Elm Grove United Methodist Church

Page created by Kent Kelley
Elm Grove United Methodist Church
Elm Grove United Methodist Church

August 29, 2021                                                           14th Sunday after Pentecost


Prelude                                 “Prayer for Peace”                         by M.L. Lightfoot
                                     Sung by the Swingin’ Angels

*Call to Worship                                                                       FOTW pg. 146
Leader: Who may abide in the presence of God?
People: Who may live on God’s holy mountain?
Leader: All those who walk blamelessly and do what is right.
People: All those who speak truth from their heart.

*Opening Prayer                                                                         FOTW pg. 142
Unchanging God, you have blessed us forever through the Beloved One, Jesus Christ our LORD.
Born again by your word of truth, let us live out your love, doing your word, caring for the weak and
vulnerable in their distress, and ever pursuing your reign of justice, through Jesus Christ our LORD.

*Hymn                                    “Fairest LORD Jesus”                             UMH #189

Sharing Joys & Concerns
Pastoral Prayer
Elm Grove United Methodist Church
Prayers of Intercession                                                               FOTW pg. 142-143
Let us bring our prayers of intercession to God, saying, Arise, God of Love. Come to our aid.

Beloved One, you have called us to your embrace and our hearts overflow with your goodness.
Your power endures forever. You reign with justice and love righteousness.
Let the fragrance of your love and grace on your lips anoint us now as we pray for the church, the creation,
and all those in need.
Arise, God of Love. Come to our aid.

Unshackle your church from bondage to human tradition that we may worship you freely and serve others
with a pure heart.
Arise, God of Love. Come to our aid.

Redeem and renew your creation to bud, blossom, and bring forth fruit as we care for the land and love one
Arise, God of Love. Come to our aid.

Extend your reign of compassionate justice in our nations and neighborhoods as we unite with people of
goodwill to do right for those in need.
Arise, God of Love. Come to our aid.

Let us embrace the distressed, the diseased, the devalued, the denied.
Cause us to care for the abandoned, the bereaved, the weak, and the weary.
Arise, God of Love. Come to our aid.

Make us be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger.
Let us persevere in your perfect law of liberty and bless us to do your Word.
Arise, God of Love. Come to our aid.

Blessed forever are those who have answered your invitation: “Arise, my love, my fair one, and come
They now rest in your embrace. Bless us now to follow in their footsteps of faith.
Arise, God of Love. Come to our aid.

Anointed with your oil of gladness, let our prayers rise as fragrant incense before you through Jesus Christ
our LORD. Amen.

Offering of Gifts, Prayers, & Tithes
You may mail in your offering or drop it in our locked mailbox that is to the right of our front glass doors.

Special Music                       “The Time for Turning”                      by C. Courtney & P. Martin
                                   Sung by the Swingin’ Angels

Presentation of our Gifts
*Doxology                                      “Open Our Eyes”                                  TFWS #2086
Elm Grove United Methodist Church
*Prayer of Dedication                                                                    FOTW pg. 144
Living God, thank you for your gifts of life— fragrant flowers, fruitful vines, singing creatures, and
our own lives, renewed in Christ.
Let your grace infuse the gifts we offer with life-giving power for those in need.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Epistle Lesson                                                                               James 1:17-27

Message                                                                                 Doug Whitecotton

Call to Confession                                                                         FOTW pg. 141
Let us confess our sins to our loving God who calls us close through our beloved Savior, Jesus Christ our

Prayer of Confession                                                                    FOTW pg. 141
Loving, righteous God, our hearts are defiled with the wickedness you hate.
You have called us to yourself, but we have gone away.
Forgetting your living Word, we cling to dead traditions.
Deceiving ourselves, we abandon your commandments.
Hypocrites, we honor you with our lips while our hearts are far from you.
Cleanse our hearts from evil intentions; cleanse our tongues from evil words so that our worship may
be pure and undefiled and we may live with you in love for others. Amen.

Words of Assurance                                                                          FOTW pg. 142
Our generous God has given us the perfect gift of forgiveness, Jesus Christ our LORD, who has liberated us
from dead tradition and made us new by the living Word, filling our hearts with God’s love.

*Hymn                                “Take My Life, and Let It Be”                               UMH #399

*Benediction                                                                                 FOTW pg. 144
Listen to the life-giving words of the Beloved One, Jesus Christ our LORD!
Look into God’s perfect law of liberty and persevere in God’s blessing!
Live in God’s love, caring for those in need from a heart filled and blessed by the power of the Holy Spirit
through Jesus Christ our LORD.
God has blessed you forever with every perfect gift from above, freeing you to rise and live in the embrace
of God’s love. Amen.

*Postlude                                                                                      Anita Chops

“Feasting on the Word” © 2015
We are in search of an editor for the
                               SPARKS Newsletter.

                               If you are interested,
                               please contact Molly.

         Pastor JJ will be on leave from August 1st until September 16th.

             Pastoral Care and Administrative duties will be done by
                 Rev. Neil Leftwich during Pastor JJ’s absence.

              If you need to reach Rev. Leftwich, please call Molly.

                  We are rebuilding the “Phone Tree” database.

If you wish to receive a phone call or text message with updates about the church,
                  Please call or email Molly with your information.

                  304-242-1206 or elmgroveumc@comcast.net

                   Cereal, any variety

                  Peanut Butter & Jelly

Bring your donation to the church or contact Jan Coffey.

         Not ready to attend in-person worship,
       but still want to help out our mission group?
You can mail in monetary donations to the church anytime,
 just mark the memo line of your check “Mission Group”.
Pastor JJ will begin a bible study on
                                  September 16th at 6pm.
                     If you are interested, please sign-up in the office.
                                 The cost of the book is $10.

                We continue to monitor the WV Covid color map to ensure
                  the safest environment possible for our congregation.

                    We are sharing the link below for your information.


We are seeking volunteers to help with the clothing transition in Iney’s Pre-Loved Boutique.
            We will be switching out the summer clothing for winter clothing.
           If you can help, come to the boutique Tues.-Thurs. from 9am-12pm.
                    Whatever time you can spare is always appreciated.
Rummage Sale Drop-Off

Please call before dropping off your items.

           Adult Choir rehearsals will begin September 8th
           All are welcome!

   Northern District Fall Meeting @ Calvary UMC, Moundsville
                      September 18, 2021
                 Breakfast begins at 9:30am
                Meeting 10:00am-12:00 noon
    Contact Peggy Laing to RSVP, no later than Sept. 12th!
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