ERC Consolidator Grants 2022 List of Principal Investigators selected for funding

Page created by Curtis Hayes
ERC Consolidator Grants 2022
                                List of Principal Investigators selected for funding

The statistics and final list of successful candidates are provisional. The Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the European Union and the
United Kingdom allows for associating the UK to the current EU research and innovation funding programme, Horizon Europe, subject to the
adoption of a Protocol. As this Protocol has not been adopted so far, the UK is still considered "non-associated" to Horizon Europe. Therefore, the
successful proposals of applicants based in a country in the process of associating to Horizon Europe will be eligible for funding only if the
relevant Horizon Europe association agreement applies by the time of the signature of the grant agreement. However, successful applicants from
UK host institutions can still be funded, provided that they move to a host institution in an eligible country.
ERC Consolidator Grants 2022               List of Principal Investigators – Social Science and Humanities        Host institution refers to institution
                                                                                                                    at time of application

                                 Host Institution Local                                 Host
Last name           First name                                 Host Institution name             Acronym        Title                             Panel
                                 name                                                  country
                                                                                                                The Present Dead:
                                                                                                                Investigating Interactions with
                                 Österreichische Akademie      Austrian Academy of                              Graves and the Material
ASPOECK             Edeltraud                                                            AT      PRESENTDEAD                                       SH6
                                 der Wissenschaften            Sciences (AAS)                                   Remains of the Dead in Early
                                                                                                                Medieval Europe (5th – 8th
                                                                                                                Centuries AD)
                                                                                                                Anthropogenic Environments
                                                                                                                in the Future Tense: Loss,
DAGYELI             Jeanine      Universität Wien              University of Vienna      AT      ANTHEFT                                           SH3
                                                                                                                Change and Hope in Post-
                                                                                                                Soviet Industrial Landscapes
                                                                                                                Global Conservation: Histories
ETIENNE             Noémie       Universität Wien              University of Vienna      AT      GLOCO                                             SH5
                                                                                                                and Theories
                                                                                                                Climate and Contemporary
                                 Österreichische Akademie      Austrian Academy of                              Transformations of Vernacular
FEIGLSTORFER        Hubert                                                               AT      CLIMATE-Arch                                      SH5
                                 der Wissenschaften            Sciences (AAS)                                   Architecture - Interaction,
                                                                                                                Effects and Perspectives
                                                                                                                Revealing evolutionary
                                                                                                                systems behind epidemic
SCHÜNEMANN          Verena       Universität Wien              University of Vienna      AT      RESERVOIR                                         SH6
                                                                                                                reservoirs of infectious, re-
                                                                                                                emerging diseases
                                                                                                                Rethinking emergency from a
                                                                                                                legal historical perspective:
CERCEL              Cosmin       Universiteit Gent             Ghent University          BE      EMERGE                                            SH2
                                                                                                                contexts, actors, practices,
                                                                                                                Towards an evidence-based
                                                                                                                model for big data policing:
                                                                                                                Evaluating the statistical-
HARDYNS             Wim          Universiteit Gent             Ghent University          BE      BIGDATPOL                                         SH2
                                                                                                                methodological, criminological
                                                                                                                and legal and ethical
                                                                                                                Disappearing Act:
                                                                                                                Reconstructing the Crime of
KOVRAS              Iosif        University of Cyprus          University of Cyprus      CY      DISACT                                            SH2
                                                                                                                Disappearances in Times of
                                                                                                                Political Violence
                                                                                                                Mainstreaming Social-
                                                                                                                Ecological Sufficiency: Closing
                                 Leuphana Universität
ABSON               David                                      Lüneburg University       DE      MaSES          the sustainable consumption        SH7
                                                                                                                gap between societal demand
                                                                                                                and ecological limits

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ERC Consolidator Grants 2022                List of Principal Investigators – Social Science and Humanities                        Host institution refers to institution
                                                                                                                                     at time of application

                                 Host Institution Local                                           Host
Last name           First name                                      Host Institution name                  Acronym               Title                               Panel
                                 name                                                            country
                                                                                                                                 Creating Suspects. Security
                                 Ludwig-Maximilians-                University of Munich                                         Politics and Colonial Rule at
BIERSACK            Martin                                                                         DE      SUSPICIO                                                  SH6
                                 Universität München                (LMU)                                                        the Dawn of the Spanish
                                                                                                                                 Post-National Reconceptions
                                 Heinrich-Heine-Universität         Heinrich Heine                                               of European Literary History: A
EDLICH-MUTH         Miriam                                                                         DE      Post-REALM                                                SH5
                                 Düsseldorf                         University of Dusseldorf                                     Mixed-Method Approach to a
                                                                                                                                 Late Medieval Text Tradition
                                                                                                                                 Evolutionary Government:
                                                                                                                                 Origins and Consequences of
FLEISCHER           Julia        Universität Potsdam                University of Postdam          DE      STATE-DNA                                                 SH2
                                                                                                                                 Structural Change in
                                 Ruprecht-Karls-Universität                                                                      Fever. Global Histories of (a)
GÄNGER              Stefanie                                        University of Heidelberg       DE      FEVER                                                     SH6
                                 Heidelberg                                                                                      Disease, 1750–1840
                                 Albert-Ludwigs-Universität         Albert-Ludwigs-                                              Comics Culture in the People’s
HENNINGSEN          Lena                                                                           DE      ChinaComx                                                 SH5
                                 Freiburg                           University Freiburg                                          Republic of China
                                                                                                                                 The interplay of neural
                                 Technische Universität             Technical University of
KANSKE              Philipp                                                                        DE      INTERACT              networks enabling social            SH4
                                 Dresden                            Dresden
                                                                                                                                 Urban scAInce: why and how
                                 Technische Universität             Technical University of                                      cities transform through
KASSENS-NOOR        Eva                                                                            DE      scAInce                                                   SH7
                                 Darmstadt                          Darmstadt                                                    artificial intelligence and their
                                                                                                                                 associated technologies
                                 Eberhard Karls Universität                                                                      Modelling and maintaining
KAUFMANN            Tobias                                          University of Tübingen         DE      HealthyMom                                                SH4
                                 Tübingen                                                                                        maternal mental health
                                 Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur
                                                                                                                                 How the physical environment
KUEHN               Simone       Förderung der                      Max Planck Society             DE      BrainScape                                                SH4
                                                                                                                                 shapes the human brain
                                 Wissenschaften e.V.
                                 Rheinische Friedrich-
LEHMKUHL            Dennis                                          University of Bonn             DE      COGY                  The Centre of Gravity Project       SH6
                                 Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
                                                                                                                                 Meritocracy and Literature:
                                 Heinrich-Heine-Universität         Heinrich Heine
PIRKER              Eva Ulrike                                                                     DE      MERLIT                Transcultural Approaches to         SH5
                                 Düsseldorf                         University of Dusseldorf
                                                                                                                                 Hegemonic Forms
                                                                    The Kiel Institute for the                                   International Finance and the
TREBESCH            Christoph    Kiel Institut für Weltwirtschaft                                  DE      Great.Power.Finance                                       SH1
                                                                    World Economy                                                Great Powers, 1800-2020
                                 Technische Universität             Technical University of                                      3D scene understanding in two
WALLIS              Thomas                                                                         DE      SEGMENT                                                   SH4
                                 Darmstadt                          Darmstadt                                                    glances
                                 Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur                                                                     Natural Sex Ratios at Birth:
WILDE               Joshua       Förderung der                      Max Planck Society             DE      SEXRATIO              New Evidence and                    SH7
                                 Wissenschaften e.V.                                                                             Implications

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ERC Consolidator Grants 2022                 List of Principal Investigators – Social Science and Humanities                Host institution refers to institution
                                                                                                                              at time of application

                                   Host Institution Local                                   Host
Last name           First name                                   Host Institution name               Acronym              Title                                 Panel
                                   name                                                    country
                                                                                                                          Changing Inequality at
REIMER              David          Aarhus Universitet            Aarhus University           DK      EDUCHANGE                                                  SH3
                                                                                                                          Educational Transitions
                                                                                                                          The Cultural History of the
                    Diana          Universitat de Barcelona      University of Barcelona     ES      BADEMS               Black African Diaspora in Early       SH5
                                                                                                                          Modern Spain
                                                                                                                          (Re)Constructing the
                                                                                                                          Archaeology of Mobile
                                                                 Pompeu Fabra
BIAGETTI            Stefano        Universitat Pompeu Fabra                                  ES      CAMP                 Pastoralism: bringing the site        SH6
                                                                                                                          level into long-term pastoral
                                                                 Centre for Monetary
                                   Centro de Estudios                                                                     Adaptation to Climate Change
BUSTOS              Paula                                        and Financial Studies       ES      ClimateAdapt                                               SH1
                                   Monetarios Y Financieros                                                               in Developing countries
                                                                                                                          Uncovering the human
                    Judith         Universitat de Barcelona      University of Barcelona     ES      HumanSUBthreat       subcortical pathway for               SH4
                                                                                                                          auditory threat detection
                                                                                                                          Environmental metal pollution
                                   Universidade de Santiago de   University of Santiago
LÓPEZ COSTAS        Olalla                                                                   ES      PollutedPast         revealed in archaeological            SH6
                                   Compostela                    de Compostela
                                                                                                                          human remains
                                                                                                                          The relevance of judicial (dis-
                                   Universidad Carlos III de     University Charles III,
MAYORAL             Juan Antonio                                                             ES      CURIAFIDES           )trust for the legal integration of   SH2
                                   Madrid                        Madrid
                                                                                                                          the European Union
                                                                 Pompeu Fabra                                             The historical roots of global
PASCALI             Luigi          Universitat Pompeu Fabra                                  ES      ROOTS                                                      SH1
                                                                 University                                               inequality
                                                                 Pompeu Fabra                        Pers_and_Preferenc   Personality, Preferences, and
PENTA               Antonio        Universitat Pompeu Fabra                                  ES                                                                 SH1
                                                                 University                          es                   Reference-Dependence
                                                                                                                          Revealing Earliest Animal
                                   Universitat Autònoma de       Autonomous University
TORNERO             Carlos                                                                   ES      READ                 Domestication in the Fertile          SH6
                                   Barcelona                     of Barcelona
                                                                                                                          Properties of Units and
ERÄSAARI            Matti          Helsingin yliopisto           University of Helsinki      FI      Units                                                      SH3
                                   Tampereen                                                                              Dwelling with Crisis: Home at
JORONEN             Mikko                                        Tampere University          FI      HOMCRI                                                     SH7
                                   Korkeakoulusaatio Sr                                                                   Spaces of Chronic Violence
                                                                                                                          De-Centering Eighteenth-
                                                                                                                          Century Political Economy:
NOKKALA             Ere            Helsingin yliopisto           University of Helsinki      FI      DEPE                                                       SH6
                                                                                                                          Rethinking Growth, Wealth and
                                                                                                                          Welfare in the Swedish Empire
                                                                                                                          Artisanal Mines, Economic
                                   Ecole normale supérieure de
COUTTENIER          Mathieu                                      ENS (Lyon)                  FR      ArtiMinDev           Development and Social                SH1

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ERC Consolidator Grants 2022               List of Principal Investigators – Social Science and Humanities              Host institution refers to institution
                                                                                                                          at time of application

                                 Host Institution Local                                     Host
Last name           First name                                    Host Institution name              Acronym          Title                              Panel
                                 name                                                      country
                                 d'Enseignement Supérieur                                                             A Learning-from-Prices view of
GABALLO             Gaetano                                       HEC Paris                  FR      LearnInCycle                                        SH1
                                 Consulaire Hautes Etudes                                                             Inflation and Business Cycles
                                 Commerciales de Paris
                                                                                                                      Ocean and Space Pollution,
                                 Université de Bretagne
LE ROUX             Geraldine                                     UBO                        FR      OSPAPIK          Artistic Practices and             SH5
                                                                                                                      Indigenous Knowledges
                                                                                                                      Harnessing the cognitive and
                                                                  National Institute of
                                 Institut national de la santé                                                        neurophysiological processes
OUDIETTE            Delphine                                      Health and Medical         FR      CREADOZE                                            SH4
                                 et de la recherche médicale                                                          characterising the sleep onset
                                                                  Research (INSERM)
                                 Groupe des Écoles
                                                                                                                      Information Frictions in Hiring
RATHELOT            Roland       Nationales d'Économie et         GENES                      FR      INASHI                                              SH1
                                 Toulouse School of               Toulouse School of                                  Data and Market Power in the
RHODES              Andrew                                                                   FR      DMPDE                                               SH1
                                 Economics                        Economics                                           Digital Economy
                                                                                                                      Towards a Unified Macro-
                                                                  Paris School of
ZUCMAN              Gabriel      Ecole d'économie de Paris                                   FR      TUMAG            Distributional Analysis of         SH1
                                                                  University College                                  Women and Non-Alignment in
                                 University College Cork,
BONFIGLIOLI         Chiara                                        Cork, National             IE      WO-NAM           the Cold War era: biographical     SH6
                                 National University of Ireland
                                                                  University of Ireland                               and intersectional perspectives
                                                                                                                      Child-friendly justice for the
                                                                  University College
                                 University College Cork,                                            YOUTHCLIMATEJU   climate crisis: Post-paternalist
DALY                Aoife                                         Cork, National             IE                                                          SH2
                                 National University of Ireland                                      STICE            judgments, litigation,
                                                                  University of Ireland
                                                                                                                      Polyphonic Singing and
                                 National University of Ireland   National University of                              Communities of Music Writing
DESMOND             Karen                                                                    IE      BROKENSONG                                          SH5
                                 Maynooth                         Ireland Maynooth                                    in Medieval Britain and Ireland,
                                                                                                                      c. 1150 to c. 1350
                                                                                                                      Solidarity, Sovereignty, and
                                                                  University College                                  Sanctuary on the Seas: A
GLYNN               Irial        University College Dublin                                   IE      SOS                                                 SH6
                                                                  Dublin                                              Global History of Boat
                                                                                                                      Refugees since the 1940s
                                                                                                                      Systems of Transmitting Early
MCCARTHY            Erin         University of Galway             University of Galway       IE      STEMMA           Modern Manuscript Verse,           SH5
                                                                                                                      Gender, Conflict and Coercive
                                                                  University College                                  Control: A Feminist
SWAINE              Aisling      University College Dublin                                   IE      GENCOERCTRL                                         SH2
                                                                  Dublin                                              Phenomenological Expansion
                                                                                                                      of Conflict-related Harm

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ERC Consolidator Grants 2022                 List of Principal Investigators – Social Science and Humanities                  Host institution refers to institution
                                                                                                                                at time of application

                                   Host Institution Local                                    Host
Last name           First name                                     Host Institution name              Acronym               Title                             Panel
                                   name                                                     country
                                   The Hebrew University of        The Hebrew University                                    The neural mechanism of
HART                Yuval                                                                     IL      CreativeBrain                                            SH4
                                   Jerusalem                       of Jerusalem                                             scale-invariant creative search
                                                                                                                            The Role of Workers' and
                                                                                                                            Employers' Bargaining Power
KRISTAL             Tali           University of Haifa             University of Haifa        IL      DIWA                                                     SH3
                                                                                                                            in 'Distributional Workplace
NANTET              Emmanuel       University of Haifa             University of Haifa        IL      SHIPs                 Ships Harbouring in Ports          SH6
                                                                                                                            Identification and change of
                                                                                                      PassiveValueMarker    passive value markers in the
SCHONBERG           Tom            Tel Aviv University             Tel Aviv University        IL                                                               SH4
                                                                                                      s                     laboratory and naturalistic
                                                                                                                            A New Labour Law for Supply
SHAMIR              Hila           Tel Aviv University             Tel Aviv University        IL      New Labour Law                                           SH2
                                                                                                                            Chain Capitalism
                                                                                                                            The Praxis of Coexistence: A
                                                                                                                            Comparative and Inductive
WEISS               Erica          Tel Aviv University             Tel Aviv University        IL      PraxisofCoexistence                                      SH3
                                                                                                                            Approach to the Challenges of
                                                                                                                            Students’ understanding and
YEMINI              Miri           Tel Aviv University             Tel Aviv University        IL      STUDACT               appropriation of Global            SH3
                                                                                                                            Citizenship education
                                                                                                                            Between domestication and
                                                                                                                            ferality: cattle-human
                                   Universita Ca' Foscari          Ca' Foscari University
BONIFACIO           Valentina                                                                 IT      CowDom                relationships in the making of     SH3
                                   Venezia                         of Venice
                                                                                                                            post-colonial South-American
                                                                                                                            Debunking Eurocentric Literary
                                   Università degli Studi di
CARPENTIERI         Nicola                                         University of Padua        IT      SIQILLIYA             History: Poetry Across Borders     SH5
                                                                                                                            in Medieval Sicily
                                                                                                                            Post-Authoritarian Norms and
                                                                   European University
DINAS - NTINAS      Elias - Ilas   European University Institute                              IT      POSTNORM              the Ideological Legacy of          SH2
                                                                                                                            Disability versus Difference
                                   Fondazione Istituto Italiano    Italian Institute of
LOMBARDO            Michael                                                                   IT      AUTISMS-3D            over Development in the            SH4
                                   di Tecnologia                   Technology
                                                                                                                            The acquisition of new
                                   Università degli studi di       University of Milan-
MARELLI             Marco                                                                     IT      BraveNewWord          meanings through novel word        SH4
                                   Milano-Bicocca                  Bicocca
                                                                                                                            The Culture of Algorithmic
                                   Universita Ca' Foscari          Ca' Foscari University                                   Models: Advancing the
PASQUINELLI         Matteo                                                                    IT      AIMODELS                                                 SH5
                                   Venezia                         of Venice                                                Historical Epistemology of
                                                                                                                            Artificial Intelligence

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ERC Consolidator Grants 2022               List of Principal Investigators – Social Science and Humanities               Host institution refers to institution
                                                                                                                           at time of application

                                 Host Institution Local                                   Host
Last name           First name                                 Host Institution name               Acronym             Title                              Panel
                                 name                                                    country
                                 Universita Ca' Foscari        Ca' Foscari University                                  Communication in Ancient
PAYNE               Annick                                                                 IT      CAncAn                                                 SH5
                                 Venezia                       of Venice                                               Anatolia
                                                                                                                       From Niches to Norms: Drivers
TAVONI              Alessandro   Università di Bologna         University of Bologna       IT      GREEN TIPPING       and Diffusion of Green Social      SH7
                                                                                                                       Education policies that work:
                                 Università degli Studi di
TRIVENTI            Moris                                      University of Trento        IT      EDUPOL              A context-sensitive ‘big data’     SH3
                                                                                                                       Assessing Philosophical
                                                                                                                       Authors and Texts from
                                                                                                                       Herculaneum and elsewhere
VASSALLO            Christian    Università della Calabria     University of Calabria      IT      APATHES             on Early Stoicism: Insights into   SH5
                                                                                                                       ancient logic, physics, and
                                                                                                                       ethics towards a new von
                    Giedre       Vilniaus Universitetas        Vilnius University          LT      MILWAYS             Past & Future Millet Foodways      SH6
                                                                                                                       Public–Private Insurance
                    Willem Jan                                                                                         Partnerships for Adapting to
BOTZEN                           VU Amsterdam                  VU Amsterdam                NL      INSUREADAPT                                            SH7
                    Wouter                                                                                             Multi-Hazard Climate Change
                                                                                                                       Changing landscapes:
                                                                                                   ChangingLandscape   hormonal fluctuations and
DE BRUIJN           Ellen        Universiteit Leiden           Leiden University           NL                                                             SH4
                                                                                                   s                   neurocognitive functioning
                                                                                                                       across the female lifespan
                                                                                                                       Uncovering the creative
GUERBEROF                                                                                                              process: from inception to
                    Ana          Rijksuniversiteit Groningen   University of Groningen     NL      INCREC                                                 SH5
ARENAS                                                                                                                 reception of translated content
                                                                                                                       using machine translation
                                                                                                                       ‘Politics of the Periphery’ in
                                                               Radboud University                                      Urban Latin America:
KOSTER              Martijn      Radboud Universiteit                                      NL      POPULAR                                                SH3
                                                               Nijmegen                                                Reconceptualising Politics
                                                                                                                       from the Margins
KRETSCHMER          Tina         Rijksuniversiteit Groningen   University of Groningen     NL      PAR2                A new science of parenthood        SH3
                                                               Radboud University                                      The Social Life of Early
MEEDER              Sven         Radboud Universiteit                                      NL      SOLEMNE                                                SH6
                                                               Nijmegen                                                Medieval Normative Texts
                                                                                                                       Bayesian Gaussian Processes.
                                                                                                   NONLINEARSCIENC     Or: How I Learned to Stop
MULDER              Joris        Universiteit van Tilburg      Tilburg University          NL                                                             SH3
                                                                                                   E                   Worrying and Love Nonlinear
                                                                                                                       Social Science

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ERC Consolidator Grants 2022               List of Principal Investigators – Social Science and Humanities                  Host institution refers to institution
                                                                                                                              at time of application

                                 Host Institution Local                                     Host
Last name           First name                                   Host Institution name               Acronym              Title                             Panel
                                 name                                                      country
                                                                                                                          The Silk Road Language Web:
                                                                                                     SilkRoadLanguageW    A linguistic prehistory of the
PEYROT              Michaël      Universiteit Leiden             Leiden University           NL                                                              SH4
                                                                                                     eb                   Tarim Basin in Northwest
                                 Koninklijke Nederlandse         Royal Netherlands                                        Capturing Identity, Change,
VAN ERP             Marieke      Akademie van                    Academy of Arts and         NL      TRIFECTA             and the Long Tail in               SH5
                                 Wetenschappen - KNAW            Sciences                                                 Knowledge Graphs
                                 Norges Miljø- og                Norwegian University of                                  Improving tropical forest
CUNI SANCHEZ        Aida                                                                     NO      AFRIFOR                                                 SH7
                                 biovitenskapelige universitet   Life Sciences                                            conservation in Africa
                                                                                                                          Literary Games, Poetics and
KUKKONEN            Karin        Universitetet i Oslo            University of Oslo          NO      JEUX                                                    SH5
                                                                                                                          the Early-Modern Novel
                                                                                                                          Illuminating Deep Uncertainties
MAESO               Arnald Puy   Universitetet i Bergen          University of Bergen        NO      DAWN                 in the Estimation of Irrigation    SH7
                                                                                                                          Water Withdrawals
                                                                                                                          HeaLS - Effects of the
                                                                                                                          implementation of the
NYGAARD             Egil         Universitetet i Oslo            University of Oslo          NO      HeaLS                                                   SH3
                                                                                                                          interdisciplinary topic “Health
                                                                                                                          and Life Skills” in schools
                                                                                                                          Self-Assembly: Shifting our
OFTEDAL             Gry          Universitetet i Oslo            University of Oslo          NO      AssemblingLife                                          SH4
                                                                                                                          View of Life
                                                                                                                          Urban biography of a
OBLUSKI             Artur        Uniwersytet Warszawski          University of Warsaw        PL      Afropolis Tungul                                        SH6
                                                                                                                          cosmopolitan African capital
                                 Universidade NOVA de            NOVA University of                                       Film-Philosophy as a
VIEGAS              Susana                                                                   PT      FILM AND DEATH                                          SH5
                                 Lisboa                          Lisbon                                                   Meditation on Death
                                                                                                                          A Neural and Computational
                                                                 University of
APPS                Matt         University of Birmingham                                    UK      EffDox               Framework of the Effort            SH4
                                                                                                                          Secure, Dignified and Just? A
                                                                                                                          paradigm shift in the
BAUMBERG GEIGER     Ben          University of Kent              University of Kent          UK      WelfareExperiences                                      SH3
                                                                                                                          comparative study of social
                                                                                                                          People, Animals, Landscapes
BRITTON             Kate         University of Aberdeen          University of Aberdeen      UK      PALaEoScot           and Environments of Late           SH6
                                                                                                                          Glacial Scotland
                                                                 University of St                                         Instruments of Unity: the Many
COTNOIR             A. J.        University of St Andrews                                    UK      IOU                                                     SH4
                                                                 Andrews                                                  Ways of Being One
                                                                                                                          The Third Generation:
GUVELI              Ayse         University of Essex             University of Essex         UK      ThirdGen             Dissimilation from Origins and     SH7
                                                                                                                          Assimilation into Destination

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ERC Consolidator Grants 2022               List of Principal Investigators – Social Science and Humanities        Host institution refers to institution
                                                                                                                    at time of application

                                 Host Institution Local                                   Host
Last name           First name                                 Host Institution name               Acronym      Title                             Panel
                                 name                                                    country
                                                                                                                Learning Anglo-French: French
HINTON              Thomas       University of Exeter          University of Exeter        UK      LAF                                             SH5
                                                                                                                Manuscripts in Britain, c.1200–
                                                                                                                A comprehensive, universal
                                                               Bournemouth                                      human rights framework for
KLINKNER            Melanie      Bournemouth University                                    UK      MaGPIE                                          SH2
                                                               University                                       Mass Grave Protection,
                                                                                                                Investigation & Engagement
                                                                                                                Classifying and Understanding
                                                               University of
KOUKIADAKI          Aristea      University of Manchester                                  UK      CURE         Remedies in Comparative            SH2
                                                                                                                Labour Law
                                                                                                                Plumbing poverty: insecure
                                                                                                                access, shutoffs, and the
MEEHAN              Katie        King's College London         King's College London       UK      PLUMBPOV                                        SH7
                                                                                                                social infrastructures of water
                                                                                                                in Europe and the USA
                                                                                                                Data and the ‘Healthcare
MONTGOMERY          Catherine    University of Edinburgh       University of Edinburgh     UK      DARE                                            SH3
                                                                                                                Rational Evolutionary
ROUND               Erich        University of Surrey          University of Surrey        UK      REVOLUPHON                                      SH4
                                                                                                                Economic and cultural
                                                                                                                connections within
SAPOZNIK            Alexandra    King's College London         King's College London       UK      ECOMEDS                                         SH6
                                                                                                                Mediterranean ecosystems
                                                                                                                Reparative Futures of
SRIPRAKASH          Arathi       University of Bristol         University of Bristol       UK      REPAIR-ED                                       SH3
                                                                                                                Decolonization, Appropriation
                                                               University of
ZIMBLER             Jarad        University of Birmingham                                  UK      LITAID       and the Materials of Literature    SH5
                                                                                                                in Africa and its Diaspora

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