Enterprise Florida Board Executive Committee

Enterprise Florida
                  Board Executive Committee

                                    Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the
                                 Executive Committee of Enterprise Florida

         A regular meeting of the Enterprise Florida, Inc. Executive Committee was held on December 7,
         2021 at the Rosen Centre Hotel in Orlando, Florida.
              Members Participating
              Vice Chair Holly Borgmann                                 Jeff Hendry
              Brian Curtin                                              Nick Miceli
              Barbara Essenwine                                         Sonya Montgomery
              Sonya Deen Hartley (via Zoom)                             Crystal Stiles for Eric Silagy

       Welcome and Roll Call
       Vice Chair Holly Borgmann called the meeting to order at 4:47 p.m. and welcomed everyone. The roll was called
       and a quorum was confirmed.

       Approval of Minutes
       Nick Miceli made a motion to approve the minutes of the September 28, 2021 and November 12, 2021
       meetings. Barbara Essenwine seconded. The motion carried.

       Leader Liaison Reports
       Florida Sports Foundation
       Angela Suggs, President & CEO of the Florida Sports Foundation, reported that quarter one concluded with
       $1,739,858 in financial support for 61 sporting competitions and events resulting in $216 million in economic
       impact and the creation of 4,600 jobs while hosting 395,000 visitors to the state. The 30th edition of the Florida
       Senior Games kicked off this week with more than 1,700 athletes competing in 21 sports.

       Business Development and Marketing
       Crystal Stiles, Senior Director of Economic Development for FP&L, reported that there have been 36.9 million
       media impressions since July. The Built for Opportunity campaign which highlights business success stories
       throughout Florida has generated 92 million impressions since launching in September. The Business
       Development team continues to work on a strong pipeline of 368 active projects. Fiscal year to date, there have
       been 21 successful relocations and expansions with 7,687 new to Florida jobs.

       International Trade & Development
       Brian Curtin, BRPH President & CEO, reported that the October international trade results were strong. It will
       be a busy year of in-person reemergence with Medica, METS and the Dubai Air Show already this fiscal year
       and Arab Health in January, the Singapore Air Show in February and the Farnborough Air Show in July as well
       as Export Sales Missions to Egypt and Panama. SEUS Japan will be held in Florida this year in November.

       Minority and Small Business
       Sonya Montgomery, President & CEO of the Desoto Group, reported that the MaSBEC program focused on
       establishing a solid foundation during its first year. Year two will build on that momentum including another Boot
       Camp series. The division will sponsor the Inaugural Black Chamber Day at the Capitol on January 31 and
       February 1. MaSBEC seeks to enter into memorandums of understanding with strategic partners and
       stakeholders including the Florida SBC, the Florida Office of Supplier Diversity, the Florida Association of Black
       Chambers and the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.

Enterprise Florida Board Executive Committee Meeting Minutes | December 7, 2021                                 Page 1
Enterprise Florida
                  Board Executive Committee

         Innovation & Business Talent
         Barbara Essenwine, Owner of The Above and Beyond Company, reported that the committee heard a
         presentation on the Martin County REACH Center for Aviation at the meeting earlier in the day along with an
         update from the director of the Executive Office of the Governor’s REACH Office.

         Nick Miceli, Regional President of TD Bank, reported that the committee discussed the RFP for auditing
         services. Six firms submitted proposals, of which two were selected as finalists. The committee discussed the
         pros and cons of going with a new firm and the price difference between the two. The committee recommended
         renewal of the contract with Cherry Bekaert for an additional three years.

         Finance & Compensation
         David Rogers, Enterprise Florida Executive Vice President, reported that the Enterprise Florida leadership is
         focusing on the staff members by working to provide leadership, collaboration and redundancy. They will be
         moving away from the traditional performance evaluation process to one that Florida Blue shared. Internal
         promotions are being emphasized, where practical, with 20 staff members promoted since August. Daisy
         Dovale, Enterprise Florida Vice President of Finance & Accounting and Controller, reported on the first quarter
         financials which were in line with what was expected.

         Military & Defense
         Terry McCaffrey, Enterprise Florida Vice President of Military & Defense, reported that the Florida Defense
         Alliance and the Florida Defense Support Task Force met in November. The Task Force is working on two
         upcoming projects – Department of Defense education scoring for Florida schools and ways to improve as well
         as resiliency projects around installations and where the state can help. Efforts are also continuing to gain two
         KC-46 squadrons at MacDill and to gain Star Command and Space Command. A draft of the economic impact
         study has been completed and will be finalized in January.

         Stakeholders Council
         Jeff Hendry, Chair of the Stakeholders Council, reported that the meeting earlier that day included an update on
         Team Florida events, the need for more outreach on the state and local levels, discussions on local and regional
         wins and case studies, challenges faced with the need for more shovel-ready infrastructure and investment in
         sites as the time intervals for projects are speeding up.

         Florida Opportunity Fund
         Meredith Pelton, Executive Director of the Florida Opportunity Fund, reported that the fund will ensure that
         Florida is open for tech and startup business by responsibly deploying the $130 million portfolio of assets,
         building a network of portfolio company leaders and being a good contributor to Florida’s technology and startup
         ecosystem. The fund currently has 40 separate investments across the Fund of Funds, Clean Energy/Clean
         Tech and Venture Capital, 31 of which are direct investments The fund is in the process of hiring a new
         investment manager.

         Public Comment
         There was no public comment.

         Proposed Consent Agenda Items
         Vice Chair Borgmann presented the items on the consent agenda and reminded board members that they may
         not vote on any item where there is a conflict of interest.

            I.    Renewal of Existing Investors
                      • AT&T                             •    Boston Holding
                      • Becker                           •    Wells Fargo

Enterprise Florida Board Executive Committee Meeting Minutes | December 7, 2021                               Page 2
Enterprise Florida
                  Board Executive Committee

          II.   New Board Investor
                  • RCE/My Doctors Live

         III.   New Board Appointees
                  • Senator Jim Boyd
                  • Rodney Cruise, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
                  • Troy Link, Link Snacks, Inc.
        IV.     New Board Designee
                  • James Cummaro, RCE/My Doctors Live
         V.     Executive Committee Signing Resolution

       New Business
       Fiscal Year 2021/2022 Budget Amendment
       Vice Chair Borgmann explained that a budget amendment is being proposed, using reserve money from the
       decrease in travel and event costs due to the pandemic, in the amount of $1.1 million to go to marketing and $5
       million each to Orlando and Miami to support the needs related to hosting the FIFA World Cup Tournament.

       Discussion of Acting President/CEO and 90-Day Search Process
       Vice Chair Bormann reported that since Secretary Jamal Sowell stepped down, the Governor’s office will
       conduct a national search for a new President & DEO over the next 90 days. A resolution was put forward for
       Deputy Secretary Marc Adler to be appointed as the President of Enterprise Florida and serve as Secretary of
       Commerce in the interim.

       Crystal Stiles made a motion to approve the consent agenda, budget amendments and resolution. Barbara
       Essenwine seconded. The motion carried.

       Vice Chair Borgmann adjourned the meeting at 5:32 p.m.

Enterprise Florida Board Executive Committee Meeting Minutes | December 7, 2021                             Page 3
DocuSign Envelope ID: E8DEDB70-7CAC-48ED-B1A8-AAAAA7EEECDD

                                                  RESOLUTION OF THE
                                                EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE
                                              ENTERPRISE FLORIDA, INC.

            WHEREAS, Enterprise Florida, Inc. (“EFI”) acts as the economic development
                     organization for the state of Florida, utilizing private sector and public
                     sector expertise to promote and attract economic development in Florida;

            WHEREAS, the position of EFI President/CEO, also known as, Florida’s Secretary of
                     Commerce is currently vacant due to the resignation of Jamal Sowell on
                     October 15, 2021;

            WHEREAS, the President/CEO is the chief administrative and operational officer of the
                     EFI Board of Directors (“Board”) and has overall responsibility for
                     establishing staff polices, engaging the services of outside professionals and
                     otherwise attending to the day to day operation of EFI and carrying out the
                     instructions of the Board;

            WHEREAS, EFI has established an Executive Committee pursuant to section
                     288.9015(2)(g), Florida Statutes, with the authority to act on behalf of the
                     Board in all areas lawfully delegated to it by the Board and authority not
                     assigned by the Board may be ratified by the Board at its next meeting;

            WHEREAS, due to the vacancy in the position of President/CEO, the Executive
                     Committee desires to delegate purchasing and contracting authority to a
                     senior-level EFI employee to ensure that EFI’s mission continues
                     uninterrupted while the search for a permanent President/CEO is

            NOW THEREFORE, in accordance with its powers and duties vested by the laws of the
                     State of Florida, and the EFI Board of Directors, the EFI Executive
                     Committee hereby adopts the following:

            RESOLVED: That,

                    1.     The EFI President/CEO’s authority to lawfully enter into agreements on
                           behalf of EFI and in accordance with the authority granted to the
                           President/CEO under EFI’s Purchasing and Contracts Policy, effective
                           October 7, 2021, is hereby delegated to EFI Deputy Secretary of Commerce;

                    2.     Deputy Secretary of Commerce is fully authorized to exercise contracting
                           and purchasing authority on behalf of the EFI Board of Directors and to
                           delegate such authority to other EFI staff as currently provided for in
                           existing EFI policies.

                                                             Approved by the Enterprise Florida, Inc.
                                                             Executive Committee as of the _____ day of
                                                             November 2021.            11/12/2021

                                                             Holly Borgmann
                                                             Vice Chairman, Enterprise Florida, Inc.
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