Elsa & Eddie: Easy on the Eyes - ROYAL GUIDE DOGS

Page created by Richard Graves
Elsa & Eddie: Easy on the Eyes - ROYAL GUIDE DOGS
Elsa & Eddie:
                    Easy on the Eyes

                               ROYAL GUIDE DOGS
Elsa & Eddie: Easy on the Eyes - ROYAL GUIDE DOGS
First things first:
Welcome to the 2011 Summer Issue of Puppy Love.
We’ve been pretty busy over the last three months and
this issue is overflowing with news, offers and pupdates.

You may have noticed that the names of some of our pups
start with the same letter of the alphabet. This is not a
coincidence - it is because each pup born to a litter in a
Guide Dog Breeding Centre is given a name beginning
with the same letter as its littermates. For example Eddie
and Elsa, our latest recruits, belong to the E litter. And
every consecutive litter born has the next letter of the
alphabet. This enables us to quickly compare siblings’ progress, and when
talking to the Breeding Centres, quickly establish which litters we are
talking about. As many pups are born each year, it is a quick and effective
way of keeping track. By the way, we fell in love with the E’s instantly!

As we head towards Christmas at a rapid rate, I’d like to take this
opportunity to wish Puppy Love members a very happy and safe festive
season and thank you all for supporting Royal Guide Dogs Tasmania
throughout 2011. As we receive no government funding to raise and train
our Guide Dogs, we depend on our partners, supporters and donors like
you, and we hope you know how important you are. Best wishes and
we’ll see you again in 2012 for more fun, offers, announcements and
- Kate Grady, Funding Development Manager
The E pups, above: Elsa and Eddie. Cheek to cheek, and loving a snuggle on their first day in Tasmania. Images
of the E pups (including cover) are by kind permission of Kirsty Pilkington. www.kirstypilkington.com.au

   My Date of Birth: 24 May 2011

   My Sibling: Eddie

   My Personality: Cuddly and playful

   What have I been up to lately?

   Hi everyone.

   My name is Elsa and I was born in Queensland,
   and I have just moved to Burnie. My mum,
   Pippi, told me she grew up in Tasmania and
   I am now living in the same house she grew
   up in. I was so excited to meet the family
   that raised my mum. I still think that is really
   special. My new family told me I’m a lot like
   Pippi.                                           Above: The beautiful Elsa. It was a tough choice for the cover
                                                     this issue!
   My new family are Gaylene, Nigel, Tyler and
   Carmel and they give me a lot of cuddles,
Elsa & Eddie: Easy on the Eyes - ROYAL GUIDE DOGS
which I really love. Carmel plays music on this big honky thing that she calls a saxophone but I’m not too sure
about it because it makes a very loud noise.

They also have a dog named Dina and a cat named Tigger. Dina and I have a lot of fun running in the yard at
playtime. I have to work very hard with my jacket on to ignore people and animals. It’s difficult but I’m getting
better at it already and I’m only a few months old.

When I go to town I like to look at the puppy in the shop windows. Gaylene tells me that it is my reflection and
that Pippi liked to do that as well. My family say I’m a very quick learner; I already know how to sit, and lie down,
and I’m good at my toilet training. I’m also good at coming back when I’m called. I’m working on leaving things
when I’m told, like leaves that blow in the wind.

I think I’m going to really like it here with my new family, they are great fun.

                                                            Clockwise from left:
                                                            Poised and ready for greatness;
                                                            After Eddie got the cover, Elsa was keen for her turn
                                                            at front and centre;
                                                            Elsa’s up for a play, while Eddie’s just trying to get up;
                                                            Following their first meeting, it was clear Elsa had Dina
                                                            to look up to - Dina seems pretty happy about that.
Elsa & Eddie: Easy on the Eyes - ROYAL GUIDE DOGS
My Date of Birth: 24 May 2011

My Sibling: Elsa

My Personality: Friendly, confident, inquisitive,
fast and cute. I am growing up fast and have the
biggest paws and tail you have ever seen so I
must have a bit of growing to do.

What have I been up to lately?

Hello! There has never been a dull moment in
my short time in my new home; from playing
with my new friend Ellie all day to meeting lots
of new people down on the beach and in town.

I go everywhere with my Puppy Raiser, Sam,
who takes me to work to meet all the children and to
the hockey to watch some games. I managed to get
into the garden a few times and, not knowing any
better, I ate some plants I shouldn’t have. As a result,
my family made the fence stronger so now I can’t get
in there. I get the message.

I am getting more confident on escalators the more I
go on them, although it’s still a bit scary. I am a brave
pup so will keep trying my best. I am learning new
things all the time and have seen so many different
things and I love going to the beach and getting all wet
and sandy.

I am now too big for my pen at night so I sleep on my
mat in the laundry where it’s nice and warm and I feel
special because Ellie isn’t allowed to sleep inside. I

                                                            This page:
                                                            Top: Side by side with his sister, Elsa. Beautiful!
                                                            Above: Firmly focused on what lies ahead, even
                                                            at 8 weeks of age.
                                                            Left: Eddie and Ellie; both wanting in...NOW.

                                                            Opposite page:
                                                            Left: When Eddie was really small, he could sit in
                                                            front of the passenger seat of his Puppy Raiser’s
                                                            vehicle...with plenty of room to spare. (Not so,
                                                            these days.)
                                                            Right: “Is this the best angle to show off my Puppy
                                                            Love badge?”
Elsa & Eddie: Easy on the Eyes - ROYAL GUIDE DOGS
have been through 1 collar, 4 bags of food, 2 coats and 1 lead, and also managed to ‘misplace’ my medallion
from my collar, but it was found, thankfully. No wonder raising and training pups like me is such an expensive
thing to do!

I can’t wait for the Christmas pageant as I get to see all the other dogs, walk past lots of people and dress up
with some tinsel. I think I’m really getting into this whole Christmas spirit thing.

Stay tuned for more news on me!

     Like what you see? Become a Puppy Love Member
      and learn all about our puppies as they grow up.
It costs $30,000 to raise and train one puppy into a working Guide Dog, we give them to people who
need them, and we receive no Government funding to do it. For as little as $10.00 per month, you
can become a member of Royal Guide Dogs Tasmania’s “Puppy Love”. If you would like to become
a member and receive newsletters and updates on all our puppies, fill in the details below and post
PO Box 82, North Hobart, Tas, 7002.

OR phone 1800 484 333 or 03 6232 1222

If you are already a member, but know of others who will enjoy Puppy Love, PLEASE, let them know
all about us. We also have gift cetificates available.
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Elsa & Eddie: Easy on the Eyes - ROYAL GUIDE DOGS
My Date of Birth: 4 April 2011

My Sibling: Casper

My Personality: I am very friendly, quick to learn and
always try to please.

What have I been up to lately?
I’ve had lots of adventures lately! I’ve been on an aeroplane
to Melbourne and Mum and Dad were very proud of the way
I slept quietly under the seat near their feet. I stayed very
calm when the plane took off and landed and enjoyed the
experience. There were very big escalators at Tullamarine
but I handled these with great skill.

I’ve been to the beach a few times lately and am getting
used to the waves. I’ve also had a couple of holidays at a
Guide Dog boarder’s home while my Puppy Raisers were
away. She has a dog called Leo and we are great friends.
I enjoy my stays there and the different socialisation that
happens as she lives in a semi rural area, so I get to see
many different animals and experience many different Top: Cassie waiting patiently for her first flight at
things.                                                     the airport.
                                                                Above: Striking a beautiful pose at the beach,
Life is good.                                                   Cassie waits for the next set.


                                                                My date of birth: 4 April 2011

                                                                My Sibling: Cassie

                                                                My personality: Happy, friendly, unbelievably

                                                           What have I been up to lately?
                                                           Hi! I have been having lots of fun at home with
                                                           my foster brother Oscar. Remember I told you
                                                           about him last time? We have had a visit from
                                                           our cousin Wilbur. I have enjoyed playing with
                                 Left: The lounging, laid all the dogs. We took Wilbur to the beach with
                                 back look...Mr December? us and he loved it too – Oscar and I are better
                                 Above: Snuggling down for swimmers than Wilbur but I guess it’s hard with
                                 a nap.                    only one front leg.

I am getting better at going to restaurants and I try to ignore the fact that everyone except me is eating. I
enjoyed the training times at Margate and also at Bellerive. I get so excited when I see all the other dogs and I
go a bit silly for a while, but then I settle down. I went on holiday to a Boarding family and I loved it. I came
home last week and my family thinks I have matured a little bit. And, breathe!
Elsa & Eddie: Easy on the Eyes - ROYAL GUIDE DOGS
My Date of Birth: 12 April 2011
My Sibling: Whiskey

My Personality: Inquisitive with new smells; full of cheek
when playing; speaks with his eyes; both boisterous and gentle;
enjoy life and learning.

What have I been up to lately?
Because I am loved I love back. It really is that simple.
I have been to various P.R. functions in the North and hopefully
shown my good side. A recent visit to a beach was exciting as
several race horses were training and at first I wanted to join in
as they thundered down the sand. I also wanted to go swimming
with them but the water was toooo cold.

I have missed not meeting up with my brother but catching up with
Teejay when he comes to stay makes up for that. We play quite hard
so Mum settles us by saying “that` s enough” and we lay down

When Mum puts me to bed she sneakily leaves me untethered and
thinks I don`t know what she has done. Even though I am aware of
it, I like her to think she’s in charge, so I have been a good boy and
stayed in my bed all night until she comes to open the curtains. Ha! Top and above: Have we mentioned
                                                                        Wendell’s eyes? Gorgeous.

                                                  My Date of Birth: 12 April 2011

                                                  My Sibling: Wendell

                                                  My Personality: I am settling down much faster and don’t
                                                  get as excited as I used to. I am very affectionate and love
                                                  being patted.

                                    What have I been up to lately?
                                    I am still taking it easy but get short walks and short plays with my German
                                    Shepherd friend Ella.

                                    I stayed with friends while my Mum was away for a week and played with
                                    some new dogs. They also took me swimming, which I love. The day
                                    after I came home we went to Hobart to see Cesar Millan and that was cool
                                    as I met other Guide Dog puppies beforehand. We stayed overnight and I
                                    enjoyed that too.

                                    I have to be careful not to get too conceited with people telling me all the
                                    time how handsome I am. I behave really well when I hear them say nice
                                    things and then I get even more compliments about my good behaviour for
Top: Brotherly love, with
                                    such a young dog. Overall, I have to say, it’s pretty good being me!
Above: “I can do ‘soulful’, too!”
Elsa & Eddie: Easy on the Eyes - ROYAL GUIDE DOGS
My Date of Birth: 30 October, 2010

My Sibling: Pedro

My Personality: Strong, loves food, mischievous

                             What have I been up to lately?
                             We recently headed to Freycinet
                             National Park for the Freycinet
                             Challenge and stayed in a Kombi
                             Camper. I saw lots of people there, Left: Parker posing perfectly.
                             as well as bikes. There were people Above: Relaxing with one of the
                             running, paddling and cycling. I was
                             on my best behaviour and we did a lot of walking around. I was also good when
                             we went out to dinner, I just lay under the table and went to sleep. Most people
                             didn’t even know I was there.

                             I went to the Domain for the State Athletics Carnival and when the starting gun
                             went off everyone jumped, as it was really loud. It didn’t bother me at all, I
                             don’t know what the fuss was all about….I was more interested in seeing if I
                             could reach the pie that had been dropped on the ground at my feet.

My Date of Birth: 30 October, 2010

My Sibling: Parker

My Personality: Confident, clever, loves people,
(usually) well behaved, plenty of puppy energy, loves
an occasional bout of mischief.

What have I been up to lately?
I go to work three days a week. I bark occasionally in
Dad’s office and it’s much more interesting at Mum’s
school. A couple of months ago I chewed through my
good lead while waiting for Mum to finish talking; Mum
was surprised when she walked off and I stayed put!

Despite some lameness, I’ve visited lots of places, even a hospital when one of my Puppy Raisers got sick. I
stayed close to look after him and was very patient (pardon the pun! HA!). Recently I went boating, I wore my
own special lifejacket; cool! I’ve also had two short boarding stays with my friend Venus, an ex-guide dog;
                                                       we had lots of fun playing together.

                                                     I still get distracted around other dogs. But recently at
                                                     group training with the other Guide Dog pups, I obeyed
                                                     all my Puppy Raiser’s commands, immediately, and he
                                                     said he was very proud.

                                                     Left: Pedro planking, perhaps?
                                                     Above: Cat or dog? An identity crisis?
Elsa & Eddie: Easy on the Eyes - ROYAL GUIDE DOGS
My Date of Birth: 25 June 2010                                         Annie
My Sibling: Ava

My Personality: Exuberant, friendly, intelligent and funny.

What have I been up to lately?
Lately I have been proving to everyone just how much I have learnt over the last year. It seems that everywhere
I go people comment on how well behaved I am these days – and how much bigger I have grown!

One thing I really enjoy is swimming. Even though no-one ever taught me how to do it, I am an excellent
swimmer! Every time we go to the dog beach I am the first one in the water. Recently I was at Cornelian Bay
and decided to swim out to some girls who were practicing their rowing in a boat. Mum was a bit worried she
would have to jump in to get me to come back! If I am off my leash and there are no beaches, mud puddles are
an excellent substitute, but for some reason Mum doesn’t like that much either. Seeya!

Above: Annie, lending a helping paw in Aisle 4.
Above right: Cool, calm, collected - Annie is becoming a very well behaved dog!

Already a PL Member?

Are you a financial member of Puppy Love? Be the first two members during office hours to call us on
December 12, mention this article, and we’ll send you a Family Swim Pass to the Hobart Aquatic Centre!

Fully transferable, expires March 31, 2012. Two passes to give away. Phone 6232 1222 / 1800 484 333

Thinking of becoming a PL Member?

If you join Puppy Love during December 2011, we’ll send you a voucher to enjoy a free glass of Meadowbank
wine when visiting the Meadowbank Estate restaurant or cellar door. AND you’ll also receive a voucher to
Feel Good Female Fitness, to try a class for a week.

Fully transferable (great for visiting relatives, or stocking filler!) 10 of each voucher to give away.

To join Puppy Love, call 6232 1222 / 1800 484 333 during office hours, or complete the form in this issue of
Puppy Love.

With thanks to the Hobart Aquatic Centre, Meadowbank Estate, and Feel Good Female Fitness for their
generous donations to Royal Guide Dogs Tasmania.
Elsa & Eddie: Easy on the Eyes - ROYAL GUIDE DOGS
Paws for reflection...
                                                          Stella has graduated as a Guide Dog and is working
                                                          with her new client in the Hobart region. The client is
                                                          very happy with Stella and they have quickly formed
                                                          a strong relationship and are working well together.
                                                          Congratulations, Stella, we are so proud of you!

Above: Stella, taking it easy on Graduation Day.
Above right: It seems Stella’s call for help in 2009 was realised!
Right: Calm, soulful, gentle Teejay.
Far right: Handsome, confident, proud Dexter.

Teejay is nearing the end of his training and he is learning the
more challenging aspects of guide dog work. He continues to
show a little bit of anxiety as more responsibility is placed on
him, but relaxes quickly at the completion of his walks and learns
the new concepts readily on the following walk.

Dexter has entered the training program and is currently undergoing his 20 walk assessment. He is a little
distracted at times with smells, and gets very excited when he arrives at the office in the morning expecting to
see all the other pups. He shows excellent recall on freeruns, and is settling into the new routine quickly now
that he is in training with his best mate Teejay.

                                   ...Ava continued to show a little too much enthusiasm for everything around her,
                                   and she couldn’t quite calm down enough to pass her assessment and continue
                                  on the Guide Dog program. You may recall the photo caption last issue: “I must
                                  focus... I must focus...Oh look! A leaf!”

                                  She is now living in Bicheno on a large property with an adoption family. The
                                  family includes two children to whom Ava now performs all her tricks.
In her new role as family pet, Ava is clearly happier than, well, a puppy with kids!

The Lockley family, for puppy raising Ava.
Retiring Guide Dog Visa – for nine years of service to a client in Launceston.
Retiring Guide Dog Prize – for eight years of service to a client in Hobart.

Retired Guide Dog, Pioneer, sadly passed away in November at the age of 13. Pioneer provided eight years of
service to a client in Hobart, until retiring four years ago. Thank you, Pioneer.

Forget Rudolph and Donner, Blitzen and Dasher, Dancer and Prancer - Royal Guide Dogs Tasmania’s puppies
delivered cheer and good will to both naughty AND nice children at the Hobart Myer Christmas Parade on
November 19. Eight puppies and Guide Dogs in training were raring to show off their blue coats, adorned with
tinsel to over 50,000 spectators on a beautiful clear morning, and the crowd greeted the pups adoringly!

More on the pups at the Pageant, including some photos, go to www.royalguidedogs.com.au
...Paws for reflection

Puppy Bank Muster:
Making a difference 5 cents at a time

Royal Guide Dogs Tasmania (RGDT), proudly supported
by Hobart’s Feel Good Station 7HO-FM, held it’s inaugural
Puppy Bank Muster on Friday, October 14 at our Hobart office
in Elizabeth St.

All paws lead to RGDT as we asked the public to collect their
Puppy Bank (small money boxes), put their loose change into
it, and then bring it back a month later. Simple!

Pick up a Puppy Bank. Pat a Puppy!

7HO-FM street stars were involved, with lots of giveaways, a
bbq, and interactive fun for everyone, and ‘The Drive Home’ even
broadcast live from our front window. There were puppies Parker,
Eddie, Casper, Annie, Teejay, Stella and Woolly, with their blue
coats off, ready for lots of pats and cuddles.

                             Raising Funds. Raising Awareness

                             The Puppy Bank Muster was part
                             of Royal Guide Dogs Tasmania’s
                             campaign for International White
                             Cane Day, on October 15.

                             International White Cane Day seeks to raise awareness in the community of
                             what it might be like to be blind or vision impaired. RGDT was keen to remind
                             everyone of the services we offer free of charge to blind and vision impaired
                             Tasmanians; be they white canes, special magnifiers, life skills programs,
                             orientation and mobility programs, Guide Dogs - the list goes on.

                            Our Puppy Bank Muster was a fun way of raising awareness, as well as much
needed funds. But if you didn’t get your Puppy Bank in October, its not too late! You can still grab a Puppy
Bank, throw your loose change into it, and then bring it back in a few weeks – there’s nothing so simple. And
amounts of $2.00 and over are tax deductable. And if you can’t get to us, we can come to you!

                                        Phone 1800 484 333 for more information on Puppy Banks for
                                        individuals, schools, community groups and businesses.

                                        Clockwise from left:
                                        Carmen was a stranger to us when she arrived, and had made
                                        friends before she even sat down! Volunteer Annie Pawing the
                                        Pavement. Our mascot, Wuppy, ‘helping’ the 7HO-FM ‘The Drive
                                        Home’ team during the live broadcast. Some of the action outside
                                        the RGDT office.
Star Struck: Meeting Cesar Millan
Tee Jay and Wendell became very popular, very quickly, on Monday November 7. In front of
a capacity crowd at Wrest Point, world-renowned ‘dog whisperer’, Cesar Millan met the two
dogs and without wanting to appear too proud, he was clearly smitten by the lads.

Seven-month-old Wendell was chosen to demonstrate calm, relaxed behaviour, and food
distractions (or how to overcome them). Tee Jay was chosen to demonstrate the work of a
Guide Dog…by leading a blindfolded audience member around the stage. Both dogs did an
excellent job and Cesar even had a quiet word in Tee Jay’s ear afterwards, followed by a kiss
and “that was great, good boy.”

RGDT was fortunate to have been part of the show and hope that the audience could really see
how special our Guide Dog program is, through the skills and demeanour of both Wendell and Tee Jay.

We wonder if Puppy Raiser, Aniko, enjoyed seeing her charges up on stage with Cesar Millan, as much as the
rest of us? Unfortunately, we weren’t allowed to take any photos during the show, but take our word for it: it
was a terrific night and our boys were awesome!

                                       Proudly Supported by

                                                                                         Inner Wheel of
                                                                                         Hobart Sunset

                         Hobart’s feel good station
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