number of factors.                     • biology
                                                                                     • acoustics
The journal is devoted to publishing original research of the highest quality
and impact in the area, ranging from fundamentals to process, metrology,             • communication theory
conditions, environments, and system integration. Topics of interest, but            • signal processing
not limited to:                                                                      • medical imaging
• material interactions with energy beams and fields                                 • inverse-scattering techniques
• approaches and theories of processing                                              • object identification
• metrology and characterization                                                     The journal’s scope includes original contributions to methods of solving
• equipment and systems                                                              mathematical, physical and applied problems. All papers published in
• extreme conditions                                                                 IP meet the highest standards of scientific quality, contain significant and
                                                                                     original new science, and present substantial advancement in the field.
Online archive                                                                       IP ensures that all authors provide sufficient introductory material to
2019–2020 freely available at                                    appeal to its broad readership and that articles that are not explicitly
                                                                                     applied include a discussion of possible applications.

Partners                                                                             For those looking for further exploration of particular topics, IP regularly
• Institute of Machinery Manufacturing Technology,                                  publishes thematic Special Issues that focus on research in key and
   China Academy of Engineering Physics                                              emerging areas.
• Dalian University of Technology
• Fudan University                                                                   Online archive
• Research Center of Laser Fusion, China Academy of Engineering                     2010–2020 available free with journal subscription
   Physics                                                                            1985–2009 available in the IOP Journal Archive

     NEW            OPEN         ELECTRONIC                                         IMPACT FACTOR
   LAUNCH           ACCESS            ONLY                                             1.858

Izvestiya: Mathematics                                                               Japanese Journal of Applied Physics                                                          

                        Volume                                            84                                Volume                                            59
                        Frequency                                          6                                Frequency                  12 + 16 special issues
                        Online ISSN                            1468-4810                                    Online ISSN                           1347-4065
                        Print ISSN                             1064-5632                                    Print ISSN                            0021-4922
                                                                                                             CODEN                                     JJAPB6

Editor-in-chief                                                                      Chief executive editor
V V Kozlov, V A Steklov Mathematical Institute, Russian Academy of                  Kouichi Ono, Kyoto University/Osaka University, Japan
 Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Deputy editor                                                                        Takuji Takahashi, University of Tokyo, Japan
A G Sergeev, V A Steklov Mathematical Institute, Russian Academy of
 Sciences, Moscow, Russia                                                            The Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP) is an international journal
                                                                                     published by IOP Publishing on behalf of The Japan Society of Applied
Izvestiya: Mathematics (IM) is the English edition of the Russian                    Physics for the advancement and dissemination of knowledge in all fields
bimonthly journal Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk, Seriya                         of applied physics.
Matematicheskaya, which was founded in 1937.
                                                                                     The journal publishes articles dealing with the applications of physical
The journal publishes only original research papers containing full results.         principles, as well as articles concerning the understanding of physics
Whilst the coverage spans all fields of mathematics, special attention               that have particular applications in mind. Articles in interdisciplinary
is given to general algebra, mathematical logic, mathematical analysis,              areas with potential technological implications are strongly encouraged.
geometry, topology and differential equations.                                       From 2018, the subject of physics-based circuits and systems has been
                                                                                     included in the scope of the journal.
The original Russian version is reproduced in English in less than three
weeks, allowing researchers to access the latest research promptly.                  JJAP includes Regular Papers, Rapid Communications, Brief Notes
                                                                                     and Review Papers. In addition, several Special Issues are published
                                                                                     each year. These contain research articles presented at international
Online archive
                                                                                     conferences that have been peer-reviewed in accordance with the usual
1967–2020 available free with journal subscription
                                                                                     JJAP criteria.
1967–2007 available in Turpion’s Historic Archive: Turpion offers the
option to acquire perpetual rights of Turpion journals content for a                 There is also a special section, “Selected Topics in Applied Physics”,
one-time purchase. Since 2008, electronic access back to the first                   which highlights specific topics and features rapidly developing current
English translation volume has been hosted by IOP Publishing at                      trends in these areas.

                                                                                     Online archive
Partners                                                                             1962–2020
• Turpion
• Russian Academy of Sciences
• London Mathematical Society                                                        Partner
                                                                                     The Japan Society of Applied Physics

  1.030                                                                                IMPACT FACTOR

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