Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2022 - New forces of change, new opportunities October 15, 2021 - NET

Page created by Helen Chambers
Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2022 - New forces of change, new opportunities October 15, 2021 - NET
Emerging Trends in
  Real Estate 2022
  New forces of change, new opportunities
  October 15, 2021

Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2022 - New forces of change, new opportunities October 15, 2021 - NET
The crystal
ball is murky
right now.

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Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2022 - New forces of change, new opportunities October 15, 2021 - NET
It’s better than

                   The market has
                   shown            Some asset       Rising interest
                   resilience and   classes remain
                                              3      in others
                   adaptability     strong

Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2022 - New forces of change, new opportunities October 15, 2021 - NET
Prospects are returning to pre-
 pandemic levels

                                   Top investment prospects
good                                 Fulfillment
                                     Moderate-income apts.
                                     Single-family rental

 fair                                Flex

                                   Top development prospects
                                     Single-family rental
                                     Moderate-income apts

Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2022 - New forces of change, new opportunities October 15, 2021 - NET

             Changing                     Costs &
             world of       ESG         competition

Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2022 - New forces of change, new opportunities October 15, 2021 - NET
The changing world of work:
 There’s a push-pull happening as some business leaders
 want employees back in the office and staff are hesitant
 to return.

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Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2022 - New forces of change, new opportunities October 15, 2021 - NET
The world is changing ...and so is the workforce
  Employees proved they could transition quickly to
                                                                       A low percentage of employees who find that they can
  remote work while keeping productivity high and are
                                                                       work remotely want to go back to the office full time
  currently keen to reskill

             40% of workers successfully improved their digital               51% think tech breakthroughs will transform the
             skills during the pandemic                                       way people work over the next three to five years

             74% see training as a matter of personal                         39% think it’s likely that their job will be obsolete
             responsibility                                                   within five years

             48% believe traditional employment won't be
                                                                              19% would be happy to not return to an office at all
             around in the future, and that we’ll sell our skills on
                                                                              and work entirely remotely
             a short-term basis to those who need them

             83% are confident they can adapt to new technology               72% who can work remotely say they prefer a
             entering their workplace                                         mixture of in-person and remote working

Source: Hopes and fears 2021
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Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2022 - New forces of change, new opportunities October 15, 2021 - NET
Office uncertainty is going to be with us for awhile
 Get comfortable with:

flexibility                       hybrid

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Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2022 - New forces of change, new opportunities October 15, 2021 - NET
Migration of the population

                                Canada is following a similar pattern to the US with smaller
                                areas being favoured over the big cities.

                                            2022 Top Survey Markets

                                             1.    Nashville, TN
                                             2.    Triangle Region, NC
                                             3.    Phoenix, AZ
                                             4.    Austin, TX
                                             5.    Tampa/St. Petersburg, FL
                                             6.    Charlotte, NC
                                             7.    Dallas/Fort Worth, TX
                                             8.    Atlanta, GA
                                             9.    Seattle, WA
                                             10.   Boston, MA

Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2022 - New forces of change, new opportunities October 15, 2021 - NET
Fierce war for talent brewing

                                And construction employment recovering slower...

Increase in job vacancies in
the construction sector.

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“Money can be made and lost in every
asset class”

The future of single family

                              Investment prospects -
                              “Buy” in 2022

                                     Single family rental

                                Moderate income apartments

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E-commerce surge
drives industrial to
new heights

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The reinvention of retail:
 Delivery - Curbside pickup - Omni-channel.

Other property types

            Office                 Multifamily                  Alternative /

  Uncertainty                High demand                 Storage facilities
   ● Purpose of office is     ● Find the balance:         ● Self storage
     changing                    affordable units vs.         opportunities increasing
   ● Collaboration,              tenant needs for more   Life sciences
     teamwork,                   space                    ● Life sciences &
     communication still a                                    biotechnology are
     need                                                     growth areas
   ● Suburban vs. medical
     vs. CCO office

PwC                                                                                 15
“Cybersecurity makes
                                                                                           me nervous - it can be
TOP ISSUES                                                              “ESG is            very crippling to the
                                                                        fundamental to     business.”
                                                                        future success.”

                            Demand will outstrip
                            supply; Affordability will   “Technology is critical,
                            get worse.                   advancement is critical,
  “People need a place to                                we need to invest.”
  live, population is
  growing due to
  immigration which
  presents many

In the US

Pandemic increases recognition of ongoing concerns

        Housing crisis                    Climate change                 Retrofitting cityscape

        The sharp divergence              As the world focused on a      As residents return to a post
        between how the housing           global pandemic, the world     pandemic urban core, they
        market changed during the         experienced another year of    will see changes. More focus
        pandemic has increased            seemingly endless natural      on open spaces, outdoor
        the acknowledgement that          disasters. The recognition     dining, increased pedestrian
        supply is the real issue for      that this is a trend and not   walkways to name a few.
        declining housing                 an anomaly has the real        Changes put in place to
        affordability and attainability   estate industry looking at     address the pandemic may
                                          resilience and remediation     benefit urban life in the future

COVID-19 shone a brighter
light on the housing crisis

 “We have an affordability

 It’s time to innovate.
                              Ownership costs as % of
                                household income
Is it time to embrace fracking of
the housing market?



A path to growth through technology

      Embrace construction technology

      Digitize operations

      Unlock the power of data analytics

      Manage increasing cyber risks

Climate risk can’t be ignored
                              Highest social / political issue

                              Highest issue of concern
                              (didn’t break top 20 last year)

                              ESG performance a rising
                              factor in future value-creation
PwC Canada - Target FY21
What’s next for property types

“All the money in the world is going into two asset classes:
industrial and multi-res.”

  “Office will come back but in a
  different way.”

  “The death of retail is overstated.”

  PwC                                                          22
Canada /US top investment
  Canada vs
prospects    USthat
          - not top different
                    investment prospects are not that different

 Canada                                                        US
        Industrial / Distribution – Fulfillment, warehousing        Industrial / Distribution – Fulfillment

        Housing – Moderate income, Single family rental             Alternatives – Life science, data centres

        Alternatives – R&D                                          Housing – Single family rental, workforce apartments

        Office – Medical office                                     Hospitality – Economy hotels

        Retail – Neighborhood/community shopping centers            Office – Medical office

        Hospitality – Economy hotels                                Retail – Neighborhood/community shopping centers

Looking ahead

        TOP MARKETS TO WATCH                     BEST BETS

  Vancouver                    Warehousing & fulfillment
  Toronto                      Rental housing
  Montreal                     Health care / life sciences

Thank you


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