Emsland nEws - edition 2020/2021 - Emsland Group

Page created by Lauren Holland
Emsland nEws - edition 2020/2021 - Emsland Group
The magazine for business partners and employees

  e dit i o n 2020/2021
Emsland nEws - edition 2020/2021 - Emsland Group
Investment and modernisation projects at all Group company locations  04
Impact of the coronavirus pandemic on everyday working life           09
Strategic alignment of Emsland-Service GmbH                           10
Rapid loading of starch potatoes with the ‘Potato Maus’               12
Expansion of our “myEmsland” portal                                   13

Sales & Marketing
New additions to the sales team take up their roles14
Our Emsland Asia Food Application from Thailand makes its introduction   15
PrimaTex™ – Texturised pea protein for plant-based innovation from Healy 16
Cooperation between the Emsland Group and Fuji Oil                       17
A collaborative effort based on partnership with plant-based JUST Egg    18
Collaborative work between the Emsland Group and Jungbunzlauer           19
Emsland Group announces a strategic partnership
with the Brenntag Group in additional countries                          20

Emsland Innovation
New management for Food Application Technology                                  21
Emsland Group presents new waxy potato starch                                   22
Vegan Ice Cream with Empro® E86 F30                                             23
Webinar: New Waxy Potato Starch Solutions for Snack Products                    23
Emsland Group back with new dextrins                                            24
Creating delicious vegan ice cream together – collaborative work with Symrise AG25
HPLC analysis of protein fractions                                              26
New investment within the Innovation Technology Center Food                     26
Virtual training sessions for our agencies                                      27
ZDHC registration for Emsize® and Emprint® products                             28
Master’s thesis awarded with sponsorship prize                                  28
Bachelor’s degree thesis in R&D/Innovation successfully completed               29
New food product videos                                                         29
Experts provide comprehensive insight during construction training              30

Total Quality Management
Emsland Group receives certification from Non-GMO Project                      31
Emsland Group is recognised for its operations
by the German Professional Association for Food and Catering (BNG)             31
Internal allergen concept adapted to VITAL 3.0                                 32
Integration of the standardisation/industry norm function in Purchasing        33
Emsland Group runs Onventis – e-Procurement in purchasing                      34

Human Resources
Vocational training year starts at the Emsland Group                   35
Full steam ahead despite a disability                                  36
New specialists for challenging tasks                                  38
Practical vocational orientation programme at the IGS Wittingen school 40
Emsland Group – A Great Place to Work                                  41
Company football attracts keen interest                                42
Almost half a century with the Emsland Group                           44
Emsland nEws - edition 2020/2021 - Emsland Group
                                                                                                                       Innovation     03


Dear business partners and employees,

As an agricultural industry group, we are well aware of just           With this in mind, we would like to thank all our employees,
how much nature can affect our business model. We have             customers and suppliers for their patience and discipline during
experienced some very dry but some wet years too, with a           this time, which has resulted in the fact that we, as an internati-
low or adequate supply of raw materials and have adapted           onally operating company, have had very few cases of personal
to them as the Emsland Group. Our objective has always been,       illness overall and have succeeded in maintaining production
of course, to cater to our customers’ wishes to the best of our    and delivery in all areas.
ability.                                                               The Emsland News you are presently reading shows that
    The world, Europe, Germany and thus all locations of our       the company continues to set itself plenty of goals even in
company have been confronted with a completely new                 these challenging times and that many projects have been
challenge from nature in this last business year, which has        initiated and successfully implemented.
radically changed business models and what we normally take
for granted – hopefully for a limited time. The challenges the
                                                                   We hope you enjoy the read, and we look forward to
Corona virus brought along did not leave our company
                                                                   meeting each other personally once again!
unscathed either. On the one hand, the impact on our shared
business models has and continues to present us with quite a
challenge. On the other hand, for the first time we have been
confronted with a challenge that directly affects everyday life.
Lockdowns, distancing rules, travel bans, mouth and nose
protection, working from home, etc. have ensured that coopera-
tion in all areas has radically changed and very quickly. We are
thus writing this Emsland News at a time when we are lacking
something that had greatly contributed to our joie de vivre in
all areas: the personal contact with our growers and suppliers,
the contact of colleagues here and worldwide with each other,
and last but not least, with our agencies and customers. COVID
19 has made us all worry about the health of our families and
friends.                                                           Stefan Hannemann         Christian Kemper          Gerrit-Jan Wesselink
Emsland nEws - edition 2020/2021 - Emsland Group
04 Management

Investment and modernisation projects
at all Group company locations
                                                                                         one eye on the future and other major
                                                                                         projects to come. “The expertise driving
                                                                                         the construction of this department is
                                                                                         provided by the Emsland Group itself
                                                                                         thanks to its employees”, explains Florian
                                                                                         Schmidt-Hickmann, Process Engineering
                                                                                         Project Manager at the Emsland Group.
                                                                                             Emlichheim’s “skyline” is also
                                                                                         growing. The building has a total floor
                                                                                         area of approx. 750 m² and reaches a
                                                                                         height exceeding 31 metres. The integra-
                                                                                         ted stair tower made of reinforced
                                                                                         concrete reaches a height of nearly
                                                                                         34 metres.
                                                                                             With an investment volume in excess
                                                                                         of EUR 33.9 million, “WaltrAut” is a new
Project “WaltrAut” –                        structural engineering objective is being    drying plant in which potato and pea
The construction of a new roller            pursued on the uppermost ceiling of          starch is subject to physical and chemical
drying plant with autoclave is              each building: the completion of the         modification and dried in pressure reactors
proceeding according to plan                roller drying plant with autoclave.          to meet the highest demands found in
A lot has happened in recent months         Despite the coronavirus pandemic and         technical applications. The expansive
at the Emsland Group‘s headquarters         delays affecting various suppliers,          product range produced here enjoys a
in Emlichheim. The construction of the      intensive re-planning efforts should         wide variety of applications both in the
new roller drying plant with autoclave      enable the building’s roof to be sealed      surfactant and textile industries, as well
(or “WaltrAut” for short in German) is      by January 2021. The introduction of         as in large areas of the construction and
progressing at speed.                       large containers and machines will take      adhesive industries.
    In addition to necessary excavation     place true to the “just-in-time” motto           After completion, the new building
and drainage work, as well as the           when the respective floor is completed.      will be fitted with cutting-edge equip-
demolition of warehouses, the pile              Furthermore, the construction of         ment and machinery, which will be
foundations were successfully realised      the plant on the company premises also       assembled to form a complete plant.
at the beginning of the year.               entails plenty of other work. Hundreds       Commissioning is planned for the end
    Due to the peaty subsoil, 150 piles     of tonnes of steel have to be installed in   of 2021.
had to be driven up to 20 metres into       pipe bridges, which integrate the roller
the ground to properly secure the site’s    drying plant with autoclave into the
foundations. The transformer stations       production processes. Within this huge
were also installed. While machine          investment project, large parts of the
assembly and pipeline construction          company’s infrastructure are being
continue to progress at full speed on t     overhauled and considerable preparatory
he building’s lower floors, the following   work is already being carried out with
Emsland nEws - edition 2020/2021 - Emsland Group
Management   05

Processing of mung beans
at the Kyritz plant
In June 2020, a new plant for processing
mung beans was successfully commissi-
oned at the Kyritz plant together with
the company JUST. Several hundred
tonnes of the novel raw commodity
were processed during the first campa-
ign wave. The main focus is on obtaining
a high-quality food protein which is
used for vegan egg alternatives. The
mung bean – native to Asia – is imported
and separated into its individual compo-
nents in the newly built plant.
    The plant was commissioned in
record time; its construction time was
just six months. Work is still in progress
on the expansion of the water treatment
plant (softening), the new dosing plant
for sodium sulphate and the increased
capacity for the fibre dryer conveyor
system. Along with Production, six new
employees were hired in Wet Starch.
    Kyritz thus represents an additional
location where production facilities are
fully utilised all year round.
    Preparations are currently underway
for a second campaign wave, which will
get going in March 2021. Mung bean
starch will also be produced in the forth-
coming campaign. This also translates
into a product portfolio expansion for
the Emsland Group.
    Further information on our colla-
borative efforts with the American
company JUST can be found in the
report entitled “Partnership for
plant-based JUST Egg” in this issue.
Emsland nEws - edition 2020/2021 - Emsland Group
06 Management

OAS Yard Management System
at the Wietzendorf site
The OAS Yard Management System
(www.oas.de) has replaced the existing
HS-Pro weighing system in Wietzendorf.
The new management system now consists
of hardware and software components.
For our farmers, the terminals are of the
utmost importance as they interact with
these when delivering the raw materials.
Farmers validate their credentials at the
terminals and are issued the relevant
receipts such as the routing slip and the
acceptance certificates. The weighing
process is then triggered and the users
receive all the relevant information.
The OAS YMS offers the following
benefits, among others.

Modern system                               Safety notices                                Access to the system
• Multilingual setup                        •D igital display of safety instructions     •D
                                                                                            ata is continuously traceable for IT
•D  igital delivery authorisations           (the safety instructions are displayed to   •A
                                                                                            list of all vehicles present and their
  (registration via QR code possible with     the farmer making the delivery at the        status, e.g. “Weigh-in”, “Goods Assess-
  a smartphone. The option to log in          terminal, and the farmer confirms that       ment” or “Weigh-out” is available to
  with a printed delivery authorisation       they have taken note of all safety           the Managers in the Goods Assess-
  remains in place)                           instructions such as maximum speed,          ment department
• T elephone modules (all terminals          PPE etc.)
  with which the farmers interact have      •U nique ID throughout the entire
  a telephone key, which allows the           delivery process (due to the fact that
  farmer to establish telephone contact       there was no continuous ID before,
  automatically with the Goods Assess-        the order of the vehicles was the
  ment department. Conversation then          decisive factor. This means that, up
  takes place via microphones and             to now, vehicles were not allowed
  loudspeakers at the terminal).              to overtake each other, e.g. between
                                              the initial weigh-in and reaching the
                                              Goods Assessment department, as
                                              otherwise the data from the initial
                                              weigh-in and the Goods Assessment
                                              department [tasked with determining
                                              the quality of goods received] would
                                              be incorrectly combined).
                                            •P hotographic recording of the vehicles
                                              during weighing
                                            • Controlled loading and unloading
Emsland nEws - edition 2020/2021 - Emsland Group
Management        07

New dumpling granulate plant
at the Hagenow site
After 2019 saw the installation of four
new drum dryers as part of a new potato
flake factory at out Hagenow site, we
now also have an additional plant to
process potato granules.
    The experience gained from the
construction of the new “flake factory”
at the site also benefited the planning
process for the plant. This meant that
the construction and commissioning
of the dumpling granulate plant went
very smoothly, both in terms of budget
and time planning.
    Although it wasn’t yet possible to     of the bread dumpling product on a            a position to offer a marketable product
supply clients with potato dumplings       timely basis. As a result, it was necessary   to our Mecklenburger Kartoffelveredlung
in 2019, the focus from FY 2020/21         to shorten the six-week commissioning         sales operation.
onward is on ‘delivery capacity’.          period. Thanks to the great commitment            All in all, this is a great success that
    In addition, the launch of the bread   of our colleagues on site and the active      we wish to build on so that we can offer
dumplings was planned for the begin-       support from the research and develop-        our customers the ‘best product’ that
ning of 2020 and the implementation        ment departments in Emlichheim, with          they expect from the Emsland Group.
schedule and budget have also been         a special mention for Ms Nataliya
met for this.                              Atanasova and Mr Heinrich Zweers, we
    One of the challenges here was to      were able to fully map out the process
ensure that customers received samples     in just one week. We were therefore in

                                           Plant designation introduced                  processes. This uniform designation is
                                           across all plants                             intended to prevent accidents in the
                                           Uniform cross-plant designation of all        future.
                                           plant components enables plant parts              The lettering is designed in such a
                                           and components to be identified quickly       way that it is permanently legible and
                                           and clearly. The uniform marking of           cannot be washed or rubbed off. This
                                           hazardous points and hazardous sub-           applies to both indoor and outdoor
                                           stances, as well as plant components          areas. All designations are resistant to
                                           and pipelines, serves occupational safety     moisture, UV exposure and chemical
                                           purposes, supports our plant operators        cleaning agents.
                                           and simplifies repair and maintenance
Emsland nEws - edition 2020/2021 - Emsland Group
08 Management

Construction of a new dextrin                   This means that our plant in Kyritz is
plant in Kyritz                             now home to cutting-edge technology
The commissioning of the new dextrin        and a fully automated process. The
plant at the Kyritz site in February 2020   installation has also been accompanied
resulting in an additional production       by the further optimisation of the
volume of up to 16,000 tonnes of dried      production process, as well as adjust-
starches and dextrins per year.             ments to production parameters.
    Following a construction period of          Further information on the dextrin
just eight months, an extension of the      project can be found in the report
“Big Bag” bagging line was built next       entitled “Emsland Group back with
to the plant, which was also put into       new dextrins” in this issue.
operation. A total of eight new staff
were hired to operate the plant – one
further positive effect.

New decanter station                             The system was put into operation       from the waste water. The solids are
at the Cloppenburg site                     in September 2020 and facilitates the        then transported into the sludge silo via
In the field of waste water treatment,      separation of solids in the field of waste   screw conveyors. Both decanters can be
a new decanter station and a loading        water pre-treatment. The system consists     operated independently from each other,
device for sludge have been installed       of two decanters and one sludge loading      whereby only one decanter is in operation
at the Cloppenburg plant.                   silo. The decanters separate the solids      at any one time.
                                                                                              The sludge loading silo can handle
                                                                                         up to 100 tonnes of sludge and is set up
                                                                                         on weighing cells so the forwarder can
                                                                                         independently load the precise quantity.
                                                                                         This allows maximum load capacity to
                                                                                         be guaranteed.
                                                                                         Further advantages of the system are:
                                                                                         • Due to the redundancy, the municipal
                                                                                            waste water treatment plant is not
                                                                                            overloaded with a high amount of
                                                                                            sludge freight in the event of a
                                                                                            malfunction. There are no tensions
                                                                                            between the parties.
                                                                                         • In the past there were often bottlen-
                                                                                           ecks in storage capacity at weekends.
                                                                                           The storage volume of the new sludge
                                                                                           silo is now the right size to cope with
                                                                                           weekend demand. Loading on weekends
                                                                                           is accordingly no longer required.
Emsland nEws - edition 2020/2021 - Emsland Group
Management     09

Impact of the coronavirus pandemic
on everyday working life
Since the beginning of 2020, the coronavirus                life. Society as a whole, the economy, the
has spread around the globe. By the first                   political sphere and, of course, daily social
lockdown, people had to find ways to deal                   interaction were all deeply affected.
with the pandemic as it permeated everyday

The Emsland Group also had to prepare       regulations and wearing a mask to cover     Business trips and personal contact have
for the spread of the virus within the      the nose and mouth have become part         been reduced to the bare minimum, while
company and ensure that everything          of everyday life.                           international trade fairs have been can-
was done to break possible chains of            Even forms of work considered           celled without replacement.
infection.                                  rather unusual for the company were             At the Emsland Group, video
    The health of our employees and         put into operation: As a result, several    conferences and online training, as well
their families has always been (and         employees quickly made the switch to        as meeting platforms, have been used
continues to be) our highest priority.      working from home. Wherever possible,       extensively across the Group. Much has
Nevertheless, it was (and is) important     half of our colleagues were scheduled       been invested in optimising such online
that our company remains capable of         to work either in their home office or      activities; subsequently, numerous short
doing what it does best.                    at the workplace, in alternating fashion.   videos have been produced, for example,
    Initial preventive measures were        A weekly rotation plan for the teams        for research and development, in order
implemented very quickly: Canteens          was also introduced here. Within admi-      to illustrate our product features. These
were temporarily closed at all locations,   nistration, the company laboratories,       were then included in the presentations
cleaning intervals were doubled and         research and development and even           accordingly.
inter-plant meetings were avoided           production, different working models            Despite the impact of the coronavirus
wherever possible until further notice.     have been introduced to minimise the        on international markets and on our
Furthermore, a great deal of information    level of contact between people.            everyday work, which at times was
on prevention and so much more was              However, the coronavirus has also       significant, we continue to make every
made public either verbally or in writing   accelerated the digital transformation      effort to master this challenge with
by the HR department and the Works          of the working world. Especially within     prudence and care. It goes without
Council. In the meantime, measures such     sales, digital (communication) tools        saying that we wish this for our suppliers
as social distancing, observing hygiene     have become an omnipresent work tool.       and customers around the world.
Emsland nEws - edition 2020/2021 - Emsland Group
10 Management

Strategic alignment of
Emsland-Service GmbH
Following the reintegration of Emsland-Service                 expertise and once again anchoring our main-
GmbH into the Emsland Group in 2019, the                       tenance operations directly within the Group.
strategic alignment of Emsland-Service and                     In an interview with Managing Director Jan
the integration into the Group is in full swing                Koops and Integration Officer Christoph Krieger,
alongside day-to-day business. There are also                  we get the chance to learn more about our
other approaches for the future in play, with                  versatile industrial service provider.
the aim of protecting the company’s core

Editorial office: Mr Koops, what‘s            laws and regulations? For this to happen,    organigram for Emsland-Service can
new at Emsland-Service GmbH?                  fast and direct decision-making and          be published.
After the takeover by the Emsland             implementation processes are required            As part of the second step, the newly
Group, we asked ourselves what else           – from the engineer to the fitter. Greater   integrated specialist departments will
formed part of the core competencies          proximity is also urgently required          carry out detailed work in order to create
of Emsland-Service GmbH, apart from           between the specialist departments           the conditions required to achieve full
maintenance. The MTP concept was,                                                          integration in the third and final step.
therefore, developed in line with this        Editorial office: Mr Koops, what are the     The goal is to complete the project in
train of thought.                             next steps? Is there a timetable?            three to five years.
                                              The MTP concept was developed by
                                              working groups from all of the discip-       Editorial office: Mr Krieger, what brought
   MTP: Maintenance, Technology,              lines within the Group and Emsland-          you into the role of Integration Officer?
   Projects.                                  Service. In order to achieve this, we        I have been working for the Emsland
                                              took the time required to do the right       Group since 2016, and since then, my
                                              thing, so that we didn’t end up taking       responsibilities have included the
                                              rash actions after the takeover of           commercial and contractual interface
Editorial office: Mr Koops, what exactly      Emsland-Service. Once it had been            between Emsland-Service and Emsland-
should we think of when we hear MTP?          signed off by the Management Board,          Stärke. In my previous professional life,
The MTP concept aims to combine and           I presented the MTP concept to the           I have worked with several outsourcing
optimise all functions associated with        Supervisory Board, which ultimately          and insourcing models. When I was
maintenance and technology. More              signed it off.                               asked by the Management Board, I
speed, fewer errors and improved                  The concept includes a three-stage       gladly accepted.
communication. Better quality overall.        plan. The first step is the integration
    However, in addition to this, strategic   into the group structure of the Emsland
topics must also be taken into conside-       Group and the adaptation of the orga-
ration. How do we safeguard the Group‘s       nisational structure at Emsland-Service
technical know-how and how do we              to the new challenges. This is in line
meet the requirements of the many             with our timetable, and the new
Management     11

                                                   Editorial office: Mr Krieger, what is the    Gentlemen, if you had to sum up in one
                                                   mission statement for the integration?       sentence, what would it be?
                                                   Our approach is to integrate everything
                                                   that is possible and sensible into the       Mr Krieger:
                                                   existing group structures. This involves     Integration is in full swing at Emsland-
                                                   the commercial functions, HR, IT and         Service and thanks to the support and
                                                   Commissioning. Basically, all functions      commitment of everyone involved, we
                                                   are taken into consideration. During         are on the right track. We have a great
                                                   this process, we simultaneously seek         opportunity with the MTP concept, not
                                                   out ways of improving. If better pro-        just for the Emlichheim location, but for
                                                   cesses are in place at Emsland-Service,      the entire Group. With MTP, we have
Christoph Krieger and Jan Koops in an interview.   we will implement them. Ultimately,          THE tool to create the ideal set-up for
                                                   we want the best of both worlds, to          the future in the fields of Maintenance,
                                                   leverage synergies and to reduce costs.      Technology and Projects. It’s now up to
                                                                                                us to take advantage of this opportunity.
Editorial office: Mr Krieger, what are the         Editorial office: Mr Krieger, how is the
particular challenges?                             integration coming along?                    Mr Koops:
Despite our geographical proximity, we             It depends. In some divisions, the inte-     In order to make change processes
work with quite a few different corporate          gration has already been implemented.        successful, a creative and productive
cultures, with all the various facets in-          On an organisational level, I’m thinking     discussion must take place with all
volved. We have to bring them together.            of Purchasing, for example. However, on      those involved on an equal footing.
People are at the heart of all outsourcing         an operational level, we are still working   After a few initial teething problems,
or insourcing tasks. We have to ‘bring             with different ERP systems. In future,       we have been very successful with this.
along’ our colleagues on both sides of             everything will run via Blending. This       We are therefore very optimistic that
the integration process and involve                will be a challenge. Other examples are      we will achieve the common goals we
them.                                              the Accounting and HR divisions. Here        have set ourselves.
                                                   we are at a very advanced stage of               We would like to thank all of the
                                                   integration, and in some cases, we have      employees who have supported us so
                                                   completed the process. My ‘Integration       actively thus far.
                                                   To-Do list’ has more than one hundred            We are looking forward to the new
                                                   points. But I keep ticking off more and      challenge and we would like to wish all
                                                   more points once they have been dealt        our readers a peaceful holiday and a
                                                   with.                                        healthy start to the new year.
12 Management

Rapid loading of starch potatoes
with the ‘Potato Maus’
The Kyritz and Golssen sites are now            Once in use, one truck can be loaded
benefitting from the latest potato           with 25 tonnes of starch potatoes in
harvesting technology – ROPA’s ‘Maus’        approx. 8 minutes.
potato loader. The ‘Maus’ loader was            In total, up to 30,000 tonnes are
originally used to load sugar beet; it       scheduled for loading during this year’s
has now been reconfigured for starch         campaign, using Ropa-loading-technolo-
potatoes. The ‘Potato Maus’ is very          gy. The ‘Potato Maus’ can be used both
effective, with a loading capacity of        for food potatoes and starch potatoes.
150 to 200 tonnes per hour. Some                Another advantage is the significant
cleaning takes place at the same time,       reduction in logistics costs for the farmer.
leaving clods and soil in the field.         The Maus loads the potatoes straight
   The ‘Potato Maus’ has an operating        from the field and cleans them before
width of 8 metres and weighs 34 tonnes,      transferring the tubers straight onto the
therefore requiring 4 axes to travel on      truck. This saves both time and money.
the roads. However, no special permissions
are required for road use, as the ‘Potato
Maus’ has road approval.
Management      13

Expansion of our “myEmsland” portal
The “myEmsland” portal was developed as                        added-value for our customers, offering
part of efforts to improve our customer                        fast access to information and records on a
service and is now being expanded to include                   self-service basis, regardless of office hours.
farmers. The portal already generates real

In the “myEmsland” portal, customers              During the second implementation             In addition, a guest access for freight-
can, for example, access current orders,       phase, which is now underway, farmers       forwarders, which will be set up at the
delivery notes, order confirmations,           will be provided with further documents     farmer‘s request, will allow access to
analysis certificates or shipping infor-       and information such as credit notes        delivery authorisations without the need
mation, and can also view open items           or acceptance certificates. Furthermore,    to request further information.
with due dates and deadlines. The tool is      contract information will be available          On balance, the “myEmsland” portal
characterised by a flexible structure and,     going forward, such as contracted quanti-   is undergoing constant development
in addition to the history of completed        ties and the quantities of potatoes and     and is helping to improve our business
orders, also offers the possibility of gene-   starch already delivered.                   relationships.
rating sample requests or accessing
the contact information of responsible
points of contact in different areas.
   In addition to customers and represen-
tatives, the tool has now been extended
to include our farmers on a location-
specific basis. The initial implementation
phase ensured that our farmers have
access to the delivery authorisations
that are generated from corresponding
orders via scheduling. In addition to the
information on scheduled deliveries, the
delivery authorisations contain a bar- or
QR-code, which is used for identification
purposes at the weighing terminal to
begin the delivery process. For the sake
of maintaining a clear overview, the
delivery authorisations in “myEmsland”
are pre-filtered to the current or follo-
wing week. To simplify document hand-
ling, multiple documents can be merged
into one PDF document as required.
14 Sales & Marketing

New additions to the sales team
take up their roles
In the Emsland Group’s food division,     land Group sees itself well-positioned          function for sales and is now responsible
three new Divisional Managers have        for all operating activities in these           for the snack division as the new point
begun their roles in recent weeks.        countries.                                      of contact for technical questions/
   Mr Andreas Wirtz will be responsible      All three newcomers already possess          support for our customers. You can
for the Eastern European regions. For     an extensive knowledge of the food              contact Ms Herrmann in the snack
Western Europe, with the exception        industry and can bring their experience         division for any technical matters.
of Italy, Mr Vincent Melenhorst is now    to bear in these new areas of responsibility.   As the previous Head of Application
managing the sales activities. With Mr       In addition to these new appoint-            Technology for Food, Ms Herrmann
Florenz Rosen, who bears responsibility   ments in sales, Ms Martina Herrmann             brings a wealth of expertise to this
for Africa and South America, the Ems-    has switched to the technical support           new remit.

First off, the relevant contacts:

                                          Florenz Rosen                                   Martina Herrmann
                                          (Africa, South America)                         (Technical Support for Sales)
                                          frosen@emsland-group.de                         MaHerrmann@emsland-group.de
                                          Tel.: +49 5943 81-424                           Tel.: +49 5943 81-433

                                          Andreas Wirtz                                   Vincent Melenhorst
                                          (Eastern Europe)                                (Western Europe)
                                          awirtz@emsland-group.de                         vmelenhorst@emsland-group.de
                                          Tel.: +49 5943 81-449                           Tel.: +49 5943 81-335
                                                                                                                     Sales & Innovation
                                                                                                                              Marketing     15

                                                                                              F.l.t.r Ms.Khwanmuang Mongkollarp (Nissie),
                                                                                              Ms.Panida Chalardkid (Som), Ms.Parnkhwan
                                                                                              Chuaydam (Kate), Ms.Khwanchanok Puengwooth (Nim)

Our Emsland Asia Food Application
from Thailand makes its introduction
Emsland Asia Food Application Co., Ltd          in that are our responsibilities. As our        The next step for us….
(EAFA) is located at National Science and       office is in NSTDA area, we also have           We are all facing the COVID 19 pandemic
Technology Development Agency (NSTDA)           good relationship with researchers and          and this is leading to a slowdown in the
in Thailand.                                     get benefits about collaborating projects.     economy. Nevertheless, the food industry
     Our mission is to provide food appli-       In addition, we usually exchange know-         continues to grow and therefore it is
cation and technical information to              ledge with our Innovation team in Ger-         necessary to find out more about suitable
distributors in the Asia Pacific region and      many that help our team to be strong           food applications in order to promote
Tapioca-Product-Centers that provide             to serve on clients’ requirement.              product development, cost savings, trends
quality control and other documentation        • Tapioca documentation system & Tapioca        like convenience etc.
on tapioca products and tapioca samples           samples: tapioca is also one of Emsland           Due to the pandemic, we now also use
for testing to distributors around the            group products’ lists. We collaborate         online meetings and online training with
world. We also work closely with our              with professional partners who produce        our sales partners and our colleagues and
colleagues at Emsland-Stärke Asia Pacific         native tapioca and modified tapioca           do everything in our power to stay in close
Pte Ltd. in Singapore to meet the require-        products under our standard quality           contact and inform about new ideas, new
ments of our customers. In detail:                system and global food certification          food applications and other topics, even
• Food application & technical information:      that mean we work closely and update          if we cannot meet in person.
  providing food technical information,           tapioca information with our partners
  testing related food application, setting       as usual. Besides providing tapioca
  starch training and some food applica-          samples, we also support different or
  tions workshop to our distributor in            special analysis that clients need to
  Asia-Pacific region to updated know-            have with third party laboratory in
  ledge or in the field they are interested       Thailand.
16 Sales & Marketing

PrimaTex™ – Texturised pea protein
for plant-based innovation from Healy
PrimaTex™ – Development
The development towards the creation
of PrimaTex™ began when the Emsland
Group demonstrated the production
principles of a textured protein using
their pea protein to us. Given the global
trend towards sustainable and vegan
diets, which has gained momentum in
recent years, we identified a growing
supply gap in the market for texturised
vegetable proteins. Customers want a
versatile product which is free from
allergens, which comes from sustainable
sources and which also has the mild,
organoleptic properties of soy- or wheat
protein.                                    PrimaTex™ – Use                                  Due to high customer demand, the
    For these reasons, the company Healy    Thanks to extensive development work,        PrimaTex™ range now comes in two sizes:
has developed PrimaTex™, a pea-based        a wide range of recipes for the use of       PrimaTex™ Original 2070 (approx. 20-mm
texturised protein. With PrimaTex™ Healy    PrimaTex™ has been created, which has        pieces) and PrimaTex™ Short 1070
has created a product that meets the high   proven its versatility and optimal           (approx. 10-mm pieces). The different
demands stipulated by our customers:        suitability for numerous applications:       product sizes allow manufacturers to
• Firm, meaty bite and texture              • Hamburger                                  create the desired texture for their end
• > 65 % protein content                    • Meatballs                                  product more accurately without the
• Clear and simple list of ingredients:    • Sausages                                   need for additional processing.
   Pea protein, pea flour                   • Minced meat-based products, e.g. chilli
• Neutral taste profile without            • Meat fillings, e.g. sandwiches, pies
  a vegetable aftertaste
• Rapid hydration
• Made in Great Britain,
  reduced CO2 footprint
Sales & Marketing   17

Cooperation between the
Emsland Group and Fuji Oil
       With the phrase “Plant-based Revolution”,                       while at the same time consumer demand is
       the market research institute Innova Market                     rising steadily.
       Insight describes one of the main trends to                     The Emsland Group is capitalising on this trend
       take hold in the food industry in 2020.                         directly by processing vegetable pea fibres,
       Plant-based foods, for example, are recording                   among other things, through its cooperation
       double-digit rates of growth around the world,                  with the company Fuji Oil.

Fuji Oil is headquartered in Osaka, Japan     of both partners are, in no way, in com-      other locations. The international team
and primarily produces chocolate, oils        petition.                                     from Japan and Germany – led by Akihiro
and fats, soy protein, soy milk and other         With the production of soluble pea        Tagawa and Martin Jahn – manufactured
finished products. The alliance will serve,   fibres, experts at the Emsland Group use      products intended for scale-up trials at
among other things, dairy and bakery          the functional streams during pea proces-     plant manufacturers.
applications with this highly functional,     sing to produce liquid fibres. This opens        As part of the project, the Emsland
soluble fibre to make it easier for custo-    up the functionality of streams which,        Group will now generate a product with
mers to manufacture products such as          in the past, were only considered to be       highly functional properties from what
acidified milk beverages and puff pastries.   ancillary. The result is a multifunctional,   was originally a simple dietary fibre, in
In addition, further applications similar     soluble pea fibre.                            cooperation with Fuji Oil.
to those products of the Emsland Group            Pilot tests have been carried out at
are conceivable. The product portfolios       the external plant in Golßen, among
18 Sales & Marketing

A collaborative effort based on partnership
with plant-based JUST Egg
The Emsland Group would like to present                       such as the award-winning plant-based
its work with the American company JUST                       product marketed in the United States as
(Eat JUST, Inc.) with another forward-looking                 JUST Egg. This is an approach that fits
collaborative effort. The company applies                     perfectly with the far-reaching activities
state-of-the-art science and technology to                    pursued by the Emsland Group.
produce healthier, more sustainable foods

In line with the company philosophy          at the Emsland Group. “With our expertise,       The Emsland Group sees its collabo-
“Using nature to create”, the Emsland        we are starting to separate this mixture     rative efforts with JUST as another
Group harnesses renewable raw materials      of starch and fibre further, in order to     promising alliance for the expansion of
such as potatoes and peas to manufacture     produce high-quality starch and fibre.”      its product portfolio and the realisation
high-quality products. In total, the com-        In addition to its use in Asian          of worldwide sales opportunities in the
pany processes more than two million         noodles, the mung bean starch being          food sector.
tonnes of the field crops annually across    produced also has other highly interes-
its seven locations in Germany. The          ting properties thanks to its special com-
Emsland Group is the largest producer        position. Thus, in addition to derivatisa-
of potato starch in Germany.                 tion, new concepts can be generated in
     Innovation is a core component of       the Clean Label sector for the production
the work that defines this globally active   of food. According to Heidrun Lambers,
Group. In addition to certain technical      Head of Food Application Technology at
applications, the focus is primarily on      the Emsland Group, the special gel and
food applications. In addition to starches   texture properties of mung bean starch
and starch derivatives, as well as potato    offer very promising prospects for a
flakes and granulates, proteins and fibres   number of exciting developments. In
also play a key role. Potatoes and peas      addition to its use in the food sector,
are the basic ingredients. Using a new       technical applications are also being
process, the Emsland Group also processes    considered.
mung beans into starches and proteins.           However, the partnership with JUST
This is managed at the company’s plant       focuses its attention on the processing
in Kyritz. “With this newly developed        of mung bean protein. The protein serves
process, the protein is extracted from the   as a key component of JUST Egg and will
mung bean, leaving behind the starch-        help to ensure a production infrastructure
fibre portion” explains Andre Heilemann,     for JUST Egg that is reliable, efficient
Project Manager for Process Engineering      and expandable.
Sales & Marketing   19

Collaborative work between the
Emsland Group and Jungbunzlauer
                           As a result of our collaborative work with
                           Jungbunzlauer last year, which demons-
                           trated that xanthan, in combination
                           with our starches (Emden® ET 50 /
                           Emden® ET 15), led to positive aspects
                           for moulded confectionery, this collabo-
                           rative effort has now been continued
                           this year with a focus on mineral-enriched
                               One of the findings from our
                           collaboration was that we are able to
                           add 10% of tricalcium citrate (TCC) to
                           existing confectionery formulations.
                           The addition of 10% TCC reduces the
                           sugar content by 10%, to keep the dry
                           matter content at the same level.
                               The benefits or USP of these formulas
                           respectively are the reduced sugar content
                           and mineral enrichment.
                               Four individual jelly sweets based
                           on this formula correspond to 50% of
                           DV calcium (daily value) and 82% of
                           NRV calcium (nutrient reference value).
                               The samples were produced at the
                           Emsland Group in Emlichheim and presen-
                           ted at the Food Ingredients Europe in
                           Paris at the end of 2019. The next step
                           will involve an enrichment process with
                           vitamins and other minerals.
20 Sales & Marketing

Emsland Group announces a strategic
partnership with the Brenntag Group
in additional countries
The Emsland Group is pleased to announce    portfolio for the food industry as well as    the regions of Hungary and Slovakia.
the expansion of its partnerships with      technical specialties, including native          Brenntag is delighted to extend its
Brenntag Food & Nutrition for Hungary       starches, modified starches as well as        long-term partnership with the Emsland
and Slovakia as of 1 November 2020.         proteins and fibres based on peas and         Group to Eastern Europe. This major
The new strategic partnership with Brenn-   potatoes.                                     addition to the product portfolio of
tag Food & Nutrition in Russia had              We have now been working together         pea and potato products demonstrates
already been successfully implemented       in Norway and Denmark for over 20 years.      Brenntag‘s commitment to offering
    The expansion of our strategic          Since the beginning of 2020, we have          customers sustainable, high-quality
partnership is once again extending the     been represented operationally in Russia,     ingredients from world-class producers.
sales structure of the Emsland Group in     especially through our focus on application
the above-mentioned regions. As of 1        knowledge. We are now also entrusting
November 2020, Brenntag is taking over      Brenntag – a reliable partner with
sales of the Emsland Group product          excellent supply chain facilities – with
Innovation   21

New management for
Food Application Technology
As of 1 November 2019, the Food
Application Technology department
will be under new management. The
company was able to appoint an
experienced successor, Heidrun Lambers,
to take over from Martina Herrmann.
    Ms Lambers has been with the
Emsland Group for over 30 years and
has already gained several years of
experience as Deputy Manager in this
area. Heidrun Lambers will be deputised
by Ms Daniela Bongartz. Ms Martina
Herrmann has switched to the technical
support function for sales and, from
now on, is responsible for the snack
division as the new point of contact for
technical questions/support queries for
our customers.

With this change, the responsibilities were simultaneously adjusted:
Name                          Department                                E-Mail
                              Head of Food Application Technology AWT
Heidrun Lambers                                                         hlambers@emsland-group.de
Daniela Bongartz              Deputy / Segment Coating                  dbongartz@emsland-group.de
Ansgar Balzer                 Dairy Products / Snacks                   abalzer@emsland-group.de
Anika Horstmann               Baked Goods / Soups & Sauces              ahorstmann@emsland-group.de
Stephanie Schomakers          Meat & Meat Alternatives                  sschomakers@emsland-group.de
Mareen Vette                  Snacks / Coating Projects                 mvette@emsland-group.de
Nataliya Atanasova            Potato Products / Pasta                   natanasova@emsland-group.de
Heinrich Zweers               Pet Food                                  hzweers@emskand-group.de
Fabian Ahuis                  Projects / Documents                      fahuis@emsland-group.de
22 Innovation

Emsland Group presents new
waxy potato starch
In close cooperation with their partners,    Innovation from soil up!                           Emwaxy® is high valuable with a lot
the Emsland Group has now developed          Heidrun Lambers, Head of Food Applica-        of benefits in food applications and offers
high amylopectin potatoes Emwaxy®            tion Technology at the Emsland Group          a good alternative to other starches with
product range. Emwaxy® is based on           explains “Emwaxy® can provide high            a combination of excellent taste and less
high amylopectin potatoes, containing        transparency, new textures, high viscosity,   dosage. These unique material characte-
more than 99% amylopectin, resulting in      shelf life extension as well as smooth and    ristics of Emwaxy® serves todays trends
a higher quality of the end products. This   glossy appealing products”.                   e.g. easy handling, natural, lower dosage
natural potato variety is being cultivated        In food applications the use of          possibilities, non-GMO, Kosher- and
through traditional, non-GMO breeding        Emwaxy® has next features:                    Halal-Certified, gluten and allergen free
techniques. Emwaxy® is a new commer-         • High viscosity                              as well as clean label opportunities.
cial amylopectin potato starch giving        • Clarity, smooth and glossy appearance           Emsland Group experts will assist you
improved performance of final products       • Clean flavour and bland taste, potato      in formulating the right solution for
to our customers.                               amylopectin allows cleaner flavour         your product.
    The potato breed is grown exclusively       and blend taste
on land under contract to the Emsland        • Excellent creamy mouthfeel                  Therefor please contact via
Group. Therefor the potato meets the         • New textures and high expanded             EMWAXY@emsland-group.de.
quality requirements of the company and         homogeneous (snack) products
is accompanied in terms of cultivation.      • Optimized process possibilities.
The cultivation of this new potato              Lower gelatinization temperature,
variety is a clear sign that raw material       fast hydration, quicker cooking
manufacturers still have the ability to         times and lower energy input in
truly innovate in the market place.             comparison with other starches.
    Within the Emsland Group, all
products manufactured at all sites are
plant based, non GMO, Kosher- and
Halal-Certified. The Emwaxy® range fits
seamlessly with the current product
portfolio of the Emsland Group.

                                             When there is nothing left ...
                                             ... there was EMWAXY® inside!
Emsland Innovation   23

Vegan Ice Cream with Empro® E86 F30
Ice cream is a frozen food which is mostly       It provides high-quality protein. We      work with ice-cream producer to get
consumed as a dessert.                       can use it to increase the protein content.   better quality.
    In hot summer seasons people have        Pea protein powder is naturally vegan,
a great passion to eat ice cream. But        gluten-free and does not contain any of
there is health risk factor in eating ice    the 14 food allergens to be labelled in
cream. Ice cream contains high fat,          the EU.
calories, sodium, sugar and dairy com-           From the result as above that made us
ponents which have adverse effects on        develop vegan ice-cream in combination         No. Material       Choco Vanilla
health when it is consumed too much.         with rice milk to fulfil essential amino       		                     %      %
    Non-dairy is now the fastest growing     acid as well as improve smell in finished      1 Empro® E86 F30 2,5        2,5
segment of the frozen dessert category.      product. Here’s our recommended recipe.        2 Sugar                 8      8
Milk and cream are replaced with an              Moreover, we have had consumer             3 Glucose syrup         3      3
alternative like coconut, soy, almond or     test (30 people) at Thammasart univer-         4 Coconut oil           4      4
cashew milk. Almost all of the other         sity in Thailand. Results show the con-        5 Salt                0,1   0,1
ingredients remain the same between          sumers prefer chocolate flavour more           6 Stabilizer blend    0,5   0,5
commercially available dairy ice creams      than vanilla flavour. They also commented      7 Rice milk           25   26,9
and their dairy-free counterparts.           that we should improve product texture         8 Cocoa powder        1,9      -
    Empro® E86 F30 is made by extracting     more that is one of our work in the            9 Water               55     55
protein from yellow peas.                    future to develop and may consider to          	Total               100   100

Webinar: New Waxy Potato Starch
Solutions for Snack Products
A new webinar on the product range           Sponsor Marketing Link:
Emwaxy® made from amylopectin                https://bit.ly/3jfh8OW
potatoes will be presented by the Ems-
land Group on 16 December 2020 at            Key segments:
16:00 CEST.                                  •R  ecipe examples in baked and deep-
    With the introduction of Emwaxy®           fried snacks                                Register for free today via –
potato starch, the Emsland Group             • F eatures and advantages of Emwaxy® in     https://bit.ly/3jfh8OW
presents a waxy potato starch with an          nut coatings
amylopectin content in excess of 99%.        • E mwaxy® Results in the application of
Emwaxy® is of a very high-quality with         snack pellets
many advantages when used in snacks          • E msland Group as a one-stop shopping
and offers a good starting point to create     option for snack ingredients
new, innovative and appealing products.
24 Innovation
   Emsland Innovation

Emsland Group back with new dextrins
After a four-year interruption in dextrin     New potato dextrins for the                       Emdex® KS 1025 can be used in high
production, the Emsland Group has now         food industry                                 concentrations and is characterised by
resumed its manufacturing of high-            With the new Emdex® KS 1025, the              a smooth texture when chewed as well
quality dextrins with a new production        Emsland Group offers a low-viscosity          as even melting properties. Solid, non-
plant in Kyritz. In the newly built dextrin   white potato dextrin. It is suitable for      elastic gels or creamy, al-dente textures
factory, approx. 16,000 tonnes of dextrins    food systems where low solubility is          can be achieved.
and dried starches can be produced each       required at the start of the process, and         For more information about our new
year. The resulting operations here have      it develops its full functionality when       Emdex® solutions, please get in touch us
also created eight new jobs in Kyritz.        exposed to heat. Emdex® KS 1025 has           via EMDEX@emsland-group.de
    Successful product solutions had          excellent film-forming properties and
previously been created within the Emdex®     can, therefore, be used in many food
range in the past. With the new Emdex®        products. These include, for example,
KS 1025, the Emsland Group is now             coatings for potato products, glazes in
building on former successes. The new         the baked goods and confectionery
product is white dextrin and is based         industry, or as fat substitutes in numerous
on potato starch.                             other applications.
Innovation     25

Creating delicious vegan ice cream together –
collaborative work with Symrise AG
In view of the growing market and consumer                   tives, our customers demand and expect
demand for plant-based products and in view                  intensive and personal support during the
of the fact that taste is the most important                 phases of their product development.
factor when buying plant-based milk alterna-

In order to follow this trend and fully          Going forward, this collaborative
meet customer requirements, the              effort will be extended to include other   Ingredients (vegan vanilla
Emsland Group has embarked on a              products, such as recipes and flavour      pea ice cream): Water, sugar,
collaborative programme with Symrise         solutions for vegan yoghurt.               vegetable fat, glucose syrup,
AG to develop delicious recipes for              We are convinced of the benefits       sunflower oil, pea protein, natural
plant-based dairy alternatives, such         this form of cooperation has to offer –    flavourings, stabilisers (E471,
as beverages and ice cream.                  it will enable us to meet our customers‘   E410, E401, E412, E407), salt
    Symrise is one of the world‘s leading    expectations more quickly and deliver
suppliers of solutions for masking and       market solutions more efficiently.
flavour modulation, and has a long track
record in research and patented techno-
    The Emsland Group is a producer of
pea proteins of various qualities. The
new product Empro® E86 F30 with a
finer particle size has been in use during
this collaboration. Symrise also relied on
a novel approach, combining the natural
masking tools of Symlife® with new,
natural vanilla flavours – specifically
designed for outstanding taste develop-
ment in plant-based applications.
    Together, we have developed a recipe
for vegan ice cream that is very similar
to milk-based products in terms of
consistency, creaminess and sensation.
    In addition to the application for ice
cream, a tempting pea protein-based
beverage has also been developed.
26 Innovation
   Emsland Innovation

HPLC analysis of protein fractions
The Emsland Group’s Innovation Depart-            Given that proteins differ in molecular
ment is currently working on utilising        mass, different membrane techniques can
interesting by-products. The demand           be used for fractionation.
for plant proteins has grown rapidly in           An investment was made in HPLC
recent years.                                 (high-performance liquid chromatography)
    In addition to the pea protein Empro®     technology from the company KNAUER
E, work is also being done on top, food-      for the analysis. A GPC column from the
quality potato protein. In order to achieve   company AppliChrom separates the mole-
the techno-functional properties such         cules of the analyte according to their
as high solubility, emulsifying capacity      size and structure.
and high foaming and gel behaviour,               The chromatogram thus provides
the proteins must be fractionated for         information about the molecular weight
this purpose.                                 distribution in a sample and enables
                                              process control.

New investment within the
Innovation Technology Center Food
                                              For the Innovation Technology Center          Additional benefits include:
                                              Food, a ploughshare mixer manufactured        • Highly effective: mixing times are
                                              by the Paderborn-based Lödige was                short and reproducible. The mixing
                                              added to the range of equipment.                 process only takes around 3 minutes,
                                                  The mixer is suitable for use in a           unlike the 25 minutes required by
                                              wide range of innovative food applica-           a conventional drum hoop mixer.
                                              tions. Subsequently, mixtures for snacks,     • It can be used for all kinds of food
                                              stacked crisps, various extruder recipes,        and pet food applications.
                                              pet food mixtures and much more are           • It is very easy and quick to clean
                                              produced. The machine has a maximum              after product changeovers.
                                              capacity of 30 kg. It allows a dry mixture
                                              to be moistened with liquids, such as
                                              water or oil, during the mixing process.
                                              Using an external heat regulator, the
                                              mixing drum can be heated or cooled
                                              as required.
Innovation   27

Virtual training sessions
for our agencies
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, a significant               training courses for our globally active
amount of planning was rendered obsolete.                    agencies, which take place at regular inter-
Many meetings were either postponed or                       vals, could not be conducted in the usual
cancelled. Even our foundation and advanced                  format in the current circumstances.

But there is no good reason not to          starches, flakes and granulates, as well     A circumstance that, in the past, could
share this important information with       as proteins and fibres. Examples of          not always be taken for granted, as the
our agents. Under the direction of the      applications in the product groups of        laboratories offered only a limited
Innovation Centre’s departments, a          soups & sauces, snacks, meat alternatives,   amount of space.
comprehensive “Training Course Pro-         coatings or confectionery are also illus-        In addition to the “Basic Sessions”,
gramme Basics 2020 /21” has been            trated by means of recorded videos.          an advanced training course on baked
organised, which takes place exclusively    There is also general market information     goods has already been successfully
in digital form and lasts several months.   from Marketing, production insight from      completed. This was to be cancelled or
Due to the large number of topics to be     Application, as well as information on       postponed indefinitely due to the corona-
covered, a total of 14 training sessions    specifications, documents or allergens.      virus restrictions and has now been
have been scheduled, stretching from            This important foundation knowledge      implemented virtually. Here, too, videos
November 2020 to February 2021.             is taught in the online training sessions,   shot specifically for this purpose have
    Among other things, these sessions      with the advantage, of course, that          significantly enhanced the value of this
teach the basics of native and modified     there are no restrictions on participants.   training.
                                                                                             Even if virtual training sessions do
                                                                                         not quite have the character of class-
                                                                                         room-based programmes, they are never-
                                                                                         theless a means of sharing important
                                                                                         information around the globe in a way
                                                                                         that saves on cost and, occasionally,
                                                                                         time. For this reason, we will continue
                                                                                         to offer virtual online training courses
                                                                                         for our agencies.
28 Innovation
   Emsland Innovation

ZDHC registration for Emsize®
and Emprint® products
Since January 2020, the Emsland Group        To this end, the Manufacturing Restricted   Advantages of the ZDHC
has been registered in the system of the     Substances List (MRSL) was drawn up; it     Gateway (Chemical Module)
ZDHC organisation with 15 speciality         is a list of hazardous chemicals that may   By registering with the ZDHC Gateway
products, and its conformity with the        not be used (or may only be used) in        in advance, our customers can use the
MRSL list (Version 1.1 - Level 1) has        defined concentrations. The low concen-     search function to quickly and easily
been confirmed.                              trations are intended to rule out the       determine which of our delivered
    The abbreviation ZDHC stands for         possibility of intentional use of these     products are ZDHC-compliant and thus
“Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals”      substances. By identifying more environ-    meet the requirements of their own
and is an association of international       mentally friendly and less hazardous        customers.
companies and organisations such as          alternatives through the ZDHC Gateway,
H&M or Inditex.                              the ZDHC supports the entire textile and
    The common goal being pursued is         leather production supply chain in
the elimination of hazardous substances      establishing more sustainable chemicals
from the production process of clothing.     management.

Master’s thesis awarded
with sponsorship prize
Ms Gina Rosas Gonzáles was awarded           the Beuth University of Applied Sciences
the sponsorship prize by Bäcker-Innung       in Berlin.
Berlin during the 49th Scientific Infor-         Dr. Springer from the Department
mation Conference held by the Berlin-        for Food Technology was her point of
Brandenburg Society for Grain Research       contact at the University. In Emlichheim,
in Berlin.                                   Ms Rosas Gonzáles was supervised by
     She received the prize for her Bache-   Dr. Woll, Project Manager for R&D /
lor‘s thesis entitled “Adsorptionsunter-     Innovation.
suchung zur sensorischen Verbesserung            Ms Rosas Gonzáles was born in Ecua-
eines geschmacksverstärkenden Kartoffel-     dor in 1991. She finished school there by
extraktes” (“Adsorption Investigation for    completing her ‘A’ Levels and then went
the Sensory Improvement of a flavour-        to Germany for a year to improve her        nology at the Beuth University of Applied
enhancing Potato Extract”), which she        German language skills. She decided to      Sciences Berlin in 2013, graduating with
completed at the Emsland Group and at        stay and began her studies in food tech-    a Master of Science degree in 2019.
You can also read