Environmental Impact of Electric Vehicles: Potential of the Circular Economy? - Forschungsstelle für ...

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Environmental Impact of Electric Vehicles: Potential of the Circular Economy? - Forschungsstelle für ...
Environmental Impact of Electric Vehicles:
                             Potential of the Circular Economy?

                                               Anika Regett
                        Prof. Dr. Ulrich Wagner, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Mauch, Jane Bangoj

                            13. Internationale MTZ-Fachtagung Zukunftsantriebe
                                          „Der Antrieb von morgen“

                                           24th of January 2019

    Project “Ressourcensicht auf
    die Energiezukunft” funded by:

Environmental Impact of Electric Vehicles: Potential of the Circular Economy? - Forschungsstelle für ...
The Environmental Footprint of Electric Vehicle Batteries –
    A Story of Misleading References and an Emotional Debate
                         Myth 1
                                      Carbon footprint of an electric vehicle battery = 17 t CO2

                         Myth 2
                                      Amortisation period of an electric vehicle = 8 years

                                                          so-called ”Sweden Study“
                                                          provides an overview of studies on the carbon
      Starting point:
                                                           footprint of battery production
                                                          BUT: doesn‘t include these values…

                                                             Tesla-example of Swedish scientists and journalists
                                                             picked up by Danish and then German media
      A chain reaction…                                      transfered to all electric vehicles
                                                             not considering range of validity (100 kWh and
                                                              150-200 kg CO2 eq./kWh) and future improvements
    An overview of the whole story:
2   https://edison.handelsblatt.com/erklaeren/elektroauto-akkus-so-entstand-der-mythos-von-17-tonnen-co2/23828936.html?social=twitter
Environmental Impact of Electric Vehicles: Potential of the Circular Economy? - Forschungsstelle für ...
Plea: Need for Objectivity and a Life Cycle Perspective!

            Potential of the circular economy to reduce the environmental impact of electric
3           vehicles?
1. Carbon Footprint of Battery Production – Impact of Efficiency
    and Renewables

1. Carbon Footprint of Battery Production – System Boundaries

                                                           Valid for:
                                                              Energy-related greenhouse
              Raw material extraction                          gas (GHG) emissions
                                                              Cradle-to-Gate

                Material production
                                         Fuel supply and
                                                           GHG emissions
              Manufacturing of cells
              and other components

                 Battery assembly

              Li-ion traction battery:
                  1 kWh capacity

1. Carbon Footprint of Battery Production – Energy-related
    Greenhouse Gas Emissions per Process
                                                                     Valid for:
                                                                        30 kWh system
                                                                        NMC622 (Nickel-Manganese-
                                                                        Inventory data from Argonne
                                                                         National Laboratory (2017)
                                                                        Emission factors from ecoinvent
                                                                        Battery production mix from
                                                                         Fraunhofer roadmap

             Large contribution of electricity in battery manufacturing process
             But large variation of demand in current Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) studies
1. Carbon Footprint of Battery Production – Impact of Electricity
    Demand and Emission Factor in Battery Manufacturing
                                                                                                                    Energy-related GHG emissions of battery production
                                                                                                                         in kg CO2 eq. per kWh battery capacity                    Valid for:
                                                                                                                                                                                      30 kWh system

                                         Emission factor of electricity in battery manufacturing in kg/kWh
                                                                                                                                                                                      NMC622 (Nickel-Manganese-
                               coal                                                                          1.0        112                  162                     212              Inventory data from Argonne
                                                                                                                                                                                       National Laboratory (2017)
               battery                                                                                                                                                                Emission factors from ecoinvent
           production mix                                                                                                                                                             Battery production mix from
                                                                                                                                                                                       Fraunhofer roadmap

           electricity mix
                                                                                                             0.5         87                  112                     137

                             renewable                                                                       0.0         62                   62                      62

                                                                                                                           50                  100                 150
                                                                                                             Electricity demand for battery manufacturing in kWh/kWh battery capacity

                                                                                                                      industrial                                     pilot
                                                                                                                        plant                                        plant

                                                                                                                      analysis                  Swedish literature
                                                                                                                       at hand                     overview

              Strong dependency on state-of-the-art and location of production plant
              Significant improvement potential for efficiency and renewables
2. Battery Electric (BEV) vs. Internal Combustion Engine Vehicle
    (ICEV) – Impact of Origin of Charged Electricity

2. BEV vs. ICEV – Payback Periods

                                        ≙169 g/km
                                                    Valid for:
                                                       Well-to-Wheel
                                                       Golf class
                                                       30 kWh capacity
                                        ≙ 99 g/km      14 000 km/a
                                                     Battery: 106 kg
                                        ≙ 80 g/km       CO2 eq./kWh
                                                       Other components
                                                        from Hawkins et al.
                                                       Similar lifetime and
                                                        occupancy assumed
                                                       No additional benefits
                                                        (e.g. range of ICEV)
                                        ≙ 17 g/km       considered

            PV:       Mix DE 2015:
         ~1.6 years    ~3.6 years

2. BEV vs. ICEV – Sensitivities of Payback Period
                                        Payback Period of BEV vs. ICEV

                                         PV: ~1.6 years

                        -                                                          +
     • Comparison to Diesel                                     • Efficiency and renewables in
        2.1 years for PV                                         production (62 kg CO2 eq./kWh)
     • Larger battery                                              1.4 years for PV
       (simplified scaling to 50 kWh)                           • Large reduction potential through
        2.6 years for PV                                         increase of energy density (trend)
     • Lower annual mileage                                     • Higher annual mileage

               Further potential of End-of-Life approaches such as recycling and
               Second-Life to improve the environmental footprint?
3. Impact of Recycling and Second-Life (SL) on Critical Metal
     Demand – Further Reduction Potential at End-of-Life (EoL)

3. Impact of Recycling and SL on Critical Metal Demand –
 Modelling Approach and Advantages


                                                                                  • Primary demand of lithium (Li) and
                                                                                    cobalt (Co)
                                                                                  • Dynamic Material Flow Analysis
                                                                                  • Stock-and-Flow-Model for Germany
                                                                                  • Production and EoL (recycling and SL)
                                                                                  • 2015 to 2050 (annual resolution)
                                                                                  • Batteries: electric vehicles, PV home
                                                                                    storage, power control reserve
                                                                                  • Linking of mobile and stationary
                                                                                    applications through SL
                                                                                  • Considerations of lifetimes

                                                                                            Time dependencies
                                                                                            Substitution effects in
                                                                                             stationary battery markets

12   Figure: VDE Study on „Second-Life-Konzepte für Lithium-Ionen-Batterien aus Elektrofahrzeugen“: FfE, TUM, 2016
3. Impact of Recycling and Second-Life on Critical Metal Demand
 – “Reference“ vs. “Recycling“ Scenario
                                                                                     Valid for:
                                                                                      Market development:
                                                                                         NEP for stationary,
                                                                                         ERP for traction
                                                                                        Av. battery capacity:
                                                                                         34 kWh (2015) to 44
                                                                                         kWh (2050)
                                                                                        Rec. rate Co: 94%
                                                                                        Rec. Rate Li:
                                                                                         0 %, from 2020: 57 %
                                                                                        Max. collection rate:
                                                                                         100 %
                                                                                        Current mix of cell
                                                                                        Battery lifetime: 20 a
                                                                                         stationary, 12 a

                   As expected: large reduction of primary demand for Li and especially Co
                   But still high level of demand despite conservative electric vehicle scenario:
                    2 100 t Co in 2050 (about 2 % of current global production)
13   NEP=Netzentwicklungsplan, ERP=Energiereferenzprognose
3. Impact of Recycling and Second-Life on Critical Metal Demand
 – “Recycling“ vs. “Second-Life“ Scenario

                                                                     Valid for:
                                                                        Market development:
                                                                         NEP for stationary,
                                                                         ERP for traction
                                                                        Av. battery capacity:
                                                                         34 kWh (2015) to 44
                                                                         kWh (2050)
                                                                        Rec. rate Co: 94%
                                                                        Rec. Rate Li:
                                                                         0 %, from 2020: 57 %
                                                                        Max. SL feasibility and
                                                                         collection rate: 100 %
                                                                        Current mix of cell
                                                                      Battery lifetime: 20 a
                                                                         for stationary, 12 a for
                                                                         traction, 8 a SL

          Overall: reduction of primary Li and Co demand through Second-Life
          But in the short- to medium-term: depending on boundary conditions
14         increase in critical metal demand (in this case Co)
4. Conclusion – The Bigger Picture

4. Conclusion – Key Messages
         The higher efficiency of an electric vehicle is currently reduced by a larger environmental
         impact in the production phase.

         But overall, electric vehicles (batteries or fuel cells) are from today's view the only notable and
         indispensable option for a comprehensive integration of renewables in the transport sector.

         The circular economy offers a considerable potential for an improvement of the environmental
         performance in all phases of the battery’s life cycle.

         In this context efficiency and renewables in battery production and the vehicle’s use phase
         play a decisive role to improve the carbon footprint of electric mobility.

         A thought-through implementation of recycling and Second-Life approaches offers further
         improvement potential, also with regard to critical metals such as lithium and cobalt.
Analysis: „Carbon footprint of electric vehicles – a plea for more
      Press release:
            https://www.ffe.de/publikationen/pressemeldungen/856-klimabilanz-von-elektrofahrzeugen-ein-

      Detailed analysis:
            https://www.ffe.de/attachments/article/856/Klimabilanz_Elektrofahrzeugbatterien_FfE.pdf

      Supplementary material:
            https://www.ffe.de/attachments/article/698/Begleitdokument_Klimabilanz_Elektrofahrzeugbatterien

      Data on recent production processes and battery systems to update this

Thank you for your attention!

     Anika Regett, M.Sc.
     +49 (89) 158121-45

     Forschungsstelle für Energiewirtschaft (FfE) e.V.
     Am Blütenanger 71
     80995 München

     Register now for “FfE-Energietage“ (1st - 4th of April 2019):

Ergebnis-Symposium des Projekts Dynamis
     Dynamische und intersektorale Maßnahmenbewertung zur kosteneffizienten Dekarbonisierung des Energiesystems

         Eckdaten: Anmeldung: www.ffe.de/dynamis
                       Datum: 4. April 2019 | Teilnahmegebühr: Kostenlos | Räumlichkeiten: Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften in München
                       Vorabend Get-Together am 3. April 2019 von 17:30 bis 19:30 Uhr

         Dynamis:                                        Agenda:

         • Bewertung von                                        Dynamische Bewertung von                            Zukunft in einem dekarbonisierten
           CO2-Verminderungsmaßnahmen unter sich               CO2-Verminderungsmaßnahmen                                     Energiesystem
           verändernden Randbedingungen des
                                                        09:00 Uhr   Einleitung, Motivation & Überblick über   13:15 Uhr   Potenziale der Erneuerbaren Energien
           Energiesystems hinsichtlich ihrer
                                                                    Dynamis                                               (Photovoltaik & Windenergie)
           Kosteneffizienz und ihres Potenzials zur
                                                                    • Begrüßung durch das
           Emissionsreduktion                                                                                 13:45 Uhr   Elektrifizierung vs. Green Fuels – Partner
                                                                    Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und
                                                                                                                          oder Konkurrenten?
         • Fokus insbesondere auf Rückwirkungen der                 Energie
                                                                    • Das Projekt Dynamis im Kontext der      15:15 Uhr   90 % bis 95 % CO2-Emissionsreduktion –
           anwendungsseitigen Maßnahmen auf das
                                                                    Energiewende                                          Ja bitte! Aber wie?
                                                                    • Der Dynamis-Ansatz zur Bewertung von    15:30 Uhr   Podiumsdiskussion "Leben in einer
         • Abbildung der Maßnahmen durch                            CO2-Verminderungsmaßnahmen                            dekarbonisierten Welt: Chancen und
           Erweiterung der Optimierungsmodelle der      10:30 Uhr   Die großen Stellhebel zur                             Herausforderungen für Energiewirtschaft
           Bereitstellungsseite um eine detaillierte                Dekarbonisierung der                                  und Politik“
           Modellierung der vier Endenergiesektoren                 Endenergiesektoren                        16:30 Uhr   Zusammenfassung & Ausblick
           Verkehr, Haushalte, GHD und Industrie                    Jeweils:
                                                                    10 Minuten wissenschaftlicher Vortrag
         • Berücksichtigung dynamischer                             + 10 Minuten Kommentar eines              16:45 Uhr   Ausklang bei gemütlichem Get-Together
           Wechselwirkungen in der Berechnung von                   Industrievertreters
           CO2-Verminderungskosten                                  + 10 Minuten Diskussion im Plenum
                                                                    • Verkehr
                                                                    • Industrie
                                                                    • Haushalte & GHD

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